Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-04, Page 61
Meyer *'..4.o0
- -
• -
has found lodgings
• in :the Tombs at last.
e He was taken there.
yesterday morning,
after -having _refuted
to. plead to thetiri,
• diotment- accusing
him jointlywith
`Maria Meyer, his
wife, of having neur-
- dated _Gustav H. M,
was stolid aro urinal
throughout -the .pro.-
- ceedings. in the.,Court
of General Sessions. Ile does not appear to.
be, alarmed by the charge that _he.. poicioned
Batten while .pretending to -loin him in a plan
to rob life instiredice-conepartiee.
Meyer nett a fairly- cerafertable night in
hia deal/ but: cool cell at policetheadquatt
ters: Be ate a godd'aupper and slept pretty
.welld He was.not toe -troubled to- do justice
to a substantial breakfast yesterday
ilng- Then he WEIS led eipstaire- to Inepectok.
: Meleinghlints effice, in. the detective depart,.
mutt, -
stEyEtt's ifteisTdATiort. T
• -2he Inspector took the pedi-
. _gtee," which is es fellows -
Oait &Viler, alias Dr.= Meyer.—Crirae, homi-
cide ; residence-, -Detroit; _hileloodgades age, St
.tears ; color, -white; nativity, German ; cben•
- pationddelicatessen olealer ; read and write
. yes ; married or unmarried ?--refnsed to tell ;
build,. slim; height, &feet 81.inches ; weight,.
110 pounds • hair, blonde.; eyes, light blue;
complexion, Arrested by Detective -Ser-
geants Von Gerichten• and Trainer, July Rh,.
-1893.. Remarks--Tu1l7. blond beard and -very.
de1icate-1oom-6g. • -
."-I dld 12Gt pressiany .qinstioni about the
Ohne; charged -against Meyer," had -Inspeoe
tor Mcitaughlitt to me later. 66.11e'said he.
tdid not tare te' talk except by the advice of
. . _
-counaele- and he did not -know whe hisd
. •
• 1 •
Meyer at that time lived -with two WOMell, •i MEYER' LAWYER APPEARS..
one of .Whom was knottn as his wife and- the Werd Was telephoned to Charles. W
.• . •
- Laviyer Joseph V. Mosieof "Lowe &Huns- ,Meyer lwas to be arraigned. e hastened
meg o ce, called npon Meyer hi the.morn- to tlie court and the. prisoner was- again
t the prisoner refused to see .him. called tir the bat pkad the indictment
Meyer on Tuesday evening, hitt no definite Assistant District Attorney •MCIptyre.
engagernent had been Made between' thent. 011-9 yes, he it," 'replied tile. McIntyre,
Mr: IVIess told nie on-- _Tuesday Mi. Howe " Here. is- Mr. -Brooke." . • • - .•
would call on tideyer ytaterday. morning. "1 den'tdenow• Mt. Brookedt-said Meyer.
d` Did you call on Meyer ?" I asked Mr. "I never -heard of him. bly counsel is Dr.
other ashis daughter. Broake, .at No.: 111 BrotOwtt that Dr.
O'Sullivan, representing Mr. of mtirder. _rT • - •. • _
Brooke, ad had an hatur's conversation with C6 lily cOunsel ie not here," said Meyer to
Howe at noon. O'Sullivan." • • - • -
" No - dr,", he replied, "emphatioally Then it was explained that the. Doctor
_no. Weo. were to -get $500 this inotningt-tets Mr. Brooke's' partner and Meyer was can-
a'eetainer only ti That Moneyisnot itere.. tent, . •
" • - I have -learned that the cele- Brookesaid --dt The defendant pleads
• cot uilt with leave to withdraw the plea.
Witted Dr. O'Shilivari went to see Meyer .
last night.. -I -a111 too old,- I have had too I dcitatot desire to go upoterecord as -his ads
• t t torn y or counse . .
-Meyer Wirt U,II . to Deputy --Sheriff
• -
Buiki, who -walked ha& to the Tombs with
- Mr Brooke bold me i.the afternoon
much. experienpe ever to wis• to
vo u
in a case.. I I did, -eat :ill tide .Carlyle W.
Hardt ca.eerentite importunity' of poem Mr&
Harris, who ao penniless. • • o at • .
