HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-06-16, Page 8• • • Judges O&rt: rt His ffon. judge B-arrett; will helda i -cbUrtc in th'e To wii Hum- herp on Satin - day next,. a 9 .e. m. to her the appeal Of the Greo t- Nortbrwostern • Telegraph Con-ipauy, and - the Bell Telephone Company frona the Court of Revision. Each was assessed at .$100 - and - they have appealed to the - Judge egitinst the Assessment. '... • • KI h-cardi Ile District The following is the final -draft- of . .. ministers in the Kincardine . Dis-trict .. - . . --,..- of the - Guelph .Conference :---•els_mcar- have just redved a -mum )er _ =Black - Frepch Leisse and Surah- Prints and Delain- es with -colored fl9wers. A -tnese goods are in much - dem.and and tile patterns -are. very choice they will soon b6 4 .cleartid. Call early if you. wan any - ME111110C11 1\TOTT .dine--jas.- _Livingston .: -Tiverton IL. -4. Barnby,- S, T, L.. • -Betvie.---ek. W. (4.-ilpin, E. I AicIntyre, •-• BethelL--: V. .L'a10.:. Cook, .ph -e Teneknoweel-John Mi1I Ashfield-J.. -KennerWhitechnrch--R 0 Burt- Salemeej. -John Mills - - • &Fine Filly Hood has disposed of his standard bred. filly "Nancy'Hoed" by Saranac:7114K: by General Washing- ton 1161-, da.M .Sapplo by Chicago Volunteer 1611 Mr R We- -Willis - is the fortunate - owner . of this -Very • . . • • • . • - - . promiemg youngster andwe admire the enterprise he has displayed, in pro- currng a well beed. ti:niniaLe -‘isiiiiacy Hoge :is the only: stanciarii- bted animal: in this vicinity, We wish the -buyer -sureoegs. , • Aecidint When Mi. Wright, of the -Ivory -Soap Company .riai driving- into: the' village on .- Saturday night feom L.00heleh.„- ai:d.onenteringHendersen'S swamp. lust :west, of: Lueknow . he : met another 'vehicle and in turning; pir ran - the. swamp ;;With -,great _difficulty' Ale. *Wright:. got into 16-11.1ek- now after, -having diet the:: pigs- eand other- paiets of. his harness may take- aetien: against bth Kinlose-, 0.0 4411fiel:d.'a,s !the- • roadway is entirely • 0:itietr!POS,7,17PieFFIlet. ,$ne....to• ptere„ .1qmee:: ARR.ft. E. • G. c B SCeth, .-0:13 L.•11;&•.13-. North 7 . _Efolyra0 • • Kinloug,): B,:.North Godericb Interm..eliate pui L. H.: 8-_-13 North. •Langside • & B. ,South t 6 & 13., South f - 3-3-. South WG& B.Nortli Holyroo4.1, inlotieKiiiost 2:30 m; p-, . 9 04 1(.00 m, Tuesdays and 3-00p-1,ra, Fridays 9:30-p 10.00 al. 3-20p. in.: -4.30 p.m.. Daily. - 6 -,- • , ••••••••." Vilittat .444.'tift4:41t, A Larg-e- Heart 1. The ther day while passing. &Own Canaple-11,-st. I -saw a little girl crying for aeVell she saw in Kaake's window. Mr. a P. Moore a.rthat time happen- ed. along, and big hearted Irishman, that he is, at once got the ball for the little gir1.-7Com. Wise 43glelation has pissed. the Local Legis- lature Ly which laborers are protected from sub -contractors. - Now the con- tractor is held responsible and he will titer ONEYTOICe2r to whom JNL security for at., he new rate of interest The t. at the old of the time, or 7./eeted pal may be paid each yearel ani - the amount paid. For fu, etc., apply to ANGII.S-ST'EW.AY .1 tpo nt.i.rrow and silo -0d -- widened.: . . . Had it not been fo a • farmer: liv-ne - e about'One mile and .a haif out of - town, Wright would have -.been in bad. positiOn.. as he has , only lately re covered from an, attack of theumatiSM reatii'of From i se Many -years: .ago - says the - London Want them. Removed A deputation -consisting of Mesers. John 211:1iott, D. :.