HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-25, Page 6N : • 01140.4/1.. .. . . . The Soldier's Dream. - 0. Our bugles sung truce, for the night elonds had lower'd ;.1 -.And the sentinel Stars Set their Watch in the _, And. thousands; had: stink on the gronnd-over- . ....- itpowerek ' 77 -The_ wearyAck sleep, ,and the wotinded to die. When reposingthat- night on my: pallet 'of ' straw, iii.Ry the wo searing fagots that gtiarded- the slain.; - ' _,: -- . At the deai of the -night a sweet visionI saw,, • And -tiviee ere the coolc crew I dreamed it • rti, again. - - - • Kethoughf ifrom the - battlefield's ;dreadful array.. . t • - Far, far I had roathod on a desolate track, Till autumn and sunshine disclosed the sweet: e, -1 way . .. • . • To th313.011.§0 Of ray father, whowelconied Me back.- - I trdeveto the 'plelsaut fields-, traversed so ofb • -In-lifo's-Marning march, when my bosom was - - • -young, i- - . -• . I hearl My Ownmomitainargoats bleating aloft, . ..-_And knew the swees strain -that the corn r-c,:.....,„.reapers Sling. ..Thei.V. 131edg'6d. WO thewineclip, antffen.dlY, 1 t -v Sord i • Fre.m. my Ionic' and. -my weeping friends never . tevart.:: - , . • - -• My -littleoues kissed me a -thou-Sand times o'er, And my wife sobbed -aloud :-in the. fulness of • heart, . -• - . i_. . L " Stay,_s Lasr,,, with ns -rest, thou art weary and. tt• worn!" - - - I . • - -. -' And fain was the; war -broken soldier to stay, . But so&ow returned 'With thedawning: of And. -: morn., - - . _ - : • •• ' ' . * - - ; And the .voicc in .my dreaming ear. melted away._ - • . • , - 71t,orno;s C -4a!nuabeli . Irit.h 1.7ntig' renrii-LaMen. r.. . STAMMERING OD TUTTERIGS Interesting Fats Vory Cotaiiio 1.777 ::ttt . _ I'm sitting GA the stile; Mary, Where we si.t side by side, On a bright May morning long ago, Whenilt-t you were my bride. The corn Watti* springing fresh au.d. green, And the lark sang loild and high, And toe red wa-3 on your lip-, Mary, And the loveligot ia your eye. • The plaCe is little ch-anged, MarY.;- . The day -as bright as then; = The lark 1911.1 song Vs in my ear, - And the cora is green again. But I-M'Ss the sof Clasp of -your hand, ,- And your bre .th warm on my cheek; And i8011 keep li,tening for the'Words : Yon nevermore will speak. Yours was the brave good heart,'Mary, -That still kept hoping' on, -- When the tru.A in God had left my soul, And my arm's Young strength was gone. There Wit& a conic ort everon your lip, -- And the kind look on your brow, bless you for that same, Mary,- • -The you cari`t her me now. - I thank you for the patient Smile - .When your heart was fit to break; When the hunger pain was gnawing there, And you ilia it fee my sake. - I bless you for the pleasant -word, - When your heartwassad. and. sore, 0, I'm thankful you are gone, Mari; Wheie grief can't reach you more: • ODERN 16110D arding -These ,ctions. (WIC') 1 BOSTON Herald lire- L peeter Obteinid the , f olloWing:.' tnftitniee hienfromspecial- - este: -Don't imiigine , that -.Stuttering and sttimmering , are the esarie.--. They are die!' ticket foiine. of s aeoli . dliturbince. :In stnte tering . there: isi :no -leek of - abilitye to • -t • pe ii ri o Uwe: semi& diatineay, bet alveent O f *P0V.er . ite •coiniie isOunds.