HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-08, Page 1A Good Advice To TatmerS,_ Don't buy your.. flay Vork rope or any kin& of Harvest Tools -U1 iron see vrhat _ - TAYLOR On do for. you • VOL XX.— 3900. lbs. ynal Iiioitintsirattott 4000. His: mixed., rags . *anted. firtiliissT • PRICE pAID FOR ALL KINDS IX TRADE AT - .1 TAYL911. TICIIN ITV, ONTARIO FR SEPTE pE.Tts. 0 1023 I .-LUPKNOWis.L Qapija _up _ Reserveriittid Total- Assets' Proident--JOHN STUART. Vis:e President—A. G. Maus. S1,250;0-00 6659;000 167,979;646 _DIRECTORS INo72aciaroit, WM. GIBS0N M. P, GEO:.RoAcF A. Ti Wool); A,. B. LEA:. (Toronto). — Cashier --;-3. TURNBULL. .-_/3411719Gg 110 to 3; Situr; dcy's. 10 to 1. Deposits; of $1 and Upwards repeived. and interest allowed.- . • -'SPE,CrA.L DEPOSITS also received at ctir- reat rates -of interest. • , - MAIMS on Great. Britain.: end the. United Rates boughtand Sold. - JBROIVN, Sv13-A.GENT. - DENTAL D. S. Wingliam,.will be in -Lucknow the- Second And fourth Fri - dal? an Saturdak of each month. Good -seta . • .60,10. -Filling and- extracting a sPeoialty Mae at _Cain's Hotel. LEGAL A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, .Conveyancer., etc., (late of _aileron, Holt & -Cilmeroni-Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. • 11 -M�RBISON, Arrirommr.. AT law, Solicitor in CancerY. Convey - vicar, , CoMmisioner, etc. Office. over the l*rber shop. . ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS. tell, Solicitors,- etc., Goderich, Onto- . T. GARBO*, Q.C, Wm; Psolimoor. 13AINKgRS, r itoktQW.13EiScing.P9MV LuckNooi Avf /Pit, 1893 TO THE FARMERS: Wetit-generally one or More fermis in Kinloss, Huron, Ashlield and Wawanosli- townshiPs for .sale. Parties desiring to buy will will consult their Own interest by. calling on Os' as we sell cheap. and on easy -terms to suit: the purchaser. . . • ' We have $75,000 to lend On fizst -mortgage on good tsrm-or Village 'property at from to 7- per dent, interest rate _ seCording to. size of loan and security offered. - - We alio lend small amounts On second snort - gage on. fanilS and thilt chattel Mortgage: • • e --do .a general banking bnahielis. . issue. dri; ts Oiyable through -out Canada and the' United States and make collections .on all points, bicluding Western States.: Manitoba, and North West-. . The collection Of -notes and accounti:Will reCeiitspecial attention. Lending money on farmer,s notes -a speciality. Iii our savings -department we allow 5 per cent interest on -small deposits.- . • . We effect Insurance -on all classes -ot b ings, either -in Stock or Mutual:Companies desired. Nene but first class: -COMPaniio rep- resented,. • qEo..-4; SIDDALL, Manager MEDICAL . • . 1 R.- EL-1110XL ()FPI= AND RSI- Idence, Outram street, second door tiorth- (4 Little's shoe store,- -- R. TENNANT; P HY SIC IAN, JJ Surgeon -and Accouchene. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. °Wel:Lours from 9 to 1 a. nu, and from 2 to 5 p.m. . lelcD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. • M.S.,- 31:C.P.S.O., ',Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Olin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, toutn of D. R. McIritosh's store. „ R. D. GEDDES, - V. S., CALLS either- by thin -or telegram promptly atended to. - Charges moderate. • Beiddence, Outram street,- opposite Dr. Elliott's and Decona door north of Sznnur.'office. MUSIC LESSONS* ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND s twEILP14. - Telephone sro, • S, A. 14,74atMSTROPTO -IS rim Pared Co give leSsons-in vocal and In- strumental music. .. , Boidence—Campliell St., Tit:Anew. SOCIETIES cHuRcil:DIREcToRy. GATHERING THE -,FA OF Tli OUS .PIPERS BAND jag TTE1tDANCE. NEARLY 7000 -ststtou's - - 1\!GLISII CHURCH !