.the tinie that Was the kilt time I Would. that he couldnet decide-fortseyetal days
take pert in e hemidde • carie -unless I. were. whether or not ho will appear for Meyer .at
well_paid for it. - the trial. The diffioultylay in :the lack of
Seetthe te :retain 'exp. ert witnesses for' the: de-
. fenc'el -it • ..* .
it Five, thonsatid. dollera 4.. 44 the EMalteet I .::. wimmots ArisAug.
an I can learn, thereisn't a probabitity.--of it:whey% enter OtfieeehottlY aftet Meyer haeh
Meyer's raising five thoueand. tents, , I. returned to the Tombs. ' • They Were Mt.',
"shall start.for Serategeeen Friday to remain and Mts. -Wimmers, In -charge of -Detectivei
until September lOtle.- .. ., . .„ - „; IL Ge Adieu- and.Deniei G. Gillettet.Snpete
- "-i- don't wish'. to eritichre Dr, 0 Sul -II -vane intendent of :the ' Medical Itevieient_Detiert
-but sce. he has Hotite:Itt -,Hummel. re- idol' t of :.tiao -• ilotual. Ise tbiurartoo,01:0_
• nertect lo sharp practice I teltereite that .:1- .parite It was their work last year
- . ,-
have no desire to take the Meyer', cake, or -that
retulted _inthe torrent ofDrMeyer
in- Plelt1 of- •enct his. wife and. their .indittment for
any other; casedirniestr reear?
. - .
Diamond Back ritt3tenti Its ranks - a
. &tile Oharmer's Neck. _
A. New 'York despatch sayir ; • - .Quick SR
a lightning -flash. a- huge "'diamond back"
itittleinake _ fastened -its fangs in the neck
Of Det, the pretty snakecharmer in Huber's
:Mugeum in East 'Fourteenth street, at ld
Minutes past 2 O'clock yesterday afternoon.
- This is the -second time withtnt.thie.e• Weeks
that pot has been -bitten bra." tattler,"
and it will_ probably be the last • • -
• Ddb, who in prtvate• life is Mrs. John Son-
Well,denteted. tho Museum at 2 -o'etock yes-
terday afternoon, - -It was her first appear-
ce Since die wits:bitten by a rattler two -
weeks ago, and her right. arenstnear the
partially healed bite, was•atill eovered with
blaekt and blue marks where the blood, had
settled.; - - •
The .-regular performance did not •Ingin•
until- half -past two. o'clock. :Dot -entered•
:the 'retail -railed -platform, where h,er pets,
were 'fifteen -minutes earlier.' There were;
'about 160 people preterit when she raised:
of_the chest and took out one of thet
diamond...back rattlers, a reptile 'felly
feet long. and two inchesdianieter .in thei
-thickest part. He had ten rattlee. -
With' the utmostgentleness 'she raised the
big snake, holding it with both hands, the
enaliete head being fully, .fifteen Inches from
herbitband. --. • - •
The rattlesnake writhed in her grape) and
then -suddenly becanie :quiet as she fixed her
eyedeipon its small, -heady orbs. .
Sheidenly Dot. teemed to relax her :gaze.
. and .-itt that. instant the make siprang his
tattled and,. rearing .-his head, struck his
into- het neat just back ef the left
fee I would ttke-in this: --case, and : abl; from . Font perions. imteted .Diettict " At-.
counsel woulelbe.
He was • aerxtous. about his wife. • He did
not refer to her, however, as Ms wife. He
Would nottell we whether she'Wastrairried
_to him ear. not. He kept asking,ti Bayer- yeu
heard anything from the missus.?' . •
" Hedivas hovery anxious about -Irish -0y.
e :child is -a year and a half old. and
Meyer Eaca that at the time of his arrest be
was feeding the thild with seme epecially because it was suffering from
stomach.troulile. Re -feared the boy would
money in it. ehall. not appm the. mttdder. .
Meyer cake amd 16ha1l leave the gl°1Y to Mr. Gillette had a long consultation with
O'Sullivan and antimony." . Coroner Louis W. Schultze, the result of
When I asked Dr. O'Sullivan w_bether he which neither would tell; and the Coroner
cared to say allYthipg la rePlY t° ab°ve went away-. Then Messrs. Gillette and
he answered : • Jullanentered /dr. Nicoll's privre office.
think it is- very like Mr. Howe.". that the life insurance represtritativel bad
"1 have no oommeitt to -.make °n it 1 :'here --was - a . t_tinuar. alowit t e building
V ' obtained .-.Irt Detroit a letter _ Meyer-' had
Wiitten. to his wife, in *blob be to
.:•kill herself and he. Wonld find means to take:
his own life here. . t . • • .
