Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-22, Page 2• f .. } '511. Y.0,'TQL.M101,115$._111SANEI: thiodusioa..tdotio.-.as. :•71*..-tOtt Deitils 'of the llorrible Massacre by nese Piiates. ARSHIP IN PURSUIT. despatoh. says : For months . past the btea.bandof native pirates, *VAN - in Re-1ev opears, have shown themselves to have negve as well a* pinning. Their operation": rk oiled a climax on Aug. 4th, when- the - s - - pr vete steamer of the -Chinese - Censer at - Ptii1eang fell -into their - heeds, [24- lien : jited and $20,030 fielleg into the hands of ittos press of Chlea- yesterday are se fells*: : - ne-.06: Inas steamer left Telok.Simawe on Jily 31st at 5 o'cleck, end three hours later. cite of a gang Of 12 Chinese, who embarked sq,-.1passengers,_-_came oa the bridge* and asked' the man at. the wbeel if they werathen pass- Apd a Mr. Alexander, of Brooklyn, Who *as :. Ondieg near; Bleared the sanie fate imme- - Matey afterward. A Chinese'. then took . ij3iere,- where she grelinded alertly after - KILLED BER-...•::RpsBANtv• -T time tee nellelettWaY,_at- -Burlingham, whets Mile Hallida.y wan playing • her.. teat or .6117 slimed role of madnese in -1,e hamlet of Pul- l** Holliday, by thewayehas-ieftteed to SIM -made- ierieue objection': to :the seirch, feted cencealednpon her person, Whiclecone twee': the feet: 'and - the-- eole of hor S..1100,.. -wiper chatoge amounting to 62,12. "- Simi - $16 in. bills. --.. Two 'of the bills Were el -five- dello dertorainetienee -• ' The eihets- 'were 'dollar bilis; • -.- The' HallieleY worean showed' no porter:Wien When -.ebb Miley - Wait -Ms- ing polo :ogainet bor.; : ' 'She Wail i prectioally tOked Wickedly Sit 41144, and affeoted to believe thet potato -beige. -Woe. upon her -i All LOW:netts: tie :take), her photogreph, however,. lgnenelnienslyl- failed. -. .1. spent eioarly.lialf 'an .hour lathe effortebut though the iveme*wee head by;•several Men "in the :ails* her face to be tuened toWerd... Vie in! termed Of the itiseeveree ef the bediee of -the women concealed in the. barn. -ander the 1 -!,Jes-tioe-Thayer yesterday. had .0-Ohn'Bio. Hugh and George -. V.: . Hamilton,. , two :reel, dent!) -.of -the ;torte-, earefully search:. the the two rings 'which oho- hads:exhibited: on visited an -ontbuilding where elle- had -.gene, - -Tbey did . net find the tinge. but -they did 'find sernething far Moreimpertent. lit wag- s- l•revolver '"ef 32' calibre. .- That ] was the. calibte -of the bullet feted in ithe Helliday. hottee, and Of - those extracted :from - the bodies of the Murdered womene -- It bad five. these. Was frill and.- bad not been -, opened.- - The ether. scentained lave cartridges : bet :twenty-five leese catitidgete **ere- found i- :Very neerrthe spot!. wheie ,the:! reirolver ;and cartridges *ere -found was •_diip.bvered ;in - ounce. bettle. of Chlerefeene, el ;which' :. Mile "Haltidateevideittly claloieferinedher - fatal bullets, one -alter: another. 1 - ' - - en - proceedlugs Which *re- begun In - thee .dred yards,. by four .reen,.' struggling.: :and, Sheieking .- all :the -.:Way end - icaltieg ,-vile-, 1 -A large crowd .4f. -Men - end etionien folo h. 'dicapesitietisto.'eeer her,- none et thein bee • MO. IfellidaYe kicked -.her beels -on. the fitter and bilged these areund-herto"shaire Mrs. Halliday% Fiendish WarkLLWhat Was -GENERAL StAssA.:CRE 'long the ship's. decks* followed the passen- pre and - crew being indiscriminately , down in- the- . cabin, came • up en, a metes te have-- had jnet sufficient etrengeh to regein the cabin end lock the inese called for- . him te- tome up. tok " ehe wee In nos hurry - to tem, lely, but removed the_ engiee-reoni gadder and extinguished: all. the Iller -Motive --She Wes Ones In an - Asylum—She Attempts Sulelde—A Boy kneed . Monday tiddled with billets .and bailed -Under a stack Of ..basercient