HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-08, Page 44 t it1ZAxU tYXtatz 3. 4. fin LIBERTY TO.%TI:R ANI): TCS ARGUE FRTELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES { - OF CONSCIENCE AYE PRIZE ABOVE ALL • OT ER °LIBER`i~IES • icinow, Sept. 8th 1893. 1HE LOT 'ERY FAKES. should not be hard fcr the 'author- Wei).- uthor:itefi or the Post- Office department,. to .:0 • CREWE John McWhney left for Mani- toba ani 1 We wish him a robs- a few.'day6 ago. :, p easa it time and_ a safe return Mrs 1]lcWhinney has been visions friends in. Stanley:. z each tip e many . prize- ,fakes -which #ior i ish u this : cou-ntry.. Many of. them arae well' CO -Verna- by the: criminal oilt.% Theirprlan is to offer a' prize for: the solution . of some - puzzle,- rebus, Bidden` word, or .for a ;word: building John. Curran's .-arm: still keeps sore A s nail boy, SO of John .Kilpatrick had a narrow escape from drow-Hing_ in. the river where : he was bathing: Quite : a _number ' passed here on their way to the. Catholic ' plc-nc on - - contest: The, terms are usually so simple that anybody of `average _ intel- ligence can:. "earn"` a prize: - -But there aye further. conditions the first, or middle or. last letter - received on . any - even. day Will. get a' special- prize -=at }east, as the: sender learns, ' will be - 43ntitled":-to it onSending as much for Subscribers, pills,; or seed;, and - for ostage and -packing, as the could bought for at ..his . deale2:'s. If he. eta the prize he- s enerally pays full price fore it - Now here is a . game - of Ohance (even if the -men who work the -akes, are honest,. and the_ ambler u .xt:thF.ir n, rcy) for which the Cilmivai Code provides a severe% puntabmeta It certainly -comes . under the section distribution*: of _property --by lot :nor -ticket F' or. any. mode of chance what-- soo ver.". To distribute property. on the chance of which one ofa hunded 6.lettera is -opened first is illegal. Let - the officials_ of the law- =tamp out the whole brood of "swindlers Wednesday last, among others . we. noticed D; McDonald and others from Lucknow. Mrs. Humes, = from Hamilton, : is. visiting her mother, Mrs.., James Mc- Donalda ud other friends in this vicinity,;:. the Owing to the:want of pasture supply of milkto the cheese factory is greatly reduced. LANES 3rt c ot. n Member:$ . ines Oyes nes ill On .:Tuesday evening of last week Several naemters of our .new Court of Foresters paid a visit to their. --brethren -at Dungannon._ Thirteen iron]. this section were present, -eleven mens t rs and. -two. to be presented for initia After the `general routine of business was `transacted up" to. - the initiati t ceremony, the' candidates -were-:.adm the woodwards ted acid -Conducted' .by over the rugged and moat -dangerous:. parts of :the mysterious, pathway, .wishingto : eras-. over which- every :once . p trate the depths 0- our : forest the closea A. must eventually travel.. . f Court,--_ lunch. wasprovidod for the members ..and: thevisiting 'brethren. A few : sp -short ee4hes followed the meet ng ad ,ourned. We hereby express our .gratitude to our Dungan- non . brethr:en and. shall expect a re- t11.' visit - on Some future. occasion, a When: we will endeavour to return in _ rale measure the' kindness expressed on; the ciccasio>; 'of our visit . to Dun gannan .: _ Mrs Hackett, of Guelph, spent; q.; few days. with her -sister, Mrs. -Jame._ his -frictionwith the president o :- a Howard. .