Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-01, Page 4• • • to `LIBERTY TO 'OTTER AND TO AR4i3E. 1RTELY ACCORDING TO TIIE Dief.r 's 6F CQNSCIENOB Wt PRIZE: ABOVE ALL OTHER. ` LIBERTIES ucknoc , Sept. lits 1,893. MUST BE WILFUL • these 13,154 were polled for Sundt a 157 � against, _leaving _ cars :and 14, _ majority for the p antis of 1;003. 'As-- � compared with the vote in. January, 1892.:.there ,was _an. increase .of 2,673 in = the total =number o =ballots, : the vote polled inthat contest having been 24,638. . The figures then were 10,351. for,� ` 287 a g ainst�. . 14 g. Privy- Council's decision. in the 40:se of Golden vs. the municipality of -. ycto�s :N .S ,. is, o of " interest to . M ; ' -Suits there Canadian municipality.:. for - damages arising from _defective, -s a oadwaps . or . sidewalks . have .:become_ eTy common, and the_ heresy that the THE . Monetary 7 innes has :a word of warning to merchants against overlead ng.: : In these times of commercial striYgenc-y-there is a danger:of cheap price$ tempting dealers. to buy too much in -the way of . "bargains" andthus get a stock of unsalable goods which while it becomes :old and ` shop worn eats- their profits :up in •interest. your trade requires,- is Buy only as - good motto, and it is never better than in tines: of commercial stress. trite should :care for'. people- better-- th re.. than they dare for themselves hat ceired uch eupport at the hands of ICianadian juries.. These. claims for d is most popular exhibition in. the t conaprom1se basis, Councils g h - : beautiful newly arrange I es have often been settled on a Dune a sees i would like], province will be held in the most rt d ark on • �jneS 11]. lx1ES 1 a GUELP-B ctivrrRA'L E.X%tIBITI014• nes Jane its,. Lace anise - . � � 'n `that' T• h t a suit the „municipaly P m et the worst= 'Of it, even When -the :Tuesday,edneaday- and: Thursday, get eleine t of individual carelessness. Sept. 19th, -:loth and 21st d fine � programme }as ke ntered largely into the - cause of the and attractive e o e g d. for each of the three. days, damage l'ict�ou had su ere, ,: •. •t -ora may depend. upon enjoy ff d end in arrange that si y this._ -instance doternsned to . see ink themselves: at any oG ::or all of the - days. • The prize list. has been.. the case through .The Supreme Courtis ,now most d the revised, and was against the dcomprehensive :.in a municipali ty, an thoroughly : complete _ _ and. ease .fent ;to the 'Judicial Committee'cuts The.new half mile track departments.:. of the privy Council.. That body `h p'•b ea banked ata . heavy expense has' givena unanlruous decision to tE ayst in • •• file � . .. . -admitted b al1 . to. be without . exception the_be effect that the.verdlct against the �cor . - Besides ; the fine-prO- oration «.as unjust ; that municipal • the province.. contests there p .ries sustain - ,gramme of speeding 1f ities are not lab or min bicycle races, grey_ 'ed througb: � non -repairs of : tile' streets,. houndwill-be Ours nae etc.: and thea many 'bit only for accidents ocka� .Hinges? Paints, s� L Paints . Oils and G ��ass - . - - ± - other features.. Where a determined b - . effort is beine made to .stand in the neulect on -the -part Of the corporation . .•,- to repair -q-ie same. Hereafter in " - front rank.- The most attractive Order to make good a claim for dame- musical organization of the- present prove _that the, itreet or sidewa k was Highlanders, ot Toronto. These' have out of repair, but also that the corpOr- by the kind - per- mission of the Lieut. ation *as, aware. 'of sueh fact and _Col., " been secured; and will be here wilfully neglected to ni*ake the street during the exhibition ,. also the pop- -.itife. ..Thi will_ have the effect Of tiler band of the 30th Battalion. greatly lessening the number of speen.. - The promenade concerts in the park Sept. 19th and 20th will be the rich- est and rarest treats of the season and no one should miss them. .Single fares to the public oss all railways from I.9th to 21st good tcp return on the - D1 PAPER ST A FELT, TARBIE SCREN WINDOWS A IJI-Tiox Prohibition Convention . ottall -the Temperance workers_ in the _ Province of 'Ontario is _called. to meet in the Tea)pera.nce: Hall, Temperance street, Toronto, on TUesday, :Oct. 3rd, cofiro. pencing at 10 a. rn. Every church entitled to two representplives and each church or ''society having more than- .50- i_nemb,3rs z'to an additional - delegate for each .50 or fractional part after the first 50:members. Single fare tickets. will he -issued to, all dale- - first Class ticket; MuSt -be bought at startingx point and a cortifi- -entitle persons to return home free.% SCREEN DOORS BEST4 EtiGUSH P-1RIS ite 23rd, and for judges and exhibitors, on presenting certificate from 15th to 21st. _ Prize lists and all information from Wm. LianLAw, -Sec. Box 579 Guelph P. 0. article in -.-the. Ontario -Medical Journal • suggests that `f the Medical' Act be so - amended as tOlnake it _illegal for any ,registered practitioner. to accept or hold any alppointuIent as physician to - any lodge or society, and that author- ity be given the registrar to !strike off the register -the names. of those Who persist. in holdir.ig these _petations...as CONK EY, president. a chbice line'. of nursery .stoci. Com- plete !outfit free. Good pay,• -from ithe start. Previous experience net ueeessary. J Write at once and secures territory • • ' duct," - The wira pullers of -the pro -1 fession had better not yy that scheme. t They have very important pifivileges now. -Why should not a doctor 'be a pbysiciani And why -should Dr, McKinnon:and his fellow Criist- .-aceaus. have the-uuthority to deprive dense- be.attendsl to lodge imenibers!, or -illation outside of their school 7- Why: - not ask -to have 10-ral aUthority tO flog those who offend the :clique'? - Dr. ..McKinnen, .you canna, sWeeten _ -lour grapes. in that :Way. TORONTO citizens' on SaiAirday 'dee-it:red by -a majority of oyer 1000 that th-ey- virctuld not sanction the running of street- cars on. . Sunday. The ca_mpaign 'was liVely one, and :readers of Toronto.papers will be glad it • is ovikr. The majoritY against _Sunday cars, notwithstanding: the - T -HE HAWKE NURSERY (3.0:. Rochester ,N. Y aisa r YelloW- Dock; Pipsisiewa, Juniper Berries, ' Mandrake, Dandelion, and other valuble vegetabld remedies, every ingredient being strictly pure, and the best- of its kind it It is prepared by thoroueloy coinpetent phar- Maoists,- in- the. most_ careful- -manner, by eculiar Combination,- Propoftio.n and r I tse If - , it will cure,,when.. in the power of -medicine, Cancerous And all other Humori, Malaria,: -Dyspepsia, Biliousnes*; Sick -,*feadache, --Catarrh, ..Ithelunatism, and ail 'difficulties -- With the Liver and lUdneys. 1 It overComes That Tired. Feeling,ICreates,an Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. The v. ue TEAPHER WANTED. OR THE 3un DIVISION OF THE Lucknow Public School, duties to com- mence October ist. Appli'eations received until Sept, 15th. State salary find qualifica- tions. • WILL. BE anada's Great pedal orders fcr Books orders for special B.00ks for import from or vigor of, the opponents Of the measure, is.a substaritial one. The-- total rsa . . . . ,„ certilled,toby thousands of voluntary wit- , cured.of diseases more' or lesa severe. 'It is sold by all- druggists-. 41; Istx ler '16. rills do net be induced to buy any other. shall open out a consign- ment of -.0lici .ftopl Call and see them. ....Excellbig,tsu others -6tabtes New. - Cattle Sheds SPECIAL ATTlykOTION$- • GREIVIER..AND BETTERISN'EVER SALESMEN WAttita. 10 REPRESENT IN THE SALE OF A clloice line of Hard Canadian- Grown Steck. Experience not necessary. We want real werkers and to all Butt we offer a per- manent "situation at a good income with chano of advancement. As we now' have 'atter 700 acres under cultivation wa can give our salesmen, many superior - adVantasres, We also desire to secure a good man in your district to sell the Rotary, Spray Pump,. for which we have the general agency., This. is something new and indespensibloto the farmer or fruit grower, Send for terms and testimonial circular S,TONE WELLINGTON. Totionto FOR SALE OUSE AND L ill receive pr -24t and care- . fill ..attentia_ HE HOITSE IS SITUATED. ON BOB Street, Lucknow_, is two story high,.and contains seven rooms. Kitchen eta., and is in "good repair. The lot contains four PVta a half acres, with small orchard of apple, p_am and cherry -trees, small fruits etc. First class well and pump, with large barn, drive shed and other outbuildings. The plaCe will be sold cheap, and anyone deairing a comfortable homc would do well. to see thig place. For further P1-0a2r0-tia- *Ts- aPplylitoRS. TEC°. SIL:Brickulloi: on human and ft I animals cured in. 30 .minutes by oolford's Sanitary Lotion. Warrand by' A. 13. _Congraia, Druggist, FAR R SAL Wavtranosh4 containing 100 acres, fair buildings, 35 acres of grovrin.g timothy. hay and balance under grass. Will be Bold- at a low figure. Apply to Huron township containing 200 aorta; Nt:th-futt-class buildings, for sale at a bargain. Apply to Bankers, Lucknow. • •