HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-07, Page 3-1A
Two, Snfferere Regained -Hegel an
and Mrs. James! SaWson Tells' the
Story et- Their Renewed Reath and
•litreugth--Tkey _ Find Ifeillth -After
ManT Remedies Rad Failed. -
(From the Woodville Independent.).
The independent ba published flambee
tef well authenticated- ascii of most remark-
able cures by the use of Pre Willianfs' Pink
Pillefor Pale Peoilemany of these curie
have eccurrect in our own Province, and all
of them- have been vouched for by- newt
papers of well known:standing, whose dis-
J,nterestedness leaves jie room to.doubt the
accuracy of the statements _made. But if
ed to convince the
readers (if any there
eater prominence tit&
this wonderful life;`.
anythieg- were nee
skeptics,' among .6nr•
be) and bring into
sarpassing Merit o
g remedy it is found in the fact,that
ft -it -pendent has.been able to giveithe
milers of several remarkable cures in
-own;.neighbothood, every detail- of 1soe
grief& can -IA easily vertlied by eny -int,era
tell in so doing. A short tiPt0 age -We
:rip ossij of BiBgs in the-.Gq
IN ANOTI-111.411:1S11:41GE
as .Thaelteray ,so aptly definedtheswalioar-.
taiI- - and white.: tie theta :tee now So
universally,affected. .One hosteieently
made it a Site qua, non with her 1 -male guests.
that they were to present hthemseives.
dree8ed in white, velvet or 41.11k being
optional, but knee_breedhes and • stockings
• being Obligatory. The effect wasmoat-
satisfactory'; anything ii•-prefeeable,-te'tlie-
preeent leldeens tailless evening jab-lee:to that
no lady With any.pretertsions to taste -should
perneit. in -Icier drawing.roterni. ee:Whether,
however, thee knee_ breechet will eitictly
"catchron" remains to be ',seen: • Were
everyone -gifted withgood -osilves and a
well 'eleeped _ ankle and • foot,. the _ fashion_
*bald mon be adopted, • but b4weere, ;what
'those gifted With btur cly baluster -rails-. and.
tho tot who can only display'. spindle- Chink'?"
the, show Weald be soinewhest•ludice)ns.-
.e _DIV-031ot Lew WORF.ING. WELL.
„America ;is famous for _the 'Affect end ex-
- •
lternbarde's New*Theatire-exeve.Departure.
In Bali s.-Frad in • Male Attlre-7A Joher
spoiii -a .cetilion.---iiing Milan on the
. -
11',' Whet Cetorm la
afteecaly 18: tagieg
at the. 'present;
TtsCo m;i3Ut Tho
Bzief;her: ; _the
cat es, cnd
Ithikt Jae, hast)slOitie
. • _ • .
• • • .
- - a
1 • %I I sr I IN I I 11.1 r • • I leg a • • .• • gerwr•
AR Old- Soldiers -Story et a Runt -in. an
• Indhin Jungle.
De. Ili jeer (iKearney, a retired surgeon "of
the British army -in India; relates an experi-
ence in the jangle es follows : •-• • .
" felloWs on half:pay; you knows like
• ow and thei3,-s-o- when one
e to My houae near Deccan
:With • the .news- that a " big
panther ha broken -cover, we lost no tune
in. getting tap a. petty of beaters and starting
out, • e • - - •
The beast.turned Out to be a pantheeesie
She . bad bidden - leer cubs somewhere and
lied taken peeseesion of :a nulla Or ravine
• ,
telly about a mile from the house. The
hooters- did not dare to go up the ravine!
after -they had located t•hts panther, . tie I
took a dog,. boy and e mon to carry my
seteend gun, and etarted. ahead.
" There. wes not.a sound to be heard SONO
our own inevements. We had gone about
ten reda. up the millah .when there Was a
-half growl, half spit, like that of - an angry
cat,. and:. the• big beast jumped out of .the
bashes Within a yard of my face. o. •
'• 44 -One of the men was on his knees helf
• • .... . - • - .
Under we pulling away the brush; the Otlier.
was- :at .mee left-hand with the extra pin.
The pinther ignored.me,.but .she ,pulled the
dog boy out fkoM beneath.My legs at; a tit
Would:a:me:sate: • She took this poor fellow
le: her mouth, seized -the other •witieb.erpaw
and then made for the thick brush again,
"1 confest -I was too frightened to stir,
;lent as she paesed me .ehe gave nee wblowi
-*Ith her great ling :tail, err -much as to eaSt
.14 Mouth is full and my .paws Are busy,
=Vat! give yon one whack juet for luck.'