•Ttogether in faliong_ selleb:ete i 4.tel morAs.1 . Ingle eouleiti- cioa 'I be ar tionlated - Witt:Oub. difi!. culty, bet whee the , patient attemeets." to see ,ile it irripeciin.ient.,- meets. ‘:Staraniering iA an -1=-Y6-iiii ley to .pronienice. le-.:-.terii Properly. Thie isio.neeteee the eireenit of defecha . in.. . .the o.t.g4ne of ispeh, ittch. as- cleft palate,- :paralvOis- Of the safe._ palate, -r:tongne-tie and ether lleferrnites •of the tinge° ;. hafr-lip; .. defeireitty - of :•f. the teethe; : ewe': Enlarged_ berisile iney:alea . be iincleded a• one of the. °awes.. -Aphasia is a Coodition• arisiligiroin a. ditiaase- of :the brain, whicie *comities teep- ee impeirthent oftbe- idea. of lenguiage• Or Vs expression. In &Olen% speech ' is in pa3.' red or lost frotil disease of the •v-opel_pap' pettitue,ealtheugh" ' -- - . . . . . , . - :THE .-114EDIOUY ()F WORDS - A.4%17.447 DOWN" and" Usedup" feeling is the first wfirning that your liver isn't .doing its work. And, with a torpid e liver' and :the, inep-ure- blood that fol- lows it, you're an easy prey - to oll. sorts of ail; - silents; • - That is the time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden . Meclical Discovery, As an appetizing,. restora- tive tonic,to repel disease and build up the needed flesh and strength, there's nothing to eietiel it. It irotises every organ inta, Iiealtb- ful action, .purifies and enriches the blood, - braces up the whole system, and restores -health and vigor. . . - For every disease yeased by a digordered liver or impure blood, it:is.the only guarcir- tee.d remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure in - - every case, yap. have your Money back • "4- • • • e • , $et/0 ie offeeed, by . the • proprietors of Dr: Sage's Catarrh ,Remedy, for . an 111 - curable case of Catarrh. e Their reniOY perfectly . and permanently cures •the liFI,)1•St eases. - • • .A Ai& Medicat Antkoeity: ow-- the A.d.VIVILis DIEAMPiESS AND DULNESS. - tages Of the Void Donche. 71he popular notion of the injurious effect- . Of a cold bath taken by • one who is over- heated. from exercise-. rand: possess -se all sucifideas have-,-sOme bads etperienes and yet it is falsified by the experiences of 041614 from the . days of. the Greeks ani Riiineneelien until now, ...who find in thjii procedure- a . .refieshing: and - tonic after the. exertion they have recently tmcli3rgone.. And, phyuiplegicaliv speak- ing, a. cold plunge or *douche taken inemedietely 'after the . physical. effOrt, wben the skin is-aciting freely ..and there is a Ewes of healethioughout.the body, I as rational as In the experience of ;the athlete it is _benefioial. It is paralleled by the -tonic effect • preduoed by: the Cold plunge When the Alin it! actierely secreting after a Turkieli bath, and finds its rationale slOubtless In the stimulation of the nervous system, in the increase of internal altepela- tion,•and also in the renewal of -activity to the_entaneous Circulation after the. momen- tary oontrection of blood vesselie due to the. The- pepular belief do.ubtlessi rests on the Injurious effecti whisihmay be infin.enced by the bath in .one who does not reeert to lb iinmediately, belt allows time for th.e effeots Of fetigue show theraseives on the eimecles and' nerves and for the isarface of the, lpedy to get cool. Taken then" the -bath :is mere likely to deptessithanto stimulate,. there is less power ofreaction*end .greater IlabIIIty teinteinel inflanitaationse At oriole tiltinie a • Warm bath. rather than a • oeld one is Mere suitable and,- more Bete:. It hes bean suggested, howev_er, that the. practicie' Of indulging in a bath (biter Violent exercises may..initiate