HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-01, Page 3••••6 CSt SCIENCE:OFRUSEMPING. = let1 -Valli ate ' • k. AIL: 17 a , Serving It. .446•44664.6micomminc6 BREAD MAKING f. oven and road, turning after. . Serve in -a folded napkin with the hinerhnskani CORN $AJP. '• Take one dozen etera Of green corn, . tot tooharde,eand split the rem- _ of kernel • - - -ft-wee-- knife, ecrape out pulp, : beth eareful not togetmuch of the hull into Add one Tiht of •water- and hoil about -fifteen minutes, _ then . put in. one. pint . of . rich sweet. Milk and let boil up. -Season With salt, pepper and !matter, and. serve .atearn- • ing hot: - SAS ICBM DUG A» CITY. ve Vitale Lv: IhP 'Knowing Bow -Mang VniKe:-It'atters---wtiipping Cream . When is Rightly Wine.. • • WANT of method- is COR:tT :FRITTERS.' Ozteoupfal .of Milk, :three eggs,. one pint of green corn grated -or scrape& a. little salt- amd:as inuelf.fiour -.eel will forth a ,good bat- ter; beet the eggs, th.e white and y.olies separately, to the beaten' yolks add- the the, cue of InOb of the t -00:19 PsINmilk and flour, . and beat.- the - trouble of loverworked„ 'whole Yerg bar -0 ; then itir the-whitel‘ kerVous mothers in the: .nurgiery, and their a 10 V eetl y,. iIi4rained -.servants in the kiteher. Double the laieunt of _energy required to do tile work . propsrlY is waked b -y the unskilled eeerker, while the teak a but indifferently ac7 toirplished. • :eyste- 'Teti° cook -will plan an A lienleikabie Story of Interest to awn/ Vicono.n. 7 • •,. tilt -borate - dimer, lay aut the-- re... eert. ale neetf sand - having -,inaareered the leeppy art of 44. -dovetailing!! the Oifferelit oteps of her n orning's work 'into me enothere will have . ter dinner e severed • preMptly, leaving in ber orderly kitclten no debris Ittt,.pt the 34 eceesary Tots; and pans that ere oakittein -the stnk. . housskeepirg-, as in. everythivg-,else, sneeess hineee upon complete knowledge of the eigat e-Tetheits. 'The nnereined. ono" ci of - the 14' help" the -kitchen cannot be • ex- pectedb t to urstand these metherbs, u her Anistreee- ehoutt make them her Study, e and after repeaeed showme and teIllog, vven the 1 .z.zwkit stupid . girl will . in time naterally f at in -well ,the ways of -a aye- - tell:tette - — eeeeece nieuAre . the le- need -hie; of. bread, for ex-eratile . if ties done h tuereecli and fe1de4 able:411y,, 411.4.... eta tbl'Atri. slightly greaskd with buttier tee-re:tete cloegle- teturned„ there wiltihe_nee.wieese, Ale -king ot. bread -to the Unf 2.1';t a e -left the . board; In rnaLiing puff .psetee .1.4cten the pepper method of .-liandttee it; - once acquired, the eitathe.d: .heend ' Ain, if etacessary,. &tapeless wit4 mayb reble eitud• ipkt. rOiling,-. • 9,3241 .4.§,-,tirOd of:success; If -the leek: e Ito per As offered -any labor, : eav.ing to,i;1 she Cen *ell a Minute, It `She- ata4eIsraticle he best -wattled, whether . the nett tool-m..1d b 'of Teat seeistapee or-eikerely oir9i7 a Ina ee, t -for th e genuine process, ed met "e.'•• ef cake formeely teed an old, _ faithioned ege ity:tbkitglonkwitroke*, -be miente oreere they beat -the Whites- to . a Oateee reederately stiff feetb: ench as malketa. a deileae, tender peke. With Bona° of the 'tete pat feet heaters:: tisey. can pc:educe A. gee. ft ge seat tong_h enough no :bend - velienaut. A Itod cake -niaker knows, hotrevert s,;&.1i. a freth will _produce a fin egraine.d a-teugn ogle, and drop the better, a large spoonful at a time,: into- hot lard, frying there on both sides- a -light brown. Therai fritters can also be niade..of cold toiled corn left over from a previous' !mei, gated and need the same as the otheree' CORI-kr- Olin:ET. Take half a rialto green or cateted corn and chop It very ,firie ; teethat.ad4 the yolk of one egg well beaten, pepper and _salt to taste and.two eahleepoonfule of