I 'asked Distitet AttornartNieoll te show
. .
=0 the • letter,. :which' it WEIS said he had,'
. .
He.wonld- v either affirna nor denY its exist.:
ence, . - . - i
" If there was one "- he Said "1 W01114
A . . o s r .
1103 -.-give it uptoany one"dd
I ' . sTitexcl- mi-.0-creit yhE iltiAL:
.:Ciliet-gyd-',1111:,D,a4litor ou
- Bare Back.
She lia.ved Pier. Married Brolitertin-Law,--
moped 1VIth -Rini- to catiadietTrietred e
Back by' a Telegratn—Eddle is :Arrested-
-A -Girl 'WWI Ilintelif to Re ',Proper. •
AS)313tY J., July. -
It Was rumored yesterd
_ware sick in his dell. W
me the run. or was unttu
he said, bad 'called on M
heard had been ehaved.
blond, .chrly leteir had -
-called on. -him. ' At fir
guard on the second dot
E.e•e,•_ anybody. • As t
guide ectideett Wait hue- come."
• Within a' few iecond 'nimble- footsteps
sounded on the Stake irs. Meyer icon
.appeared. He -looked m elt- better than. at
any time since be strived in this city. • He
recognized my oe.mpartie :whose business
was the same an my own Be cierntinized
us for three eiconde. -Be ore a word cotild
'be spoken. he tutnedttow tthe keeper: •
is that all?" be &eke •- nodding toward
• The keeper- nedded " es." -
Like /V Rash Meyerttut ed 'on -his heeland
He Was out of
s is. the -way -he
t eeursel.
d• Dr. O'Sullivan
tier. they would
y that Dr.- Meyer
!den -Felton told
. NO "physician,
yert a_he inan's
off _an4. his long
een cut close. I
Meyer told the
e was teo sick to
rned to leaveleny
:not. be properly_attended to -in•hie absence • ,botinded•up tbe .stanway
. -He ipecac d that Sch-affer Wai hiareal -
sight in an hiritant. Th
• name' - •hate-receited Visitors it
Alter this inteiview Detective Sergeant's I said mt. Bourke a
Trainee, VcreiCierichteni and :Reilly . took late in tbe .afternoon lieh
Meyer °et -to- be phothgraphed ler the •clefend Meyer.. .
32 :
• 'ropue's gallery. • -- "i cannot tell you- &if
On Way he mer. TettwtertdesePh Masieti.54,21 retilied Mr. Be
and, after few minutes conversation With 'leen stiedto defend him
•• him, retained Howe-. dit Ifiiinniel
great deal to Make eePro
-counEeL When it came to So for the- present Mey
the. little t prisoner dednurred. t His clothes-
*-- were brushed,hit hairewae .newly Plesteted
back .after his finoinitig Joliet.. and his tie
Was neatly arranged, betel:ie.-frowned: .atia.
• hung hie.head anddroopedhis eyelidiwben
he -found hintselfbefOre the camera.
-44 Caine'you may as _der it," said
•DetectiveTon Geriehten inGerinan... Tben'
Meyer :looked .,upt. and the.. photegeap_her.
-*made hispertraite,.full face and in profile. 7
After this oedeal, the.stuartettestab out for
• the Genera Sessione. Meyer was net:
_ handcuffed this timetildit a detective -oaten
each - side ofehim :in a Fourth- -avenue cat.
On the way to the cat he smoked a Weed..
-Thereettes along weitein the court
:during. which. Meyer Striekedl another- cigar,
but kept sllenb.. • • • _ _ .
Judge Cewing. alcended theLbench eho.rtry-.
alter 11._ otolook, and .Dist1ct Attoeney
dtIitoll and Messtst McIntyre, Lindtay..and• .
Battelle- appearedbettore him:- :The dote&
tetviatbrought MetTer
Two hundred spectators -gazed athe shabby.