renal disease. af this -there is no evidence: The transitory. .albuminuria observed after: prolonged cold bathe they indicate the distiirbance. in the Tenet circulation which erisuee upon them, but these cases are in . a different category from those to which We: are new nor are we aware of any facts to prove that even in them; Bright's -disease -has been developed in othiseqUence of the transient departure from the florins'. Lestly, it meet be remenibered tbat thole indulging in athletic exercises of all kinds arepresumebiy sound in heart - as welt • as Brab, sua that anch persons may take- With Iimpunity, and indeed, With benefit, 'measures whioh would be-dietinctiy. harmful to the- .weakif. -The -Lancet. • - 44.0f Whit_doies a 'stntherer's impediment. cemisiist 1" .... e : 64' It bentiebs ispesniodice- ContreCtion :of sothe of ethe.t.Museles inSeilved in 'the ,Pret- duceion of sounds.: The limpeditiient' may show itself as aeon - the patient bogineeto Speak,- or not untli several .words have been _uttered.. • It is meet likely. tn..ocesur when the Word *whieh the indierithiel attempts to - pronthintie .begins With -consortient,", -es- pepially, with :an exPleeive sound. .In. very. atelier° oesere. the, • sufferer,., in • tits attempts • to 'utter: 1. an .eirpleitive sound, eometinies 'works hiinself , into a abate of _greet. agitationeee*Hie' heart .pelpie :tites,*.hie face- 1.3000mi3S-reiV•veith congestion profuse-perePieation breaks orit lend ho pre- sents stillest the. appearance of maniac, -The paroxysm . often oiantinuest e until' it becanies •necessary -the -patient totake breath. - When attempt is renewed, or It ntaybei just . the. patient is almoste haissted- the refractory organs perfeitintlieit • function, and . the legated loomed. is pit:e- choed. - In Mild:forms of the -affection there le timPlyTthe repetition of parttoular -lettere or syllables. . : • • - • e ,Why * is _ that a stutterer- esti singor i _Whietle. and then geii• over °thy - :• - : • : ' • 44 That- is hard to answer.- The affeetion. . , presents Many peculiaritieseand that is one Of them: SOMA STUTTOERS CAN SING and the,pfeer•ef eepressingthem- ty.Wribe ing them remeiris unimpeiced. - A ;victim Of aphasia. Cannot. Write. To c.w.o.:aphasia .it 14ofteneecessery_ to. peewee a course of •eysteniatic instruetion,,,begibulng: with the -letters Of the alphabet... the name*: and .iiiguifiCanes Or:Whieb. must be learnedi as.. in -infancy. The applieetion 'at electrieity to tbe taegne and mix/J.0.1es of the throist: sit•COn• etitdered of Value. Of coueee, 1 have not the .tirtie'arthe inclination to go so deeply . into .e. Case as thet: In:caiiee where stiChl treat- ment ,la ineeessery.. it-. ie better ,that the patient take up his Or her residence in some private hospital, -Where .he. can .be treated and wattcheil'carefiillee for. the loniet.periods, neoeiteerse" _ - e • u.D.O10.,ken. have Many cages of stammer - lug among,. children - "Yes.. . A frequent cause of -the acquire- ment .:of. lthts form of defective 'speech is talking'baby-tolk to .children, - thus pre- ventingetheni- from farthing • correct, bablts of iirticuletioe. Thedfaoteleif. articulation -13$3-ierii 7 in. thil neVer be tmitat.,,d E - NO 33 1893. NOTE Ini replying te any 'Uwe adhrinialw meats pleaseAsention tbils • Defeerivp- _tieart.ixg .110 - chtedrei often:: a. .Prinxt Caust of 1entat Siolyikess.. - - . A recent cotilributor to the Medica 'News brings 6viden.1-..6 to - show that .al*rge pro- • portion of the school *children cleseieaeket mentally. "- are "affected withe de- gree of deafeees. That deafnese should . _have a marked effeetupon the. resntir,'-ancl •'Oen eipon7 the phyeical, deiretiOpedent of ohtld la easily belieyedesinee ea large a peril of everyone's ear:eat:on - is transinitted thebrainthretigh. the ear. ' Dr. Sexton,. an Ablerican.'