HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-07, Page 41 • 1 k 1 4 1 1 1e1 ,44, a re: s'- r e?-A0Cr�,Tfii' - �' DO1fIIiI014 DAY :AT . GiODEBICH fhuduowntin1st - --- :` THE LIBERTY. TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCCORDING TO THE DICTATES. t E CO SCIENC i "i. F .1ZE ABOVE` ALL OTHPH LIBERTIES. L 9kniow, 4 uiy lti :13$3. TUE 'ISS FIE DEFINED.:. B Mr.Laurier in his speech. before the • Liberal • Convention made -clear-- .the issue. between his -party and: the: Con- servatives.- on ssrvati - - Ile said that -he : and the es. Liberals aim at free :trade, and will strain every nerve to reach it. 'Cir- cumstances cumstances will at the best prevent any sudden :departure towards free trade. The scale which_Dominion .ex= penditure has reached forbids any but a. gradual reduction -of the tariff.. But :. Mr. Laurier . declared, the _Liberals, � .will, if -the people -give them : power, attempt- at once she Utmost; tariff 'reduction consistent with the mainten- ance *of government •and continuetheir efforts at reductionuntil if . possible free trade is r-eache , The: Conserva- `trve policy on the o here -Shand,:: as de tined by : the -Ca. met :Ministers in recent speeches r Co maintain the principle of protection 'reforming the tariff in such directions as may modify. • aid:` equalize taxation. This is the clearest issue before: the =people- since 1878. . IRE LIBERAL PLATFOf M The Ottawa Free F c sunnmaries the -Reform Party's Policy in the fol- lowing paragraphs tariff +s.+ea Canadian:, edition'of McKinley Y'use- gl;.. .. .. F f No . -customs •: taxation except "' fo r purpose of.publie revenue.' No- protection for monopolists. British free trade, limited only by the necessities. of government honestly. - and economically: administrated - Re6,iprocity of trade -with:: -the United States: ons equitable terms, -in natural products ar_J i;nn f aL.tu Ies. Ref -,Tin £E tho. Seiato with .th a - view xev . arli7©ii�''SYIth_ r61J' • Ones - of the `chief "attr��ctions . that drew such a. large crowd to Goderich• oil the 1st ;was th•e .lacrosse : pro gramme . _ The senior' match between Goderich and Stratford was :entirely one . sided..To • use a sporting term. the Stratford -.boys "wern't in it." Four goals to -one. in favor of Goderich decided thee game. The- junior match was':- the chief attraction so far - as ,Lubknow and vicinity = were concerned but unfortunately . the' game fizzled out: Froin. the - start the.-Dropshots had i the` advantage, Although much.: smaller'than_ -the : Goderic�'team .the Dropshots- were too many for their o onents and victory... would -event- PP wally have crowned their r efforts were.' bythe name it..not that: a gentleman ? 'of Hays, a. senior player, `brought the game to a; sudden stop= by using his fists: on his check, a -.boy; not much more than half his siie. The , action of I- ays'.is certainly a disgrace to -the manly :Players f -the national _ game. Play o game should -- be gentllalen: Such 1. =sluggers should at:: once be ruled oft: The game : was, an.