HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-25, Page 7• • 7_ A Cpted Advitiet -Ted ^ - GOODS braska Gity Marshal Who Wanted o Bag a Few D WAS HIMSELF ARRESTED _Thought; Re: Rad Got .$5,000. But: it Was the *esenee Old paper *ad---4lis Big 4 ' '0.1wE,T _ • New Yerk despatioh- .seys : Ji A. Demote like yottng Loohineer, e•-•!catrie out of the West. Urged by the• tight- ness Of the money mar- kee_ in his horite -town of Cratee . ptning tinder's .death of trade • - at the , counters tif his "generaistere,"awaken- - ed by a. greent goods circular and guided by • the- der :of 'ihopeeeivith a Whole- .battery of artillery.* his. hip pocket, he came to Neer: York On Wedreteday-wornieg„: •ate a hearty breakfast and Started -Ott to: do whet none diut, smart Weetern men iiith reyolveXs. and reckleesnees can ,do. - • .-- . He weighed .180 peunde and was city reeteshal and he wanted to belt- the green " goes geniee Poor Demo; His: bill at. the Coomepolitaa Hotel is growing every rain- _ ute, erict he, tilts in a ceil- in the :Old- Slip Police'S titton end comets ep hie looses— reputatiory rielf-pride : and good; - -hard - della* - - - • t MittlitOBAg EXPERIENCE Intending atOttdi -PeoTindd. -• • • A -Sufferer For years From Wiley Troubles • and OtcPepcia. Telis !low lie Found a • Care -4115 Advice to Others. - • . Mord the Brandon; Man.; Times.) -..Recentdy whiltee. reporter of the TimeBI was in De....Fieming & Seeetr anti; eetablishei • inenleie. eget:other came in and pelted fer. -e package of Dr. WillientstPiek Pills; This incident turned .the: coeteereetion .to this new World -known remedy, and the reporter asked Whether -within -their • OWie. observation:. Dee Willianist Pitt:Pills are the -reigesek-. ableremedy they are ctedited With being. The -reply: we given -with.- no Uncertain setind. "We have .eold," said remember of the- flrni 'dtteine the past yeareinore Pink - • Pids by -fee than any other proprietery medietne, • The *deittend is largely :inoreare. lug, and -from witee _heat .-the :reunite have been: vary - beneficial. to:el:terse -tiling bherci. iIreleedi. if yet -call ape!' Mr. Wm: Copper,- .whe resides on 13% street, you wiil probebiy gO: the pettioniersief a very in- ^ And the:green goods:• nian 'fee from. the madding policemen, winks' }the ,other, eye• and knows. thee Derse'it- deadlyeNebeaska bullet heresetnet come -nigh him. . . - * • i Poiicerteep Eaton and Weleon, : ef the Old i suffered intensely fr_one kidney troubles and Slip Sfetion Renee,- save, a regnlar third eat laYgPePsieeddld enlY• :these: who `'have -boin. -, peo-sew stinggle. for.the poseession of e big_ 1 oithihrlY Pliliated °Os' undastawl how great japaened tin bees going GIL at Se -cloak in the i.a burden lifti :is fit times. I :tried. ell or -Iiifter#0the tneedi the -denier of Front and nearly all c! the retnetliee pad to be a clips Petarhsttetrits: : There Were three men in it: s ‘or. thee •ttoublein butt in no case "did . I. •get One eeied. ,'..-idPolice 1". and the - ether- tevo i mete than - temporary . relieffe and when a catching eight of the brees buttorie hurlecit reeurreinde of the trouble came, it teemed' to the hex into- the gutter and fleet -1° . 1 • • . - • • . • '1:0e with greedier intensity .then before. -I tie . long.. that 1 despaired of ever The ether.oait himself up -on the treatinreo 6uffere4 • 4 cured, - and felt .that Oen temporary relief Wad worth striving for. Iwas.eon- ,, ._ . thetrilly depreseed-. in spiiits : and sem_etimes . . .. • end 118,1 erould not heti) wishing. myself- • dead. u - lleegeant Han was- at the-- desk, - I now thereke-te-Di 'Williams' Ph:41111s - all .. . . „ rye. - - .. . I • • . / .2-' tened •to Deree's. story. - terestinei oese." • raMiosPs•mia.o. PICNIC OUTFIT. C.11141011S MARINE SUPEPTITIONS., Some the Strange Beliefs and CusT jot of Our Ancestors. hings to be Borne in Mind in Getting Beady for One. GALAXY OF .11E picnic season has • passed its giory, but . it le • yet •witle use • Its . open" has" :fallen ,upon- 80/130' and conditions of -man- kind, as the most casual:observation:of trains and fertybeetfi and stearnboat land- ings: Will effectually prove. The ,young - and the _ old, - the ,.eophieticated and the misophisticated'alike • plan outings. Memo-. ries .