•aurist, 'found a- -distinct defeet ia the hearing peiveee Of • la per cent. of a liege nitraber of sohoolchildren whom he examined-..: •• 7 Dr. -W.eil, -of Sritittgert, in an 'examination_ of over .6-,000 itohoot• Children, foitreltlist 30 •per -dent.. or peerly one-third of _thenniti- ter-exsmieed,had defectiv-o hearing power*. He _Madeuse of the -.whit:spot test -and the * _teat for _hearing the watch tick. The hear. -ring Wei considered -defective only wben ib fell cansiderably-belew the iitteioge. • .Dr. Gaile. ef Paris,. who has Made oaten- _ sive experinieuts in-regardeto the percentage --of deafness among _school. -children; fowl(' thata degree of deafness was very ..thiminoe • amen,- "dull" -pupils, though ,often unre- • cognized. - :He found; n one:base' peVeri - ohildrea. placed in seat e in. rear 'Of theiieheol '-rown on accettietof delimits and -inattention. Of. these, fejir could :hear the *etch -tick at distiiiice- Of- from 2 to inches. enly, While two were entirely: deaf inenie. ear... • • Of twelve boys -wham the teacher -.con- sidered. Poor puplist, :ten .. were.: affe.oted with loss of hearing -power in one: et both. ea -re. - • •.-.- • . •, Cages of deafness .thould not be *allowed• _ to go- without treatment'. . :-E sten tiee seein;. . 'ugly.. hopeless _aeries_ should be sant tio the atirist fer an °Pinion- as to a likelihood Of iniprovepiett under treatment. :* ,‘. Runnieg• ears should. never be. ,neglected.. --Small a- condition: makes -Ale -child si_disagrisitetible neighbor in a aeheiel. .. Tli� disease le•alWeye. a source of-, danger to the child itselfeand *may be a Bourses of -danger to companions. --• . • f Diming n attack of messlei or ..scarlet fever seer complication should: be guarded aginst by, cleenlines*. .of ..the-. -nose and teat. If the eats diaoharge. :they should relitte.treatinent -aiming at - cIeenlinem of Greai pains shooki - them in clear. end -sif children - shoe by their: attendants. be - epeek-tO fetinee tones.- lila that they may be lee to acquire . correct a _of utter aoe . TIsis it Is Irnposaticlefr ina4 seemde 0 vor.y. tmportant, since .mes5 adults to tter are net learned.- ring early life. No . Reit g man ; is :a to pee - mance the epeeeh- "scianile liei-ell Orel nations cif the- earth. German. • .0...)-00410 in guttural sounds, Fiench in. !laical vowels and •Rnse Stead in - hissiug .seeitdi The meniber of conateant.- - reiunde :in ' Hiedoeteete.* • Is 48- maie than doUble. she number ein the Heelish. leognage, 1whiele . Is but ,C1. • The Greek language eonteins wily 17 consonants, had items) AustraliOn.languages are said to -*have but -eight. . I Some- languagee are en- tirely wa,uting In Whole clasets Of Sonztd.. For instance,. here 18 a hook that informs Me that . the languages . of - the -- 'Mohawk, Ser1;7Afi, Huron*, and of a number'. Of Other •IndiesnAribee, de not .eentaiin the sounds p, b, f, Y W and. m, . end, .0OnseqUettil?lk - have not 0i:1 -word* 4 mamina-' and 'papa''found in .almost . 