HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-22, Page 1CLOod Aclvice To farmers; - D:on't buy your lay ;fork- rope or any Ittn.tt of ltarveit Took ttL1 you see what • • TAYLOR. On do for you 3000 14W wool picitines *tatted. 4000 lbs. mixed rags *anted. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS IN TRADE AT TAYLQR. IJOKNO C KNO Oa _Oa paid up, Relsarye To esident, JOHN STUART.. -t! - Presiilent-.A. G. ItAllISAY; $11260,doo $65ol000 $7,979;646 DIRECTORS: GEO ,ROACTI T.•• WoA tipE• (Toronto): . -Casitier-=-,T. TURNBULL: s'ArT.I.VOS X4.:HIC.----4.161.1rsi- 10 to. a ;.. Satur- 10' to .1.. - P,errSits,of Si -arta upwardS interestAlIdwe,d. • 9FIECTAL DEPOSITS alSO7•receii,,,ed- 'eurr;. re,n, ra •ez, . intereSt. t •, . - Thil•APTS- on Great Britain and.-the.United boni_zht.- and.sold .1 • • 7- . -;r- C. BROWN, • .SuB-A9i0let, BANKERes. Ot-.100:01...-0.v.B4n4ts-0014p...y • DENT -AL J. S. JE -ROME, L. D. S. Wingliam,*ill be in Lucknow on the secondand fourth •LucKNOw, Ju LI' 13TH, 1893 TO THE FARMERS: • • . We effect Insurance on all classes of build- , • • y and Saturday of each month. Good sets lir $10. Filling and ev_traeting a specialty ce Cas Hotel. LEGAL We have generally one or more farms in Kinloss, - Iluron, Ashlield and Wawanosh township lor sale. Parties desiring to -buy will consult their *own interest by calling on us as we sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit the purchaser, - • • We have $'t5,000 to lend- on fiist mortgage' on good farm or village. property at frOta. to 7 per cent; . interest rate accoiding to size of loan and security offered, We also lend small amounts on secoiid mort- gage on farms first chattel mortgage.. We do a general banking business. Issue drafts -payable through -out Canada and the _United States and make collections on all points, including Westefn States, Manitoba, and North West. • The collection of notes and accounts will , receive special attention?) Lending mon.ey on • - • farmer's notes a specia 03r. In our savings department wa allow 5 cent interest on small deposits. . - iI-03CAL AND GENERAL idensed for Sentinel ,Readers Kincardine's_ rate for the present year 1111 be 25 milli on the _dollar. r. W. 3., Brrimpton. was - •Listowel this week for a few. days. • 'Cr. -.W.' i -Berry ..-Srielitt, 6, - fevir days-atthe'London Fair this week Go- and hear Carter and .Stev,s Town lIali on Tuesday evening. t et). sts. •T eesw tu • .yolin _ .$20 andcostsfor rinainct -a fire bell for n . . .:--7-For sale -at:a...bargain, light double harness, to W Little;-•, • -BurgeSS,.'and daughter Ada, - arrived from.: • Chicago t:son.-. on,:Battirday'fog4 last. . 1.-: - • - • • - Our read made Jackets.forladies. are pronounced goad value and perfect fitting gaiTtienti;,- W. OonnelL ...--14The show - Of, the • • , 0. J. OLEIC). 1025 Namml1111., 400/1111111•11.1 'LACROSSE. tory et. the. Dropshok for ,189.8, . • • : and the PrOspects for a Senior .Teant for 1894 • Back .-the early months• of the y•ear 1893, • it was thought that a team- of lacrosse could not be *gotten up in or about Lucknow. few enthusiastic friends.. of the ......._____ A. MALC.OMSON, -BARRISTER,- . . Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc, (late of meron, bolt k-CainerOn, Goderich). Office • ta Traver's old stand.- - • • Y• - - .__ - - • MORRISON; ATTORNEY AT • law, . S.olicitOr in Cancery, C011Vey- Oleer,. Cdmmisioner. etC,.. Office. over the . . . arberoshop. . . . , ARROW- 86.. PICOUDFOOT;- BAREIS- . ters, Solicitors; -etc.1 . Goderich, Ont. [3-, -T GA -6. -6,o*,;( -4.C, MM. PR0UDFOOT.- lugs, either in Stock or Mutual Companies as desired - None but first class Companies :rep- . . . resented. 