HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-25, Page 3snow .4. LAU diamond mbbed AND Another holder. the game an d ML .1 AT .Ep N hii bee r -doing Inst Mani As the, Ks 0 of lb6 mondcuts4ijmond.., I�A ecustomarypraiyarfort 9-:zuac 3 V 6nly ildle. =France hasan electric -Th 'breweries. K.� -OF J F fi lo 1- on, -was *duced, a -Inst pulated one; for -the I against -- P 11 the. flary olent: Incision -is p Work ol we Whdn a are 51,900 ppe fdr ------ hi d duced, and shirply ta 6.-. the --ani int- kni 'Intro Ditied, bit ME Nun -papers in Now York- eavy UM 4rial 4rial M -f -VA th- h'' I - B, ` UT t1io 41 ippsared.- entirely Om, - - T - I . bar until the d iamoiid spit* In Antony.sells GU *1th a ste ard The Is been mines of Spain have woxkv&.. M4 The' I N a Moment In Br S 16 go 91 . fr. V. Jo me stilwut I - -a* sluc �10,vet goes abOut-hio w9TU of split or: a the be 2 of .th" Glittet-, the BIL poin Vh& d ing t it' annuaUy produces 4 in Ong. 0. 9!he I 1"Ehrd oil G ift at- lab. ot stiver'l lead oreL MY on - utio TOM -thei- mg Exhibit �ju -ch1p&9 4 At 00 000 as quarryx I , 0 a 'YOU Ar BilL. I air 94. 11 gudsl ends;) Ai on at th -ly 'Gres jesty nev D halant have a clear Masto%1416g' D. diamonds.- As - nonc F 6 -or wn�- and m0n.9 ged to J�ms? Zs* Rohe, %nd - th abs are valled kaps aleft pidi are afterwar d d.� - endo? and IM lodkeL 4kw and the- poliihd --�No ih -nea-union ofid in the rough nowl -ai "roses." A dimm A.T.-OX. THE S" LVER QUAS.. t I , FEE DERICK THE GRE in 'ARE Lt. Of Itslf matsold loses about-:ZO'per colt )he iThe INNOCENT -LITTLE. GAME HOR - TAR.'. DIAXONK yer Is t 91 elide of South Afrim to, itit" finished state and tho'clea dis -in 1866: b aA ele&aut b=tmw e wor -covered Y )t,. given t 9 w&, William has not Y4, - Cs it Most.. stalwarbi-herculean fie: idi ish `ZaIaiq::.bmred t th6ir-brima- the silter qqqv. ro :be-neft-of -hti-o- Xext.c6mej the turn of the the P cutter. HO ed'H rtley.' aadywho wo, qse, ver hips and' ed-whh fi4=6 B rederick the tion, bht he takeu a. great in orest'in: t . of Two, -WhOthe Gbeat- a t.: Ch ioxt iol�ier-Llftle- zabjaab,'n-ev'e"r�halessi- The yougg Int a0d work ntialn coal- Quoug DIrth ly"to disco sohool.- Pcaiis gem .01 According ed:6 It to laalk a, or four PO a- -clu si It.has -headedkilliag b tw, 0� thte und re� usand yearo. nee Tea-Yetir-01d­ and ded iss, to'1-hls :he-, brings It 1--.Earopo will hardly, ''.Q bt. on -N;Itter iangular zt0Aq to -'a t1i �Eltj]L Had, -a ma 9 keen-bli P 13, &Uceg art: hat 6te the tr loctrle -current isnew Stand -guard- ov-.er*:S11'0002--. round'ah%pe yt TU bing away Jot the 9w. eet fifti f 1S.Wins: 1W b -b Bym"ns aeviti t these Points; with the qi h! 'her tomperataft. Grobadler-A the_.