HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-08, Page 8., • .•••• LoOng money, but our Fall, _ Dress oodi are arrivinj " abuthlauce, and-we-rau0 mike roor( for them. In order to • do ills We have resolved to •- : .0; LucknoW Sentiflel,ru-00;06-4.0yi._, Fri Kielced by et,Oolt 'While little Robbie Little, -son of W. Little, of this village,- Was visitiitg. at.0oderich, W-#11.1*0. :last •week, lie _rceived a: bad- kick in the lace from- a colt, and his 'escape from instant death was 14/r8.011/0118.: Tht tuima1s ho4f 80120k. the little folio* just below .the right eye inflict- ing an ugly rut, but which it is 'hoped: owing :to his tender. "yeara. tnay ::not -permanently disfigure his _fa e. clear . a number of' lines, an& theyi must go in -quick order. To. facilitate this we have -cut theii down to half price, and place them on our bargain .:t-tive. Fair R. 1). Cameron, Win Geddes and_Wni. Connell, Of this --villsge, and. Mr.. and Mrs. P. McKenzie, Of Kinloss„: are at -present taking in -the itieiti-.. it the great World's Fair- in . Chicago, . *Few :Village's in the Province have 'tent a. larger delegation Of- visitore to. the Pair than :Lnoknow has,and ali of - thei+are Well _pleased With their trip. Dr. and Mrs; . Elliott..arrived home last week ftoni their Visit. to the White City. coott .as folloyirs:15t shigle - - • ; 25e 'for: 5 double goods f�r 1.24; 0 for 35e. -. for, these -W6,4aVe-a•-few Silk Elibrtirtiered dreSses.:-.0.4c1Olat 'the.: saint"- rate:: t0,09--‘ for $6.50-fot•$V4.4: • fo eq 15:.Q3:.ft* 52.50. Ou.- h6se Poodal*Oiey1.-jta*regot tofgoi Oats you foldi goods. for ; 20c al Scotia -Games Continued green colored tartan, - and the two drummers7-liw• red :-.tunias and white Spats; ':and the ,-..artistic 'Manner in which. the :big - fellow thumped the '-base drum. dslighted everybody.7 :Robert* -:-Ireland, champion pipet of Anierica, is Pipe Maier of the Band. The otb-iw- gouu bets' :Thai% Geri, Miirrav;, Wm. .Currie, - Prank. - John Blaekliall, anddm Narrow EsCepe One day last - week Mr: Little, Reeve of Brant, was - working,. in the barn, and had ectasiOn to hand a fork - to Onset his -men in the mow. The 'fork .slipped frombil hand,and came. back on on Mr. Little One of the tinge- enter- • ingliisfOreheisid above the eye, cutting Wort& the eyelid, entering the. noble and piercing . . that. the -blocid fio_wedinte. the nostril. .Be :had. the mound -4ressfid,: and ----the- -doctor rini leechel the' twilling to reduee men H-. McGowan and ,George: Kyle. The other; pipers who took part in the eompetion were John McBain," Tor- onto 4ich. Anderson, St.- Helene; Donald McKinnon; Tiverton ;_ D. McKay, Ripley; D. B. McKay, Kin - tail. 1111111011CH LUCKNOW: POST‘O.FFICL- - - . .3 . _ - -- Hours S to. - MAILS *. G.41 13. South & IsToTth - --11plyrood haotigh .• Kinloss SCh'. G. cf.t,B, Nor.th !t ,rtflediat points} ch EC. & B. North ' i;!:),ngsicle " . 11. & B. $outh & B.; South . & B`. South G.Zz. B.North 'ti.rolyrood ulosff Astaiini - 6:13a. m.- 1230 P. _2:30 p• Ma - 9 00 p. - 16.30 p. m, Tueu4sys i4 c- - 3 Qaporis Fridays - 1 - • • 1. - 3-20 p.ini• iTtnate: -,ViOttit. The Appeal Casa The cant Of thevillage of Lucknow., taPpialed from the—decision of Judge Uiyle of Goderich. December 'last = • • will be alined ,before the three judges'. ot the Appe$ Court in Toronto this. 'tweak, but it is not likely a verdict will: f: be. rendered before 'a month ,or lixi weeks. Anothei; Swindler One Of these succeeded in -opening an . artery, and it war some .;time before :the flow Of blood COultlbe Stepped. t featuref Another in res mgo the day was the exhibition:. by Mr. M. of ;.Kingsbridge, thelron-Jawed Ohtim1P0,u; who poked Iv "2.