HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-26, Page 7W 7 0 R T -#P MUM mown"" owson ;.6i6ammmomminom Con �14 mom -AWWA ]POIST Zmn�zvlip- ilTo To Suece$-� d VM9 WM V Conyelirt theMICke Rusidn as 846" seled she utip That, comes T66 lkate. OF -;..-.CH1L YES ENOL -;:Je G ND T UNK '--R CIRE DREN'S RA ftbwgo Tub -MR a Wearisome *orld, 011s. world -Of O1lTS,;' -great­ .7 :sor tQ.Lord Te.nDY9GU* man *110 WM its ta�ngles. small and. 7 . -A gOod-looking young 0 atitit- -that ,the honor of of announcelm, e be the .'Earl ltsw -thatsmo brtheripringingfiowon q4� M611 th Tandkerll, ,th eeds -th Last ths -T his ffitheridics, w r And. it,,4: hapless- stri wifh.f ate -of ED and has been tate and s' bei lbet L!WreatA g1 ville. and possess e r-eic Tear 18:9-2.1 h been. rkest day Of As -desolate dgy ng P i o r of largo, eS 1131at the ds -: Irrit jo iVed bffeied to, aphn re'audien in the hall of 0 Ikuskin income, told.& larg Cie Sees the help that combq t. a late. As with, isurpriso an the Yduug* 'Men's at biia& arb cirdle'se -The 'What 1',e c4le 'iguever.sald n jele snot easily d -h I wde for t�fie word th aia dre&:of rb A! h" -.d MOW Brooklyn last niglit al6out ent a i�critidulitv In litbr&XY. sociationin . . % . I & _ ., . OtiO4. W-1 the- ea'r- is, deaf to hear; I . J in has.iieVe een classe eiplainabk. Bush' hrietianity, H-11111 J, AS. W ersion to -C, lame dbes'� ous of fleeing 1&MODg agland'o Poe ho were d6dr d -*,oa fok the I THE. "'i � Me- �Ioua p Ain a�ek to th.e.f �L Of the ringhig shout of ch6er!- E. ts. and Mill' - out . obple w. --Ac6ordi e 'us suc4 in had -1a!Tr16ik--, 1WIM 'Was not vilile id'- E- -TI ng he naries and au Eag lisla lord td feet that tret, CLE&N. dfi e d tv- Ali 1. w4De flot the lagga 6f,th'. :3� -1EM to the rectors! -the to b-6 turneil aw-%Y, XF r&y for. t, 'llear not figur .In the.mouraful WiLke e bier I -bilf . , mlopedim itor" Gisk 161PS11,03 . . . cause the large aud lum Q ic wait be N E ..'of the =0-0 ecem er as b6m in London t - b 31st -18 1-0 'What booteth help When'the heart is n-�mb I �e . , ­�. , - .- . o6ading' D- John �,Rtiexin w date them.. ted New e'D,ra thd 'Christ to accomme I `th6 ail- -3ot - I . - .. ..share e g uated :st rot ix spar - 0�el Chu iving 0, What b ;eth a broke presented at a 1819' [6 was gr�d Lord Bennett, Ws Uu1V` n coup e 6f.Weeks Collige, :-,.Oxford in 1842:� one 0, a P Of ioN:6 thToNvu. out when the"llp$aria du- ml� lial - I' - �it] . a tie-. cu st who ajo, Londo of Tani6kervill &rty. who "some t th6 Grand Ty U k And life.,; bar4us d-rif teth far, into, acqt&ed -th6: e, was Ylien- past; ths idateer wie -nistied by !As wiiinibg;- 'i 18W, Ja C 7�ani% on aturday witb "`Oh! faia fastfid-nithe, arrived:on the ud Jor Xu Uy. - Whilttl -youBg a- C&Dpa-10V 'T� : Major D. .0 e3,res i*h6le-qf-th sharee-Vit 1,61 r1ze e �,he an the n-.,,oaning bar ? hun re s -6 eyes the i j�ipii . � I -"- , ii, p, , glish poe ey* gellot th" to; have beei th� Newdi&;� g6lued k nomi'lial: rithigs in verse: seem y 1A Georo C... St6bbbis 'A- Is �abo 'K,00- 000 by -t 6, payment His w ge� 0 Miss Whittl0i - his musical daughter pitif -Gl -t the gift to-daY iit..every. -b kit; y6u6"'.. .-At theo nd -ut. Robertzoni, . . 1 1 � "! . I - I D. - Thep I .. 11" 1 day,of "'llis .4-M) -. I Th.%t is dross,6u&nt)thilig v.'6rtb,, Leac ami�mntof.$!A ­ - j36ilinly -con4ned to 1 Bolinburgh. a "a $660,000, - .1 - - �Ft tbis--ij!p1a6'eA43.35 00' 1-4 hel 41he folloyflng J;ut petine &#y, _wilh .,the i4ditiOn Thoii-gh'if it. bad c6niebut yesterday -9 V the �arth the ger, weari 8 ey ly. to' -xnpanY sc oa d Fioil.thefo I unTain I owhIng, Of Ira*D Sankey,' th %ng It h&cl,,,�rimmed vith-�gweet recant. tpreag, icuritief�h Bin of the- E. f and, -cold h, Wr eel er o For shady hol #,111�pr mediately tic That perished in -want. mid Rer 1�� K, Ane -nelt-p%ymeat In roaming, A- fadibg rosa, in ade'ath h. ih6m�olignfl ov 1�m Grand Trunk find oi lkhi h m and b91 Chicago, where dea:rL the - greatest- j0061. 