- - ; e esition.: W. S. Case, of London, C,onnell,a of Lucknow spent°a, few hours here one evening lately. Miss - Maggie Ferguson, is off' un trip to. Elora and , Peterborough c Our new Court of Foresters to be :known as :Court Lanes,;- is how fully organized.:The -.officer-s are as follo s: : StotherS C. Ba., Bro. W:m- S, Bro. Bros. Dairies Brown ; R. Bro.: B.. -E. Lane R;Qbt: Ferris } F. S., ' Chap , `troy • Treas, Bro. C."Rouse.; _ • ; L. D. Bro -Matthew Wm._:Janntoson - .. Farries ; Woodwards, ` Bros.: James and_-:W.-S..Lane: -Beadles, John Agar . p - utchison tind'.Chaarles McLean .; . H. J.ohnaton, Night of meet- 0. R:, E. C. . ises-:Frid :. of every :month ng,_ _ l7. Mr. S. -Johnston_. has. returned from British Columbia. Married in British Oolurobia Tits future - arm of the Canadian PROFESSOR SHAW, whcse departure from the .Ontario Agricultural Pol- k a has = been looked . for,:'because . of,. g- f that ens Ines • gins institution. has. secured a n w He 'goes - to, the State of Minneso where be 'ha& *lured the Profess ` ship of Ani-111' nin ial Husbandry' -in . State.Agricultural College. ta,' Or'- the PURE RED PAIS u Us,: Locks, UingeS, Paints, Paints, Oils ana Glass GPAPER SCREEN DOORS RAW FELT, TARR D FEL O. F SCREEN WINDOWS BAST EI4OUSH. PARIS T' is annatced that: Sir' Sohn. Thompson and : several: ofhis collea e - address meetings, during the latter wi part of September and early in -October xin the following constituencies . North Waterloo, South Perth, North Perth East Bruce South Grey, North- Bruce, North Wellington, Haldimand and. Monk, East. Elgin, Kent and. Bothwell _ North _Middlesex, West Huron an East S.imcoe Volunteers is. to be the- Martini -Mete - lord rif ie. it- is. generally' considarei the:very but o' the: single- shoots' an_d ;to have awe adva•ntage avei the magazine rifles which, were chosen for the. English : _mid: Continental -ar hies because- of- their quick firing capacity. . The Martin% Metf.ord. Small bo-: riffle, - with so small a .tri jectory that it is red point blank up to five hundred yards: THE:: Royal Baking_ Powder Co .spends- X600, 006 =annually Vin -adver-- - tising :and this is what theiradver- tising manager says.-coneernin the =_ value of country papers "The-- c The local weekly is = an . excellent medium. It- The following is . taken from Chilliwack Progress and: refers : to the m, rraga- of, Mr..Max. - Stevenson, j r• formerlt of this . fiilage : X ... , y pleasantt-affair `took. place ab the:. res d - enc :of fir. Bartlett last. Wednesday 'g y. ono a daughter Nina was - rhen:.hu .. - Married to •Dior. -ell=Steventon. of this- town. Tho guests began to arrive early in the :afternoon and at .3 oo'clo vk= oit le -stood before the Re the haPP1- BP - J. A. Logan, who performed. the care- mon Af ter congratulation$: -a- laPr d- company -sat .down -to: a bountifulle -dic4 repast. -...The ` bride.. was =- the - recipient of a number Of useful presents` 'OH R WAN THE' ,OIL THE 3RD ;DIVISIOdNtiO to coin= N Lucknow Pale School, • "Applications `received: mence October .. lot. ualfi State. salary :an d: qualifica- tions. Sept, 15th. • tions.: , .g McINT s OSH. Secy - 'C1 LIKE A MALL BE i Canad.a srea3 Great . • isread carefully, advertisements and all.' ' It .. is ,kept in a prominnet position in the family, circle all the' week,- and is read -by every one. The large weeklies issued . from the prin- cipal cities, and that go ell over the country ;' I do'not consider so valuable, *_ their circulation is spread out over but the country a wide.. territory,'. - • weekly covers _: a particular :.: sect • on i i)i =,ugh y. _ .The difference between riot two is like the difference between a sprinkling and a- deluge Thu bride and groom drove -into- to i in the evening and: were =received .with considerable demonstration,. - -Both are-: and -have well 'and favorably known, the=best wishes. of the community_,_, in which the Progress joins." WALKERTON One of the `prisoners, a poor old fellow, whose principal crime - was P overty, ;_died in the jail 'here .