-i.3e'r kegs- • • fined With water, with his teeth and tossed thent over his head *fob an ease and grace that *Old have done credit -to all African lion, : He Mad. seized the • cerner-.0 -a large table; that had twelve. 'heavy: •,,hairs ;piled -upon with his toeth;satid;raisefl it up to his. full height, and then turned cempletely-, round up- on the 'stage. It was a marvelous feat, -jai the crowd loUdly:cheered but the .excitement rose tofever heat'Wheii Peter' Cole is negro iscend0 the platf fOrM and Cole, his ability to ' do_ Peter opened 144 inotithand When iaearly sit_ . thelsble had. passed into the cavity he closed- his jaws •Iiitith sr:deathlike grip, -04 for -a, few minutia he str.uggled - manfulli With the load. -: I Suddenly however the stable Itkegan -sway,: aid with every tern ber 2nd- Jennie McLaren, • Goderich; 3rd Annie XcMurchy,.Kintail. ITug of war, open ta Camps of -S. 0. S., .10 men., Prize by .Hon. J. '0 Patterson, 1st prize 120, • 2nd $10.— Bonnie Jeatt0amp• Ripley. - . . . . _OPEN "T4t:v THE 'WORLD. • Ca.rap from greatest distance,. -Prize by fr. P.-O'Counar, .P.P, $10.-- MeOrimmOn, Underwood,- 35 lies. . Fat/Stow : The -,propemme for the. Ian oho* - hire on the 6th: and 6th -of -October next,. is -the.; best ever • Offered by the -Maass Wanda Agrieril- ,,turolzSociety,:and should . not fail to 'brisiI together- a -large attendance of farmers from. gurrouuding. town, ships. - nearly every-. -department Changes hove been made the PAZo. and in the case of Durham Cattle a third prize -shag . been. - oared. The speoding in thsring .-promises to be more attractive than‘ ever, while the :hicysle racesandlacrosse ArtatCh; : for which big_ priies-- are offered, . cannot. fail to s-dieW. --a- big .irowd. All. our fortiori; and business men sheuld. take an interest in the --show and -help to Maki. it What it • should be, and what it could' be with alittle extra exertion the best fall 'sboi.- in the country, Best .Dressed Camp, $10 —Camp 34(cOriimoni. Underwood.- - - Lox 'est Camp; $1.0. ---Bonnie Jean 1 Carap, Ripley. _ - _ Put ing Light- Stone- 1st prize $6, •Ix:oRnsotto:y, Ti:ondo' n. ; 3rd T Wilson, Wrestling; catch as catch can, Ist - - prize $5, 2nd $3; 'Sr.d$2.---lst A Scott, .2nd OS -Currie,. -.3rd ‘S .McDonald. JUDGES . running, jumping and light- :weiihts.—A- R. McIntotdi; .Lticknow A -.MCLean, Underwood; R Marrs, Walkerton. Heavy Weights—Thos. Lawrence, LUcknow ;- Cameron, St *lens. , Piling and , Dancing --A Stewart, Thos., McDonald, C McKenzie and Jae LAouossz. 2nd $3, 3rd.$2.-7--lst &J. Currie, Park- hill,' 51 ft; 2nd M O'Neill, Ridgetown 47 - C Fritz, Dashw.00d, 40 ft. 1.0 in.1 Throwing Light Hammer, 1st prize. $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2.—lst C Currie, Parkhill; 110_ feet; 2nd .M - O'Neill, Ridg4town, -108.ft. ; 3rd' D McCann, Parkhill, 10.5 ft. 10 in. • • . . •".• muscle �f Xibody drawn. to . its highest.tensioni niuthits whol� frartie 'skak..iiiiterribly,. he '-taisecl the table about a. fOot. frbm theplatfOrni. Ch eer after Cheer • greeted . the darkey as rose to: his feet andwallrted- -triumphntely • . TIIG_OF T.)48 was tlielast event on the -Pro- :gramme, - bub by no means the least attractive. - The Contest was between the *soma .representing IfacCrimmon• Camp, 1JildetwOod tind 13ennie- jean Laurier pokI Eigin . . The: Hon. Lanrier,-..