-ef - last year's broilinAs end. reestin& , the post of stiebutia end tan theta pi6Veikect a artisan .of blisters -and, skin pielirg" And :necessitated baths Of. saleratue and • buttermilk and i.11.011,.EY110011- 7. TRIP The: dtheesereeteiter felt thet he Weald *Imogene of cold creem ; even the thoug not only be.tivieg hie readers. atrititeketiting - :of. the ineequite. that hitethe the futzyWeine I Oozy,' bneittight.he the -.miens - of pointing . that crawls -.. in inconvenient. places, the, snt to teine: other inafferet - the : 'reed eto .re- -- omnipresent: hoptead and. ;the •green snake'. tieWed headth by: 888tirillg the deitedis ef .Mr: have all: been -.relegated: te.threlend *bore Ocper'o-csee., -; With that end In ,view,.: he Unpleasant -• things" ,shotild . dWell together sailed eitien •• Mr. ' Cooper, 'and,.on'neeking• undisturbed. . t-c,:_i ,- - „:-:- i:- :r,,.!? Dar" kown. his 'errind,- was giteeli a hearty:- -wel- tit 'Instead weer! OveeWlielioed with thoughts fienic _‘5 illave 'net .the elighteet ohjec- of green. grass, cmerald• bladed and diamond tien,"IsaideMetceslieri "to beaeing:._pebile tipped; _10ise: grows in: hos.ky dells; elm .ticitimorty to the grab meritof Dr.Villiarnief Shaded, babbling •liteoles, • arid :gliding craft Pink Pine.; Indeed; I_ believe it .0,clikty_ Ott: 02..,...giaSt lakes, -.60 :.st,iiiig4s04, are the the part of tho3e whoexpeeimiee suelthenelit guests invited and the baskets pecked. as I _have done t� ' Maker. kneene as. widely: i. ".•Granted, however,thse ' the . menu:- is a is .pOssibies the, •virtues- • ol. this -Most lee- Vital feature_ some hints concerning it. May maritable -,- . rertiedy. - Fier -many yeses: I be pereletelarlytimely. - . It may teem Super- • linens to may to theyeteran picnicker; .Take re basket, 'butepeo.ple have been known Who substituted -a-- peper -box,. with : disesteems. [results. to the contents::"., Having secured a h•itinpervaccordingtOehe Ozer:of:14w party, proceed to peck. - tPlaceera - towel antoothty over the boetoin andsidee, then. pit in .the -.gandWieli boxers, .- i..- : : . - : - . -- . i The: name -: of .- eandWioh, . like - hash, is haxilly.'weleing to conjure with,..-bue e_ little care- and ingenuity: Will. wok *tendert with thetendwich :family. '. Chicken :sandWicheri are elWeYe appreciated ab 1-e pie*. ' They Miyhe.made of inimied --chicken, placed as uctial between two very . thin slices of but- tered bread, on whiele a ctisp lettrieeleplor 'water 'orees. has been I laid.-- eChicken -jelly isindwhehee are also choice: edibleri, 1_ They - .will,' keep Weise en the longed _ journey and-. retain.. their delioate - -flevor..- The chiCkeir Shonabe hailed 'until the -melt falls: from the bones. i After packing : theepiecee inea greased -diettea preeisage:pf gelatine disiolved. in the .chieleen. gravy Should bepouredover all. : Pieper Seasoning should be added and he evliole - alloWed. to : coot, . when - it can be citts in. thin:slices and treated after the usual fashion. ' . -- -, - -- 1 • . - .- - • ' t. 'Sand-wichee ...wide, of . fliiiiced tham , and chialeen, flavored with -. nutmeg and Meier and Melted butter; lie.