� Gremt. io Produce a W.A ..diawonds 411 d "pa.9dea ger disher g �Walkimg re it. oy _t the P( -Society do-abtabli OOO.wor ossible t eic d. con- rch -having ent Into V)I&u -ever, bqforo -at thq Imiji of M,Ines -I&iie facets -must! divided That m the -Pa be" used atholltc"t6wN ihe ob :by querr a 0 -and for -tbis proces By*. Improvements -in M1.011 Ja th Mo rM ed -to him. ionest ERL X, July. -,-If �and bigged B il -,the of fh6 -CAhedral., caDrd. t obtaln' inaumviug and a breAh f6w e dia'' ad'd no an 1888 raised. Inor any m or of m6an be chimen etrung around their' etrong izg7 could in 1800. he The %nufac necks n I polisheg ftselfO' be- evpaxe. K%14er - could. of 11orn aatt 9we f 6'Aud' we, I 8 avoiags li_�e -of Pi xL A, FOLISHI i- Th, orname ev�r thqir- t he B&6k dE' d t or precut -a oul still labor.; as thaiL M a Mus. ar bremts ar. little le England Is a decor on kf ce Out tl as bld you hime A "it' imeOf od. h' 0a I*U tOd b %I a MIME -of � f, iricaur ate --their reissued. the tipped re wood k rxia poliihlug as e he 0, While -In �Eurbll)e I 0 and a Rair-0 y handi Am Y( mi Naj�sty our1welve, f d tufts. d ym� k d *&-a*,, of do �11 Alei de.61 ile bLA t raso me Brig one. y me its 1h aPo at -u M4, be the mo 'hwarden­ id e we �d. ex; ti t U pol- was me"'."hanically an ie he reception! 14190 -Not a& of �the orie he chur, L m0re--Us- curaw. an. ­ editiouo. 4ight rep VMS Wbi-alre,. .. Hon ca .. a, -L .1 required Off -m -m- s bed to sb Iro wheelviakes-2 600 revolu &St. , 6, What - the ma ti wovOld there and -then Sol ing.t "W, Himberl ey reg sh ered Jaearly t] o find tbA au 44 The diamen tr JV Ah Very W�� wired *1clus figj�heka of all, Q d :Lir.ty minute -,yi 0 , 00,Aver., tions a minute in cup,,. and ach 00 alcoppar ens 'Befit 6od for a facst P01- ch-bq04" him 8&u hands cer- For th& is the Oe. big toe ti t - 4 - - 0 * -that house -,t ail belag,- and r- T he 16h: Rule. UOID, calotiv in the ts P ex , Y -tha,- -Al- t jr dowageii 'and ish, ' ki nevpr -pass -b . 4hl6h & Aly �d r�ust re even. alters -that pro woman: on thermore, fulfil thei of full 1) Isee tty little lawn.. L lelp the Aftlas olfihiug requi twontY-i -Ga &boat -in n r ers 0 r ull how. to plumbern t�d 1w) �She -it, t id Mining -yes replied Brow' the. eon mighty t miesloin. Th4have b duchesseas Prilices aud. ttons. ast "spexid most of her time go IL -Evon ni sonding at -Ir get Hit ; t q;sThe De.,Beera iconselidat, 'the mon& v4�r their' p�dpje. World. TiLy,W11 go. 1eopabahe OVC -.world. br Adic 0ammissioner Ludwig ow- azid- thd 1 necessary 10.o -he. !a con.' dliging.- to stptes v speo at dj� .-giving the.. By rass wid ce foi,tM twe&ves ited euougl -to jinigine himself aTerreg Shei-ha selit, Ov6r.1 U W-tenerg "'has by Am�lgfim%t!Ou :aiid'pur he$ suld ith: th-em them -to the- m int be w ae iyh -the. big one of 282 He is a tragedian, aontrol Mes trial God, bat wffi�t -ajamonda roacm-. ph�se pbl*lned a irly th eSmawho Ooarvies- m-du ry dear can tdrm an. -.T.&Nvt whole - -of - the. arich asked he doesn?t aot.' 1he karats when s-touth he balke: tO the th-rono Eit 0!1 IFritz- Wisselten mind -WAS overed 41-Whyl no 0-ptnion Ever -�Ince 17thinst-was Prince oA-gg,$�5sOOO ALONE' Premiir disc. leyou think why,look howhw -also 150 'ons- naiferOus' im -of I tab - years vg6 the awner was w hr4e 1); has b a' the ohen mediately mal ar �� Pic the. :b1tilidi coiding to zd wo y, on iming a, reasu t 'at. 5joA00 when he 61 - ihe -civil! rld. 0 drage,110 feet stock -th t re ot and the fit - .1, 400 whit custom., to.. small