Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-01, Page 5• 0 = ASHFIFLD . e The above outer.' lv :., embers al - -resent, minutes: • of- prey. ions meeting read and approved. Treasurei:'sr- .'statement j as read . sh ow= ing a balance en band of $754.59.: The following -cheques were - issued •rA 1_. :Henry,- for. gravel, .$17.60:; -Geo. Graham; - culvert, on S. Boundary, $4 ;= John Black, rep. road, _ con, 2-..-50c;; - 'Dan. Campbell, f gravelling - eon. 12, $40; A. McBurney, Insp. gravel,_ $2.62- , -Sohn McLennan, : --work' at ditch on. B; hill, $2.50 ; "Alex.. Mc- ' Kenzie, rep. ditch -On - lot bridge, .$7..40 John_ Johnstone, rep, - . con 12, $5 ; JacobMiller,- gradin -and. gravelling, S. IL, -9 and. -10,_ -$30.52, alai rep. two bridges "on. N -B. $32,. and grading and rep. two- culverts on R. 3 and 4, $17.20`; ;Jia Kilpatrick,: grading S. R, 6 and 7,-443.60.; _R. Twarnly, for gravel, $3.36 ; A..Stuart, Joifellipg snow at Glenn's- hill, $4 o. - Johnston, plank, $2 ; Wm. John stone, drain, $2 ; J as.. Holland;. rep. . culvert, con: 2=and 3, $1; _Jas, Alton,' .gravel, $8.:72.,• Rr. Fiaagan, rep, bridge con. 6, 50c. R Reed, . pipe across road,` S. -R.,_ R a' and .-4,. $1.50; Pat. Doyle, rep, culvert, on D. L $2; Jno. Stevenson,: = for timber,: and rep. to culvert',- con.. 3, $5.65. Jas. Sinip son, - for insp. gravel,,. con -3, . $7.50`,•:- Jas. Kilpatrick, .,gravelling _con. 5, $89.92 •, Thos 1liurphy, inv. :gravel, con.. 6, $6:88 , ,F. Cunningham, rep. bridge,- L. -R., -$3;; _Thos. Dalton, pulley: block, .$2 ,, -Jas. Garret„ grading and gravel ling: 'Port -Albert- hill_, $80.; Patriek N% an, gravelling con. 9, $96.85 r' Tls: "O'Reilly,. insp. gavel con. `9, : 16:79- flea HaWki_ns, insp.. Port Albert.. hill, $2.50 ; Thos. Sullivan, towing statute :labor `teams, $6 ; Mr Henning, hour -to= Currie $1.80 Thos: Dickson, -cedar ; stringers - for • Carrick s',brdge,:,$l2 88 ;. Jer. Alton • for get€ing . out • -and- delivering the. . .23 895... s 4I :T9 ERTEM - BER LANADA'S FAVORITE EXHINIOli ESTAntisliED 1868. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Entries Close September Tth The best and largest Stabling and- S allotted on receipt of Entries, SETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Than ever 'before. gPECIALEXOURSIONiFISOMAIZ POINTS ►ezkov_ tor, d other - tested remedies SPECIFIC ANWAl TIl OT -Fag-- - . Impure, Weak . and - "Impoverished Blood; -Dyspepsia,_ Sleeplessness,. Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Goss of Memory,Bronchitis Consum tion, . Gall Stones, .-Jaundice -: - Kidney and 'Urinary Die - tutees. St. Vitus* lance, Female Irregularities and -General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint -bottle. LLBOBATOBY .• - ,GFODEBICH, ONT. J. M cLEOD Proprietor and Manufacturer.: :Sold by Tarry Daps\ and.A. B. Congram, Druggists. -�I.nucknow.� Snake o selection Is� the place to y S & . � ..RRO�C ER 1E . �iSSWARE . �R�CKER I have in stock the following Apples Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot . Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Coffee Confectionery Claimed Goode Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned -Corii meal Currants Currie Powder Sream Tarter Dates CANAPIAN Dried Apple Extracts Figs Fish, dried Gelotine Gingers Hope Honey Ink Indigo y Licorice - Lime Juice Lemons Lamps ' Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Muatard Meats, canned Magnesia Noon° iira att, incxgea segestao: • Oil, sweet Oil, olive , Pails Rent - Pickles Peas, canned Rice Sardines • Senna - Sugar Syrups • s!n: PROV1 NS Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, cantle . Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes, canned - Teas Tobaccoes . Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets *Yeast Cakes - 'Dinner Sets Tea Sets - Water Sets Cream Sets Berry Sets Toilet Sets -No.. 1 Flour.always on hanati dOods.delivered to any part of the town. The throtigh Colonist Sleeper wIll'be tacheclto-train leaving Lucknow at 10:48 FEB APRIL APRIL • Arriving in Toront6 in time: to -connect Bay. ancl C.P.R. There will also Dr. McKay, examination of the Cur- rie family, $5 ; David Henderson, for Moggagh, for- gravel, .