HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-25, Page 1Ij .,4 Good .Advice Tol - 1Fft.-rlvt-ers _ Don't biy.your - 17oIli- rope or any kind ofriaivesi-Tools talt r0It slee .4what 0 TAYLOR "Gan -de)for you ' txr4=-.4.43=5.Ves‘..4.2r.142:2111.10.1SaY VOL XX.-- • - °KN. MAIO FRIDAY, AUGUST 25th 1893. 3000 .1 1, wbo pioszttie wautod,.. 4000 ilis.. mixed •rags 4Fanted,„ ilIGHEST ?R GE PAID FOR ALL -KINDS iN 1 TRAtE AT . D. 0;1 TAYLOR •- wacciusaimmaisaudeinswarmgOil WHOLEITia 104. 11TON -1LUPKNPW., a 4 paid up - e eve Fund Toral , S-1,25o;o0o -$65coop $7,979;640 . Presidelit -JOTIN •. Vice Pfesident,--A. G. RA.MiAY. -DIRECTORS .:-- • ocror., Wm. GosoN IL P, GR.; RoAd3 A: T. WC.OD, A 13. tEB (Toronto)." • Cashier-T.-TURNBULL. -- SAVERGS BA:ItTK.-Hours 10 to * 3.; Satur- - day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of Si and upwards receivecl,and interest allowed. - SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur -- rent rate% of interest.: - DRAFTSon Great Britain, and the United States bought and sold. - J. re. BROWN, -Sup-AGENT: 1011111111111111111111111.11111., 4 D E NTAL . B NIKERS5 Or Lucknow Banking Oomp'y. J. S.7.TEROME,-L. D. S. Winghara, Wi ill be n Lucknow on the second And fourth Fri- day and Saturday of each month. Good sets for 810. Filiing and extracting a specialty Office at -gain's liotel. .LEGAL LUCK**, JuLY 13TH, 1893 TO THE FARMERS:. - We have.generally one or more -farms in - Kinloss, - Huron, .Ashheld and WawanoSh toiiiinships for sale. Parties desiring to buy - will consult their own interest by calling on_, us as we sell -cheap; and on easy terms to suit the purchaser, . • : • - We have $75,000 to lend- on fust mortgage on good tarra or village 1-)iopesty. at from 51. to 7 per cOnt, - interest rate according to size of loan an4 securityoffered. • We also lend small amounts on second sort - gage.. on farm s and first. -chattel mortgage: We do a general banking business. Issue -drafts. payable .through -out Canada and the United States and Make, collections_ On all points incliding,Western States. Manitoba, and Noah West. - _ _ . The Collection .of notes and accounts Will _receive special attention. . Lending money on farmer's notes a. speciality. . In our savings departro.ent wa:allow- 5. per cent interest on small deposits. We effect Insurande on allclassesof build - either in StockorMutual Companies as desired.- None but first. class .Conapanies rep- resented, _ GEO-. A. SIDDALL, Manager BARRISTER, • S�hcitor, ConVeyancer. _.etc., (late of Cameron; Holt & Cameron, Goderieh), Office •_ at-Traveris old stand. ' MO_KRISON, ATTORNEY 'AT • l'al,v; Solicitor- in Cahcery, Convey- ancer; Commisioner, etc: _ Office. over the barber op • t - ARROW & PROUDFOOT, 13ABAIS- ter's, Solicitors, etc. Goderich, Ont. . GARROW, Q.C, Wm. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL.i L._ tu,ioTT, OFFIGE-AND itmsr- debce,.Outram street,- second door north of -Little shoe store, . B. it TENNANT, -PHYS I -c IAN, _ Surgeon and Accouclieur. Surgery op- _ posite Cain's Office hoursfrom 9 to 12 . a. rn.,anclfrom2 to 5 v. m. • _ MCD. GORDON;M.Th., -C.M., M.C.P.S.0.-, --Physician, _Sur- geon, and Accoucheur.. Office next door to W. A11in's-101eMent shop. Residence Ross street, south ofD. R. McIntosh's store, , • - R. iD., GEDDES,: V. S., CALLS either by mail Or telegram promptly -- attended to. Ch-arges Moderate.- Residence, Outram[- street, opposite Dr.. Elliott's and . second door north of SENTINEL OffiCe.' US IC. LESSONS' .A. THE 'DROPSHOTS DtFATTil - • DAUNTLESS.; Th.e "star" attraction on Lucknow's. Civic- :Holiday was certainly the • . lacrosse mat* between. the Dauntless -chib.: of Clinton-. and the Drop:shots.