That blow. sent me spinning down the hill.
.aiati that fact, sealed the 'big beast's death
pedition with which.people divorce,
-end max again; and France, though con-
sid'eraWY behind the United States in this
-feepect has to !complaini of. 'Nothing
veotild; np•-de4bt,:. '20OuTd- fro more conv-neing-proof o ne
• . . .
pneele"ehifff';•;to. fr•diverde.he ere than-Ahe-fact that
cov.er• Siaan -diietng-t.-ithettfieSte.fritiejye-eirrri about .30,000
Seas ax:ti.tke-;--004e.bri-k;41.0'gr.-:- co41-les,1$4.'xof*V,„. -01 TheTne '
Feeoloo oaseet tletet •the - seeitir-latio'-ilist*OW,readsferAhesfirst,tline
e I. 'fele- re .BUITIOn :Alttiff'' its lavritleding ilialc.,,,•43.--se'iYeitandis of the.
a bet of bunt
of my Men ca
one enornin
She Rimed Tw, enty Men Before a Vie of
= - doWers . • -
• A correspondentof the Allahabad Pioneers
vfritirg man-eatiug tigers. Mentions the
career of seyoung tigeesi who, in the space
of nine months, killed some citizens of human
bcigs depopulated several villages' and
stopped work over a greater Part of a reedit
divisicn in spite of the mot strenuous efforts •
made to. destroy her_ ---efforts ineressed. by -
the -incentive. a 5001s. reward off,o ed for
her head. She les gale her careet. ;filly by
killing two • women 'sear foreet
and by the end of the -followieg December
had, killed at least 30 persone., becoming
bolder and more -cannieg with each freth
Murder. Her beat lay in the , foot hills of
the Himalayas, and she roamed . over at,
area 25 miles long by three or Cour broad.
The country WaB such that she could lielther
be tracked for any disfencrf nor driven by
elephants or beaters. She would not kill a, •
tied buffalo nor. -would she go. back to a
corpse if once disturbed: • .•
She became at last so.bold that she would
in open daylight carry off Men end women
whet catoing the crops in the terraced
fieid; talking the unfortunates from above
and tanddenly springing. rfin them. 'The
terror of her . ferocity epres.c1 throe& the
country. The villagers left theirhomes for ,
Hefer regions, and no wonder, for the writer
found on one occasion a village seemingly ,
deserted, but in reality iu a 'state of siege,
the inhabitante being afraid to draw water .
froine stream a - hundred yards from -their
house: Work was commencing in the
foreets, and in a short time the tigress
learned to stalk the sound of an axe and
made many victims before the forest was
proved to be even More dangerous than the -
fields- had been.. The method of attack.
adopted was BO eudden•as to Pre t any
poeSibility :of escape, , the lelovelfit: •t so
deadly as to render even a cry for IC, im-
possible. • Ufa. victim was dead and Carried
off before., his companions knew what had
occurred. The most strenuous efforts were
made for her destructiono-poison, spring,'
gun snd dad fella . were ineffectually re- •
b •
aorted to,' any number of .,buffeloee were •
*tied np at night • and many a time the fresh
trail of s;-`leill wastetaken "iitp in hopes of
obtaining a shot at the tigress, but with no
further- result • than that 91 recovering a
maugied e`r- half -eaten corpse. Daring
January and February thle tegre ES had killed
fifteen or twenty more perions, and: at last
a file cl soldiers, wets, zeqUisitioned to see
what force could. do to remove this horrible
animal, -eunnieg having .been found of no
avail.' On being killed she was found to be
young animas In perfect condition. The -
pad of her left fore foot lied at one time
13een deeply cut from side to side, but had
thoroughly healed, leaving, however., a
deep _Lear, which proveld her presence
wherever ;he roamed.
A 111.EME1)1Z FOR .0110LERAI •
O-seenties with a,r1ilk;?; with- tieeteiraoniel -beAclitsttfH buying a
vis the particulars Of the Iecoeterf of !Attlee-nice/ice- peipeese- to • de..414'1,11:6:4:-'14.fidab 6 06114.fer4„the 0.10#0.4;;Ae&briffiljtfte'iit thitspew
flaorge Ireal,-evhioh.hae attract4d ,so InYohlliffort. at -eofeazatfon...1t'- ,01- Iorai tin* :bill, °.. a , Mere ,:.fjutlicial- fieP*--ktiolii. of, the
:stottoe and added to theifaine ef Dr. "Wil- .8i/ice:tee faaggifiii6T4e'd. OieineelVei lip Ante. Bp.4041360$1i he etio4g5d4-1?.--..-id*Snitez eriVbrce
- lianas' Pink -Pills in, this '.1octelity. A fewt eeeh , e - fita,ta *. efl e*c.-iftt;:efr4e.nt! - -Prohablliafter thet lapse.- of ilpfreo,..k.,;yeats-• cinic- !the '-'-de:
,.:-. ,:. elayeAgo this case was- •the eeopie 0 - atin viheii_iheix. wrath...7nas gorie :down . they Will s.eceeid.. of eiehoept the „„tertoireetaiesoig ,ot-
yereatien in one of -out lecil _stores:, 11v -belief -cotme-7tti. feces,: .e.eneee. -• again ,;.. hat aik. the' --reepoisdat. 4.. , e,..- !..e: .- ',tee -tee ;_ee- 4.-:i.,.