boy ba-a0aq -on at da�i on kc.6hes -blue groun atlr�g -Fpe p, gaisn- army and re- Ot )a U.n6le.Clover (hearing ma 1169. -baiulvilaa, no dbifrib,-- in the -. ru I d.: Besides I losdolpt 'he co 'betwe crow arig, t on pmin :Ld iotdd shtm I Imployi 5j a,,in prai-se ceived the right to weat and Hb-' va .. j.0welff. This HQU about 000 theatre)-Mindys I Pegg IWO bzd bettiKr, f'b %whUe " -Mandya--WhY -h ameewblit thy o. . eing . d 06 in Just yet I �O The- cera-! WOr brought Over BOW n -The dad, most as mu AT, �cki-aw for the last not --wve affor eit ewys 6012 of th .001014nity sn ' atives, iiele. -019var-W-ell, I guesp UWM nVpers mal cone nder gaz�rd 13 Fie -two - years a oui, . 50o.000. not U �thA arra )ny is"treated �vibh th �gr6 of h van feet h ve been. ab a ble ith 13 L and is rou ho bee and ddes. B t last week m( o.. u d for the last Ax are b themffidzer thou�h - t 'the The dividend' d6cil havite 'h as-theollm-sixtol-his Y-- f, ground really issOmbl8l aid 1 m a -, the ba 6g&Tdad all uU* f6t. - The oneyb was VAr -at -f lgloiiierate of Pe. ne of 25:�poir. cent. 0198 r t spect of a-,ohild. ia th6 bhle': and cla�- iths was- i Mr. M COM- esen.ts: muoh a.- rl n. the- au.rfacel tiftli of the diamo to 'does Ftilly one a distant telatlY mud ow YOU PAY wli�ril' -h Fwtu f tum nd6 used a a Prim, rds' not �bjaurdit pr of:, th Imighty -til bluo: Aft ag of te A to our awording rveale ave brain -.greatlyi your,un -It you hadxeml- Princt) our below bu t the theft - h He as. presence bestole' 610 13 tiwds�y, ly- in the. bu mage 704- ge:y a ra - are obliged to livei ;peak t -froin his z9f] �he! Germaiix'ArrhY n U, ---DIdmonds T-he-Kaffi redulations were cle by semble W i bf which they sp.peare V&qgage twironga Vhei ho indoged, area, on -him the whole xegiraMt as t day you oull' . litwo thought that, 7hia -and morning Ith Africa were, nO b�h" farmer Ox.t ji ijt for granted to ]E�ve take thc n rMJ an A u 8 until man d. knsp� rov -og the Gor 6tailmd16t -0 6ps an k a the -last P' id6 "me -are runal- before agi J. fall =0 Iii that., Way. IPSE . igbi largest Vine - -- frieud in'te be. tU4 - And the hisfbri-il named- Van Nieker service. now dried.ge to operstim eiL- itriat hi -1867 d found 1he - rapire. di been. pat �ja OPS. ZE -Mersey to is- lucky 1A hlo-utter T rn miNTS. AtIOMN the w. igh he OLD TIME, CEAEMONY, tone -The- 320 feet b& L%ying with ptett at Limp661. ri ren P1 ihat 14d n OMU in, th6 anal Priqc W presented'hi - t - long, tihe 6p1n?10i'Pr0VSilB a h.64ike I iwith 7iba lated that Winvalm and Allthe'H 0 Had-MMY �Fte 0 'he riv The -SUP now They re the.' outhof t mro -.bar at "ihood- w presen 24.1 n atter a. Ba ork. for dhenzoller the -Bill is-& bad day's.- w oaf4 Passing of t tridor. dail from tbLe 1 0. it- to a a of m d -that will' -'ere long be Berliu.