$5,60, 'also for shovelling_ gravel, $2 ; -David Mc- Illwain culvert, con... 1, $6.50; -Charles O'Conner, gravelling at Fort Albert $2.50 ; -H. -Drennan, gravelling con. ttrong, gravel, ‘' -Johnston, Johnstone, for gravel, 84.132 John B17.2v , Misner, wood to Mrs. Griffin, $1.28 ; John Stevenson, gravl- ling con. -3, $35.30, also gravelling. con, 3, $99 ; Roderiek McKenZie, rep. Carrick's.bridge, $21 ;- Mrs. Clare, for _gravel, $2,24 ; Dr: McKay, service on Health, 835. Geo Hawkins re - posited _this . amount 'with the Treasurer ; D. McKay, insp. gravel oon 10, n.25 ; Wm. Sathieson, cover- int- culvert, $2, ; D. McKay, for team work at Carrick's bridge, $1.50, also for gravel- and rep. culvert, $3.. By-law No. 6 was read leaving a . purposes 'and 2 4.10 mills on the $ for for spccial school purposes providing for the amonnts required by the tills- . -tees of the different sehool eeCtions'in 1 RSIONS Return Itatep to Estevan Deloraine Binscarth Reston Regina - Moosejaw Yorkton aigary Prince Albert rnonton T SOUTH AN STOMACI-11 AND LIVER The wionderfal.HEALTH BUILDER a NERVE Chismio Diseases are caused by Deranged Nerve Centres ATE diseciveries have absolutely proven that the Stomacn, 'Aver, Lungs, and indeed all internal organs, are dontrolled by- the merve centres at the base of, the brain. The manu- fiettirer -of SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE has studied this gubjeet closely for more than twentrfive years; and has lately demonstrated -#1at two-thirds of our chronic Diseases, are due to the 40.00. TO -LEAVE• ALL POINII'S .14 the PRO- VINCE OVIONTARIO,. ON . .Parties ticketing .from other points should Every Tuesday -during -Mareh and Ainit Baggage checked through •to deatination, !alio through tickets -scads No _ehange of can Considering ,all these advantages ire, es.- pect te secure the -traffic this season. goaany information -.apply to •-•• I 1500 CORDS BARK WANttEEL arrange to arriVe at Toront,o in time to connect - with the 10.15 p.m. train on above dates. ttention. WI,NGHAM TANNING I, CO., will pay $5 -Or cord. for 1,500 porde Ion., lock liark delivered at their tannery, W ;nghini or $4 per cord at I.;ucknovir station. : Parties pealing 15 cords _or ever may 'deliver %One-half . m suramer and ene-half in -winter at the same. To obtain the best prices for your it is to yonr advantage to. use FIN ERPOOL bring it to mayket in roll0 in tubs. Crocks or pils at. this season' ao not b7ng as good prices. perfect action of- nerve centres, either within .or at the base of the brain and- . not from a derangement of the orgapa themselyes • hence. that the ordinary_ Methods -of' treatment are wrong. As all know, a serious inju4r to the -spinal cord, willat once cause Paralysis of the body below the injured part, .1t therefore will be equally well understood; how the derangenients of the nerve centres,. will cause the derangement of the different organs of the body which they supply with Nerve Fluid or Nerve Force. .. . • ' The wonderful success of SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE is dile alone to the faCt that it is based on the toregoing principle. The use of a single bottle of - this remedy will convince the most incredulous. It is indeed, a veritable- . Nerve Food and Will 1 Rellete In One Day the varied forms _of -Nervous Disease. and Stomach Troubles. Tills class of diseases; is rapidly' increasing each year,*on account of the great wear our mode of liv;ing and labor imposes upon the nervous system. Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which - the - human family is heir, are dependent upon nervous xhaustion, impaired digestion, and a detcriora.ted and impoverished conditiOn of the blood. The SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE is a great nerve food and nerve builder and this accounts for its marvellous 'poWer to • cure the varie4 forMS of nervous disease, och as Neuralgia, %. Nervousness Nervous Prostration St. Vitus's Dance, Nervous Choking, Nervous Paroxysins, Twitching of' the Muscles, . 1-1ot Flashes, Mental Despondency, Forgetfulness, Sleeplessness, Restlessness, Nervousness Of Females, .Palpitafion of tlit Heart; Sexual Weakness,- etc., etc., In Bed Sixlre rs HARTFORD CITY, Blackford Co., Indiana, June 8, '93. stating that you had heard of my wonderful recovery , from a spell of sickness of six years duration, through, the use of Sotrrti AmEiticAN NERVINE, and asking for tny testimonial. I will gladly state how I wa.s afflicted and how I was delivered from my pain and suffering. . , I was -near thirty-five years old, when I took down LOST - HERE STRAYED , FROM THE • premises of the Undersigned; lot 1. con€. 