gentleman PreKent !mid -lac mer'of. CaS8-- rmo4nwhile: they:7 re ,hammer and tong! • „ NovEiNEE9t4f -
3, Y .
be town even.more..sueprettnt,;-..*. The .agaleet'o Eng'tend. Perfidlertk . , • fie . • •
--Pendent, alerts for: anytteng, tha-t wotild
• - evetybody's Montle wad the papers are full ot . - P - • • • . se,Y• -
. A de exture t us3a1 monoton of
belle has est leetm made .15 --e Comtesee
-t it eedere BOULO.*- farther
TRE ,3:eteefeereeeee., es_..see.eeeee.
" • - _warrant. I.kept hold of my gon, end when
particulate andw&inforneed•that the per-
son referred to wate-Mres... Jirefea Lawson,
_See esteemed reeldettt „ 'of. Who
_bad -been utterly ""a time„ _her
•recovery despattett of _ and-ewhe is now,
through the .•almeit megicel vittnee of pr.
waligoi Pink Pills; recovered and able to
afe, 'et mew.: more: - A -few diy-kaftei
eneelEstg Mr. Lawson on the street, the in.-
lepeDient inquire -1 if it -Were true; yes staeecl,
•seinple of the preterit esteem in dress •
ed fet-Renefiestenee:Vittitfeete costungee got to my feet she' turned- her broadside
mewspapsr --`'Sktraa epecoxi foe itself cairase*-0, e4ekeee; teriejles, rfe.af„ -,efsehe Iggrard me„ The dog boy was 'stilt in hAs a er
•Mouth and one paw was on the breast of the
whichlheBritislenation is held, the folIove;- those atetiened In the entiereteging•hetinets-
' t it the custom. to say . azerchez with a eurish of .trumpelt. Se)ewit'of the -other beater, but I pulled a bead on her and
"When any mysterioue cl.rarea takes glebe differ egethope• ot-gUCE1-titi marl -arrienneed •
/13°e2ec It*/ irender .way, eaece Deny seeeesee eeeeetseet-o-se-• ceingly dropped her in her tracks . •
complication occux,s in out aeloniete it may vrt.:.pre a Aireerfitlie robe,etwith' B e e h d
coins up, holling over the fate of .their
By this.tim th . rest of the eters a
114. • •
o lishman is 11;lse the*God of -the cetechism-- green PhillasENItnd:bOws grgin satin. The "gob -wades; We measured that panther, and
that his hr recovery to e he is hereethbre:and. everywhere. He is to Coullibsg- Yilleneu:ve weitaea .Columbliese found hEn-eight- feet long. It was 6n° 6f the
biggest ever killed= in •that- district.. The
Of Dr. WillieMePi.nk "See," replied be found. no enaly at'home, but also.Uhroa-de satio,[dotted With -blue tiled ' trinensid with
truly be said. chertheiereSte&is, The:Begs direet ife , kat- • telt:amid; VOW -"liable ..and. -- -
ut loeaters skinned the beast, and ' I've got the
P11 s . e • . . pet at my home in India`now." • '
ar, le -i-fee,d not. only -My wife but 1 fwas.lrend etetf-ehtEYs:wher.eo :to StIte. pleasure of. .red roes.; &nether ConnieSe.. leed.en a !nee -
: cared. by - thern -alitoes: If youe will cal.4- iift satisfying hie taste ' for colonial .expension,‘ VeillUX :deeps, and a • Wviiidroukdirectoire
the -plea-gate:of eMbarressiug bat in roe-eolored ftulle, vtwith sreen satin Di: 0 Kearney, before histetireinent frora
- tat§ hoesa you eat haye the. full:- particeilartil be erm 'pi"! - activa.serviee was in the -Afghanistan war
If you went them.' - •Mt..-...Lawsoil: i.itas :I :the Frenchi-, . Lie Lois -.Philippe,. he never bendelettes.and,bleck-feetherse :vet another .1879-80. . He2was.,with . the 66th Regiment
been a resideat. 7 of W000dyille . fer...evet I:goes out .1.$!#hont .0 tinibr.0.1*," and ' iithea leo. kled ehaeming us. a : Lo144.-X7.-,cdstunle,
at the tattle of Mayand. •
,- twenty .yeers; and- is Well -known._ land I greet earejto protect hiMself from responsi- with. a etricorre, trimmed- with roses and . .
