HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-06-16, Page 77
subatitutes this form id trying te -defreud
you and should be avoided. - The iritueW4, are
also • Cautioned , agedest all -lethal so-
• -•1 Celled blood ibuild;ra atd- ,nerve.
Remarkable Case of Little
Georgie- Veale,
int? Three Tears_ of Illness -His Friend&
Despaired et His Retevery,-liestoration
'Came 'When Helve •Had 414.no41: Fled -7
-.The LUte gellow. is Now as UV:0y ail a
isteey Tbat'Will -Bring Hope
to Other Parents. -
(Woodville Independent):
e independeet haa.phtilished from_ time
... •
tonics, Put .. up in adraillite form
intended to deceive, They are . all amiteti
times, Whose inakers :hope to . reap a peon-
niery advantage :froth. the won.detful repu-
tation'achieived-by-Dr Pink Pills.
Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
• • • • . 004
. • •
Notes of interest About rrOntin entitle- Headsman -who Cuts by at
, • Colored‘Thread.'
Here and There.
memoirs. Notes.; on the .3Elerriemi Adminise
Mrs-. ;Ter." a. Grant has completed her in; hiTimiYin, giowtehigahttiteo drop Yw'silllegbariejlakhanhgifil
• , Shertffi has jest thought of " says L. F
nt itteittee
way lie* " is soniethingt .that. at New Jersey
titition have been. added-. The book
Dot be pitblished -dieing the author s
-Mrs. Williath Astor hive a lecklace 01 DO°Pf. °f PhifoimPhia• - -i' • '
DO- But I once sew a heavy executioner
.and atibiltitiite6. , . • . gold. and ivorie 'sticks' and -a lace Mount:
id Turkey elide down the rope and fell on
wortle.$1,000. Mrs. .George Gouldts ehildreel
the - Suspended' inan'S neck with all hie
, Dr. William' s' Pink -.Pills -May be .had •of
are rocked in a salver oradle'4the gift otitheii
Voidtippisi .to break the 'Tina' column.
all tdruggiets . or direct by Mail from :Dr. graeditither. - • Mrs.. Jeiese .Grant bail _a col-,
Williathet.lifedicine Company' from either Of °Curse, it ;was, a barbarous prOceedin ;
:addreee, Eftee50 cert.. it hiete 01, six boxes, for
and rare -pottery.- - - ,
lection of antique candlesticks Of till,' anvil
i ii The meet careful and conscientices ent
62.06. The priQ3; a.: vi,lh 'these: pith' are i ,ii-ineei eiltitter'l ever saw !ilia neer the dividing
said Teak& n, it•p - . The magnificent -library in VS ev
"This ands pretty.. inhuman doesn't
for Pale People and reuse all rmitations erneraide' M'cP' Hiekail4m41 has la fan withl
line between Turkey and Russia- •I
th th at the Fair whielh wa fitted
tively ts r.J ted-wi er 2 -
. corn artk-
iand furtiiiihed by the womon set wee riding through liothe wood when1 eudtlen0
to tiroe particulars -E30,11a0 very•-reti
-enarkable - cures felieseing the _ use of 4 eieN oti .
Dr. - Pink' Pills for Pale
P-aople. 'Mese eases he- been izo lefty the Courage to .Dlipute a Tralbeirealreiis
eteritie'd as to leave no- doabt th4.. this Bight to a whole Stair. • _
-new fa,vorita. remedy Is one Worse than ell the other women nuise
• eif h.h.e atieateloareedical achiovenients of ances in the weed is the woman- who
-tin age tliett has been temerkehle _for tho i descends 'etie - stairs in frontiof You leeving
-woad:taut dieeoverieit ef eciende. Peizeibiy their drapeftee or -any part of theme to trail
ToQtlittir our. readers he thouadat thee the behind itee mil the stairs. But there ;wee a:
vittines if thee Medicine have been ex:IC-J-1nm oitheaoic 'mold at Broad street station
gereseed, but there many aititiehg thogit.1 the: other' datie • Ile wee trying eto walk
who can teetify to ites virtizee, and now this down ‘atatia- just:. behind one of thoetisiiirt-
litifelocieleet ie enebled- tdgivti tbe pereisrularit women end AS he seemed • a
e, . .