old-.. Paul • _Halliday's -barn; two Miles front the village of. haVe been maitre the first -lotepin the seineion of this latest end dec.:Tett -neyetery. of the Shone- -,The.eiclet, Of thee trim women- *es: *.Mis. from ,her home in Gardnertowne a eibuele'ef: Newberg, 2:3 from home her danghter Sarah -Jane .Sbe Was lured:. from her home en a pretence 7 that elle wae to attend_ her injured mother: they had been away from their hthne ten houre,. and while . the knowledge who they 'ire is a ,ster.:towarti solution, end an IM - The sttange itery et how the *oinets were hired froth- their h.oree to thole death by e Wonsan Whe Da* feigning rabid- lunspy was told- 'the men rho -ottm.a frOm _Newbirg and identified the bodies.-.: •. - • Sloan said, that -one glq _lad Week, .pre-. viten& to.Wedneisdays a- woman drove Up to the- MeQuillan hou_s6 le en open Wagon: The won= answered in &or, ehe dee setipeiee..:of the.*ifs of -Old_ She: asked fole Mrs. Mcfahiilan, and torher the introduced herself.as Mrs.. Jane Smith. Sheisaid she lived at Walden - a little town SEEKING Nit 'lilt rub" ,111,M11 0.citoidaa.#. • Pe ary Establishes a Base of &piles at Emilia lay. TRACE OF coined - Officer Baptist. had a - narrow near Montgomery. She had, a. g so o icascepe.,andeowed :his lalvation. to his :ewn home; &leaning On hand, the said, and she ipreeenceeof mind. lie was - aleepir g when bad to -have- seme help to do it. .She --had -tithe massacre .cemmencett And ewekeii the -it -eel ....eq./en into Newereg ter gee a, woman teem [Pe -cabin and opened the door; keeping quiet fin the ---derk. Tire Chinese afterwerds ereshed through the saloon, and )20V -tug theniselves to the eash- only,-se- rin about- $2000 American money. yeti& try it,' but- would net be re% y begin before ',Wednesday. She iupposed -Mrs. Smith "odd. -that wotild - do .end-thieb she -would dtive in Viredneeday and get ler, The weman was es geed aft bee wigd. e At noon on Wedeesday- -she appeared:eat 046 d0:13t. 1140113M1 kiesed his Wife good-bye; little thinking that he- wits never. to -see her alive again. - 'The: dais htet - Sarah attended tee the an intelligence office, n a _, ere her way back hosee a _friend had intro- duced her to Mrs. McQuillan: -- Mrs. Smith Fifty to 75. cents a day the usual rate for such woik here. Mrs. McQiiillan gild she" 11They then quitted 'the vessel in two of the Jlehies boats, taking with them some .cf the einese and two American women._ Finding engine reom and fired two rockets; then pro- eposing that he and some etheri- should -pro- ceed in the remaining ' ship's beat): to pro - No . sooner,- however,. was the boatloweeed I bonne _She expected her mother home on thin &beet eighte,en - of. the passengers, ' Saturday at neon and -Weall_all ready tare - e wh,e-had eiesaped the murderous moult of oeive her. . - The wagon.reaohed the door at 1 the pirates aid Were afraid et beteg left be; noon, - but Without lire. McQu'illan. The ,ii hind, tuthed'into it, -"cattaing the . boat eo 1 WeDIfill - who had been there before was 1 -sink, with -the reaele that ill were dlownfd. I alone. She:entered the house wielva rave -Next 133orning -the Ditch gunboat- -Midura, I- face and told S.aratt 'that -Mrs. *McQuillan, h "de before had fallen from a step lad - • St. JOhns,Nfld. despatch - Bays : Falcon, Ceptain Henri. Bartlett, returned. . here where she had been . conveying. the Peary ex- ploring expedi- tion. She left - calling at Labra, Pupils -Ire- tie Mealthy--Due_ to _Strict - reed -• hi. :tete .Home—enforsnation et (From the Terre iiaute, lid., Ixeresse Heide lks the- beautiful arid -pictureique iillage of St. •Merys. -"This is a Roman Catholic instiention .which Jr has -Attained :something amore that, national celebrity. Fifty years -ago._ it Was establiehed by _six , Sister': .ef . Providence, who came from - .fer this great Charitable