- delicious. -.. Se ere- -bier:died tongue -sandwiches. ;: '. To . make 'ehe se boil re -beef toogUe until tender,- elcin It and . put it he e.iattatipan with hall -a Cap of butter, two Wineglastiful's of :pert Or brandy, a -tablespoonful of made mustard and a -dash of pepper. The tongue should teniehinntil -hrewnediand be allowed tee octet- In e the - end then tile pence cast ',themselves upon him and bailed; talii to he station house. That:was Derse. "Bub," the Marshal from Nebraska Raids ,., ;-- - - - 1 that Is changed, and, 'despite my Years, I .trerabling, "the money's in there! I know i ftel as ligtiehearted as a schoolboy. • tI was - it! Itaer it! • There's $5,000 in fives, and I Usti induced - to try De. Willianes' Pink One& • Jute you opee it." - t- - pine through reading the a00011i103 . of - the There was no key, so the 'Sergeant pried t na'nY mervellous cures that huieie ap-, it eimn..., The__ ouriency. winked -.teat and tpeitred ..in the .riedOePardtre--- I felt that - Doree inniped clear off the floor and waved '• 11- them wditilerfal Pine had d0.110 BO -131110h bifft a.x..ms and shouted.. -•i .i., . . i for oth.ersi that there-musb be hope Or mei "1 told yen so 1 I told You eo I wee i and I wee not disappointed... I had not set ient. = There're wine for you on this.". . taken thein long tefetel felt>. a- change for • -- it:Yes,'! eald the Bergen. "But -what ; the better.; It was not the _feeling of tem. m eliere do you expect- to collie in for, even. if ' P"arY- rellef;I 11'''d ."Paliented. 14°114 7 -theme' eney ie there?" . . Whole system-semed stronger and -better, " iVir..411;" -chatted' the -Nebraskan, 4's et ....Yertneretyi be -Euro I eentinued• the -use of the - e- • • , hine.rehe, end the result -1e I 'am tOdley *a -. RUT •IT_WAS WHITE F.ATER. % me and- I have. now much betrter - :health leirei+ that to you entirely; •will Min. My troubles have entirely deft ii justh, let me - &ow- yen hew thick yen, :and trength thae I have enjoye . or ix: :a-reettreniarked the :Sergeam.t. - : - .1 peera -before: You can . thereforee •-un- • Oterei4g -the- box he lifted the new top i dere d the fe.elIngs of gratitude -1. have billet froth theft pileee There was sil withal fet Di. Williiiies' 'Pink' Piiii,, and 1 eatrei top lend tleaught bet innooerit white paper " ostler 'hope other su.ffeiets- Will 'Profit by und.erneeth. 'The Marehal of Oretii looked', my ,eXperience; - have redonainended the -at it and hic jaw fell. - Pmk Pills to many others and als-sys with - I can _tell, you of 'one ma " You elidnet expect -to beat this, did good resu -you V ! : .-.. - e - ' i whose body Was coverecrwith -.Nil. matter - i '-' - - . , :.._ " .1 it new as clear end -fresh is a child's. Yon- . "Better.: search :him," riatd the Seigeant, may Seely -: Bey thee Dr. • NV'illitimet --Phtit gland foie 'what:bete gotee . - . -... ' . ie.'f, Pilo:tare a great Medicine, ;and: that :their -Without tword or waiting .Dere fished -;,.. virtues caneot he tee widely known.'! • . - mit an-• .. uglydoaing; ._ pbtca - r from bi.a3 iVir,::. CoOper,.. whose stetter:none _is., given -*- pocket:- .:and handedeit: over; . . "1'. didn't Acive, Is .one iff- Branden's . West thighly think there • was . elu.y harm in carryicg eitteen!ted:• clblrens,.;•and ' *his: story may be. thati!! ?ia said.- "We aivreeis do it .out :implicitly reliedl Upon- by any tinder Wheel home." - t , - _ . i : : -• . . - - - . - -- -5 AO. 64 it may creme. :.- .. ' - - -.• 1•. -- . The. Policemen found on -hini 'a star-shaped 1- De.. : Williarnet, _Pink - Pills are tk. perfect• , nickel -Plated bee* bearing the. teseriptienit '...-blood Wilder and nerve: . restorer, curing " Gay.. Marshal Crete," $64 -07 in - currency:, such 1 diseases ; as . rheumatism, -neuralgia, and a. -beiik .book on the Hanover National : partial paralysis, .. leconuiter -ataxia, --St.: Bank in :epee:ant with J. A. Itetse: e : • De Vitae' ..dafece; enervous iteridache,- -.nervous conteitied- Only ia -single entry tifeTnly -2tedi.? prostration, the . alter effects - of ila:grippe - - of $1,000.-: : - - - - .• - - • • • - .1 tefirienis -.:. - and e,severe t :colds; - .diseases ' vile shied 'OLD GAB. : ' , .‘ :_- ". - 1 depending on humors in the -bleed' such tam- , ,. , _ -- - i .. . , - . - - - . siceheofula; -.. wroth°. erysipelas, :Otte .Piiild Deese said. he had been in.correisponderice • healthy .:glow ,'--- to pale - for -seine tilde -With -what he calls a' - tperty »- Pine 'give .: a in this op.1,. negoeleithig for .