HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-07, Page 8MD 0 linTevio the lodsiness. - Vise otir -811C,COSS is 1, sI , I -speak -111g -th.ort.71'. particular - of the ..‘ad.1,--INIfilide • Trade-. . d. - • 1 I-.7-lowt,e.(,cre we possess Ereteti r t' eIection of _ . . e inost, aouabie goods - • 10-1- fri-fle-ftirto' th4- 4we iturve C. buy.. to...suit .ev'ery:.:'41-ofipers: purse,: Clash - buyi4;-- advantages Aake it t,..asier to do so and place many a. good.: Ready i\Tade Suit.iff reach- of *thOse vho,otherwise would have to pe satisfied with -inferiof or 2erhaps none -at - We are iiicere when we usert our belief tliat we can serve. you. 'well in quality, and -decid:- Odiy better in purse, than • pthers can. It costs nothing to investigate -aiid may save _ lollsome money too. . . f 01000 L . or cash and -e±change for . . • . ioods._ Special Bargains in Millinerir for the - next .two *ieeks. • #0•M••••••••,4014 t!, ZpRONTO MARKETS. - in the 1-1,-eui - - Tuesday eveniiig RITE C 11 S. M-..-.hite 62e. Crown Her The Canadian cow should now be .decorated with a gitrland of butter cups. • In the cheese and butter depart- ment for whiekthe butter cup surplies a part of the raw material Canada has captured honors at the treat Colum- bian Fair. - Orange -Sermon The Lucknow Orangemen will at- tend the Methodiit church on Sunday morning next, at eleven o'clock; - wheis the pastor of .the church, the- Rev. John. Mills will preach to them. All - Orangemen.. are requested to assemble in the lodge room at half .past ten and march in a body to the church. All members of the Order arecordially invited to tale- part in the services. lYttisi-c.,t,essens- MieS Ida _Walker, A T. C..- M., Kincardine,- graduate of the. Toronto Conservatory of M u sic, will bo• pre- pared to repeive pupils in voice cultureanainstrumental music. on and after* juiy. I Oth . Miss • Walker will: be in Lack -now at the -whitely . }rause, Monday 'next and : will be pleased - to meet :With any svhcs are. desirous ,o taking lessons. • ' Battle- of the Boyne _ . . , _On Wednesday _next_ the glorious, pi and inunortal Memory of 'William /ince._ of Ors-floss'id Ler be11'ated by the Orangemen of West Isrueo:at -Ripl.eys and nothing is beang _left - Undone by the :people...9f that plaC.e to make .the demonstration k '.sys'Ocess. • 'A . _ tremendous_ crowd is expected,1 and a special :train wffl have the Luckne-W -station _during theforenopa ancl retute. again.sin . the oval -ling; at 25 sients...for the rousidst -Removing the .Bon.e Dis J.. 8. --Tenziant. :-and A: .€4 lastweek- reinol-ea a portion of the (3.e.-c4oaiwile,- .irom thE, arm of a young man .'n-anleci: Ballan.Vflp, of, Wingharr, ho ha4.4 beeiijaid .up. for many, months' •with a sore- r arm semlie fre oi..8-ix., y6ars ago- he, -got the ai..nri broken near the ,I.tri;A, and it _never_ botheied hini till Febivary- last, since which tune he 1iis ti ied several d6c- tors: but got no relief and finally. - -Cana e- te -Lucknow in the hoPe. that the doctors here could aid Iiim They intend to perforin another operation the: upon arm: on Friday 'Etnd. -it is to be sincerely hoped the l-erm can be:SaYed- and. the ,poor fellow relieved-s)f his Suffering:. Barn Raistng Irwin, of Belfast,• -put_ up - a new 'barn on Tuesday. _last. The raising did. not., take '.place _until _late -in- the. eVening; Sides were chosen pp, *Tat. Alton being Captain on the !ttst. .side, and Chid. Mullin on the west.. After the teitins had been: Selected. the :party repaired - to the.. -well spread tables, under the, over hanging trees in: -front of mr.- residenee. All baying done full justice to- the good -things.prepared- by the ladies (of whom let it be said there were many young and comely Ones), the raising • began. It Wasa hard.fight°0 the way throughbut eventually the east_ Side won by about three :rafters,. although the other ._side claim the winning of the -match The barn-ii-assfine stricture; - 44 k- 66: feet; with a Splendid stone,foundation.-. Jas. Henderson did. all the frame- work and it -As -much to his _credit.