0: A. SIDVALL,.Mainiger • NIEDICAL ELLIOTT,-- AND--RESI- dence, Outram street, 14C01-1-d._cloor north- -rf she store,. - • •- . -; _ R. TENNANT-, P S: IiC- I AN,. SUrgeOn and Accoucheur. Surgery- op- posite -. CaiCs hotel; Write. hours from .9. to 12 m and -from 2 to 5 P in. - - _ - A1013.- GORDON, NI .1) M • , F.T. • M.S., :Physician, Sur: --eon and-.Accouchear.' Office next door to W. -4_411in's•implenientshbli. Residence Ross street, aMith, of 1) R McIntosh's store- - • 1` • R. D. V. --Se., -CA.LtS either by mail. or telegram --promptly -Itattended to Charges. Moderate. Residence', fakutratct titreft,_ oppogite'i, Elliott7g and }, second -floor north of SENTinr,--office. - :ROBERT- CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FiRE AND .MARINE, GUELPH. Telephone No, 198. - CHURCH DIRECTORY. 1 •-9NGLIS-11 CIIURCII SRRVICES 11 - a. M. and • 6:30 p.: m. Sunday -Schdol, 2:30p. Superintendent, - Wm. S. -Tiobnes.. _Adult class every _Wednesday. evening at -o'clock, Bibleandprayer book lesson's. All are weitome. MILES, Pastor. - • IA, ARMSTR.ONG IS PRE - pared to give lessens in vocal and in- strumental rmisic. - Residence -Campbell Lucknow, • .. • . national.... game thought in another way, and the. consequence is Lueknow- is in the -past holds .her own -.in. the : . arena of - athletics, at. leaSt • so far- - : culturalSociety - will • be.-heldin Ripley . , on Tuesday. and- Wednesday next • - . - - -. • --- . - . • -I.- --:- -- i.• ..IT.46 _great . Yerkshire--,•-. comedian ri-ei;1,er.- fails :. to:•:,:bring; .do*.n. the 130,41se., -Go'and.ihear.. him -41- lie :-TO-1--iin Hall on Tuesday evening, • -• - UCKNOW 1.VIECHANICS ' INSTI- 1 tute. Reading room open everyevening tiorn 7 to 10 p. m., excepting Satlirdays the hours will be •from 2 to 6 p: ca. The librarian will be in attendance (InriNsg these hours-. J. MURCHISON. 17-2.-etiji.riy„ G, MiiRD0011.-S eeretary SOCIETIES LOYAL ORANGE LODGE No -; 428.- ' holds itsregular monthly ro.eetings in the • Orange Hall, Campbell Street, Lucknow, on Tuesday:evennigs,_on or before the full moon. , Degree night $eeond. Tuesday evening 'follow- ing full moon.- All visiting brethren cordially invited to the meetings. - • • AN qua McKEN: •A T DAVIDSON,- ' Seel, ey • W. M. G. T. SEPOY LODGE, NO. 384. Meets in the 'south end Lodge Room. • in the Temperance Tian, Dicknomt., every- TheAday evening at 8 &deck; D. K. WEB- • STER, (3.'!., s...mATHERs..see. lt/I'ONEV TOLOANON REAL ESTATE ..1.VJL• 'security for any time'at the' lowest rate of interest. . The P. iincipal may be paid '4t--th!) end of the time; or a part of the tirinci- • I may be paid each. year, interest ceasing on e amount paid. •.For further particulars, apply tO:ANGUS 5TE.Wititr, Lucknow.: • , The -regular monthly Iteetillg:p1 the N,Vcinen'e, Christian • * TeMperance tnion.will be held every. secon 'Wednesday Of each -monthin the 0 dd.Fellows Lricknow,,. at 3 p. m. MRS; " Flxini;Pident IlonNELt,,,Seeretaryel . . . . • ' In the semi-final match in la- crosse, on Friday last, between Kin- cardine and Seaforth, the. atter won by a score of 3 to 2. -The SENTINEL wants a number of good correspondents in the 'various surrounding villages to send in a few short spicy items each week,• - 1 -If you want - the best value for your money in boots and shoes c"IFIll at Ji -Justice McMahon, at the opening ofi,the County of Bruce Assizes Mon- day, was presented with a pair of white gloves by the Sheriff: • , • -Mr. John Purvis, auctioneer, will sill the entire stock of beautiful house- hold furniture belonging to Mrs. J. Grenache on Saturday October. 