order. Itenow eon- -slats of the hetue of the Sisters of Proyl, • deuce, knoWn _as the Providence House ; a 'Urge female seminary, one of *the finest - chapels in the United" States, and -a ttctory in which -the pileiti make their item, shown through the eetabliehment recently aeked Sister Mary Ambrose if -there wag any _ Apparent teason far the' good\ke.eitn. With which the -deters and. their' .,pepile ere • The Ammer was that particular .attetition is paid -by the :sisters in charge to the health ailment,' Alio said, "'cannot helP hat have Its effect on the mind, • In order to keep the mind- bright and active .aucl. psrfectly clear at all times, the studentes condition time age there "wee more et less &nest widish was: Probably dueeto attneepheric whit its. - origin .reallye vats. . 'Shortly highly' roominosnded a medicine called., Dr. William& Pink Pills for Pale People encl.'s() urged upon me to giVe thene a - trial that I ordered tome of their, and. they have -been teed in the institutlen ever since. A ettr few days ego the minefikO _ ere wrote me for an opinion of Pine Pill . and my septet kind request for our - opieion Of Dr. Wil- liam' Pink Pills, ..t4re pleated • to -lay that US that we _were induced; to; try tbsm, and we think our repeated orders for them are sufficient evidence that *6 find them ell Secretary for S:sters. Of Providersce," dor to. ipirChase dock and dogs for nee in travelling in the ice fielde. . She .arriyed Battle:Harber on July 17th, then visited Mugferd,lookir g for delta in each place, but, get Oily twenty. Four. butroe, or-denkeys„ of the eight taken peeished- en the way of exposere, so an additbeel number of degte were- required... Theie had to.be secured on the Greenland Coast. . The' steamer -.left -Labrador July 22ird, 27th efirse visited Ilebteinberg: then Geode haven; Upernaviik, Cape Yerkeelielstenhohe: and Delrympley getting dogs at each plebe - W:87 ()altogether wete procured.: She reached her destination, -Thrkdoin Bay, on it' in 24 houre .and 50 Minutes, Or 11 hoer') :Bove ein Bay Lieutenant t Peary setected _set harbor, surreunded by high Mountains (+bit possessing good gaiehorage, for heedquarters.• -It be about :35 milee Wintered. lady( ale and he named it Faltion • this wok was progressing Lieu- tenant Peary toek 'the &teenier, • and, with Vincent Entrekin and the- -Erquirnaux, Supply, f meat- to last _the.degs seletee. They.. wete very secoeseful, Thirty-one .*alree-Weee mid shout 25 tons of .Nething further wag learned- of the. ill feted John M. Verhoeff, Who. was tbouglit Hie en& may new be assured Witlecertainete Peary -else institeted inqtdries at- all pole : June; t892, -in the echo -oiler • -Ripple, with reached!. Mace, but. since haere not been' heard of, . so it is believed they -have all -Ceptain 13aftlett *peeks of -the ileyesit Will melte a big record. DRIEIS-VP. KANSAS. .:which had eightede the signels -of distress e -men to take- Clark)), of the distressed vessel. Shortly- aftek . the gunboat Beelines(' aWay-, 11;- Achinese-reterned drunk with Wine to' ' - der to the fieor a:id rolled down a flight of "Ne," Brad the oallere.." she -is- all- right; though badly hurt. I have,a debtor attend- ing -her; smite': only *mattet of a feW days - when she will be one. .Bue I can't nurse blite jackets that- they retreete . as. 1204 and I wish you would come me with a less of 10 of their number. -At noon I and mine her I will bring yee both home the following de* ehe steaniship Grasp- Van boun& froth Edit: to Telok, stood hy.and-r.eoeiessd apogee of the Atjeles. cargo, en lighter!, ee-thet the ship may get offWith. ot toe* sot- the pirates and -Willi:Once quick -.and = decisive.