Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-22, Page 74
*him nk i9reek cuts
UPY Kathleen mairouraeove
xvikx: i -v it :,5 1
of J&PRn was- inveitil affeets fto* Modern
"Wn is
,its 0 Kathie�u Mavourneen, the graY
a i gird am-.&
buten -of div Bits o brea kilDg,
7, ad' A study' Of filliliand, toes this cl
om_ The horn ofth h ea
ga by hi' wSig hs�d' the mutilduin JjLtU3,6 h
qpeo of of a unter4a 6id. on the
Ion In nams. No The lark from her light v4ng the bright dew 9
d t6l. a -his a ng,
RUM 'AW be is 11&6ribge -to much of:
6f inedly Interentizij -and
Wh 1A5trU0tf4*. :The GreA statuary
W Of zwv ountenance. 4311 ld
C -one irse Alovio 'to,
. - I . 1, betore,. Christ, a -- I L - . What, slumbering
UP. b Greeks. Xatbleen. Mavourne . I
It datfild centuries en I
e cre nifid is tbiy- _had foot
h -their fie" it Th
0� Ant received' a a t b auti- thou forgotten 110w 1BOOn WO -must
lot a like.
revs that th,
pifached him prest me oh, hast
out! Wellj.L
ile a- CU7, tain hose of.mildern PP.
kept down to d n w
Ob -hast thou fol -gotten. how son e jxfust
Ahe -his ful.of the Greek
b &N Zollo
uyl 97 Vart Choy - hav a short
h1s fte -out. rt,
d the of -Wih side Wd
a haele -high inste -long, straight'toes; 'Itnaay be.for,yearsand it m y be forev r
-body fienalbs-*16 0104ro%ue, who,. ps, and
ad throu
were) Dileh", thou V-0. cb of
p 04, why art thou r
R -SIA J tho ends. This �s th
01%ht y. spatu I heatt 2,
APAN. AND 014101" gh- th6:, itre at the
.01 - i i- ears late
- -the. dlearedj- as of it
d iodern �foot It
to the w do�ws.L . L -pe of the most 13sautifuln -Y be for ever.
ty . nlay � be foryeArsan
to eltig kept
along the rou .. - !6
helej: foot fr -:Thep why c.- K
b equently seen silent, Attilpta --Mavour-
'of b the. nO
is on the w
E Rose L if
its pe
--closed and One we'o - Caught -on rfe6tion for. -of Wn on�e or 'the �neen T.
to U4; ibj, i t -0.
7 --di. cis for ou vvanl
ho impee . - . . I .
defiver-bg to Ing by-stea eleMeU .0 eauty - is bing.
Vessel Weld t to rj[eee9--;4he ,.pre. Kathleen mavourneen. aw rom MY slum -
the Jere] ther aue T
The 11aft.111 the Sent the_
bf-the-mikaAe'as be paoseld bl, he -:boauty in hollowing bers
Brb��#- I Thb rareat pbInt of
out J -With; we
Grtal Stormt es d After Nobili Iffad elloy ef--1h6
Aie -Penalty of death* at) be w in, the:suD7s go en
litside of tb felit- It used to �The 1,1;;e mountains glo,
at of the
-the I to &.ra ung �cln my
a Otis piii IDStit. is hao, he wevef; reI7 chm.ged, light
ern ikers' last. was madg.iapon wher
F nearer - i th&tL'-t a' e is the -spell tb-at on6e h
been .4 h sboemr
71 ith Fiance Y thles. aim. a lost, I n. J&j?a2.k ba u for sei jQgt6. Ab,
the terilblevale i- ocently all d when Iva Gr"k j r6jal yeari
'of Vie night.
UT I people -had lostl so- Mudh of' iheir f0him.L abump P a th ers..2 thou star
st-27th audL28th� 9 inakers -have, been making: a Arise m. tby beauty,
of Augu .-thfin-st-sov mominu -vourneen, Mavourrlee
ce and the �,' point ma iny �sad teaxs
a of roverf!p.. just - above
ea - battle- UU81de of the list
Ithe - Yh r di.e-ip-h fifnco' -the f
W46 16. ibli THEM MONARCH sell uld bei. If Any-
-41 h Jonathan NENMRATION wiLere th &t hollow sbai tha� jxom Erin andz thee1 Mutt
zo cloneri r 9 To, think.
broke -to psei*a-, Ue n Ott - 1.,u a, P, regu,; one wcu -Von. as himaelf zliat �be hollow:
f f6ot - Is rare -fory ears and it may be f orzvtr; -
Id via part.