- The stone work. was done bythe Webster Bros., and is the best- pieces of 'masonry- that., can.. be seen. -in„the Ceuhty of Huron:- Taken altogether theraising was a grand. success. and it - is to be hoped that it is an - Omen ..of Mr. Irwin's future prosperity. church Re -opening -The .KinlOugh Methodist Church • having been enlarged and repaired in .•- side as welLas outisde, presents a very neat appearance _and reflects credit. on the people Of this vicinity: Iflwas re- . opened �n .July 2nd, and A large con- gregation attend the three services C. T. U.-- the 4114 was favored by -',:sood sernions in • - Meeting of the IN • i Temperance Union Will be h • the morning__ and evening . by ..J: J. , Wednesday of each month in ti. Noble and in the afternoon by Rev. J. Hall, Lucknow, it 3 p. m. .. , . . Mills, of Lucknow. Good music Was . SMITH, Pre4dent ; MRS. F/ORNE14„ • • I ( furnished by thes-choir of the church. • , - . . --.r..-----r4 - ..,,.. ...,.... tucx On Menday. afternoon, . July 3rcl-) a , -az.: Lodge“ garden party was held in Mr. Jacob .:•!...14 .. • i er .„...4„56..... -1,.. - Meets every . Nicholls' &chard, wilisis proved - a • ie -.-- ,,, _- .evening at 4,4 , • hall, Campbell -street. All brgrauu. success. . -.Tea :N.v.as served from.- • t:45rdially invited.. I. MoRRIONi Grand' issj:.30 after vehi.oh. - splendid .1 -.:short R. Hughes; Recorder. -wregiv'e4 Adasai -Lavin Social .- In the interest _Of--.. the Epworth -14eague.of Christian iidesivor _Soeiety a lawn Social Will . be ' held' . at. the. residence of Mi.- 'Geo-.. Greet, .on Mon- day . '• :evening, ' - Jubr..i. 10th. .NO. troUble....Will be. spared t- in _Or at, to make the .--: evening successful. ,• and= . specially - enjoyable for all yid -ors.' All kinds of.ganies--will be _carried- on - -.-cliting .the evening. ,Entrance fee for -adults,. 156-..;..-childien, .*-10c. - Every- body in-Vitedand a; good-tline assured. -VI The New Postal Card -1,1 Complaints :having! been -rnadei- by merchants • and -..lothers .throughoig Ontario, . of the alleged inability,- of. their post offices- to furnish the "new andlarge-iized postal pardS•has-eliipted the infdrraation ..frOM.:the -post kiffice' - department at -Ottawa that t the Govern- ment...contracts:or was . 'turning - out. the new Cards -witkall poSsible; despatch,: • 1 --.bnt the enernious derriand.lall over the DOMinion.-Wek still ahead .9-f his ability-. to meet it; while the public-Irefied to' purchase, the.'old cards,- Decoration- Day • , . The joint COnimittee-- of . the . seireral. . • . i 1 Sobieties of Lucknow, haying appointed Friday, July 21st, 18P3, a - day - to he. - • - : f : Set apart for decoration of -the.. _graves of the member of societies or their ;families • buried . in: cein -tary i . ., . . at Lucknow..--....,_ -;All!.. intlrested - • are: requested to hand* -silaineS- of any eleseased persons', graVes--toi*ny.-Of the committee sd'..theys earl inal#3- duepr6 "-: oaration for same ..,..Comtnittee--,--Alex i. . ,- , . • 'ROSS I I) . M. Gordon.;.M.D4'ThOs: Reid John Scott, Alex:. Davidson, . Wrsley AloYes and -Harry: Pierce.. Tem perms ce_Se.i7m.d.se • One of the best te.inpein ce .sermons it .WaS ever our -01ea8ure or privilege to .listen to, was 1.JireacIiled • in the nglisb. Churchori.'Sunday mor ing. - last,;_by the ...Rector,. the Rev. Mr. Miles; on the occasion. of the an ua,1 :sermon o the W. C:. T. 11. Society; the - members . Of -which at ended: hp service in a body; tOgethei witli the. children -of the Juviiiile -T mplar the village': The Rev._ gent. enian. took for his text- the follOhig words "And He stretched forth ilis. 4,4.pa rd 'Ms. -disciples iirnd • said 'behold my -Mother and brethren'. ; •' who-. :.soever shall dothe Will of My Fat*. Which -4, in heaven; the saine is. 34 brother •__sister and •Mother.' — Matt,- chap: 14, vs. The er- mon was a . vivid - deScription-, of thes evils eaused by the -liquor traffic and a pleafor measurestoabolisli - manufacttre- and Sale -of ;the : same. The -preacher f earnestly admonished. the ladies 46.presi„on, ..w:A • to be disj-- bouraged .. but do everything .eyerything. in Tillie ,nanie of the Lord-...JeSuS. r. Miles has only --quit.