--SERVICES 11 a. nt:- and 6130 .p -ta.: 'Sunday School, 2230p. m., Superintendent, -Wm. S. Hohnee. Adult class every- Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Bible .and prayer book lesson's.. All are welcome.: bru-ss. Pastor. . • TOKNOW MECHANICS.' INSTI- . . 1.41- tute. Reading room open everyevening from 7 to 1.0.0-, in., excepting Saturdays ,when the hours will be from 2 to - 6 p„. en, :The 'librarian will be in attendance durivg these ..1tOurs. • 'J. MuncHisot. Presifeit -1 G. Minmoozt. Secretary. wiTNpss THE 0 Canada, I loe" e weel, Litho' :me son thine;' Within thy wide pomain there beats Nee' truer -heart than mine. But when #- da • Auld Scotia The -thistle awe I'llgangtaefl like this comes roun' her clam, s, coma uppermost : the gaiies. T,he Tuesday evening - - proceeding the ganies has- long been reeog: -nixed AS the -11 big • night". by: the -citizens Of the village, and everybody goes to Meet the late train. • 'Ori - this -,generally :arrive the athletes, dancers, etc.; and friends and citizens of former days who annually 'come back to. re- new .Old 'acquaintances- and . see the sights. the coining: of the Unions Piper's. Build of the 48th Highlanders added greater- interest to the •occasion than usual; -and an immense crowd assembled atthe: station to welcome., them. The splendidbrass band of the: village, under the _able. leadenship- of • Mr. J. W. Armstrong, . and which.hisdibeiin playing to our citizens. since early In the -evening, Started for the station about ten 'b clock. ;king before- the arrival of the- -train, the platform and station grounds were picked with people. .. all anxious to get. silOoli_at. the "brim kilted ted- dies .11 As the: train steamed ia the pent-up enthusissin of the crowd, burst forth in ringing cheers, :wliioh together with • the .playing of the bands;- the. drone of the pipes; the glare of .rooketsk; Boman candles, and other • fire-Worlwo, Presented .a Atone thet.tiurpasked anything we boys:ever witneseed.. Truly It was tigiland and stininif sight, and one of the visiteri. exclaimed this • is a genuine old' time :Caledonian:. Night!: The flits coaches on the train were filled to the and as the liing_ mass poured forth and joiniid the already big crowd on the platform; it .was .altnost impossible to I-get:through it. • A pro. cession was then formed, and heeded by the Lucknow Brass band and the Pipers of the 48t1a • Iiichlanders, marched down to -the centre of the village'where the - crowd soon ersed and . all- retired to .rest with the earnest hope that it might .ba: a fine day to -morrow." - Tag GAMES. • So Wrotiti "the. Bard . and -so for nearly: twenty .iears whet the Slogan has•iniUndel the sientiminti-..abOvit ex- pressed, have &in& - vent in an alp :UST gathering 'at -Lucknow. • flrwas,. away bach- in .1875 that- a fis*- thusiastic ScotehMan ; conceived ths.. idek of holding such gatheiing, and - with More lenthiutiastii. tan nanAerii, • • cash or experience; • VIlie Aria pines were held,-:nride'r tIeauspices of of the Lucknow - ociety.: Such progratnren•of sporti was a "novelty sound - .the OVAL ORANGE • LODGE NO: 428, - holds its reviler monthly meetints in the e HallCampbell Street, Lucknow. on iuesuy-!nrenings. on or before the fan moot: Degree night setalnd Tuesday evening follow- ing full moon.' -141-yisiting brethren cordially. - invited to the rneetIngi. - A.Naus MCKErars, • A T DAvrosoic -Secretary.:: - • 0. G. T. SEPOY LODGE, . NO: 384:• . meets in the south end Lodge Boom. In the. Temperance. Hall, Lucknow, -every I Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, D. K. W33- , FMB, -O. T., B. IKAtRERS,.SeC. GENERAL r • • ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE --security for any time,at the lowest rate Of interest. 