-last • week.: An inquest -was -held verdict, ; death from inflamation. ' No _blame attached to anyone. —If your uncle has-- an -:aunt . who has a ne ,Phew whose w=fe has a cousin that .is married to _an . old friend of our wife's -sister.,, 'whose.. grandfather . y town with an used to Jive in thesame ..._.. d schoolmate _of' yours whose sori-in- Ull. JV • Facelling ad tithe 4 Stabtes f New Cattle } Sheds And many other Improvements ' SPEOjAL ATTRACTIONS Ge VAf R AND ° BETTER TNAH EVER:: TiIB rEOFLES GREATEST APiPQITAL. oirril%G • Cheep Xlenr lone an All Railway •1. & WITHROW B.:J. HILL pseeidet I Min.. Toronto.. OlISE Alia aT • - navy lives in Ghica o, -. you should at ,once renew 'your.acquaintance with a 'view of: 4-v3 ; hotel. bills while a at the rorld's Fair. _ This:: is the advise Of some who have been there.._ Walkerton is to be honored : politic- ally this month. Tuesday the ..l9th, . Hon. 7 • red Laurier is to be here ilf and deliver an address, -. and .Thon Wed- nesday, he 27th.Sir Johnomsera will do likewise. . . P It: is no .small thing to -have two of the foremost men-in Canada to enlighten the electorate _ f County : Town and vicinity.an ..I 'the: Co Y - each - other within ten days.of etoo:a Dir. Elliot, teacher An the _ high' ... .. school here, was: offered lately a position _. in the Brantford : 'Collegiate Institute at a :salary, of .:$1100, but. .owing to a difficulty in arranging .t4 fill his .place here he declined The rate of tax in the -town for this year is two cents on the dollar. . • SALESMEN WAt ED - R RESENT TIM -SALE of A rIi I; = cho ce line . of -Canadian Grown. Hard . ry , We want Stock. -Experience got necessa offer ,;e per= real workers Audit; all etc: good we_ with manent situation-: "at- 6 g _ o we .now have. chance of advancement..A.on. We can give over '100 acres under cultivati . - edvantages. our salesmen many: superior also: desire to secure.* good man in your ra Pump,, for district to Bel): the .Rotary` ,p agencs... This: ir_ Which we have the goner nazge to the farther something new and.i#ndeep or fruit :grower, • : erns and. testimonial cir3ular Bead fort _ _ . TN f TON. Nurserymen• Tomato HOUSE IS SITUATED) ON BOB TIIE Streef Lucknew; is -two story high,,aud etc., and. is in contains seven rooms; Kitchen taand a half good pe► .. The lot contains . p um and acres, with small orchard of app e, st welld cherry' trees, small.fruits eto. drive -shad and and pump,. with large ba be other outbuildiLgs. /The a comfortable ictalb s sold cheap, and anyone desiring ;Fol .further would. do well to see this place. particulan apply to . MRS. THOS. 1020.13uckBURnowNS .-.Itch : on human : and all animals. cured. in 30 minutes by Woolford's 'Sanitary _ nitar Lotion. eWar ,anted byB. ; £ Oongram Druggist . >ersa for -- Books, orclers, for special foots xn ort from AIN reoeir prompt and care- - ful Bt n Uon. _ Imports FARM FOR SALE Waw.appsla, contambig 100 acres, fair buildings, 35 acreE; of growing tiraOt y 'and balance under], grass. Will be at low figure. -APPlY to GEO. ttIA.IR cf; CO Bankers, Lucicnow. FOR Huron township containing 200 acres; with,first-classbuildi'ngs, for sale at a bargain: .