7th, , _ at 2 o'clock p. m. as lacrosse may . be concerned... A junior team of -lacrosse. Lucknow has always had sinee 1878 arid that of a high order, but the wayback boys- will give the boys of '93 credit for more than keeping up the old record, in fact itmay - -be uttered that- in the • . . • words of Ben Butler, have more than " succeeded themselves". Ii . lacrosse circles, 1893 will in Lucknow go down in the annals of the sportman'S history: Next year a number of the Dropshots will ',without doubt develop into sen- iors, when -Lucknow may in good faith look for an old time Sepoy or- ganization. As game followed • game all the. way. througl the seasona. marked improvement was visible in the team and. in individual playing .of the "Shots."." To the managing com- mittee too Much - credit cannot be given for the grandsuccessthat their team rolls up for them.. Corigratii-- lationsare to to be extended to their Captain and trainer Tim Kirk, and it 'must be. more-tham a source of pride to him; to -See • underhis own obser- vation thakthey, out . of -eight games,. -took •J 6 goals, as against 6 during thel the season of '93. In this con13ea=tion 1 it will not be out of place. til E. Lane, ..Mrs. R. E. „Lane, Master. mention.. that James 'McDonald, ofl Madoc, who.has been with us all sum- mer *returned to his studies at Ottawa, .College_on Tuesday -niornircw. Jimmie( is a star player and leaves behind him: not only awing lacrosse players, 'btit other .-citizens, hosts of friends who will be highly pleased to. see his re turn to. the. -village of Lucknow; par -t ticularly may this be said among. the fair sex. Of themselves, Collectively, and individually it isnot necessary to mention but we are prepared to state "nobeiter can he had. ". Below is a CREItiE. Miss Mary Curran, who has been staying with her uncle for some time past, has gone to St Helens and her sister Nellie is now here. On Monday night last, Mr. P. Sher- wood lost b. horse. The animal died with inflamation. This is two horses • he has lest _ this summer and a cow also, besides a twOlyear old Colt which • was paralyzed sometime ago and is • not right yet. I On Monday, as Miss Black, and an- other young lady from G-oderich, were passing through here, the axile of the _rig became heated and the wheel Would not turn. After letting it cool for a while and giving a good doze of uaxile grease they proceeded on their way to Dungannon. ' Mrs. Jos. Tacka,berry has been ,very sick for some time past and we are sorrytohear that she is very little better. . T. _Ra TIME TABLE: --Trains leave Lucknow for south at 5:58 a in,: and- •615 p.. in. • ' • North at .12:35 p. •no,, 4:02.p. M. 4124 10i28 - • - THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office_ in the building east of tfie - SENTINEL 'Printing Office. -AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEA814111. DEED'S, 'MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. , Plans ,specihcitione and estiMates for build Ings, milts, bridges, etc., furnished on short notice. • JAS. SOMERVILLE• Lucknow, Jan .1891. • ITO.K N O -W Lodge,112 • - - Meets' every Friday . ' . evening at 8 o'clock in their hal.1,- Cala-then street.- All hrethren, - cordially. invited. -3, 'ELLIOT. N. .Grand; W. WILSON, ReecTrider. - ' Tarmers, look16 your 'Own inferea.t. insurQyour fari. buildinzs and° private dwellings in the • • • :(1 O. F. ,COURT - Sherwood, No. .50; Lucknow. Meet- Yevery.first and third - •:11oncla,y in every - .raint_h;" in the Or- ange hall.. Visit - brethren a r e ordiallY invited. CMCINNESC. R. -C . D. ud -SEC. • ii.ONpoN N o large. Premium N-ofes re,quir an • .7 -CASII:KkSTEM.; •• 50 cents to 00 cents: per 8)00 for three 'ye . • _ .