Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-22, Page 3"111'
- • .
imposing Fall Manceuvres of Great
European blies.
-German iVOlationd on the wrench stor(fer-,'
. France wakes up-4..Von lifelike Stork-,
Night 'Bianieu.vres- Great ifabgeti Of
Troort.. 7
. •
• Wretch
er men, beoame thoroughly alarmed, and
resolved* among themselves to stamp out
the spirit - ef. tmcouthnese forth-
with. So - each _took his immediate
subordinate to task, increasing the enormity
of the alleged offence to suit -the individual
requirements. The oolong, as you observe,
had maghided my remarks-
UT. It is. to a- 'chimer*
'that. sonae of the. noblest
gentleiren in thi.. World
are bowing down.. It is
the price of a: _miseirehle
province that the, King
ties in diamondsround,L
hie Mistress' white neek."
Thus:: _Thackerey,-. by a
..master .stroke. of .his
•graphie: pen, •sniuned. np
the period Of Lents X17.-:
" &grander -*nench. or
more. down.t r od de n
than.. his , ettbject yen cannot
look on. - :
- Since then Francis has become a republic
for a third time, mid- the away of Pampa-
dours.over State affairs -and -_public finances
- has been relegated to the babk attire . for ell-
' time let ue. hope; but the eesential feature*
ef he OW2000 are . to -day as 6Vident,_as
iloring and at omnipotent as of yore;
At the time When the American- er Eog.-
lishmayeeeturns. fron hia vacation: to once
more:edgagelit•the ditties of his profession-
• - -
or hnfiipi al; in theistruggle for -existence, as
Ib were; the Frenoliman, (..erinati,. Austrian,
Italian or Rusitian, to .inmtion only . the:
.great itationti-, dividea:. his meagre. Savings
- into: two parte, oneto keit), his family
- while he is away on mility cluty;.-. the
'other to
Charging the.whele regiment With untidy -
nese; the chief -cfficers changed the still
Mild term to uncouthness; and when the
matter was brought before, the first - lieu-
tenants these:gentlemen -substituted for it
'‘' grow careleasnees and dirty habits' _the
men finally were told by the aergeante and
sub-liiintenantethe field Marshal hadbeen
amazed and shocked.' .at their general
prudishness and disorderly conduct, • and
that if: -eirer again they appeared 1 half
naked the'field every mother's in . of
Visit would be degraded to the aoldiery. of
the second °lase:" .
. Aside from the Kaiser's, Czar's and
lianceiwrii, alluded to as 'Operate -inatitu,
tions, Omuta •divielon,. cavalry and fortifica-
tion exircises on a more or leisi large Scale
are common in all European countriee,
even intho petty States. They requirea
trethendoue - outlay of money and.more lives
.are:lost .in the shatii.Joatties on aoagnitt of
theheat and of overwork than the Official
reeerds _oere or dare to say. •Ti18.ntiMber
Of disgreeed- or dliappointed
officers is :like rife() omeiderahle.
44111111. .
lisndWohr (rolorvel),. to , theeL field tie!
. ,
action, to .oppose an &vial. number of n,a ve
litingarlans, but the latter tad -no sooner
heard of it , when they raised the cry of
unconstitutionality, 'clahnieg ;thekenly the
Austrian regrtlare were permitted by law
to enter liEungarian territory,- and threaten...
ing -to treet the Landwehr al.• "I -foreign "
soldiers in case Franels Joseph instated :on
carrying -_eut his intention.- At first the
Emperor showed •fight, tut 'On yielded,
probably because he has been taught to I do
sci by adverse circumstances ever since I he
upended the throne. ,The. Austrian regulars
will be re'n.ferced by Horiveds duiiag the-
menceuVres.. I
-'''allitiNve(1 him .by the Government uring. the
period.- of •seriloo, lasting-.- Six .weeks.
.theu PACO theflasii mob, all _bress. bitttent-
_and "'rattling ---,Sabres,. with its . oetentatletts
_ -patriotism, well • drilled* loyalty and, inher---
-ent. belief that -it_ represents the ,.nation.
Through enforced •atseace, from home
businesemay be ruined, he, may,lese.hle.