OX 14 el2re C'eurrIng in -DUI- Viilage qrilteette i himene inderidualehe danced a sohotttsche
. . _ ...
eettenerkeele au ay , that - hi • leithereo. -been l half evey down t•he Stang - to ' keep my her
, .. -
publiseed, aticl-Nhiei! /11.4i% ee eo eaeiiy 'yeti: drelis. - Bute it was :early in -the mereitg,
fied ley'apy of or - owlets fleet ..slweeiiiiero i and the crowd Weit c.puelcintidhim toot- ind
, inuee be, silent. We had lieerd: teat iittlel finally he set: fine substantial foot delileer-
• Getirgie Ideate. had:been cured trough the 'i-ately upon her tkirt.
nee of Dr..Willieme' Pink PilkY'iltla as- ail'. There Wais.:en. awful draole, end the skirt
eat peeple-know eiett little *key hild been ill .trailer wasnearly- jetlied. off her 'feet heck-
ler a long time anti -his te.iovk-,ry-,1**Sthught '1.miard,.. „while a _ beautiful ,green 'sash twas
to ;be hopeleee, .it:he .z.4 -)ort •ot- hie Owe pulleduwa,y fee* eta enoletingse somewhere
•' therefore aveated. so IIM-(311. ..11:t1.F-4-Stleili•Int thAt -about her weistit She -ave one .awful 100k
We restive& to 'artlertaid idle ii‘dtt, tied me- I at the Sieber, but he didn't :. turn aiiehaele
• ftord-Ingi)r. we P- aikeiefti Mt- Yee& to jieg ) palet. He didn't- peen ' lift his hat ,or beg
the particulars.- Mit Gere Veer° BM been 1 her pardon. • He edid better than that, _Hse
t ta. eesident of teis itillege - fer see rei isite emit' coolly: - "'Madame, there - is -nobody.
• viaggoe- p,s.knr-f)y- tr_ae,.. 4n-1 is willl .ttiqkNirn I to blame -but. yourself. I *.mnobthe person
to all our alt:!takas, d_a well ee to. Ms;=-,- t • ,thf ttii•= i to look after yeer skirts. And you are not
peeplit-of the iarroaudinti eeinitry, 110. lieef t entitled to „half- the lergth of the StairwOy:
A tardily' of -yoeng . chilidred eeho - ui: feral- in going down it.: You .owe me and 'every.
i reliteiy_loet, their neither aolne 4i:ix. yea:TN. r-404. 14z vereeie enithis stairwitan apology. That's
One . oi ' these- eliiidten, W•44Ttl€4 Gket411 ill 1 th# Plain Inith; for once, if younevertweed
10)04 7 YOArti of age,:alkei .k,in-t1 Vire', .1.!-Pr••0 it.before.'.--:--Pear§on's--.}Teekty. -
. -
agowasteken ill hiid. hex eince been p_zii.v1.- . .._
may - helplees, - and as - a iseimitt • me i•li
i .
Deceiving Children,
tnympethy was felt tor the feaidiy .017Itza cifN
• • Parents who - treat their 'sena . and
the chile. being motherfes. The case ot
daughters tea way to merit their indigna-
little- fella* eyes. eiresidered hodpelese an&
tion ahel 1--eproacht. though. the facts Which
-one ever expeetel. -to Siee hint- able -in in
iron, his _bed_ seem -0, tiat. tetieit call forth each- feelings- may be -endured
agan. On silence, have only themielves. to -blame -when
alteut :the re rt -we- hitt heard 'of the i
! they are brought Seine. Of
'boy's recovery, he seid iit was :quite' true .
their less of the fierce and the _confidence of
and eipeesied wiliingness to give:see tfies
no little i their elindiete . This is . often ipeked upon
.particulerst deelerintethet he had
itetiiie le .aete rig 0-144..-4,. ip wila ow!Dg ta -the- asiegeatitiiiieein-e child, which is dire0t1Y.
1c ;of Th.. wiiiiimpita ?jilt thz ..th_ti: lid- i the.tesult, of the parents ' teethed of dealing
I withn him:. _ . Children learn :quickly ' by
weeduow better-- He Hada.' that serne et
- . , Ivo t. -. • • -- . - e -
;.; experience seicloth elle* themselves t
end a htilf years:ago- little Geergeewaa• 'taker '
and lie., tmit binned in thesamefire.twicei I
. 111•Witleitiiiremationeef the'bowelei Ilew. frequently, pri e fANIX4 fl-prelty pelf
tiefved geed' medic -1 7 ‘ treatraPiit. - Aitetel -
, or Oole, or lethb is given to:st 'child.: He takes
liteini illitor iittate time, the• trouble hvertied preaniee in ..good ' filth, ' -believes the
. -to _take A slie•W form:and settled in his ho-oes, - the
creeture to be 'his -eery Own; T feeds it, tends
'eellich becatee diseesed. - • Darinei the 'eueia
i it, perhapsloves itteonfte tie. find, hen it
r he got a..littie better, but --wlen -winter
-. developed .into a. laandionte, and deraireble
tiert in he was ' taken- down -Fend -the disease
i aninial, that It Wes -never ' intended sto be
ibeeametwedise. Swelling aroke over the bade,
'really hie. at ell. • He wes allowed to -cell it.
