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Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-21, Page 5
• E { TOE 12 :,T4 1 BLYTR. 811-1rtaii st 'rurnliiat-!3nposiaig' .t'rocescion f�eFt :10,2d-reases :tuts Spie,ue i,I- °Met' #gThe •t. th of July at Blythi was a rand day.. The .energetic commmit- tee :worked Turd hp;v the .eelebra { ion prove a success rand:were aduiir h1y rewarded From an early hour -the rauaemen i arrived by train and ;-ehzcIe, At nine o'clock three thou - and welcome- vi aitors .had possession. the village iof The-. �roAes son was one of the most jtnteretnigi Sights ever witnessed.- in Blpth. ' Agood 'number. of Iodges some: 17 in . all--'veres in line and eached aFang distance, _ , The speaking gook pla' l at thePark..:ITnfor- tun atel ..- he :tical l . "elerd � . �� were. . alt iII,: - Rev hrs Mean only saying a few words Eder ` difficulty.- A. . Bro. - H. Mus - rove, of of�.`ingham, opened . the pro- ceedings ina s lendici address ..- p , telnjaer- et by moderation -et fu ayIl of iive,mat- •, fter-,• . :• Revs Thompeon, of.Kincardine iley, of Brussels: Ifughes;formerly - f Win harr • g � and .Mr,. B- -Garr- of russele: also spoke,' The. -following are. thej .prize -wi Liners F . n Wingham Lodge for 'bringing brass:: band, $10-.. Manehest 8eLodge forbringing brass and gip. - Largestrange - Lodge Young C tons,. BIuev le, _- $10 Prize for fife and. drtiim a � band; � Sum- rherhill, $10. ingha m and Oran -brook played a game `of football "which p h esulted 2 to 1 favor of Win .h .. -. g ani, -prize $7. the bicycle . race there w erefour 'entrje ;--Emerson -and . May, of Clin- tin ; = Ballantyne, of Brussels, find. .Gon�pton,.• of Blyth: It wait a two- mile racethe t o w : - best '-' out of -three heats. EInerson -won the first heat May the second, and Emerson - the: third, Breri+ as __awarded `first prize, a gives 'cup valued at 00,;and May second prize. a silver` medal valu- ed* at 2. f L a_ Ls 928 • .Summerhill,:_ Joseph, Rapson, .W M , presented a neat and attractive appearance, 'and with their splendid file and drums .bade . were awarded the Palin in the_: procession.. The Walton. Belgrave and -Wing-. Jham Lady True Blue Lodges took. .art an the proceedings a ad made, -a splen. did impression • The dry was one of the most plens-' ant and successful in Blyth's history, or `even in the history of the Order. in North : Huron, PATRONS'. T SY. The following .-.platform- has . been adopted by -:the -Patrons of Industry throughOut the Province : _ - fst.-r-.Ma ntenace of British con- nection.. - ` 2nd` -=-.The reservation of public landsfor the actua l settler. 3rd.—Purity of administration- and absolute independence of Parliament. 4th.. ---=Rigid economy in every de-_ partment of the public service. 5th. ---Simplification of the laws._ and a generat reduction is the `mach •inert' of Government.' - 6th —The abolition of the Canadian Senate. 7th,--- reduction of the Grand, Juryr _ t 4 members as at _:present. eonsti ited to 12 members, 7 mem- bers to constitute a quorum, .. &h.- .A system of Civil Service reform : that Will–give each county power to appoint or select all. county officials -paid' by them-= _except .'r county ,judges. - 9th . Tariff•for' revenue s t)II� * and adwt a ;1 ed as t c fail " as far asos-- gible,`upon the -luxuries and not asp on the necessaries of life.. .. - r : 10t Reciprocal trade on fair and tY It U. q Ie terfins brawern. G. and -the. ori - , d 1 l th --'E tal • le e�,u gI siatiori: that IA ill protect, Iabor, andresults P , the resins of E : ` Tabor, • fro'ni ��i�. • .�those conbitrat ions: ai d monopolies which unduly enhancetht` price- ce. 0 f . the8� P rustles produced b• . kit'.. tom= inatians and monopolies. 12Th. Prohibitiion of- i ..... the:bon. _ using of railwa :a. b Gov F p . ernment snits as contrar to - . g 3r - ahs, public interest }• 13th.