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Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-25, Page 8
its L:u :k"h ow S J ruc.e Ccun Frida' ugut 25th ....1 • • :lm ort autto Threshers Grain 'threshers tare now required toprovidethe ; rnselves with ; legal ,: : stamped measurers... A recent. decision the courts: declares: that `grain . -of « : �-: "� "thin- -the i ® threshers are t aders" vin - e nin of Weigh s and Measures A meaning g 8 . and so like all ot er '"traders they can only have in t_ieir possession legal` measurers. Stock of Ladies an - 'tiles I and ckets_ far -II f all and. r - and a winter tiade: -1s now to School Commences- ,_ The dust will be. ��, iped ofd school T books next Mond y morning and the will. have to wend. little boys.arid.- g - s _ re:. The their way - to school . once More: routine of ordinary school work will seem -dull and common place to the s sopolars who for- eight weeks.- have enjoyed, the privilege of life devoid 9f: � things 1?ave mental worry. But all b e .an` end and- _e 'en -. `the - enjoyable . ho .daY season. passes all too quickly. -- The Big Scotchrnan ;.. cut = of the. - bi - bills with the - The . g of cotcbman in. the art la S sc inu _ - -' - '': re- -a ain t, an ��'. ttin the stane_, _ a. g .. p all that Caledonian _Games_ iiouncng to a. _ no> on ' - - will- ne held' inLu k , , Wednes , r " the auspices - of Sept,. 6, undo . : day,.. p- -. e th the: Sons of . Scotland.: - Last year \ - h . - by -rain, games .were interfered ...with same _. -� but we :h -fell in•torrents all.day, whic .. year to: occur this .. e noth`ng- will . occ . hop . � :.--Tin : 'leasure- of the- day. g mar the p hani Advance . 44 in in - that anal lea �sure �e . _t �Or.m . ` _ . g , _ our : cucustomers��. and the let : is larger r Chet � a v 1 fwe Th 'cut e nucn better than a. lY have l T e previously shown : - English - aer- of se•Mantles b German _manufacture,.are . st�a re- Tate t according. ta pp i . ... hav= _ :�c�nci .les, by. otters Shooting: Season Duckshooting comm. e rices 1st Septa September. mber. { The season - for grouse; woodcock, hares etc , opens on, the 15th; : September;and `all .-�that class ofShoot-1 ins :goes. out, including duckson Dec. 15. Deer shooting- comes in : -on; : the 20th of October . and expires on the. 15th November. _ f the. -bowled : o It a erfect kn g� - - --: the figure .�they fit and art � 10perfeetcen. We ask th. e Ladies to see these rieh_st31 ls h. ents be et fitting N g ;arr perfect P wh. e ... ;n elsewhere. s : a •,{�(�'Jurch � g • Getting Shorter The dps are now .shortening rapidly The su six minutes earlier. than it did .on the 2 June,and rose Saturday morn- L1st�of in fift . twowinutes later, so : that the g Y da is , no one hour and : thirty-eight minutes shorter than it was two` l months ago. gassed away. Passed ;:'; aVriday night some- forty- . cotics,. Mrs. Robert--Cross,Cheslep gp D. es el.= .:tetnpera�ce - :meetingsMrs, , - e. d peti- tions, a xi - - :Perry, `' Chesle y , f r a „. _se n tions, " =Mrs. Ashcroft, °Wiarton in- fluencing. ress,;.. irs.. Williams,. g the_p Walke `ENERAL. 1i1G� -LOCgI COUdeused for Sentinel:-_Iriftuiers: - Miss°.Nellie Burgess. of -London; friends is visiting .in. the village, -Mrs.: (Dr). Tennant -is. spending a few weeks • with f �riends in Sarnia. Mrs: Gilks and . daughter, of Tor - II, MIIR0Ot'i1: icKHow _POST -OFFICE. Hours 8.a. m. to T p.crr AILS ABsiv$. . G d B. South: F 6:13: a. .m. EIS..&B.North 12,,t30 pi. I plyrood 2:30 m. intough -1 I `-nloss \F. G. d• B, North . 3.48 p. m. ttlAterich. ` _9 m� « ' _ ints p K I o;t,. rrned Po 10.30 p. m. � : 1�, H,, B. North: Tuesdays: an side_ g , G. & B.,South H. & B:,.South, OA a: m & B. South 10. G.& B.Nortl 4: 0 p.m •. olyrood - ilough i inlos's Good Work , ren ds - in friends .