Tittle man as he stoede there fingering
dust-staire de yellow- straw., hat: and -tightly
holding his hantsteeked Most of the
time he ga-zed at the floor, but occashinally.
bia faded - _hine eyes -darted et .-sweeping
glance around t the room ;and :were -again.
averted. 7Cierle Halt areee and said :
. 44 Henry Meyer, othetwiee Willtain
-Reuter, otherwise Hugh Wayler, othetwite
Ifenryltlyeistycin aria indiated for the cilMe
• of -murder in thefirst degree" -e,—, -
"If -Your Renotirleartel"- Mi. Moss intet-
rupted, -.64- may. this case be referred _
-Thursday morning-Mt.•HOwe is engaged
eleewhete and•we have inst..beent retained,"
"." Don't you Want to,plead net guiltynowt
with the. -privflege . of Withdrawing • it on:
• Thursclae reaeltecl Judge Cowing. . •
"Ne; wed .tather not plead novte" .-re-
. plied Mr. Mote-. ,
"Very *till," said the-ducig•e. • "-Letthe
Mattedge. until Thursday, and -in the Mean-
time the prisoner stands committed.":
siers It.E. INiCOCENT. _
. .
Mr. Mesa plucked Ifeyeee. isleeve .and
• :Startedbeck: toward the"prisoners' pen."
:Deputy Sheriffs O'Donneli. _and. Burke
. waked; one ; rn frenti -the other .behind
Meyer, as tlfelttleman follotvelititslateyer.-
-,• lie had -not -Spoken e word. • Presently _he
was led downsialre, his commitment to ..the
City Prison duly made out and theprieonet
• passed from the keeping •ef the city police
tothat of the Sheriff.- _ •• ;
- litandentfed betwt en. O'Donnell attd-Burke
he soon 'le -allied to the Tomb. . No one in
-• the atrt et knew. his 1dentity Mr. Moen
/Joon. followed his new client :and Within a
- few nilintett saw. him in the counsel mem in
the- Tombs; . • - . ..• .
• Meyer's firat question,/ loud .Mr.. Moss
• to me-letert was, 6 When will my. cote bet
• trieti 'de I told ttirct licit untilantunan.
" 'Th. -ire* no doubt,' _ said Meyer, 6 theiti
the ineutance comperies will spend a -lot Of
money to convict met But I cien innocentid
NEW: YORK, July 20.!---A speciad {rein-
Dextver says. : Dr.- Meyer vta arrested-heie
and turnedover to *the f ago _police on retainer _from Meyer whe
_Matt 9t11t 1890.: He west en known as a hiendtee---
' Dieing, and wee -accused of the murder of I didn't ask him tibo
0. 0. Pressen' by Which he collected:. $5,000 McIntyre -t6 me-
from`the Germania Life Insurance Compaity, have fetgotten
Jeilithe Dahlman!), vho
store at No. 16 Whitehal
yesterday he had leen p
portiait ire the newepape
" It lucks • eery; like
Meyer.who carte to --Den
there tit • 1887," Bald'
" He Carde from
no:kneed , that he: was a
:partnet.of a druggist:11.4a
had known in that city.
Called -herself -Mrs. - Kb
setreee. She knew Dr.
cago.. Within a shott ti
arrietal _in. Denver Klotz
-Be had been big _ and rite
operated -eel him, but Dr .
iepetatiteri . was inneces
Klotz -to tyy_ a.ehange Of
• -;6 He actoropanied- me
ferule and: in three wee
recovere d heattli - an
ihe returned' to. Denver
.shorttime I hotard - of his
itely for several
rke. "We have
but it will cost a
er defence."
-1.64. I beige 'lid formed any' opinion,!' Said
Mr...: Nicoll, "08 to . whether. the case
eigairtit Meyer is strong or Weak.. tIt-cere
tainly is streng enough te put the men on
"Where did . Gillette arid Julian get
Wiremers and his vtife.2" -I asked: • - . -
°biotite ..was 7_tbe. •.
ear.. - • • •
ti3lephened .ree *from Chicago? yesterday,' and
Iltelephoned then to the man', and
wernan _right en or arrest them. -Wiminers
•and Ws wife caMe*ieluntatily, heiveier.-4
"-Will Wit/mere turn Stateti evidence
"-I can't tell yet. It ie too:,early In tbe
.cit'Se to say :: :exactly *hat *e: will de. I
can't say whether Or not Wittmers- Will _h
Indicted. . "-Ho' have -been :in
pllcity to murder 3";iaun), although she: may
have been in dentlicityari to. fiattd. -
" -epoke to Mr, Gillette- about the
prigOner's_dlaim that-hie:teethe. la -Shatter."
