HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-21, Page 8•i•-•
e sedret of our success is
nOwing-the business. t We
' e speaking more particular -
of the- Ready -Made Cloth-
The knowledge we possess
directed, in -the --selection of
e most seasonable goods,
ilOt, forgetting .that we have
to. buy to suit every shoppers
Cash buying advantages
&take it .easier to do - so and
Oace. many a good Ready-
Igade Suit iif reacli of those
1,1D -otherwise would have to
satisfied with with infericT .or
rharis none at all We are
s p.Cer6, when we assert our
b31ief that we can serve' you
well in 'qualify:, and decid=
edly better, in purse, .than
o'11ers' can It costsiIto' thing 4
to investigate:. and May -Save I
- _T
rhe Luc
We are pleased to seethat Mi
Vina 4. Lane has returned .hora
from Oshawa, where-- she has bee
attending the Ladies' College for the
past.year, and has been successful in
passing all the examinations. She
also carried off a diploma in Fine Arts.
We congratulate Miss Lane on her -
now Sentinel, Bruce Cou
' a
1 Hurt at a Raising
ss- ._-.- At a barn raising. on the farm o .
e :Mr. , Hugh McLeod, .of - .Ashfield; on
n • Tuesidav last, Mr. Kenneth McKenzie,
of the 12th,_ Cop. -fell from the top of the
doorbeam to .the ground and hadhis
back badly injured;
- -
,A Query
-Asibscriber wishes us to insert. the
,following': The grain in weight derives-
its- name from the Igrain of wheat.
There are 5,760: grains of --wheat to the
. pint,. Troy.* Question A farmer hired
a tramp forpne_mOnth (30 days) He
agreed to give the tramp*one _grain of
wheat for the first day and to double
it every day for 30 dtT3. . HO* tati-xty
. grains of wheat bushels,
and what would theAritibp receive for
his Month's work, the *heat 'bringing
70c per bu.sliel.
Foresters's Demonstration
Those that attended the DemonStra
bion of District No. -1, .0_ 0; F, las
year will remember *hat a !niece* i
was. This year 'every effort, is bein
-put forth to make the affair- -a • grand
success .-: .It will it° doubt be a big day
for Kinca,rdine. All kinds Of 4,port
etc., will be on the programme. It is
to be hoped that all the Forester's. of
Lucknow and turrOunding .0Ourts: will
attend and mike the demonstration
Worthy of'the-noble order. Cit.,C. Fores-
ters: .Itememberthe date August 2nd.
See programme and posters:
. - •
Important decision
- An important decision has been
given by .the -Supreme Court of Can-
ada inregardto the mode of measur-
ing bridges in incorporated villages for
the building and maintenances of
which the county is liable. The de-
:sion was givenin the case of New
Haniturg village vs. County of Water
oo, an action ;taken to compel the
?linty tomaintain a bridge in. the
illage. Thelatter contended that
;leasurement' should be made from
he top .of one bank to the top of the
ther, and the cold gave judgment in
heir favor.- .„
Entrance Examination
Examinations were held at.Kincar-
cline H. S., Port Elgin H. S., Luck
now, -
now, Teeswater and Tiverto-, on the
28th, 29t1i and 30th June 1893. . Two
hundred and fifty -candidates applied.
The exaniiners finised the work on the
fifteenth July, but in accordance with
regulation 977, sec. 2, the names of
candidates passed or recommended'
ust not be published until after the
ecision of the • Minister has been re-
eived. The result throughout the
nspectoratehas been very satisfac-
ory and gives another proof of the
fficiency -of the schools, *here the
uccessful candidates were educated
he lists will be published as 'soon as
hey are confirmed by the-'Depart-
ent.—A CAIIPBELL, Inspector..
ypn some moner.too.
for cash a,pcl, exchange fot-
g. Nis. Special Bargains - in
lllinei v for the next two
Wheat—red, 62c. ;. white 62e.
1;1ply-42.70. to1,3,.20.-,
Barley -38c.: to .40e_
. *
pressed Hogs -47.25- to 7,50
1?otatoes—steady at 60c. to 70-e.
1utter-13C.. `to. 15a.
• -
=The Voters' Lists .