' 1' highly_ TeSpected7 -hy _ all. On . Callingat t.bility. , .Ifis- umbrella* le sometimes _the :rosereolered, plumes, - aneli an eXceedieglk
' his housewe found both . Me. an IrSietteese, Ornetimes the Heves or any other haridseine . weernaa pereenated the Princes*.
Lawton et: -home, and -Otte -willing to African tribe. ''- He lees-. theM - reeelye _The -de-ileembelle evith se garlalOfl of !088-en.ber
give -the desired infoematdon,- Ils_heysli ire i rain -that 18 to say, the b1O0.7-and, when. hair. • e -...-e . ., , e,i
- an intelligent eouple, and those. ae•quainted. t the -eterM seoretly- :prepared:, by him has : .soefetoT
ees,o- eafe. gr.,,AST
*ri.th ther0"WillhaVAI 10 :hegttPitiO3i In. g(ving'. 'peesed Corer,. he raq.eatetedf"Y 044: billiiiPgt - :The bedfat was arrangeiV. Under a -o-Wer
to.his list., ' • .4 grapes Ailia vine les-Vest'and -fresh: .Teseit-
Im lioit itonfiJence tce - their etatereents.: 1-with-a.nether calpny to.add e . , . -.1
:11r.--10.ween Stated- thet- he -had. been-wieav -Tilt BRItigf THINKpitt:TW13.. 59:14.(in-it figared resst:peabeek with gilded..
for years f his. appetite failed.; he beicteine It would be a difficult It a b?allt. i4j116kingicdg.geirereet'fisitla fliewers
-h • th t -d- birdh
Beit'shere in are.4nestos. d.. ,.ePast .ene-g . o, co aSse
D • th- • t•11 h'
With hoop' chaikse "with- raiee, was led
baby tWO- negroe0;1 and.' afterward
'cherry tree In was introduced,
with gilded cages hanging to:, .the branches
centeming einging.lairo B. I. The cretillon* Was
led by - a . [delicionst Watteau
toilette and her partner- harlequin
of red and black. The hotateii and the
lest Of her faixi)y 'Wore cotituMet
to . -wreak alai_ unable to work. 'He reetiv-ed .eds-abiet opinion fro-ra laere, except in so far .e1u_g' re!' , a -cm vea. se. e!ie
•, all in the style of,a realreneeseance
• . snedital ees. latance, but- foun i o n ,
and at 'beet he was. 'confined 'to the_houee ,, -- , -
i one. a. -
with little; Pia:aspects a. receereey __els Vat; nd•all consider. the'Frenchhave gone
, clean out of -their zeneese For Engliehnien
_ oureh°'isgheft.tectlide bhya".1-)7.-awd il6iiii-intuoe,-'r'ittd, 'pr,tulsi i hore the peeition ia somewhat strained and
-•II-- 'I at, tines critical:* .. On: the Boulevard des
- and determined to give . them .a tefai. = He i
CePuctues this :reoriaing.thiee young sparks
logetheir inze entirely roceverecip fend is i -e -se i who liad-:.be-en -lanolairig . too •Iredy -..reet. a
; 1 typical - .. Ertgliele tourist- estrolling :along,
: 'boo- xi found betfeat from timitsif and. contino- !
enjeying better heelth •-•t_hasa -.he -hes previ- 1.
. 1 . ie us 1- smoking bis pipe.
- 1 '
- _wady done for years en quie _
. formerlyto- do a day's_ work. • ,
Mrs.. Lesweon also told of herterrible suf-
ferings. For three: yeare43he had been net-
. -
In •ia moment they:had eMionnded him
and commeneed jeering, slinging the. yule
I ar abnee. that•Perislan argot
alas to. do . bodsowork, arta for rens more., garee .