- White the and '1.1aallOW einitPlediehei etKi -itr.e -- a specific - " prti,..;"‘ le4 -him lo believe: :Wiee, - "good-. Pit' Ah.i. troubles peculiat: to the . feneelle • eaotiev4 - . : . ,:e - .- . .- i Osten', . and.. in the case of Men' they eem 1 iffeet a radical:Cute in alt catereatieing.fr* et. -My • lettere . and teiegrami,''.- he -"I elereays WO to the--- Coemopoiltan Hotel.- :.-i. mental worry, -..:9°.er, '41, t: °'• .e,Oes.2-4:s _.1)f . met him yestieddey ea agteedeupoei _ at the 1 •••Dtt - Willianiste Pink. ,Pilli - are : sold .,13nt thiS part. he Aetna* I refine to. give. • only in boles bearing the fizen't: trade mark. betel, tied he went tee a l3seiroone !melee; -where -In. R.446velt- street., . He produced ;', They are :no* sod 42- bulk, _ or by . the the:tin, box- which ' you - iteee. and showed i &hen or hundred; OA any dealer who ;offers • -anbetientoe. in this fermis trying:to.defiaud me:what_ I took:- to. -be $5.000- in : one: and.. fi,ie:d.c,iiiir be se pet en in peke -gee,. which deoniendiehould he avoided.. The. public are I *iw ta, haveifor :$lim. in cash. . . 1 itieed.i 4i.lso -oarettoned-. against:: all ether • seecellect -and showed lam- tuti bank :. book on the :i ,toed Intildere andnervetoniciie pat up in :Hoover .Natioxisi-134,11k with $eem° - to. jay . eutuar, term . intended to -deceive.: ' Ask credit.-• We Started for the. bank.: I- told our dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink rtils- for .theinenterone . was a: big man' and _ one a , d'itlei People and i refttiete all iwitatione :and- 1t414e. one—that . I -wanted - the cashier to isubt41r4e°': - ••• :',:.._ - --. - :.-: . • , . L onnuttkose billa and .., see the a -motile was ' - Oise lille are tivOulfactu'reci•r bythe Dr.-- ind I . Williams' - Medicine 'Company, Iirepekvilie, t_litire«; • He ',started to -run then dame -: Onte, iiaidSchenectedtriN,IC-1. Ind may be had• ' . alogi" - - - ••• . _ j: of all dire,ggietis or:. directly Wail .. from ' Dr. geabbed the box. - Then - the police ' "And you. eipected to - . catch theirs men ''' Willutiliis . Medicine ljeteldiund frm11-•:'°114;00 • cents "a !box, or 6: bezel for .:•giveirte.hp,.eatincth; -111.ei:iire bo,' as this ?" perked:- the -, addkiitit.at Oi:1- . : i ---; , e .. : ' ' h th - Ills' skew's Course of •- treatinent- cow.- - ' "Yes,"' arts ., ered . the. humbled Marshal- et Sr° 1°Id-'ff-A air 'COMpared . with •. Then he, told hievedte- had- gotten the. book' -I,obtativelY;inejelteneivit . fiteite a Man in the beak to whom he - had & ... - i .; • . . - ..! ether 'remedies or Medical treatment. ' ' - leittee of intreductione , - i ' i- - - -..- . • . t He said he believed- the enter trouble with.- I .. ii*set4.711".4 " FilC"-ef • . , _ the victims -of the green- geode gawp. eves - Ineects.-thae spend Meet Ofitheir lives In •So he de- emitted to Watch. itheipackege . and. i Mi. -lays- killed -by :being. 'freepri.:Instaineep • giggei. out a bask hook, writing the. entry: tette- numerous of ttavellers, in, the • -AtiOky• . -himself, which purported to thew him geode.' Menritains: finding .bietterfilei :: above ether . for $1.000. • - • .- • , - : . -..- .BieW-Ilne 'frozen stiff: . When carried • toei .. _ i TelegraPhie leqeiry yestetday .Preired I .*--44*0- er climate or Into -a -. ftebin they often - that. Derse told. the- truth about: where he 't coMpktely e revive. ...