*W. Hayes Old -AL! - • Al.cK4?ie.)-Wai4Ped 'Ivan --the Poll en, on liVelineklay ;Ovening to . rept* Ithe remoy.al- Of the scales from re sent -position- to. , somemore s*ta, 131 , . - • place... They contend,.. and rightful]. •to, that they • 8b.ou1d never - have IOen • put, on the road,' as the . large: *Umbel:1- °f cattle" and otheefanireals; that :are, brImight there for weighing are n�t only: ' dancreroles • to pedestrians -nd - especially school theylgeep the 1 place •filthy -condition:. I if ..pbSsible. Uie eouncil will geoure it- suit- able place' and have the 'scales -1.70Mo ed. Interesting_ Lecture :Nlolidetr.'p' voning.,104. Reict Mr. Kerrin, of Bayfield, late of Dungan- non,.delivered a: .lecture on the Argentine .:Republic under thearluspices ot St Peter's:Chnrchy Lucknowf the • Rev. gentlemen is a fitient,speaker and - . _gav'e..in. a most :entertaining manner an account of -the four' years. reSideince and experienCe. in - that -country,. with a: description 'of.' -the. climate, 1 its 1 in--. habitants,... customs and finaneia1. lup- • heyalein the. far. • : whole .lectUre-, which occupiede;.abput two hours and a..half,' wag. preserited in -a- Vivid id realistic; nianneri varied - woli songs .in-.natv.re; STanisbi and English transalatiens. - The I tendance: was eomparitie vly saia-11.put-: it1. is safe topredict that .should netice*. be ,--given of another visit a crowded. heuse. will .greet - him e . Mr: Fred Grundy ably 0"caupied Oautiful .,The. village -of •Port -- is un. donbtedly .thie" prettiests-•-•piae in the County. -; -.Situated.-- On the.- bank of • Lake }Iuron,:and verIooking. al lovely •bay, Which affords one 'of the finest. , -natural.-harbers,in the --proliipioe,it is a delig4if41.-Spot.: The: street of _ the village are Wide and with hundreds of beautiful: *maples • :planted : • on either ide,..giVes, the place a lovely iippep,r- Ance.. -There aremaneekfinejesidenees in the piaoe tiearly - all. Of - w14 eh- hte • r ..Orronnded, by lit!,n_dsozne lawns and neatly kept grouted,- •and WO kflOWI o no .b.etter plate.in the Connty wheri a few ',weeks- in, the beat • of sunier ..could be •more pleasantly spell*• n Free Pi.nes:, -David'. Campbell -then a in thej.-jeautiful Port!, El n , • . . , divinity student Scotland, -"Ijuri.P.-ed.- the of the y. • large.Pik that \v4°I)einoereedrivI(3-11 _ th 'In t t' *others On Thur 7 h LOCAL GEMS. Milled -Doyen Fok gen i inet Renders. rs.- ..A.16..x,. }toss is visiti-Iii iriends. cichOrSe: .. - rs. 'D.,,- R. Molutoah la visitiDg s in: Embro. . . , et ..'yoUr - carpets and floor oil- • .elths at Connell's.- ,• - • . ...7-arliss _Annie . 13oyd i•s - -v•isiting - friends in Chicago:, • --Read advertisement. aboutold • posta e.staraps in another column. -,-.---. The-- usual entrance eIamination . . takes- place.the last week in June. -kiss Tena .Lawrence is spending ea -few „weeks- with friends in Goderioh. . -------The ites ir: Mr, .Walker will preach. in th..-e-. Baptist church oii next Sunday evening. I • tit -The -R v.. Mr: .MoKay. -ii attend- ing tile General Assembly meeting in Brantford -. ' % , --Mrs. *0 -Kenzie, -ot Ripley, , was in Rapia. City. last: week the. guest of M. Campbell. • -Ladle waterproof circulars from St bo, and up at -W.