- The. _recognized. ability .of the visit- or, and the undoubted prowess -of the - home ieatn,led-. the citizens tb.expeet a grand: .game andthey were by no means -.-disappointed. The -600_ or more lacrosse entlinsia.stieswho wend-. - 'ad their- way over the - "biab hili" to • . the ROsS. Street -grounds were-ainply- repaid: for their exertions as a cleaner, swifter and More -scientific exposition of the national.: game has- seldorn, if ever been seen, west_ Of Toronto, The afternoon was bright and a fine' _ and an ideal .fione- fOr • lacrosse'. -At intervals during the game the band, under the ;direction. of Arra; strong enlivened the prc.)ceedings.'by discoursing appropriate music .. • - ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE. ANP MARINE GUELPH. - Telephone No, 05. A - CHURCH:..comgaToRy • NGLISH. CHURCH- -7SER:VICES 11 a. in. and 6:307 p. m, Sunday School; 2:30 p: m., Superintenilent,- Adult • class etery .Wednesday evening at -8 o'clock„Bible and prayer book leSSOO'S. All :are welcome. REV ; 9. iglus-, kastqu UCKN.OW .INSTI; tute. _Reading room open every evening - (mil 7 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdaye ,When the hours : will be,. from 2' to 6 p. . The -librarian will be inattendanceVies() hours. 3. MutteHtsoici. Trisilvit, I - G. -24impoc; Scretuy TES1I. ARMSTRONG IS PEE- LYL- Pared to give lessons in vocal and in- _ strinnental music. - Residience---:Carapbell St., Lucknow. SO CI ET IES F LOYAL ORANGE' LODGE- No 428. hblch itsregularmonthlynieetingS in the Orange l -Campbell Street-,•LiicknO*, on • Tnesda$7 evi,nangs, on or before the Lill moon. • Degree inwiltAiecomi Tliesdayevening folloW- ing fulli moeip All visiting _brethren cordially. invitedFtohe Meetings;• - - A;Ts WKEZiE, A T D -WL .11 - • Secretary, IF O. G. T.. SEPsOY LODGE, .NO;_ 384. !Lep. meets in the South end Lodge RoOni. in th4 - Temperance Hall, Lucknow, every; Tuead 'y evening- at _8 o'clock, D. K. Wra- Frani.0 ,T. S. MATh.tils, Sec. _ GENERAL The: -game was exciting from. he - ginning to end, -both teams indulging in Superior play. The Dropihot.'s_defence was sureand steady j• Yule Thompion. and Grundy - excelling. West was effective at 3rd - defence, :and with Tennant put up . a great combination :game. -• The Dauntless team-,' arf; all . good plaperk but. lack the combination and sprinting powers of the homo team, Coates at centre, - and Sheppard,= Up - sham: and. Pair on thelpme are their best Men,. exoei)t. McKinnon,' On - de fencewho was the Mainstay -sof the, defence. - • • -..szatazatowassizaiiinifigragiUalgaiallia.111 ANKIES LEANIES • CHAMPIONSEUP TET TO BE DECIDED Wednesday- evening last oiir citizens ;ssembled On the Lacrosse grounds ind - witnessed the match for the championship of (Wonkifinmad)..dis- trict. ,Teams lined up before Referee McIntosh at 7 o'clock dressed in geor- 'polls garbs.. Vet Geddes and Hugh • Morison faced off, Geddes getting possession and for, a time the leanies had the advantage, but. the brickWall defences of M. Corrigan, John .Boyd1 and D. D. Yule played semi -circles and cross tag with the leanies home for a ,few minutes* and then transferred the- bali io XerryFlynt,whro sailed down the field like a schooner, and passed to Jim Young, who with the swiftness of all race :horse ran down on. the leanies de • fence,passing man after man and made a nice drop on goal which was °swiped through by Sandy Campbell, score 1 for the Fatties. This put the Leanies on their mettle and they started,determin- 'ed to do or die'and scored in 2 