_end s:meal small pieeesiof bone came -oiled
; his andetielciokiat it as his batitchen•
-;-4 ceuld talc_ , e but very little ' suetena,..nee ::,_. _ . ... , - . . . y. . there
- d . - ii • - - • ' - ome beer. ease- or -a good -opportunity . for
„for seven months could not Wand- ot bee =-: 18•18- -•
t Ease, Mallen.- hewn; -beet- awaythe treasure,
. beat He hailtoreinein in bed or be carried
..Annee-eeetheiut i INIheut eVen. &insulting the cihild'e-feelirige
abeet in his sister's arms.
he got did him no geol- and. his. cedie' -Was' il by a single word - it'd °Ict.fatlik.-1)°°keta-the'
ineneyi Well satisfied -with- his bargain, a He
• given up es hopelese, an4. it- waa threleht e
hietorty Tommy:_or . S,usie cried about it, .biles
that he iiieitnci not Jong survive. MT: Ve-ade -- mede i it ell.right by proi
.. had eead_of the *Onderfaleures effected .bei ':-. feels that he has
•thee eit 'tiiii-ising another eihet the ehilelliail Ietia-rted
eitini nee a Pink piP41. : -alicl debided sharp ... leeson _ -: from- . iexperieirce-et
ziaings.elee heving- failed he would fey lerliat ' a
-itt4).3, could do ittif,,his itoyt Anie-teettgly...hetehehei 'earned not to _teasi. his's:father: and
ittits; •ttid-., some of the avenues of: -affectien 'are fetever.
earchated some at Feed's edrein
of justice
•..ztesgodi giving them to bis son. Aftee eliorie 'elmaitgainit him. - d .- His sense
itte ehas been - mitragede he haSitecoMii lese friiik
ewe) -weeks he foandithedifiere was' hri
and generous, more eeetiet and selfish ei His
eirovenient in- his icenditione which 'swar- '-
,. .. pink. -..ilatocent nature has received a --Shock, • and
ranted , the fartheis 'ute . bf the
PM*, and: _accordingly - he , tereeueeti he.reetiVerii....fioth it only to. be more Worldly
wee opened last week. - The- Tiling -wee found tnYselt m a clearing- bef°re a cabin.
A Majt wao ata door -tying al- thread about
f.rescoed by .a Woman, Mts. Dor- 'Wheeler
Keith, the 5,000 books in the *handsome a 51-IseP's neck;- I asked
carved -- evelnut eases were all ritten by doing that• He Picked nhPitha why he
with a quickblow, out off the sheep's head,
W0/1163/ 'of Petal's, the painthogs hichaelorn
making ehe cut exactly elOng the -line of the
ehe walk-, the statues and hate are 'all the
' red thread. . .•
work of women artists, and thig
collection NnS gathered tegeth
rapged in the room by ,wereen o
of New York. ;
The,sena • of- all that makes a
happy consists in the well' choo
wire, ---21ctssinger.
If.re; Proctor,. widow, of the la
the ptincipal assistant in 1 his professional
i wise, i but less, trustful. - Iie after years a
hanotieer - siepplee. -de"-And.. -•_ 'now '', . Said
fdlow, -. is -,. child :who- has *been :treitted iii thii -way. will
Nee • father, -it the . little -,
. :Inez eing about as lively and as .mtiehlevoes ilinc6nieleaelY and Pefht;Pe unavoidably ' do
a ever.". !There is no doubt aeoett. the •',.-inanr.ithidigathat will wring his fether'sst
! heart; but the Bed hearted men, gibe looksmitter," said Mr. Veailei "Pink Pills Mired
back _far enough,i will:End the cause in his-
eily boy when' all other rernediea hadfeiled --'
. Itztd_i am eat/ to giirs' this information, so OVill - action.6--_4n his etereasimieg tyranny
- i - : 0 it may be of benefit toothers." i• over the -deiadviet •of possessions of a -little
. We called upon 4.1.r. Feed, the .dreggist, :Chill- • ' . '. e ; - : --- ' -
. Ited: weed Min WA b Won of De. willianisi , Selfish then reason that. everything .teet.
sestied:by_e child beloege to eheineelves until
• Piek Pills. He said,' that the dertiend for
i he reaches the age of .21, and iteeeirdbeglti
' elem. was so greatias .t.P. be astealehing, and
upon their i children's' .eernings - and
tied thoee who. once use them_ buy again '-'! seizii
„eines' proving their value.. Mr. .Fead said f. iiithlesety appropriate them. to their -teen.