° --lately 00041 to laboi.amoni.us, but we, he women of the W. -C. - exteilid to hitn, _ a hearty welConie and wish bitn .6 ery - success iu his oner914.! Sudden Death _ The whole conamunity was greatly surprised and and grieved - °ill- Saturday *last when: the. news, of the sudden -death of Alexander Woods of the. 12th crn of West Wawzin'osh was •, . • announced. • The:, •decessecl .was a strong.a.thletie: young man; just in the *me of life, and to all appearance. pri , _ .destined to see- a -ripe Old .age, but the trailty of ;nature, and the certainty' of the scriptural *rising "in the Midst of .-we are in. death,” was never more :forcibly . illustrated than in ..this- sad case: . Mr. •.WdOels had worked hard all dayatploughing and in the evening was in the acti. of - :hitching a bore's) to. the buggy to. cOrne. to Lucknow,- when he. was suddenly -seiied with a severw.iiain in 1.his-..side, and in about seven hours of _intense. • - suffering. the ..15pirtp of - the strong robust man had passed to jithe great beyond The immediate cau e of death • 1. was the bursting of blood vessiel, and _although • three doctors were there • in a short time ..:nothing could be done for _the unfortunate man. He leaves -a wife. ind three small' children . who have the lieartfe4: sympathY of the whole community in •, fl O. F.,COURT Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. - Meet - every first And third -Monday in every month, . in the Or- . ange - • hall: -Visit- - ing -brethren a r e • cordially invited. F 0 Mehaqs, C. •R D.. D. YULE. Ste. --irman. of th • ti _tug Rev. gentlemen :. Mr. Ripley, Mr. J. Kenner, of J. Noble, of Salem circuit 7 evening first-Olass. • -music Lied : by the _ Lucknow Brass of the church *-and.. Miss Collestiens on Sunday ad to overtwenty dollstrs. Us of garden party U. W-.LUCKNOW IJODGE, Or $80 besides, a geed • the Ancient OrderUnitedWoxicthtli- -leaves the church' -meet in the OddfelloNkkhall, "'the last debt. —Com.- sedond Monday evenings of each AnOnt, eight o'clock. - Visiting_ brethren core invited, A 1V.E6PHEasoN, Master ;,•.1VirJe-*- B. D. Munitax, Recorder.. • amounted to subscription, with only: their great bereavement.. Mr. Woods Wasonly in his 39th year and-. was -a man universally Jilted, and .his funeral- Sumiay last was the largest ever held -in- the township. e- Was :a member Of Maple Grove Loyal ..Orange Lodge and the funeral was conducted iunder the -.auspices. -of. the- Society. i The Orangemen of Lucknow . and Belfast also marched • in procession. Besides the Orange brethren over two hundred carriages and other vehicles followed the repainS. to their resting place in Dungarinorrpeemetery.. n England now, a witness in court is entitled to be sworn without "kissing the Book." The right to refuse to kiss is not made dependent on any religious scruple, tbut is absolute : _ We do not often Advertise our But as we have Something .a *Hide -more. thaw•speciai you this* we'el.: in a -few. eqi mat- rz,zsi4 1-4416 ois ffe We ask you to drop1 in and see'thern, to 4 t '0 • "," • . s 1"._ got. A ' • -14 ( 4 • • V trJ= de=2qaa05:tif vo.A..iaapAst:Issasta-i ms. 241zae.s. a viz or. irxzwn c ore r, mr‘s='!7«4 =Or Atithe- Marriage 46:1 -ter 'LOCAL JJi ,61-E1tlEiR.211, The . fo4oWing _ is taken' from the Brockville Timeg. Of the 23rc1. June and Which refers_ to the :marriage . of —For sale—A. first-class bicyelein COIXd,elig441 laezidert. Mr. T. J. Mathe.rs, son o - M 0r. . Mather_s; of Kinloss ‘sA -pleasine social took .place. early._ Tuesda Morning'. at the residence of W. B Wage on Daniel Street, When hi second daughter -Miss Ada Was joine inifmarriageto W. J.'--*Matlaers, a pro e0ereis luruber raerithant of Neepawa an.•11._ _The interesting :.ceremony -wa quietly performed in the.presiiceof - •fe*.'Irierids by Rev:- H. Cairns. Th p4,timab1e.bride- was nicely *attired i a ineat travelling suit and 'carried bbquet of _flowers. Afte tlip nuptials; the bridal party .partdo +choice wedding breakfast, and man co,ngatulations- were extended- to th happy pair. Mr. and Mrs.. -Mather idok the mail boat for Toronto - on bfief 'wedding sojO4in- after whic they Will leave for .their bane i Vanifoba. where - their many friend wish •fer them.. the -brighest of .earth' r4aterial blessings. The presents-.SsFr latith Costly autl -numerous testifyin in a tangible Manner the respect an esteem in which the bride was de slirvedly splendid running order. -Call wad see it at Chas.