1��i�ilig - M -y- mindli on the. mointal in Von- dia. ' t is On 6 is still. JAY 30 - 6 vole INThof-ain aur �0 '-1thbi.1, . ..'eyes -as dhmipd in about .$3 !�,al meetings o 0 of re4ited:6335 y I AN; t EvahgoBliat N the wil L!`Q� - U a , thr, Wmild help in- this, world Of m Slur rev. . ating' . on f aUl, ght:,,m child moubt th&-Gii du of the-. Worlo:V8 orvhich, s. and Ti� Woodland brook d toutheideg Aust -com- *ear. W 11101 -vale; t1b . Oat myn d a 000t f for','the the nor -wn bla r ut th&', SU ip� time to the -�T Lnhig powe dren., Acqu! --tb6 wh of - th�', Rxi 9through! ty-througho, mmer. They t h 6,bughless- w Ci wa )Uthe larg Phey also acquir at look Faif r -gs ar ..furl,�d, lerativ ts are, woman .0 the Ifiter FIX 'Mr. San"* se�d resery'es. whem the fla e � i -1 . -- I " .0 t K or 'The res1deat--PnY610f4n­is`Dne the glies A a of Geii. �haie. A onal- ur c fa 1ni*AA In ng lord., Aud. the dead be 6d yo 411-1. n thi ucing the youp yo babies' hospitals: i the GiV3, f w-.oae. In introd 6 q iiiin "day, ock *nd 'T 6e- �ght ly Press Conipaus 'ati I -here ir; jathrOi of stfairke derh h.at his -pa, the ed over OU: 0 For -ios ry ,r 49- 6hildr�nls le CoMP8111. That pasoes quivel diligent -bafflingn tin this drea 7 orld,..'. ly yiars, s%ld ey amid t, re;to t1it Earl anaLai d hien very, -­thb'out61d6 raer* tiln: Exp SO rl dng,`6'er m ander -the-A On the s;gh tg weary d. s,� When its lonesome nights, wid ;:ay- ye in tell Cr. Y6� clouds be ore me Ld)adon- I U Ult of the blud hi Is riseup With it-tangless--mal' gfi!at', 4i, L6ok o. t,- r ld be G tern 880 iTh;. d ri� Rhq4- the,- reat-wis th ni summer ing evangelical Work I a. L C, f hd�ds. Th�- lAke a be -�Iho,; Cwiiadisn Express In appear4n And- its stiniggl"Ibr-11 watched- and"pt-4ected.11 -inplude a WC.'' ng- inued in hit$ bOybOod to. ex,press ce tiielutuFe earl might that bitterest �grlef;- too 11�e� fO2' t0ftT ' --- - . I - a the Giand. T I conj ay 'by eric. Meg toolate, MIS tha-� V� Moir E. taken. 'for a 'N Mis' 'the: help that o Should n6tj 0, Ome disad' `rnr I hi oung AM "-an lawyer 6rd h ;p1to4-- -bf -i hl ,elf - in. rhyme and 1892 gauerally. Accepted iid6a: in four--- books the a�d. elender. a c.f Inediinn. heigli, Sta,,. rather' x6mo are ---flet-off -by h6 Grand P cle tie 'Orks was a poem He i J-Uve: Ine 14i4hfa ? but. Macal -undiistmiding: q an van t- Iterad. 'hygienic Com� re n 'k mous! hair. Tha lattir - , i 'h!A'- poems 41. rather, mle regii4i feat fediihed byt, Truilli S�Mli of tho term the alublint -am ou-; h6uses e a (y4-blive priated i hii litt I Lache ani C 11istead, of -lading lig, I jp�sebi;i i1i, On 4ny 'fiom. P2-8.247- in !t Me: -were ur . a . !. h later rdinary P. 31 :(,1 back. from. flie -forehead. He Va curEMAB9, draw, For -' o - 4i printed' he: roll in $7.7,705 111. le f th,6, e %xpat ki alres Of .: pii vate -kt it, a it and ti -fitting lit 1z one of the- 'est. of 100 a a 't black !.-Ye of -M..'er 4,952 b2 -the �Vesr' 1892, 2 o4ei d* w creasein 89 'T d t sit thb �­a copy I at &.sale- overcoat- ith A -,ii d o W a a I bilti it f OUA h of, w Ieh. was so. d With-11-mety-9- rP� poem's, rar briu. frackles w re a blac4 we iould open, nor e a-didly. -After the- age i r 1994ah ow: the b silk fac4nw His ahirlt,- bathin col ,every ao6`r,an. g may be uae-c -is was DIX,por DI bosom- hidden by bhxick fOUr In gi J -6y'; there ishead- more favorl. 'York- for $200. 8 hardly 16 -hand t -with a I and one -.-dai y be U brin Ae Wid h 4th.6 d �t Ing wl th thol­dture nall pear i b 0,41e, results i 1 n,. it. 