Aid- 'in-- 0 that- th war obliged to Inue
AppreofiLta- thi Sep a W-9 And ake e th o tside 0
pihn hill to n 0,111
police 1pt him
It may be
eve Thet Y&OB Vf my
Lying latWI-ordering'thel p iwhy art thou si: Q . I
at bathiri Is 11. at thotL
ceO'- alighi -from' any cenv atcb the
-it is us WbWh they v pents that seaside
North 0 Impartaina e of tfils "remarks, heart I
It may - for ydars an
be ay
wta b fir stei oe smaller. ailent, Kathleen Ma-vour
ab - 'drY. P :Vb-foi-C-vM
aw of. 7 eac&-Ded 'when'they
Nary jin�j d th n two 009ai- might happew. to -be r1din -doff Ahe r. spens I A twaii. Moot d i
The cri U �i, 0 -9
Wt 'T b thou
E of
80ch footpr .9 hen.wby ar.
"POU -C74
upon made in felons -6nob 'd dr I n g. - the reign of k W g' ri. -the -Emperor .�asitl thTough the gre
bats *h
early ne
be �hsllow on the -inside of the ficot, bu n
am d- At
It frAiko, Lou- is - Phillf ano E" "erdr is nb
th;pI J kjjL of d 6a thi ther' time strefits. The mp hal
ell-favored.116111114I eed,�-'ke is hows.asmightr. an
th rd empirs.. -am eilled a ws every-onp a
-the A�novel affkir�-&
-a4iys -witho�tA.100d,-or water� dtirin r ou break of
Lt- hv ed,alx wet mark
a t S., 0 even a
on t%-0 Can
'b� o e Aah F" Val -am I von Jor Japane96 t
Y9 . . .. - busluess-
boati-Mi is e p miikiug Ut
UAit zwouea !-the sch r een, extremely h ou aide. -
hat", jjjjlitSj;,Y Sees Crooked
�Yy r se. me 0 n
r I-
�nca' AJ and nottla :h1s -bu-ild
t - j,6hn4� N.ew"Bcunawl6k. The f the',greiek goddeL
tal 8'. er his fea�ure".nor t. Tla6, sa; deaea feet 0
o d. a
6f t a;t re n
warb] 6 mu �he
aletW&T ca P-8, bo 22 W shi the feet"of t radin ... eve 7. -ear.
were owt any
6pi -ed to ba a modern wo _at ally
no -imd 'toA. coertul ind. t race Easter was ailgin3d
A., D f 'h b -6 blith e "ar ch Hkb -.of the iiodwn One pe r 13 d1as ea0h y
711i �g Loff .'dhe�
in: do by tb�-� i* viel 0
-the. V- board On!, -that -no Is, ly a heathen bellidIVY.
inty of- -i In
Wheit� a yesi nolen modifte by
I&et"Pf -haveboen
h hoes le
is Yi -an El infant before
at orange k has a sawr-04904
d landed. -n Uthb the.feet'
er, I
tar Ithe M ho*ev t,46 L the Tycoeh, T'
ve th The Axewe
bali is- as brushy ain
la y marnib amd 'Ff -,Sri I'l her- she -rj;' All. the' a ba 0
y�*toidal g.. :of,- dijpute betwee England. Coarse t, iif.
t rt. thi
and back.
I jon Ettropp,an- a -en �Oled fifth too m
ailt - -friDM,� Cha`rleei; ]or thiia,.the otherst
6 U�J;&Ul D& Lt char'aotilr Jopi., and'- Lis - f es - - ha oir Uch. imal
were At -where A ordinary
tadel h10 snall-:
-cause -of �-Coarsb, blwk stance this toe. shows t%
A P-bk plaiai, with th -sparee beard. 0 e in eve;y in Auotraliangaa- veins Are ItO feet
�C,h for in' ace tbe:-trouble w. by� a
e recent eta.