-: Their nermal-- vital _ bestfy,- dark mot stitch° and ifi ithogetherte has at power le- to low thee:a. degree.. of. Cold . that - everild_ eireve Mel to other oreattreil---deice Wei frent... He .10- large. in -•etature. ' . BY BICYCLE. HE marriage cue- t01110 that long years ego are sup- pesed to have•. ' :been. decreed by Cupid are many and curious. :Almost - 'every • incident ammo - ted with the .weid- , , ding,. be it ever se -trifling, le • pile • • posed to contain tksi•4,rt lett a hiddelimeening, ettee r . to be revealed in thelives- of the .lucky - �r u.nfeetunete -Couple. , • While, in tbcte later days, the throwing of old- sheet after the -bride and. groom say simular customs are cirried. cut .only in the lipielt of fue-ethe einnneitition and 'history of these_manY,,inen-y kiliATStitiOlaa both - interesting and singeing. , • - • In the first -place, theee, are certein dates -upon the Calendar- Which cannot • be Oicod •upen for :" the happy day,". hecituree teary tredition-has decided . ptherwliser if the subtle • fever Of motrimeny le workieg in yogr brain, censult the folloeiing list el et - lucky days.he govi.med accordfrgiv. ; •J,3431. 1; 2, 4, -5, 7,',10, la.; Feb..- 6, 7, 18 ; March 1, 6; :8 ; 6,' I1-.; May,. 5, 6, t7 ; June- .7;-. 15; July .19 • Aug. 15, Sept. 6, 7; -Oot. ; NOV! 15, 16,andDec. 15, 16,•17.-•, Thee prieticular:deys. are war- ranted to 'blight', the . lives of. truest lovers ever - .Butethey are not the only snares that threaten the ineittlinontilly Bead 'thls.)little *arse : — - • . • Monday for Wealth, . • Tuesday for health, - Wednesday the best day of all; - Thursday for crosses, - Friday for losces, • . Saturday no luck at all! Raving learned the. Varticolar days ts be avoided, says' the. New York Sun, 'the feverieh lover -.may . think that he cen breathe freely. Not yet The- plot etiii *thickens. - He has yet te learn that the old Romans started °the ides that Jute Wer at the top Met* . as e pro,pitioue month for niatrimony, and thatMey was correspond- ingly below par. This complicates metiers even more, :lent the tangle Is 'still further aggravated by the wool], that potent factor in htiman affairs, - - • . Getting down to the Wedding _ it is interesting to know that the word is deiiVed- from the Angle..Saxon term " wed,' which was the mime •-of the security given by-iihe'bridegromn at the espousals. Inetead of .appealieg before the guests in the time-honored - going -away gown, this bride will -down -stein: a jaunty bloycle costume of grey, with a wide White tailor colter, ands white yaeheing cep get on bet curly heir. _The room, knicker- bockers,,vill await her - veith the trusty` wheel, and the rice and old .ehoee will have to be thrown veil lively, as they bowl away from. the parental mansion to the • shades of the wood e and glerte 'between here and the first etopping „Vag° on their joureey.i. - - SuO trip ueder .such eircerostenees seems quite letyllie., for, -44_ course, - when -wifto gets tired hubbie o all the 'Work a propelling - thOr terilege ahead,. and when he, oo, feels exhaneted they an 'rest anthr the treei.azd teak of. the -delights of Marzieddife, the flit -eines of which are taken on a bfaycle! 'Tem REST )1ATRING SUITS. • • • Sbort.SkIrted kohate .ent.Ets Ars In Favor ;This eosion. • Mohair is the favorite materiel for bathe :Legit -efts this sunnier. It is `because jt dees not alitinki nor idoes it ecling-10-the- flier e when wet, es flannel and less wiry febiloe are Slit to de. 33lack sults,- are effre tied espeoielly, popular. • Navy -blue. 'waits are -alicays liked,- a few red .riehe ere teen,- but White is little used this yeir. ••_•-defe;idi Shart tilts are in :greet favor, but are no e eertied to -the extreme seen at French yeteringepleces. The skirt ihould reach joet lido* the knee and _ehould conceal the _ • di ewers. :The waist and drawers are made in ate plecielteireg joited 'belie and the sever ate bidet is .brittoni'd to the belt, Yohes -rite deur used than formerly, . and weists are not bleuee-like. Most • waists} are. betted,- but • -With . little . fulness at the belt -line, and Mine ,et the top. hianyofelie, -popular ttrienmiegs _dress weietsaiii Been in bee hing Otte, :such as reeedi, the e Derby col*, and shoulder ruffles., Short. eleeves are lwern- ;almost eat egether, as- they are Jibed by swimmere they- const now of Pre large -Jaunt *puff, or • .elke•of a pleated