—Preparation i . p u of the Dominiont and Provincial Voters'. s' . list t by the .officers,.. - 14th,,--� _ �_-. Comfo_ r mi t��_ of electoral.dis- tricts to `county boundaries, as cor stntut d"for municipal purposes; . as tar` - as the principle of representation; by -Papulation will allow. ;DIED a S & D Z -In ▪ Ferbx s_, on Monday afteroon;: Jul 17th, 1893. _Mr, Wm Sandy. ed 80 years.. Ia mon the and 13 days. a •• e UCkc,rlOsry Sentinel, Bruce you rpt, .. bdisposed of Grocery • 3� cry Stock - I can . _ . ._ now , safely Via, .... on hand the finest lines . of have That have ever been in Seen : Lucknow. MANS • FINE HAND 'SE ►E • - .. TURN Lovely goods and : n etive.�t styles. y handsome line in Call and see! trn2 also BONED AND LACE N � SHOE E� ISSES AND CHILDREN'S S • .: , In this department I � have:a - 4 :: E e line - of � ord� an other shoes.. : Tan Oxfor • •ds now at 80p. ;:- MENS' AR • SPECIAL. VALE) • I have - just re ` ' � . ceived a -line o = - = f MO's, Viand= ads whichshoes. . .� f� amselling for $2.75. These g - t. as oad food are �ustl good as order�ed� work . and `1 ` - . � - and come much chea; er. _acether . ' . . _ � A.Iso Y line : at- X1.35 :.worth• • On hand in .b:otl and Congress, : s g i1ing for nom this out I am going. to $3. Isc the same in all other lines. An 'shoe .that Y of ps. • p -r ccs, • :I iarante ► g ee will be sewed ave =e cured the �� � : •: �. 3, servjcesfirst-class -Oloe-makqi and will be:p�l�ased to: note:prices•.:::._; . quote to any one d •.Y es�pm_to:.e�. ots and :.ShoeR:- � made. Repairing. �promptlyi � ettend :.� YOURS TRULY, N Q machine was e ever constructed in which the demon p ' t tom •Ietel� .niet-than .. .. ;- � upArl it ,are moe� p . y _ in -:this perfect structure of :steel. - - „# • is made :of one -sou The-:lttaiu.• -eat fraii�e id piece- of flan ed ;soap -.w • - i,r g . � P .� hich TRE . - - can never break or-aw' KN'QTT�R is _carried on. - } - - 1st. he irisin ear �fran .. . 3 - �. not . frame as -iii other- bwdera� =Solid:` - " - � � - .-, - - on the `elevat-or: as a rocks-._ :. he : DRIV largest -and• strongest-EEB . is the. g 'used- d= oh anyi : n N d .- r in .. t � he market,. �. ,- .nRver fail _t ed. -pla form frame is made_ of the best. of; ,refined steel. _The. connections; ,. ,No' useess ��'onts ins;:` rounded- steel � fin � • " grain •-.. ., 3: u.*.e :bar nd..,,. Sides . , . a. J, .. tying too close far it to 2ck_ u -.• Or - Elevator sides: are steel .instead • 7�. .. p � . P' of wood, ` no - mcre- wood - ood to . Br • s -` : :spit 'and- :�'a " a �. r©Iles _bearin s .. al-- • ' } - . ;P :Warp oied fro n;Ottiid e.. The best .end ons" STEEL NOT � E� - � . EL . . T R in the 7 m arks t. Si . �� z z .:. - nlple. in constrnctjon and- • ..- .. � d ties -:eyes _ inti :reel e. e is� The _ Y the best dr-iver .of a : i . _ .n trade. •`: `Both- � . raises an . =- _ • , T _ ..ends-: of the machine- d lowers from, the- seat: It is -ttnau :ease - , - - , _ . , , -.d t -any . �'P of _ h -_eta clsae manufactured. - -.- - �!_ J : machine of Intending parchasers will _do well �j . - .. t0 2V�6 if. exammabion -before. = ; .. g a thorou ' h - pladm their orders.g = •g elsew here- £, : •- Aliabl - � � ..: and patronize a� '�thoro r .. a and �incte � r endent = • .. . - g p firm like .the N No m b Ine : t O h Also.: d � - ... .. - - - sales Zn.: � ._ 8ai Wa: ons : s - - �- .. .. ... � g• a � II3aChzneS :et : Lome ever g c. A y - Saturday. fl'•, 1. r 2 I s#-: - 1 • Is the plata to make:your selections CROCKERY' ,�;li�ons in $�ARE, CR Apples Blacking Y . Black- Lead - Blue: Baking Powders -- Barley, pot Bath Brack- - • - Beans. Brooms' Baskets Brushes Biscuit C© ' ff Conf otione - Canned :Goods Cocoa.. • Chocolate: Cor`n`canned - •. Corn meld • - 'Cur,'rants Currie Powde Cream Tarte, • Cocoanut Dates. 1- have in stock Dried Apple Extracts Figs Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelatine • Gingers Bops Roney Ink 1Indigo 1 •Licorice Lime. • Ju is e Lemons - Lamps, Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal . Macaroni Mustard' Meats, :canned Magnesia Nuts .: • • 1 -Flouralways on ha �: ll'CLEOD'S 8311 u; • the fellow,. Nutmeg Oil; olive Oil, 'sweet ~ . Oil, castor - Oranges Oat Meal - - Pai7s - Peela' - Pipes Pitkdes. Pearine PIlaiai east canrie.d . Pepper -a ns - Rice Ricce Flour $aID' t Saim-en Sardines Seeednne - Sugg Syrups d: - Goods delivered • PR °VISIONS soda Soaps 1• Spices Starch