'UiS Spea­ R'O The badivi not -Stv f tfili OPeniD dualityof R118kini as 16 A., q -in its lica 1�iopurb ma t diives. di i he '-hadnt so. The 9 -f -were. e3sq, Mo- 1, a. Ace -lines :than that o giltan. ThOe in shoes jnpz. 6 bell i fitintin�l oltz-A&thing rep.,prb iils-o na instead Of the;S -t14 t er 4 ible f Torbut. Th� striking of. the 4 clr�#I� hrt�aei- fie' -rf qVirijig to lit es q r. on Of -a ere een mil jg.tuirt 89 at' Cbmp�ny owhiie.to r mud le. Eoglish In the st SUR ilightes be -100- in- 11 th,6 bathing is -acarcily nedtssary-W total cost to thwtrand-- Ttuvi tro era - d 'down: bon& other . -ong possibi thi-Greik the bllindsf r*ww' t me—save$. yo 6ye anG w olel - Of- the 'I'dip vt. -,620," im, Y�Our, V -towar a , rose esa ;�yo co'up 'a t e n6l a at dk-- (d Ahe Torbntv. wo came &t- the outer et the 93 Ior the- h ago P1ccUr4 eq -onvert i y so varieds abades lo&k'U 5 s1lut GaJ of, rk was 0 di -Ep-rk baChe lightl h 3e., -Let th* d co *�) I P, 9r* le g A.' Ten.ye ijp I �iil tlae dim -Slid mus�,v tri, I tear pany,: representing the an 'u, Ingla e3et o -,%�archiig rothif is Z t be. n E 00 pe� ig is, the .'is n r p�t there is :J�ss . 'hich, i8 i - li i�hd- - - f-th I .. I.- - -;een Shot qablo.. �-aitd expoun er�-, SUrv., t -nts, wate rip -e -d . Ing b -A M -Q ­.6ver, th foliDng�76Uidirn d Of here with my only ;iugl�t Of ­,�bL�Ax ap. r Annum") M �l t in i aiii. 9 or -16 d' -e n. important nwv!-iolesoxne Wria 0a, - brot [t 1i Dry'. -6 cool if rt] Of. e, xe 16� Loral tistio Iseau eld�at . 106,�ing foradventilre. t1he eyQ . h�Ang U a in- health with &I h. r g. an Boot as. ine �Th6 mbst PA Wn &r . T On h D rui little co -.t.,* e Iiiii 4 'Method.,. in e gUre. of the olatleze to a 1VIt othin A6. clarity of expioii WO went out' West looked -rather T q,urveyir b! g—whs. 61-V Attin een AOU0`-M`e x the obti �1 grasp: an Ae W -P sceptics, and h%d W11, A aine legah -bt4iffth, ",of - mentlN. d in were. Lg �i -A-h Ne ther!3.be atik -doctoks all--- a � 1892 and e el de the a` t die te which h a b ale etings homes i equils n t e- re I Isite, nicety. oam.ent:w 10 g - ith the-.�vlario-- 181 q "o 1 en onverti h le' ii, '�ft�d absorboint c6t&D-" the- agre parento We t d, -and gave -but wt" may- Ire .1n -pressi dow oil h' U 'all (,f. ex on - E10 Eng I is Ou . r had ary forej� m-- subiAllembb': gets e., of le -:Purp tile and -it. #in �Jine-,s-for- the' not underot- an-bat t ons6ltdating f -past and coAtEmpor up -0( our oon 668 POE -w agreemen. , -was go ,.and w6 cou amd, if, Pit 'Us veev fiere' Where dust or !Iety da�ge tiv� r eat:- . I y '- .. hk J t;e s1ble to I t eratur'01. thate Mq I'd "; , e proprieto'l -gel ra- th brIgL t Teit6rs fall- entr.Ati&e, to bur kto the eiye ra-mov .,gys itost. h e. IbAl -h L o unconverted Man -avol Irri. facesi whloh�lLof th ubw ile4ll this Is mere y he 'hes -r er Went h6m- D9 -- r -118'r tation of th -18, Surl oyed. bi th a .9 1 n y bro e to E -ten er. thi -cc-, IV-3an Qn- t h d 019 - ii n zo Mu d app", held of the'eritical, judgm0l, _h e !,ttef man bo,-'. y arb the m6qt aieetlag .-of on 'A few AaYrl -Or 80 0 W-. S. --XdhCd"- all. tl�erhu tl n f this grtiat a 1A. a dying state. lio 0 in - Southampton 'he was arrival -lid -h? ck OVeT 31st. Ozt4 pla Wire et eb"11- pe This* to'thb selto 0 G clu �and -mosq�atf and ti�, .11 o.th Rioll. the-uptpdr med among Oe after i fites �4�s -Wy1:b -.Under was,/ a as an co, -ve ey. a lot fo r nver e weeks late- whJ) h.;-. u-Ud it' Once ej!' ha.-ir --bruzh,-b1owimg p t6d. to theivotp. 1.8 co -43 r -he died. 1,tergly-'weep the eball f6rthe�houo of" - and I ubmitte. . . .. 4 . . os A. few Insects and - it lvlae to' Issue- f wer,is gran hi untry.- -The his- pr e b t - prayer was Q On hi's a h-bea tan atiny. e I Inality. -is. recogn t T f Conao -1 -e his at i� Uroz lid ith. aW, a. -A hi ons J eon lur`6: StOck ize4b_7 eat �up, to 0 th me time to'-. d.ra*- down 8 th6 noze at the s� 4 per pent Mated d-ebe ii� 01.1its poetida 4 J 'a help We. Ily lirotho - r?a - tical: at times to 11 GBU. 2 .1 tube -any -hing 'te&tion f r' m Ult a:4,-Ivb w I,,' - L, which ap- 4uAt not exceedIng; he ill extent. ,ged'oreatuxes ote 16',090., for tj df Lor&� hht� thiough:tho 4ma. s- % 3 "80 'th tih�ad an aTr 'd thst �dy� alnuust, die-, � -a' d 33 g�cjjr.i�j At Might be aid to cLevth,,hi�4a profound influence Mpon me Dez-sa wi f doirtalub mad of him an q am -cop-�e�jjfim in- :Th y anii low. 