HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-07, Page 8MD 0
linTevio the lodsiness. - Vise
otir -811C,COSS is
, I -speak -111g -th.ort.71'. particular -
of the ..‘ad.1,--INIfilide
. d.
- •
I-.7-lowt,e.(,cre we possess
Ereteti r t' eIection of
_ . .
e inost, aouabie goods
- •
10-1- fri-fle-ftirto' th4- 4we iturve
buy.. to...suit .ev'ery:.:'41-ofipers:
Clash - buyi4;-- advantages
Aake it t,..asier to do so and
place many a. good.: Ready
i\Tade Suit.iff reach- of *thOse
vho,otherwise would have to
pe satisfied with -inferiof or
2erhaps none -at - We are
iiicere when we usert our
belief tliat we can serve. you.
'well in quality, and -decid:-
Odiy better in purse, than
pthers can. It costs nothing
to investigate -aiid may save
lollsome money too.
. .
01000 L
. or cash and -e±change for
. . • .
ioods._ Special Bargains in
Millinerir for the - next .two
- in the 1-1,-eui - -
Tuesday eveniiig
RITE C 11 S. M-..-.hite 62e.
Crown Her
The Canadian cow should now be
.decorated with a gitrland of butter
cups. • In the cheese and butter depart-
ment for whiekthe butter cup surplies
a part of the raw material Canada has
captured honors at the treat Colum-
bian Fair. -
Orange -Sermon
The Lucknow Orangemen will at-
tend the Methodiit church on Sunday
morning next, at eleven o'clock; - wheis
the pastor of .the church, the- Rev.
John. Mills will preach to them. All
Orangemen.. are requested to assemble
in the lodge room at half .past ten and
march in a body to the church. All
members of the Order arecordially
invited to tale- part in the services.
MieS Ida _Walker, A T. C..- M.,
Kincardine,- graduate of the. Toronto
Conservatory of M u sic, will bo• pre-
pared to repeive pupils in voice cultureanainstrumental music. on and after*
juiy. I Oth . Miss • Walker will: be in
Lack -now at the -whitely . }rause,
Monday 'next and : will be pleased - to
meet :With any svhcs are. desirous ,o
taking lessons. • '
Battle- of the Boyne
_ . . ,
_On Wednesday _next_ the glorious,
pi and inunortal Memory of 'William
/ince._ of Ors-floss'id Ler be11'ated
by the Orangemen of West Isrueo:at
-Ripl.eys and nothing is beang _left -
Undone by the :people...9f that plaC.e to
make .the demonstration k '.sys'Ocess. • 'A
. _
tremendous_ crowd is expected,1 and a
special :train wffl have the Luckne-W
-station _during theforenopa ancl retute.
again.sin . the oval -ling; at 25 sients...for
the rousidst
-Removing the .Bon.e
Dis J.. 8. --Tenziant. :-and A: .€4
lastweek- reinol-ea a portion
of the (3.e.-c4oaiwile,- .irom thE, arm of
a young man .'n-anleci: Ballan.Vflp, of,
Wingharr, ho ha4.4 beeiijaid .up. for
many, months' •with a sore- r arm semlie
fre oi..8-ix., y6ars ago- he, -got the ai..nri
broken near the ,I.tri;A, and it _never_
botheied hini till Febivary- last, since
which tune he 1iis ti ied several d6c-
tors: but got no relief and finally. - -Cana e-
te -Lucknow in the hoPe. that the
doctors here could aid Iiim They
intend to perforin another operation
the: upon arm: on Friday 'Etnd. -it is to be
sincerely hoped the l-erm can be:SaYed-
and. the ,poor fellow relieved-s)f his
Barn Raistng
Irwin, of Belfast,• -put_ up
a new 'barn on Tuesday. _last. The
raising did. not., take '.place _until _late
-in- the. eVening; Sides were chosen pp,
*Tat. Alton being Captain on the !ttst.
.side, and Chid. Mullin on the west..
After the teitins had been: Selected. the
:party repaired - to the.. -well spread
tables, under the, over hanging trees in:
-front of mr.- residenee. All
baying done full justice to- the good
-things.prepared- by the ladies (of whom
let it be said there were many young
and comely Ones), the raising • began.
It Wasa hard.fight°0 the way throughbut eventually the east_ Side won by
about three :rafters,. although the other
._side claim the winning of the -match
The barn-ii-assfine stricture; - 44 k- 66:
feet; with a Splendid stone,foundation.-.