•• I °mid' piek: out -the Man anutini
r. is without tenni: thoneand " Said _Gillette.- tt. There! is
-no doubt he is lideyer." . _ 1 :
fittieyerte•tvite if3 to. ber:brought•fp.this city
On Mondey. - • ... . • 1. , •
Winimeri was sent to the . Rouge .oi De-
tention after the tonetiltation in the.Distriet
tAttorn.etde office, :and hie wife was ailoWs
-to do -to her trienels en pioniteing that She
would _appear ai witoss at -the trial. -
'totem ? •
• -
keeps a -variety
street; told me
Henry Meyer's
portrait of a Dr.
er :when 1 lived
Mt.. Dahlinain.
cago .end out to become -a
d Stott, whom he
-The vionian who',
z' uged to be an
eyert too,. in Chii
e- of ; Dr. Meyer's.
became very
ng, • Meyer
riedrich said tit
ry and cackle
limate. .
o Southern Cali -
s he -rhad'entire y
stretigt Then
nd Withina•ve
death; , His
With. a Kaman the 'Wotan dropped the
make into the chest, °hued it and. sank to
the floor.. - . • .
Superintendent* jawed who had been
clotely watching the charmer, -rushed to her
tide and bore the half -fainting woman to a
dreesind-room in the rear of the stage.
There one of the variety actors tried to buck
the poison from the wound. .
• Helves only partially inecessful, for the
bite, which -was ak.mere punctuie-litch. as a
darning needle might make, was very clo e
-.As- possible was forced Newark, N. *J., where dte w --
to the ear. . - - •
down the snake charmers threat, .and -then Placed in a Priseliefe eell anatthe
abe was laced in a. cab and taken -. to her tesemo wAs LOOKED TIP
heme,* Nd. 175 South Washington square.
leged_wife got $1,009 hum ance. Dr. Meyer
—I do not eay he i the Tombs as I
have- not seen the pritoner--deit Denier
suddenly eome time bef re Kletz's return
from California.
_ ,
- District Attorney Nic•
affiem nor deny that thee
_Interne State 'wttresses,
11 *could nekthr
persons. were to
but he admitted
that Win -antra VMS licplicated with the man
. _
now accused- of wholesa e
deolaredthat Whitmire: h
eine- given to Baum-.
Dr.._ Henry -Meyer w
burglar rained Sayier
and:marched to ,the Gene
ing in charge of Dtpoty
O'Donnell. : Charles W.
atrangernent With_ the D
effice on Wednetclay by
;migraine*: yeast. te he -
Aseirttant -DiatrictAtt
Intyre, 'who was before Ju
nothing of this 'and sent f
heard his- named called
keacleesitoourt and- a ball
the bar. •
•" Bend that man back.
said Mr. -McIntyre.
The prisoner returned .
again came out- when his
Mr. McIntyre was about
again, when he sew- that t
Meyer; but so 'changed:
his blonde beard and t, flaxen locks that it
to fully Identify him.
pearecl for Meyer and M
oisoningt it being
ndled the Medi-
. • ••
sontof Chid Evans,
leader of a gypsy
band now camp-
thraill:Pbriaridi; •
at/ tin
early hour ;:th
. charged with.
edtittel "Eddie" is tho .young
_fellow who, co.boateix weeks
detti . _
Led of Chid Lovell, of a gypHy
tribe now campiu g near
Elizebeth, The pair went -to Canada
and Would have iemained tbere Were it not
for the; fact that .a fete deys ego Evanti
father telegraphed hireitha t *Lovell was set-
kfied to -take his daughter back, and that
if he would r•etain . •
• Young Evans,. • thinking all Was
ettaightddarrived here with his -siater-in-
law yesterday afternoon; A big receptien
was .giventthero in the ca and all went •
men unarm oily hour this t ornirg, when
the camp Was taken by star by a dozen
policemene who surrounded it and .captured
the girl and her young abductor, not, how-
ever,before the entire:camp vat, :around and
showed ;fight.