- hour.. late in starting. The Lucknow boys were on hand prompt at -1;30, but the: Goderich boys for reasons : awhich they. best can- explain, -kept the :apectors:: anxiously waiting-'' for : over an hour before the gime > started. ---:-After play-. ng twenty_minules the juniors. bad: to give place to the ' seniors. ' The spec- tators .expected- that. . after. _ the senior match the juniors would:'`finish 'their game... -The Dropshots lined up but the home team failed to put in.appearan:ce Judging. from .the . playing the home team had . good - reason, to absent themselves: They are "not with the a Lucknow boys.- _ It. is to be hoped in -future the Goderich boys • will: not break faith with they public and :cause them. to leave - the field - disappointed .and eld-disappointed.'and :disgusted. The- following is -a, list. of -the :.rites e g .-� P awarded during the -day in - thle differ- ent. sports • t • GIRLS GA3MES'—RACES years' and under, 5Q yards —Minnie Burns, Alice. McGillivray, Jessie Johnstone. len years . - and under, 50 ' yards: — Mary Imrie, Edna'Bright,=Grace Imr ie, -Twelve -years-and- under, 75 Yards—Maggie• AioAughan, Nellie Bates, Birdie Billiard. - Fourteen � ears and under-, 7.5 yards—iancy. Brow i, Lottie: Green, Bella Johnstone: Basket _race, girls 12 yeais .and under; 12- potatoes two' yards apart—Flo- S.owe; Mabel Byers, Emma Grant. < Egg race With spoon Edith rl'i rne�:=, Hfggie 11'tcIyor, Ida Glover-. - BGY�', GAMES—RACES ,• :: Six' years..'aii.d under, 50 yard race --C.. l_::anipion,•.Wm. Glop er, Lorn Chrystal. = " Ten years . and under, 75 yard• L race—%v_ ti a.ftel, John Nicholson,. Xoririatn -Fifteen years and under, three-legged race., 50"yards-- Archie Dicksoii and :Robe! t Morton; 2nd, Benson Guest. and' John Brown. Twelve years -and under; boot -rade;. 50 yards an -1 return -k: 13elchei, Stewart Lane, John Wi gins. Fifteen years and under, r zniiing'high jump —i+obeit.M irtoT , 4ft,:Gin ; L-Kilioran, 4ft. '9 iiia; Bert Stuidy"• 4ft. 4 in.- _ • Fifteen years and 'tinder. 100 .yarcl r� .c,e -- Bensou Guest,: Ii Morton, Bert Sturdy,' Fifteen years and. :ander; •.riuinzu hot ,tel} and:jump Morton.. 35 ft. 6 in-; Bert -Sturdy 33 tt, 4 in , Benson Guest, 33ft. 1 - in . IEN\ G,tiM1J fl One hundred yardsrace--AlT.. McTavish, 1 itz, W Blackford ed yards- race—Alt,11 T�vo !fundsTcT�i 'sh C yMcTavish, Fritz- ' Ont. third -Mile race—Jobe McDonald, Wm ;- b • Blackford, Ed Ford, .fiie:race=-.11:1 John Mehr}tale, A,lf 1.1. ay:ish - C Two. hundred. yard Hurdle rats. Little, Aif.McTavish, Sack race,_` 75 Yards—T. Little; C :Fritz,- Alf IcTa`-ish.- Old.141en.'s race, :75 years ----Jamieson Gordon Coutts, D 1,vid' Reid, Standing = long juiup with: t eirttt`a John e t : E,4 12 fee ;-.C: 7�'rit7, 11:feet 10 inches ; I . J iL T E". � McGctt i i 1€ et } 1i1c1I•t 1- • T .� L 111.11n istl _jump--,(J.Fi'itz,18 feet 6111 1'�8 tf" i T�..i it: lies • NV: --J1 ii rJ Ali'.- .