reffie 41 -ling bait way to the elbw. The skirt,is.sabeut two yards, sand a quarter or half in width. The drawers May be wide at the knee and Simply henemedeex else they are knickerbockers drawn up by elude beetle. Well-ehrunken braid, either cotton or worsted, forme the best trimming, White ..mohair bands two Inches and a half wide Overlaid WW1 four . rows of nairrow colored' .14.1 , else with the rowa of -braid - abere the mohair band, . =the effective trineeings 'tor Aire. and drawers, and also form the belt and cellar: . e--27arper's Bazar. " thought it wasd alt good ; Sores, Who esitt PIA **Piltrei and --Whose -skin' gravy. . - Crab 'Etindwidlies are ;another Pleasing tatietion,• :The: crib Shon141. -be,. minced fineiy:eed- teE4408f\al Of; '08ppea parsley and .melted butter rubbed*. Three Chopped hard boiled eggs:ahead then- be :irelded- and the Wholetpread.thicklyon the breed: Nor must the `riardine sandwiahebe logotten. Eaoh eendwich-should be wrapped in;a piece of *SX-ild.pepee and :pecked- in boxes, which should be • Visaed in • the. bottom of: the • haraper.- • Other. things' 'Owl) go- to :make. the inner - joys ef th& picnic petty, and which must :find ra .- piston In the basket, are a 'sealed bottle -oftpleklee, : can of earclinee some. extra rolls Or. ef bread, a pot of 12baked beans, .crackers and cheese,' plenty of ftnib, a tin Cat . filled-- With i,eitgar, lament's ' and 'a quantity of green tea. : Other -things which; nau.se go with. thee patty -ere tablecloth,' 'seine paper' napkins, an extra towel, some tumblers for the .tekanfl lemonade; 'a Smell pitcher end.sieve for -tb,e- tea. . The -cold tea: may be wade by soaking the tee foranhour: in geld writer and then -pouring de- :thew& theedeve.inte the glees*. . There - are any number of . hints- "in- the shape, ef don't Viet Wight be packed :along With the other things,, . and ...which-- will add neatierielty :to , the chance*. en- joyment; • - example, tdon'e. mixt up yeett guests. very fet-yon to be the all reined friend on, !idolater's,- but .denite make a picnic an occasion forbringing to- gether -people I:- who have-. eerisons .-fot- not epeaking: . they • pesia• by their toupees -04y opitofut..tbiugi.3 to each other. -..Dein't melee the picnic -the OPPortimity-for breaking -in -110W Shoes. The biggeet, Oldest pair of sheer' in -yeuricellection. Will be :none' too 868P on :the return -trip ;.behiiies, such things -.turned, strained, :even sprained iiiildeehave been known as -picnic incidents:, :std .& neWeshoe,Wetild have. to be cello. get it Off and would -wicirseitite goin -g. home in- - • The . -price -0/ W . shoelese state.. - _ * Also don't mit) the picnic. the oceisien of showing off your eharmieg litddebonnestand new mull gown. A: thunder shower - may triondeacreers the cleared blue sky any tined; elnd mull dresses -and' dainty bets have- an alarming way Of cellapaing`. if Wee: e: Be prepared, therefore, .:fet Iran or 'Shine ieer Wearing a -big 'etpituat and- a . serge: :gown and 'shirt ',There) Witt notekeep you In a- fever of :atixiety.for ,fear they willt get --eogoa- Or spoiled. be resigned to cone hoe* looking like a lobster. to .behigadernedlwithiitineeroue scratches and bites from festive *Beets. bent 'on-. S. -Summer, -lark,, just as you are In the guy. Sunshine. - If you will MOW ell -these directiene With proper. attention you Will finclehemapotent recipe for • extracting • the ,sWeet :from- the bitter of the picaic-forni of :ref:Teatime. THE. FIRST. WEDDING RING. The wedding ring, according to Henry Swinburne; of the 17th century, was first designed by Promethees and. fashioned out of adantedit aed iron by Tubal Cain. e -He said that it wars " given by Adam to his son to this -end, that therewith he should eepourie ti wife." --• Mn were, as all w men F .knotvedeeeivers ever, and some of hese tinetoru-puleee creatures wore ...wont to wed with ;MO made of iustiee, iMagining them: to be.lees