• Chief Lovell -,had_ deceived ,•44- Eddie*"
-fitherin -order to lure the couple IA* and
had then betrayed them to the pollee.
• The prtsoners were at epee taken to
• • /
She strenuously tobjected to•• goirig to a
*hospital, though twice en the way home she
fainted.. The -left side of her neck had
puffed out even with het. face, and her feed
was drawn and distorted.- • =
'- "'When I tesched the •houte;". said Dr.
Biker, 6:g Mrs -Bunten was kitting int&
'Chair. -• She was greatly. excited, smell I
simply gave her something to. quiet. her.
She seemed her husband in my preseucelof
ca-otmdpselltI3insitgidheerhetodliededn:tliwiesanst hefrna loorbrativre, I and
Marie -.came:back they would be for-
• "Eddie's" father tent. him •
Is. Wirat saved*: .taittei. .pos.8. Imia*Ing to
• iktyjit-
- :" .13fg JIM '' tCattter, the -leptons Nevada
fightere-died the 'other day. _ Mark Ttvain,
in tit Retighing- It;" . tells'. a :ditty.: Of hie
prevent. -". Tiv'ain's account 'well iliustrates.
the quiet- but. -.:d.een dcleterniination of the
Man, says the piki Frendiecti-ReeOrdee. . ,Ono
:evening :_Caitter entered et tteritatirar,t and
Upintentioially eat. down en- the.' .b. at -Of -A
tall and : .athletic het-beeded, - young .:ten-.
tleroan, - who was with t*e'' or th.tee.,.o het
equally -Mali-spirited contpaniens;
•-Whert Cartter r.ealize.d -whet. he had One
be :apolagiied, -Straightened the -hat .out . to
the best of his ability, ail: gave - hie. aesur;
aticei.en his.honot'aa,a ' gentle -Man., :Wait
was net an intentional affront,. and, en, -a.
few' modeed-Worditetendeatrided to 'aprea-se-
the w:iiiih.of :the yeiiiit mot who : was, .- in •
fact, e vterthtt citizen, • thongh.atrifie inex-
perienced. .. -The inanwith. the- latoken 'hat
ipeitted that it was an ' outrage tb-at. ohitt
not be forgiven, .,and, - taking: -off his coat,
challengeditliestianger te conibato .. - :-.• -•
- •; :66' It we. mnst :fight, we Mined,. I -*auppotied/
'Mid Carttert slowly, is :if Undecided What_
teedoi •. "1 don't like the idea,- . though,' for
I don't -believe the:whole. let -of eitld-;
have any chance. with . Me. - Let 'me she you
1) -
Something. --: . :. . . . ...
. ,
as a witness. Lovell then re en e.
he desired to forgive Evans, but was told
that as he bad made the complaint the
State would surely go -on with the Formai-
tion. Aecordingly "Eddie" weir adraiened
last night before Judge Kalisch in the Firet
Crimincd. Court, Newark, and was held for
In order to induce the pair to zeturn to
the United States Chief Lov911, acting tinder
police instruhtiove, went to the Evans camp
and made the tribe:believe that if 6 g Eddie'
L..... children.. Some% who was present,
mid her statement was lie, and he didpot
exhileit any emotiott over his wife's condi-
tion. He teemed -merely anxious to get her
,Dr. Walker, _the home stirgeonat.
Vincent's Hospital, where. Dot was taken,
said lest afght that.her recovery would be
little Abort of a miracle. She was nude&
scions and her neck and face had BW011elY to
enerrnoutt size. • . . .
away. to the hospital." ' • •
s handcuffed toa:
eisterd ay. net -aping
Seesione build;
heriffn Burke and
BrOoke madelan
- - 10,
attict Attorn -a
•isich:Meyer's ar-
here are; we.4:
"1 _don't know anythin
Burning," McIntyr
"pli ett I"- I -never retaine
Thereupon the Man WA
0. ".pen,'\ie
-the face -of lltdever's
-eating. to 'ktow that ti
Ilotre ott- jiummeiti G
ney John lit hilt.
ge Cowing; knew
r Meyer. Meyer
hortiy after. he
-told hire to gti to
I want Meyer,'
tho- "pe -n,"
pante Was celled.:
o order titan bitck
Matt was -really
by the ihavini :of
e shearing of
eededet good -•100k
No :tweet- [bp -
McIntyre atked
mint V' • ..' •
_ebotit Home &
_say?: Meyer te-
agein eent: back
Living at triliamaneidtte, Spain; Aimittit
' .Sitadow of Itimselfdi '
The Count spends a goo• d pottion of the
given. ..
money to return. . . He bat Brantford last
'Friday and reached the camp on Monday.