3, KinlOsS, on or about the 1.8th of Jime a ewe and two lambs. The ewe is inarkeil by a split in the left ear and a spot of paint on the -hind citarter. The lambs have no mark. only the teal cut off. Anyone Riving such infor- mation as will lead to their recovery_will - the township. . The - .Council - adjourned to meet . acrairt dii the -23rd. day of Sept.. 93 -VOTERS ,—English SpavinLinire.ent removes all hard, soft or_ calloused lumps. -and 'blemishes from herses, blood-..epavin, curbs, splints, -ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen. throat, • coughs, etc: Save 850 by use of one bottle._ Warranted by A. B. Congrani. —Rebecca Wilkinson, of BroWn-s- distressed condition for three Years frorn Nervousness; Weakness - of the Stomach -Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health_ was gone. I bought one bottle of South A-merican Nervine, w ch done me more good__ than any $5, worth of doctoring I ever- alas in my life. I would advise any weakly pOrson to use this valueble and. lovely remedy. I consider it, the granddst medicine in the world." A trial bottle will convince you. _ Warranted Lelads'thern all for' LIST --1893. OWE IS IT-FIREBY• GIYEN THAT peraCtis mentioned . the third- and- fourth -sectiOns of the "'Voters List'Act" the aCipies required by -said sectien .to-ibe so trintimitted or delivered of tbe.list, gursuant to the Said Act _of all persons appearing by the last ,revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality -at elections for menibera ti) the Legislavtie As"- .seinlalyi. and the municipal elections; and the said list Wag first posted'up in :my offiCei. )34 - fait P. 0.. Ashfield, this 8th day of August, - 1803 and reMains- there for inspection; Electors are called-. t� :examine the said Bat and if any. omiseion or ank other errors' -are found .therein tO take immediate . proceedinge to have the same _errors cerrected according to law. • . Dated -at Belfast this 8th iday.of :August, Groce NNED GOODS. P00114. qrgest Stock; Chotcest Goods, obtainable Lucknow, • 471p• . _with -nervous prostration.. Our family physician treated FROM NERVOUS PROSTUTION. 7:system seemed to be entirely shattered, and I constantly me but without benefiting me in the least. My nervous had very severe shaking spells. In addition to this I would have vomiting spells, fla there would be from eighteen to twenty days at a thne' that I could not retain anything• on my stomach. Many consultations were held by physicians ovei my case, but Oey au agred that I would never leave my bed. During the years flay sick, my folks had an eminent physician from Dayton, 'Ohio, and two frora C,olumbus, Ohio, to come anil examine me. They au saidi could not live, I got to having spells like spasms, and would lie cold 'and stiff for a thne after each. At last I lost the - use of my body *--could not [rise from n4 bed or walk a step, and had to be lifted like a child ; all the time sufferingi intente pain, and taking almost every known medicine. Part of the time I could read a little, and 011e day saw an advertisement of your medicine and concluded to try one bottle.. By the thne I bad taken one and one-half bottles I could rise up and lake a step or two bt being helped, and after *I had taken 'five bottles lin all I felt real well. The shaking went away gradually, and I could seat and dee, good, and my friends could scarcely believe it was I., I am sure this medicine is the best in the world. it was a god -s nd to me, and I 'believe it saved iny life: . Igive ilq name and address; so that if anyone doubts my 'statement they can write me, or our postmaster or any citizen, as all are acquainted with My case. I am now fertpone years of age, and expect to live as long as the Lord has use for me and do all the good I can in helpmg the suffering. , Mbioss EcLuLrEeNy-atorz. A MINISTER' OF THE GOSPEL SPEAKS. Will a retrit9dy which 1:an effect such a mirvellous cure as the a ve, • AUcTIONEER $01,1 PETERBoao, Ontario, june 27-. 184 To the Proprietor•ot South American Nervine. DEAR SIR,—I have much pleasure in recommending. the guat SoPTH AMERICAN. NaavINE to all who area.filicted as 1 have witll nervous Prostration and indigestion. I found vericgreat relief I 11 from the very first bottle which was strongly recommended to me by druggist. I also induced my wife to use it, who, I must say, was coMpletely tun down, and was suffering very much from general debility. She found great relief from SouTH .AmssicAN IsT-ERVIS13, an also cheerfully recommends it to her fellow sufferers. 13 • HORSE EST RAY. ERE CAME TO THE PREMISES of. the: undereigned at the Helyrao-d hotel on Satiirday might, .tbe 26th of- August, -one aked bay horse. with one white hind foot, The' owner- is requested to prove Property, pay ex- - Reuses and take bim away. " : JA.MES D. BAKER- altAf 1 REAL ESTATE!. INSURe -.AINCE AND GENERAL AG ENOIre SALES ATTENDED IN ALL 'PARTS - of the County and satisfaction guaraiit9ed. FIRST-OLASs 1FAFIMS Por sale on reasonable terms. JOHN *GRIFFIN n you want a- first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on . erson, Is dependent on deranged nerve Centres and indigestion. -Hence its cure must come through, bUilding up the Nervous System and, curing the Stomach. SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE Will absolutely cure this dreaded tuala4 and preVent-its return. 0. Tennant's Office, UCKNO