binding than a strong and valuable Ong, The Bishop of Sallsbuty, hovievei, step -ped in and forbade this practice in117. Silver wee- More frequently-- Used than gold for Wedding Helga. In these days a good -ring is considered so essential to the 'validity of a marriage that a tradesinatt- in a market town Dome years ago materially added to his -income. by let- ting ontrings to: . the poor people for their wedding day. . - - Bridal: fevers .eie Of: Daniele'oxigini For lietarice, the tine levee's knot was a Danish fancy, and took. its name from the exp Osten " truelofee-di I plight lily troth." • The throwing the slipper after the bride comae. apperently 1 from barbarous Ititne% when thorrelatione of man .and * wife :were really'. very much akin to those of .Master and alive, for it-seeins that the Shoe Was an emblem enthorityiend at an Angle -Saxon Marriage .ithos was liven by the bride's father_ to her liturband in token of tiensfer- ende of power over her.. PRECAUTIONS FOR ima BRIDE. There' are *certain preemie:ens becgmbeett On,the writed-he bride and groom -and_ theii friends; by the close 'observation ef, *hide - they -.rev hope to give ths final slip 1 to the .ill -hick which would appear to be lying in wait to -devour thane. They must net open an umbrella in the house, even:though they have - seen: the MisdhlevOus . bridesnisids pour paritielee of ',Hoe into its - mire . Opt the :contrary, they owe it to. their hopes of feiture happiness to provide all the 488 and old shoes they Om get. ..A hetserihee must be hidden in the flowers Owes& which the cereinoty is iperforMed tand. a : Wishbone -must keep it company. Of course, the bride Plaati wear ' .• • '-'omething old and something nev41: - Something borrowed and something blue. STILL MORE SUPERSTITIONS. • • TESTING .ARROR-PAATE; _ It Costs & Fortune- to Make Even a:Two. . . - • • *lours' Test. It cost the people of the United States about si25,000, 41 a couple of hours the other day to settle in the mIndeof the officers of the Ozdnance Bureau w.hether some armor plates made by the Carnegie tied. Bethlehem oteel werke respectively were as good as they- (night to be. It Witis .fouiad that they were; and -what that, means can be im- agined When one of the plates. was 17 inches thick, weighed 34 tons, and was attacked by Rivals weighing 850 pounds efich, the last ones fired from a 12 -inch gun at a distance of only. Si 9 feet, striking it with e force needed to MOVO a mass of 21600 tons, or • 43,600,000 pounds, through a•foot of space. The projectile went through. We take it. that that did not surprise even the eiPerts, who - are used to thinking about - these inconceivable masses and velo- cities, But What did surprise them • was that the hole it made -Was nearly aa clean as if it had beendrilled,and that - not a crack appeared - about its edges. Though this par. icular pceiectile was lost,._ having been .deflected and fallen into the Poteenso, the other. prejeotiles which:pene- trated the risme plate were found in perfect condition and at to be used *gain. That seems almost more marvellous than the per- fection of the plate. Meanwhile thepeople of New Yerk may take SOME) fatidaction in knowirg that down at Sandy Hook the War Department has just mounted a gun that. will' throw a 1,000 -pound projectile and melee a hole in the heaviest armor-chd r abip now afloat at a disband° ef Mx miles. If we mnsbspend money on what we hope are purely peaceful experiments, it is a comfort. to know what we get forlt. thattlicy didet-wetch the peckage.closely. a - or send torpid condition' are not •reseutable--man: The charge ,iipou which l'uot kill them. - • - rim was held- was that, of carrying con - ;waled weapons. _ Trivvet—Is this - your advertisement in --the', paper for a lose dog? Dioef—Yes. TiriVvet—WhY, you -never had dog to Item. Dicer—I know ; but I -want one -now, and I think I -can make a 'satisfactory -selection The Husband--WilLyou. go-te