'all • Other- ; known • languages. When the attempt was made :to. teseli the MOhasOks, . to f. preens:num' words containing thee lettere _they declared that they wed& not Mike thethseives ridiculous byr-trying,t0 talk With their mouths Shute TWO, peculiar- ityr of _different languages is the -occasion of the -difficulty often.thet With by : none- of. differentelateres in -attempting to learn the pronineletion. of .oqiei latignagese • The: Chileeeee:haVing no re:in-the- attempt tcepese. nonnee the Word 4 Anierida '. substitiete an I for the re making it:4 Jamaillea:';" - "When hi :se r. strgical-.---operatien -neces. . . . . . . wiry?" . •:: • . - - , or Whisper' without -difficulty. Many sf- fected. persons- _have no difficulty in.speaki big when alone,. in the *.dterk;or - when -with persons ekth whene they aro intimately ao- quelriteet" . - • - 7." . . "I Suppose you. sine to remove the ciliates . . . In .treating i patient ,'!". ic.Yeee so. far as possible. :I doethis by the improvement Of the general, •health, by tonic baths, nourishing :diet and •exercissi especially.. lung- &mastitis, Swedish move- ments and tonio.applioations of' .eleCtricity. The direct treatment of the disease itself -beginitirith .exercises In breathing.1 '.Sonie require the -patient to -spend tk week' in abso- lute silence Woes *beginning-. exerciies of any sorb. - . The .first thing: to - be.. learnild by the . stutterer -is: how to _fill his hinge completely, and . then - to l expire It- . Bloody- and ateedily. . - .Afber this 'power has been .acquired the -patient should be- practiied - in the pronucciation of the dif- ferent vowels, both -Singly andineiceribina, tion. He =telt be intide. to speak them in -.loud tones, also in a 'Whisper.- - : He sheuld also bettaught to sing, them. The ecqu1re7 -*lent of confidence is . One ofthe essentials - of treatment. . Shynees, thnidlty; gonftision and aotual fear ..sheold be zonated. The - power to conibinte.Conliona.nts, . arid vowels b inttist next be Stequired... - Phrases - and shert • ecientiinationsi of words pain° next. .. Ail the while the Meat Careful eat-tenth:oh • bald be given ' to tb.e- reapiratiozi: -. -After .twii or threereenths a series of exercises:lhould be given, in Whieh the pupae should he taught to keep- thne, speaking each syliabie slowly. When the' patient finds :himself -iliesble to speakwithout stuttering he sliCiild -keep slim*" _ . - • * "-r- -. 1.• _AMU LADLES' COIALEGE, Sta. Thomas, On, Imparts thorough training in Book -Keeping, Arithmetic, Phonography, Type Writing and all other branches of Conimercial education at very reasonable rate's. Young ladies while -pursuing these branches can alio take up Mu.sic, Fine Art, Etocution or Literary course. Graduates are in lucrative eituationtin leading cities ef the Dominion and United States. For Announcement address PRESIDENT AUSTIN. B. A. of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites is both a food. and. a remedy. It is useful as a fat producer and at the same time gives vital force to the body. It is beeeficial itt _CONSUMPTION because itmakes fat and givesstrength., It is beneficial for SICKLY Cli1OREN because they can assimilate it when they cannot ordinary. food. It is beneficial for , COUGHS AND COL because it heals the irritation 0 the throat and builds the body and overcomes the difficulty. A.1ET'rION.9'-Benrare of Substitutes. Genuine prenare...1 seeit & Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. • 50e. and $1.00. IV.