-his_- many I t 'Will please. . know that Mr. M. this vicinity to Kenzie former -teacher of; S.. S. J. � hic . � = inpassing=his Kinloss, succeeded . N.Q. 9.. - bs securing' a examination in Maiito • , . i,s - is especially First -Class ::A� Th . - - p - - - he -cas inasmuch as in his e, - 'creditable -'to comparatively " short .:time- � P - carina the d. - it,.and did- so . �. repave -for ., . �.. P -' e aeachin -i ,. he could- spare : while i g. time.that- . is is' Only one school. - We hope that th. . y ach of similiar successes, o� a song. asst -. - The Book Book of the Fair T . s' ha -at `" h k. t Work - '� is the .title of a :wo - - :�his. 12th inst.,- their pass, On.Satu�day,: _village, ed away at his, home in this vi g ,. Mr. William his, an old: and esteem ent of the.place, in the 87 year ed resident of his age. Deceased had` been a r _ -over twenty • dente-af Lucknow fo- iesi , {' . though of a quite and '.retir-. u 0 - d th q. .a. _ g years; n retir- ing ; i : e ,o.. ed'the respect- and dr s Osition :.n y iris pf confidence o f his is friends en ds and nd n e igh- b. or. s . His remains wer interred in the Kin- loss .cemetery, on Monday,14th inst., and - efo110we_to.theilast resting -lace:- ly.a large. concourse of =peo le . n Rack to• London • Taken, an - �x � . 4th Con; of Kin-= a.._ oun -;man:of the . y : � ,� confined in: the - an. who has been confmn loss,. and Asylum for :..eleven years, Londo� y that institution_ and , walk- sscape� from -.: - old: home in Knlost. .walk- -ed. =back .to his,te Fir `a !time he • appeared to be and: his parents intended and hrinless P i :g him.at home, blit- at times he -keeping, . a _ unmanageable, us and unm g became dangerous end the �" wa•s found necessary to send it. and .,, ,.as lum�-. He poor fellow- back : to the .. -.. y Constable. P by: Constable-. was- taken` to London Wednesday. McLeod ::on -Wed Y New Buildings.: ,: villas .the. operations in g. Building - p - . rd-- �re beingvi orouslY pushed forwa .. . a � et-. 1 om summer. and when all ~are c - this , , : ent to the ed v ill be a great improvem Tennent is having -another -lac . • -;Dr. .�-Campbell . • . stores on story built to his...stores byElliott ilio -E. John = oh 1VI r .J . CC U led Street,. re et .O , P as grocery and flour and feed stores, g ,. h he intends having;handsome and whic - - 'g -.medical. lfitted up as an office for his Y, } i: � .frame hotel has practice.. _The old: � : of been removed" Afrom the corner two weeks go Alex Beaton Some onto,* are the guests of ,Mrs. Thos: Lawrence.. Mr. Sam: Robertson and.. family - turned ~:to the village from ave' re Superior City _..Don't miss the grand tug of war. on Sept: .6th. -Among g the .prominent men who have signfiied their , intention of being • present are Hon.- 3..i . Paterson, H. P. . Conner • M p.p. , J. S. Garrow M. OCo R. • Roberston Grand Sec. • S. : . McCallum Grand Chief- tain..A,B • . S: 0._ S: idol. -Campbell, Capt. -tarn • ;•e of 48th Highlanders and: 13endri many others. Look out.: for the coming base- ball week between married ballrtnatch - and single; men. • . •4 - 300 p, m.. Fridays 9.30p. m•e =tt hhgt cnA " jtittitg d been - commenced by : the :Bancroft, Publishing Company -of Chicago.. It eas - -- held, have been he h - at th W ids Fairs first ` of all with the different d l of . to . the present one. and _leads _P . - tele Printed. beautifully and elaborately y to be issued in::_ 25. parts, illustrated, art of .un.- it .romises to be - a work of ualled- : attraction. and: beauty that eq . should find an:: extensive sale, _ as it i n about the World's gives� information that Fair with views acompaning, - are invaluable. . Mrs. R. Proctor .;returned` home � - a seven weeks on Mondaynight from tripii the lakes. p Vim rd : e a �h S_ -Mr ' and "�M�s. G.:� A.p arrr east ed horrie f rem. their . trip down a' : last. Teed on:.� Y. h left c ..G. Mu ---Mr. and>M.rs :: - . `worth 0 H e trip t -ra H4 worth. n sd r fo -p on e Y In t e Bruce Peninsula. i Mr. ;Frank Little :and his sisters, M, .. Milverton, are Une °and Allie, of � lincknow, in visit- ingfriends , , McDonald,. 4th con. •--Mr. � 'John Mc � - Listowel Races = Listowel is giving $1.100 in purses • next. on September lith .and f . . � 3 d 2 22 classes 6th- 2.19 and 2.10 classes close on September 1st.1 Horses eligible August 25th.:. Will be two 1 great -da s sport. RI.aces 5th 2;45: .