• position,. or pethape- the chance of hie Woe,:
-Who caresI On the Continent the
dua1 is 'reckoned first - _at 0.- setellite. -tO :the
boeet of -heraldry and the Pomp . of power;
he must earn hie. living whenever- ho --.finds
himself off duty. • _
-*.-G.rlorions in , regulation' -field equipment
they -tamp in the Op 3.1,2 .under.tentasticking
-out, front. their:. knapsacks while ea -the
• march; or are quartered:with the petleantry
- and tdwnepeopie, who if they be Willing or
not, : acCommodalte*.theit quota of
and berme. or pay dearly for being let off.
- The Government. furnishes- bread to. the men
And oats te-the horses La private lodgings;
- :and jeded.eitifz-ene- mast de:the-rest as beat
they. can. 'Except in England -this system
prevail's-In. ail Europe. Germany indeed
each tax paperle inacribed with .. a 04011te
- statement as to. the number of men And
beasts. that marbe billeted 'en• •the victita
r•Whose. name it bears,: an&thire a special-
conimisaion in eachcity; -town
. and jil-
lage to • look .after the righteous
Vow. of the king's soldiery among the house-
holders. • . -
*Weaves -of a Virulent Nature
- r •
1 _ Contagions diaeases are all ITore or
trantonlitsible,: and titberculosie is so in a
very Marked degree. , Flies have eiready
been 'accused of transporting and inn° let-
William yesterday- - (September - -
opened the Kaiser manceuvrea of .his army
by a review -of-- the eight- corps on the
plains that -stretch opposite the ancient
Roman town of :Treves :on the very_ split
where the -; generale- a the- Ceasers and -
goveeners of- Genie, Iberia and the British'
Wands were Went- to- inspeot -their vice
tieriinis legions: - -
_ :After going through the customary evolu-
tions. the army, consisting of tvio. divisions,
artillery, 'pioneer and • train forinetionis
solid .--Bhinelanders, marched ahead in the
direction of Metz, .where; it -censolidated on
Sunday with the *Sixteenth :Corp,. ef hop-
rainerie.which is of equal.. Strength.: They
Will inatoinvre within the limits- or the tri-
snitie- formed by the city of Troves, Mete
And Saarioubi. The pregranime calls :for
special exertions on .the part of the treipti
in the line of ascertaining the effect of -some
new tactics Of the defensive .:and offensive,
lately introduced In several regiments, bub
nOt.yet tried on more extensive scale.
..Fuethermore there will be realnight inane
mules, added by portable electric fight r(i.
fleCtorit and without • ' •
The night insticeAvre is. .a Fon& stridt-t4
gem, -first tried two years. ago, but die name
applied by its erlginatore -would hardly.
sewn to . be the .terrect- one, inasmuch. • is
they-tiegen. operations only in the. twilight
of the: morning, Emperor :William- has
gratitiously. adopted the enemy's:idea, hitt_
prepoies to: carry . out a fai. more
-thorough and basineselike style. : The
:nianceavres albite with a grand sham
battle just Outhide of icalinezi reach Of Metz,
when the Kaiser will resume the vele of his.
labe Uncle,- the:ismer-Salted-Prince and con-
queror of that great fortress. -
On September 8bh :the Keiser - reviewed
the :Fourteenth: : end.Fifteenth coils
in Baden; they will Maticeuvre spinet etheh.
other from. -the 12bh ;te -the .1.4bh, :part - Of
the :•titne under' the eye : ef the supreme
commandet. Thole exercises originally were
te continue until .Septeraber 261311; bilis the
lig '.the ' ,tuberculosii virus,- jpertic
through :sthe; .meditim. of the emith, andlnow
M. Peware. charges -.bilge with doing the
Same thing.. The Opinion; is net -based lon'.a"
Single case observed, to be -interprebed in
any WaY, ene -chooses," bub. en repulte experimentation. . -- .. I, . -
One of 'hie petiente; a yountentan, dickil of.