How -often h- boy • plaits,- ei little, patch
- idea Sold - More Pink -Pills. than any other • uses.
of Potatees. or something of the kind and
sr:IA.44y,, 'and the demand is Still incteasing,is
tworke in it whenever he, has. a little time to -
Ascii he thought no better evidence Could. be . . . .-
Ogren of their. value as . a medioine then this. :. aanilits own, .tagorlY'hoPhv to Bell his crop
. .Th4, :Dr; Williams' Pink Pills. for Pale i and provide •-• himself' with some books,
clething or eornethingler Which hie boyish
hiteepletare manufactured by the Dr. Wile i
iivenii Medicine Co., of Brockirilie, -0-aL, i heart long, only to find the results ofhis
i ettin.5.ehetteeineyi N. ye.. a -era of utequ-est laboreent to'..tewei• ..soUle..fine autumn day
turned - . id d to :pay. his egroatrie
-gamed reliability. -2 Pink Pills are net loured f and.
•y4pon -a;1121 patent medicine, but rather -a3 a- i 141 . , ._ : Or, .peeltaps,-- . he works . for
neighbota with his father's.'consent, and
preseription. • An ' analysis : of •' their. pro -1 a
-nerties ehoiv that these. pins are an uefaii. lidelighiedled plans to do wondinifin things
with the few.. dollars he eaTieset but; elast
i tine specifie fedi all. diseasee arising' frOnt" an i w
Impoverished condition of the bleed,. or from. i. Oa many boys find heiv: eatiyit is to- turn . .. .
such earnings -towards-., the. equating -up:Of
' an impairment of the nervous system, such
ee late of appetite, . depreseion of - 'spirits, old
or 'excel). eickeesti gen- . ter'neighborly itecouetei and many a daugh-
e school moneyisvery handy t
. o. pay
. west eiascu'lar weakness,. dtiz.iineei toss of
interest with.
menttye . palpitatten -ett - - - ._ . • - .1-
. " welly,. people who deal len4..dthou'hriiii_wayviit11
-.0ryrous - • 4402,de:011e, - locomotorr .44±13,3 their children.. have vi.:.4.... -....
rralisis; soiatica,.. , _rheumatiere, , 8,t. I •iii net alWeye quite what they_eelmee. - Very
- 'Vitus danee, and, all - effects ofetei t little children knew the meaning Of id -dice,•:
e .1 though they -tinderstendithe-defina.
grippe, all dieeasee :depending epOn do not
-vitiated- •corelition of the blood,. suoh as .tion; and parehits-who break their faith- in
/61...refab.,,pet-Mc for the troubles peCuliar
., ahroigo erysipelas,' efts i.They are this respect can 'never regain their former
. - - - - , . • -
to- f position in the: child's respect. and. affeogttte
-: Ile tanie-16 yitem,. oorreeting•irreularities,. ----fPlki/ade4plkia: Tin/es. , -
• zaippreSsions and 'all forthe of leznale• weak- 1 •' .
'mese bending ane* the Hoed eatd restoring
:the _glow of - health ta . pale and sallow
• _ dittiekst Itathe case- of men they - effect .a
Mdiesil cure in all -cases arising from inental
,worry,,overwork or exeesses of any mature.'
, These pills are not a: purgative 'medicine.
Moil contain otly life-givtiog properties an -d
r, and -are
the State
nest man
ing of his
A. Proctor, the fampus astronomer, and
work, has been appointed ! Cure er Of the
Proctor Observatory se San Diego, Cal.