It is alniPst a certainty that the-
. - .
next _elections - for -the.. Ontario Legia`--
lature will be held on the Voters'. lift5.
nowNb.eing prepared by the . • . _ •
.authorities. _ This beingi
. the case, it s
mostdesirable that the lista should be
thoroughly scrutinised and reWised-
while there is yet .tu▪ ne. The name of
very voter on --thelist_ who is. not •
gaily entitled:to vete should he.: rez
oved, -and .if . there- are any hi the
te. and.- whose names have _ been
omitted from the -.lists, the proper
steps should at once be taken to have
them'..put on. Give this -your atten-:
:den; as on the completeness_ of_ .the
lists depends the success of an. election.
municipality who have the,. right:to.
The Travelling Dairy
The . farmers of this neighborhood
will be glad to learn that the travelling
dairy, Sent:Out by the A.grieultural
_College, Guelph, is about to visit this
.part of the 'County of Bruce.- • Dairy
utensils will be exhibited, butter
ma.:cle;.milk tested and lectures deliver-
ed on the Management of milk and
cream, and feeding LIONS, churning,
.etc. etc., and all given free. The
.dairy will visit the followning places
on. - the dates mentioned: Mildmay,
Tuesday, July 1;5th,. at 2 p. m.; earls-
ruhe, Wednesday, July 26th at 2p. ;,
Malcolm, Friday, July • 28th at 2. p.
• Eden Grove, Monday, July 3Ist
.2 p. m. ; Dunkeld, .FridaY, Auguat
C0. pt '2
p. m..; Pcirmosa, WednesdaY,
Sherwo -244 at:2 p. m.; Inglis' School
50, 7falle-k-1107;-• •-•Au. 3rd Tees -
every first and,
Monday in e v cr nuay,.-. Aug. 4*.th :at, 2, ;..
Month, in the _.M944ay,..' Aug: 7th at
- • auP Via rood---.Tuesda Aug. --8th, at'
cordially invited. h itochurek "vvd ijtisday,: Aug, -
Y 0 Maims, 0. R.
D. D. D. YttE.
• the Ancient Order United Workmen,
meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and
second' Monday eveningsof each month it -
eight o'clock. - Visiting brethren cordially_
invited. A MePHEAsoic, Master Workman,
IL D. CAMERON , Recorder.
in- tubs
this season
Died at Ferius
Mr. James Sandy, of this 'village, on
Tuesday faceived the sad intelligence
of his father's death, which took, place
at Fergus on Monday, 17th inst. The
deceased, WEL1 Sandy, Wus. -ens of the
oldest residents of that locality, and
was highly esteemed-. He was in
his 81st -year.
We Don't .Believe It .
An. exchange says dancing makes-
. girls' feet large, Another • says- .,ice
cream- produces freckles, and a learned
physician says that hanging on the
*gate-giyeit rheumatic gout. Girls -",the
above are a lot, vf horrid 'lies: if the
statements were true, what.a. lot of
faced gout -stricken .
femininity.woula-be tonna hereabouti:
Maions-. at Church
. The members- of. 31d.'Light Lodge
. Masons of the 'village- --marched in
'procession to the English"- Church on
Sunday afternoon when Rev J. T,
Kerrin; Of Bayfield, preached to them
an able and -appropriate , sermon from -
the. 'text, ''What mean you by this
service",' _The Rev..- -gentleman is
'flUent and impressive speaker and his
discourse was. highly appreciated,- not
. only .by the members Of thefraternity
butbyall present;
Lawn -Social -
A .ratyerry social, Under the
auspices Of the Ladies"- Aid Society,
will be held at the residence -Of Mr.
G. W. Berry; -Rosa Street, on Tuesday
*evening next, and everybody :.is cor-
invited to attend... The pro-
gramine of...attraCtions. offered
clude vocal and instruiherital.
solos,.. duets, Socialgames, etc. and the
LucknOw brass" band will alsCbe in
attendance. If you wish to spend a
p. • d
leas nt evening go to this social -Aa ' - . - 7
Taission.;- 1 5: -cents children;,. 10 cents.
'Sal -tarn and :Boaz Were Wise
AdVertising.i.S:an ancient and • -
orable _ institution, and was practised
longer agothan agreat. Many -people
Get' your y- bible,turn to
-Numbers .2pery.,..:. 14, and yon -will see
-that ,Baliann believed in advertising,
and Said .'"Behold I go inv.