% tend tha vierrelotte Itzataik- ,:18797-fixuaCiiiXoessalr00.4: icfs:kklt: gutrantaatlmt.e.r..vraut4 mitt apaykw.feteriltaio_Ora~mali* !NIA iiiatEDinslt Lect vtigaak toi4730,m,ivilwaltapseiAtiem.pat:tfLaccaogisfisg. Itaa•jsmoi tg(01.14.-. rrEACHEItti AND OLDEA cai make monos canvas:dm Ifriend. and Atcoant Book". BM WtIiaut Br -tem, it.;t.‘itsher, To SCHOLARS ‘` Farms's fez alteulatis aural Canal. ---Youth's Companion. . To Cure a Felon. Make a thinible of loather and fill it with dompoeithen made as follows:* Stir' air- slakked lime -:into common eeft soap until it hi the consiatenoy of glazier's putty; intiert the finger therein and change the contents of the thimble once In. twenty minutes and a cure is Certain. .,WOOP$Tag• ...COLLEGE .. An 4! In roost caseS of . stamineritige Proper training is necessary. when the diffi oulty is due to acquired habit." . 1 .99 How about the remedy of Pembethe; nes V' ",Many _mechanical' devices-- have been invented for • the relief Of etuttering. *.A -stone under the tongue might have been useful IN DEMOSTHENEW CASE. -Little: weed= plates, 'shaped like the lower , . . jaW,-longue forks or - tongue bridleee and -a - -4 - koglistAstronomy. great variety of other contrivances are used. VennO, after an absence Of •_nearly e year, Thie plan of treatment is rarely i stioceeiful- i - - hem:returned. to ne as an -evening stars and and often _does harm. . In mylexperience, - InEi-Y new be Been after iitunieh in the west. stuttering ocCurs about ten times as fie - She wilt continue to thine as an evening quently .in males as - in lenialosi I:. should - .tar during the remainderaf the year, grow- hate to attend- h church sewing - pieta° of ing brighter and brIghtet as the months stutterers." I - , --- - • :Pais, 'and net repbing her greatesthrillianoy . "Is Stutte4ng.hereditstY 1" may be looked forin the east; jasii before habil Is ofteilsoquired by aesociation . witle .aunrise; 7 , . . , itutterers.:' -Temporary stuttering is Immo- Academic ' Department of ncfflaster University, FOR BOYS AND YOUNG• MEN. . Features -Physical Culture, Manual Train Ing, Matriculation, Teachers' courses, 5144. Calendar free: - BATES, B. A., Woodstock, Ont. -Do you want to buy a farm in the finest fa ,Section of Michigan? . If so write te R. -PIBACR,-WEST BAY 'CITY, who -is agent. for the celebrated !Keyetene lands,- situated in. Ogereaw snit • Alpena COuntiei. en- the line ef the.Miohigan Centre! and Alpena and Leen Lake Railways!. Very liberal terms are Offered, and 'railroad' fare 'one- way paid .en.the -purahase.ef •fetty wires. Yeeing men, this ilia chance to *Wive home 'of your own at very little -cost. - . . • J • A. Certain Remedy tor co And one always to be relied upon, is Pulmam's Painless Cern Betratitor. Safe, sure and always petals's,. Nearly fifty. imitations prove its value. Bewa e of eneh. Gat Patnean's at druggists. In BOStoss-; of Course. until Jan. gbh: - 94 Ib _ seem* to be somethiene I have Johnny-I wonder why Loan% kitellee? - e • ' - 'Elder Sister-ePsirhaps- the caw age- is diSpropeOrtiOnate to -the area;:. - . Johnny -I don't) think that's 1 there isn't weight enough on the _ About the 20th , of ths. elei,C.i-11. th '1 Mercury treated, father and son Otte .often.' . 'The-, 2,... . . - - - . . - . - ; _ - -•. ' . 9 - eaeturii which has been for •a• few months tiinei.piodttoid by diesipatitto ' sinoking: In'. -.past e pener,iduotis objeOt. ili the evening digeetiont-losi. OU .eiepi and: Other wises skies; has -pradtically, closed: his Betition and whioh•- Pr -04100' *Peet.