'of Rini-reon's, roa ned upon him �a- -or , that,, he 1,10ved him Ae*rl p dhes- 9.0. Sion -ers, and y . pe 1* t�"i`ad�lq-ioliP 1 - - 'Som vclDia the- 11, me 6t in fron! any �CBWHO uze� an exprea t --If irritiltion has a no*. bearin: r cent.. i0ter. of t ami y. e� e has Vaa--CeE -5-0� fre'auent m I -was the. -dance a W QUt 'an S7 WID.0- .-i(;C4 10 Ahe. More 'Do( he.�eyes must. be bathed in-16pid. Issue 5, fuiihit.$1�>0 000 er mil ha all- the arin whaiwTer,'- t e Pted. 4,,%imeg.the-dunces go into the army; -r-- our.. d- iii 1( 'i'ver i a in its. St In warm a ay to t6 et hp' 6:ipmditurii uotr �ul�g, -B t -better. i'n! Ot fledtioA JOIL MY o S h -h�z :n sttem d time *1th any re. in 4 wa eti'k ea; to - ear ance, tib . th&n free.4-'n J -r om watei from three.- itnes me t of his, thia withoui Casting *Ith aurleh� When a aealre to -rub the. ey"� is $10- itructing the'liie, alit i+-� of. epidemids' mili6aq friends here. V. irid GleO. wilth 90 -. th them d - the pep Kingsocourt F.-livitg �iiter w part -of- 4,he handi tht back or- bAn a jag y B;p a O-hi�rnded inTailid w rs ago fzam y rage in anv 69 stricken so! lialve Ailoivn t, iflthib. lightly , as h4At affic.. afteT rtbd orbs r tz. -e &�d other shter'�%ddiea tion- days ed for him th -they W fty 1-11, P r )nwhich!pIln, my the'c iir! -1- ­!-." I. - amictic I r evall in. hotsL�s Which discOmfO tation, so v . I . *.& ment. omatle "To - I - New- Y1DeZ,- -to Eiglandv eiohme Pose f the w&1 (I the least to -Snushinz� while would increRee their Aut o d has -just illeen lx�r rew n -frdia are er in syn�pathy itibn h -his pond �ithi* tv rat-expased to it 0 A- he at an -If` the U-oubIe.,tdkns i '�bet 'our hours io-f het- hibanat will.. t 1, n t)ie. Canadian.. El&teil 'al N37�§; hat as been venty-1 reported.:t or J then nao - - t -first I b o ttmd there !a -more thin a normai i-ecretio Iwji rooacclov nta. incapalLcity which fell' tord Da7 4$r oracle . .. . . . -teridand the -me' liOught .61, -n in Ram �!.t c b ti .4 %wit� deatli x A�e& to the lids' ffhould e- pain 1 t�,edvl LIAR expi? `hi hula almost —Bitfallo brothefs house., perafin,'t oc�--­-! ai Ush is the P'Tice more''or. Iefiw 0 my ­.ag room;$ UP04 m d 1,,,er- avd repulae epi w y &bid's A am& I 01ma J! is h "ir br Ad centr But. iaagreeWe to ---me Ia: 0 -6, r -tAdod-.- to do -a*14 41th a cide. Aly -home - as n ducing, - b as 'opera rs ifl now, to-' Then 'my nt�ijy with G a�nlight, Veil' the a0id t -b �ht lie the -was -at e od And i �u-g me& -q of intrio ecau -bp occppyi beat "Ilan t, bro c inflaerxcR� r Atep our J kus Chr, U f a conbP4. , . I . Iodine ma' I 'be Aint'04 -z4o6A*01As- � , dem! y, a so p ther's things W Y. e shoul be �nfyagemen i'lids- in solutd -b t- h the about -the 0ye. .6xpe A OD2 biit�vhh'both paintli piibli larhong them 'On n a -do. .0 -?Ygland, sul. s. keep-3rour. �e- catlo, Omeratio of `xprmpn iaiuz ti were returneat y PhYsIc'. au,tro-reg* few n- Irim al 0 Is that led me t: nis R-evenxr It. is b6st to .'have n6o - fbil -a;dvice; book by;Gratta' -Ginh G7 Was read 9 ad- I the Bib?e, -b ou ths score id hard y recessary, %d not to:irx--6rder� to* -depl'rl a o4i nob mesii your ma w thestxan tb gop but the lilch 1 hi re** j6JJ1.FJterJ,� -c. Aieb of -,-%'�h t - . 1. � � -1 . M% A sine, by tha 6-1d la' an,6e to e4rn laelr-da IEO, t -S, If the do A afti&r "a n -n snxiotxs-�'abouvt aty A is mriEng, r to w. h boy. I - t nw,,ion -wi th the & me totall�- 1,6yond our cornix, -a U day Ones. that are 4appArentLy a - logf. Tndia mail -in coF- - troubled. -stoma 1-3, X fle I- ondoirid, )f the Pro- ` I felt I wo w4y le a 'ion ma b J q. EO More eas are you 1 epli6il -*ith. clean- Y P 'MUC My AercUry salv -ot moro so s4o' Neill �f -the tent-ral A - m -4 Drehiw% -�,M16w1ug 1i 'but o in am n -ec be br6k-;1P i that nfea so brqthCr2 me ;ry. "othW the faa xim a pointment. IJ11 be foA' 4 - tQi 11 had cl Mind., f The -JCUn o a 6 ­iajor W 3L. -allot, g r ;1619ht wire: aso lem-i IoA1mit&d* and *hme 7 d' -'that th, -lot' i6pen -the -the coast of, a SIX 6 tiD those whose ime res as ]p as yon, g lord X.