more- 0 L May I -H -I's -tw et e aeser
d- tbnb a gp6d kke I -� to adorn-
fuU'wid her decks Stacked f3tam,-. wbd h be rb.garde a ..I - 0 of m) him dghtj:atop�s 0 Oft611 ib6d thick -L. -
to -be
L;nt -sta
V 4j.8 s- with sli4ghW 1Y.' paintod. Shoes. The Coil" -for
ivl�;A .4j et" abb 'batchway the inoit: prc!gressiveand of deab and when- 1 flive bee -n r gas makift ja jold at Ught
hi a of- Ast&jL dona�j. in
on shfil* com re castse
yq.z;ew.. jna� 1-umbei. jaxhls:�- condita iho6 anqi6n 4 M0 rei ini, of -,91aro- seen this country -chiefl
word 1� pigeous iffill �y un
narc e
P t
pflan cf
jLjj�X.jtjaUe'of- Auguit 266h; -.svei - erbi, r of knas6le figuresif thowe
to whfc�' n th�q -old , ikbunda)a4� wbeth" *Is c
o St. ��l it bu
Iaoe.-., T, o I tie -n Ike ,,PA
Over 8 t 0 the When JI&W, g Or
-of the 4Urioda that wopt-the- trimmed an ad'or, ad v� ft a ttu that. n of tbs. 66 it
4 pta
'-btome4 t6 look
gt to k th6; appearana -Inta - uiivally. kicribed to ng tion.
tbevieiri of v&bitra,
-%ve axe- sect, thing whi6h Struo me, i B, of . 'j" e F
Emperor was short.- Shoes -E' Ca`StS -of 'it Auselin"'tr -are 'With
In America
�.bilr Vh6 gale wore"futile.' Von Alloops
-biRtfory, its the She � this e
S!-Oues-of athletes.. w 1 A silowshoes.
On: the �nora of August d-il after . a - z - 'Ila
:,Pfiropi n-tha old.-warld, and- its is �ec
*9 TVs
-wilvea - an -in few- mum it makes the 4�
as heAry 'in'
t :11112-d ts monilme:.Uts ExTRAORDINA] ftwi U
ji� Wben mo.12ey
ot x etl G,4 -very de
�andd -the -wild': d Stitu-ions mified � feet are mid
ey t
We"are a which thow the
at tha, , ere
w with the
ith "age. �pt to forg to a r1king contriit I usuall
�,g presou rm, though 6f h
on Un S earano�s
-HE al �WE
-the t nd fibou. -OMO
jd nain b id V
is, still anothee. mentid bril. igfit . I t t
C" D sge� ou
a-civiliza a
history. ti of which 'jisncy of #o E eso -who has now 4. an -
An , I In I L- I . .11 . . . , Chestnuts
b d the miluatrel 8010011 ;43
jad -belping. 'to c.*rry hsr over.. ae"far. is t `m�6k 1hat. of Eai0P8- APP0T, don6d japs3ft oe er.
himo]301%nd t th
r a .0 e liptly
*Reel About MeC&Pju& sparrow graces
er. 6W
mace and rigg" are Ca
b�g w alf6gGtber pfiroejiu find oUmu dro es from rim has Ilk lqauy:a humble thetoast
0. 1- tental o trn n jew@. 71 01ilight Js -good,' for- eve _vfhipg but,:
inv And- J:hef iigoted heraelf minui w1i haa�. given r, he pe to !a 'op-ed a-strn taste. for.,waster U reedbird.
-hank strin
7i?.r �L6& arregan -Manifestation -th6n-- any. vol ome superbl- diamond1s:.vand, -Ue it takes
t nds oy
In theme doyeof gon,
-on. best number -of --pexisonso. o4c
Cook,. seelpi-tfi-A It Div -Ab -Shah of d.Load ad
else to ar Nas for her it. Par I's qii If bl.
jauredly, r lae'llden -made raw=9ASY.
an -artist
to d
'ar OT 'on board -wh . to--,*m�r�k his -super or the a Ibaf- the. An-. is--onei .
��d dpath r-._ all J ity over ith0ftuding L. . 11 - -
x0tv bov6, Irope
pr udlYL Uta'o.. 'Away withlies*y hangings, either' clover and sia.,
Could nt U -v his brother 111(YD' r4ho Ir . 'Hite tke�,
of En grown Wild In ELI
t, wot ops r
eror 'in 15,60.
M orbelow Wa
ow, n
beL nlial& On- wilAch m onsibbs, of E urepe as 6-firib cultivate i Hollant! . do if, I
a; raft to t I a hi Wf ".the king- ot -kivgs-"' the bed.