- *trrvetle 641010-614" :new seta' before 9 O'clock.-• . - _- .-,.....- •- Anything that inoreasesinerYonieetbitebility . Uranus, invisible to the neieece. eye and greatly exaggerates --the . difficulty. . One not: easily found: *Min: opera ghat Withf. FOAM of mine Was entirelY. unable- **oak ent_.a- chart, is P..-thort distance-. . eastward- of 14. VFOtd.- when exhausted by a night's- watch - the. star Spice.- . • - - - ' -- • -. --_ - ing, Very i frequently the ' Stutterer INOill. - ,Iiiare is now -too near .the sun to be-.4isi- -4-eak-'wttli:tietfe" cithiinethltm - when mked bite ' _ .._ .to - stutter: I -Stuttering Is generally ' More * . Jupiter 1.in the constellation Timm - „•no - - - , e marked in the thorningthen in Pee: evening',. -ler from 'the:Pleiades, and .now rise:: ab6iit In soMe-. countries :the' . affeotiOn Is -; Otte midnight.- - In -ft: month or twelieVill item& common. --Statistiole *sito.W- that - in :Irrei*oe -among th.e, evening, dare iti his fell mtijeeit there -hi onel •stutterer for ._fiv, 0 -.14900 Pete . being this -yeat.-at iiiiiebeiglitest, and Will -' e scirks, and: irk ten :yeari. nearly 7,000 .persons -!is meanr1,7(al of Venni. - - . - -. . - ' - -,.. . Were -exempted -c EOM -military 'duty on: -AC- ' About one .hoar 14 &avenge of _, Jupiter is °Oust of stuttering:. It is etill-More frequent Neptanieilie4er'.visible tO -the nak_ ed_ eye. in. . G. e.rina.34. : It is -• said that . . . .. . in,Chins, a fact due tee.the -40;hr-raj:al .chsre ALBERT COLLEGE, , Ont, • Grants DiPloroas Cmnmercial Peience, • Music, -Fine Arts, Elocution and Collegiate • • Alistress-How Is it one never hears a sound in the kitohen when your .ffiweetheart .is with you of an eveniog 'Servant Girl -Please, ma'am, the poor fellow is so bashful yet; for the Present' he does nothing but eat I - - The Bashful man. - : courses. - .._Candidates prepared for Matriculation and for every- grade of Teachers' Certificates. Win re -open Tuesday, Septembe.r 5,1893. Send for Calendar. .A.ddress. PRINCIP.AL DYER., Make my- , al append - superficial kbelleve What *he Said.; _ Mrs. R. Peck, E, 15th street. New 'l'ork City, visited- Cauda last year, and had the good fortune to 'pick up something Which net only suited her, but herneigi bore also: Writing the inanufaoturer Neirviline ,she amyl :` "1 bought three bottles of Neridline while in Canada and treated my. -neighbors to some of ib and all think it basis medicine forf internal or external pain they have ever used Nerviline deserves such& cothmendation; fori it is most. powerful, penetrating, and certain remedy for pain of all kinds. -- Take no subs itute. - •, - Why suffer with. toothache when Gibbons' .Illeothaohe Clum will afford inetant relief 1 . what's in Name t Merchant -;-Xy dear wife, it 011 • be im- poseible for me to be home to -night, as I am Called very. suddenly to Philadelphia. on -very- - • - Stenegiapher-How do you _Spell Philae delphia.?- - llerchent--Yor're writing the, letter. Stenographer -You're dictating ib. Merchant -Well, then say Aloany. • - ..STIITTARING TiliKNOWN - - - - - A -Pertinent .Utile Eriglish boy, .ft-OcOrdhig- to a nava: pap -g published* in. London, Want some years. ago to the denbisb's to have • some of hi,* .44 first" teeth. .extradted.