Ilies.Floreree BaECC,1/1 `rill receive in a
few. daps a degree from John is Hopkins
University. She is the peily w
has beer i permitted to offer- -.
competitive examination by the
- The first wife- of Brigham
man who
erself for a
oting is in
Chicago, with her daight6e taking' in the
sights -of -4e Exposition:.. She is Idembribed:
as a Sweet-faced Woman of dignified -bear-
- 1 • 4 .1
_i7n2gy.ekaVoleide.tay eyes and. gray hair • ;She is
) ei . • * . ,
Mies NinaiiFienting, of the Her
lege Observatory, is rapidly ass
rank :tea an astronoiner. She is
before leaving for Boston she tali
:ware in. the Public ichools ef•Itu dee.•
*Miss Ellen. Beach 'KW, who was born
hear .Buffalo, now. .01 - New. :Ye. k 'City; has
just _Ecisbdp her . appearance in theeinueleal
world as ester of rare ability.. . lass Ya*
einge• F sharp without an elifoet and eustairee
the note. The -high-bet ivociit range of -a
zinger :recorded ..by l'Iiisitbry - was that of
Luerezia Ajugerie Mozart e says ' that in
17.70•he heard -this soprano "ranee iron), G
-.bap* -the middle ..0 to C abovelthe high -C.
:Tt -Wawa range of 25.. notes,1 - - Ajegari-coutd
•exeonte-. trills' on the high D. .Tbla is noted
hy, the Eneyelopedia Britanpieg.es the only
-knoWn. instance of . the kind.',Miss _Ya*-
eanairig AS low -as.. Ajugail, en one higher
in the upper register. . "
aid 001 -
ming high
etch, and
gilt for five
.66 r.leiu see now, he said, why do
I tied that threadbetween two points, so
that: there 'would -he no bone to offer re-
sidence to the passage of the :
" 6 But why do •you tilanghter- sheep in
this way ?; I asked.. - •
"'Come- .t0"raOrrOir; te#17-' (Mining pa
a near -by town), and you will See.'
"1 was bi the twine the next day and met
the sheep -slayer. - He was;a execu-
- •
timer, . and he had a man to behead that
day. - I saw him do it. ,- He had e sword
with a curved blade. The blade and hilt
were hollow, 'and there was quicksilver in
the space, So that when th&weapon was held.
aloft the quicksilver ran down- into the hilt
• Wan
• • _
People .Who Take Offence- Easily..
this-world.there are a certlein class of
iteddvidtiale 'who -realm. about w41). a chip' idn
their shieuldeke derhigioters. knack it
off just.for luxury f indulgiegi in: -a
firstieless quarrel. To the gentlieimannered,
stveet dispositiOhed. ones this seems .very
questionable sort of enjOymentllyet to some
a wordy War or a. full-fledged erid .Consti-
tutea the.chief excitement of t
•These people - always have
hand. • If it isn't h family .affai
eiders- must Suffer. They are q
offence both • in public and .
have no scruples about -enpr
selves on peper when they hey
to do so verbally. It is the
writing letters -that -helps. to ke pthem -boo-
tineally hot water, as the black and
-.white characters are clebidel evidence
•eir lives.
quarrel on
then out
tick to tale
rivate, and
sing them-
n't a chance
enchant for
fl against theni even after their anger has lead
__•Nobly Doing:Her:Share.
"Your husband is the editor of the Bugle
I -believe ?" said the neighbor. who had
dropped in to mike a friendly Call.
66 Yee." •
"And as you have no :family. and have
cotudderable kiiruie on your you aisist
time to, cool. - 1 •
Now; -if thee were any[seiese
�f conduet,, enere•would sore
In sort
6 excuse for.
it ;.but thefeesifti-andei okeovet, it-enaliee
ays • .on • the
pretend nt
'tame, and
you doubly unhappy to al
outi with someone. You may
to care, but you do ilest th
thouglnpride and temper •1 keep , your epirits
up foe a time in your seceet heart you wish
you had not been quite eO ready- to - quarrel.
-.Yew York Commeteial„Adveitiser.
How to Carry a cat
_ . I f
cats -should never be " exprresed " from
one:. Visa& to another, as they are easily
'perecine. They will, as a rule, be better
frightened *hen-. confronted ..lry etraege
contented if they are allowed to See- *bete
they are going . have had very little dif-
ficulty travelling' with 'pa* One suocessi
ful Method tried cOnSisted.in piecing peasy
in a. basket With holes Sufficient for eientila-
1- When' comfortablyh s'ettled in, the
cars She was taken- from the basket to, her
owner's lap and :she no . attempt' to
escapee Another cat eyes taken from her
'.haseke and placed -in a oicith' travelling 'bag
with a soft drawing -g, head- being.
left. outandthe bag iliein0 .tied loosely
around her neat to prevent her ..eicakie;
Beingcarriedin the aims of ;her owner 'and
spoken to occadonally, she reinaitied quiet
and evinced an intereela in i all that iras
itranspiring. - Cate are s6,nsitiiire to a seethe
big tone- of *dee and to la gentle tenclfi
Ladies'. )5roine Journal.. _
steadied the hand, beet when the sword
swung donthe quicksilver ran to the
of the blade and gave added weight and
=pro: to: the blow. .