-- punishment. e_ The. they_ came aboard; end Were searched With- out reettle.for weepoes. is. now _under,: steed -the Weepane were smeggledeiboardby and'beddirtg, vete' net. oyethatled. res.ene was krissed and- died :entlie spot —Capt. kvetnre bodY *45 fotted-in. hie cabin when the deer of lib reem.yeas leotessd by the- gm:beetle; officers. His bedy and - that eiArils;.mate Wsreetikee te. sea and given ,Isuriel by the offieers of the Made -re, • been directing hissattentio"n..fet sets- time . The old Man Was tee old end feeble. for the_ long teipe and so.. it- *as decided . that Sarah- should:- aeoompany the' Caller and She quickly get tegether a few clothes,. the sameeby the Way, which -were efolind With the -empty trink in the Hallidey helm on Mericlay, And got into-ehe.wagetee -• Asking- hose far it watii - to, Walden, the etieged Mrs. Smith timid she Ilyed six miles the other side,: On_ her -preview' vieb she said she lived it Walden. - This diectepancy 'was net noticed and they drove, eff, the old man bidding -his daughter a tearful - gpodby Little " mote tereethe -to be seid of -the eacurrestee at Newburg. On- Sunday Jed's& Adem Steam the family frieed, heard the story from Thomas MCQuillan's lips. They were both nitich worried, and by. - missing Ones, it vias_ decided that it Was best co in search -Of them-. -" -Why don't you' speak 77 thundered Mre BOWell." " Did yell' kill these women ler Mrs. Halliday, " Put it down tha said Mr. Bowen in a - -Ai the caae new stands. ib appears that !this young -woman, meted by insanity,1 of which, however, there le grave reason to doubt, or by some inexplicablemotiee of - the feminine heart conceived an . executed with a deliberatied and a -cunning at once beyond reason ona- almost hey etict precedent. It is said she wail at one time ce'Oned In an Fist te. the stndy of nail-httingsser,- as he • No theteght of four play,. of 1 course; ete . vale it, onychephagye. fieds that halsie or tacked to, this- deoleten. - It wee; petely - sat* ire Perla,. out of 265 pupils examined „- prompted Ite So early On Wedneiday mOrn•-1 during the inenth of April last, 63, that is ,.. biting their finger -nails. Curioisly.ehouBh I Wage" 8:nd at`arted 1" Waidela 'in- "arch ° resnite vary- -greatly . _in -diffarent• _districts Reaching that Place, the meet pensolentl-. ' D. eserets that gerla ate more gieve.te the as- the Mres Smith eibe bad taken Aevey his - the Dapartinent ef the YOiiI2ey.eleven ent-of.1 .But hi heard in-Waiden of the awful die - twenty -otos, *ere eenfirmed nail -biters, lie -- - coterieein ihe Halliday barns the day_ be.; another girls" echo:net the preptortlen -was 6t -s es .- fere, &lad learning :that one -eif the. bodies - out of 207 u tee : eeel• of those _61, 15 were. wee •on:- exhibition - et- - "_L Bleeerilegbog, he shereluses loud Mid c The Western-Tert of the State Being De- Herted Because 'of Draught. I If settlenient .and agriculture' increases the Mail% OB to Whiclithere is 'come dia- l:lite, settlement 'hi Westere -Kansas hes .progreased More rapidly than viol pruaeht, and. the population is now reported to be. dheinfahleg with inaccompanneent of -great suffering, All who can have gone away, and those -Who. bould net escape have ep- peeled in vain to thee Governor to cell a seiiion:cif the Legislature to appro- priate Matey. for* their relief. :Western Kansas lies in what used- to be called the Great American Desert. A closer aectitain- tenon with the tegien shows that there ieno is -always musty, end in three years out of five it is liable to. be insuffieknt for raising. crepe.