-consumption. Then a '.brother, . who for
Several nionthe- had shared the '00111.,. alcove
and bed (it the patient, -died irOm oensumn-.
that also: FInallY1 *third brother, younger,
Who Ciente :and ;occupied - the 1 *same alcove
and --bed, Showed,- after scion or leight '
monthi'. tithe, 'signs of the sanie: nOtnplaint.
Bub as he had Shared the alcove - With hie
lietiond' .brother it was possible that -10 had
laden, direcitly COntiMiinated byliving in .iitcr!.
*Minding - that . were thoroughly. infeoted.
!One day, however, M.:13-atvelirre -reMitrked
that his patient was o-overed With bngibitee,
and he then learned that for fiVe year* this
alcove had been infested with bugs and that
their :development - had;" --been il 04 inceseanti
that -all - idea of.-destrOying7them.hed beeu.
given np,.. 14 wait then a. simple matter -. to
infer --that: the . bid hid .:infeeted the blip;
whieh in tern had headed the .disease On to:
the patient.. - .1-:.:: -.. . --it- . ; ' ,
With ayiew to eltuildithig.thil paint M.
D.e*evre inimediatele- cetight: thirty .btigo
end:tiled-them in inoCtijabiegl three .iguine&.
pigii,--.Whicii alt . -died' -veerpreniptly,.and
post morteni etrinatien shiowed-- . general-
ized tubeiroilos ..... -... -Finally, I -he was - able,
With' the ' diluted_ and filtered pulp forMed
by. crinihing fifty - of . these ' -ineects--:!to ob-
tain fine. bacillery, cultures, Which, When ini:
netilatedt-cconyeyed.tabetenleSis in a typical
form.. ,. It seemi3t1 to him probable thete the
bugs had been inedulated .bilbiting-the two
fine Patients who had ocatfpled. the bed and
had then inocailated the third patient. Un-
fortunately for this theory it has been ihoWn
again and again .that the circulatory sye-
tea -Of 0insutnitivepatientsrately,Centaitie
any KOoli's bacilli. , .. ' ' * i, - .-_'
. The inosquiteei of :China . and:- Formoes
- - - 1.
prepaga.te the filaria Istmgctinis. and ivarious
parasitic diseases connected' with it, and it
is nob at all iMposeible that triberculosis.
may be transmitted by buge and by the fent
ef the the eame insect bitiutfir 't a consumptive
.and then it healthy Person.. Ij Bet eitheugh
the fact may be all right in theory it Will
have to beproved by rigorous, prediee
and numerous experiments.f.. - -
la Importer Gives Soon Information
From the hIllsie.
above the average qtalty sold to gime-
peen!. Faohion alsie has something to do la
enhanding the value of diamonds by pm.
claiming One day In fever of -one 'particular
style' of (slitting, or of Oder, and again
changing a :setting In the pelt ,of honer *
these which had been previously rejected..
'The experti -of. ten years, age would be sadly
puzzled- to -day to enake!e ,seleetion of firitp,
:clean diamonds for. the :American, merits&
Indeed, the trade is a different one to cater
- ANNOYANCE.S. tirr-qPirileigl.s'plaiLeciLYancentrablingant!ar't-hdaguniubcbeisiggitt:
inflame •
LARGE number 'of the v--
diamende found in the" • FALs TEE,ra ABB colirmem.
_ , _ . •
trade " said a meMber • - • • •
of ehe of the leading - Aldine]. teeth Are So Cheap That Nebstly
ytti:culk:nscia clurniesfr°4n)tve. vida-41:71007:0:"...thlee*failette bee-tb. lasts'
CasoTtehernntr,"dief61411eritchae. i year than we ever disposed of before fix ,s •
Thisigehite of are theseinemne7, s-greateeit ciente' !supply establishment In tits
Kblithe beriargheyet, befOlwghtichheiti.i:ealgvienme °nth,* mid the manager. of the
world to a reporter yeetercleT, "1 don't
that - it- was : beOanee people are
oevera aoa24 ierenty-i losing their teeth more rapidly now than
i hereteforet.eltheugh it' le uncluestlenatdY
"rat. d. land' nthyears° . the page that the enduring 'quality of the •
ithageoet . 11.1imtee-biel: i have human ehevrlug-apparatus has ;become pro -
yielded largely, meny . greeeively less from generation te generStiou.
finir stones havinet inea found. Bat Kim- , la gets ,t,h. II: i7um:ntrYors'.tho fas- him .12?vv than' it .
berley Otenese-with the exception of the cele- ''• •.