Strawberrles:canne Sulphers '. Tapioca lli Tomatoes canned TobacTeas - coes Vernice Vinega Washboards ' Washh g Ciysta , Woodenyvare Whiting Dinner Stets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea :sets Water Sets Crean Sets Berry -Siete Toilet iSets o' any part _o#� file -town. • .F orto ator z r And other tested remedies:: PECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE ImpurImpure, Weakd and Impoverished; , Blood P , ,Sleeplessness, Palpitation, of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, = Loss . of Memory, ' Bronchitis, Consumption,- - Stones, Jaundice, Kidney,and -UrinaryGrist asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female I '5 and General Debility, rregularities 51 per half pint and $2 . per pint bottle; LABORATORY-. GODR3ICH, ONT.:. .:M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer; Sold by Harry Days: -and A B . : j - B. Gongram ru gg?sts,-Lucknow, AUCTIONEE ia:L• .. ANCE . NS R• ANCE AND G NERAL A G ENCy. ALES ATTENDED uED IN ALL PARTS the County and satis sof member of factioirguarantee. _ T'�'+LAS ° FARMS Por -sale -on reasonable tering, 11N CRIFFIN, - - KINGSBRIDGE �►,€�" Leads t em ail Mackinaw folder, WREkC€ RWER F�LDER Seasanablg llint" e had FREE on app li= cation to TORONTO TICKET OFFICE C SIRE OR • YOUNQE ST, —OR-- MURCHISON, HG4ENT,, LIICH11[O BULL FOR'SERVICE- rrrnE. UNDERSIGNED. WILL KEEP J - for service to a limited number of 'cosh at lot 4, con,10,r (E.D,) . Ashfield. a -thorough-. bred Ayrshire bull, "Gladstone, "No, 1298. PEDIGREE; GIadstoneBrower and white, calve Sep i. 1891 bred . by Tlioa.: Guy, Oshawa,' :Ont., :ire Baron of Parkhill -478 -darn- Modal 4th -..911 ----byButterfly, of Oshawa -352.: llodai-iO3 -by Bismarck -,--119 Perfection ' 181,- b Eclipse:-lOfr,-Che: : I80 n7►. b. Dundee d ee y - t�. 113,-..J any, Lind 2nd -177 ; b- : (1niF}-I2 --J .J Bob.` Roy -7-Jenny Lind -176, -,by Dundee 3rd X111--O1d Jenny -169-41)y Dundee 3rd -=41 - l)ai id (irnp)-15. TER -MS -$1.60 for the season incite. -Cows to : he returned - and tinier if t coed three times if necessary. . • - .TA ME : Lanes P.- 0. 19V VOTER - ,I4T--1893. Minter -Polity of the Township er P Ki Connt o es�l, . - T . f. $rare: OTICE I J2 HEREBY_-GIYEN~° I �. - THA h ave transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned, , in` the third "and fourth sections if the"Voters List ` , required by n to bR said sectio Act"the copies - so. transmitted or !delivered of : the list, pursuant to : of>all persons. appearingthe seed Act by the'list revised Assessment Roll of the said -Municipality elections for :members:.o the' Le ielaytie ` at semblv.. and,the m' i the unicipalelectioae, and- the Said "list was first posted n- P in my office, Lang•. side P. 0., Kinloss; thin llth dayof f Ja y,1893 and remains. there inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the saidlistand=: if any'. omission or -any other: r errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the same errors 'coriected according to:iaw: Dated at - _-Lan i this • 1863. de Ilth ,day of July, • PETER--REID. :- Clerk of the said mwnicipeiity, Limpid P. O. Fruits of All Kinds • Season. s FINE TEAS SF-F1AL The Largest Stock, The Chozcest Goods, The Best ',axe obtainable in Lucknow. • • through ;C3olonistlee er ' be ist* inched to train leavingi.,u P will QD _• CkEI!?w at lQ,ts �,ip. FEB MAR* MAR. • APRIL. „ —" ',APRIL - - 25 the through nRh Colonist train • TR. North o� • Arriving in Toronto'in tiMe me ito connect wig Bay :and'C.P.R, There will ,a ,•, also :bean E)CURSiop-J 1RAJ;Jj `.Eye Tuesday •- _ '-Every during March and Aprils Baggage cheCked :throe h- to +.. 8 No destination, aTitg► through • tickets : sold. No ehange -of • tulip Considering all these baffle advantages we ex -pect to secure the th#s aeascn. os�n7in#atmstion applyto - :e -s AV Iea• 1500 CORDS BARK W NT ll WINGH,AI TANNING o .pay -115 per cord for 1,500 corder era lot .. - . deliversd at their tannery, Wingh»o4 per,cord at I ucknow;station. Partiespe g 15 cords or oyer may deliver onehalf in summer and one- half in winter at :the tame &,rice at the factory of the* Wingham Tanning War. a CO, •