�11 f t -. a- t�l • ;if bringing it into .12 _reseetetive n�fifnti Clive . R.eE a1` '�:f tba eostiy, vicious, and Ira-: chiee Act_the psi- tai: Lti=)1 of v of rs' .lists to : be left .to . municipal - officers .elected. by the people. Strict "application. of. the doctrine' ,of mimsteriai.responslbility in all mat- - public administration. iistration: - No ieea sof Royal commis- - T Rif bit ...Athe . House':rf o mons to inquire into all charges against Minis, - ten,' to Le m- aintainekl: -i 'S /'.. .f 2: •_ .E .L Tli.ti X4. 7` 4-� ospd '-o1 *:i text t i `t to S fle-r ' • •1T - �'t, �� int 0 S ' PC i xE.az Y�a in :public lit1C�� tr- be permitted. ehon al n.. xns and e t . c nas o i Ui exu . went. F `No.Gerr .m.anderint-. Couiit-_ lines ,- the - rt f, a _ . fo be respect�e�I in t><....�.•;` ran fiement of • constituencies. APlebescite - on the :uestion' of ' - prohibition -..f. � L RDA ,. _�. igu t :10y s:.the dare t:. .s€ 4 :aa =Trish i1ceLw€o t :tit. 'Fftiis.e,- '. ✓ L• t x+ • C. -fl - -te t. - T 1'r' !f c I - the: .l•nrds• 'iu1 throw it ci:�x u �n; v.► t' .. ' f., { y. ;ef . 1t the far t• 'T•t; i.t t'1•{ 1T1 • nit f 'fi - untfil $il't*'.:'tile G �tf .,2. /{_T, rL'1,(;'i'2 C3} a:i` t hus n : -is* f: of -. F i}.i:. ,. in • i 04 4. ` �(-lei... /IfI ' i L.F<`.'• 11 �. byz`1 ttl hf iritrc1I. ,r {.�1� I a tr f• _ • r. 1 a. <S t•f%}:/' .t11:1 ill/11p Tk=... rl�l101111) LI], I fit Y, 2` in;. i.�.. T t.�•••l.. �,, Tt! 1Ic( t'; sLTlri it t • 1171•k i t:: k. t x�i11 1T -V t?i1 C,1 hf v t1 14011 =. • ' ;IS t `t r... - f�Lt 1:01!.t. L .I i F of at.,•ti:, 1.,:-V..a j=f,t • :iaa, 1 •-LR �I rt�T- tIf l't 1t �' t --. • 1111014 a '�n we ..$040911.144 . :f . sLawspn: sea warts in t: •i Iceepijog pate . ding eel�l�r the. ,�.eed.etl' �ston�ers � will ` always .find yto do her best to supply their' ep�artme�.t, best .pattern ` in Hemp, s aid -Tapestry, all marked a close pries. ests Black VToisted are tak- re ir Sets _ _- : alio -thqse$OOi assorted._ s our tices and sizes are well_ PU PREPARED PAINTS: LD1 - Nails, Locks, Hinges, Paints, Paints. of lid Glass PER SCREEN DOORS STRAW FELT, TARRED FELT, • O K. FELT SCREEN WINDOWS ff BEST , ENGLISH PARIS FREE aY`d,nt88:' e ead to be Chenicall • • ` T. L Tre- some of Note leavens offers for the next thirty ;a :, Now that house - 1 �n'�ncffl season is at hand and �� . k you wani to make your hopie , . < 3 be ,i pct �o�ll� :attr�;ctvo ;a • d ti al. just call and see the ,fi Te nice . frames we will fit you �' read to hanon • the well fbr � "Ty $1.00. Aiscf for met thirty days I. will_give to:=eacl end. every ` neNavin doz en = cablnets:a,oeautiful'p1atoarid: ane . free. try „.. FRA t.i t'j-E' i f thi” largry e ' fill: t i•- tt� .. i iti !,tis s•.',yr, 1;11.;=.1.11: t 1Y e:t5 ti •.�: _i1%.. ilft''TCt: ILA ,. �' 1 1 tl be .the ce �.. } t j ,. A�fii�t .trf':.i �t,F Ii ,•iEc :C�i ;. c:.r, .t l.l� ;tet st v- t n'e if) I3F'iit'•v(3 the :I`r' , poi`t,, r nit ¢ Artwf a i I ucfge i - at i.ht World's < tir at - 11i1 T;: o t to nTJ.t ifi,.,,. cheeses tliike at' Uanadian, (rites - worthev en'cytu: diploma. All but. _ !fineof. th w.hundred. and.-thi'r _ty fre prize. "aw crderl w c e ajuclged to Vazlada and thirty --one. exhihits of Canadian cheese ranked higbe• than the highest C, •t .i) ',4,a1.1.