-and iiefg turn g%.v alay Oluds. Germany. au, ne. t -d Ith rued Out to- a o 'B b w rbh-82 500., . h om 0 on 'rog onough thatr -0 L-�-Whydid thM' b on fr a. Bch oss Win etty small it` in,� but th' eautiful 3MR. Kiiseria and laiies1connece W tu c y eedle a P, a agleigi datly,. i6gi h Ze- OFFI er -THE GERM t�iser v fcLud in HoP.0 TOwn- ii�n -of sometb -like 3 000 --Fou- o.eolt)o-k th�- apporred. �dLjthgruelanrdlye I waglei LUCK -dew- a.., At.1 - la9veloigh. Uke the oil 9 -in and all the ­ . I I. o t6.w�rld 'makes - a MIIT 000 nee. so dint unt TIKE GREAT. there more - money. di al ver ry man will be bsuse Ov she meproposed 'to hw*. re Prual otdors - -'acc0m Al OV -des-WAre tret big tot& I I Every year the wome --purposes there, ded Y the for beowol--' garound formartial lears- -anAkimberl. Mi of these �litt e Tagleigh-Was that a tal FrIedriolit' T -he Do -0 -lose an. he, A� Crown Prinoe B us Wqlej &­�wYbs &I a in uxkiform.- 411orn Houte .-1870 only NZO rOs Jug is'. nuAl 9 in'the offiiera' p- �Y- - E ts % il%14 - . i vteri n. the fintshe1d sutenr�n:t in t e -y- HohB 7, ad 4qoj 14 pr6sent h Prul-16dan Arm a Own. in mento Our rieedleh ai star 'to them A time, tailes f ingenuityq skill fiads;hfs:ow he: fit �tqm C��Pq ,I q�b! di - and workmaii- it ��he easiest way of being'r - . . 0 --�4f .3ji products - Of per -&V g -within "s c re a- but UP, d'� h ohlp�, and yet ree az�,i and -4 Of -dot. which BiWl war 4te at 119OW manv a 'i tbreadl�g a$525 y as - % ihad laiu'with-At .Vr- Prese"i Of --the B61giiw is Said tc ptain's p, DUfiia birth trgs all P be livijig performers on Baefig thr -the best 8 con- 18v r higher kea down -thought to the va ibus prc�qi -one'.Of the" Rto. lm -pe . rial jesby then made jai -lea diamet 6 rV* The blas Vduil iedlebr takina a sitcht bave ever given The Qn0en cdoixel's Income -r"cht Aak tabld. 0; it 66 the., all souad, -which- Wa almidy: been wor qry modest oaljft� th must pass- erlq'� hsTpa When Y -eutm -1-60D viuh -ov h' -to, the' or -new It recently 'Or Vh f lad I= t.,:t:al m,;t haz6bnu orith I whi6h.ihe wire 'he przseu Iaz. -clhided by a hodh Th mtolit 01 4 Qlae8b, '00 SP offic re being as, P a foot :;of' deuce waiting became a nun, e 'a- t 6 for -Vne4 sor, preac of th joined 4 k by all the soldic a 'the "t1twi #200,00 reas 6MOnd6 now aver6.�r6i about gli needi mted the postalmlit athe col rou-;rh- Mi.. acture of a I&V In pe-ob to b� - 'Process ereinony o ht of -the � i - k ats,. lengt�$ at dell -the - 21. or 0,0 is a stir ip3eCh wis.iespoiidod -go 9 -Now,- a manal - "1 1 tbAL' obvious. Th f t1li- -a hsve n played'a solo On 6 effi rs nd. lnci�deigome. -22 differe and the the Marriage 9 -a store, .,:UU7 m 6&ks- 'C itting the vire gre I;6 -i g.: allwed to marry m hi' father'B-h LIC ly .50,0009,000 WS tp _folle boated �T. W g6ld.jors b PrAnce f ro �e.. f t a re t by rubbing *hU $350 000 000. ly aj&r t aluof o,ightenink, heir pwssek�lolx Of vid discWHO. om. theze. for ift Rriaself In t t ae-d I ht. fr V-�Wbxfk The.blue groun f p-�,.jiting the eindi 9 1 6king-upat-th6 starso XY he- can. p bez-7ides hi S ;re�g i en grindstones .9 its C -E 0mo. 7of -6625. ED WA LKING. ATCH.:, ous has be - holated-Up.in oada 0 TOM e FOOT -the groovW Made you go' yealvr ino BAB an C is d� Is.16n. f6r' eyes, by dies into -the army �ust -have.. Afric Ltape I imkei cap one$ lit rose. aid and a tra --t,,- 'ey6 pier rep a tra 1600 p6uu ced by -scre"w press lied -no wife %nd' svoid the A cra�y st6ry, bvit a d t :ciumble N eyeing - Ee W hi� officei keep -V.t m,,.er.. of - and.