"brated-Pster Rhodes r atone, Which Weighed his ever been In the Past: I* -wso. fah*
150 carats in the rough -4!e .netilwaYa
fineot quality. r Though large (they '
the 1 booth, PihrblY for thereasonthat .the publio
has come te .realizs 'what excellent
them. as high as 300 carats) many of them subititutes they - are for real miss, -and•
are only worth cutting. into "smaller *tones. ..PartlY owing to the ;fact 1103 11°13thieseneec
.. g'!, India once did but-ne longer does enter - excites- mach mere dieguit than lb slid in
into trade considerations as a great diamond old times, when such an diction -wee zeal-
produchig cotintry. The Brazilian -diamond,- mmilY'ebserved-a114 was regarded as v."-
than the African or; Indian stone. In
though sine% Is often- ef a filler lqualii4. , vo‘idi eithlise. *cry raretomesperion, newaoris
-Brazil the .diamond is Usually found i in the i wfighuertehderbya tmheaa-0-1:ren-coa wogetalseangths•viaimbl-Yyhaddia;
sandy heds -of rivers„ while the Cape, stones
are dug Out at te depth of from 3007' to 500 t whose tindlera fall etit will In nearly every
:foot below the,Burface earth.- I case, go to a dental surgeon and procure
are found iti khid of soft, soapy muck to $75: Peobably fashionable deal*
-called blue earth. Some are almost round • will elearge.. you -the latter prison;
while ethers have eight sides:- In weight His mug** ol profit is consider -
they will average from two • to ten carats, , able, Inasmuch as the teeth -themselves Cost
cOmparatkiely- few stones above fifteen ' only from -fifteen to cents ions.
- The. mance.avies- of the various -armies
-While,strivitig for the seams general end -
namely, the Warlike • training of great
eomposite bedies-Aiffer from -each other in
• many respect, each leader endeaverieg fie
overtop the -other in trying new experiment&
in the line ot tactics and: with. new
ments._Garinatty,- Basile, Austria ancl-
Italy have _their Katser'e _Czar's. King's
Emperor's manoaavres resp.e.cblvely, at Which
the war - lords of these counbriee preelde, .
generally attended by • foreign -sovereigns or•
and the military representatives of
-. friendly nationo. __The of power, to
which alreedy allusion has been made, is:
mare proneunced at these -bowstring .than at
the ordinary .-manceuvres, bat - they -also
require, if possible,
• -
on theeearb of the men andengender
riek-- 'he officers in 'command, as
iiigh -pal made in the 'love 1
presen- iirreVocably -calls for inur-
resignae- - -
*A military Frenchman attached
cimirt of - Louie' XIV.,• in desCriblr-
mat(euvres of Prussian troops aft& -
.firitSilesian.7 war,- :remarks with. ale:
meet that:the King (Frederick the •
on obserVing. a -fable moveneent by
meat led by one of the sovereign pie
the Empire; Erts
before the front. and roundly abuae
apostrophizing. him -as " jaokess,"
German and Winding *Lk,
such a torrent ef ifivectives - that
*foreignere stood aghast with antazenit,,
is only three years. age .thattb
Frederi k Leopold of Priissie, firet-pi
the Kd
Next day': he- was transferred: to. the it(4..:
• and was.Only reinstated last _enthral f
Winning the. firet prize in the- lone is
race E.f: mounted officeribetWeen -Been
yieftria., u
The. fellewitig aneedete,.. related-,
year e ago 14 Field Marshal -ven
noW deceased,will illustrate the -pre(
One *evening in delivering a *err
able Critique at' the Treves .mance
said the great Strategiot, ...‘q took
-slim to remark that .0everil. men
Furth Canipany of a certain regime
been observed weak -their
-:uilbatto-ned at the neck, , which was a-
- :orders. :The Colonel:Of the regiments
- to take the the matter Mach to heart -
• -
-galloping ,off to Where. his. troops.
ser, was ordered te retire fre,
ring the progress of a cavairyi
the first part of -whiohhiblut"
ity ef fodder made it impossible 't o
scare .-
artificial ones. Teey don't cost much.