'The principal may, be . paid at the -end of the time, or a part of the piaci.; lval may be paid each year, interest ceasing on .the &Mount paid, For further particulars, etc., apply to-Ayous SitivAuT, Lucknow. _ . • T. V.— The regular „monthly - 4 meeting of the Women's Chtisban Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd -Fellows Hall,.Lucknow, at 3 p. m. lass. W. H. SMITE., President; MRS. HORNELL, Secretary, • in their hall, Campbell cordially invited. J, We WILSON, Recorde _G. T., Re TIME TABLE' Trains leave Lucknow for South. at 558 a m, 10:48 am. and 6:15 p. m. North at 12:35 -I.; m., 4:02 p. m. 'and 10:28 m. LUCKNOW Lodge,No.112 meets every Friday evening.at 8 .o'clock - _street. .All brethren Rietiot,- N. Grand; • , ibroch se far from his native land, • thrilled the blood ajnd stirred the heart of 4 the old - Highlander . with memories of • long ago, and the green hills_far away. ' Thl garb of: old Gaul I captivated the fair sex, and the 1 - dancing of 'children; tI.e keen compet- itions 0! .the •.world's . best ' athlete's, the . tug -�f War between Huron and s Briice, -enlisted, the sympathies ankproirsd an enjoyable entertain- ment .for all classes of people._. The Games proved a success. From small benginnings the -Society ' grew until its membership was dray! u. from all parte of the Proince. ' The Ohm:- ings increased in magnitude and in- terest. and were so iiiiuniformly"success- ful that their repute tion became co tinential, and , the..day was recognized eterywhere•ss the SCotchnian's..ilay in Canada. •I - The .1 heritage of ueb..a reputation was ganerouslY transferred last . year to a 'newer . organization=... -the' Sons of Scotland., * Thisis a fraternal Sodetj., , . 1 e insurance and ts members and a taste for liter ts . and- passtiraes 1 Camps „of the organizedl in the and .: Bruce, the ThE SUBSCRIBER : MAS OPENED AN Aloe irk the bantling. ea*. - .• . 'Print* OiSia. ; .tIMORTGAGES ND WILLSA AGRE*2.. NTS,.....-BONDO.- "MAA DEEDSSS_ . --datEFt'LLY - FittPARoo. -maiicapeenicatioss,and:estimitep for build , _ - - lugs,mills,:bildges, etc., furnished . - • ,COURT Ads Sherwood; No. 50, Lucknow. 2ifeet!. every.first and third Monday- in. every Month, in. the Ov-, inge hall. _ • ing brethren a r 7 0 Molininni 0. R. p. D. Tula Sze: on short notiee. JAS. SOMERVILLE. -Lucknow. San .1821. - :THE PARK Everything was soon in order to carry 04 the .splendid list of attractions that had been -provided,- and a better and more intereating programmeof piping, dancing, athietic sports, etc., was never presented to the people' of . this continent. • The list • included 'forty -So events. for which nearly $1000 Was -given in prizes I together . with Many beantifiil medais, etc., which ',Vera generously donated to the Society i by Captain D. M. Robertson, of the, -748th' Highlander Toronto•.; Hon: J. C.- Patterson, ,W4t Huron; O'Conner,M, P.P., Walkerton, 3`16nes RoiI •And M.P West'Bruae. 