thetheatre the tO-nigItt, dear -CIA? " - • • . uuu The Wife—With pleasure, ; but there th a - little favor I wish to Belt yotee - • The Husband—Name it, darling. . _ - Te Wife—It eis only midday now; You At Another Time. elf- one. of the couple Manage ,on the way to the deremeny to catch sight of a spider, a toad, or a wolf, he or she may oongraltulate . himself or herself. On the other hand, it Would be well to jsend ere .accomniOdating: -friend ahead tit' put out ef the way such unlucky obje.cts as monk, a hare, a -dog, a oat; a lizard. ora Serpent: If a.raven croaks above the bridal e:larty it will save trouble to -give the *hide thing up: If either -one trips -on the Way to the, church, the stepahniust be retraced, and, finally, .when- the portal is reached both -bride and • groom must put the right foot first on the.step of the church. 4.; - • A. Honeymoon Trip by ineyele. PRIZE LIAR OF ANGORA, Stan for Which He Received a Golden 10,1 From the Sultan. Angora has the curious reputation of having gained a prize offered to the man who c show himself to be the greatest- • liar 111theworld, says Loudon Truth. • A former Sultan—so runs the story— offered a golden bell fer tying.. Many lied to him, bub the Salton replied that he could' hineoelf lie better. Finally all old man froze-Angera appeared before. hire with a - large jar en his shoulders, • . "Your father," he said, "borrowed a jai like this full -of gold from my father, and said that yeti would repay the gold to his eon." • "Impossible," said the Sultan. . "11 the- • eeriest' be true,"replied the "pay event father's debt alf impossible, I have won the golden ball." , ' The Saban at once awarded him the prize, and there -still lives at Angora a manwhe 18 supposed to be a descendant•of thie ingenious liar, and who is known by the name of Altentopoghlon, the literal rendering of which MUM "Son of the golden ball." Johnny Comso, " why hi it .called the -mother •tongue.. instead of the father tongue ?" - • • -- • " fro* the animals the advertisement-. will 1-bava an the afternoon before you. - Won'b 111- tell -you some - other time, Johnny'," !piing an' - • - - t you kindly go -and see that -men_ now in- replied •Mr. Curns0 in a -.whisper, as lie'. Finnish paper is to be. printed in: Min: stead of - going out betweenthe aoti to see glanced to where Mrs.. Onmao was sitting within earshot. • • hbh to;nightl . . Every one is in iseareh of novelty these days, and even brides and grooms are nob exempt froin the, popular desks to. distin- guish themselves in some way and have'. their honeymoon built on ito different Prim froireany that has gone before. A young couple, members of I 'cycling club, have concluded that there could bei no more. charming arrangement than to got* a wed- ding -tour -from !pleete to ph* guided thither by the good offices of a biOycle built for two. ' .f• The trunk of the bride will be teal.) OP ahead, for, even 'though. she 113 in search of novelty, her feminine desire to leek litho- itir &Age Will not perinit her to go EOrthir with s* Fishing With Shovels and Pans. Fishing with shovels and pine, which* began on the Passaic River, near • the Straight street bridge; on Friday night, was resumed en . Saturday morning with great success, Vandal Of b&a.a, *1E412431 and catfish being caught. The water is low at this point, and men, women and children waded through the mud at .daylight, filling all kinds of receptacles. After a slight • sh.ower at 10 o'clock the fish left the shal- low Water, to the disappointment of the • fishermen.:—Pcstersen, (W.',1.) letter in.1117-eur York Times. -Accerding to a- report by th<French. Minliter of Finance 148,808 families in Fiance have claimed exemption from oer- . tain taxes recently voted by the Parliament - on aecount of having seven or more ,chil out a .few- bits of. prettiness ready....to Ail*. donned when the day's run:ii over. - 41 The air pump wai inVeited'in1654.