You can get a complete double set from $14
eighteen con, ap _
carat1. being found. This is in ..tht rough. 1 They are made of perm -kin. , :kaolin,
Onttiog reduces thorn nearly In4f their. usually, baked In an -oven.
natural size..." -• ,44 For the pistol; 'the metaled bests sr
"The carat that 'Teak of 10 eiee 'proved Le is rubber. The hendsomeat Fief**
peaullet to disetends,.rubies, sapphires, and are made of celluloid, and they have the
(male.- A Carat hi a trifle ever seven pennV- advantage' el lightness -1n weight, bet tb,o•
weighth Troy weight. . . '• celliiloid.dees.not realst. well the:acids With.
Nab_ -of the Papefetenes" are sent to .; which it (*mem into contact 'in tb.e Mouth.
Lenden, where they are reshipped to Am, Alunilnium has b.etni tried, but it is .affeotod
eterdam and Antwerp, the.: great cutting by vinegar and _Oat AS well -as by ether :euh-
roitiei.: Plainondi are also cut. a . well •in: stances that are:eaten,.the emelt being the.
Maiden Leine fie Amsterdam. In cutting ',*development -of a ,salt -of aluminium which
diamonds -there- is a geneeal rale that 01.1e its thought to be injariono to 'the -eyetem;
third of the atone should • be above the . "The .enamel of artificial teeth coin-
-girdle and two-thirds below it. •Tials pre.; ,. posed of :metallic 'oxides, and the Sthiliing
portion is somethnes saerifieed in.order to ;processes. to which these, Are extbjeeted are se
avoid :Wiper/cation . hi. the stone, such as ; delicatethat ne twe teeth produced eat be
bleak 'pots and feethers, and. at least one- Vinade -exactly alike in point of .coloring,
half of the stories are more or less imperfect. Ameng. -an the • h.aadrede of *00'1=de Of
illiecked- Japanese: Wenn, Who
• Solore Then', . -
carry out • that intention. • The Twenty. ACciording to ruiner the two Pretty yeiing.
shrth Twenty•itiyerith' (Wurtenibeeg) japanesi -women whoareto he seen In one_
divielens- will tread the warpath a• day later of the Broadway shops were nearly scared
and the Kelier Wineeee to it that the thieg -Tont .ef.-theirits when they attempted i "to
conies. Off with proper - amuse a saleot few. of the400 two years ago,
- -
French agitation over the action of the
Italian GeVerninent, which allowed the
Prince_ of Naples. to make good- his proudee -
to wibnelis the Kaiser manosavres
Emperor's sulteHhe was created a
&nt.general in: honer :of the _ eccasieneehas
distracted attention fp:Sm.-the French nianeti-
• 1
'Says alvriter_in Tovilt Topics. They were
to dance on a '- low platform ba:lb in the
dreeving room,. for ehe ;piiipose, -.. and were
standing In readinessen it when thieweinen
flocked in, "-- th - room feoni the, preliminary
-dinner. 1Th e were "all in the customary.
after-dinner more or less inebelated.tiondi.-
tion and regarded with so en the gentle ttil.
dui:tory movements . of - Ms and ;lege that-.
vres this year. ;They are _ to be on a ess . constitute- ballot dancing in _Japin. : " i?ise
:extensive scale than usual iwith respect bo ' and all. ohargh, d On. the . or gide and, in-
-the number' of troops employed "en inao,ee,". aided on their :joining in.1 a: grand boom de
•but will he as' rtherough,.174 undetibtedlY : ay fling, and afterwards-- hewed thein What
as interesting as ever. : T., . ,-,h,ry-liiIider regal lege .kiorb3g .*a -e. :I .As to the 13-90;,
of thiegrand nation seer ,e eirZIOD - 01112 PI) plane abconsPentst with 1.41is girisi a modest
:the very: -obvious ser:L1.)- -...2.------841 ib la I youth never - ibefore extidee4 to association
slniply impossible ii= ...•_•:---.-;--- . - than a . with . fashionable women • he • ainiplY. fell
-•'-' i ,'- , - v4---,-- , - ---i-- -cl_t',Intiitthat1444 - h* h - L floor, : it 19 th 1- ' ' le
owe and two Iambs. ; ril6.ewe ,Ls inamuu .1,_ i ....rouge tee now ei poor .gtr .