Superintendent Brown, -, of the Newark
'police, told me this. '-
- •
" It was arranged that en Monday we
-should visit the camp in the vita of eight -
seers shortlytafter Chief Lovell went there
in order that he °mid he talking to Evans
when wearrived. When Lovell got there
the gypsies feared some treachery and
searched him to tee that ke had.no_wespons
with. which be might injure: 6.6 Eddie.' In. -
epite of this precaution ", Eddie" WftS
aft id, and left the camp • before we
Chief Lovell .remaniect in the
Winter, taps the Paris Journal, since the I got there.
death of his fatherein-lawd the 'Duel de --1 camP aild kept "teth all laiglit' 5. lid NciP •
went to a. hotel. At r3 oidlock this morn-
Montpensier; at Villaitanrique, - abut 28'.
i ing Chief Lovell Eaw home ore entet the
miles •from *Seville, *in -- the midst - of the i camp stealthily and. crawlmoisel ek aly into a
hisfa, , _ e . . . waggon.- . just as stealthily. tho chid' left
the .camp, and in his bate- -feet ran to the
melancholy and denuded.- plains of •• Andag-1
VillalilallriqUG- is an immense • eetate,
Aebury : Park Pace statited .-wheie, in act
varied at $1,000,0001- the Comte ' de Paris cordante With Our , instructions,, Several
has enlarged - . it ' -recently through -..the 1
men were sent leek to camp with. bind The
purchase of -. VeSt foteita; -*intimated at I. capture wee eastly made.' •
$600,000, which make: the finest hunitip-
greund -in Europe., The. residence, hetteder,-1 de, _ . MARLEvesiaRdireEd7L;e&zolzGxtrok.e emest I
' habb and cannot:be -ctillec1a :chateau. 1 46 kddlei; - ... '
• tr
Quietly sitting 'down atethe he
teak. held of it With his teeth, " and 1)14ml:big
his knees.. against the-- -10Wer :_part :Of the
table, raised it,anditts -contents, _a big din-
-Ater for tont, reset . and . all, and With 'Ids
hotter load steed' erecte. : *:. d •
k ib j inter
F. Moss, of
9itcl a written
• he .appeared for
t that," said Mr.
is he ifrast
. When he put the table to the floor, -with-
out spilling Eie drop fromeethe well filled
glasses, there was an oppresiive siience,
which -he breke by saying,:
"1 have already apologized. My name
Is Cartter. Let's • all take a drink."
Nobody refused, -
daughter of Chief Chiscdhce Lovell, three
years ago. They have twO %children, and
f r nearl a ear be has Leen raytng much
The Comte has stables and carriage-
bangers, He
but no carriage nor homes. ;
-then all these at. a beitgalii . ftom a Shville
livery :stabled i For some years the braes :attention. • to 'Marie, his wife's -youngerit
• I
Were fed at his expente, hitt they •weroe re- 1:. sister. She was the pot if the !comp,
turned to the: livery citable - roan, in :Such -1 althongli only 'fifteen -years -old last jaWIAIyI.
bad:tonditionthat thiscentractor contiacted I la talleartimature for her yam. 46 Eddie's' / •
this. year the ;right of himself taking care Of i wife watched them -with' jealous exce and
tiatt horses. - : ..-- •-• ' t . . : - • I_ . last May Iola -Int ° fah edler tuepio'ionee
*The Comte de Paris has only one atense- . Chit f- Ieetell, taking Ma•rie to the thieliest •
meat. at . Villamanr qtie' 'that of huntting, . pait of th woods -Some el; shrine_ :feent the
Be R126 is . a • geed agriculturist, and he,-colrcan'aed her to ley hate her Lack '
;busieri - hiroself • improving his tends- and and then --whiPped her severely with a heavy -
Watching his -peasants at Work in -the eitiet lash. . The girl, - however, pretested her
On these °deadens he is dressed " aila Frail- innocence, • Ev.aras . made an :affidavit that
ciaise,"-but he Wears :a broad-htimmed -felt hie 'relations with Marie were perfectly bon-'
hat which answers as well for an urnbiella .orable. _and ten -days --afterward the tourde
. 1,
lemoo,000 Figndti a Tear.:
The _ntimbei of piecel:_ ef metal, tixihni-
cally: known as brakersheem, which. are used
inthecourse ef a . year - in stepping railway
-trains Is really asioniiihinig. The loilIaiter*
Car BuildersdAssociatien, whtch .hart . just
been meeting at .Lakewood, Yt, • dis-
cussed the Metter, . and it was •found that
On :the roads- represented in, the assaciw
don-, Probably 32,000,000- ,peunds; 011 metal
Were :used for this purpose on oars and
'tenders, !-while ithwas eritimated. on.