-Y e.. Idea. conoei I be-. trest, . r ould V-611
f -e-,wrPuk as their bosts had ming musty. cArpoi st w-
be, there is ou
1p th -ov6 ry. W$k swee neaSL bare flobr.
ver Us -kjqg- F
6 lof tY'his and sElp *6 6d Beware.of a dusty, Ider
y the sea.- -ge
ter ina
ti6n:add. charar siA regarded, em, as Jih should. tell yonm V not fail to.
the V-;ii-iltook a sudden- that in. -the s te6mi -provide- Some moans of
-fie ktinds ejctri-maly'low of- equal, C1 R oin 'enli t- Do
tW ra -te. grow
an -severefitne- -who at -ill he continu tiletil the night. -we sent
a brA 0 All - bmids shud Is t
-Europe their ven f i beL visib- w malnuin
of hich la�� eumen -tto miles ArchW-out
4,Y Us
Keep tho'hea c P1
fhe -the bare recollection s idime so �g but 'N
an d ool whil�
tha water. '-co' rts some.10 bir 12' S. whom In :,t -b e - -mother of not. by -a draugb d air uPwlth the ceiintry." 11'Auddidb,92"
paid totbeir ia eI6 ago t ef Col falling,
oneubloes, oze.. f
h I I
th4j Em 'be us atrive -.he went wlth i
ores, If a; folding bed' m UP
His r at' -Bar in ;P�ag fici tlie oung ex 6 this. hrone press
y ffi, L Al
a - gres
rall craft erfiel cult to 'keep it alred and 011910, 6t elds oif 8itth ridi
Someway 0
by ill L't f Tht-ir -1 being ciild* d. -i whIker,
eC_%jQU,L FF- M�L�q - -- - be high* bnough to 'b a overe
old 11 the -marvelou 3- reforms
-e at .�OF , . . .., .. .. - re dita d in 1866
in a A�jrt). erly ir -'Let tbs ..rlug we
the -reig -the- ti r hunter named Hartley.
'4001-A torn apart and. so W pit t� -e A on more
cording to est�rn notions, th no
tba"t ave during head 8-i-vit is -a n turvA pdjsf Ei%peror withdrisw.' -from* -the--fe' W eations., utings kiss each
I .'of - Judie- A, U, atedl: wltb so& meses n, Sal
tvv tn -9 ta . HN6 ba -v -a or in himself, I The Sla
IDLAPtaln: Cook and; bis ganNA in his on, lei
the Ip.
Xhoroug' y e w 9 M- elding-in those ly. ali the sleoping-rraqm ever k: Ve�y
his or, vhether h Vi nd than aniffinA infifitijoe.of advise
on ir t e bed an
a h bidding as wten% -as frd rant, very Iragront."
at ositi nd isfused -To .61V yl
dri I -about at P
ou hils Ae... :matter to. t ra. dty
re -
t more Wo
road erstan ues al%y. on of ',enter The ewe emu 0 0 Po , tetit n a h. d as it
Uct * h ver :r -ni ti Th,fj; wa'tore- -of as Jb isi du Is in
tire burd'
t% . I- last -21D years as a
ieas sun imeelf A d rk, ou"f-the o, enowe the could
bk4t1bg. dowd parture. The
tranefey;mgd-� b
-fall on-. -the politleff. ithout It
o tairlini'the One .1 potentate
%irl 7 11a1,tl1--they.i-e*jned., i -div a and lrze4onai�lq* eippb corner 4s'no more -fitted for a gleeprbom, than
rom a Sam never 4ope .,got to the top.
fees ugx�e",.da,
-25 feeflong -Shoulders of: the Emp A of
int 'th for- it Parlor.
a -P s moluoyll and. n:
-and In Cook says. Getla the coul -be now on e -as done sLervlce lar
or- the: 0A0,+L. " - 9 Or cons -111ASS -the
bankeringrg f at we axib. LOVey
iir 5 itty, *hf6h' 'an belleve to A f ather bed. which h
L Id lnest 03vere- shobki; Yor, arirAble ire go I stazdalb e that the"�mare
]eat to 86 i d
-c ng �A -.hardly a
f bb.' bA on or two I&
ec6 repu ic -gene Mit
�elate In her the: eve of- bee
thin on which to
voice. Y bheill'-hilghL. pitched
I oved to I obould make. pretty d time.
g to al enoee days. the SERE und d J% flueaclaily van, an Son is
-a t i w o d b canuo 1)*int. �ts bat-qu th -9hah'
-s w
grafid sto no he I Ith
U 60-. "I.Burn Ne "11 NO AILOM Rem4.018- terested in tbs a.