, gplit in the left ear`and'a spot of paint o',w with?f. shiver; and shake until ti34, pine and choice
hind quarter. - ;The lambs have no- mail -Arial. "r 'little penny lane_in their ebony locks- are all
.th9 fail out. off. At:flys:10 gking spa/ to devote , of a tremble When they. even -hear :
the Word
4g AGAIN, 'THE Edna AND -SHAPE. teeth which -we keep in stock probably no -
. .
t e would•match to &beeline perfee-
it shall be a eingle-cut, a till -cut er ti"' • Bat .t- t arc ab Tue:
like are at together so thaie the err
of • a stone •the rough Will eletermine w
whether. f
rose-eut diamond. ee a - P •
" Yen may have -noticed the many little .1 Of nobody hut
hose hat • nee ee.r1
laces or sides -to a cut diamond. These are a"
• exhibit marked
technically' called facets. A single -cut. ..4.4
diamond has eighteen facet& and a- full.cut
stone has •fiety.eight facets, oatributed f. " deo not do -to make fable. teeth look
above and below the girdle in the Proportion .‘ tee .handrniet they VP" anua
/ushitaLeyjahsatvme oening;thnet 8.ingAleempaulit Lefteeignehtelni 'aimilttadtienoban lof6u. nragten7easec;arzmaswitioi make
sides.sides. A full -cut diamond is called a lativinae, thaYell-ishettanterate_lear°1y moreordecles:vatrerzset
liant, and thill berm ill incorrectly -split.
an expert would debeet
Afber ail natural teiitle
disalmihirities in any
motion- as will lead to, their recovering ef i the I society menu- Loned. - • • ..•
rewarded. V.
v adeance-
U-S.MCDONALD, Be&8011111
- lp-CknO_W P:ercises
is to-Ttx,h on .
bumanci-and all anirnaltrniq
cured in 30 miniges by Woolford'sronin
nitary LotiOn. W_ arran-txrd A. B.
,o-ngram, Druggist.
--11(sbee en Wilk i nson
valle Ind., says : ."I -h
A Niece, or -Robert Burns...
" The thied, Or rams. cut, hi given to stenos ' TESTS FOR "link sullaints
seinetimes to Parisian or paste diamon
- .
virhich are too small and thin': fOr either .of trew Ruestae.Aseertataa Ike Atuallties of
tb.e ether cuts. • The -shape cif. ihe rose -cat • This -Valuable Article.
diamond is ileculiar,.inasintich th.e -atone - - • .
Returning, :pest the thorn I aboon the
well" we came. by a*plee ant way to Bridge.
e the • home, of Mise Isabella
niece ef the.bard,- and -his only
r relative, writea Theodore F.
-intereating •'Sketch 'Of the only
side cottage
Burns Bag&
sureleing n
Wolfe in an
is flat en the- bottom and facetedi-on top, and - The -Russian •Navy :DV -Wm-Bab hal
you wili.anderstand how small the resezent .94epbed the fallowing -rates for testittg tits' -
atones are whets I teleran that it oftentakes :quality of viticanized rebber e. L iadieenis-
ileieeral - hundred of thein to make a carat'. ber -should nob give the lead sign :of eager.
weight, ' They are -.very rueful, however, in ficial cracking when bent to an angle of 180
filing corners, etc: • : 1 . - ; degrees. after 'five hoars .ef rexpostire in e.