3 _ • on$ the• , DisTiNGUAEHED viritHTOBE - On the ground we *noticed. Captain 4endrie, Toronto; . Capt. • D. M. Robertson, Grand Secretary Sons of 'Eleotitid, Glengarry; J. D. Clark, FiditOrliondon Advertiser; Dr. Mel- Outn, Viightm ; Dr, McCrimm.on,. Epchiet of the Lucknow Caledonian Skialety, Underwood;•Reeve D. Mc Naughton and •_Peputy- Reeve Nell. - McDougall, . Bruce Township; Reevet John McKellar, Tiverton.; Reeve S., Hawthorne, Greenock; Deputy Reeve,. Tease McClure, Fildersle; Reeve Wm. - McIntosh, _Arran ; :Peeve -Alex._ Stewart, . West WawanOsh ; Dr. D. of The :Dalles, Oregon; Neil Lamont, Kincardine •' Peter Corrigan, and .Deputy-Rieve Alex Nicholson, Kinloss; John McNeilladge'Bruce; W. U. Little, Milverton; ;Dr. A.. Elliott, S. Tennant Dr. D. M. Gordon; James-. Somerville, village J. 0; McLeod, Harriaton ; J as. Me- Afpine, Brussels; R. Marr, • J. A. Mo. ,Gillo Walkerton; Robert Walker, :Kincardine ; D. --McKenzie, London; A. 6. Stewart; Editor Teewswater iVews and others. • • • THE 7Roquuton. Opened - with. s. Scotch Reel on the _large platform inthe centre of the grounds and throughout the afternoon' -the lovers of Scottish- 4sncing had a -I nt 0 Pt re opportunityir..fullest c atpo ec tfohremSbeles better tallant had never. attended the games than on this occasion. We have not - time to Specially mention the different events but refer-the'reader to the prize 'list for final results. Those taking part were T. A. Wilson, Elgin, Illinois; G. A. Matheson, Hamilton; Wm. Mc- • Leod, Seaforth,; •Frei Riddle, Mon. treitl ; Geo.. Murray, Toronto; John Rothsay, London • .j. Fotherin.gham, Strathroy.; .W. Templeten, London; John Austin,. Kintail ;i T. Wilson, 'Hugh Galbrath and Peorge May London; and Erin. Fitze0, Holyrood. While the .. • To the great delight of the expect- ant thousands tb.a morning Of Wed-: .nesdayhrolte-, bright aid clear, *and: everything .pciinted.to-a fine .day.,In this they.: .were not. disappointed: • for throughout the whole -day- the weather was all that was . desired. From early 'morning the crowds continued pouring into the village from the surrounding townships, and the hapast ten train from Kincardine and Ripley brought 9 - in a. tremendoun• Crowd, *while the ex- cursions on. the. •London . Huron and:, Bruce and this Palmerston trains were ilso crowded.- with sight -s2ers. By! -eleven o'eloTek the village . was literally : in the hand .01 the.. visitors, and the main' street Presented A; lively scene. The Crowd'. was _certainly the largest _that has gathered here " for many years and indeed - many -Claim it Was eve!, if:not-greateir than any previous •oopasion, and within, the mark when. we say 7,000 strangers were prssent."- - • . organilid. :to •provi ...other .1betiefits for. socially, to oultiVat attire :and the spo of-SCoianci,. Saver Order having- been 'counties of Huron. possibilityof uniting the forces in holding a representative -gathering. was suggested by McPherson Camp, of Kin- eardine; Theideawaseherishedandwith the approval of representativeii, .pior moted and carried out by Albyn Camp, LucktiOW. -The fit* gathering Under, these i auspices:held list . year WO- mar.; . red by most.. unfavorable weather, but ; with Itilat Scottish determinatibn that know's. no defeat, preparations were Mad.e for a.More rnagnificent , gather- ing, which resulted in that .thist sue- cessfiil demonstration on Wedrieridgy last. 1 - •The officers And ninlbersWp of Albin Camp, which includes also. Mr A. McPherson and D. • D Yule 'Chief - and Secretary • respectively, Or. :- the CaleilOnian Societyhave giveln• their Farmers, look to your Own . interest an insure- your farm buildings- and - private dwellings in the. LONDON MUTUAL. -No larg6Premiuni Notes requ.fred - • 0.11.W. liCtOKN.Dmr• LODGE -OF the Ancient Order United Workmen, • meet In in the Oddifellows hall, .oitthe last and Second Monday evenings of each' month eight o'clock. - Visiting brethren firrita. A McPMcssoN, Matter WeriglOgm‘ R. D. CIAmEaolir. Recorder, - • CASH SYSTEM : 50 cent iii to 90 cents per $100 .for three years, -.