• Connell's. Extra* good 'Value. B1 frien . - - he eeve. got. $W_ from the county . coiinci1 last - week to gravel, Stauffer street in Lueknow. _ We have. just • received some good , lines -of labe - curtains - which We are offering chap -w Connell. -Onfario'Guverninent bind4twine is offOked.to 'farmers at 1.8i and Cents per pound, the foemetbeing the price - for, carload lots.: -A .horise, belonging. to Mr. T. Lawieriee. got -- its; foot so badly. cut- . . with a -pie c Of -wire :On _Wednesday' _mght that t had to be killed-. ur $ suits are „going - IAA , -,v e . have sti11 izes-. , well -.assorted.. ----- .W Cenn .11_ - : -he ;Rev. J.. Walkerreceived a 1 teleg am ..o1 a Wednesday announcing the eAth. his brother. Mr. A. Be: W•al• .er; a Waterford, 'Ont. - ---1k. football match' took place- be - the Jucknow and Second Con, no _ te Ms -eon Tuesday evening, resu ted. in one goal to none in of .L allow:. •,t ee cessi whie favor promisedto marry- Agnes Clark, who lives in Leith. Now: he is a Presbyter- ian minister np near Kincardine, in Bruce County.- "He is a husband but Agnes is . not his wife-. Therefore there is a $5,000 breath of promise case in the air. For the purposeof weakening her action, the .-,reverend .gentleinan recently wiled that She be mad.e to put up security for costs'; but as this opened a chance for his exami- nation by the wronged Miss Clark, she hit_baCk by demandingshis examination To this he objected,. and asked the . curt - to set aside the necessity of being examined, but this the Queen's 'Bench Court On Saturday refused. Steel Rangers The. Mitchell Recorder, speaking of pedlars, aptly puts it as follows :-The itinerant- store pedlar struck this county a few weeks ago_and we believe has struck a few of the farmers with a steel range._ -We have- nothing to say against the -steel range, but is well known that any regular dealer in the county can supply any pod Canadian Es, Ak M, ARMSTRONG' mft''.7P11,-tge for $40,- while these ped - ng and obtaining between pared. to give lessons in -Vocal and in- • strumental music: . - Reside Lueknow, - • 11 St It iS- iingular thing a farmer could not be my, an article in the - for a moderate Farmers, ko4 at his _own i.ni7Prerhrit'ime'ubcylif anbighoiel; LON Dvison _that a No large up his salary - arg 50 cents to ti - SOCIETIES 70: SEPOY. LODGE, NO:. 384, • meets in the smith end. Lodge Boom. - the Temperance Tall, Lucknow, every ". Tuesday evening at 8 o'cleck,. D. K. ViTEI3L STER, G..T., - /vIA.Tjitus. Sec. - .0„ Tr,- The regular Monthly e- meeting of the Wemen's Christian TemperanCe Union will be held every woad Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellovis Hall, -Lucknovi, at 3 p. m. Bias. W. H. &writ, President ; MAs. Hoarmere Secretary,- . T. U C KN 0 W ,- - - JU Lodge; No 112 4 -..„..,- ,,-.‘.4: - , .. -,-,.- --- -meets every Friday, evening at -8 o'clock -an their hall, Campbell street. A.11 brethren. - sordialry invited. I.--,1gessteori, Grand N.; R. Hughes, Recoider. ' • -- - - - ei• O. F;,COURT- ki•s -Sherwood; No. 50, Lucknow. - Meet- every•first and third , Monday in every" month,. in the :- Or- ange Visit- ing- -brethren a r e eqrdially invited; J. LYONS, C. R. D. D. , YULE SE°. 0; TT. W. -LUCICNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient Order UnitedtWorkm-en, - meet in the Oddfellows hall; on the last and second Monday evenings of each month a eight ?clock. Visiting brethren. cordially htvited: PATTEasoN., Master Workman, D.01.7neaori, Recorder. 