- But. one- or two good seasons Were sufficient to get a let of people into that re- gion, once there ehey bed to stey beat they could till item time to time geed chaece te get away.. The Buffering hail heen real, betnothing shell) of an increase& :and -small howevek, -of the extraordinary mittens abent political economy thab have; dno_ to the poverey thee has befallen people who *led to raise crops without water. It.svain'teoneadhcerreneypereatiita, bet Bo many *inches ol eveter per erear that Kansas needed. The State Bank .Ceniiiiselo.ner has: reached the bonolesien tion -Wilt °lege 'loom • People have -niov.ed that meat 'ef the banks 'in the western iper, s. away fromtheir breWapaseures and !dusty -brook!), _end :abrazen heaven looks doeile -on at iron -earth whose deserted: dug -pets and lean -toe tell of a .discoeraged -and fleeing .POpplation. Of course the securities. the banks" held are talueleeie and -their beelnese- -- Tonna tO be in the habit of luting the nails Of both. hands)) ahel _the_ others if biting:only :that Inervousnessi has much to do -with tile habite _and be e.preposeee _to :cure it by. means of " suggeereeri." Probably it would be more-effectual:to make -the victims., wear hastened there -With leer.in hie- heart, wait thia morning-- when Joseph started en his -sear& that the New the shocking ohne. , The story now gees back -to -Bleoming- unidentified •in ite plain coffin in the pain at, the rear of Undetlialter Vareinsvegee's home. . The Moment tee clothe': coverieg the lace Suppose- there. are 10 men at the beach et the. dead:girl :were removed before -Mo- this summeiancleChtra. b engaged to - 2 of Quillen, he exclaimed es. -them, • Kilety to of -them and Molly 4,1: 14 That is, her I That ikSarahl". •• _3 ia:o- of theni, ho,w Many days Will it take e ae then brelte delviseempletely and wept _ they eliscoiret that -her meets a millionaire? Both Chief Saran and Mr. Sloan were tee - utterly nonplussed to eitggeet ally- motive thi the :13u)reotte • et Intorenation 7 ' k They' belt" Mtge -.McQuillan had neither g said Ales, Meddergrass to the' clereeat the :money nor valuables With, her,- rind 'that gg. Then I -wish you'd tell me -where Silas b. t, and two rings, all of which, by the Way, are I told that old -Man ef mine he'd -get lost,.`. zobiain - - ' '110i: h&j goofk an' dote it" There- were" hatorestiat *waning& *semi. Event of the dayl has been -the-- finding of Pant Halliday's bedy beneath the fleor of the house Where the two NewbnIg woMen, Margaret 'McQuillan . and her danghter Serah, wire' Murdered. This: . makers thews *peruses Mies -Hellicley ',tends ohatged:With thes-moning Mil. Halliday teie-ber garter -neck end pulle& both ends [With all her might. reinoved1tfroin her at soon as bet her face wa badlY, flushed,' and ehe was panting. -fer broth. She has been evatehe&yery closely ever About two years ago.a boy nrOed George Kline, Who lived in the house next.the Mays, disanpeared, It- was .Bupposed :..at .11 bleed and -shattered nervet are the- fruitful. cause . of nearly eterv woe to whi oh human fleib. is heir, and if Dr. WS1liains' Pink Pills is, as Sider Ambrose -Ole they have fcrend ite." a good blood builder And an excellent nerve tonic," the . Romeo Of good :health ate • Sister Ambrose 'aid they are rever. with- out Pink PIN, sod that now they order mendation for the mediciee, for there Is probably no eh .ef people that gives more' attention to. the phyeical 'health mad . wele fare of its' members thee the • of Providence, .andethey would net me -any- ' thing inwhieh they did netshaVe unbounded Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aretruly one oi= the igreatest medical .discoveriee of the age. They are the begineing of a more healthful era. Evety day lorlegs reports,: of remark- able cures thee heve -revelled teem the nee of this wonderfeil txtedieine. :many cater: the good'work has been -accomp7ished after eminent playsibians had failed sed pro- nounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid: An analytic' 'proveithat-Dr. the elements necessety to give new life .and richnees to • the blood and reeeere shattered nervee. They are en- entailing' ' specific for .cnoh -diseases as lecomotor sciatioa, neuralgia. rherurateises nervous headache, -the after effects of 'la