' " Apert- . freers. the cenaideration I hey() - 'Roiled air•tsath to a tensperatere elf IZZ. de -
noted the diamond cutter is guided by,bie";greeFi C. . The test -pieces _should, be 2.4
..- -1 - i inches -thick: 2. Rubber that does not•dene
-own • - -. - 1 . - r 4,.I.. Ii_' lz I /,..1..- f ....,111
• DISCRINION AND Ws= . . I Willi more than wee lbs waseeet o. nae.........e
ple - weigh. It te the old. SaYing about:
_I" oxides should t,;.trOlIch "to . five times '10i'
:n" Modeling -it stone. The operation le lime'
. dim:0nd caboug .dianion4 , 1 inastiated. ,lfeeneingthair folihreOlglita‘ biareatkterinig.exce.3p.b13,04bebinterv-iroobur
The -,. workman merely - , rubel one rough used in vuloanizing it, should Stretch to estl
-diamond, spinet the other.- 1,Then oemee lomat eeVen times let length without rupture.
the pelishieg, which is Clete by l holding the 4' saPPIene5e may be datermnecl by 'near
cut •stoee down against a wheel vehich re,- -5ari°g the Pe"eutillge at '141 fc'rm91 In 16-
-voives at an extremely rapid - rate. la ap,-. .cineration. . 5. ! VuIcenized rubber should
.musts look ant for ' flaws, or the diamond 1
u r - '
• not lierden Under cold .
plYing the stone to the wheel, the c tte
Will litii caught on some rough Point and be ' '. -amain& -Legalities.
to the thne taken is cat and pielish a stone, .'1:tuesite.. ,
etie cutter Will .work fest. enotig to ... .
dozen polishers -basy, and -a good pelisher Kentucky .as one that is i pig teghte, bores
' Lb,la near relative Of the Peet. Id- the-Augast
. - .. -L'``e.; Ladies' Home _JOiiirryil. - The eettage Is --a
, cozy structure Of- stone; from-Wheie thatched-
, ot -Beowns-_ ive
. ad 1)een ill... a' .9' , roof a dormer WhidOW, h011iedt With flokete,
distressed: condition fail ' three yea:4,-c:-. 4 peepi out . through .the: foliage -which em-
and half einneall the tiny lit:omelet.
from; NervimSneSs, Weakness -Of. the •
- -- -- - - - 1 ars-- The trimmed of little Maid& admitted}ue at
-St• omach . Dyspepsia -aii4- 141-dig.stin.liet the*roadeide wicket and conducted tisislong
' '' -vi ie " . ii -- - ' - ' -' - - ' -
until- lily health-,.gone.. , opg time a path, bordered by fiewere, to the cettage
one boitle 'of SoUth. Arrierian-N,. ervill'e endl door, vrheteeteod Misfe'Begg beaming a cer-
. ' • ii • •' - stick '-dial. welcome_Ivon the tilgrimt from ; Ame-
ruined in less than the traditional jiffy. AB Before 1866 there wes no teal by jar/ In
h keep a "A- legal fence" has been- defitied
will polishesbout twenty ciarate a week. high and bed /Arne .
-" The use of torture in. Levu proceed/age
which done pie intire god_ than 1,n.
thede rice. Shoi:ii the daughl r and ' ameeake Of
$50 woi-th.:_ of dOtoritig: T,eyer: (.1iu;.. iJillt, be Berea' youngest einerfeverite sister, liebelia,
. y Hifi - T .‘,6111.c,f xiso: any 1"wealieicitiers who inserted John Begg. ' We found her to
Tnper-..ion' - -use -this : YillPfrIble: and -: 1- vci3, . Pant- be a shigiliarly active l- and vivacieris old
r-emedy:•-I cinider it Iti. gra,t3n-qegf3e0ansal I, lady, cheery and Intelligent, and ilanifeetly
a : pleased to haVe;Securitd appreciative Audi-
medidine : in the world." •, A t
• - .. - ''C'T .', , I •
- ,est- . -f tors for herireininiscences ot her gifted relse
_ bottle will convince you. kli arra, r in the `•tite.-. She ie Of eleadtr habit, lhas a...bright
by A. B. Congrarn.
