HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-06-16, Page 4' I - '11 L. If g• t ., . „ 11-4. Ott? 4.*k.rissTWIretig*412,4M1442-'-` -: ;-;-versmistergvubw ---.40.12; 1 ,••••••••44.4 4 4.44444 44...44.. .4 4 4.47 .44-.444 .. ,.- 4 _ itf. of in vise( i 0 ties* Aft! -sr- t h a, in-iss -sias-i. s• - • .i.'4.4"-"-v„"N f.,•:--,,,^4:terwevk.:44*44.42talt.' rr24*.' r. • s • • • '71(s6-'411tigitTsP4) 1tallti a- Wep-fi,lled table was sp.read.at • - • all present seemed to- enjoy -themselves', • • - , ttFt:!IBFR_TtY , . EL _.:‘..acp...i.1-51N.o. -To nim".-DicTATE4 ..C,Ro0,-stiscsrs.NcE 413017K , . - - for some time. Tea beina e id e d t1 le I csi,sple _started 'for I.sscici-rsivs c.tch the e,sening train for a wedding 4 t ip. We wish them every. happiness and -when. we express . our Own we are sifts we express the wis.h a ish, o a TACk1.10'W t 3... 1Cla h 93 w, c ors the bride and groom are a - -30i% • , ..2__Ht - A . ..•-.... - -:.- ':•,,,quai.isted. -•- - • - - - 1 - . _., . • • ,.. . .s- s --------1,-. _. -. - .i -:- - -• - -------ff---- Mr. Alex - Stebee, of Seaforth, paid -- _ . _ . -filIBERAL- CONr.P;NTIO.-47. . . a short visit to 0-1.c,friepd. .hot:p. pr.ii.. ,• . . i "1 • . - ' a " ' i Monday last. 34 . .. - -the-Liberal Oari-Vention which - - - - -- • - --- - - -- - ;* - ti t OttaW-ion. .. . . - _......... •... , . . . . inee a. 4 1. - ASHFXELD COUNCIL -- - -- ;1-... glipee,§g in :point of attendance is L - • - - -,-; . „ _ asstiW. - A. full representation 'of all Connell metJon .Sitiurd#34aY 27th7 s. -,s.474.1$ Elbe: pi' 'v ould bring the -members-all-pre-sent.- Minuteof pre flunber of --regular- delegates t‘;3 Tian s - meeting read ' And..„Eippl'ofed: -* tweri4 huriare.d.‘, _ _ some: of _a_. e differ... The . treasurer's statement was . read . . • ShoWitig 4 balance on hancl-:-Of : $1273, - --- eat' e°12sit*P-646i6S will - Pr°12si‘blY not c., 9. The -Court-of lleviSion.Was- farm- ' send l a fu• ll , delegation, E11t. On' -tario -. ed by the- members taking_ the .usual , * I'll tm--'''''''' ' will .-t--4-1'q4,illit' be fully. lechiration. ... The, only appeals were - ;:p'fr41,,I;eisit-,e'd\' an sf::: tlass.17'0. -,ssil-..i .*:e,- . af-goo--$1., Matthew' T.hack_ elton.' and John 'H .tuinii_ ont from the • Maratime:Pio- 1 181-16ugh- ---- Al -i'-'' - Sila. 4eltvirt'‘ E's'''4's , I ' insrns. - There Will '*-probably be :.?.3t ent was - :reduced • .$100.00.- . -.Mr. leasi4a thousand regniar delegates -j I /lion& -did, not appear --The-Court- atteadan-pe and- this slumber will be , ...losOd aftet ':- aCcepting. , -the: roll - as. - , swelllud five - ,.'sus'.. --as..- A more by - the ssi_iendecl-.. The follbsving-clieTies were , . • . , _ .__ altel,Inate- S: - A'ssendance is not every- s. sued ' D- Sullivan .salary :as -assessor.. 'of course ; but the convention -';80,- Pr; McKay for examining Xis. . • , williialsp_be -kgathering' of .01e; 'shell.- 1\leLein indigent insane -1361.86/3-- ?5, _ ---Tht-1::(11rag. net of the county. bbn-vens A Culbert -for. use of scraper 50 Cents,: g '- -11. miss but few of f the men. . j-- -a.ni. es;$°46;_r..11.jeoliili;:isr)culat-ctikirireipc.° ra,:s'.1-Ida.crroi.isi:2: :-n tb...,-. district are Illeaders _o 1%1' - - of ridge _ '7' .- 2 $1, W Finlayson. rep. 'culvert A.x...1 . 1 r 1,15. To gin wth; the exoffiaio . g • 44' mewl:lent of the convention . will , in- and -.13 --P*81-'50i. -*Geo •-• Westbrook - rep -- .elissi3e- the Liberal- -members of • -Parlia-- 1)-- lin _ . g_ssi_non- hill 3, A .McIiityre ---r.ep. • isie4t, the defeated candidates at the, histilection, and the -editors --of :the - Libiral rAwspapers. ' -These . Will: be, suppfa-ssiented through the s action - of - - thitcounty conventions - by Many of Ti • - - .' r ': - "--. thsispost prominent Liberals from the I - ' Prd,iiincial Parliament - The. conven- tioti will be-- thp greatest -fsr.flierins-34. - - :its -Jihad ever .held in Canada. • . 1 ' • 21P!!..3.11.1115411111154 - was announced :in the. British- .. night tha,.3. of the five Canadian animals:: sus- , • pec ed - of pleurdspilei-inionia'. only one • - - yiet under .suspocion. ::ThelAngs of • I 4 ths'other four passed -every teat. A • prs;tirient. Montreal _cattledeal4r, is • • ,advisedlby:eable to look- for the. -rem°- .!:3 Val-lof the embargo_ about the first . of July. - . t•.- • ait,RFIEL.1): - - . • Ruttal preached at Zion last Sutiday in a very ,acceptabfe manner Mr& COX - and Mrs. Pennington, sistrs of Mrs. J. E. Andrew from 1‘1hitoba: are visiting .friends . in this l'fr. W. Wilson of West Wawatiosh, •to ; a. valuable horse • last --week by• ace pc• letit. • 1'4'17:Bower is turning out some first _ dais shingles. Any person - that wa'ats anvthing in that line Would do waql to call upon him. . he weather is all that could poi iibly be desired. The growth is- reriarkable. - LANES; • lie- prospect s for ass abundant - hay ori ii are all. that Could be desired -;- prospects are *very limited in ° - The annual turnout Of statute labor - 34, . erci. just • cotandencing, -are happto state- that' W_ _ . • - is: improving in. :health, . He . e us a friendlrcall on,Mcnday last eillvert s.- r.i 2 & 13 '-$5; John: kobb •: rep culvert onboundairy 4s by :Huron $1, A-MeAlister :Work on •gravel.road $1, W -Shackelt-on-drain: Sr 3 & 4con: 6 R. D. $2,, S .Roach breadto Mr iii 1I Ourrio W O'Neil -8-14 60; =P.' J -Austin- goods to Mrs..; Griffin -$8-.55i M -Austiri. repbridge at Kintail 50c C easkie-reis. culvert con -2 $2; A. McD„inald rep. .approach to bridge s.1-;-Is5.&) 16 $5.,- John -Jamieson rep culvertcon 1.2: lot 1 $1.50; *las, Dren- nan culvert s r. 3 & 4 cor .10- also fillmg on n:544 lot 5 -E.'ID $2 75, Thos Ford shovelling gravel $3, John Kil- patenick rep._ culvert s r 6 & 7 con, E 13.• $12,- Samuel Burk drain:sand cut-- .-. s- - -vert con 7 W; D. $8.50Thos•Lannan_ rep fence damaged at gravel 4 4 and: iep,..ctilvert 50; Dr. Cassidy for examining. Mrs:- 'MeLean and Miss Reid indigent insane': persons 9, Jno Farrish for committing .Mrs.: McLean - and .Miss Reid-to.jail also Mileage 04, iTno. -.Farrish rep. snow -fence s. $2.08,-.Jer Dalton plank $53:1. Jas. _ paltOn-:*for hitrying a.. pair - f shotsea $4, J. -Dalton pipe ..acrosiroad con 9, W.:D.- $1.50, R E Lane rep -1.!: 3 & 4 con: 11 W. D..1%.. charity $12,- Jacob Reed load of gravel and opening drtaiii-: .$1.-50, -Mrs. ,:34cRae charity .--$10,'77-11 'Chambers , -taking. Missi Reid to Goderich $5, J'Griffiri.W Stothers Harrison W Kilpatrick for services on Board Of Health-. each' -$4; •Burke balanceon gravel S;r. 9 and 10 con 12 $3;.Jno., Martin .for ravel.. $4.50, - • James Bqan.. for printi g part :pay. .• . - On Motion of Chabibers and,Parrish , . the Couneil adjourned, to, meet on -the 24th of June; ' -•- e season 7105.. Liss Law • 01111161•1110111111111=114 ". • It.., . . - • -40.1 and .'*.p.= the keeping po;oe adding eekly: the needed • r; oti.stomers. v61:1 always &id on Teeher -best to:.,1::pplyi _their wants In t ipis artment:.± ,•-•.: • : ave ools a • oats in Nvell a out st pattern in Hemps, Unions. All estry, all marked at close price. -;-7,3„ . • - f • 1 -4 1 ... , Worsted are tak 0..t1/Ose:$6.:;00 uitS. For Boys I DrlweI1,4:s8ottedf,--., . • - • • • • a • isasimmorawszetas.4 • 4 g Hard vy are - - - W. STOTHEits, Clerk. • -• ' An Excuse For Dunning' The Editor of the Orangeville' Post puts it very °plainly this way: "We suppose, many people think neWspe.pr men are Persistent :duimers.. - By 'Fay of. comparison - us -suppose, that a 'farmer - rases '1,000 bushels of _wheat a ear and he sells: wtieri on his war to Visit friends in=thi flUt to 1,000 ptIson$ in all parts Eat- Wwaosh.: iVh% R Fraser .34‘Qmpani434 him on the trip Ur.: G. S: Roberston -gave us a call •is gsr e..day this week. - - •_ Mr. Melvin, Theswater, has been ViAiting friends in this locality during thile past few day s- - • ,- 'union picnic will be held on iday The different 'schools, wll diet in -Kintait or theday's sports Rev; --.Dr .A.nclerion, of Wasp*, *l1 preach here -on Sabbath - next at D. - • - . .* --;:iMrs John Quinn accompanied- by iss Mary Quinn started for 'ColOradO '1!is - wek.- We 's-isla them a plasant. -aiid-safejburney. -very -- pleasant 0 -.affair took Idabe: Wdnesday-of last week at the resi- dqaice of Mr. -Alex. McLean when the. single blissedness ef two of our nsiOst re- spected citizens terminated in the Marti- aje of RocletickCampbellaficl Miss Mary. - _ IV,icIsais, eldest daughter of Mr. .Alex. • 1V:cLean, all o A8hfield Mr 3, acted best- man while lm. Lilly McLein stipporteds the - -Rev.: J. Rose: performed the 3. .• cistemony in the presence f' a number I of the contry, a great portion of them saying "I Will hand you the dollar in a short time" The farmer doesn't want tobesmall, and says, all right Soon his thousand bushels of gram are gone, but he has little to show for it, and he then realizes that he has fritter- ed away the whole wheat crop, and that its value t ) him is due in a thous- and little driblets, consequently hi serious') embarrassed in bis business because his debtors,. each only $1, treat it as a small matter, and think it would not help much. Continue this kind of blisineas year in and year but, as the publisher does„ and how long would he or could he 'Stand iti A -moment's thought will rorivinee any one that a publisher has cause for his ersistent dunning. ••• . 2 —The following -unique tnarriage notice receMtly .appeared an Ohio paper. wm. , Jones, Of Malta township, aged eighty-three, passed. peacefully away on Tuesday last from single blessedness to matrimonial bliss after -a 'short but sudden attack of Alice Blossom, a blooming idow--, of thiry-fie." - - • 4,1 • 41 _ • , • . 01 - • -Notesome ofT. 11, Tre-. - • - . . leavvens._ Offers for t1L0.- next • ' thirty Now tha1 house. cleaning at- hand and • y911..:.*aut to make you hdue 1 and home attractive an b9au- tiful, call see he 'five* nice frameswe will fitoroli. up: • - - -ready, to hang:cin.--•the wall for. only $ 1.00, AIgo:tett extext thirty days T*Pili:gie fto- each and eVeryone havrng dozen oabii.tes a -beautiful 0. to and .frame free.:.- • 4 . - F-RAMESi FRA FRAMESLJ Frorii.:20 Oa :up 06largestkinci. aeleactstoek-ioltdwor! have also on hanc•• lrge. stock Of fi00::: inottlainc78- for Making.' oddszes. • • • 6,u4-..inSpeCt-bofot chasing elsewhere, SALESMEH E. 910 REPRESENT IN,THE SALE OF A .1..-. choiceline of Hard Canadian Grown Stock. Experience not. necessaryi We wsnt. real workers and to allisuch we offer a per-- .33 manent . situation at a good i i come with-. chance' of advancement. As 'W 2 now have over 700 sera under Cultivation e can give our statesmen many superior advantages. We altio 'desireto secure a goodinian . ii your district to sell the Rotary Sprayf Pump, for which we have the general Weil y. This is something new andindesPensible o the farmer or fruit grower, - - 3.. • . i - r - •- i - Send for terms and tt;stimenialcalif . - - ST0Np & WELLINKON. Nren• . UriOimi. . 7:, • . : . . • - . • ',. T Nato, 0 • . - • • •.‘" atz".." t"' "•: • " s Trimmed Untrimmed ress Lengths aces Silks Edgings, andkerchief , .id many otner tnings too . - numerous to mention at now completed and it is • safe to say that we never before 1.15S. had such Ta range of beautiful What.''..appears- to most. ineia to bea: needless amount lof uproai, confusion and. di9- larrogement at this ea -son -of the. ear,anses from the de- sire- the fair . sex to clean, tidy andbeautity the hoUse. The yesaalt worth the worr . this. conliectibil Yen- turt- the stateme,a,that !loth - mg ca -1i -e. such a:Veasing land beiaivirt4r- tr-pfeiorma- . iOn au). iyomp little 6.ust till papQr.. OffierS.f4r:tht-! :.,51pribg'trtit*are papers the . reach of A. moderate „Pocket book. • If rill Want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on Ladies are welcome. Scientific: Amer can Agency for Dr.14en?zant's#.0§7,ce, ' . ; LUCKNOW,:-ONT I'1.---- itch on ImItiati- anbd ,-,all anims,li 11 tiredin 30 -minutes Vi'oolford's Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by A.B. Congr w, Druggist • CAVATS... • - TRADE . MARKS, - DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIONITSf etas .Forinformattoa and free Handbook write to 111ThiN & Co., 861 BROADWAY, DIEw Youif. Oldest bureau tor securing patents In Americ. Zyery patent taken out by ue is brought before the pubuo by a notice given free of parse twee boost cremation of any setenttfie ever nt sae - wost. Splendidly illustrated. No inielligent man should- be without it. Weekly,_ 3.90 eer; SUS all months.• Address MUN CO atia Nroviiwah Zit* TOL OW. :4 • . , • 6 :ea w • 41. • 41,, a , L, •, 41 „ 4.4 ▪ . •