. ,
unto -my .people -thereforei'ao.
will advertise." Tarn :again . to
Ruth: and - you Will find that
Boaz,: in -connection with a real estate
transaction in which he was interested, .
expressed himself as a judicious adver-
Decoration Day
All parties taking part in the decora-
tion Services to -day (Friday) are •re-
quested to assemble - at the Oddfel-
low's Hall at one o'clock when Ar-
rangements will be completed for the
ocCasion. The band will be present
and all the citizens of the :village are
welcome- to COMO and join the proces-
sion. Parties having flowers 'to send
to the cemetery should leave them at
either John Elliot's or Alex. Ross'
shops. The -business places of the
village will be closed from one to - _Eve
o clock.
Oheai) Printing
A "cheap jack tramp," said to hail
from Winghani,-was in town yester-:
day Soliciting orders for job :printing.'
He was working the "cheap jatk".
r k ' h
.a but _ we. sive. • not learned. -of
-any::pf but 'bix4irieSS.-: mot 1).00.-g foolish
'eaough:to bite, Trampsand:ainateiirit
shouki .be..-giVen. the go-by.• qoes-
not M:atter-.Whi.Ither they are in the
:printing .: :These
Jew tramps .Would :•not.,sPend'a dollar
in town ..in yearShitt':they will
take all the money out -:of the town
-;they',ca* get - News
-Record. -:
The Second of August "
. This it.the crate fixed for. the gigan.:
tic 0. - F. Demonstrationlat Kin-
-cardine. Energetic committees are at
' work on every 'department_ cif . the
-varied: and Inagnificient :program.
Among the events are. a O. 02.! P. pro-.
.Cession,- calithumpian. procession la-
crosse rach tuto'-war- (captained by
Reeve Bland GU -Kincardine township
.and Reeve ThOmpsOn of . with
sides chosen from each towtownship) tra-
peze performances,-slaok wire walking;
,acquatic isports, excursions - the
lake, enchanting . music, ending up
with a, grand concert in the 6renirig.
04eap -.railway rates have been 'ar-
ranged and speCial train Services'
been secured. . Come all ye inlanders9f District- No. - 1, and spend a bliss.
• in1:incardine.
30:3 -41..$444.-}e39:433taavt,
We do not often
Advertise our
ut as we have sgmething a little1 more than special
. m
you this week a few,
We ask you to drop in and see them.
O offer
Civic Holiday
Goderigh, has named Thursdaya
August 1.7th, as their Civic Holiday
and a grand bicycle tournament, for
which, $1000 will be given in prizes is
to be held. It is expected that fully
500 rriders, including Zimmarman,
Johnston and the leading bicyclisfls of
America and Canada will be present
to compete in the races. Several of
the towns and villages in this section
have also selected the setae date and
Messrs. Wilkirs.son and William, of
Goderich, were here last week, inter-
viewing our leading citizen', in the
hope of getting our Civic Holiday set
for the same date, so that our citizens
could have an opportunity of. witness-
ing_ the great tournament. As yet
nothing definate has been done in the
matter,' but we believe a great many
of our people are desirious of going to
the circular town on the -17th.
Another 00610 _
The laeavens.- on Saturday night last
were briliant1y illuminated bywhat
many Supposed to be the Northern
Lights, or aurora borealis, but which
has since proved to be ::-the • immense
_tail Of a -new comet.' Speaking of the
.comet Prof. Trisdy, of the naval
servatory,.*Washington, says' he noticed
a long streak of greenish -white ligh
ShbetiOut from the -comet and exten
itself .almost' to the zenith- at first.
The nucleus -of the comet became
to that moment _hidden by a fleecy
-cleud,..• and it •Was thought, that the
--authrabOrealis sentoutan advance
notice of a brilliant engagement, but
as. there was no -flicAtering, and as . the
light - came .steadily- from where the.
cornet had last been. seen, the professor
. Concluded- that he was seeing. a Comet
'procession.- of development. The
the comet was 30 degrees in
length. and extended from 10 degrees
. —
above the _horizen almost.to the zenith
...It was plainlyvisible to the naked eye
and was watched for some time bythe
.corps Of Observers at. the institution.