41, REmiis . from the Sun- "" ked copy .of which agt. -.Wednesday the Also England!. . e residence Wn3 niters 3ftnnati- frsaac o obtain the beV your Reo.vo th-e ,inftenib rs day 3orning . dr,Opped dead at the - nie ,?f - the vilfige 'Council and . Citizens- . borner of. Ha. failtene •-And Stauffer generally, „did.- everything- possible Ito_ .streets-froni the heat. eneetink of 189.3 long be rein of the W, C. T. TT, -will be:held at .the 1 * make the visitor happy, and the June `A- iiarlor social under the auspices j ne- aS nt • • e hered by the panty Councill.!ors residence of Mr. W. S. Holmes on - ' , • . • one. of the most pleasant ever!. sp Monday; June the -'19th, at three .by that 13Ody. . Our Village Band • - -- - : : - .. .. ' '.. The 'first' year .Lo4linow . was: .incot- poraten t4e. 49.37(st :-s,nd. 'Aldermen Of Guelph maele7.a trip by special Oar up: to Kincardine, -thence. by boat- 't9 Southampton and then home to 4iie p13 - The. party staid over :at. -Luckii0i,', tl were receiv-ed - in - .iLtioknow's1 - th st .hospitable._.raanner-i'the - bancl:.1 -7that date turning outto receive the,*isitOrs- . . . who -,;(6-4._ Alia.- accompanied by.. tibo-. - f Celebrated,,Lawren-ce. )34-nd,-p.t Guelph. °On-Sid:044. the . poptilatieile• it0 that timeLucknoW, had a goOdband.1-art it was well encouraged by. our citizens. T� -day it is althostinipossi,ble- to gietliit sreall.,giohqi. ng,togeter! .froT:•arci+g the'.- Many . inusicia0. - in: the :place, . band tooth, . . of. the 11.0iFii:.-11.411,.-..- on 1 ..Neye'rtheless,, at arneeting held in s he _Thursday. aietaug ist,-,i0.- itifl..•de011ed that liticknoW Should :haye. a citizens - band, •'. and -.*., - J. . 81.i., Armstrong, . jewe:er, was appointed I leader. ..--• It nipw .1,44: with . the - People- b.f. ..Otir•-•liftle • town t� say whether Ot not .wo.. -shh11 have tiosi:4:46 or. twice. -4 week public. , The .- 001141 went -- to the expense - or putting:- up a .1$01d -stand in the Queen's park, WIWI-amps- and all tilch.1.1n.4.,f_or iv_hav. w_iriurrionsta:win-r...44-0.: _officers Of the . new; •band: - Honorary-- Prisirlent,.-Thiry Days;:Tica7President. D. .. . •., Sec., - ,_, D.-- D.:Yule ' ' J. W. Armstrong; Treaa, HPierce ; ., Managing,cOininit ea o'clock. All ladies welcome. * , be constable was, instructedon -Wed esd4 . night.... by the Connell to - -I - - - • - strictly enforce the law- against horses and .geese pinning at large. in . the village, and.he:initends to-do it. 1. • • .. :steopl. meeting Of-therIe 9. L. No. 28,:1:. On-- Tuesday .20.th.. inst. at , . . , - -8 O'clock.' A good attendance is _re, re- quested as business . of importance :is to Come: upl, before .. the lodge. -A. T. Davison ,W.1 - M. • ' • . - s . . - r..P.Oagall McMillan, ' of Fair bairn. Parini,: left: .i. number . Of stocks barley at this office which .measured five feet and a liialf. in iength %with.. heads - _eight k chei, long, : . This is :a remark- able ':- revrthl for th.iii, spring. . -7-;i1n.. Ala:. Rogers, of the SiNTmgi, offiCe, had I his-. z.tiglit ..thinini. broken 1 while 7 tatiyirig'. laCkOSSP ' On: Monday 'eVeni 'g, : . He will be . laid ..up: . from work - for some weeks, and . left for.. hi* home in Alliston. On . Wednesday. - -An