100,000,000 peel*. Were used - on all the
cora, toceinetivet and 'tenders ebelOnging
to -the roads- represented. Approxithately
tse0-thirda of this: Metal was worn i4ont in
service„ and . the -rother third was re
turned as scrap. FiVe-iiithe of these
shoes were bastaitoneand. the others Were.
of -composite characteirdepartly tna.rd and
pattly soft: • • •
If yen cannot become -rig* remember the
-as a parasol.. Comtesse is .also fond of that eloped:
headgear. • .
Thpretendner has grow91d. His hair
. Many curioue letters have been reeeieea
his beard in a huihy fas. His con- eChhthe eloPement "[eta, •
Whiteehis.shoulders. are hionbent ; he Wears
venation, - always Slow and heavy, bas!neof t. °711:12ince
lbeconi,e din mere rare.. When the. poll- ' WE'ST SUPERIOR Wiq July 1E03
'eal leaders arrive from France - and talk To the Beau. Brun:inlet of al "
G:3-1,s.*s • ‘'
about the 'schinaea ' and:. dreams ofthe Ab, hoW t envy ioir your freee roaming life.
o r entst arty seents not to be hi- I Bow I have often longed to be free free' vi
no forms of society, no regard Of wia't
terested in the coriveteation, and repeats
often : • •
." Talk politics with me -in England, Here
I am a landlord, and that is all."--
In..fact, :the pretender to the thi he of
France is *nothing •but the ahadew of
many miseriesof the rich.
Courting In repaint
"Making the bear," and "feathering' the
turkey" still eurvive in provincial Spanish
courtship. In Old times and still in the
country the lover walks upend down before
the viinilqw of his 'sweetheart for hours
-daily for a year or more befoter Matters are
at all advanced. _ An. Englieh commercial
traveler recently had -a _strange experience
In a little town _in Andalusia. Walking into
:a dark street at night,he was halted and
- -/2
told to go back. The stree .s mine,
cried a voice, and he Went back.. He. had It is.chartered by Act of FATilaInent 031
only -disteirbed airwain "making the bear granteDegrees with Diploneas and Certifi-
under his inamorata's window,, but pru- uatels ill -Literature Music, Fine Art, Cott --
donee was necessary under the Ovum-. Menial. Science andiElocution.. The build.
gime!. • ings and furnishiugs are said to be the fineet
in.Canada.and t e rateasre very moderate.
proper. •
How- I hate that word. ow shocked my
people would be did they lin what I am do-
ing. They would lift th- hands in holy
horror and exclaim, Is the crazy ?" I aln
liot, nevertheless.
'Now, sutposing I would bappen to go East,
which I intend to do soon, and were to•come to
•:yaur tribe; would they receive me ? 'could I
-.join the tribe? I would so love to.
I am a girl of 19, quite tall, long; .golden
brown hair, blue .eyes and lair complexion, am
generally called very pretty and am a lady bY.
birth. .
Adieu and hope for an early reply.
• St. Tlaoma4
Hasa :faculty of 210 Professois and Teachers
lina an enrolment- of 200 students trete
allparts -of Canada and the United Statee.
. Mary 1"- said Mr.. Henpeck, - "why do The high efficiency of Canadian :Colleges is
1 iron insist9.-:on sendiii the parrot to you' it •atintdittd -b_yeatt, You can obtain. .a 60 pp.
aunt's.*110-e yen are at the -Shore po .yeu illtuitr.:Announcenient by addreeking FetEtit
. .
- - DENT Adam, WA,
want me te die ef lenel ess