�p aMe -Urletter on . - w d as ason io' - 1 1 ide,' equiies2 r Owliol Du� - - is, n. hi ireit mum and -a li who had been lia, Aori6, f -Ilnen,'w i - . - ain th�at.-- tb &Aii' p Lanked his - ' th an wai��he and -ions & �rord N not- ite-crusty 'a f -illy c jwradeb� oiie:-bf hi �e V Or r - - ch at the new -fa M LB -men. - H . . . . , I - '6 - t. W the r 110 1 cid h e wag In that ho 06 Ciwnpore fa&ie an Y'16ite t an-'etiough td --pay th iou hava to wear your old' ba;t 2,4 in . merz�j of thi eyes ps oraer to:' - o epted by -*thojit jj.-g 01 4. 7�i a ur OIL book, by t dry� biwe been who �-vifle impelled 6ce of. Meet ;rators, n hand pi.oMptly at Some P e 10 rabe of ail -er w 0'no,,�W_ Wes nit trim hool�ug Rl -.goin CU7, ill the -90" ingi 'star 'becaus ce Moo Vight Cavalry do not. W =aa. who! anot. -him. IS fiew- asic! to -y and- an- -nagryJA 'experb opr L but- aid th%t:heh4. ot had much - 'di 5 the eleventh F :)ay. He 0 f "-affadar­Lij'J- th6 !.ih -hdo .re.beat eilplllyi b Why- iffpl� a,u 'be - the son 16 1 Of ly aavy,�, O�6jatots *rhosi racism �er 'bne, e h Was in Lthe ;j�agpsl are a smill boUt: L finot] Fie e-xocuted -for th-emiurcidir of Ge -a flo'u'.1011-- consec b to d iUfl.-.,-kpn1atk,n� ar.. ten f r rat he. 0ai Win i� he, Nra . 4 PP my. At A Up Many With ap one syst� Did A to M"e af -in the ar: por%. afle, aniii! tion ofAie h r hal been of i' -W.. Wheej(,� at. Q�wn operatio' r: which' 4 new GTA der I -ate e I laud vexi t ih -the hol'uwdl 1b V;6ry 'hard on the. UUTo be's trodr"'ce otlxer,to,41ication Ad houi to 'bbrracio in. L ha. he boliev e ca'so ov 1. to inpatible -The ni 44-arreite& 6:KpeL A Jar inorw1ecoming Ilia— th;,og4 t t, 'brush a iu th' -h g Id ie 9 y Is &n' ol`-h'i iediii Zixwnren o it-theset t-�f millitier 'witt no look -half swee 6v�ici!lils. URU Y r to t Wi.t.h a Christban life.' One thin he'Ea f W. a loose hard tb break At the- es oin lad ies. 96nd of, 8ef re b E oupg. eon en pw 0 6iAg m -610�v , a 'h had- be a" w havf. -he livi sit forced to. Th the -old e -urge that t -6 coo o ilia dbe. mtti e aU711F., amd Lo lu UP i.th -a SM.'all. Pejrc.p. L 9 ![w his Will, e, re 16 S. tiemely pro dy d. U MOT u T; ie �d.er r Ua, iept`wAitibg all YO IV I mioto ..it �eq bite . I II w, for, h" �OZO - Ile katle *hloh. pludens pain., an, Lla froins, b t -he Aid nottel h%"t Wag J! d ying "Plly& a we are you, -binged. ha Ia. applie on -al tiQ Ono C, prew one a�nd I se .1th OP should be.. 001- a )r, two that eli Fir 'het York Zorld. not About DrIvIngo 'ieng, -to cc an Al, M.Airec -to la.tid P1 y now Idt US done- hid you *Orn the ari�-i, a,6r e. know but - wh the There. 1g.ratifyim g -6hil _te eitit W bf 2.7 is nothing ob hen the arrehee - w a - B,%by' 'a of on e paTV 69mmOn 0 tneas qu fl 0 man, RG I Or opes Ll b R -drive a $19910 horse or a Rer - On G oma ic projee A e* to nm 9 fat iris -to Up diqiienti-aut tors would ha'. Whether -.h f hi in is beginninLy -to yo :%V'Opoe4he s and de-. u 10. 8 tax same ll"bitit -in son is' It every team, Nil is &�;scen �an� '9 run up sy-ate Of themoman whom. he �­ a rts.- The 3 up, P�galns nY - I s�ue the OX. ny Of hepropatAox .. 11 . - -the- princip e to-: WO jta� L.'- ` w 6. - - ilia xegar will, iner",se w t itth ch - M6 CAL Xv y-, curicint to-: wo t ey 'W �,eztda -on - a attU Mir it �esi h f his sthato -P Pair P d U prim a, her part.9 �e will driving a P&M18ee 0 aping for.'ne g'. WL A0 11BOW ork and u6 more -re M �th%t An it me at 'ev riluit the ad 9 %nifestation o� it ou -n uaV, I ure g ou-. xoil cl�des a bat3hirig in takin -are -.h '*-.r -e experience 1. pleasure. drb�en Jlj� Offi n, who had T that e un mord i the.zon of tho Ma Now that nature of tb ago an -horm, MOreover) ualibas *ell -9 lat -was ��#Own fit. iihen lie 004., over cer . .1 W -ion. -Ly r -,s exrcrit, J0 wil &rM:w e- fiesh of Ilie. wiftl teldgripht ready he of t - t the batbit wa' d g bue who . j�f jorae.red his fiAhe- the -very� thiu�g-­notv to 'd 6- 1. Th torn. doing. e, Q�ffe in. 11�3 year. �'Pigo WSSL i e ever was news %v -cQrVeY- tender I day" the ed J3y- some ztirbl� due tol - his scort -duty to a sure yes r and 'r - M U No warl pe invar . I - 6. 