ice: cream Social will be: held at thresideit-ce of Mr. W. H.:johnat-on . ., . . . _ori Friday__yening--he 23rd -...of Jane: Admission-'?.5Cts for: adults and . lOcts tOt :children,:a good time . is expectsd and a -cordie, welcome is extended to ...all, .. . , . • . , . . Wm Willis, D Lawrence and H , Pierce., _ i =Though our.ialei_halte been large . . daring -_ the past month, we are still down at bottom. prices. -Soma - 2nd keepingupour. stock and selling a iv y - hand lumber wagons for sale frOm 5 to $15 each in good ritipair.-IIIi.DRED. -• • I BROS. - • - • - trgi,,,Tma on Saturday la4t .James* ...1.3nvicted of :stealing from Moses MC it is to your 6(18TAIktagoi-i4ien of West. Wawanosh Nirai se - LIVERPOOLPINE 'bed by Judo Toms to seven months i4.the-North4Ve t 0 . ;fte entra... prison. - - -ries Wants to go back -to Ontario.:' weighing . . married, the -Canadian Pacific from 2 lb to ,-ells him a matrimonial tick t in tubs. .Crocks‘ • or pal rate, and on presenti g this season do not bringi coupon and a 'marriage good prices. ite is entitled to free ! -isenneth.. Thompson • .of Yale; 'British. - -was marriedat -Lucknow by the Rev. Mr-. McKay, to Miss -,Sarah 'Smith, of Huron, .on- WedneSdayi- Miss Lizzie &Ott was luidesmaid,• as best man --The fol receired by Mother who while Mr. McKay acted . •• owing is a dOpyof a note a school, :teacher -from, a had detained heiion from school ".I. think -things has Come to a Pritty Pass that -a -mother .Cant keepe hua owne San hotte tith out Sendeh You a n.oteevery time havent time -to sit ;:down and wright you and - I wont doo it a graine if for a have .day onely if . you have Iota a. time ybu museut think, every Person has . has." -There •Will -be. no -service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morn ing .rieitti but in the .evening. Mr. Ei A. xciceuzii;,: B. willoccupy the pulpit...The, Bibleclassand Sabbath School Will be- held as 'usual at 3 o'clock p, • in. The Collection in .the evening will -be for the Montreal College . _. Stud- ents MissionarySOCiety. • set Ws:171. M' • The secret of our aut6ess is in knowing the lansiness. We are speaking more ..particUlar- i..1113.r.gjITI -0443:;-.V1,4eCloth• rade • The knowledge we possess - . - is:.thretted. in the selection of I • .the most sea,;.-3or4ble. goods, not forgetting that we have to ify to suit _eiery shoppers purse. Cash. buying -advantages I make it easier- to do so; ,and pla4e:. many a. good 'Ready. Made Suit reach :of those *ho otherwise would have to be Tsatisfied 'With inferior - or perbaps We are sinclere when we assert our . bellpf that we can serve you as vkell aud :decid- edly better purse, than. others._ can. It costs. :nothing . f . to investigate and may save • - youi some nioney. too. . for cash and -exchange for goosls. Special Bargains in Millinery for the nextVgro weeks • LITC1019337.MA11IECEtS. Fall *heat, per bushel: • .60 Peas • gs - 54 it .50 Oats‘4_ .28 .30 .Barley * .30 Potatoes Butter, per lb...rolls .12, tub .1, 14 Eggs; per dozen. . • s .09 Ray 'Per $Gt&.700 'Flour per . $1.75 to $2.25 Dried apples " • . 3 to:31 Tallow " . .05 Lardl " .12 Porker •'.. $9 -TORONT.0 1UARKETS.- W4eat-red, .65c. white, 66c.. Flour -$2.70 to $3.20. 4 . Bai,ley2-738c. to 40c. Oats -33c. DrIssed Hog -$7:75 to 8.25 Potatoes -steady at 82c. to 90c. . - Butter -13c. • to 14c. Egis • 11c. / : • A