- Stewart's sailer shop, Y —It has ben -arras:aged that a con- , s, vention of temperance workers for the d Province of Ontariov,ill meet at _ Toronto on October 4th, .for the pur- pose of organizing for the prohibition ' plebiscite to be taken In Janua,ry next: s - a --Machine 'ODS ! Farmers 'wanting e Machine Oil for mowers and binders n can get. the best- oils. cheap at Harry, a Days'. • -'--ow that the sta,tuto laboris being k performed throughout the townships, y would, it not be well for pathmasters. e to exercise a little , more than usual s dare in seeing that boulders the size a of large turnips are not dumped in the. h middle of the road. • ri No time to quote prices this 3 week, but will just- intimate I have 5 -contracted - for a • large quantity of 6 finely finished Bed -Robin Suits: They g are the right gtamp and prices will be d- ilght. Will try_ and have a full suit - in my show window Saturday, take a look in. Remember these suits can't be beat for:price, at G. W. Berry's Furniture Store. 1' , The growingstrop is a Picture Of e beauty, Wheat though thin en some Wick promises a it:X:0d yield the hay crop;Will be a. heavy one; peas are - doing well and a big crop will be , looked for., kndipotatoes promise better . than list year: 1 - - Separators for- Sale "There will besoldby public -auction at lot 9, :Con. Kinloss, on Friday July 14th at. 3 o'Clockp. On D$herty Separator antionell.irideawake Separator. '.Lucknoiv June 28th, Morrison, Ven &Vs - . solicitor -Peter.- Corrigan Auctioneer; John Graham,- ,lVeador .1,--4wenty-twOOf :-Tara's ..citizens were sninniOned before the the magistrate for refusing to.purchase tags for their The :fee :charged was $1.10. Objection -.- was taken to the extra charge Of ,10.a. the -Cost Of the tag and the-CaSe*as-laid over. However the delinquents found :they had to whack so they settled it, paying all costs. They now demand the removal. Of- the constable by the Council and in. case aUCh a. step.. is not taken , they will: wreak their vengeance on their repre- sentatives at, next municipal election, Such is life. • - case at the Wellington Conn -6y cipurexAted-considerableinter- -est, Two young then. Were Sued by the: proprietor -of a livery stable for dam- ages- sustained - through injuries receiv- ed by his horse -while in their charge. The jury ftiund. for the -livery . keepers forttbe fUll-ambunt sued for, .4 point svaibrought out -cleverly in this. -. ease , . Which- should be More generally known, and that Oiati.S:When-L a horse -is -hired -for a certain journey the drker is liable for only such damages- as ;.mayhappen through his negligence .Or fault, - but -when he goes beyond the stipulated mitracthe takes all risksofaccidents 114 may happen ..although they may :be inevitable .and Oceiir without any - fault 4- his: * Wawanosh fall show . will be held l at Belgrave on Thursday and Friday,' Sept. 28 end ° • TliTE INO/CIDERFUL 'Life-giving St Leon Vera' wat- er to at pays' Drug %Iv. It is impossible to over-rate its •value phys- icians say to restore and promote life ° king health,- strength and HARRY PAYS, 1.Jrugguiv. CORRIE'S CORNERS „ Mrs. Clarke, * of Ancaser, Ont., spent a few days with two pf her sisters, Mrs. John Johnstone and Mrs. H Vanstone, ., - • - 4 number of our .yOung men took in the Model Yarm on Tuesday last. They report having a good ti*te. 1 1 . 3 IMr. and Mrs. John ja ieson jr -I attended the games at - erich on Dominion . dey. .He droVe° his old reliable "Queen Polly." i Mr Jame James Drennan,sr., i&. putting dime stabling under his barn. - - The Stother Bros. have the contract. • - _ Mr. Wm. Jamieson has sold his youhg Durham Bull to Samuel Kirk for a good figure. He is a good animal. 0 The Patron pie-nic held at Kintail dockion Julyilst was a decided success, Co. Presidents, John S. McDonald, of Briuce -Co., and -James Gaunt, . of Hyrou, were present and gave short addresses. Boating, foot -ball and other amusements --went to pass the time away. • 0-41,4 *