473:11 tonfined to bed, being sit. helplees that', iikese, can fupettb. 7 The Eeglishman- appar-
she had to be Weed like a child.- She had !-entlyi. did not understend a . WOTal nor tho
eenialled cleetorSin_TeronteaedtSiken their ! cause -of the radleitation. .-Finding :their
- Feseriptions but found no reef. Her net- i efforts to raiee his dander- ineffectual- brie of
- veils system- was wholly unetiuns and eho- s the Feenchnien then :deliberately erbi in 029'
.-t4taered from diseMlo of the., sPine- Th° i Biitither'S face. .c. In thetwirzkling of an CS:
:looters told' her -.it wouid.. be nsce§sailr '_e-79 )..- a change oame-oVee the scene. -The epitteF
. -erforra an , operation - on • her spine, otter.' 1 twinned to leap:a:: coepleof feet . into, the alF.
- *isit:she could not get relief. She relate...1 1 before measuring his length backwards on
have the operatien performed,, knowing !.the l sidewalk and two well -directed rigkt.
-vbit it woatti..rnake her :Ei cripple • ter life,: :And- left handers landed his two Comptenimis
- and ibee COneraer0-glatt cooditiOn as bad as fill 4e: eaeie-r- eemnbent poaitiOn. -- ..Ark ang7
:. her then 6tIlte of suffering.-- At i6Eib. she be- 1-eeeiel collected but the Englisluitee,.whe e
.n the use Of. Dr. Williame Pink7Pills andblood was now fairly- up; thruet there aside,
-hadnotleeen taking themlong w-heiaihefoinid i end Jumping into te flame; drove away:
Limit- igood effecte. -.- Sh. 0 found herself i * I - . _ - , ., - - _ -
• Trade in Cloves.
- CIO( s -haves for many years-. been ki
• favorite article With ipecitiators;:but of late,
principally owing to the large- . aCCumule-
:time of stook in the wezehoiteee; they have•
been severely left..alone„ Lett to the purely
legitimate demand, Zaezibar cloves fell last
year to about the lowestpriCeon-reeerd,vie
221. per lb. The lowness of the • price In
deice.e. Speculation; and '-ze • small ayndicete•
was formedto buy up the article, . Opera -
!blows Were. conducted on a large scale and
-contiderible quantities -.-changed blade at
.continually_ Olini
prces. . •
• •
Clove cultivation in Zanzibar .appears to
stiffer considerably from %Sufficiency , of
available labor; espeeially since -slavery Jbas
been. More or joie :at °tidied-. It is stated
on Tellable authority that large estates: are
failing out of eultivatien; altboughthis May
be caused as. innch- by the -low prices so
- g current as by want- oflabereree How-
ever, the fact remains that the _Zanzibar
dove crop Of 192 has fallen short . of that
of 1891 by seaMe 50,000 fkasilas (a Ifiertila
equals-jib:int 85 Dee.), while- that . of •1890
Was upward ef 100,000' frasilas better than
:that Of I•891.e? The present a:potation for
Ambeena cloves is ,41d. to 52d, per lb.', and
for Penang sa. is:4er _ •
getting stronger- and • was able tc leave her Rizett - '
pattern "king in exile," ex -Ki
bed. .At first ehe had to use crutches; but- - That
continuing the use of Pink Pills she was I. Milan of 1.3eriia* has already turned to
2.ble to throw away first OME) Eitnd then the financial acecullt - 3118 reb°nciliation- He
thei of tele crutches and is .now nob only Queen Nathalie, who is fairly. well off.
• h aband has- taken advantage of the re-
• • ••• ••• -
ableto milk freely, but to attend to er -
household dulsiea forraerly. In feet ate - nswed fr.lendahip to obtain a latt e .oan
• ..
- says that she is now stronger than the has $1[00,000 from his divorced. spouse. . C
e all he poseesees extremely_ fast life
been .fee enemy yeene- leer appetite hats - sideeing that King Milan openly Equals
turned,. her rteeve and spine on
bieS .4isappeared, and she rejoices in complete_ Perla, it Seems curious a a
Veretian _ AN trlE.'ORTVIs.TATE 60-STRETET.NOS. .
At :another functionl just given by•Ithe
Conitesse de St: Ctoitt things did 'net peee
'off quite -se. satisfactorily. • The 'Countess,
who is °ice of the eic.heet as Well as one of
the most charming •hoStesseSin-Peris, had
prepared -foe her nipper )1111:1 friBladii -beautiful
bracelets,whiCh. Were to .be offered them
during the cotillenee• - 1Thesserpriiie of I the
fair ddameswas not p; wheri;*' opening
the cases, it was Seen that the bracelet
disappeared, and -e natty little. garter put in
its. pace; such was the same in each fifi the
bracelet cieese. 1 • •:-
:The ..gtiests...- were undecided :whether to
*take the -affair awe or an-ir, salt 'Math:
• the hysterical solobin_O of- the Cikiiiteei':
theni. at their eeee. Some wealthy wag had
got wind of the:affair 4-n4 bribed One Of the
servants r -O Make t.he transfer, for at a later
period -, of • the evening the bracelets ivrere.