-. allowe d on- -the ad r the -doubI6 ee IQ e irrankfortia .:-A a rl itl ib g ihreading I loved sArs... ack. o I went- ara 2- irt. me no t arjej2i. w o wer YOU 90 arned.Jac 0-0y�w on orb po"ibilitie Perku eight Uth ff of debt tak g .0.01 sun for. Fi -4 1 h" Uortue, aind for ana gent! pulverize in the e i 3' lengtht of fi Well re o on., 0 Iveriz-Al J)ywaclllne want, 1 ved p; , s Torced. to' m%)rrY iged re oved the left on a wife and b -Oln 1301 a 0 cure, a -1a woris ortion lit to P, 1� 11, cheek-" MOO Cuts 6mon, although -the %Uti-ssemiU - f 1- t Ia t fil ngq aer m In.the ora. aide of I a YP A Maine man has ee by.: at jm,jo 11pdderns. th-;: Ge �bvr6 -om-Buzk6l he yi�rds ivqty jamping bra 99 or tskbw in -prevails most exc, -fabt -t". brc - ti� -the' S�Tmt . Ing _g h kekght 6v the wo ne of him baxn and few heitz 9 tb processe's I if c6p ots;wes Baglig, niijes In =o 3=9 - A es d 'roads Br� body caw -Bee US ha AT d - exhibi h a b u 'tried aa mud -*,a If gl%ss -tolode. edles on the one Army,�- marriaig the r&41t h 'r' headilig, �hdads filed and vt4er- Thar trou unfre n W1. - ngth of !up the qu ent, le Ing them of arc. 696 Jewe"es. oask hitned, mherwiSicompett WA g r lidsla were peri shing gap emove th6.- by sta , hapy one smoobhea to ho honer bair left a -t -hie bitrli Was in was . hat'- �o P?.r,b of d- in. -sho waver, selldom to -renounce.. Rho A.ROWTz. tors war ing- and- bmklng atlier part n a boun CUTTING:* ANP -dening i and theo. Ne* Bmaswick. UZ lbude F18 gaine S toR THE d e b ittle ; tempo ht ditatoo, moving them -0 T,�ro 11 1�ZAXZER. aud stookiks. A 16vely I thus. mad CamAda z 9. M -b9118 or from StO The'Cz st e a tough, king,-,sepearf ked barn'. sold.them 14 3461M with liig, W em. Englan!,- It t to finish the SP6046 t'ws't oolxd bol ug Wo anpoliibing pym t.ho day;- ha,'vii A --pi to patticular,gem-go t1i ?1�. heirg t croo Scion -tile -the W dndry adyentures. irty rou one Nsj�pl� ofh�.61jjs at ael aid h ut, -g tri th g; 'out er enn Youna -h.d.- bf the- to press Robert e -Otli 6ventug- hose againt "th. '11 for li�rd drill - pent a a W11helm met h -ba a 0 XV610 to fl�- shing perf oti�lj;.he uld h ig traig Y th workmcu ",t -empted o eri A wo case litening. Peelas for 0000 he%rtis'�. f 60iteniiig "the eyes. by r from them a In ad- her w for hisaittfn -he stp6ttont and the. b -A., ­ JAP .9 h at -to -the hlra.at.t -oA., th6ir tions -ev - Guards ht been co�qplauouq - G adle -u Y-1 -ee -wee imoi hing side, of atiele. ]a a a Ing or '01caning-but lndewi it ah aisnio do �b ey, ta%t of " LLL - nal J�bra I d a 'ith her at.MontaUsHO las Y a �Uthorltl% -�The sizlm�st la - point-settllo$ :0r the -*A dW'g ot3k,041tz a bwn r6glinent:) itacemp%.- Lg. eyi inuk Imbedde thiiv -duty' 50 her. Papa 9 ch - talk aw scandal At �the tion w -P mu� It their pollshir g red final ue.alan --hirl sind, rise to-zo, with pulloys, begin -to w sharpen mul Of eix Th6--tb is gave thoit- hill. la but themiiden escape th. a g Wr Foxx ntareat aBy. ad -the beautI&I Mial to, ih�-'MuschelwS�al or. miping, purPle pa nuly readked the eiloui dirb 18.0arefully -litti abelin, eei uniqne u zrriuwt.'