rich sweet milk -Or: cream. Beat ehe Whites of the eggs to a- stiff ft °eh and; _stir in 'jest before cook- ; hsve the griddle veryhotand- well buttered; Pour the Mixture in and when _ 9 ntcely .brewined,. turn 611:3* hall over the other, as in cooking other omelets. • ERS. ZIOCK OYSTERS. _ • . - . . de the cern .from.about one dozeneare, add to ib threetablespooefills of -flour and the yolk of •.six egg, well beaten ; season with salt rand peppei ; have at equal aneottiitef lard and butter et in -the frying pan; and drop the corn hato it in „cakes the !ilia_ of any oyster; - fry e light brown and serve hot - • • - • Coax. AND- POTATOES: Cat from the-oeb del& Corn left over, and mix' with an equal:- tereoent of cold boiled potatoes chopped.. Heat a spoon- ful of 'drippings in a frying 1 pea- :and . stir the open,' and potatoes in . they are 8mOkieg hket. Seed to the table in a deep (tab.-- .. • CORN PUDDING. froin. the cob- three pints of tender green eerie, add three -fresh- eggs, beeten, very light,- one cupful of sweet cream and two heaping teaspoonfuls .of butter.. Bake one heiir, ; serve -with or without sauce, as liked I1OW.6,4131r.1.-tD ONES 'DO... , gain,, litititlX.rg flour VW/ theother in- gredientseerteerteeert werk er : knows: that if she folds eeeeti -.er in cezefullyi inteai. of takleg eirealer, eiiiring. strokes, , her cake will he fee; herly. .1.444, teat. that et ith the Irenier stir are save wiil break down. the .t7-w1itee. d te Fee er tee _ eakelleble to be .foirligh. • lo. eoeps,- the ilavoele dependa. mneh a _the ..the iegrecileinte - -usaa. If ta E. N; •kie ght and delientee Inch Astveal or e71.ekeq,. -thyme, mite, ,celery or paasley entaatie a- -ailof heavier quality, -sneh as sta,e3k -of -beef, theo a' little_ toniseee ;eateup -or -Worcester tice; with - e bay:. -leaf .. ited 14- few doves, " Would • be --neertee _apprepriete- Sa3n." witres ftfl-•Onneta eafh ..better and. flour:.,, cooked: 'together in e•baUei--1.,En tell brown, and then seeded to elle eoep.tg-vezeit the very thing it - 'Rake ; or it ereee--- be taro . the Ilene.' 'stirred. wtth es. gill ef AWtit ereernas 'What it _needed 1 to'Jnete it a: p4-rfeera eon') -- To liermonize. the .ffav.or Leg of soya, seeketkapreesthal3halita one•-ot the beet eviceicea 0 culinary ein 'oleetting,- if the - worker serabra -the ' flepr m thke.hapey-go.lecky etyle f 13-0121_e core-WOMen, oho Jzot.y *devote :a groat deal. of sbreDgth eo_hei' work, exist yet where the fleer leltre- itw 11 present a dietye- streaked appearax„f,*. .:- if,on the coetterry; she will . . - lkeep two pails' of. water --a-t• hand, one to ecaule with, it rAd rrne 'tar -.rip sipg. esciubbing wieh tike g.reia of the wood, the :floer will be ieleaned wall all tee outlay of untecle. - 6 .. . a recent .ceeiking-echocil lecture the_ , . . . . ite . of- 'expert eleill Will shOW.a in. the itaPie - Matter . of whippieg . °teem- for obarietTh.:e rump.- Probably pinety-nine inieisekeepers out of. a. hundred will say that 104 operation cannot_ poesasly have -. arly tv. points, bub it would be.. intermitting to 'fixtd how many of the 106 can: whip cream thoutepa.tearing dish and - gown front, sleeves and table with the rieh liquid.- It should r4t, by he ev'aya be too rich -,- Atderney or Jersey cream must be diluted ivfith milk to :whip,. which: is another -point . ir(Ide,:fer meet coekte eteetrike the richer the ebter for thee purpose ; -.The. -whip -aunt, w oh shonia - hems- . _a _::perfOrated dasher,- Mnst be -tilted- a little againse the - eirved ' nom. of )4hik_dish and the atrOak e should . . . be quick opes,ligh up and firm dowel, . In G ee i, this way!. sabsten .a.1 . froth: is q-Ookly and tidilyprodued euld be- donhiathe- . i - . 2 -perlor indeed, ere fare niessinese is • con- cerned. Receive the froth in a- -pan set in aaother which -contains lace Water.