.. . ,
r, ,
- -7-40Eu. MATISM uuREp IN 'A •-,-
_ 19,5tivt.:). -
• frherilthdenwaireinwgastece4edanbdes:aft y• hair, and-
. Of t th-the Burns r- Imp tut* gef,i)O OvitMexed
ttst with tre we could -see thail her brilliant etklea---''te buY- tewe?1 s pre(
• dianion.64. Gentinued. 01, opeskin-„, wathes:;sersmissient oenbleturInyA.eistria until well within
" there hi even'. Imaginable tint, but the. The right of in accused to appeal to the
white, the.blaish tint, the yellow and the. no foinisny repealed.lh Euglanduills Mitt
brown. The White, while the Most valuable, though of course ley a dead leder.
le nob olwaTo the -meet • brilliant- The The Legislature of Jamaica, to put d.owa
bluish tint is a favorite- and much sought.; the gt obeah " practice has ,paseed a lair -
after- The Yellow stone is the meet conl" authorizing the inn -Lateen of 36- laihea
mon, and there is a.growing taste for dark * persons convieted of practicing the. black
.brOwn bright yellow or canary, as it la art and ig lashes en any 026 bind seen
called:and ether natural colors. meting an,.ebeah nem,
"'Potpie net acquainted with the. dlte, • Before the new parliamentsarY
Inthaonedenthiadcimiffieheamoonceadartri nt :kb ueegf ettyree atehrah.bdes"per_psaatocrpdeptrabeketlax10111:::10;stedblaceth:03007:rootnPtreehh:aveharpeotueitsrdays:: -mtrub:rties9neosisir:oosnegirteolgiorres jlowtsath;:iin:°140:vdte;.::tattoit;nyo,.40gtpo.huhestelsligue.1.1eerkuts&riti..ttwo...166 4°57.
ste0:b• nivbebseentilf:hotinig°2:,rje-irianruP°.°761::::9:0:3131°11jabsel:::241111:e13:::.71.1. at. .‘r14::::361:61;::::::::::::9111°Ca:liell11.1416:11- :611911111119::111ble.
- - 0
„,„ row. „Ai& a..
-Eutope are ameng the shrewdeet merchant's -cloy,
principal!. trade -.colors are the standard trial by terigee combat with the accuser wag
k houla .
but play elle customer; iv- s •
• • when the eyes are- like those on e canvao. - - • he el • da th.n oust
polre -\ et sore Oleo.' than they . to roe
es priece, wevet, iota* have . .
eon. " Orelatka
e ' 11- tfoo• .8"" ia re- ee lees . s 1031 11 the
DIIRE611c1, .00.012083 and (man-
-J -71e Prince ef Naples,
third power . of the Triple
. .
'Get Rid oil Ohm ...fie eo „
SqL0.- 7 .aes - ,...photefsra.141.4::!,10elt Olte 'lila:tea 144 $010.0"
\a. in thee con toile
•Some si• •
There or Nod. ose . %Awe is dire@ -gt" ef tilos° °'
1 -lotto . •
-uu gem- brigotew broau- au/ *At ble* the re • eee •
a e
&- &
nalmuch the f-Anstro, ote33.tltreelly - etiee,-the sec • auing,''.
85 y modelled' tiost. visor° st-tete aloft. ends s .,,,,,,3entIonsi lgta le.set bl
soda°, 131 - ,•• swiss ww' freers eke' 'eaud
. :ties iof the Pritesieu tb.e Pr rao A being
.-etationed,,,as soon as_ released summ bug 'tan, -,- ei
tind aittheir-ti3L" (le U10/1311
1 ,
Or -
telt trum that. Hie Excellency --that
his Llut.-Colonel. 611° crer°1°°6- w111 b's ottigktt. tittviied,
i.Major's and ovtainitmneC w'
'myself -I -had Administered to- him' (the hut_ __"trY .1"j• the tang-
regimont. This state, of - uy. or e Orate
urthreZuteuSiTranclo oselteo
Colouelya most stinging rebuke -o-a awe -----2‘61-41 'lb 15 WS tit " " •
urbdr Lao. e,.
of the generatuntidines W cbc‘' " the siWil'*"
a prove 7 & red - Ott I
re -Se Els se, 11,33,
. reversed at on4., thotigb: WW1 .171e/1
0e0 hold 1"‘‘-"`wl
UL - shOitceralngs -oath° peet ot their fabbils