• •1/iffier they were out -the little 'fano* 'telt very unhappy about his less When the &atilt; to -comfort bit, Saki .4.4 11011 mind -abeto .thest- genie in• -again.” - • ' 44 time for dinner V' ..asked :the _ - _ boy, his faeo clearing.: - • Liverpool has England's L road. - The dome of_the new observatory now In Course of erection.it Gireenwich willtemade of_ Papier *abbe. - • .• A furniture advertifieMent -of the: Rue.- 0-renelle, Paris' : sale. Superb -Dino Old Oak, war ronintedilig--br°4rannitintitct. 11, ..; Statistic* are Maid to she* thak the in. • • &golden of inaohinery into !manufactories- , Best in the Worill! Get the Genuine! Everywhere! inallilW021.k....00." 'keCt LOCO °AIMS a Farming Lands, within 26 sahib of Saginaw (Irv, 59,000) -._.and within I to 13 inlAg. railroad. Teats: 1115 VA per sem Alle. -downlrak a year, d per. cent Lutorest. Sekelle and. churchee cesr.; well timbered. Elesali mans and - - • WA. M. TENNANT. • kiesireurich Mac Bach:ow. s., waft; This is Geed Enough to rpit 114=1 have "deaded to ask your father's actor of the language. - I helve read. in texie -consent' by letter, Pat:line.' I 'Now what- Bort liooka of :Frenchman Who studied Chinese hair decreased: the nuinber- of the unem- of a letter would yob:advise me to malxe it!? So as' tn. be able- to speak it -fluently, , . - She.--4zthink, Horace, would. niake it. althOugh he stuttered badly in his :native' PA°P".` . aneriymoui letter. - MONTREAL EXPOSITION COMPANY GRAND PROVINCIAL EXIIIBITION. 'AGRICUtTURAI,..and ObUSTRIAL :4th to -9th- Sept4 189a_ More __i. .2..-. More attractive. Grand Opening, Monday 4th Sept.. Labor Day, Civic Holiday. t • All departments comPlete. Military and other bands. • _ ' GREAT SHOW OF STOCK. -Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry. Manufactures and. Industries. -4 Grand Pyrotecnic Display, Burning of Mos- cow, Horse -Racing, High Jumping, and a host of splendid attraetions. Reduced fares on: all railroad.s and steam- boats. Open day and night. AdmisSionz 25c. ' 4 For Prize Liste and all information apply to 5.0. STEPHENSON - Manager and Secretary, • 70 Sb. Gabsiel street, Mon S WINSLOW'S SOOTH IWO . SYRUP FOR • CHILDREN liEETIIINCE 1. ie ley Dipmgfist*. SS 0000 sablitikw REE - - - WO INTOOD17011 OITA wor: r tiL.1wDe w liS TmaiiiERJitaLltayNG-9404S1!....sittpltSd . Amin reusiee,or A SILVER :BUTTER DISII titmutted Sterling Triple:Plated on White -.310.1,41ff ...cBcdEdieliiinrelsEdina)605500.....YrirsilcuzvHeir,;a:Zh, on criNALmmeceisdptheestipasoi logo riprzwlio Tpizosto, ONT.' 17.0007000' fAorCsaieEbSy t.40e: 111:: _ dc DULUTH xtAitassa, -CexPLIii in Minnesota. Send for Maps*n4Omar ism grimy will be sent to you 31711:110Mis Addres$ 14 OP EVVELIL CLARKE, Lsrole.Comraissionet. PauLMINwii • -I • India has 27,000 000 _acres Inwheat tongue." . - Piedse Remedy. or Catirrb Is the Best; EaseBt to tree, andi OW by airfits Or sent by**U, GOch. 14.1% Itiseinno. warren. fa. :‘ • IREVONDEROF'TIIE AGE IT ACTS LIKE A CHARM, k" YOU WILL NEVER DO WITHOUT IT AFTER =IL . It makes your Hands Soft es White. Gives a healthy appearance to the skin. Electpie Salve Hasno equal for *mg Salt Rheims,. Old Sores. Scrofulous Ulcers, Bora Eyes, , Skin Diseases, Pimples; . Chapped Hands, Corns, Boils. • Burns, Piles, Frost Bites, Fresh Cuts, SoreNipples. Ask your Druggist for Bby's new - trio Salve. Price 250. per Box. i„ ONLY 10 ti NOM KEK ACHINE ASKYOIJR SEWING MACHINEAGOIT FOR IT, OR SEND A 3 CENT STAMP FOR PARTICULARS, PRICE US"; SAMPLES, COTTON YARN.Sec. • -,THIS15,GpcjD FOR $ 2?? SEt-ip TO EELMAN BROS, Ivqr.5 'GEORGETOWN, OWE Please menden this paper when replying bS this e.dverbismen ; -