lienever he n6W t4W Tell Future Ins ern t je�v d ays they na� henor st-BulihI
they -him sixmenthi?,sals"s
wasgdL to' w 6: will of the -late W4111ain Price, of
-in his me�th,- be -00jk.dUqA0-_ t u,gh. tihefr 'thirsit, was n be A:rch-I)frtiid
which- wss voi: tb,� his: t&s
Glamorgan, futgeou bdpir .4
Y The
ared an�d
-P!% -out- -and-- eridg' re
it from.
would �coolly remove
en a Gy. is ti recen, e&992'.yea
'hes theage -at which k
Wh p�raev Waleo," wbo dieck
r when a e n- -read
br d ori s Whein. I Shall mamJbu on
1W I. up
16rior 6 rfles sittip is. read ytose o
'U-Lall,preeei ..I his mark in- tha.i orld. - wtnall put -'t 8-9 9 V -9
e. ttle
4-1 i� - . ' I in- his
N9 , jaco it -o"n -Her (-'T* its Aiquers. d wsign htf will 11'
odi d6ntbAt 130- p at Her, -and c
1he intenbi wn -and to
Te gL
fitAhe 610110, of
reb a tre Is, lifesenshave re"'head.-the age
El In the old chabr-of Hugh,
gplfi6ent gn b Ilk P p my un6le. W-Ife ub
d frets and staws- it -is 4i of
I posluen
tu 6)*. -or,
W In and
whi-en-tal trig ;.o- eri ik e y to a
fie'unds'' ere xle for Use, Cdeyr Laan, u of wood two Th d. whi reen and -black -of the
.. ` '--dSL . - "a- quirt ' -to die pie L 0 - - s adoxlep,- and dep iii it within the tri
Wilcis by 1��twafjl -"pact
-P+*rw)b+(1.-1 -oW to begiv.
unf�umrl, pvA.a,4 bec an' -on, th6' bars oh6ullull
d �od Ca. a e. tr. Pon one cord
If b6is eiref
U tons Of CO&I are to be+ saturo'td with watairmel
an may oom An ezeorsv a
rl�.erdl- we.ra grealk
been entertained 'by the: D n -gr
jke� f a d:00u6mical ad zerou�, he may or may paraEme- Atik. te-D-enfire at jftdon�l j�V' Ania -el Ithe- *h1te mairke d 1�y good. laste
ne tA ard tw ilou tion, butiva
1fi . t -h g
-erjand - at tb' e 11 an -re Aino, the t 16tobP fr all that,
e 0 M&gLi not b - ribb b0t, e ill bave tht� bicabizi
re -he will
vie, Ch -IaAetl d- f1ellf net atom m
n. Th4, h wben
Colin -try -seat at T ntham, a Berl r
the trian Visitor
sown -v n Oe I the 191
g. lea of - Gods and f -.1e li -i - Ch iatian grpund:'witbin -,%ve
a -Iou 1v1njz.--dea;th. ih Johnny, getted to e PrInC6 of W.41 th. never. ant.- to -Aedlenb to his
bag tbs - -that his
a and natural flovrers may your teet.h. Join No
t:n drink.,ae.a water., would -ba. -I av 'adviiable to t -be 1oot vnedf
n every w a
air ,
grow.. haviW lostit- it's 4410ra h.
0,�- f6xcad- them tpiltz f helm
duke, t d-- ath. 'on the'�.`groi3 . nds - t1i psi
U 9b eal
T�3ey triv-d teL tyae a he
-We s: much- to; -0 wilid-ow-Sill.
ppwe-- lazy ind indA riesit- and'ieglects hiii,tudles, Galni6s Card&C-
grow u Sna-Ms' (35 not .'-.G 529 Alexican trrlopd o
4.11 .6 A dti
. 9 is. of cards have bee 0
bat b be Will] p� a' nob n u the' isge chniont �of
'm n
-L .-If ho.readia,dl e r6'ie)s Orf�
TEE IMPERIA r epptpt b im. _ r ba�'e fk ed into side's. a uumber a! women and M dt 11`0pular favc -a
tr, AYS VIId fi,
Ceent a -,a hel
-bf�- -be di I'd. oci. -:The Ckdnm' )K Z pa] ian.�Itdbave beew foun tef at'a tiwe at%. lor a
vl�-sFL b 611 in inot
3 tipero ta d do* V�z, ps-ra,'In�ted.of virlua-1 dext 0suddenly -1 san r a Oka
:R) or eVLej max, of he will lik-ely -end revive -d -over' d eve gain. Lalasquenelt,. treo'ln C
d 6. 1 C
prion,si.upen the -.11f -b, -a ix 'thel
g piks ve fill, by.- tho,-eiiq-iiettP a d -tr hi diya in plqu4i, ecialte. tiflump
&be Thera are lo,4 .94 ople h
ny, -bamset, Reotcn,'apudj1le, e gion hu 'in r5e -b-at lopget 0 i
'of ancestorp ux matrime di With a-. t,
d ;bo huxgry uato:., a.