- leader of the Reform party in: - Canada,, Will- . address:the .electors .of the -County :of - Bruce at Port Elgin on 1 Wednesday,- -gOth September. •Besides the leader Messrs. Win. :.Patterson, David - James Lister, G., W. Wm.. and A. S. Hardy will also - address: the.. electors.. The Meeting- Will be held at 2 dole*: Air.the ,the: large roller -rink, which. capable Of Seating 3,000 Fiaopio,-014 in the evening; i.a -banquet Teasing Caber lst prize $5, 2nd $3; 30 $2.-14-3 D McOspul; 40 ft 6 -in.; 2nd 0.J Currie, 39 ft 9 in.; 3rd- .4 Sco4, Strathroy, 37 ft. 3 in: _Throwing '56- lb. weight, - distance, lst Prize $5, 2nd $3, 3rd$2.—dstJ D. McCann, 26 ft. 9 in. ; 2nd 0 J -Currie 26 it 3 in.. ; 3rd M O'Neill 26 ft 21. in. This Lacrosse match between the "Dropshote and the Walkerton team resulted_in two stra,ight goals 1,91r the "Dropshots.i! It- was a good' and was vritnessed by a large bred of *tatters. . • - ) • THE Covciouir. Running HoP Step-and-jumpi lat- prize .:-$5, '2nd 84,_ 3rd $2.—lsi O'Neill, Ridgetown, 44 -ft; 4. in.; 2nd J:Jenes, Crediton,42 ft. 3. in; 3rd '0 Frits, -Dashwood, • 40 ft 1:0 - Standing high jump, lst prize $5, .2ndi $3, Srd.$2:—Ist J. O'Neill, " 2nd saidj prizel divided between Ms and A. Kook*. - • . t _ 0:.a. Roe. of Wingham, which was •• EVeribedy- should look out faiaj-iow -Vindler:•.r. • He stops:. at a; house and AO:tether the '1St any children.;- and if :the. answer - be: in 11 the affirmative...the: age etc. bo• It_ . 5 t . . asked-. A short tune . afterwards1. he puts ja an .appearance, sort. of a treat& certificate containing. the ,tifermation :given, and .-deniatids 4for the eame. His ides,. is to frighten Women into, paying the -. amount Let Tower loose tiponsuChcharactersi1 Camp, Ripley,. As the men pulled Off their coats, vests and surplus clothing, it lookedasthough victory would rest upon the strapping big fellows frOm Underwood, as they 'appeared:Mich heavier than the. admirers of -Bonnie jean. But . the Ripley.' boys - dwipte bigger than they look,. and . scarcely had Referrei a- Morrison discharged the pistol When they:drew their sturdy opponents -Over the line.. The second will be- _held- in the - town hall. ‘. A -." 1 e i to t specie: xcurs on . connect wi early morning train from Kincardine, Will -leave Palmerston it 11-6. ta, and retiirnintWillieave Port - Elgin at 6 p, -This' will afford the people - of this and surrounding townishipri an eXcellent.. opportunity - to go :and hear. . Mt.- Laurier- and his 4.4ble. cAletigirea vaulting with pole. .1st vriza $6, 2n _13, 3rd taithi 90A iu4 2nd and 3rd prizes divided between -A Scott, j Jones, .0 a fittiag Cles*g to the great day a concert Wailed in the Caledonian halt The large building was 'packed t� the doors and is couple of hundred hadito go away net:being able to se- cure -even standing roc)* in the ball. In fact the place was toocrowded to suit. the comfort- of . the audience, and the chairman Dr: ',McCrimmOn had con- siderable difficulty in keeping .order The- talent secured for the entertain. ment was of the highest order, and We are :only 'sorry we are unable to particularize, but time aidaco for- bids. Suffice 44.161 that all. did. re- markably and oath in turn. were .heartily encoured. -Those who took part in - the prograirane ontonde thii dancersilivIo danced in compet- iti4M, were lilies: Agnes Forbes; So- •prano, Toronto; Miss Ida -Walker, eJ cintr alit" , Kincardine ; Maims Mc-. Larenrviolinisto, Goderich Thos. J.,. Scott.: Scottish Vocalist, - 2W W. E. Ramsay. comedian, Tor! onto: --- The - accompanists were, Milos Tiina_. Ramsay, ' Toronto; i*kii4. Mrs, .