diedevered all makilingibeneath the crust of
a raised pies Who the perpetrator of the
joke was has. nob been diecevered, but i he is
shrewdly :4pected. to be a ganatO 'Lothario.
who was louder ; than -,the reit-of thei-male
guests in the 'declamation of. his sindigna-
have coneentede It Is not so very tong
recovery which ;the attributes solely teethe
: since -the- est -ruler -of- Servia was in. a boi
use of Dr. WtIlianie Pink Pills, and which
she recernraeatis .to thoee troubled with-' the Theatre -Francais, accompanied bya
athan:dubious character, whose
sierveees .proseretion, diseases Of the spine ldy of Mote
So far as reputationila concerned
.)rovidence, to the Use of thit marvellous ' admirer.
et.): debility. Both.- Mr, and 'the shoiilders were: loaded - With ' diardonds-
seeekiee,, which hes been such a _bless-the:a Mil,an ha.asione- left„7- except • thit.. tor I .iiivili.
ile ,ir..,-, was hoped that Nrithalie wenldslieve. had.
- sear. laud, and they = are .eilaing -that - to ' leave. removed I 'hire
others Sheatild e4ioy the -knowledge' of their :1Sufa.cient fullUaloe
. . . . • s • . . . . •
-lionderful- virtue. - - ' • - 1, --from Paris, Which he could s well be
'Dr. Wallet:re Pink -Pine 'ate ii. :.perfect3 missed, but it,: seeina- he was • neely- • playing .
. meed builder. ilia_ nerve reieoteei: curing -"* loW for her money, tor, now he has got. it,
such -diseases as rheurnatisna; neuralgia., i he iebaek again disisipating bider than ever,
eartial. para.Iyils,lotennotior ataxiaiSt.. Titus i and a crying: disgraCe to the : reepectable
- dance-;, nervous- headache,ere" '
.... n 4)1187 pros- 1 monarchies. of _Europe. : - •- -- - • 1- -. -
tration and. the tired feelingtherefrome the BERNHARDT _TO'. .u.AV1i HER OWN THEA1 ME- ••
*:after. effects :of - la. grippe, influenza. and 1 - - - ' :- • - - ' • -' • -• 1 ' • -:
• ettribute their- recovery under.egifts-• of her very un -royal looking
Apropos of theatres, rumors of thestres
severe. :colds, . diseases depending -
: constitute the staple topics in aWeircles
-humors in the blood, such as Scrofula, chran°illo'
Pink pole give a , hee.athl . this week. - Yesterday the new Poet!? Theie
,-firysip-eias, etc.- tire was the order of the day; to -day it is a
itlow to pale and *sallow complexions, and brand new project- of. Sarah Bernhardt'e,
.are a specific -for the troubles peculiar to
e : Who to use a Parisian expressionefeels the
efreeVa radical cure in, all cases ariiing from nee' of being "baptized anew" in h4 good
It was, at one time a cPestion
--female tem, itneifn the case of men they • e
stleff4.1 wortY;ovei.work or excesses of aieY citY a Pari -8*
1 :
a The Great citiee of the '‘ies. wide
The ninth volunie- Of "Die, Bevelkening
I s .a ffienioXe one, -.But poUl Neglect the
•- • Doctor.
•• *I (New York Teiegrara.)
an eastern traveller andOrient-
alist; re -commends the following treatment
for Cholera -
He lays, while residing in Cairo,in-1843,
while cholera. was raging l there, hwas in-
formed that there was an Englishman in a
small neighboring village that effected a
speedy 'cure in all. cams vehich he had an
opportunity of treating. The number of
eases wile 62, and many of .theni were very
Malignant. • _
"1 subsequently learned thet•this mode of
treatment was practiced with equal suCcess
In Spain Constantinople and India, andsvai
never followed by t.yeshus or typhoid fever,
which:proved fatal in many cases When the
cholere. itself had been subdued by other
ineanee Upon applying to him I received '
the following directions, -which I practiced,
in a few. cases which eccurred in ray house
and elsewhete with invariable succets. If
the patients havosnot vomited the Olson -
One matter which is characteristic of the
disease,- and which resembles rice water,
give a: tablespoonful of powdered mustard .
in a titmbler of coldeewater as an enietie.