1 ild cool 11* pparal us who -MU h�$s tem r if or h.-Jf an u, y ts" �tlylag lmPreca-- Val aw The a� U'' at keep your eye X in hi�spital aboat the * b'j made oft lably lets him the r tshi b waxm �ix ]��606MCS -�ft�ity (Iralwa, with stance and.,�uni- ho To. drive well .76 his to hill heels', if nob- -on thehorse. Watch hf-z fatjipg; i -had e 4-nd li f 0� 7our mind. deWte ri si parlor, M4 pera ivo whopp, ex- he' -aud I. _T "i mind V�atj� t* ed fo ..tioil of jDhange of -&.DM0sP1k,rP,.', p, c6ld is' -,ili with 4. b4t.was e rward when will b pri -ha& been 'W te, -W rift WA per. pol of weath6T n W&Rin 'ifi a fever Of impal I , ea --to -v 511 - LI -P W. bor - f lien-ci. - Tiv-01 . i, ot afte, o M be re ck treas a - - d dis- It, , , b roop when -he is tired za6h a;n ffact Ou i the es of.the I fo she dascends� though lie: iat tio 9 penea 4th WV1, iciagiiholeil A .41 a It 1. g ereenF 'a OU to shyqv "tl.of - - 1, Dmmoii :bat- the p I? Onto is j- - beend as is pro ON tes,jnjy not seeih Much to he he breaks ifflill. he tl -back �h' practil 'nehes td eacb- miau ..df -iko �.%iii it -to fly. e 8-.V3 J n Tolle kindh 9 Pketervatio ;kL-,cc - a e -Inain a Use wit e ii bi -klok- nge re'n out. *hoos tim, r o he -hieks. croas on. e.1m havd tau his t ail -h boj- 0 Ado- Sul j6usiness, JDr.-tUA-JLtv e -a, v t _�Pl_ng 18 U, thiin Jh little, When you radell L - '_kee bt -too- '.and hunches lid - n earliest. -optf- a jar wit lie -dark I to 114 Ose othin and befo ust'before Befor f iala#Gg t6,heed taajd�,. gly 6n the d g but- reve th* bn, it i W01110 b tery tei 115W InAtine ght gall irein sh picriber, a, UallY t teks: i1i o ' ecre� tba;t pro idled con' trolliti.- ing,.too a horTA IV h..-' a L' L r JD- 0. for lia n -at at prolilpt-nes-8 is the 9 thick� Q kins, happe �'hls bae ed A011t or vo�il, :n -A gro�at.dea Wholly Witl a . -r lives. it means . L . I m 6.10 :bhaiigt 'er sayo 'thes t too eal 'brerv' murder Lzbem �—Bfiy the an: -wh e:s pow .-of thei caEom -WO inute o -e .1 60rt4 h4*6 xam.;3 -tenced- -to S- ir _tlle :P%V6 -'evon The qwRoh:b6&-r,d'L of e:�actitude. him-4harplys an %-h a in: itio��g -Iiihta he fly i�ther tbauis'm L daa�h pie _Shia�e� manto- -or- on si' Be tLii'hour -pull up his he -ad'. Q, d o . Uny ordinary - tele As the habit He was se ne.ct too late ; etult t - . 'its of -W1 ihe MUS61 iekx: aW- :phone ON- e; a r eugogemG I . I Grif fiff J.'7rA -ey.e;$ &T � nll . ddi Iln of LateVer- char- TOWMAIst 8 me --t of -con 0, ra died wl h when a. cold -brevzels.blbwing� - t4e.-* wat�cfi'th road ale. .:tTheei�ialiatiojl is --.now givep itch-wbo in All,y6u go that the horse all not e a have made - pro idsm.1n place. 0 -.pice Of! anil once, you duril, Ee for stones, nPore .14 th apt to b nit over them - C61T wheels jolt neck.to S,Umble nor thd L by amati- w- become weak, Ve I b�eak yo- ayg, 6�hunclstor- d bp Of the ou.ha 10 where 6o' How. the therplalwe e d avoid �h. MUL im.;l going bad 'let, the hqw, 0,110." horse - al K tbO 1 n:d - IT40 th Q 'nstead'of-sa'Aii iu- keep it" it y See' Its. ad�ptlo�njl apeid a. a. 'Ma . - . � .1 otice t,6 Domwat wp&ImP everything. wu a 0 P y- 8 iEgyvt -unaer'-Eng1J:,h 0 -cost Of lahbr; Nr uh heawy, and . Hfa alish" -tivel -J. - TO al.'h b looka, ft�n, L I . ve . meo anicol., .11A -in �Eye- who -s*'.'g a ,e at -things." wed to stare expeum h OMPS -he' n the.road becomc where the xed in Eal t all.0 to stare _C y Itemove a. 3tote Emm t 61-e up- times (I b it SPIJ PT"�"y be' The qutet secu operatom�. . Let th close 'the ey � gent y., in want -to, m. A is 06 0 .