-7 "4917IN L•Pt,NE‘ - . KINLOIJC - 4156 age4 - for the Phoenix of Lon Enghina. O. LIJOICNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United-Workinen; _meet OddfellowShill, on the list. and: • • second Monday eVening.S_ of each month, --a eight f, .Visitmg, brethren cerdiillt • • - • . .• • . . invited.; A noPuosON-,•M-asterf-Workinan, R. D. CAMERON, Recorder -s• i -We intend getting our Millinery Department in order next week but Siss Lawson will be present on ISatur- day to take orders from her lady Cnstorners: W. 'Connell. 1• -Mrs. W. I -I. Smith is attending the millinery openings in London, and on her return will be in a position to supply the ladies with all the .latest styles in Millinery, •ina,ntles,-etd . • .LANES Mrs. Rouse and children are paying visit,to friends at Clinton: , Mr. and Mrs. 3. Spindler spent a few days- .,with friends at Londes- berOugh. Wm.* Lane, . County Clerk, spent, part of %Fat week among his friends here, - Miss Annie Ross, of Bervie was in town last week. Mr. M. Alton -has place'd under his -barn a siirendid stone:wall. , The following parties from. .here visit dlrionds and attended the .,,,treat Show at Toronto last week : R. L.- Reid , James Lane, R.; Fraser, -R. Johnie .and Tommie LaneThat makes a good turnout from Lank. - (News boy on the train) • Morning papers, Toronto morning papers, -Tor- onto Empire, Mail or Globe I Have a paper sir -7 (Old gent) Where- are they from sonny • T. E.- Finlay is spending a few weeks iviai friends in Aligoma. • Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Kincardine, Will preach here..next Sabbath, D. V i ----A special :Meeting of the W. Q. T. U. will be held in -the'llOddfellOWS iHall . on - .Wednesday - 27:-. at, .3 -o'clock sharp. i . . A:full attendance of tinibers is requested., . .. , .-At - _t,46, Presbytery toeettig- in Wingharn -I-on, Tuesday,. the -PLey. A. Al.CICay; of Lucknow, declined ithe - call • extended to hitulfrOM:the.-NOv-.Seotia 'cliu.re4-- .:'... . ''.- i t .•• High- Constable : Briggi.i.sgaye- us a:. " friendly:" - call ori:-Thursd. 1 ay, he-, wwas. :-., • : • . • • • OiStribilting - bills .r O f: the:: . NorthernEihibition- a Walkertononthe 26411., 2711i- and 28th Of S4teinber... - f •, --;- ----All:. parties ri indebted: .-r-tO1' A. S.- cP.01:pbe111--•Merchant- tailor,- *II:loge ac- counts are not :•settled : either:: ii,y... cash or ri.jte by the .fi-rSt- Of October, wilt be pli-kied•-incOurti for collection,i, ----Sir John Thompson. illoliC: G. E. ars, H. statement:- . . • . Teams • Where Lucknow, Kin. Luck' • ." Walk' WE,tik' 6t Gocier' Goder " Wing' Wing' " " Ciiritm " -• Date. - May 24 . -June 9 Julyl . Silly 21 Aug 1 Aug 17 Set LANGSIDE • • bl d •ith a f\v • Scor We have been esse w showers of ram uf late people are .1;r, 0 PreAPantiul'img‘leo; .otfthe llyoung fairs vont a• • L -,1 W L-2- W -4 very pleasant. evening at Xt.. Me - TB E PATRON CONVENTION.- ' :The convention of the -Patrons f North Bruce on Tuesday last in Smith_ :aiiipton, to nominate:a candidate for the Local Legislature was attended by 113 - delegates. .'The chair was QC- . -Foster, Hon. J. l.11aggart. - Hon J.- Q., Patterson, . lion... N. 7 C; .. Wallace .and D. MOntague will - deliver addresFes •.• , , 11.. in Clinton on Sept. 26th .at 2 p.m. . -÷-Miss ..Lilly .BoWer,. milliher for-' Ir. W. J, Brumpter4 returned last eek from the . millinery -openings in ^Toronto., and is now at the c14 Pioneer Store -fullY prepared to meet the _wants of the lady custotners.-: - • :1 - _ . t ii ----A. pertain young mail; , of this vil-• lage while_ on his way-. Iiiitne; frOm- a town down- est fell asleep in thecar. and was ta.kri _thr0tigh to Ripley. He ,-,-ra,S . home. 