#4rnistrong,. Lneknow. . triz, at 9 ft 1 in. Quarter mile race, ist prize $5, 2nd $3.i.3442.1st I) Goodwin Kincar- dine; 2nd 38 McDonald, Parkhill- 3nd 3' genKincardine, • • . . • • --- -Sack race, Sacks 31- inches. Wide, competitors to furnish,, 1st pr:ize $5, .2nd, 01 3rd $2.--lst D.. Goodwin, Apple -Factory Burned " The apple factory *owned by Mr. W.. M. Stoebottom in this _village, Was totally destroyed by firer about One o'clock on Sunday' morning • .. iast. -Shortly 'after the alarm- :Will sounded the firemen were on hand, but the . fire hand gained such headway .hefo-:eit . was :discovered -.that--..the Thole blinding was a -blazing,- niass;_ and beyond human power to Saito:it. Hew the fire originated_ 14 a mystery. Mr. Shoebottorn; the owner, whe removed to Kincardine last fill after : the close of the apple season,: tiaa been in the villagethe past.:week _making, some repairs to the machinery- and getting' , ,o -der this I C. _T. U, • will be held:in the 7. Se t ul was almost repitition of ithe Oat; and took only.e few num land the :pull and -prize to Ripley 'team, by a,.. score • two to - The Ripley- boys were Captained D. McKenzie; and '• the:Under- Weed-teal, by Mr. John McDougall.: Their :'names are t_ - . • • • . .pennie.. jean CaMp:MoorionouqauipJohn . moKenzi*- •Alex MCIntyr Angus..MaIcinfiOn, Ed Cars.diee.-- .D McArthur - Alex McKenzie McKenzie-- •McDonald.r.•-r- •.: . Alex .Mcriertion'Pau McDona111 awinlmoDonig.:: - Multdocli. -Paid McLnnafl Pushing:the Work • . The bricklayers and st3nemass0ns- working at the new brick' blook at the corner of.,CaMpbell and- - streets are -pushing the work along very rapid-. and in a couple of months . the entire work will have. been completed; The.Werkmen have almost - completed the large addition over Mr. J. Elliott's stores and.tthe pa5nters are now putting -c-J the finishing touches, apii already it looks- well. 'And. .greatly improves.: the appearance of the main street. Messrs. t liff.and Foster and Mr. W... Stewart have also had large additions. built to their factories and . Mr. D. McDonald is having:a large new barn erected at the rear Of the Lucknow 'There - has been more bindings. erected and :other Improvements made in Lucknow._ this isogon.. than has _taken place in - the nil. by • • Kincardine; 2nd Little, Lucknove 3rd T Little, Lucknow.. Hurdle Race, lst prize $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2.—lst J 2nd M O'Neill 3rd C •Fritz. 100 Yards Rice; ist prize $5, 211 $3, 3rd $2.--lst C - Fritz, 2nd Dan . Angus. Martin pan Ross- 14:McLennan After the tug -Of crowd left .the groUnd . - O'Neill 3rd *J. Jones. • • •• a Cominercial Travellers' Race, Valu- able Special Prizes.--lst J. D.. Wright, London ; .1) Wilcox, London... • Amateur- Race 150 yards. Valuable Special prizes.—ist F. Sterling, Wood- • stock; 2nd. -A McTavish, Ripley; 3rd H Boyle, T.Jondon.' - wars the large alltborougbly Oi.tiSfied they tea witossod .tbe,:finest -gaMet. .'ever :held in. .T,;rtCknO*.i - Too -Much -. praise Cannot to. Chief 3. Brown, Secretary .UalcoMiOn, Mr. 'John linrehisoivand -the. s: -Other --officers, -members -. Of Painp.•Align for -the able nlanaglOperit. aiid mantier which - the Whelp iiregraminS.,:l.*.asi :Carried Out. Pibroch,--lst prize $8, 2nd- .$6, 3rd. $40 -71st R.Ireland, Toronto4 2nd W Thain, Guelph ; 3rd F Riddle. Strath-speyi and :Reel, 1st -Prize $ 2nd $6, 3rcl$4.-4.st R Ireland; 2tid W. Than,' 3rd..g-Riddie. - the village for' many years. Lalla .Berry . leaves Friday for ,a -visit to -friendS : in Buffalo, and -Mist Laura Berry leaves -on the mote day' to -.attend the. Young Ladies College at Whitby. * The anniutl- meeting -.of. the W. • - PRIZE LOCAL. Marches, lit prize 11$4, 2nd $3, 3rd $2.