- . , I - as xf�ctive j6,� a�b - w1i expensivcf. e perEon ej ion has 11 at any bright,. Pight (A object. . loh ground alightly deficend's-11' -9 nger ong the y ZUlt�L it the imnienfib h. b and ''forefi jtakeL to thiak',,th t prosperitTJ . the The far- oteibal Ince I . nt costio bhe optem n T -re Am, YU then with his t um the i r eye. d c - - - . i ti; artia.ge ea evel. + t-!�e-Uiider attracts its gake,with4he Jtb i6op ppe I a 3� comn�on mi �ptian peasintr X1r G 'fatigileaq - rola:k, and ky m6llid take fir. horem.cah hwil'a-4.. Y. miliscles becomei- over-, 1�, wfiil m hold -61 Ao� lash -of -oily -on ,the I f- - feW- &J., eV 0 tead- -of el SgeSLOf a e- the uncerr U -far 4 bb;hew f St �i that, --of the! State d- -Ajjji�y.- Lin th 11 the lid, out li'm thd bali a the eye. in re 'Alilh, would be a -8- rt SecretAry. o ate- sa" b'-Iig hel, It nof lid and p A , * � -On such. a ro to be pulling every GeHous, be- l6wer lid. momejit 'the -ed And Neing- the, tainty ot rip e Whereas, VhOx r�ceatly survey -sold %t turn' towaild the j�osei proi. is no rest. a onniagh Wer place We have :1e.- �Allakre- in Lo G:UR effee-trall are 9, probibiti-ve. ilraivb�ck[fll . d 1, Velight 3,.,the peop e in 01 mpleneant and-oft-tu ludicr Now, --while-the-lid Wbeld. i1i. W§li PORitiOD, w rises, an fallst the I � pribei i7 W n 'jition gj*i ibn the ati us -I glii $5C�,000� Vwith. Itis the words - 6f�,c takin 0, rth, Du, . n6t ilfioatto all our him give.'the ojeball rotary mo ion. Wo link1smal 6 a . t, , " the road no at tj 1?J -I he h kl'i E enta-by-11ii preaIL- let in t ve ar de�f o -i�x old' cbilox ibbjec tedL A groat I thiD no This. 'will hN wind -thu 'As jp*tiO]2 above chance- to recover Aud n 3 7 .. Suck Canid li heappropria the, Lln4 ior*, he ct-ricall. . uae.eq.. As between "s level to -den . . t rom 'both eyes becam. n as. t DOP*110-: infant 0 ng ibontin t Of the )y keeping u6ualy Ward lancl W e know liest accoli�T)Lshoid is W, suck. 6-andy 106ki ve t CIO n6t that pa t- MIld to rest Jh zith -,tL. - d on -r8aV1-6 f6j., - , .- . Rs!lkat- O'du . 1A104i u i0y6 -firsl� -;�n -down To r about.'. 'e MuEculiz-affec at. -I hL ng: the down, as if in a valley ala 3 ad th yirfq--nq,t -­row�vexy-. the:6 up, ...and hillS di�pdsl6d. 0 0 0111till rvo,u Inveatelral. Ur JB* by -a.e;uirerit yea 0 yei-l"U41ii- 'k' 4 A With propu .. e - road 7. s 6�en the -i. . far the O&OW an a fbIlo-W. t the'loeti then dP se lamh pg ne oking a thLe, la,Lt ry . . I you a -bout the-- repei M a -COOL --bLe fitr-pj tion thr;ugh%-aometiihe a h" b6a . I - V ill itigg ..this ver the igth o - a Inat r technicalyt 16! - - E'L to trj6v_eVl. to A 'One a r e mu6h t�m4rd- noSei, ho 0� .1 vathis: IIDTL J for. Tally its th dity -be uchIaith-- m M ys been �:mala.LI-V in Pla - M.. oli until the: 1W& - . . L . - . - . and moti r herse J 48 every ote is nb lobierfelt In long level stretch lo�t b ceso ulp -Torml to. b0found in, by in land can' pron -A -TAoli-Ta'Nuer Who would'offer -to 1eq then it mf the middle of 'Coin un y 'may bi, at4or pero e- -in r lines gr the.,' F us -Viend w o re� n -6 th - lnlb-g b pit t in theco A th- e inner mutry wid no theeyop'; L1 ild"t 13 removed Almost k -ov if- -.t.E teaL M&KIM un n hanair6hiefs I_N rnailla ded proprie a. viffligi. ew Br h to �Ve t 7 TheL abOe A U 14 ­ . . .- a lef t le PaAEL a for U, vx a-- A;Jto -BAtis plea Dming out of the a ; first few i�fles, after 3Ldiil Waits. - or, wivik 9 Win n slowlys 0a, Ilahe-en hu moil -y ceitly. - t 11ade of J[rqJR., -able a hor - ould be drive ilan. Ley.Wd- awa, W AV6 of, h h in 5 $25 Fie ah the Egypt fe boi4 taking ith-himl as a f "the ;wdld ipecially -if he has e ju at 'be n fed. 04 a f American dron -place 4hich - he "ft raw. upon e 'by-' one--: 0, I t RIAXTirst , . 804�66%z� - _He had een giving.&. I a -un e b peffoilth6lic.6 6eer specimen o -when t Th v� - 4 � Aq. owever, has givei, beasto.. Maiii it e th at . E -i p o idd-tion v- to� the rimg1i§h. 0 6 id4ibliO j6t�.th.e,�grfl. ­ ' e. nura-7 WO V h ived e h, ;h&, fj r mshy- years rece to- check !on- 4hich -% I- - �rney ju, secret i Is doubt' -dly -due -been-mPAillyUjut d work to 0 is -.of the tmost importance ccupat. ;e- betf6i;e on*s 6- siiWi xhibite this rul* I not rk he isme ionsO 69 ,observe t quickly when he CUS old - 11amedJaWy'a lively discussion. en g n4g, , eo gation wo and sitt -Ape tisbou'Cir when soldioik w, 6 him. goo& irr. of ,%ctatorp in the -1 ydun h -is lementilbis t%Xop.!