Jas. Henderson did. all the frame- work
and it -As -much to his _credit.- The
stone work. was done bythe Webster
Bros., and is the best- pieces of
'masonry- that., can.. be seen. -in„the
Ceuhty of Huron:- Taken altogether
theraising was a grand. success. and it -
is to be hoped that it is an - Omen ..of
Mr. Irwin's future prosperity.
church Re -opening
-The .KinlOugh Methodist Church
• having been enlarged and repaired in
side as welLas outisde, presents a very
neat appearance _and reflects credit. on
the people Of this vicinity: Iflwas re- .
opened �n .July 2nd, and A large con-
gregation attend the three services
C. T. U.-- the
4114 was favored by -',:sood sernions in
• - Meeting of the IN •
i Temperance Union Will be h • the morning__ and evening . by ..J: J.
, Wednesday of each month in ti. Noble and in the afternoon by Rev. J.
Hall, Lucknow, it 3 p. m. .. , . .
Mills, of Lucknow. Good music Was
. SMITH, Pre4dent ; MRS. F/ORNE14„
• • I ( furnished by thes-choir of the church.
• , - .
. --.r..-----r4 -
...,.... tucx On Menday. afternoon, . July 3rcl-) a
, -az.: Lodge“ garden party was held in Mr. Jacob
.:•!...14 ..
i er .„...4„56..... -1,.. - Meets every . Nicholls' &chard, wilisis proved - a
• ie -.-- ,,, _-
.evening at 4,4 , •
hall, Campbell -street. All brgrauu. success. . -.Tea :N.v.as served from.- •
t:45rdially invited.. I. MoRRIONi Grand' issj:.30 after vehi.oh. - splendid .1 -.:short
R. Hughes; Recorder. -wregiv'e4 Adasai
-Lavin Social
.- In the interest _Of--.. the Epworth
-14eague.of Christian iidesivor _Soeiety
a lawn Social Will . be ' held' . at. the.
residence of Mi.- 'Geo-.. Greet, .on Mon-
day . '• :evening, ' - Jubr..i. 10th. .NO.
troUble....Will be. spared t- in _Or at, to
make the .--: evening successful. ,• and=
specially - enjoyable for all yid -ors.'
All kinds of.ganies--will be _carried- on -
-.-cliting .the evening. ,Entrance fee for
-adults,. 156-..;..-childien, .*-10c. - Every-
body in-Vitedand a; good-tline assured.
The New Postal Card -1,1
Complaints :having! been -rnadei- by
merchants • and -..lothers .throughoig
Ontario, . of the alleged inability,- of.
their post offices- to furnish the "new
andlarge-iized postal pardS•has-eliipted
the infdrraation ..frOM.:the -post kiffice'
- department at -Ottawa that t the Govern-
ment...contracts:or was . 'turning - out. the
new Cards -witkall poSsible; despatch,:
• 1
--.bnt the enernious derriand.lall over the
DOMinion.-Wek still ahead .9-f his ability-.
to meet it; while the public-Irefied to'
purchase, the.'old cards,-
Decoration- Day
• , .
The joint COnimittee-- of . the . seireral.
. • . i 1
Sobieties of Lucknow, haying appointed
Friday, July 21st, 18P3, a - day - to he.
- • - : f :
Set apart for decoration of -the.. _graves
of the member of societies or
their ;families • buried . in: cein -tary
. ., . .
at Lucknow..--....,_ -;All!.. intlrested - • are:
requested to hand* -silaineS- of any
eleseased persons', graVes--toi*ny.-Of the
committee sd'..theys earl inal#3- duepr6
oaration for same ..,..Comtnittee--,--Alex
i. . ,- , . •
'ROSS I I) . M. Gordon.;.M.D4'ThOs: Reid
John Scott, Alex:. Davidson, . Wrsley
AloYes and -Harry: Pierce..
Tem perms ce_Se.i7m.d.se •
One of the best te.inpein ce .sermons
it .WaS ever our -01ea8ure or privilege
to .listen to, was 1.JireacIiled • in the
nglisb. Churchori.'Sunday mor ing.
- last,;_by the ...Rector,. the Rev. Mr.
Miles; on the occasion. of the an ua,1
:sermon o the W. C:. T. 11. Society;
the - members . Of -which at ended: hp
service in a body; tOgethei witli the.
children -of the Juviiiile -T mplar
the village': The Rev._ gent. enian. took
for his text- the follOhig words "And
He stretched forth ilis. 4,4.pa rd
'Ms. -disciples iirnd • said 'behold my
-Mother and brethren'. ; •' who-.
:.soever shall dothe Will of My Fat*.
Which -4, in heaven; the saine is. 34
brother •__sister and •Mother.' —
Matt,- chap: 14, vs. The er-
mon was a . vivid - deScription-, of thes
evils eaused by the -liquor traffic and a
pleafor measurestoabolisli
manufacttre- and Sale -of ;the : same.
The -preacher f earnestly admonished.
the ladies 46.presi„on, ..w:A • to be disj--
bouraged .. but do everything .eyerything. in Tillie
,nanie of the Lord-...JeSuS. r.