'bright .-and. - ea.rly in the ... . . .. . . _ . moii'eing.. . • ... , , . ...1 . ---,Sir • John -Thompson and. ether -Cabinet MiniSters will address the -W _ • electors of -est Huron at ClintonClinton-on Tuesday- next, and a -nun-their of Luck.- nowites.: intend going to hear the di - anguished Premier. -I ,....• -Al. zt.onvention of prohibitionists was held in Owen Sound -alit Saturday and _ . noininated ...R... A. Stark. - and Nicholas Reed as :their candidates at the next •efectl6iis_ for the co.mmons. ,.. _ and leoislatute ,.-pectiveli; - .. -TO---- Make Prom $15 to • $20 per -NM& w-Ltusro 07017.t.IIAR-1_,Y.. -CANADIAN ctipied by - Mr.. -John S. McDonald. Ripley, president of the county as- sociation; :No regular nominations were Made bu6a vote taken by baltot. Among those who received votes the first time were D. • McNaughton, Geo,. Lepds, • Thos. Askin, Wm. Smelie. Neil McDougall; . James Mawing, Arch. Rankin, and some -other local gentlemen got a few- scattered. votes. eilOwever; Mr. McNaughton led from the start, and on the • third ballot got 73- votes and Mr. .Askin 38. }[is nomination was made unanimous iori motion of Mr. .Askin- an& W. B. George. - Mr. McNaughton is reeve of .the township,- a. Man of thorough honesty, well versedininimicipalaffairs, and would mike a cspital represent- ative in the Local Legislature. • The platform of the Patrons of Industry i-•• s in some -slight. exceptions both pro- gressive and enlightened, ,and .with a Man like -Mi. McNaughton.as represen- tative,it ought to find favor with 'a majoritylof theelectors,: We should be pleased at this juncture to see him re.: turned unopposed; being confident that he will make a capable and h,Onest mem- ber. What action the. eformerii and g rOwn IlUrserY StoCk.--1:lighest i;alarieS: .or'Conirnission .• paid ws,eklY. 'OUTFIT FREE. • Special instructitins . to beginners.: Write this week.for.ternis 0 GRAIIAL 'inisEnY4-0,., Toronto, Oat - • Kinnon's on Friday night last. Mr, McGrogan attended a • 'wedding ..at_Beiniore last week. - Miss 'Kate Taylor arrived home from Bartny, Man., last- week, after visitrng-„friends there. Her z-m-a-ny •friends are ',pleased to see' her home Mrs. -Valette, of Detroit, Michigan, is visiting hPr. sister, Mrs. Allan °Me. Kinnon. Mr. Geo. Cattle, of Whitechurch, threshed smile black oats, for Mr. Jas.. owston, which yielfled 50 bush.els per acre. What would have been the yield had there been no gfasshoppers. 'Dr. Wraith is building a new office on his premises Stiminer has slid out of the world as quietly and .nncermoniously as if saying: good -by caused. never a heart- ache or 6, pang, and the lovely linger- ing evenings and warm tints of the aftergjws- have become a memory which -shivers at th•• thought that it will socn be time to get Gut the family snow -shovel. and poke up the furnace. -Mount Forest has adopted a -- Conservatives may take, emains to be ., seen, but moderate -men will _ITe, 4- in- clined_to give Mr. McNaughton a fair • trial. • He asked two weeks' time in street being as fodows -; April, May, 1 which to consider the situation -before -June, July and August, at 9 o'clock; i accripting or declining the nomination. 5epteinber-and October, 8:30, and foi Po? t Elgin 'I Imes. the othe v months 8 o'clock. - • sfew regulation which went into force on Friday, September 1st. It 'pro- vides' that •the school be used as the curfew, that the age of children coming under the4operatiOn of the law be up to 14 years of age, the bell will be rung ten minutes" before the proper tune, as,a \yarning ; the hour at which children are to be off the • • • • * •