�,� fro' the �6nti Vhi 'ttf the stz�Ve A 1851' � be 6 a lioneEs Govern, v ch cim nd British manufac- giv-6 im h ib M as hew preparbig to step On' a P6nsiO m a, -0b sued am6ug Aimer! 8 comes h.ou pill -and in iron �c -1 o hea'd9 talk o turers as ate &r 'bb ro at hi' m"Tly t -re A -:by. .6ccafjlj� I to hOo t1i ould. Red. t VII)i soo.thli m, ai with.h s sMall ME MR Of piece -imIn in the, b, 'firly - . him comfoiltable,. e thick- *illco 11ew` the averag imlled qoillie while me At ComWeimeemp 036 down td a pa x 4trukglid for'he kes' Gillett -him to a. Ma 1th . the. brute� tu at'w a ne le 'only. y�u pull1lin -.upAt. once-, yb bebame tiqn inutes W1 h *'as 'Firit - Allumu wbat of -o' - of lgh�orj le the 18"100th par Tex him eX 'Ice -.fke1zl4gL h e 'the In i and *i 'of 'Wh YOU ' ­ �L I a -Right stain The e -of this 'h so rs: P. 0. . . - - T*i - ic tongue., -b P 14c In . ..% . PPP. vin -in&! --tromelyiso m� - - n- who spoke so: ut'h' b ';-* e'f&i.atthrou-.jh-10 Q I a e ladi use . w6ndifirful finen as that he is -not uniik(4 bottdim, - h F. .3 1 .- - 0 he fell . 4 - -b era n -k-idk,--r-HarVfe8 Y-Owzg PeOP -the' h und` tooa, whe 0 Che -lidneviVas shot.througli 0 ul re-risdily 'he demunetioit-1-on 0 -of- blood. Ito the work' t may, a to an le the ett 'of d hl toi e bi- -auus—Hs�z takipg- -th of t�4, ONClik' '61ownsl d, heariiihe the reader.is inf6r.mea - hot 112610 fiecond' Alu b bY, one. J , came V Ta"tlirff hearl I I . I -!, * , ­ ­ sfrie- -- - . z, e -SupPressVA- T ded"in Iiepin d, nieA.eare vwert".a gold ther Fli'ach1amer'.succee th6 tliiimest' presqe d e sao sheets were strong n upon 01180i. 419 Fauntleiol% oagei; A she sai a L the other, ananah- In the Why�,-' auh.� These �dlaist'nigb!L-NOr6i U in obeak tion over an i kept &*ake, Cod' 6004. Aiftte;ee 11 d and." lacerged, -Dic VbU fall - i ho7w 6 Id and -ltena&0116� mritte -Mr Wt, -fesrf�lly mang e you d could be It. St be - a 'butiieroipor I E6 U64 humor thi .M. 0 ng to -the hospiti Y' ered the'o 011 irni - -I - dfd 9 whoh held eog ma Ath i poinv q"nce, ..he 0. in UIP, arr fing-T 1. ..7 - wai'c led.w a-dyl, ''at tb I inutes-1 - in�-the .- A13 le of, My 00'ngre a Oat ini. ­Vanted F-apon Teiathly:�I.find a gre a - t JP�UYL adstol.a pa�nl 4699.aid- !or abdu tF g- HAM. P�Oe-?� *h )re.a6b- man$ he gati ensione ;# 71 be man ,gan the sWmn. e ne. to, Iiek -the his t*7 ca all,, ar 41nott)) W _A_ jkose a -eiis­& -11%ht let kigh r Vq- see th k to �R h h %�T, m�qf,1,4 -y6u. a VISO. xhe-. to do on the.progr6mme of the afternbop-yras�prenla qiight,!�h&41 es, MA44me -butlauntle'roy d �jn W 0 d -b�� th as t off U 61L gh I pain Celt cone ud gentle e rid; Wells if it h Dr. Shmt—'Px6%lch a !!�eg sermon. ml pp Iva 77-77777 --- new meal; -r4A MG ir Q9hsb1b' -repliedi the po cemon to ask M-ri,8ty1eV,10­r,* k ve. 1(4t much of a 00 t" Gowan 1L I Want uguAr M A fill 0,ur name-., I new Vhon lie pie er e cammel 31ew WO n;t A11 0 haj to orrrjw,, 4j'k s �Wi* 01:1, after* r -r-11 soak yam be hb e, to come velebration.,'�knd JAY at 4 Sun&YL-460 i see AM I& I rqu addrds girl b'4 All'the' whema' 1&6`0gid�.w- bw mlitl th �iy iificepti' -one. 6f. the spo�ecljOes he Q# Philadelphlo, has P. 'r je�utiful - uniparried -Prin6N Ife-1 ose- will h of a Id' Re. (ekbibiting _M th proleisto see�ni he. most on e- - --114 ) - tio wOmen! Ww'; 'Wilhig -thtm* thriV t now,, e opefi 40 . vowa V mug Wem ghter -cf A have 90MO ever to b T either ipome myse or mope Is. J$- - J ou tha�i to i the- 'Alft ­ "d a WAY if serid ffo -the brass did.! She m A tina, dau, ry:kin . - MWA let thA- die SheAp, -2222. She we -Y Kmgt 0. - is* 10wer V A V, - 7., h i�e in is ta .7 _: 77- 0 -e-71 7­� 77