After- vomiting, whether produced by
the disease or the above -means,
within a few minutes give a wineglaseful
of brandy, with 10 grains of capsicuns,
powdered (cayenne pepper), . stirred
up In it. Thls -generally produces almost
immediate relief, and within an hour rest
perepiratien and sleep. In a few cases it
was found necessary.to give:lel:1 doe Of
the brandy and capsiaum after half an -Some
or More. ! .second half dose was never
.required, but should it be required it tea*
be given.; No other -finid: should be al
before recovering. :To accelerate conva'e.-
.ence it has been suggested that 15 drops of
mixture of the Spirits - amnionia and, sul-
phuric ether in equal parts may be &avail;
tageously given three or four times durioie
the following day. The above quantity of
brandy teed capsicum is for an adult patient
suffering ,severe attack ; other sleeve
twee:thirde or half that quantity may isaffiee,
ail I have proven by experience.
fax on tiandtryisrn.
- . .
The French Chamber has. passed a meas-
ure laying a - taxon all liveries -e -that is to
eay, any gentleman. or lady who clapi. what
. we call "livery" upon a, servant aball-pay
'taxof 20 francs e, year for everyliverysweree
The opponents of the. bill in France are
.clee.voring• to bring it inro.ridicule by in-
sisting that the chef in bis cap arid the
*mite in her white apron shall also' come_
under its provisions, but this will not win.
The spirit of the bill is all.right. It is Put-
ting a tax on flunkyism„and•this has become
eb conepicuoUs.ef late years in what we
American- :Society that the subject ',mean,
mends itself* to the attention of our law
givers. A carriage along' Fifth
- .
&venire is to contain from one to bwo
persons- in plain' attire and not leas than.
three men in livery bedight.--4%Ter York
der Erde," which is wholly devoted to
statistics of population, contains a list of
270 -citiCS known telhave a population of
roore than 100,000: .01 these the principal
are : •
Paris... ; ....: ... :.......!.....-.....,...... 2;712;508
New York -Brooklyn... J. -.........2,352,150 . .
• Centona ....•......, . ...e3..... . .... . ........e. $,600,.000 ..ether . much more- ranidlv and when .1
e........1,364,548 - . -K... 0 I
Wu-chan,lian-Yan-Han-Itau :....-• :- ... -4,200,000 coughs a second.are proauced - they' dannet
of her returning to -the- 'Comedic: Francaise,
enature. . • - - -
; but on. second -thoughts she.hasdetermmed
COMMertial deer-118er,
• -
The cough of a Leeemotivee
The cough or puff -of a railway engine
due to the abrupt emission of waste steam
up thethiraney. When moving slowly the
coeghs can, of course, be heard fellowing
Berlin- ••••••. ••••• • • • 14763,a43
each other quite distinctly, but when. speed
put on the puffs come out one after the
Tokyo...... : .... . , • " •i- . , • :-; ... - -: 1155,290 'be -separately distinguishep the.eare 4
:.ceicago._:e., ,... . ........„. ......„ 1-099 me , locomotive running at the _rate of nearly
Philadelphia.. - ; - • ....... 1,10.5,277
Lianotan-.....---.......d.,... . _.... . . . ::::::: 1:00o0001 70 miles- an hour -.gives -Out 20 !puffs „of
5i-rgan•.........,..:... . .!. . .,....;-.e. . .. i •t-- i,000,009 Steam every second -e- that is, ten for. "eao.li
a These Pilre are inanufacttired by the • _ . ' to have a theatre -all to herself. -This idea
• . Williame' Medicine - Company, Brockville - • • , • ica f .
I , of. yesterday is an aceomplis e act to
-- Ont.:, and ScherieCtadi, N. Y., and_are sold day. 4 The Theatre . de la - Re110.8.•
- 4."-1.4 In boxes bearing. the firm's -trade mark-, • •• ..
sauce has . been - taken for three.s years
and. wrapper, at 50 cents a box, ors.5- bore*
s byM.Gran and there the diva will have
_liti $2 50. ear in mind that Dr. Williams . -., play. - ' TO -Morrow she leaves for a.
-link Pills are never Cold In bulk, or by the ..:free
;dozen or hundred, and :-any dealer who three months' tour in South America. She , .
will return toWordeethe, end- of ,September,
offers- substitutes* in this form .is trying-,
and- about :October 15th the neve , theatre
.ta defraud you, 'and should be avoided. -.
ille- be -inaugurated - with , a • iiOnrish of
thourepusobltuareed .als:bloo 4 fea bu:iliodneerds:aagandins. nerve
er% ,r.truinpets--. and - an entieely_ :neW piece .
tonics no. matter what :none be given -*IBMs - probably by Slide:in...Who isienewir to have
had I new play on .the • stocks for the past
:They are all imitstions whose. makers hope , lict reap a peCuniatyadirenteg4 irom the .