minutes. The ball went behind the flags - and was secured by Fred Grundy who • was play- ing a star game for loathes, and passed. to Warden Bryan who with. a .scientific shot sent it whizzing through the goal. This pretty piece of combination, was Worthy of special ?mention. . The third game started and was -wholly in favor of the fatties but they. were 'unable to score again before time- was called. The tie will be played. off on Tuesday - _evening next. The proceeds amounted to 0,10.00 for benefit of Lacrosse Club. 1JFONEY TO LOAN ON REAL-ESTATE Security for any time, at the hand rate of interest. The prin.cipal may be paid at the end Of the time, er a part of tke wind - pal may be paid each year, inter* ceasing on the amount paid. -For further particulars, to., Apply t� ANGUS STEWART, LUolifW, C. T.- The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday Of each month in the Odd Fellows • Hall, Lucknow, at 3 ix m. MBs W. H. &mt a t President • MRS. HORNELL; Secretary, • 72' in their hall,- Campbe 1 cordially ininted..3. - W, WasoN,Recorder: C. T 11. TIME TABLE, Tra.inilleave Lucknow for south at 5:58 a m, 10:48 a, rn: and 615 p. m, - North at 12:35.p.m,, 4:02 p. m. and 10:28 . m. THE STJBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building salt et tts SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS* MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED Plans ,specifications and estimates for buili3 ings, raills, bridges,. etc., .fu *rxiii-shed on ..aliort notice.. -SONIERVILLE. LUcknow,Jan-.1891-. The teataill lined up A. S. Campbell at 330 lows: Dropshots. 31, cQuaig goal. Miller point Grund.y c. point Thompson Ist.def. Yule . 2nd def West 3rddeU _Tennant. centre Ooates $reith • 3rd • h; Twichell McCorvie.- 2nd h. -Uptihavr -- tiatdonald -1st def.- ..Horlan Kirk: Out h, : Whitely . Hornell• _ -In. h: Reed - Tennant• Seamed the ball..ori before Referee -p. m. as fol - Dauntless. Cantelon Shepperd • Moore McKinnon McRae Fair T1 0 K -N W Lodge,Ig:O1-112 Meets s every Friday. evening at. 8T. o'ClOck - street, All brethren ELLIOT, N. Grand; Farmers,: look to your own interest am. insure. your -farm buildings and private dwellings in the - .LONDON. MUTUAL. . . _ 0 large PremiumlNotes required the .ace and passed - to MeDonaldwho brought it dangerously near the. .01in- ton flag4. Smith -.shot ;but failed tosc�re. -,Moore i finally relieving by a : -1 • - good throw. Yule quickly :returned, cCorvie. getting possesSion: of the rubber .and passing to. - Hornell behind the _flags; a long .serimmage. ensued.- .K.irk and McKinnorif. who had: some unpleasantness ,a.- short - time befOre, - .renewed hostilities, Referee Canapbell - . - _ - Sending both to the.i fence:. On re- suming 'play -the ball remained in close_ -proxirdity to: Clinton's goo,' .:-alt4oug4 Vpsbaw Missed a good:- chance to tally. . for Clinton...- .McDOnald... received blow on the head but was soon playing again, and after Hanlari- had :"cleared" _several times McDonald.: scored for Lucknow by a good shot from.the'side, time 58 .minntes. . - In ..the ,second garne'.the- DropshOts: clearly Outclassed. the Dauntless; Yule - and -ThompSon. out footing- .their heavy home players Smith romped round his 'checks and Kirk and McDonald had. McKinnon and - Shepperd.. well in han& s.Weit fed the:Dropthetes home with :splendid.. :drops : on the lflaga. Yule ran well-downthe-field .and tobied_ over to Kirk who : shot and scored, time 29 min. - Miss Mar. Phillips has been -here this week past. Did.. you see the -cars ? .