�. o an ` Entries Catholic Picnic. • - A picnic will be held at Riversdaslee on Tuesday, 29th --August, in -a Most beautiful grove by - the river side and is well shaded. = Prizes :will:: be offered- fora bicycle races boat race:: and:foot- ball.: coni ettion: The Silver -Bel Orchestra, nine pieces, will furnish, musics ss + arri►ed-borne from North K1II10 this. week. West Territory 1: . . hose health has �•Mr�.�J`ohri Peart, w . ., for .some: time, : left for ria ;beengood y ... - he Springs onTuesday. -Preston S xin, Y the lP_ and Mrs..G.- W. Berry -are on Mr, visit.- to. the Preston a two. �. weeks - i. 1.and other : oints. Miner Springs P --The Port.. Elgin Times is now Small.Souled .gentlemen who sneaked Those` ,g into the grounds last Thursday - to . - - se game : without. witness:: the lacross fee of 15c.::are cer- tainly the petty lt. of a contemptable act. : scar Y, ' Whena mans honor can be bought. for 1 c_. he:: certainly `ought to be ex - Posed. e posed.: We have- a lacrosse team w should be= proud of ands the citizens should encourage the boys financially. .The game last Thursday;. was _.one . of the - best ever played' in Lucknow, certainly too good for the - entertain-. ment:- _ of .i."dead _ beats Come ` like men- and hand: in your- 15c.. to ,the treasurer The boys _ are in `need of money. -COX. TORONTQ 1U.AH •E Wheat red,: 60c. white, - Flour $2•-50 to $3.20. Barley 38c. "t© 45c. Oats 35e. Peas 56c. Hogs s $750 to 8.00 Dressed H g 1.1 s 'Steady at .80c: to ;90c. pota�oe y Buttery 7c.: to 19e• Eggs 13c: A NOW - .1&$gETS Lacs Wheat; per bushel.... Fall whoa , p Peas • 44 Oats _tae �. Bar.y P t toes Campbell and Inglis streets, and the ns are laying the founda- stone masse y . . .: brick ,block of stores -tionrfor the new ' A. is.: baviiag` built. that Mrs.. Murray� Part of: nthe hotel has: been moved to the lot ..-next- to Mr -Muria Y.'s -residence and . will be converted into dwelling •reimoyed to touses and. helot next to R the : other portion is. being h '- � R. Proctor's : h r-ness �aho to be -used- for store,: -Pur- -p oses: _ :c ....::.53 '1 ... -0. .58 .55 .34 .35- ,60 oa 16 t r lb... rolls 13, tub .14 -to . _ Butter, Pe .10 g , p - 00� 7._ • `�6 to n..,.:..,�.. Hayper to -Flour per Dried apples - 1.. Tallow - . " . . sY• �I • Land .• . • - power -press, and. printed from � a steam p p Pri dress of type e looks well. in its new yP is Archibald and Miss -�--Mess Ella were the .: guests -of Mr-. P. Cariaeron- g ie , Kinloss 'this week. McKenzie, Died in Texas = Our many readers in this, section . - .. • th - = province, of On- tario ..weal y P •- aario;' 'fin. the :-year'. 1892, 881 persons o to satisfymortgages.. were: sold�.out . - . -- Nellie,. . of Murraynd Miss N ,, -Mrs. .y Mrs. K.mcardine, were the guestsA week.: Hudson, 4th- con.: Kinloss, this -will. deeply regret . - to learn_ of the Don't .,Bith•at the Bait Have ydd evernoticedthat the roan. who gets tken in. bythe slick 'swind- ler usually falls a :victim -to his own. avariciousness If people could- once: grasp: the idea that men are not tramp: ingaroun:d the back concessions seek - in to 'give away ten= dollars for five there..would be few :, victims - of the fakir. death of Maggie Mellis,- daughter of Mr. Wm. Mollis, formerly express which took place agent -n Lucknow,: in. Texas, on Wednesday,- August = 9th. Little-. Magg1e was a . beautiful and : attractiv a child and. was. universally liked:and:' admired by _ everybody in Lucknow, and, in her `. death Mx. and Mrs_ ` Meths have the heartfelt sympathy of ; the entire community ,in •:their sad' bereavement The. family= had only. a short time previous- ly removed.