rf -a line It dL'. r
a g urm ib&Wl le'arld, basto, togetber w embre, saresuitithe bus Se Invaria-
debriwm -o jy w t r1b
ol Jhp Jr. Tt up well. A ine
xrok,- id- and- Gc ry honbrkbi sition �amobg *hich was e )y'an: azIcle -rises to -the tepj
back &I CO. att - e-WIll b
�Doit -A,"O -Babb School h 'de d rain tell to to
-the,- YOPUg ZI - fat I whist., bl
e7r V),urrirg- :lIh.1rst.7 men,
Uh is `-barbly 2&., years of p4atienti -ptroavdiinig, prayorl, w
Are fth many more names t n even the
s0 k; Up vola '"What scent d
Fyes. were- r.M. Empty -
e -6 no rebels' fil S �eciW .0 f ifeiviti19 Y cent nted, carefu vgeWraus and jood T minous Royle dreanit of., cceeded
1* .- - : -- I - � . a - u purse I" -asked -she� as they per -
f Sa an a every by timrni
ay: BAlls, ide - ! - I .. . .
-ema -in soc ety, and
i-� fir, trlt 60111' whicb.-. -be- is endeav or -in g- -to Are yo u- trying to be anothtr I
fumdr% sho Thelled Miss Ur
the P.
- I- - I . 9
fmi;,y that flit' noi- 'of pationage b,
p- y. possiWe-.v
mpelf In ever exoch ut. bs Cards
Bed Th.e - Vice -4 tsldex�rs�:C*udlestlelkx.- the carce y 0 il them. h rier-mofall the milwberwo havis h h
r 1h tbeir edhelervantly.
At I&A..
tie eCe
-d th vast* -the V� 'Vice , rresident' r- f or ore than two d- re, r -acquired
The British Museum b utly
-Wh; whofly gems an e pec hat (if"
tally 7to. t
regime and so hun re
t - The desk4 a 0 dom ait
Ith. a Chinese bank note dating bao'k, to tbo last
to glad, siglA sf
' it)l
IT.-pqror' whel:, actid Aft r�, the c5pitol lo, d Wits pUltite', and
e late E
- - , I L .: I every a o
a4, -wah setn S' urds n 'hel: space -that -�p -by tLhe' oil y or 'ifteell in i an. vears of the fourteenth duriug min' ity. - In t a nog Mr The Ja se Government b
ViAr' t bandleticks and w). 'for some
d lo'bd� ta;kozi �ed tp about in -thel' e'bd Idest,banknote kn
tho relaitiobs be�w. een the - V) - I - Z� -Itt
t��'f3 V' bich large Silver, t. Vs
imperl-eus - F. - for years F w Mont of a What to th' -woman across the atreeb%
and, this V r old lady oufit which ha the desk -four a
W -
6 it projected the* exiabligh
Y -
Pf if, en er 'wee
arg. 6,4341'U1, rg Up. to the priient there a -trying o'Angl" -a the
tr-now M; B theArt,
lentWe, beard ceedingly stroned and have be
: I )sl foundry ye 1841us that''it in vacant. at(
71� �pedlilly It . - I b apmn. The Man i th6. Uoon.?#' ell, It he doet
"o Bev,- -aln e. pi accorjd� *fen 01-41V a. iuc V
-very and dine:. outfit, -And foujidry in U n
'Ing.t*o bea'utlfui,�event -at el mar'ufaibtured at the found fasald to 't her'.f Ault."