grippe, palpitation of the bort:, that tired feehne resulting from novena prostration e all diseases depandiug upon ! vitisted humors Ise' the blood, ench se -scrofula, °heed° erysipe- las, etc: They ere also a epeclfto 'for treublee the time, that he wagon, whieh had off witkite Sears but- nothing- Was ey It is now thought tiat he -may in-seme way hays -incurred the isplettisnie Mrs. Haiti - deer, whe put hite out of Abe weye In fact, 18 generally believed that -more bodies NY I )heerirli. great that -a.m. for'm -and-lynch Mrs. Halliday to-eigihte hid stolen:a home ,and Wee made. ter the.hoye r 'etten or heard .of Min.. • • sleet Mg*. real count,.Uncle Dick ? The Awful Uncle—The.evid CB meanie .to be in that direction. apeaks . bad English; gambles Weil .hoe7ows.". Money , :"-Ia "there any, evidence that"the tramp &cited like an_ ineene ..perien 7" 49* Yee e he was_nierheard saying that he was willing to is- disappearieg. Some rain has fallen- in plebes et:candy, but it is now too late for it te do any geed, and.there are counties where rain has nob fallen for, ten months. :That 'poreion of -the Stete will have to revert te pasturage in.good seasons and clesertien in dry sues, nniess the rainfall infamies or there Bre meene of irtiption..-7N. Y. 'Con:- A Trifle Particular trifle -partiottlex,, end i,the gide will be likely tet regeed him els 'altogethee too "feiuty 7 : " Wanted,- a wife. _She meet be a female between. 18 and 2Z years Of age, blonde, ettgle eyes, two figures, one -Yenta de Milo, the other -about .P.00,000 ;imnst itand albite -and have no brothers. II eettle On 'her at marriage - $100,000 in publielnet -dead 'but sleeping)) and ten Share!, in the -BiniftoWn Lend, Ore and Fur - 1.893 Exohange _street, between hour? of 1 and No typewriters's*. missionaries peculiar to females such MI supprsesionn, irregularities,. and alel forms of vveeknese. They bell& up the blood and restote the glow of health. to pele or follow -cheeks. In the case of men they -at et e. radical cure in all oases eeising from mental werry, overwork or excesses ef whatever natnee. These pills are menufactured by the Dr, Williams' Medicine Comp y, of BrockVille, Ont.,and Sehenectady,11°_,_ 13 Y., and are tad in boxes (never in looset. ,..n by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cent' box, or 6 boxec -druggist): or ' 'direct by *mail from DT. address. The price at which these pills are sold. makes a eourse of treatment corn- parativeiy inexpensive as compared with other remedies or reediCal. treatment. " 11471r They Killed the Bias. at the foot of the mountain near Sunbury, Penni, have been peseered by rats, which. carried off 100 little chickens and ate holm in the grain bies. One day, ,e,fter they had killed a calf,, they caught& huge rattlesneke • alive. They put the re tile in a hex and . aft. then threw in some:. war 'veal liver. The !Make at •once Bank itis . adly .fangs in -the meat. By. teaeing the tattler, the men induced it te stilke the flesh scores of times . or until the monsterl serpent •seetned to; have exhaUsted not only its poison .hut its strength. Tbe liver -which had thus been saturated with the gnakes pollen war:placed "I - where th. e zeta ate it. The following morn- ing *he men feund scattered about the barn- Ho—You wish to be adored ? (earnestly' show -me the way to adore. • . She (pteseing the els:drib butten)--ePeters, show lar.; Simpleton the doer. . The Baltiniere Polies 'were -Paid silver dollen reoently:. -And yet silver dollars for I fag asie dee con 4 Mrhy de you use such peculiar toms 7" a lawyer's wife of her husband) who, . eterned worn out by his day's labors. 't see how you can have been work. " he replied, " I've been drawing a yance all day, and if that isn't work. ike a horse, what is ie ere -are church members who call keep- . the ten. commandnients going. to ex-