- from. : Mexico- to Texas, where: Maggie was stricken down with typhoid tever and 'after:: eleven daI s illnesspassed away She : was only P twelve _ years . and two days old. cwt. . Ork Put P, anada's Great' Fair, Toronto C Though not . a World's :Fair,, Cana- • Writing in Papers The Postoffice -Department - has - i-Ssued notice. stating that- the in-: closing of a letter . or any 'writing' serving the purpose of a letter a newspaper -or in any. other article -of . mail matter passing at less than letter rate, is an offense at law punishable by a fine of not less than $10,- Several convictions have lately been had under -this- section of the_ PostOffice, Act, and - Ostmaiters are requested to- exercife the utmost viligence to prevent frauds of this oharacter. -A question having been raised several times lately as to the postage rate on. cut flOwers, - post - matters have been -informed -that cut The reddence of -3/IcIntoSh, happy eVent, -When his seCOnd daughter Annie- jiiinette. Was united in MarraSe The ceremony .was perf0/11114 ,bp: the: field-Pretibyterian Church-, assisted f3v- Vited.gUesta;:ielatlites and: friends, isof tsuaf . were give pertiken- of by .allL the happy- :couple set. aMidet ,,showers ride and . abundance j Of good wishes-, en their • wedding -trip: to. Dakota. ool per lb... - . to - 2.25 5 to 4. ,03 ,12 ,fig .18 ESTRAY CpTTLE " IIE PREMISES OF 11)11,1• ma_ Tip T con. 5;West lot 18-, undersigned,of 1st Wawanosh, - on • or about the sP 'red: air of yearling steers, all, . . tigusals a pair to the 'same lace about :the There� � r . first of requested June a to p white lamb The owners are evners and prove property, pay ex.p take them. away. SMITH, OHN pungannon P 'O of the best . athletes in the- -Some - country: will be at the:'..Games, among' Perry,-McPherson,.y-, them areesurre Scott. All. the Lucknowites, who.. were at 'the World'.s -Fair. in -Chicago were delighted with`: the great exhibition. lk ertr n'a . Civic- Holiday has been proclaimed-` . for Sept. :-6,.andj the town -will "gang. to see the. Games. i ----ot blanc , :chatnoion •piper, i ber , Thain, Beaten, _ Riddell, and- many the best -pipers ipers will be others= of . competing at the games. 1021.3: TEACHER WANTED,, OR F H F iv DIVISION IV I S IO N ; O F T H l Lucknow Pcabhcsch0oIduties to Com- Iaence October 1st. Applications received Until Sept. 15th. State salary and qualifica- tions. D. RMcINT st, Tuesday afternoon, a gold, chain and bracelet. finder kindly leave the sarae at J. -W. Arpastrong'S Jewgf3ry st*re and have ownership very small proportion of the Can.adian peeple are going to the World's Fair at Chicago, the -masses being intent on - taking in -the Toronto Fair, of which proven. - FO dancer D. A.. McLennan, of Edin.bo World's Fair, will be here on Sept. the recent entrance Examina- tions 44 -out of sa pupils of -the_ Listd- wel High. School succeeded in passini. This is certainly a high percentage speaks *ell for the efficient staff Of teachers in tb.e School. OSHSecy they all feel justly prou4. County OonventiOn Convention fer . the- County of -.Bruee,. ;.preeident,.[Miss Fisher, corresponding --secretary, Mrs.- Scott,. PaialeY; recording:secretary, Mrs, BO- -The famdus Piper's Pand of the 48th Highlanders full regimentals; will be here . sure. Such a sight_ and before. - -Applications for programmesa entries are pouring in.; from all parts of the country. The Games this yeiar prOmises to .be one of the biggest and best events -of the kind ever held,:elien in Lucknow. rata 1 cent rer ounce. now • •1'.it,trs. E..Staufferi Paisley; -sei..tors and 3fisherarp, :Mrs.4arnes johns K.in:carditte• • railrood4 iHalli • ay, Grant, -Paisley :unfermented: wine Mrs.: Cameron, ; sail ifork; Mrs.. McKay,: Wilkerton-; -parlqr * It is always a difficult thing -to find a.new way of getting out of he werld, -but the .Chicago man who filed his mouth `full of gunpowder and then to have discoVerecl a method. thal is horrible to make everyboby shudifler. --;;-The list of lands .to be sold by public , auction for arrearage- of - az- lished _and. will take place at the County Treadurer's office on Oct. Ilst. There. are no lots for sale from. Iiiick- now, and only one in Kinloss; ' ' .wEATERN Inspector 'Berney says no Attneri- Can cheese can no* pass through th-e the:United States is shipped thiOugh .Panada to. Britian, and• it is well I that. -*igilana& should be. eterCided pre - S fit1101111 E OLDTAT IN TIM --aoluNtoN • • fer • Entries Close September ‘7th The best -and. est Stabling and apse allotted on receiPt of iitries. Than ever' befOre.: Yor Prise Lists and tin oil a Si ro Pro. tOc • • •