—lst D B McKay, Kintail : 2nd D McKinnon,. Tiverton 3rd Divided , between O. C.,McKenzie, Wingham ; and D McKay Ripley. Strathspey and Reel, 1st prize $4, 2na$2.—lst D B McKay Maraheaand Quicksteps . •1st prize $8,1nd "6, 3rd.$4.7-14 it -Ireland; 2iicl Thai; Geo,. Murray, Toronto. r • • Highland:Ming, Prize $7, tUd _$5, 3rd $3.---4itt Geo Murray, TorOntoi. lud*G. Matheson, .. • 4 Oillie - Callum; _1st pike .$7, $5, 314 $3,—Ist T,Wilson, London Ind F Riddle, Matheson- . Reg. O'TulloCh, lit .prize 'VT., 21d t ' p . . brisitesS,; and had only_ left- home• : by the late train .OnSatlirday.- night; /Or hours 'before 'the fiie. was. discover-: frbelois;:is.4 serious one to :Mr. ShOebOttOta„ ainOtintr itOtit-• ance...-some $49kwill not ;cover:: One.. , 7 third. - of,•IOss. • .the - machinery' etc.-, t•here were ;about 400 6 • picking boxes in the building which. . were also destroyed. - , Vitaa - •-•••avyr fellow's. =Hall -e nes a , , 13th: - the'inembers are respect :regested to :resent as .tir tUlly Officers : o ensuing -year- are to Ise: elected and other .businetia -,of• tance- to be transacted.. • - . • . 1 —Last•Aveek: Roviland--and McKer-: racher Shipped_13 cars.of export cattle 9 ; 2nd D MCKinnori;• Tiverton; , 3rd A Anderson, St i Helens. .. • . Stilt Race; (Stilta.3-:.fee0,- .1s ' prize.! $4; :Mid:. V, ;31,d I.. 8., ,...list.- T - Little, I.L.UcknO.W..; . 2nd.! 13,4UnSt,.• L. &now.. ,!: • - ' ' . - - - ''' -- - • ' -.. 1-. - -.-. - -. 50 Yards Race,..Difernbero - W'. O.'. S. - • -:t . ...1 - ' • over --,50 years, IA0140.834 214.$2,.Sed- $1.--Ist .4. B--'!:Itint0,.. 14CknOW..,.. Ind. V • Patterson,-- --Winglienisi-..- • - WI Taylor, ..Winghsine ...::- .- -..-: -. ,: . .. • - -- .- • . • .i-• , . .-, - .. Higbiaud Fling,: childreni_ lit prize $3,: .20-$2, .3rd .01...114;. Jennie - Mc..- -Laren, -GodiStich.i. 20:Nellie *Laren :::•GOderiC4: ;-, . . 34 - .-lietql., J ' It CMirre14,-.: ,-.1.ciritail.- . 3rd $3.-*-4.st ri_Riddle, 2nd G Matheson, 3rd -Geo Murray. Sailor's Hornpipe,-lst prize $7, 2n $5, 3rd $3.-1.st F A Wilson; 2nell, Matheson, 3rd F Irish. Jig; lab prize $7, 2nd $5, -3rd $3. -1st W McLeod, Seaforth ; 2n4 A Fritzell, Holyrood ; F A Wilson, London. prize $5, 2nd $3, 3rd McLaren, Goderich ; - 2nd Mary K.elly, Galt Hugh Galbraith, London. . . • Highland Fling; under lst Sword Dance, under '18 years, prize $5, 2nd $1, 3rd $2,—lst Jennie. McLaren; Goderich ,..2ndRita Galt ; .3rd- Hugh Galbraith, London.- I. . Shean 'Trews, under 18 years, ...:18t prize $5, 2nd $3, 3rd J:ennie McLaren, -2nd Rita Kelly; 3rd A MC -1 • Muroby. - • • . .Highland Fling,: under 10 years, 10 prize $4,-• 2nd '$3; 3rd Tillie. Austin: • Beat Dressed Highlander, lit prize $8; 2nd $6.--lsb Oapt Hendric, Hamil- ton; 2nd A McPherson,- Lucicno7 ; 3rd G A Matheson,. Harailton. ' 8. -cars from Chostliry, sand • Tre prize $3, r2tid 1?•est Dressed 130, 1st prize $5, 2iid $3,. 314 -.Etnie bittichisen, LiiCknOvi ; 2nd Goo.. INlay,Loudon,Ird- gugh.,Galbraith, London. - no of Uootis. The Newest Styles. The Finest Workmanship. The Lowest' .Prices onsistant with tile Grade of Goeds we offer you. The Sing he smiled a mighty smile And said, I thinkit worth my while To try, suits neat and cheap as those • And ()ever after .wore our clothes. Bed Dressed Highlandsr, without belts or ornaments,. 1st prize $4; 2nd 3 2 d $2 —1st A McPherson,. Ond krit-vw. . 3i -d $.1 lE4t, Goderich, s• 4-4a. • a '