$o but the engine. and tender passed through our bug_a fow days ado and -returned in the evening. While gbifig north a' Spark. from the engine Set fire to a fence of Mr. McPhee's-, ;If it had not been immediately see'iil and put out, it would have done eb, ilsiderable damage„ On account- of the recent showers the -bush fires are checked. Mr. *gore, traveller, for E. Adams & Co . -gave us a call one day last. week. 1Vir'2 Granger, of London, wholesale. -Merchant, -.gave us a call: . . . • • 'Don't. fail to attend;.next Tuesday • evening. Our country friends .espe4- ally should dorne if they want to enjoy thentselVes:' NOTES. • . Honors. were even bstween clOal keepers, - Lawrence and -Both Stopped hot -shots.- • Duncan for fatties and Grundy' for leanies were oui of sight, :(most time)._ - - • Chalk line Lindsay made several bee- lines . for fatties goal and nearly got. there. baby Elephant 'Morrison was a FAREWELL BANQUET Aug,, 15th, 1893 To the Editor of the Lucknow Sentinel DEAR: SIR -Last evIning 1 Witness- ed, a scene which willlire in' my memory while life shall last, A most joyful fraternal gathering of the adVaneed thinkers of , the vie assembled at the leading hotel (Cain House) of this town to sb.ow_respeet to their friend Mr: Harry 11, Pierce,who is about to, go to Siincoe, there to oceut a yery important position in the itorcantile department. He was engaged as clerk by D. R, McIntosh, Esq, during the last, seven years, -which situationhe filled with Credit and respect to himself and also profit to his empleyer, who will 'find it no easy task to fill hi's place. - - The chair was.oecupied by Mr Mc-" Intosh who was well qualified to fill that iniportant. position, - while the worthy: host and hcstess spared no pains in providing a grand supply of viatidA for the occasion of the depar- ture of a yon, ng„, -mai who had won •the esteem of his fellow -townsmen, bath old and piing, who cast showers of good . wishes on him f4..);?,k,,,success.and wel- fare in hissItuatio4. The as bly'numbered about sixty of the -lea g clerks and professional •• - - CASH- SYSTEM 50 centi to 90 cents per $1.00 for three years, JOHN_ LANE 0. Fi;:,COURT it Sherwood, NO, 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first - and third - Monday in every menth, in the Or- • ange hall.- * Visit; ing-brethren -. *a r -e cordially invited. F C MeIrmucs, C. R. D. D. YULE .SEC. _ - LUQKNOW LODGE Or • the Ancient Order United Workmen, ' meet in the.Oddiellowshall, on the lest and !mond Mondayeveningi, of each month A - •eight o'clock: Visiting brethren cordially invited. A MCPuzasoN., Made; • Waltman, $.7)...Cauguolt, Recorder... AGENT. KINLOUGH Also ager.t for the Phoenix, of London, England. -7 stumbling block_ in Lankies path, and made' some magnificient runs. • Tom Irwin, -jack McGarry and Bob Moore for the fatties and Sandy Law - Boni W. J, 13rumpton andT.:Little for 'Lankies; "simply flid out themselves." 'Mike Ccrrigan found the point and covered it well while Dominie Yule covered the Whole field. i Sandy Campbell makes a star inside • home, and kept the star restaurant man on :the alert watching him Yet Geddes and Druggist Congram played rings around their checks must; have had 'em drugged. Malcolmson and Irwin were the Sprinters of - the evening, while the lankies might as well • egpeot to go -throUgh a mountainas pass John Boyd.1 a^. NOTES. Miller and Grundy guard their goal with 'eagle eyes.' The Dauntlesshom couldn't draw them out Yellow and black are Clinton's colors. The•'..tigers" al-, all. stick hand- lers but have no combination. Walkerton will be here on Caledon- ian Day, a good game may be ex- pected. t e From $15 to . per week ELLING OUR