n hwf-daid-- sailort were A a
a, she sbddeedM. I on
v� e w. cared. 6 - 'Ing to timehoubied cue hear her
him from marry it ton
tomt. was present
trl,s, he lazzatt%
for 6 Mt. Wortob byL'S Special oi4ei j -the-best quality, but- its proprietors -P
hid abosen is tellevedthat the long lost
him. t6 marry a.- homely. ital that� biinriot eik-
8 6natc Duii�g the, recess' tha Sdigea bave So little cei thily -the eve al. being reco d
ut A dolumn o on Vera
Atme opping - and. purchase zi�lw. tend the w veral Japanqse im6ble-
or q. Be -for the -best- part :of ef&t eu
hL t? E081�40f 1er k
rhim being Ael ratatp ill- go-! rh after tying
her influenco over theCOT n a
-tufles in- the L%goon md of Veit'
B t -Sept. I
ter I hav e- if ow take up., th in%tter* with s, not 9� ithe desk u- hi will mir
f -iilthl*4
d er ..o -now b
.10 9 Comers ty, f Mr. -Stevefisofi.,
Bifi 0 -168a the -Agittlulture his. been About the Wo
ar 011 Sh hat ae- foundry is.
t 20_24 &&jr 8 u, - the result. built
Siapt 4 -of th natio become pro
-20.. however,. sis Manufactuting-
Stoney ..".Septu 21 baviaj-�. &k
�j , a regar Q 1 -1 - . I P
rack d d n 08 a tot tho. Japan $to
S- �tL 28-21 sucoseded In- dtatty -0 &raguay..,sver aineethoe6&b-iiah*
AMP& *40 are Procuring th6'latesb itik_
2 eir objLbet.49. t
Gla has - never, got ant of the J�suirj miallone In 1557. All
F Br t lf&6-
ever -aintme nd tBurlingtqn-oct- his dbapp. HuW' -..propose � o mant a by -women.
t anro
4oriL.: n differnt, qu�liliee of steel -from
re .0
est Flanaboio',. at Dundas EXTENDED THE Howells uses flit] Y.- language. e_ the W ik it, A
--OQL- 'L I - -ores., It is fafinisted tbat of ther 5,00Qj000 orld's, - Fair AT ---
-he rega -H01 Whail 4.14 �he nyo
_0 nattive
R ckfon. N ....... 12-13 'It which
-Fr e-61ton Unt Det. I an -ondon over I i00%000 eye. por
rall F-air:7 h habit '- to of -L
thb, Id Enipiess-
? d pe
East- Fl- ToorO, a� Watet .-dowager -to �he. What to.l�xvect..
�-�vipg zim less tba' X1 , r Week for
own am yer.
expeip 1- Jam y hilevver -SOO.-OOO re in hroolo,
-to see. -s ti
.-SeP it on j
...... face on -man had.: built -himself a I!
Central Giie .'Sept. to okslons. Am Bicon.. (operifle )-70h rowla-
a land pover Y.
ustration f thi anta I . . - �'j
P Ms42�;d
�Ambt;,n E+ ot. 25-.26 toe ihe nice* W house wftfi a mone -verand
onism. beto
ampe 6, oul such a thing- as ther-
,Woodstock.. ..Se . pt. 26-28 bfe�s lip hi the front. and- took a.' an
xfotd N .86pt. 26-27 rer-and th - e R, -paver y ;A, Sp fah je s dealares Ahat solatiier, !�raiitford. ....... :... 0 - 006ULLL r . to
ec a dowAger Libtle'Bro g.(proudl�) qj,.:mamm2k Qaeen Regei -F A&28- In �QQ&d' tion "the- - I always it of 8pan -isso 149b a fjwlm*n
a,-4- - Sept look
gin, St, Thom, the, .,turning.. 'of never 119
-28 Temple of Heaven, a� year or nAt often d istano *a. the-rGwboatt bury Centre- Sept. 277 you -very
Ver indeed, aid tho Oh
y nice,. e
Tilb.ury E, Ti so* A99 f
.Sep -
i 7w. t, 28 29 hioh a
onbur dis' fit the The First stept frliln.d.oriticall. �sbut.ithillsuih' setl"k. fiecompauies 1 when :she .goes 1xito th
erha w- 'tra rd mprc race c er
28-29 )as dowage used
Perth N., 16 t by, b, So*ks* sionj y 0-faknour. surf
ct cause. It' 9 Pro,,
29-30 'the empol
b thi at among
'H.o'W d of"Ceirs are YLOU golug to tto World
Oct. 2 d dy Hailov- I I hear You ve, a," replied he owisr, but
the lip if
Oct. - - 273. tributili f101n E
th given up'. art." -Yep... I found- out I ceuldii�t whit e you- expect from
Tilbury, Not uut d
lbot 14-1890 ere were, 196 could a -'.house Faii You- ot E- T 0�ct.- 2-3*:'-'�
some very be
with iu6h Awstoney stair?" And.h'sattdown not V1
Ken -h a 24- go ite's. paints -an& ow niedn2t go if you Wt
iful silken-fleeded came f, out 1$w
- X.. - u- 4earj.- L
34- These be can't on ifie worIA's fair h9rever
Oxford,. N., wid W.
remb -p wh,. the steps and laughed.