" The .doomed- Maki knelt and bent his
head forward. - The executioner tied a red
thread around the bared neck, and with
onei swing of the weapon cut Off the head.
It Was a clean, scientific cut between -the
vertebzw and the unfortunate man- I p -
E11111e, never fele
a, - DIONII!TER 1G010,TER.
A Diver's right With a Huge Crus
at Sea, liottotn.
"Om afternoon While my two{
moaned above ropairing th.eir
.apparatus liwent down elope," say
diver. "We were now removing.eit
from the after compartment by ehe
in the stern. The method of raisink
coeds was to 14.1Wer down heavy hi, -
which could he faatened hate the bales a
they were pushed cionaide. Some of the
bales encases would float and some woul
rest lightly on the bottom. I had selected
a large case which I :was •about to move \
when, happening to turn' my byte,- I saw N
outside a huge creature moving toward the
vessel. I had never seen anything like it.
before. Its body *seemed. to be several feet
high and about eight feet long, and it had
on.each side an enormoue
"There seemed to he an -uniimited'nume
ber of legs attachei. to the hideous beast.- -
Its' color Was a dull brown,mottled over
with dark epees. Two r °anshining black
eyes were in Its forehead, said two supple
horn, each resembling an enormous whip,
likewise came out of bis head. this I
noticed in cine glance. A nu • terror
. t
seized me, and involuntarily' I moved for the
outlet from the ship. Bet, as if knowing
whit I intended,this brute, looking straight
at me with its frightful, -motionless eyes,
walked or rather crawled: directly toward
me. I hurried in the hope of being able to
seize the hanging hook, now my only means
of signalling the skiff, but di had hardly pat
my twit upon a gray outside when two
writhing hope of the detestable monster
were twining. about me and again untwin-
ing. -Then he would toech me With these
and sweep them up and !own as if :feeling -
what kind of prey was. • itite, •
nothing•that could iripare the most delicate. him now and then in his editorial work, I
.eyeterei. They act, .directly On the \dare say ?
SUpplying its • life-giving "Oh. yes," answered the brisklittle wife
tiese by assisting it to absorb 'city- of the -editorial. Man, -hiding liertstrawleerry
SUZ mciimio. pis
" • • - = - •
A !tinny- Little Happening at a Theatre
Mork State.
At the Lyceum Theatrellast night t
_gentlemen. sat in the front', row next to t
orchestra.: Directly behind them sat a gen,
tlemen and his wife. A few moments be
the curtain Went up one of the gentle-
nien `in, the front row put his arm on the
backof his companion's seat. While talk-
ing to his friend he felt a . slight pinch on.
the arm. On looking around he saw that
the lady behind hfatimd turned to lock- up
to the balcony, and in so doing" had placed
her hand on his arm. • Realizing that She
had done so maconsciouely, he did not nuive
his arm. •
Soon, however, he felt
Thinking that the t beat
lad 's attention, to • whit .
a hard piaci!.
wee, to can* the
she was doing
would be to ask if anything was wanted, he
gentleman turned and asked :
"What is it, madam ?it ,
Sir," mid the lady, and inanaediately
hutiband blazed up : ° 1 •
_What do you mean by, speaking to my
wile V' he demanded.
"Don't 'dean 'Anything," was the re14-37,
"but I would like to know what your wife
meana by pinching my
Then both men looked at the lady's hand,
which still rested on the AIM. "Bah Smiled,
became i a little nervous and apologized.
'Ditriug the rest of the performance the
lady kept her hand in her. nanff.---Borhester
:Union'and Advertiser. ..,1 . 1
Aimoim 4100..
@One' of the Taking Novelties- -San
Woman's irootgair.
'gent that -greet - ' eimperterd. of all , signed fiegereendee.her, apron; - "1 edit
' orgentolifern this -Wey the bteridi be nearly all lita inside Matters.. 7'.-COetinfereittl'
mintog "bum. up". ani being supplied with Advertiser.. ,. -• a • -
its laoking eonatituentt, beconies rich and
. ree.,_ iifyurisheii tho vii„lialti• organs, stirati. The Man who Btar.tE1 out to be - ae reformer.