-16:::.1 ;• 2nd .Silver filed 1, \ :1 i.! I _ Thiee mil;, j0146Li T 11-(1131,!i :14t :;i T• F•.tll),. -h -V laoaall-,-.3nd.,•:Siis_E.'r IT tfi �. , 1= •;tr s. _5 .' " 7.t. _ . Oclef rule Intal:.fan-t cit.j, I ci,ic:: -kit Silv.e , (up,','1) 3zeik-!.er, -..`i ( 1.1vCir'' u}eda::l, -1..1.y.,•,:$ "Webb. rd,friatnetue, 1+ S allies - -.Five mileEs,.npeu trf the 0 n4ity--1st i1v {.up, I' �1viiiln;:;stoire, Seatt,ith. _ Three mini.§, oiietl --i0.the CO11r,t•. — ist•, Slti*er Oup.,..Livinkst twe Seafi,rth ,. - ` - ' . - - THEW STD r>?. IIt-the el;enina theta;.was:a spier, s (-'+ d d ffi d 11 l • a the undersigned 1utTo �, s id die -Ditty. e i 8 T we o reg, or s;' asting a bout . two - lours, The. - ..;--c.:tt. ititfrvals ` iii :?1 'in 1, Kinloss, on' or about May. 20th. 4 yearling F .. -; r. ti -.meow ..eattie, .3 of which -were heifers and 1 steer. 2' ' etc o :.<•emam ,f the heifers were _rey, the other tpifey being :-•• .. steer being red, with a `*b.ite. spot red and :fiefs:..e A: reward, of • '4. or. 1 per ' nn" inns forehead. � � p ' Bead will be: paid- to. any _person giving such - , to eir recove t i reformation its 11 read th _ ' ry. ; . • ISo � dealer �.y+�: -e A14 TET112OI'B;LSON, . Lncknow P. of �h6t' e . every: Sat irfaa • 1'r • �•,1 t .. ••L I + ) i' •:. ... 5 1 • • i¢a . T.. '.-;s4,1iss..r, , V je., ,i,g l4? fir s Nay REt'pa] SENT I1\T' . Hi ��� ,i i 01.1 A . cht)ict, line. of Hard.. t, anadian Gr :,was . Stock. .Experience not,necessary, =e wain. real Workers and 'to- all sutit we offers a.: per- manent .: Situation at a- :good : income with chance of advancement. •As: we now. have ov' r 700 .,CTE ^ under-r•iltrvatinii. We - (fan �'ivje our- statesmen ` many. superior advantage We.: also_ desire: to secure a good: man in your district to.sell :the'_rotary. Spray°Pump, fdr which we ,have the general 'agency. This ' s something uew:and indespersible to.the farmer of fruit�grower., Sena . for terms and testimonial cirpular.. STONT& W.BLLINGTON. . uraerymen, Tr ntrimmed ��-:Lengths ths•- Silks a: in. 3 ere_ ifiany r3 - � . 11 i�.. 7r- i« 'lit3:R3 ;i.t iE ' 4. What appears to most men to be a needless amount: of uproarsconfusion and ds arran e/Ilemal+ t=li: season -o f the year,arises-fro the de- sire of the fair sex tc1 keivan . } , Tho •e - the wo1';i' A !; hl,. :CA-ginec a 7/f - vo r• t b. ••,, 1'c a iso,n # 0 < ' I . 'it t iB 'lrilli 111,GT }�`y. ,�`1ii{a I n, �1f .i ieaut �y'll l�^ t)i; 1 011` -01t1 'rI_:E•. t. ;ori e at Si.) ii'. ';l f r .C2,02'31Z.1110.:•(:: .: 1 5 � l . 3- • i p'i l a i; before ry ` •S a• 1' - V 'Ll :l'ra e le t ! e r . .S • • a Lx'h04 (...)-1-1 of a • iej If.. u 'want a first- lass set of teeth chea '-er than =the e'h apest, call on.. 1?, . '• :Tennant s Office, KNOW 7 •YY .TT I : cII, 'on . hums cured "'in 30 ` ninu Sanitary :Lotion. Congram, Drug TRADE al ARKSi -DEMON PATENTS, For information and free tfandbooh wiiteto Oldest bureau ?or .semiring patents in .Atteil Everrpatent taken ont by us is brought befOre thoeublio by a notice fovea ,free et -ehersetTa the . .fzentItztl' liteVItil • i. : .. , ---,tortetastion of any sOlentifiepaperbi . er 340. Broodirays.biewYerkUty, .50 fork., i to bre returii'e$i'•�...� JXMES' LANE, 'yes. • 1- .4