64.x. month* *. The Se; snertoire - Of the now
witvaderful reputation achieved by • Pr.
theatre is :.calcteir': rates the expects-
Williainel Pbele Pills. Ask.. your deatee.-„, funs 1." :! .‘
. ..e. . - „end' Parisians' to
7 • :.x‘:ii.....;.''.
ber. De. William?: Pink Pills for , Pale Peo`4,i. yteli.: • It will C912.;
pWand: refuse all imitetions andsubstitutes. ` . - lays, Inspired by
I. dealer .iist: tia,b.'.%
t ___I
15r. Williams' Pink - Pills alley be hi& Of- SO ten- • by, the elite.
.There are 23 cities. numbering between of its two cylinders.
Mr. Fondhusband, an aged New York
widower, • got married recently for the
fourth time, notwithstanding he has& house
fullofgrown-up children.. While the mar-
riage ceremony was being performed, one
of the guests, hearing sobs in the next
room, asked one of the children What was
the matter.- • _
66 It's only Emily, IVB.B the reply; she
• r/
always howls when papa _gets married
again." • •
Love's Young Dream.
500,000 and 1,0004000.-Baettn of the'
American Geographical Srocietv :
Yielded a Ilford, 11.
The English language is somewhat in
need of a word which could be used in
Writing as ,the equivalent of the'l French
Mademoiselle or the German I Frau-
lein. The English term Miss does not
el =ever the purpbee at all; because • it is
incorrect to begin , a letter to an Unmarried
lady "Dear Miss," whereas the eeinivelent
expressions in_ the two foreign languages
are in order.. "Dear Mee Smith savors
of familiarity, and the formal expression
"Dear Madam," though strictly correct, is
not at all suitable. , It is not a little odd
that no word has been devised to meet this
requirement.-Scottisls hnierican.
sII 4rtiggista or direct by mail from the -Dr. every „
Williams' Medicine Company . froin eith • t
g made - smart
'mold makes a dorirse of -treett-s- in.onetoliy orthi
*dares& The price widch thef--
sive as coreparfsd
s moats' treatmeelf)
_ .
. Mrs. Jackson -T don't think that the boy
hi' Be coun.torpart of you by any means; he
frequently exhibits traits of my character.
Mr. Jackson -Yea,' and- I 'hitir4_40tiCid
then that a: epanking
• -
-The gauge 6! the :Roman chit4ets 2000,
years _ago was- 4 --feet. inchees-same as
Standard railroad,: gauge of to -day:,
trandlimin is eiperimentizi
bles and starch," 'phonograph Sipco, the language at
fi• ,•••• •
A Lucky Kiss.
A report comeg from Sydney that a man
named. George Welch hag just coma into a
considerable amount of propsrby in a some-
what remarkable manner. - He has heel fel-
low' g the occupation of a butcher for some
time ), id it appears that he recently took
the..iberty of kiseing one of his customers, a
good-looking girl, who dealt at his shop.
She resented the affront and had Winch
prosecuted for assault. _ He vvae fined -
heavilyby the local magistrate, and the
case attracted much attention from the.
press. The publicity given to the proceed-
ings happened to arrest the. attention of a
firm of solicitors In Sydney who had been
trustees of certain property which, has been
left to Winch by. a distant relative BOMB
nineteen years ago, and the solicitors were
unable to find any trace of the Winch
was communicated with by th and he
has now furnished the h.stog. Is
,:. .
Young man (gazing dreamily at the candy
case in fancy grocery store) -I -I -wish to
-to get something, something real nice for
a young lady, but I hardly_ know What to
Grocer (briskly.)-eVery young?
select. • -11
geis '18:783 .t:ihBubnal19 2,81 11 1:rp. 7:71 1- -.1: A .: ; . 1:4 - -b*71y6' i :Dundee'..7. uA3: d"- ' &t il ili.
• - -
7 -by "•If,..eb ROY
-by Dundee 3rd
counter."1r the season'and $2,00 to
i- . . •
" :returned three times if
Thi,„ .. - .--
varkti •'-..... j4AMESII,A*E,
Coiike7 '.I.JaneseRe.
boasts thatee • •
-Witha- flI..iiioxilide:rsa.ytin-hliiieetr.\--;''..
will pay- $5 per cord for 1,500 cords hem-
lock bark delivered at their tannery, Wittgliam
or $4 per cord at LUelr4as Eadly fractu'reot"
pealing lo cords or ovether bru:ses
in summer and one-hal' •
trice at thafeeeerreti has gone on +tip to.