.,bititig Coed/ to acti,iity , in. the _peeformitiice •ilihnlild be well prepared for 1t44 , roads -OKI
, , . . -
,oftheir.furieticiria andthuseliminate disease rough iimathet, • - .-• . s. : - .- - - -
from the sivetieto. - - . .- • An island thirteenmiles long and a.: mile
Dr.-,' Wiliianws! _Pink Pills are 'sold only in wide off the -northwest coedit of '•Ausitralii,
-boxes beering:the firm's trade' mark and has been-sivalloWed UP by the sea and has
. P -
' .
wrapper, ' (peinteelliin. red etik). - Bear in compli*ly disappeared.
.. .„ . • .. _
and, that Dr. Williams
" Pink P4.1*01- are Atinthdted i. then Make . an : encaMpment
: w . .
never sold hi: 'btilk,i- --Or by the 'dozen but .it ..-takes a :woman- to make a home.. -4
o'hundred; and :any --dealer who offers oh- . - * - - •
. _ . . . - ,. • , : . 111484 -Proverb.
•`.."•'IPSP1,tplita _ -
• "-HOW are You finding bus nes% doctee'e?
was asked of a'physioian.
.".. Capital,".he repliedj.
att.endlo." , • • . I
: "I didn't anderafencl. -t at
innok Mines about."... • I-
No 'there isn't. -Butwe physicians do
, .
not depend ..upon eicknese for our income.
zio;'nuist of our Money is made from
VO all I 'Call
• •there was
$vening:slippers in patient leather or kid
'the coior of the gown e)iesr -are Worn with.
fasten over the inetep with e strap and tiny
beekiestof silver. gold or rhinestones.
Lowshoes of liver -gray_ and suede brown
-kid,' with stockings of the game shade, are
tobe worn for Afternoons. Black 'kids and
patent leather low -shoes are also to he worn
with black stockings. .
weather; doetgola kid 0100 with
fo,Xinge and tips of soft calfelthe, are 'to be
The soles should be think and pliable
-and the heels "common sensed' •
Fier calling and -similar occasions, fine kid
shoesdn-black, with straight foxing and tips
of 'patent leather, pointed pitoedilly toes
and 'English Incite, are to be memo. I.
Some of the new walking alums are laced.
" ney -hand:I held a erowbarelwhiehil -
used to loosen the cargo. In 'my belt- I .
parried a heavy .sheath -knife. These were
my only:weapon.s. Suddenlyandwithoat .
warning the monster threw out one of its
arms and seized. -nie below the Shoulder; I
felt as if my bones were being -.crushed. The
more I resisted .the *ore- terrible Weil the
Ietill had the crowbar in thy right
hand, but it was of no eine to me, So .I let
it drop.' The monster's *Arai terminated in
a claw, which opened and shut convulsively.
This horrible mouth -shaped thing had" two
rows of shining white teeth, as ,seen often.
on the inside- of the two fingers of a lob- '
ster's claw. Several Of these were piercing
my arm almost to the bone. Some _distance,
above the mciuth-like hand I observed a •
joint, and then- I drew my: knife. • . But,
alas The heavy shell -so overlapped the
fleshy tisiee that 1 _could. not injure my
captor. -
"For the first time I saw those terrifying
eyes moveeand turn upon .tae. The whip-
like arm.s again began to move and curl 7 .
about my body. His head was now only
about a %foot distant from my body, and
drawing my knife once more I plunged it
into the. eye near 'me turning the blade .
round and round. ea* that I had de-
stroyed theteye; for an inky fluid homed -oub.
of the' socket, . darkening the --water about.
his head. This checked the aggressive
movements. of the animal, but it did not
.seeindto hurt it. I waited until Its head
tutnede so I Opposed, that) he Might be
able to 'see his prey with his other eye.
"This was whet 'I -wanted, and with a
swift thrust I sent my knife ;into his other '
eye .down bo the hilt. The creature reeled
and the grip. on my Arm slightly 'relaxed, •
but though totally blind my captor did not
release - - . `` •
.." The agony of my arm eotm grew* un-
bearable. Then the light went out of my
eyes and I remembered liothing more. .
"When I recovered My genses X was in
the skiff eand learned how the -7 divers
alirnied at my long silence below, Ito come
down. They Saw my plight, and after a
time succeeded in leveringmy arm from the -
body of the fish which they both declared •
wee tbeiawful deep sea lobSters'i
.people ;wlio have. nothpig,the matter With_
theme' • - I
-1 The People Aneient Yucatan*-
, -
• Although the language and history of the
ancient people of Yucatan have been lost to
the world, they have left behind then), monu-
ments by which it • is s not difficult. to
determine the fact' that in mane: reispeots
like wraecree 4:Iacitiw.,..ar;' ."