- Cream - .. - 9 areould whip to three tinies ite measure " :one - t producing -three, of whipped.:_, Corn ir,e Tartans Venus: _ , -- The seenon for • green -cern is- on,end a I: - , , 19,1 tecipes3414 not °mile £411088._ , , Here. are Me Worth trying,-'Aeaply .ancl'. easily a : --BOILED,- comc...: 3. 'Remove the outside _hu-Sk, .• leaving the ner One.on, put -hate. Belted belling- "water atad•b61.1.rapidly_ When dime take it out, le,..pull the Bilk from, the end of -the cab seed serve in the -husk. : Qr etrite'offetine kask and frietbe COM frota ell the silkeput ti belling water toad let cook half an hour. tfaerve folded in a hot napkin.' •- • iwAstpxy- coBN. ' ' - - - Serest . tender' Ors, turn back the.bilsk nd- remove the Silk,' rot:Over- the -rains - CREAM OFSWEET -CORN. The base of this- delicate, nourishing sorip 18 chtekesi stock, made. by simmering trim- mings of chicken, coked or uncooked, straining from the hopes, and adding half a .cup of create. Tho t' Strajted stock is set back on the fire to SilUrner, and thickened vrith - canned sweet corn, which is first pounded in a mortar and strained through te :sieve to take. Out the hulls, _ Silt, and a Very little butt, r arethe only additions: . • . A Young 'Wm -an Who- Wee .iolteraliy Fiding....eavay-e-Physieians. Pronounced Her Cite Illopeless:-Bove She Was e Saved. I - . • (From the Arkansas DeMberate). The. story Of tpineweel ..health.' told-. ire the •fcalewieglattieleehari been cerefelly iii'veriti- -gated . by! ehe --Demeerett,:' and - is - of the deepest ineterettt. to -all. parent..S. ,' Ike:, Con- thoii4ttidi r of 'girls, in -otir. litie.cla . *hose clitiots or. ad.rie - Clements is . :tha-b-- • of -health: .,eind. virility. is -filiewly .: but iirely -being: sapped :alay. - ' :Pelee' tstiese. - 'ena lesa- tbeteeittep einplemeaeures are takezi as sallow' giills. let7t us on every -side; and :un - be. the. caSe-ef :Mies .Clemeotee a. Premature grave he thelitevitehle -testi% : . litilu Clemente, the 19,yeersold-daugliter Of- Mrs, Core V. Clernehts, one Of the meet -prominent eesideete Of s vi.th.a.nyyeteri yearegoe sad of the .10011 T. grow worse. e e \ Her - bleed had turned lee _ elmestfeady to : give' hp- lite when • relief -- water.; -she sufferdletense agony;: :and was:, eanse.;. - ger Story is best - told- se related .by her .mother trt-it Dent.c.th•rtt. tepOrtet-:--i - - "In the fall .efle492 ray' clauelter - began tO. shoW-eiges -that Florae .disease-Waejetreck ing her - system. 1: : Despite . the ..Constent attention ef..., local • phyajcians. : ehei.:- 'greet' worse. '- .11te, complefriontWaielN4a, and -.be became:alinogit - se -.White' at linable. She ,. . . . eomplaattedeetheert :palpitation.. • er feet -and.baide. were : celd, and iihe wail 'tamest' driven into hysteri-cs by .iraokinge headaehts- and backaches and gitiortnaiiii °three* and other- diStreasingaymptoreii.- Alt these con- ditions betoken enteraie, -• Or In ether words watery and .--imp4eriebed condition of the .--blettclt Which boull not perform ..teek lino - time :of neture.. , he . had_ no *appetite ; .fcir . tie manyadees she :(1,d ._..not pat : enough for a ale chil4.to-ubsiot on, . - . -.:- . ... . . -' "Her -denditatan greet from- bad to worse, .14i aUci beczning sieerned, • 1 aent her to prom's ttent Physicians inVirglielat Twine:400e and Little iook. ..• All'. efforts ef.thist nature to. regain. her health Proved fruitIeest. -:..Pateith 'Itiedichies . of-. matey: kinds • were,tried -end_ given thorough test, bet wIthent. . any ape patent effect- toware a iinprovlog the petieht. s ." Ne,-ielf and datig12 ti -if had, almeet &ion up in deepaika having eliriest concluded that a restoratien Ot her•iieal0e. was an impiisi- laity. .Itt.the- itekaastierlaeetoorat I- espied an advertisement ef Dr e William!? Pink Pine fer.Pales :People, Which ...cleaned tenet :they .Woulcl ;-gisvereadyrelief to petseins- suffering feora . ae .-digiearse:.... :the Symptoms ,of which were the eimeas In the _eafie ;Of my detiglier.. 1 ptircheted. eopne. of. the -.gibs; and coninnenced giving -my. daughtee ,:three pills aday. -is: Before the first -box-had. bean .taireri an Improvement . was raticed. Color in her face:wit noticed, endler appetite. re- turned'. . The terrible headaches eod back- aches cased, end se bould breathe more freeli.: When : the :fourth , box': had leant: take she was entirely well, and since then. hail. -enjoyed excellent healt/i: : T She is now .robitst.and- full of life, - making .. our family happy epee rno-re. -• Quite.. a 'coptralt. to the. sittiatiel.tv.Sit Months ago,. :When- .eYory body thought. tate -Would -die.- . . ' . .. . -" -I think _ ' Plink 'Pills' the beet Medicine ins -the Witeld for the blood,*nd have -re -06m - metaled:. i thcin to - sevefal. citizens- Of this place, .who .have loserk restored. to healthby the,* ete... Mrs. :Haney i-Iii4,W11 ,Vi as le i -very, bad :Condit -tan: .- , She tied the •IN311K ...Faille- -when:eine improvedaapidlyand iinoei emery healthy Wernen:" - - ' - .: .. : • r. - e " i. - 1 -- The - disaoverer -Of Dr.,. • William& -.Pink . . . - . Pillierfor Pale Peeple eettaiply- deseriete the highest ttlbtate that -pea can -.Iran*. -. His med.ieine had done-. more to alfeViate the safferingof humanity than any Other inedi- clee known ttescieneee and hie eanne.shou14. be heeded doWn to fatategerierritione as -the_ greatestsavaltteof thapeesent age. .- ' -s • • s .-Drieggistiteley that Dr. ViilliametPink Pilla have al).--_ onermongesaleegnele from: all quar- tets poste glow.ing reports of :termite follow- ing.their nee. 11- In fteey.,rnity eases the _geiel week has been eccoMplislied .aftee..einianent. physicians had...failed, and pr;entranced. tlie- petient, beyond the -hope of 'beineveaid.- - An enelereis shoevetthat Dr. William& Pink Pills-. centain, Ina conderteed.ferne, all the.elements gieoessary, ..to . give nete. elife . -end,' :etch - tuella - to - . - the -...blood and '-restore ebattered.. • nerVere - .. . They . are an no :felling ' epecifie for ...ell* :', diseases . : as locomotor . ataxia, -- inertia: paralysis, S.t."- -Vittie -dance, ..seititiee'-.neuralgia, ;Inoue mei:line .. neineettet heerlache,. athe : after effects " Of • la grippe, - Talp.itatlein Of ,. -thii heart, pale and -seileev voMplealikeis, nervous proatratione- ail ediseases depending upon ,vitlited. ; humors. In . the .blood, .secin : ae .iscrefuleaehroeic erysipelas, steer-. ' They are -abio re apecifie :, for . tretibletr- peculiar ,- to females, - such . as suppressions,_ ',.:Irregri-: _leettiesi andall terms of weakneifc. They biiiid- up the bided, and reetonathe glow• et health to:pale and sallow cheek i :, In men they ,effect.e radical -ciire in: all cases 'erising -ft-OM mental.wprry, .overwork -or eircespes of Whatever neilnere . -Dri..Willienes' .Pink . Pills. are -. -maixalaO7 turd by _thee Dr...-Willierins' 'Medieizio Com -- party,- Brockville, a Ont.,. anclChesiectedy, Is ° N. Y. : and are sold In boxes-. (never Jai loose form • by: the _.clezete' Or ..hitearecl,_ and the publiC:are .Cau Honed 'against ---itennerous- imi- tatione .ecild= in th.tettehape) °at° '0 _cents -a bcdC �r aix-hoites. for $2.50, and May be 'lied - of alit druggists - rere.!:iteet-.by mail from Dr.- Williams' lifediat 0-- Company ; from either .allireli... I . lecke," Atka -attacked ni wasting diocese -weer -a espite the strenuous efforts ytiolane she continued° to A.,1311lie&City of *0 Stone Age Viearthe-d in -itintteMela. • A.:Gua14ine1i despatali • mos : -A hurled city his jest been--dineo-Veseed. in Guatemala upon .the estate of Doe- Maendel J. Alvaraalte ate the feet of Volcan de Agua, abont a mile' and.a half to. the eastward of the present - village of iklantiagolle les Caballeros. eeveral occasions the _proprietor- had geotteed akticles-having:a strong reeemblealee tfo.thiedornestio ntezials of the North.Ameri- - care Indians at the- period of the discovery of the New -World; Re :finally deoided on . an excievatien.and at 3 depthoffrom two to five raetre,s- unearthed et -nuntbet ef iritereste setiofese- such- *0 demestic Feienee atessehe engraved and brightly.. painted Ogosiees, viten and kitchen peter, all in good, preeeevation. Also onyic.axes, hain!. mere, sweeds,kotves and lance _heads.; in fact, the Whole Seriosjef Weapons in use in preColinatelari times was fully represented Along With these- 'Were a greet member cif - - _ _ - painted clay itiels, firigepeatla,. torquolees and -other preciorarstoues. Among the latter Was one of_ .3:magnificent geeen reeler, calIed by -the-2)4Iva* chazchivitl and wern Only by princes.. : . 7 - • . • On0 of the glassee 'Wats ornamented with Symbols and hieroglyphic inscriptions.' be brthiant oolors. • • • The statuese-eerved in -black basalt; dila pleyedgreat artietie akin,: and ate -the Inorq. remarkable from -the feet that their icteleas- - tree had- jolty storne.implemente. - So far, get- leasie,-no trace of Metal of any 'kind hisbeen. fentid in the excavatieo, 'so tt Probable thet tiheboeted City pertained to- • the t1101141.ge. - , • At e deipth of onlyiene and a half Metres the workeeen: 'came' en the -was- of. -the houtes of the betted city. At -the level:of the -floor of these they '-ilisciateared-a zonfrised mge$s of htinnen skelatonseasonie be sitting postures, some lyteig.op their 'becks,: _some en their -faces .;- peaks 'of the -skeletons showing the bitentsto have been glints: The posit- s of the 'ekeletenie and infect the Whole itteu of the ruins, Poiut to -the .conclu- iv:that-the city was- .sadOenly Swallowed ep by an..tailiticautite.. • Ar COOD .D1slit4ECTAXT. - - . onit_contain4 Creosote, ViThich 14 a Won deities GOrni•!iii.teis - - In viewofthe possible -advent of 'cholera - in that- country, inakey cheap and simp/6 _dis- infectants have been !imposed. for :the Use:. .- of the people, was told: a St.' Louie Giobe- D.mocrai man, .. Of thecae:one:of -.?the most. ffebtive is common toot. SoOli ie composed of pure carbon, and ie formed by -the lickt: ys!por et , the - hydrocarbon aereferg, from burnirg fuel strilavg the cold' walls of the chimney' :er etc-tee/pipe. apct.,coridensiog- thereen.: It is a very light, perces enctine- palPable power, and, e ckaeqal, which Is the tante laennept rn e- different -farm; perseeees the property of .eibeorbing and re tainipg a wonderfully large &Mount of ;gee. The:great clanger of .-ditesse. about .:te 70 er14. drains and ()thee places is: alb:tette entirely due to gegi .given off by . dedonapesing matter. ..11 soot:'be _Speinkled ebout --theie- placeit. it willeobseth the foul gas.: When cholera was expected .in Beltirnore, somo 16 years ago; Dr. Piggott, a cele-breted bliemist- ef the time, announced that the: .enly disin- feast:it with.whteh cholera eould.. be at all effectivelycombated wiecipperas 'or sulphate of ironand-he made a eompeeitian of char.- ceal and, c-opperas, Which Watt gieid- AO have bean inireitial3le in. its. -disinfecting proper,. The- goyieral 'idea in dieinfeoting is, first, to provide a *sins- for absorbint-the. death-dealing-gaz,, carrying With 'it millions Of -diseased - germ, and - teen to -have :the neceesaty agenteteldesitroy the 4gtaaris after they are absorbed. • - - - Charcoal raaer al Waya been. iegarded as an exoalient disinfeetant bit • as a matter of - fact, Scoot is superior to it :from -:conteining. some- ef_the-: On -oxidized_ hydroceirbenie. °pep' tained. in. _the steoke from thee..fuel, and among these hydrocarbons 1 lil creesotte a genie killer Of wonderful - power. • - Abouttacep. Air Women. A phYrileieei, whe 18 a epecialistin real vette diseases, says that women shoold:sleep at least nine bete* at- night. and one hour ID the daytune A woman will plead that she hasn't time tolie down for a -,:few tites In the daytime; and: he will infringe ppckie the heirs of the night Which shoulO be given- to scimicl,:beittliy., needed aleap, ID terorlertik. -finish Some piece of work which eoultlas Well 'be cOiepletted on the Morrow. She. Will rush and hurry- allday long, and thew when the • household huShedein itiltina'ber at night; she will Sit:: up to read the. daily paper,- thinking she Willnot-have. to ply for the ,tittii She steeling, -from 116 .health -giving sleep-. that comesbefore. midnight. • . She Hae TelaMonds in Her Teeth. I-called:it adental -establish* Ont of thfe :city last Saturday afteleation, and, ineteadef 'finding. the -proprietor extracting teeth•-,iper.! fectlY-Vatnieeei' . he Wagi engaged in looking for c diamond *loch he had. dropped 'upon the floor. Ib was 800 .found, and -to ' our istonishnient,- employed e filling *in the -front_ • teeth of the- patient: :When core- pleted :the dlamond represented . arbrilliant star; the creacenta formed. gold:- _Ailing at .the periphery of the diamOud.:nted-wthe Star aid creecent: boaetifiii inde.igfl rand. finish. We have heard of the fad.of diamonds -in teeth, but -do 'nob think, there. itanother parson: in Norfelk -dieettends.ln. her teeth.--'--%Noofo/k (Ya,) - . . "'What did -yen say he sent her in. -Me mem of thole short engagement'?" " A _A FARA li:111Vii FORTUNE. He lietired'a Winner wan Died Leaving a Big Estate in California. JaMes P. Itynderte. the _faro king, never made much or a teak imaiong the sports about being re'fIch men, sayiethe San Francisco Chronicle. He Was one of those kind of people who do a whole lot ef thlnklvg and very italltleg.• - Centre -11441y when he died ID Oakland a few Weeks age :notmany of his friends knew ,whetherhe. had gone to his grave a rich or a -peer pan. - Bat they said that. old Jim would rat Care, because he was alone in the worlid, never having married. • It :had* been years Bille8 Jim Rynders toyed with • the " kitty." . or bucked the -tiger. He had forsaken many of his old porting friends and -located hitcielf •in a quiet -bome in East ()Aland, Where he' ge4t bis last, days In peace and happi- ness. 7 It is 'said of hint that he had -no worry on a-cceuntref Ile gambling,edayge . for he had lieetmere money stile gettiblingtable than he had ever ,wsia. In fact, he -made. the' greategit logs -in the State, -dropping . $100,- 000 at One sitting at fare. . That lose is matter of history. But Jim. Rynders dia not diepennilets. When he retired from e ring tf chance be made a few legitimate the.iefermed gambler Made an honest &Oen°. - That is the reesen that he cenld enjoy life. _ ' . Yeeteaday D. Thomas, John Broth- . ley: and siTtiines. Larne filed ape the Alameda Se -porter Court ate inventory and appraise! =Alt of the. -Evader erktate. it -shows that the decedent: had $4730-1n cede and acme mortgages fn the East. valued at $1,622, He &leo heleta Premirsory tote of an attorney for. $2,263. .• The home place in East Oak- land is e valued - -at $4,500. . The Pulgas Ranch, in San tallareo, °Cogitating of -404 -acres, is valued at 00,60a. The total value of the estate is $74,222 - A 'niece of tbe deceased will inherit most of the property. verrows........prindsommumminITS Tae a Mguakeetae. Am no a minit in ma bed •Whann -ye come fleeing ower heid,.. Ye little ken hoo much I dreed Yer very num ; I wish tae peace that ye were deid • Or up the turn. - Tho' stewint nest in' wi the heat, . I've thrown a' aft me but the sheet, .Nae doot ye ken I'm Just deid beat, Ye tigly bug, I wish I had ared-het peat - Td warm yer The verybeasties In the field ;- Free yer attaek.hae