Miles has only --quit.° --lately 00041 to
laboi.amoni.us, but we, he women
of the W. -C. - exteilid to hitn,
a hearty welConie and wish bitn .6 ery -
success iu his oner914.!
Sudden Death
The whole conamunity was greatly
surprised and and grieved - °ill- Saturday
*last when: the. news, of the sudden
-death of Alexander Woods of the.
12th crn of West Wawzin'osh was
•, . •
announced. • The:, •decessecl .was a
strong.a.thletie: young man; just in the
*me of life, and to all appearance.
pri , _
.destined to see- a -ripe Old .age, but the
trailty of ;nature, and the
certainty' of the scriptural *rising "in
the Midst of .-we are in. death,”
was never more :forcibly . illustrated
than in ..this- sad case: . Mr. •.WdOels
had worked hard all dayatploughing
and in the evening was in the acti. of -
:hitching a bore's) to. the buggy to. cOrne.
to Lucknow,- when he. was suddenly
-seiied with a severw.iiain in 1.his-..side,
and in about seven hours of _intense.
• -
suffering. the ..15pirtp of - the strong
robust man had passed to jithe great
beyond The immediate cau e of death
• 1.
was the bursting of blood vessiel, and
_although • three doctors were there
• in a short time ..:nothing could
be done for _the unfortunate man.
He leaves -a wife. ind three small'
children . who have the lieartfe4:
sympathY of the whole community in
fl O. F.,COURT
Sherwood, No.
50, Lucknow. - Meet -
every first And third
-Monday in every
month, . in the Or-
. ange - • hall: -Visit-
- ing -brethren a r e
• cordially invited.
F 0 Mehaqs, C. •R
D.. D. YULE. Ste.
--irman. of th • ti
_tug Rev. gentlemen :. Mr.
Ripley, Mr. J. Kenner, of
J. Noble, of Salem circuit
7 evening first-Olass. • -music
Lied : by the _ Lucknow Brass
of the church *-and.. Miss
Collestiens on Sunday
ad to overtwenty dollstrs.
Us of garden party
U. W-.LUCKNOW IJODGE, Or $80 besides, a geed
• the Ancient OrderUnitedWoxicthtli- -leaves the church'
-meet in the OddfelloNkkhall, "'the last debt. —Com.-
sedond Monday evenings of each AnOnt,
eight o'clock. - Visiting_ brethren core
invited, A 1V.E6PHEasoN, Master ;,•.1VirJe-*-
B. D. Munitax, Recorder.. •
amounted to
with only:
their great bereavement.. Mr. Woods
Wasonly in his 39th year and-. was -a
man universally Jilted, and .his
funeral- Sumiay last was the largest
ever held -in- the township. e- Was :a
member Of Maple Grove Loyal ..Orange
Lodge and the funeral was conducted
iunder the -.auspices. -of. the- Society.
i The Orangemen of Lucknow . and
Belfast also marched • in procession.
Besides the Orange brethren over two
hundred carriages and other vehicles
followed the repainS. to their resting
place in Dungarinorrpeemetery..
n England now, a witness in
court is entitled to be sworn without
"kissing the Book." The right to
refuse to kiss is not made dependent
on any religious scruple, tbut is absolute
We do not often Advertise our
But as we have Something .a *Hide -more. thaw•speciai
you this* we'el.: in a -few.
eqi mat-
1-4416 ois
We ask you to drop1 in and see'thern,
t '0 • "," •
. s
1"._ got.
A ' •
-14 ( 4 • •
V trJ= de=2qaa05:tif vo.A..iaapAst:Issasta-i ms. 241zae.s. a viz or. irxzwn c ore r, mr‘s='!7«4 =Or
Atithe- Marriage 46:1 -ter
'LOCAL JJi ,61-E1tlEiR.211,
The . fo4oWing _ is taken' from the
Brockville Timeg. Of the 23rc1. June
and Which refers_ to the :marriage . of —For sale—A. first-class bicyelein
COIXd,elig441 laezidert.
Mr. T. J. Mathe.rs, son o - M 0r. .