HARDT CANADIAN' - grown Nursery Stock. Highest salaries or Commission paid weekly. f COMPLETE OUTFIT. FREE. Special instructions to -beginners. Write this week for terms* to, E 0 GRAHAM,' livastarmAii, Toronto. On 41 young,rnen of the town, who stayed not their mental calibre in giving the usual toasts While supplying the inner - man, • Joy and happiness ,prevaled • until an early hour in the morning when each took his departure for his respe_stive homeNwith most kindly feel- ing for one of the most exemplary young men of the locality. . GERARD. cREWE On Monday morning, 17th 1,nst,- Mr. J. Curran got his arm -badly litroken between the wrist and 1 the elbow by a kick from a two .year old eolt. The bone of the arm protruded through the skin. Dr. Case set it and it is now doing as well as can be ex- , pected. R. W. Armstrong, who got I two ribs broken' and otherwise badly in- jau go,s redibayrolcuiond.ksfrom a horse, sOroltime The fires around here are doing a great deal of damage. - Ab. Gauley got a stack of hay burnt and a good deal of fence ; Jas. Murray got about 70 Cords of wood burnt and his bush destroyed John 'Kilpatrick got about ..an acre of oats burnt and had hard work to save a stack of hay. The is are dried up and • water s very scarce. Many • have to drive their cattle to water one and - t.a half miles, and some have to draw water over tvrq miles. Grasshoppers are doing a lot of damage to pasture and standing grain. Johnathan Shackleton, of Port - lock, Algoma Who has been visiting friends here ;hese two weeks past, has returned home. Mrs. Wm. Shackleton, whO has beenvery poorly, this month tiast, is slowly. recovering.. LANES The`harvest of 1893 is rapiely draw- ing to. a close, several farmers aie 'busy at preparations for the fall wheat. • We are pleased to state that Miss Tillie Reidis completely recovery from her recentillness. A. J. McKenzie, who has just com- pleted, a term at the Owen. ,8ound,,,, College, itnci. J.H °aileron, principal of the Brussels seho,11, renewed old acquantances in this section last, week. Both were . former • . teachers in our . Public School. . Mr, Kerr, present 'teacher, has re- _ turned to his school thities. He was. accompanied by his father, who spent .k.day with friends here -Mr Alex McLean accompanied by his wife started on a trip to Manitoba and the North West on Tuesday last: We wish them a pleasant journey and a safe return, We are 'happy to say that W. J. Quinn and Miss • 1Sil. Finley both • succeeded in passing the recent exam-- - inatian for third class: certificates. It is our painful duty to report the death of onemore of he etvely settlers :. of this section.. Wm. .agan, -so widely known throughout 'the township; after a long and severe lung affliction sucp. umbed to its fatal encro A.chnient at last:. His 'remains were interred in Dungannon. Cemetery on Friday last, followed- by a_lare ml )er of friends :and relatives. -lir. ,Pagan was born near t Moffat in Scotland tind at an .early date came to Canada. made his home in Ashfield, over thirty years ago.. and by industry al honesty had w_succeeded, in making for himself and family a clmfortable home. ceased had reached the allotted three score years and ten, being -just seventy years of age. The. bPreak ed family nave our earnest sympathy in their sad Anew Canadian postage stamp iof the value of 1.3 cents is now being 'put into circulation. The stamp will be available for the prepayment either' of registration fee and postage, combined, or of pi ,StaQe only. The 5 cent registration stamp will be with drawn when the present sypplyis - . exhausted. - •.:74