shieli, • - .Tho' ower their backs their taits they wielrl WI' n3ieht and main; Ye dodge aboot till wed ye're filled, Syne back again. - The dell may wart ye kith and kin, It little matters whaur we rin, Ye stick tae us thro' thick and thin Like ony leech, .:.Andfin' US 00t thO' in the -min Or on the beach, Gin had been in Noah's ark,. Whaur yer first uarents did embarlr, Ye wa,clna bum there a' in the dark, I'll i ak' ma aith, For I'd set myser tae wark • An' killed ye battle What guid ye're for 1 canna tell,' Nature, nae doot, kens best herser, But it's.a pity -man e'er feli, A prey tae you. Itmak's him think if there's a hell He's in it noo. • Ye turn atsleep tae mockerie, Ye bite, then scratch% 'ill no mak' it dee (There's yin tist bite me on theete, Lord save us e Oh, wae tee a' wr sic a.curse Tae brave us, ; Ye blatherin% hummin', wicked sprite Yer Finging a' the live long night, e Except when ainee ye stop tae bite • . lind cram ye, - hae tae rise at-Id:get a light, Ded- tale' ye. I see I'll ha,etae gle ye best, _e And a' the nicht I'll get nae rest, IsafIlzleaye my cosy net, • u dear, here goes; *I'm, bitten on my legs and breast . And on my nose. _ROBERT BURNS, AUL th the hulk, in the bettouto an: •pair of littli souvenir spoone." !tr. An Agrieul al Turn of Mind. "I think Benny- will make a farmer," said Mrs. Bloobumper to her husband. ‘ What makes you think that?" , r‘ I found him -p lolciag the seeds old of k some seed -cake IJ had given him, and he said he was go1n1 to plant them and rake all the cake he could 'nate' 22:› . WORLD'S FAIR FILAIJDS. • : . • . • ..—•••••,••• • ' , watterson..-Pays sus. Itespeats to the Fakes of lite Flaisanee. Henri Web ter has eiscovered that the Midway Pleasance is a fraud and he -says se ID gOod Kentucky 'United Suites to a - 44 Chien° newepaperreperterethes : I had heard several xernarks made about the tert tibly -wicked things to ba found in Midway, and, in the interest of -mankind be general, I• concluded :that it eras -my duty to 'eee 'them, and., if necessary, raise my Voice and Wield my pen in eaying things .about them. .4 have saw them '-as an oid friend minein Louisville says-eaged the verdict I have i6ached -is that the Midway Plats - puce has no right to be coinneeted•lit any *pee with sUCh *0114EdUi show al the World's Fair. There is nothing Of interest there to me except the -types sof people. The so -celled shows are frands and fakeit .Thoee thet atre advertised eta being ObaVelli.' and vulgar .are weak and api& -There is reteing terrible about thcin At2 .ard the mysteridus Whispered - • corereente up, n broadness are menaces_ tau. .Theee -is- no vulgarity about them. They are lesipid. -One woman,. who .pokes ai Pers!ar, was asked by a friend of mine ;what she was doing. Na answer was expected, as _we suppoSe a .Persiare foetid 'tindeenteed Euglishe .Tcr eur surprise; lhoteeeee, she, lc:eked tat is; and in _good Bowery peek read. : I anakeitting...,What do you euppete I am dohig ?' Then, 'witlei downeratd, . 'tor ztnial movement -of her hand,ehe Jequired if w.e:saWef' • - Average- as Good,- AnTiray. Teaher7-ViThY Is thiS.eilled the temper, a zOne.?" -• Bright boyee ausf3.- if you take the hot- . beet .cley in summer, an' :the 'coldest day. in winter, an' add 'ein together Me divideby t et -the weather Iwill be just about right.- ... Ans iron dishcloth greatlyfacilitates the washing ef pans and kettles -to which' food ' has adhered ID oo0chlg. Oatmeal as Food. Carlyle said of Lord Marsaulay, "Well, any ene caniee that yo* are an honesb-gt?od sort of fellow made out of oatmeal." • There is &Jittery told of a shrewd Scotch --woman whoeused to tell her five healthy bairns, "-the epe -that eats the. maist perritch get the maistimeab." And When the meat came tb,ere was no room for it. An spot°. gistfor.the national -dish -says : 11.4 If oat- meal can_ Make such men -as SirWalter Scott, Dr. Chalmers, and Lsrd Macaulay, we may well heap high _ the porridge .dish, and bribe onr children-te eat it.