Mather_s; of Kinloss ‘sA -pleasine
social took .place. early._ Tuesda
Morning'. at the residence of W. B
Wage on Daniel Street, When hi
second daughter -Miss Ada Was joine
inifmarriageto W. J.'--*Matlaers, a pro
e0ereis luruber raerithant of Neepawa
an.•11._ _The interesting :.ceremony -wa
quietly performed in the.presiiceof
•fe*.'Irierids by Rev:- H. Cairns. Th
p4,timab1e.bride- was nicely *attired i
a ineat travelling suit and 'carried
bbquet of _flowers. Afte
tlip nuptials; the bridal party .partdo
+choice wedding breakfast, and man
co,ngatulations- were extended- to th
happy pair. Mr. and Mrs.. -Mather
idok the mail boat for Toronto - on
bfief 'wedding sojO4in- after whic
they Will leave for .their bane i
Vanifoba. where - their many friend
wish •fer them.. the -brighest of .earth'
r4aterial blessings. The presents-.SsFr
latith Costly autl -numerous testifyin
in a tangible Manner the respect an
esteem in which the bride was de
splendid running order. -Call wad see
it at Chas.- Stewart's sailer shop,
Y —It has ben -arras:aged that a con-
s, vention of temperance workers for the
d Province of Ontariov,ill meet at
_ Toronto on October 4th, .for the pur-
pose of organizing for the prohibition
' plebiscite to be taken In Janua,ry next:
s -
a --Machine 'ODS ! Farmers 'wanting
e Machine Oil for mowers and binders
n can get. the best- oils. cheap at Harry,
a Days'. •
-'--ow that the sta,tuto laboris being
k performed throughout the townships,
y would, it not be well for pathmasters.
e to exercise a little , more than usual
s dare in seeing that boulders the size
a of large turnips are not dumped in the.
h middle of the road. •
ri No time to quote prices this
3 week, but will just- intimate I have
5 -contracted - for a • large quantity of
6 finely finished Bed -Robin Suits: They
g are the right gtamp and prices will be
d- ilght. Will try_ and have a full suit
- in my show window Saturday, take a
look in. Remember these suits can't
be beat for:price, at G. W. Berry's
Furniture Store. 1'
, The growingstrop is a Picture Of
e beauty, Wheat though thin en some
Wick promises a it:X:0d yield the hay
crop;Will be a. heavy one; peas are
- doing well and a big crop will be
, looked for., kndipotatoes promise better
. than list year: 1
- -
Separators for- Sale
"There will besoldby public -auction
at lot 9, :Con. Kinloss,
on Friday
July 14th at. 3 o'Clockp. On
D$herty Separator antionell.irideawake
Separator. '.Lucknoiv
June 28th, Morrison, Ven
&Vs - . solicitor -Peter.- Corrigan
Auctioneer; John Graham,- ,lVeador
.1,--4wenty-twOOf :-Tara's ..citizens
were sninniOned before the the magistrate
for refusing to.purchase tags for their
The :fee :charged was $1.10.
Objection -.- was taken to the extra
charge Of ,10.a. the -Cost Of the tag and
the-CaSe*as-laid over. However the
delinquents found :they had to whack
so they settled it, paying all costs.
They now demand the removal. Of- the
constable by the Council and in. case
aUCh a. step.. is not taken , they will:
wreak their vengeance on their repre-
sentatives at, next municipal election,
Such is life. •
- case at the Wellington
Conn -6y cipurexAted-considerableinter-
-est, Two young then. Were Sued by the:
proprietor -of a livery stable for dam-
ages- sustained - through injuries receiv-
ed by his horse -while in their charge.
The jury ftiund. for the -livery . keepers
forttbe fUll-ambunt sued for, .4 point
svaibrought out -cleverly in this. -. ease
, .
Which- should be More generally known,
and that Oiati.S:When-L a horse -is -hired -for a
certain journey the drker is liable for
only such damages- as ;.mayhappen
through his negligence .Or fault, - but
-when he goes beyond the stipulated
mitracthe takes all risksofaccidents
114 may happen ..although they may
:be inevitable .and Oceiir without any
- fault 4- his: *
Wawanosh fall show . will
be held l at Belgrave on Thursday and
Friday,' Sept. 28 end °
'Life-giving St Leon Vera' wat-
er to at pays' Drug %Iv. It is
impossible to over-rate its •value phys-
icians say to restore and promote life °
king health,- strength and
HARRY PAYS, 1.Jrugguiv.
Mrs. Clarke, * of Ancaser, Ont.,
spent a few days with two pf her
sisters, Mrs. John Johnstone and Mrs.
H Vanstone, ., - •
- 4 number of our .yOung men took
in the Model Yarm on Tuesday last.
They report having a good ti*te.
1 .
IMr. and Mrs. John ja ieson jr
attended the games at - erich on
Dominion . dey. .He droVe° his old
reliable "Queen Polly."
Mr Jame James Drennan,sr., i&. putting
dime stabling under his barn. - - The
Stother Bros. have the contract. •
- _ Mr. Wm. Jamieson has sold his
youhg Durham Bull to Samuel Kirk
for a good figure. He is a good
animal. 0
The Patron pie-nic held at Kintail
dockion Julyilst was a decided success,
Co. Presidents, John S. McDonald, of
Briuce -Co., and -James Gaunt, . of
Hyrou, were present and gave short
addresses. Boating, foot -ball and
other amusements --went to pass the
time away.
• 0-41,4