----The Presbytery of Maitland will,
ordain -Rev. K McLennan B. A. ;B.
under appointment es mistionary„.
tO.Honan, -China, _to the office of the
holy Ministry of the Gospel in Knox
church, Kincardine,. next Tuesday,
July -25th, at '7:30 p. mi Rev. A.
Sutherland will preside. Rev, • John
Rosswill address the-raisSionary- and
fRe*. Maleolm will address the con -
John • MOBain Mrs.Grant,. of :Teeswater were it4 town en
Wednesday,Calling on friends: .
"wild min," of the Peninsula.
wlas captured last 'Sunday; and on
Monday he wawcommitted to Walker-
tr for the -proper authorities to deal
with. • ,
-Wilfred •-Laurier P,, will
COMO to Ontario about the middle - of
August Port Elgin is .on •the list Of
_places he will Visit but :the cif.t.y ,not
Idefinately known:. • .
township, near Port Elgiii„.on, Friday
last; John..S.chwass, jun., :wasiliilled by.
beam, :He leaves •
meeting .fzif the Directors :of the
Kinloss Branch- .AgriculturalScciey
wip: be held in: the .-MeChanice Inst-
itute, on Saturday, °
Directors 'are requested to be! present,.
.—here will.be- no service in the
Presbyterian church -here next Sabbath.
niOrning, but the Sabbath School - and-
fliple :class Wilt:Meet as usu4 :at 3.. p, •
M.I :Also . the .;.evening service at 630
conducted • by _ . Ewan
:MK• — -
wine. .
ustice -Ross has addressed an 'able
:letter to Sir- Oliver Mowat urging that
the Ontario Goverinnent shall assume
the managergeo and contr/1 of Housesof Refilge throughout the Province
:ans.,. make .the.: maintenance of litth
• ) .
.compulsOry. ' - - •
—The prisoner Albert. E. . Wilson,
whla shot Miss Marshall at :a , c urch
door in Warwich 'North,- iii:ki1 reh
1889, has been brought from- $ . 'n aw
to Sarnia, gaol, where he has been iden
tified by the brother of t -he. Murdered
gir .. .. . .
_. ,..
--Arthur - SiMpson, a . weilknown
bluer; from near .Whiteohur0, . was
hail. on Tuesday.,_ His.; horses I became
_frihtened and.. ran in .front! of the
• train. ' He was terribly :mangled and
‘.ael dead when picked up. -1- • , •
. . .
-1--The .aminal report of 'the-, W. 17,
M. . . . ' Society, - of : the Presbyterian
-Ma. tland. -. Presbytery ...Society .have
church, for •*he, auxiliaries i .of the
467 forwarded..,. .. to Mrs; . .4eVabb.,
Secretary., - 'The Secretaries. 4 neigh-
boring „
auxiliaries will find thextr parcel
. ,
-at .10,14. -.1101sTabbV-home-...
-:.--=-Rebecca -.Wilkinson, . of i.):5wns-
vall jr,_Ind.; .•-soyei ::"I had been ' in a
diSqessea: Condition for three • years
from • Nervousness, :Weakness ; of :the'
. , .
StO. aeh, Dyspepsia : -.and, Indigestion .
ants my health was gone. - I. bought
ione:bottle of ,South American Nervine,
.T r at 0110d;11.N;On:re, .9t :h. ;1; i o .:ii., 41 ± it i,b,i-:1Ill j:f45wdoctoringi10:'r.;... . . ':i everthan. i:diditdr 14;:i 'In: :
ray life. . I would advise - any -*Wily.
gregotion. The .M.....COmmittee
Will be.: represented by the Revd. Dr.:
McDonald, of :;Seaforth. are cor-
dially attend,
• , -..-'j'Ittil'!c.9k8n.tiHoLw..- Tuesday In or around . 18 h villagei t ,
tan!. insurance . report done. up in
..•.book, form,and reddish cover.
The book' :Contain - notes etc.. . also. a
;01.embpts4ip.--caid,- with
...the ;mine ::.3gia.irtye printed On. it.
tyi..„1:1041:a1.7g_ .1-7079,410.elloge_61414n;tii
:The' 6.0,14-i, beIn is
ajt this vilrieat bye asnd bye. -.
a 0.1'. R. Crossing in_Wing-
bottle will convince
b B. Congramyou.. Warrant
. ed: