HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-26, Page 8e LucknQw Sentinel Bruce CoUnty, rida
We are no:* in .a better
osition titan ever to rueet
the wants of our customers
in ,this lineOur- stock- is
much larger, and d-ontains:
'Taken to the Asylum :
Fornearly a year past Mr. Armour
1V1c3flaixas, of this village, has been de-
ranged in his. mind and as he was get-
ting storseit was found necessary to
send . him to the -Asylum. He - was
taken to London on Tuesday morning
last 1). -sr Constable McLeod and 'Mr.
Malcolm 'Campbell, jr. on certificates
from Drs.- A. G. Elliott and.J. S. Ten-
nant. _
To Shorten the holidays.
O'Conhor introduced a bill into 1
-more: - y.aretieS, and: better
value than any we have show
tbe-:Legislature to empower the trus-
tees in rural school sections, by a
unanimous vote at af Meeting called for
the purpose, to . reduce the term of
summer holidays byi- two weeks. In
many school section's it. is impossible
for children to attend school regularly
during the winter, ancl the_object was
ha e- children s snits t° make g9od the -time. The
-from 61135 up. 144x1ra
s - bill however wits t IroWn out -
_ "Slipped Off _
.• ,
in bov's youth's- , an:d_ - -
While repairing the arge. -smoke
s . . . .
inelis from.b-1.00 up. -Shod.- stack on the Waterworks engine house
on Saturday last itkslipped off its-bea
you w;11, say No they are i
in„s's and the; -loWert end of -the pipe slid
not shoddy, and will give you about twentyfeetfrom the foundation,
• • • s -v -11 but fortunately the heavy wire• guys
genuine SaliStaetiOns ssa
• prevented the stacks froth falling to the
and- see waa.t- we are _offering sTound or it would. he SMashed to
• -- back -into place and the work was
_ •
owing 'ybii through; .not completed till Sunday morning.
e .have also a fin e il'ange Beautiful Trees
b - wee s boast -of a finer lot of handsome shade
.14.43cAL Gpras,
-iudiatt voi sentinel waders.
. •
-.West Bruce ;Reform - A.Ssnciation
will Meet in Kincardine on June 9111, •
. .• • . .
-islets a Sregular tornado on
Tuesday last for -.-a . few hours.-•
-Mr.• -Fred i•Daviscin, ofTListowel,
is visiting friend's in the village, .
Mr..FranisShOelscittoM,-of. Kiasars
_ _
dine, Spent the 24th in Lucknow. s
. . . .
.:spent a-coussle of days in- Toronto.- this
. • _ _ .
-Mr Wm Grundy, Of Kincardine r
spent the: -.24th .with• friends . in thZ.
Village. .
and we will 'take 'pleasure in pieces.difficult task to get
Few villages in thel• province can
f T d Worsteds for
..A. couple of Italians with harp
and fiddle visited this place on Satur-
day last.
r. John AMR was married to
Mrs s B. Allin, of Ashtle13, on Thurs-
ay of last week.
. -sMr. Rus.
itt Lticknow.
London to -day
ing few day
!The rem
Anderson, of
thrOugh here
-suitings. and pautings Which trees- ori. its streets LissA -• on . ptivate:.
-season :of• the y. ear the beautiful green-
• •• - • grotinds, -than tiSelsnOw can anttat this:
are great value.
Try us for these lines. foliage greaitely adds to the appearance
• • -
of the place. _There- is nothing that
. helps. the look of a place like nice trees
- .
and we are -glad; to see that several
more .- have . been planted out this
tAMERO M111100Cil
.1.001-10W POST -OFFICE.
S a. 7
• -MAnts Assi;-E.
& B. South
H,_& B. "....'sorth
• Kinlough.
te 13, -...Corth
Goderich _
; intermediate points
L. H. & North
tV, G, & ,South
L & B.,- South f
. &-33. South
G.tt -B,North
• aolyroed -
1U-1116s:it .
0:13 a. m. Daiiy
120 p. m. •!-
10.30 pr. m, "
Tuesdays and
-3 00 p, m, -Fridays
9.-30_P• ra•
3•20,p. -w;
• .
. d • • .
A splendid programme was gi
. .
at the ]$dworth Leas,fue meeting
Monday slight last.
=Mr. Steel Murdoch; of London,
spent a few days with friends. in the
village week_
Mra. 0-eorgee. 'Kerr, of Drunabo
letchecipent thei 24th
Murdoch. returned to
(Thursday) after spend-
friendS in the
" •
" ••4,-•
Fall Wheat, Or bushel
Oats -
Butter, per lb.. .rolls-.14,_tub .15 to 1.6
ins of. Mrs Margaret Margaret . ' bn • .
City,. were taken Eggs, Per °°2, t • . • t
•u Monday last to Hay per ton $6 to .700
Flour per • .11.75 to $2. 5.
- D.ried applest‘g s 4 to..04:45.
The town. f Essex has instructed moo* -!‘
•the Chief o $4. Police to enforce the Lard _
- !
and formerly of Lucknow, is visiting
friends in the village. •
John S. McDonald, of Ripley,
ex -Warden of the county, gave- us a
Hard to please
°A newspaper in a neighboring town
spoke of two- men in different parties
meeting on the same platform, as "the
II, lion and the' Iamb lying, down together."
And now the party spoken of as the
lamb.says he has been belittled and
stops his _paper.. It is: another illu-
stration -of she oia.sa.ying that "If an
editor does not ,scratch every reader's
back just exactly in the way he wants
it scratched" that man gets mad and
. _
takes his name off the.list.
Why Picnics Are So Called
-1401 Conference -. .
'the - tenth _session of the . GuelPh.
Conferenae Will be 'held in :.,lie Scrope,
. ._ .
Street - . sT'Slethodist , church, , • Owen
Sonnsl, cs.namencing on Fridak, June
2nd at (.., assn. -
• s - s
Dairying for Prolif--.
-We:haise received aicOpy of. -a -neat-
work enttiled ."' Dairying for profit or.
the Poor man's cow,' - by Mrs. -E., M. -
Jones; '- a Brockville. The book. is
presented with.the conaplimentslof the
Canadian Life - Assurance Compahy
and is. issued fres --to. representative
farmer and those interested in :dairy-
ing by Mr., John Murchison, local
representative 'Of': the above 'named
lie* Tait6r Shop .
-Robers _McN bb, has cleoiclocl to.
Open a tsilor slap - in Isucknow in . the `
building west of ii-. Proctor's; harness
_Shop in7the second.-week.in June He
will talsss_in-- for partner, ,Mr," Wm.
Dincan, of Embro. Mr. .Duncan -has'
had years of -experience.. in the best_
- cities in the -U. S. and Canada and has
.been- through one of the best . cutting
schools -on the continent, SC! goodwork
May be expected:
-.Eieryboky knows. what a picnic is,
but most folks would find it. hard to,
say how it got the.: name, and -yet it is
simple enough when you come to learn
it.. When a picnic was being akranged
for, the ctistoni origninally- was that
those who intended to be present
pleasant call on- Tuesday.
--The- *Misses Berry,. of Ingersoll,
are the guests of their uncle, Mr. G.
W. Berry Of this villa -e
• ?. g '
--The party who borrowed -a Jack-
screw from James Findlitter last fall is
requested to return it at oness.
"curfeNV by- asirs in. that 'town. e
by la*. enacts that all . children masts
be incloOrs by 8 o'clock every evening,
Unless accb panied by a guardian or
parnt... -
, At -municipal elections next
. -
•Januari, a_ vote will take place, on the
prohibition plebiscite,. in 'Ontario. All -
those whose names appear on the mun-
icipal and local - lagislature lists. can
vote.. .Thisificludes Widows - and un-
mastried . wonf!en,
• 4-A littleiteist in a newspaper may
the; paper for life, but it won't stop him
i - 1
sonietimes mlirkei a man an enemy to-
IrOM readin4 it. It Merely*. changes
him from a ubscriber to a borrower.
• 1 •
i - • 1
Every .publi ,her can reeall -the nameS
of 4itizens ho come under.this head.
. , . • ..
, Intending visitors to the World's'
Mrs. D. 'Collins and Hob and
'Sadie Collins, of Kincargine, spent
the 24th with friesds in the village.
- should. supply •the _eatables and _drink-
abless. A list Of. • those - tedessitieS
having been drawn 'sip, it was passed
around; and_ each person -pickedl out
the article of food or drink that he, or
she .s -Tai willing to •furnish, and the
name of the article was -nicked or tick-
-ed off the list. 1 ;•The open-air entertain -
_merit thus became-ltnow-n. - "pick -and -
nick." The custom is .said to have
dated from 1802, so .that the picnic' is
'wholly an institution of the•nlneteentli9
Now that the skies h.ave- had
their spring housecleaning, its about
time to leolt for- .sunshiny wether --
new gravel sidewalk. is being
built on " the east . side of Havelock
street in pla:ce.of the ssld plank- walk.
• . •
Fair -should
making -frie
On the way,
nester W ere
on the trai
-the; present
-The ev David Rogers, of • Dun- -
gannOni •preached the .aminal; ,Stuiday.
School- sermons s in • " ,the Methodist
Church here on Sunday -laSt-Wo. :
Od for. sale -All kinds of WOod
fot. sale -short, long,.soft or hard wood
111 any spianttty. ..cosders- attended --tO•
at au.ibtR,
. Parties "--• wha entered the
Temperance Ball on Tuesday night of
• • .
'last week. and 'took therefrom a ---basket
hadbetter.return:the same as they are.
Well knOwn At 4 ,1ibe prosecuted.
e ho
at Confede
ad Mirably.
e very particu ar fi ou
ds .with other- passengers
las it is stated that there
on3me.any sharpers travelling
going into Chicago, as at
e rule ?secured • by Ontario
atipsi, through Our Local
has worked :On. the . whole
But it has some defects,
sa s e It Reformer.f
: One O.
worst _ of Ithese is, the .tendency
.giVie certain ,psdessions and callings
Pork; per cwt.
' 67c.. ; white, 68c.
F1our-0.70 to
Barley -&7°. toe, 38
Oats -33c.
Peas -SSC
Dressed Hogs -$8. 25' to 8.50'
Potatoesteady at 82e. to Oc.
utter i5c to 18c
Eggs -7-11e. •
. • .
• You can get buggies at Hildred
Bros. for leis money than any other
; place. in Lticknow. _ We have marked
Our prices lower than ever. Every
rig warranted.- 'Call and .see us and
, get prices.
special pri jilegeS at the- expense ot the
-Masses of be peOple. - • Every session
theists__ are : bill ._ brought in . of this
character.' .The lawyers - and doctors
IhaVe --bees successful- sinners in. .this
.way, andb
inceurased- -by the -success
ot others,
ven eotiansroakers. rush to
the Legisl ture wanting power to make
rules to -keep others- snit „ Of 'thei. • bus-
inss and keep those th0ft- :ain. The
Government hss.allowed•too much .isf'
- s. .
• this logislation. and It is time that Sir.
OI er ROI his foot. down flat against
it. The pharmacy- bill of this Session
is a casein point. „ss.The tronble.:with
the -Legislkttire is; that the members do
wit . granii all 1 demands made by the-
. . .
.1 , .
cli,isfies; - but that -in- Order _ to - make
tlSings!plelasan", they generally agree.
-to some weak' comprise, which is after-
w.rds used to bolster tip class interest
- againit the public. It is tithe all
• 1 - - -.
ch. Clas Legislation Would be stop -
d„ -and, that members should display
little more back bone in resisting
ese insi'didus efforts- at Class auSan.-
. - tl- .- ' . . *r7.':
zemen . . ,
Sabbath School Danvention .•
. The Union. Sabbath S. Convention
forthe township of Kinloss, which was
held in the Methodist church, Luck -
now, on Thursday, May 18th, - was One .
of profit and interest to all present.
Those invited to take part did so
cheerfully, The discussions- of the
afternoon were introduced by Messrs..
D. Agnew, E. -McKenzie and: R. D.'
Cameson, and -were of Snell a charat-,
ter. as to brinout Many practical-
. . . _ _ • •
and suggestive "thoughts . for - Sabbath
School workers. We regret there were
not more ...present in the evening to.
-receive the _very hearty and cordial
address of welcome • given by Rev.
Mr. Mills, -as well . as the very able
arid forcible addresses by Revs. Cook
of Ripley, and Geddes of Whitechurch.
As they both dwelt largely Oen the
importanceof early educating the
youth both in ' moral and religious
principles. There was a . motion
passed and carried to the effect that
we invite the three adjoining toWn-
ships ,viz : Ashfield, Huron and Wawa -
nosh to unite_ with us nextyear and
we hope a much .greater interest_ will
be shown in this important wbric by a
very -much 'larger. attendance. -Com.
- • _
Canadian Farmers' Sun, the
-official organ Of the Patrons of Ind -us -
The Sun Cholera Mixture
'Fa more than fortyyearswhat is..
known "The Sim cholera medicine»
has stood the fest of experience as the
best.remedy for looseness of the bowels
ever yet- devised. . As once *inched
for byllie New York Journal of Coins
- meree,' -"no one who has this by ..him
andstakes timei,will ever have dia._
eholera."- Even When no chOlera is
anticipated. it is an excellent thing for
ordinary summer complaint, colic,
dfarrhoea, dysentry, etc.; and we have
no hesitation in=commending it. Here -
- it is -;-.Take equal parts of tincture of
eayenhe, 'tincture of opium, tincture of
rhubar), essence of peppermint and
spirits of camphor. Dose, %fifteen to
thirty dropi in a wineglass of Water,
according- to age arid violence. of the.
- attack.2,, Repeat every fifteen or twen-
ty tair..1.1tecit tviria.4 N 4410...ter.el
-A remarkable ring wass_ observed
around the sun •-at noon on -.1VIonday.
It was is beautiful- corona,' With ;all
the -colors .. of the rainbow fully
brought out. The.. unusual spectacle.
was- 'witnessed by many citizens.
Note Some. of. T. I. .Tres --
leavens offers for -,the next --r-
thirty days. - Now that
Season is at hand and
you wart to make your house
and ho e attractive and. beau-
tifui jusi call land see the five
-nice frames we will fi.t you up,
ready t� hang on tho wall for
only $1.00, Also for the next
thirty days .1 will give to each
and evclyy one -having a dozen
cabinets a oeautiful photo and
-frame free.
Froii 20 cent up to
the largest land most beauti-
1 selected stock in town.
have 41so on hand a large
stock of fine mouldings or
making odd sizes.
Call and inspect before pur-
chasing elsewhere.
The God.eridls. Star is now printed
from type set by the wonderful typo-
graphy and looks exceeclinly well.
The Star is the first office in this'
section of the Province to •use type
'Setting ,snachipe. It is a simple yet
marvelous piece:Of machinery. -
The Baptists -have withdrawn
try of Ontario and Quebec, has now a
circulation of 28,000. The issue of
Mai the 16th contains a couple of
careful written articles on the trading
methods of this Patrons. The paper
will be sent to subscribers for the
balance of this year for 25 cents. It
is published by the Sun Publishing
oVinotterty. "Undo" °Mario.
their acceptance of the in.vitation to
participate in the religious Congress in
connection with the World's Fair
owing to the decision to keep the Fair
open on Sundays. '
liquidatois of the Federal
Bank state that in- confornity with thtt
act of Parliament authorizing its wind-
ing up, on and after 'shine 7 next the
notes of that bank shall .be valueles.s
and all claims of any nature .against
will be barred. - -
- ' - • • , P
.1 The ..daity: from the
Agricultural College, Guelph, will be-.
-Hurtin -s.county shortly, ancl - will
exhibit dairy lutensilss__ Make: butter,
test Milis1,-and deliver lectures .on the ;
ana,gerbeiat et milk .4.ticr, cream, • the
.feecling eoSk. -Churning, Working
nd packing. of. butter; - -etc., at the
f ploeS : -Myth' .-.Monds.y
At. - reception -tendered lann. by
Oanadian0 at -the World's Pair
day last "Lord Aberdeen. said : that'
_although he had -not yet been sworn
in Governor-General' .of Canada, . the
-presentation Of his name for the Offide
had been approved- by the Queen.
-The International. Christian; "En-
dealiOr .Convention will meet at Mont --
real this, year. The. Convention.i. will
be -in. session -.'five. .days coinniencing
Wednesday evening, - July' -5th, .and
ending Sunday evening, 'July -9th,.
none. of the sessions will be more than
two ho -Urs in length: F.o.rtyfi.ve states,
five territories and eleven province,
also Great Britain Sand Europe, India,
Australia, China, Japan -and-...4friaa-
are to-. be represented; Twent?-five
different - -Evangelical . denominations
will speak from, the same platform.
17000. delegates have signed their. in-
tention- to --be present and #141.-.14,1006111-
modati9n powerofMontreal be
• _tegiteetto utuldsti -
uly. 3r
" Hel
. . •
2 p. ; Carlow, Tuesday,
2 .p. m. • Benmiller, Wed..
u.ly t.'th; p: ; Leebutn,
July- 6th, 2 p. m. Dun -
Friday, July ..7th, 2 p`.m.;
: Monday, . July 10th, p.
. Tuesday, July, llth, 2
The; following invitation is ex-
on the printed bilis: You and
ily arecordiallyinvited to at -
The Aadies -especially are urged
esent it these meetings. Come
ncl samples of your. Milk given by
your cows ---say two...cupfuls-- each ----a
eup.ful of the evening's milk - and; the
same atisouut of morning's milk added
.hereto. .These-liamples will be tested
-to-find out tici3 quantity Of butter fat
in them, - and the results given
to you privately, in • this way you earl
earn whether your cows are Worth
keeping or not. . Co.me 1. and See .the
alscock;Tesper, in orieration; and have
itS`working explained to you. !Make
a special .efOrt. to come. You will
• get hints on butter -making that ;will
be Worth. very Much toyou.
. •
South '-American Rheumatism-- Cure
for. RheumollLs' and Neuralgia:
cally cures hi-lito 3 days. its action
upon iihe System remarkable and
mysterious. It *noires at once the
cause and the .disease inimediately dis-
anaemia. . tie- -first dose - greatly
benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by A.
CQ .
your fa
to bep:
Cheap and a few
and Dolmans
cost. Trimmed goods
• -
at pOces to suit at 1 at
• • • • •
If you want a 'first-class set of teeth
cheaper than the cheapest, call on
Dr: mimeo Office, -