- JOHN LANE AGENT. KINLOUGH. Also agent, for the Phoenix,- of London, England. ; Shortly. after 12 o'clock the var- ious Camps of the Sens of Scot- land and others -assembled at the . Town Hill and formed into_procession and .marelted to the Caledonian Park in the following order: • beat , efforts. to Making MOB _ gathering - - - -I a - ttioroughly. :representative one for the Sans of Scotland ,in . this rDistrict, 00 • and!. one with - 'iwhieh..no .membier. 'e -From. $15 to §20 1 wood:: feel ' aiihamed. to olefim. bow neetioni ... Whether:•_ these .-_gathetitigs . per week are; he14- id.ifUture *lei': the 'harmort E,LLING- OUR HAitOY_ CANADIAN I.°°°" c'''''Ve (iti'ti of 9 -"we in the 1°14": ..- crown Nursery ,Stock Highest salaries ..trict,:OX.,by -.iittifir aiganizatibus, -ippr- or bommission __ris :14.-Wreldy. COMPLE'rE: tain it;ig that ex - .ii_ie-xr0 mapagemAnt- beginners.: -..Write this week for tons to, .. . always •insnresi ' the ' siecest . of .the. OUTIPIT . FREE. - SPecial instrUctiens to 2 a GRAHAM. NusszipritAlt,. • always Xsittliern Caledonian' ':- Galterj •- Toronto, Ont - .i ing at .- Lucknow. STANDARD BEARERS' With Flag of Scotland. . Mounted ifeashals Hugh Morrison and D Geddis. Pipers Band . of the 48th liktlandet 4 Bennie Jean Camp, Ripley (3-7 1.ef. J Beavie r- Sec: john licRitc131e. , - Rosyla (*tip; Tiverton . Chief JulL 'McKellar; Sec., I) E mc-LaurEtt. Camp, Underwood Dan McNaughton; Sec., J McKay Caledoria Oamp, Winghani. Chief Dx. Meldrum. Alb.' Camp, Lucknow . Clt'ef.. 3 C.Brown; Sec;, A Mak meson, I . Loohitagar Camp, Wererton • Ch!efRobert Mari; Seq., .3 A MoGT • Luckuow Brass Band .1ilighland Pipers Chicken:in Costuni4 Itighk,ndets in Costt:ine 3.t4 d Gnats .(iitVena • LADY DANCERS Were the Misses May Matheson, .• Asinilton; Annie and Tena McMurchy, Kintail; Jennie and Nellie McLaren, Proderich ;. Szott, Stnithroy ; Mary paid Rita, Kelly, Galt; S. Garr" Galt; _Tillie Austin, Kintail ; Annie Patton, -ndon ; Carrie.Garrie, London,. Among the • I • - NOTED ATHLETES , Present were C: _Currie, Parkhill; 'Arehy Scott,. Strathroir ; M. O'Neil, Ri4getown; • J. O'Neil, Ridgetoyvn ; -C. Fritz, Dashwood; D. McCall, Parkhill; J. S. McDonald, Parkhill; J. ' Jones, Crediton; Hugh Boyle, LOndon;. J. .Downie, London ; Jos,. Kerr, Lanes; F. -Sterling, Woodstock; Al McTavish, R1131444' D. Goodwin, Kincardine; W. Whalen and others. ,THE PIPEES. !Never,in Or history of the great, Nedonian igatherings at Lucknow, did the pipers create such enthusiasm -as . that produced by .the famous Piper's • Blind* of the 48th f Highlanders on . Wedneiday. From .1 their arrival in the village on Tuesday night till. their departure .on the half pad ten :train 1 on Thursday morning , chef were ad- mired by everybody, while their ' splendid playing awl. noble bearing called- forth round , after -round of applause from the entire audience. The procession -reached neailly half It was the . finest ' 'attraeion ever a mile in length and as it winded its, *ought to the village 111,d the excite - way . down the main street to the soulment they caused and the scene pro. stirring straini of the Pipers of „the Auced as the ,sturdy, fellows marched gallant 48th gighlanders, it Was an round the ring was., atone worth the inspiring andimposing sight, and far , full price of admission to the grounds. surpassed anything ever. before wit- The band consists of ,seven pipers , ,. •- . . s. nessed. in the _village. OA -reaching • (Contiwilisi on LOcrl Paget) -. c'•• ,