- It is _far better for the blood and brain than Cake confectionery, and the score Of delicacies en whiCh many pale littleepeta are fed by titer foolish, fond mothers.' - A Sensible -Prayer. " And -now,: parson," seid the -editor, "mill you ask a blessing- before we dine?" . "Good .Lord," eaid the parson, "have mercy -upon this man and upon hie eyes that he may see awl understand that &lens are not greent without. bacon, and. that grace without grite is dead r • -At the Seaside. Mr. ShabbyGenteel-: I desire to•put up at this .hotea : . . . -Clerk-Have you any -baggage? Shabby Osateele-NO2 Clerk -In that case the firab thing yeu put-up bell() in advance. . . Theory and Plbseitee• Grannmer,” said the 1 schOolmastea, Merely the art _ of ;saylpg what. one -means." _ • • . "That may be good enough forgrammari" replied the committemium, "but it is gone poor patties. • • THE ovriutAx BAcauffs, DiseoverY -showing- the Destrehnity of - cienteting ittseasea Sheep. • 713ere itap.erleaps no micrcerganIsin that has .tiesn ;13;3 exhaustively studied as -tho ef .iinthrae, whieh produces a fatal fever,4,ernong- sheep. A committee of the EagliSh Rtyal Simiety has •recently made .cleacoVery euecerning. this bacillus which pinta to the fat that it may live turned as well' as in water, :It -seems that an -epidemic of the anthrax fevter breke out among same:. ' sheep en ti term. In the south of Runk. The meter of the well which supplied the iheep was bacteriologically extionin_erl, but no beeilli were diecovered.. An hives- tigatien of the mud at the bottom of the - Well, 'hoeectveri revealed the presence of an I creaedero, - tetich., GA trifiOUlatiOII into ranim4le„ was proved beyond doubt to be I the -sr,lthrax bacillte. On 1.he well being .closeO no fnethercasg a of the fever occured. Tlae- likelihood iWatcr heir g- bentainineted in thit, way birdiabigige.fre m the -soil points to the desirabiliey, b - the .opinion -_ef -the ItIol Society Conir6ittee, ef dieposing.otthe :Care • cassee Ideetedeadmals --crematlen ratheithin • • 1 • Ito Irtrae -to Lot% . . • .! • - Wlfe--Dear, there is a burglar down-• • stake. - • Ilisbande-Are you sure he is ba • the house? • - Wife -Yea ; I Causes hialanterp. linsband, fnahieg to the windove:-Maria, this fire escepe will Deb hold two. ty. thei street Car. Fogg -No, I wrier give my seat to tr: lady nnless she i,s•Escivanoed131 years. (To youtig lady Who bas been trying to eye him tub ot his see.*-Would'you like my seat, :madam It Veiling edy-i-Thanks Prefer to stand ! But she locare mid enough to bite .Fogg's .head off. • 90 -males meat is: another rose's poison -1 but ib frequently takes the shadow of al coroner's inquest _to bring ;this-faa fullyj home 1* the low-olists hatcher who deale ID -decomposing meat. . • . • ° .A iMall,boihavinghear4 his tether say that it was a poor rule that would net work both -way!, baited hook with a Bah. and iiveut-Out to cetoh Wernin. Cobblallow do _you find - trade ?- -Stone --Thist's the great trouble. 1 can't find -4.1- The Irditor7s. "Ma "asid a newspaper man's ssn "1 j 9 • " know why &More call themselves 'we" "Why?' , "Se's the man who doeen'tlike the article will think there- -are too many people for him to tackle." rtrk,a4c14.1itindoestipe. Landlord- (to Tguest)---BoW :do.you.I110 the landScepe sir?. • • 7 Gtest2Splendid 1 Best I .evotaw ,!''!0,1 Lundlord-jdb:r;wake a note of landscape, . ' • "Ho may not te 'altogether original, but he impute to everything a something of Ida " Yes ; fee will . take up a fellOWIS boa -mot and make a eheatnet of it." The Custom of thrOwing an old shoe after. a bride is Said to be one of tile inoab andelit wedding customs on record. ! I IL ."I"••4742.4.?