0, 6ta a I young wangM' Ys Man'. W. --is-they -Is.
Haldimand, -Cayuga;. seem. ' Ob -Charl
P61nt. YOU Eire A.Us the otht*6 S o�f bl%'V�4611erJ3
0 34 idnob to .6uris'li inih0l r had them PUt'tq'gjjL7,6 On- 'BaZar. Instances are n ro
W 'Dinkers --Wh.&Vs the differen 'between the Rqcky -Mountsine Anding butterflies
Pejainsular, Chatham 06t-' -S5 th eve
Wall �to�vd-, llacetowii .... .. �.Oct. .54 ithin. the .0acle.
a7ce Wa
Oct. d and Mabol?
'b.ove the Snow line -frozen AM Wben
ftre� of t When
S ' fi, Spiirigfield-..' Hea*em --The dAipresp,
6-.7 de*ager 0 girt si% s that *h milljorf 'carried to a warmer c1ii a or into,% vabin
Norwich S.,-'Oftervi y n
-the- P14oill. Blinkeis-Two.-years-, and fig mat
poseid but! ur
Howard Btanch I idgetown...J%-.-..-00t--; '9 emperot-- I _of ten c.gmpjet,6jy.."reVjVe.
V JU W�Ofl- street she -
I .. ..Oct, 10-12 apt his Pets within --th-6 .'saored the 69.squeeze C. or dell they
way� a Timm Dinkers-Oh I dezVt 'mind �'tho -A, waste sib.
rtkradre94 COMP&
cizold:u SU& hopes it *in
Highgate .......... 14 a of Heaven twQ bas two r
the Templ
roe, ey
Usi6m Yews
fir i -Union, -Simeos - - -:.t�. . makers. Recent)ythay produced ln�
-.Altar we
shortl -sea
which sulned
te 4VTO Although. 3iflef. rtubes never come
s. It is belibve at 1 a terld , term.,
a both Aestroyed by Y
au quotte ltd dth theold ng opetil out �f an old i ex�ylng- crops,: two fat me re ha
h Ktiocki
the'. tand brought �40,
'16 the buimingi. at any .-ra..
sli y the* are n &I d- -��Y -as brown As a
Jones ou're Bonet lay Mon- -against the camp for -The diffor�;Dca betwetn.s'eloqutte and a- 40 1 -
o ed f6fdomplidity in i tbs married a- black rry. or"& Mueerr*, You any. Georgia buoin -16fs bw -H%V-
4qLof)'fte� a "I �Q � I
L-, hotwv
-Th oq0the-is'one who 'Y
(jrf'que�to- t the'Zoo ?'-' asked man of a Toccoa me b
Me. C, have never 'beiin'p
Ah," znuqi�� 4alva Instance.
]purpose _Yesp the per.. - I've got xay.4jAj,) I �jjj
h I propegitdl May da.
Actu, as thq other d% L Asn% kno*,21 rp-
Fr -)X Ye
envy Mel a ati r OWL atIr
,the h d cambil
a lasometh.h.g. tha the :,To 1' -b
-Whe'diatruction,of MP. Ole y
ank -ore you all d;
-Be 4d "her. b Y in
fire, led- OwOvert ry -the times ske b6th w on
to. pr6ounde:
Xw 'the. Chinese you solid, -tent indeed I really W ll.but '1"6 YOU I
Emperor What zorbe the' Georgi
end's ineeV` U911111 0
_ 7 a - . Iong'
t have -b dill shut,' that is
-uldne than -any- to i . -scallops.
saUry to hiacbef du a with 56. it Vr1l1 fit In.tween
me thw
a st certain slin- of isdolh ba Von a muleb zi a th 't M13:9f year," -trepliod'
a '111 be t I - .- I � I
9 j#L ways ovals -1-� - 111 1- ? . no black. 6-- �6ubld a' a. ditqk arch in the W'' qrld.-, -And yet, h Au6k� iud -an impreseidn. pr b
ut th "-emp a lihit h W. he lea -trouble4ith, his Met.
hambg more, a.. ugho
Me d =101L.
it t