. ,
ctohuonstuocrlit naemradical echane.
willg en. a t uNr setwys
be thcititors who have been kept busy
the li.. - , .,- -
ing ittlng the truth in the interest of
stone, tty to establish their claim for
Bp op, will not like it. 'Party heelers
..fgy inlerest themselves in politics, and
instead- of buttoned.- The -toes are r -ti teen,
hose business it is to run l'QUnd the
and rounded. . • ic,ketary, iv
RUESOt and canvas shoed. hi el country corrupting the -electors, Would
) ig ,
popular as ever - wherever std, -white find their occupation entirely gone.
Make their coleys desirableen. b' The taxpayers are the only. ones who •
fact that they make a waYY • Gibson. .
abeetettwice theit natvvii; P.W.o. D. Mrs willen ce:se a change.
d *" . '
---7---, --ii ; executive coin- There
. . • • .
is considerably more truth
liiot, (Wine:Lamy, 'than poetry in this. If -members of
Little indivicbe ,
(Whitechurch), F. Pezlia,ment were not'looking for futilre
long. acconipanitill
making 12 of its Ierlioro), F. G. Frost, personal, favors' for the niost part, theft'
noloncer suitalict. Dowling (RarriSOn) public life wbuld be much. inore 'hide-
474ble service, el . • • .. i' pendia., Not -tilitt ;ive , blame those, ,
egetables are tt":"
who, under the. system in . vogue have
atuthiktuthev.gat is *i CO, HUM331 :
accepted the offices within their reach,
intoey. alsomewhatarregpe passed
no . se. seahdi zaperer:ii 1.: e
, i .
but, thewholeevil system should . be
d of your agent,- done away with. The position of our
u1).1", -ie the 'very baitpublic school teachers is more impter-
813t9inaethmhelpingPwr I vt with either hu- imi.Pl a i r, Arc e cut about 50. tant .and more arduous .', than . that of -
*hether:::7,tsts.eekno.tter is
bah of which han..u•tind if never missed most of the' officials -yet by a -system. Of
iplesal and l'ilyiny faalt of the,knotter -public Competition, under proper safe -
whether It gu• .arls,-: we. have an aini efficio. nthandl -ecoDno-
willietitiltdit• addjust it. It draws lighter fenders of patronage eay that our best .
any boy can under- mica service in a our - ec oo s. e-
s oleitny 'other binder I have seen, as men can -make much more money in
drive wheel- is .0, good Size. The private life and that if yie want 'the
ii frar.ne is -strong, and there are les best service in public offic-iis - W,e ' MUSt
is and pieces in it than any I. have pa); salaries in some proportion to . the
- incomes .earned elwvh*=re. But it .
does not -take a.,man. of gi,nius to fill
an office, it is a question only • of
efficiency, and everyone knows capable
men can. be found to etrve at very.
reasonable salaritee •
With comphinents.
Servant (delivering inessage)-Mr. Trip-
lett sends his complithentsito Me. -Gazzarn,
-with the. request that "hei shoot his dog, -
which is a nuisance in the neighborhood.,
Ga.zeam-Give' Mr. Gazzam's
to Mr: Trirtletil and ta:d.r_ him to kind;:rat
poison his daughter or burn up her pianof -
thartouerh 61'iwetahwit_hOthegrain is, and go ritiht
uc'jchchoking. ,•
It.is sadly
The e te t diving feiti elver acY/ adjusted . to suit different length ef
gr a , .
-Horn, wrecked off the oast of .0w
rAmerica, when a diverina ed ootely
compihnentieen.; lean start early in the -morning no
was in moving the cargo- of the flip Ye grain. I' believe ijt to be the best
• . . f
machine in the market, and v-vould
ise intending purchasers' to buy.ia
xon and show their.appreciation
a thoroughly reliable and indepenil-
implement firm like ..the Noxo:n
seven descents:to A depth I of 201
.. Oth
.. _
. . . . .
maining at one time 42 minutes -ri-
water. - An authority. I itati,..(
greatest depth t�:whicha_ .iniv
known to descend does -not exCe%
which -is equivalent to a:pi sieJnsts
, , 1 -
pounds per square *ha ,
. i
Bros.7---T4OMAS- SANDERS. -
• 7---A Huron county fa,riner was last ,
weeked docked $6 per head for stuffing
his cattle with wat.:r before delivering