� a -t e pr a fianc i!e aiid. h muse it preventA"ruatin.9- tiells. -and m%-g.bliw stan t ir u --ed bee- terniative, than to break a -all liere -by- -odn' 6ther al ecoifilng 'W 'Petit wet X. serW, 1n,.4 he�,-co�a bit f .: ous kinds. had no coobieso.), -t' dIda are o varl sorts and an he The'm4d 7N.ee allk go vch niet Mr.' ged t4is -the xaea tire Ji -the surg. o him.,. -c-ol the h3fitICIC-1 F 0. y mnd�,arra ring -clay becO` "soft ir,t and jor6m'st, tb Mon. a ber �en agem@nt t -,salmon. fO ofne alid a in the ourkilig, ating mse The lax in the ols a great favofitg Of lle&�� e , to'. -probing needles. made. gestaingle A -wh ur hrA grows outfftm-th� -oung. guer nove With -a spiral inotion"Ali.;1 as. 30taciilar plu -man, a11 -are. the.'ImpOjal. rby es 'bullets -or hidden cavit'# -of tOr.audie' aud -sp4 -The pabbl . xo for tmcking�- nce ntlel�, Of a -VSso 2 pUsi vd r our, r wme pr the.-.harellp needle, Majesty R frIC141 us siz. I sim 0 Ag th- a series' 9 101)g pini for, Roulle. .r The, D � ; aids is the 00lissellms It k dinnerl to which, e aoufse the us to th IF a mid. the inkled th o'ugh "In f .1olig � Ut we thus 0 . I 0! i6n IN"T 94% uneed 16 Mdo, tbe.!. post -mor DaRsmaor, CoM o=P6416 have ve prono a n aghed. clear -01 the mud on. r a .ng. pfuning open- won] alghb of the bassy ware irivited it - the h -main. This is and'are W.. -our e' f these 615feet., shorbs 5101, ra -Some embeig of: the E M94 led 4iles- Of ibus Pstt e�r, m to the duties of a nf,.e Pr 0 again as -below.. d co, ou in"e, Itit n'telippi4ries strips are thbi -some tb�ok to is 281 feeta-9 �Jn.tiqo h6urg: the Crovn . OUT 'all a mix-eil pebbles d- little instruments 1 r wall to 6 ho* OnO.-df by 170 e 'of SeVA4.4000 -Kitser d Ptsuds Make j., rThis .c0nds11trAt0- Of straight others., 0,9%in, broad. he t rd is&by thO th ontthe-su. J 0 fe di, onds Is th , -tui-n�d -over to. the� era as =pan. holds, bJ t A, front zo curve .,-a Jong �and 100,900 oPeO by the- or4inary St Peterz k wl Uft tirv. 'a oUlife -never. th imlio- -his' sp, one. f . ewellb ut. from -vou -0 1 . 6 ta --be: ab a. table i -t*Ioe or' throb The i o- spreads it out e cia� aaiid the a SU ha's d orstan4 ocia& 'when, coi3sifftel) rawe rgeqn -hys I; on't burg, tre it'with Our.. duty- all a. man wh via Iveterin ry caller and it - to. -pookb1a I r� m Wi in -the'. -rough neat iptown �woman to a, between %GPM** -rapcirii v6rinint.1ma.- the.S. hi th steel t -1.1-is eye ii q 'an I W the 1 61 busi�ep a, bitiz- M. dutfit. hear-ty 'at, ths' 6 dotept any i needles ..are lerfallyo lear- the navor -go Out for b- WOU4. it, st rle them,'wibre as be. pres The- sorti go.. The. coo)N swhom you to 0 Use' 'teacher 'ana each a Pebbles. -two. kisses on" or.� amid tlie W- r rding needle' IS you are bglug preen smill dim nge - mona fj oa- inny -mad The .6"you'95y of a His, Ilk] coustating a world- cfalls' si`t�o 4reeb Sent ea, - a, sou u ararve- to proven ro. greati what th a �.j at one.. You Pieces of W64t together. Brown so n irve d bar wAarge tbat Mrs. eek. id, giam9nF large pebbli �ud the se d le PRO tot )Xerb NNOCEI;T LITTLE GAXE- In. dOM1 hipg, m6n tO g,xioedle, is madeon. 1purpt a 'aw-gno hav ev( ys - - -and' 417 . .. - that he ftiAeB the trussin here.. 6u ork a rap jut the ILLIAA S� .4 . ght to .1 William 9008,W- gh re'each - or sau. 'be ewml --w 0 3 o the ibals Om. other's --'go OWJI AU does W i I a M; a- 'it - 1aelted batter ce ..right, et,iou 'At the -end Oftilta Mon' loves: -wife cau gq inexperienced -speotAtOr nervous Df a. Christmas turkey. It Is h 6uap1v F too 81 hau how a.-M%Wwh -along - -'stone. :-VF - 4 J-%- -.*- I i Uroom, but I b -hll grandmoth0t; . .-- o -ro�.115 . pre ibb X93- b 5-hesilair0:8 know. Eng'land-- w: vist, im-eub- -night &Uet isweeping-awAY'sOmo' , � Opentnjz� Into-- T U Do his terl at 3 U b�ank as a lark hai;-­made -UP 000asionally theil h asaminet. 0ow'e13. e. out. a ;iir - - dowN ct rer I arouse Victorl t- hOmelt t, W he IR(bbigh. f6und -h Ig" d%%L08 arni -.40 ca.raft fun of 1 back same Ya 0�97hjto� 16 b d-(tq1`biiC-UGuuXy to needlos he is' or Ozzage at all eyon W was. piresen f.peti, an no. N10 IMSU, has a r1gh aVie th;�resre ti 0.3.w&y h%t to ab-' to on iova-iiii�,kdra An ove min to- bring' d' 'E t to'. a L weavOts they '81ttlugn g1koh- a -064061 in each, t roph, ' iesr i4t oi at ho' willgradge hha ai�sont fr-ov . .- W. VA; t�- The i ball.T00m his fe b d s4oai. tot& fi Of the makerot .9 d Mg. -.her me fine, Oka nee 0 'OUUI maneither &-ts of: of In endes ne-de's-lisfy. u will The ro. f or -his PI�L A Me t 12ool , No not scqi t 4?7) .'If r d or C auy he m* r or T&*v to aeate on. 0 LAbb: firot Splendid ape, 've, h;Of A -0gil t r fl ha 0 .10 11613: are -11AUg amo n a ­ - .01 Lines, iiiz t is, t be. tinest - 0. ana out t6 v6rlrLg rizo sthe, -piercing, %Pik-'1LVW ).'.. I 6rk re-,4he M -Cat me -sub This 10-i a P ary .Or -ah -- -long. B-90 leots -to, be 100 ed pii)tuts- b�i J -A by cutaug vurp-offiw- heever three� the. -ca a jf� sport in the Kii yoiir otd* =ta rtsi a4lptea: Instrun lboing -Uup-q voweoa- lwili roug the ei ot sip "a thot ev�]: his inoetAgreeab] e- -with -his *ca*IOU ling Mhe ha -sue be w 9 -the TO the been, 1111 It t ho Mon Ths - e peon, exP661 fOr tlgb�ilfarii ih f ouna h -P nin - South hodus� the dgh. gO1AJ snl Aagg aare 510 h VMR; or. 0 �13. to -no tre Europe as er f as is -41iown by As 6 folly 61 Pura a Ig recen a% 'lued:. by and the Atlast t er too at eatitg-their.`. -1� ti Jmger's- -Ud'.Ii:-v-% twer9coo I - Ll.,,�hjch, !a. T1 � follow r a fairly -aalt-iv& 9E big:00 oonds '-01 .�3 -no opc IOU os't five 'le'19 I=- ila-'the- ocel V050.1 ftl ee�clslly ly 3 feetl two tooth it 'ai grem. C7 ving DSOOO shed: grave bulid jim ain are, l i be, d from the a 6R6 -Ipeo ha LA Imotheri l?,rience.of gra 'riolw but.. *ey. cauno T and are. heycall d -etherg, Aghi lach Offive . L LU%UQq1thp&Whea- Gerona .9, fet d- the t. war I --- L. - &p3no.fof Penetr 0as �&UJM me. of tbLe bril luche, The lie by o%tiug b ue -b t .3 44-n all SIDep luoU9,, ter. ()!Lit 0 boast S -Mougollau 67 They are -srge Dion - t! red ell among 6VU &�l in ­ IiO it quest her I e _an to gm, jull citutes at- [itleteen, - Is re ;�J_J bL b3,t6 more 79 U1 Cos D _bite d%U or extiuct'- I his. Victorious ce alantes -0,91 ,a 'age 'fie T red Tijey 0 the M�o �ioma reves the are bjdV;P gresus r -fmtied to -9 ocur ftv" of A W. a sa me: -ls , -Aiam nally t6 b- sge� �e roptilea i1etilig )it -diam . be 9, .1 bo 8000%610 in that nOt JL :161: oUtt a be -the k The bliidk- 01 -or was -114�13 0 the, Gern 1�� the-Iml Wera as-kel are th6re is 6 eta. -ports, UPPA Ei d�a to the -Puil;llir blaO J*' -a --the wbi6ii ha -be y 01jildrou b k a- g ,t,apada- �t Jbhb. a to -be, 4hou qu. oo. from oulo;k2eq, �hl long -b its as .-fibrailp T are o Lb a W, PUT by r8 -bie by r`W- adone. bi thd -for 0 'Ba ald UOU 'I robable aneven. -we hours -Thillg�urg - i- - -rom - t. I)oubtleSS Uot thl oaa kets Col do TOS09 SU and the at'. they. The troll t but- lroili-orm�ge t b d Wh%j he of Iris Court lauctionar5 coi -use- Or, and cosily 'of is- not 'IMP dete6tL ..o ske' to be%ut foarAa W. lu vea in sin, 0 a u�ah is obse L �ter *Izet' large Abet -.8'yet V '' I I., gree Olen Cd- thtnl�or OSU key ari shaps, iac 0 Son vf 013 oJouUd 116w to the� at iond 'hi re is I Aw" told y to per tal I? i* t4a, pr - in igroat fi,,wg and it ob t aP vere two 51 U th cub ire -he t* There's Vr arbsiu w1thout from, es -40rePA- of, w JRd tim N-Vhe Bat h oe pul them" ID & &1qzW . : . bi,9908 Pld In VL -w des 1b lhh- JJLOLWJUg sent - atrep talloritan 0 -TWK a -sucestr out we, MMOU hi's snim, Of St an 941 il whic aid the tie Ta. -O BIRT ek aeoli that it Is t it a, oing snob 6�one is. ii(011 -of tJ.Je perlo R1 wate, t th'i end 01 Ci ne sonle, est ato M. It M- d dea6tealy for - Tj he i9exteaP, is th r eter, :duri'39 -UU- ­ I th1tk 0 im I iholild be -or is, b�.. aft. ,he herbiv e b orous r.o hug a d t er . . Vn&t M. t k -W Ot do y ag t coMPILS the .1118 4 Fulaum audh a. 0861 war ib:tq.the pr . aiab. Coyar of attilt, h to witu. ajet�g ti6npl a pr d their' - bl le ton 1i ja be on Ljot! 16 16 Story VAbout .,5 vi ermauyl - 11'erc -his rhoumst g G d iffaixil 0: 4 in 6rge-, sky ad - Qb Oto 'th- in -Wbisky tre; the Tunes g The remol let k bi- �ork ui 7, ducte & aL for the for a0 ba e 81 Or sC Song -0 101 tht. Jolt-oss hope YOU BPI - B-11 Iiith ilia- cuse 'I and it to. theM, 6ugry Uig 104!F 0 lie 0 sucrots. go r t asui ted cc 'Hill Bit z I hiis 9 counbi - N16nd% we's abilt, the most �010ver. ouia boL gh reabor till. .16 h AMO be-alid.skiltal so MOT Olt-, lie h cleaver 6,vor b 05 The 1"P th-thii aellcs� 8ydarllo it V -1U - . on 106 but bo in every 3joilt the tlja 011 lir a -0 fiv 0 ?Pol t folio let, &.7 o otke 0 bo Sun, . 'now -one -1 . - h ev 'Came. an bin coming crow n -a pr ige first 't -nat 8.jiuday I hope lie Fiblenaorf by" k norumg Tw oi- rtlagi)j- a the 111age 119 h t h Eli, WWI W1 c ife Is m bil 4n tus M a -little 01 Wld W110 -X' Who wen a�opeA ca, 9 U .O U79 0 oerivAS STALIZ 10st VAIjE'r droe in t110 ..scene �65 Vve the new TAN VRY In to, ton -lie gray tot of fi OF "in the Xeu!t u ouh.umort -wettv the, 'I on -yo it roper depend ma t. 050 h4h not j bi . '4bo 900 liliniag closellp Moll. OL ela It the 01roW a JDa r -With ndOl all- Itliaerw