HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-26, Page 511t 'SlIlS.t C lire safe d re f 8-9 R ger' TS; ate to Yosn _-: erica before _ tee-: touigent 3.00 a. • f_Q :j :e. re Lucknovv Sentinel TERRIBLE l CCIDEi4T • Ten' Men Dashed to d otns We - have received the :following= •avecaunt of the terrible accident at the- Calumet, Michigan, --mines ls from Mr:. bou,gald McKinnon, - formerly contr cilor of the township of •Kinloss, -and who ws present when l .' the -.- acc ide nt : took -.lace. After the.4 accident: the -_- remains -of the ` mangled men-- were broughtto the surface in bags, and Mr. McKinnon -says it was an awful sight .. Calumet, lVIici:, May 14. [Special} �-: reternity fen men were dashed into;ate y and -Welie hurleddownward -into the _ towels of the earth over threehousan i • E�uRH OXFORD_ ANS .FO�EHADD :SEW feet in:the Red Jai kat pependcular WGIM you my a 2 tt • =Davin : disposed of=m Grocer--Stohieoinsafely sa n: st lines .off .. hefi e lave i That :have ever -been seen _in Lucknow.: shaft of the Calumet & .I-I.ecla mine noon -.to d just at y , : were lumbermen; and had been They at work at the. bottom ,- =of the deep: . shaft timbering tip its aides. ready for niners to continue. the work Of sinking to -day. :Some of them were loath to Work on the Sabbath day blit -in.-order to rush the:sinking of --the. shaft to 'completion the: timbering is done. when. the miners are not -blasting They _ were_in good.spirits when the noon -hour ame `and were : anticipating 'a good une` on `.the surface. `Report has it hat the. -indicator which: told the engineer` -on duty, Ernest - Tulin when to stop, - was false. ' At any -Tate the cage 'with its freight _-of human lives - were � were lioistedswiftly:against the timbers of the shaft house. _ _'The wife of Joe-_ Pope was, standing` atthe mouth - :of pit holding_ her: husbands' dinner pail. The cage rose swiftly _ into sight and ..' -sprang-up to, the- timbers of the roof. There was a crash of wood and: a snap -of breaking of steel. _ The wife only saw the_white'ai d huddled` faces'_of-her husband aucl=his: nine companions= _ as • they .vanished again into the yawning flit, down 3,000 -feet to. certain- death. T'ha engineer is . reported . to have -stated that he felt sure he -still -had- 750 ad-750 feet to hoist:. If this is. so a rigid investigation: by a coroner's jury may possib.V reveal. - where • the fault lies.• - d ne�ve�t� st les. -� :�al.l an i see t eta,. alh Loved • ods an � a handsome line in = _ WOMAN'S FINE BUTTONED AND :LACED SHOES MISSES AND CHILDRENS SHOES. In this department ;I have a fine line of Oxfords other shoes. y Tan Oxfords sellingg-now at 80e.: MENS':WEAR _SPECIAL .VAWUE n, 4 : Is:: the place to make- your selections in 'ROCKERY; :GLASSWARE; C:RODERIES_.. & _PRO VISI1ONS-. A I have in sock. the' following A plea: - ;Bracking Black Lead Blue Baking. Powder_ s Barley, pot , Bath Brick Beans -.- Brooms. Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn,:canned Corn Meal : Currants -.Currie Powder Cream -Tarter Cocoanut - Dates- I .have just received .a line of : Men's Hand -made . a f Shoes, which 1 am selling for - $2.75. Thee. good -0 -are kijust as good as ordered work and come` much mea er. Also another line at 1.35 worth $1.75. I keep THE' ROLL OF. _TAR' DEAD.:: The- names of the unfortunate "men are as follows ALLAN CAMERQN, son. of Cap- tain John Cameron mining captain in charge of the `shaft. JAMES CO. CKIING,: son of a widow living in Calumet Village. 'JOSEPH POPE, : mairied, one ehiild` lived on Rockland street.. JOHN •ODGERS, . married, lived in Yellow Jacket: JOHN HICKS, lived near the -Cal- whet waterworks with his step -another. _ANDREW - EDNO,- leaves wife and three children lived near Calumet water _work.• in -:same house as John Hicks. CORNE L4IU S.SULLIVAN, aged about °40` -years, _lived::: on _Cale- donia street, unmarried. ROBERT WITOPIA, leaves: wife and three children ,• lived, in Yellow _!Jack t. NG�ISH 11YAUKE In hand in. both Bal. and Congress,` selling for From this out I am going to SHOES 3..7 • No..1 Flour Dried Apple Extracts. • Figs 1 Fish, canned : ish ried i d F • Gelotine Gingers o H. ps Honey' . !Ink . Indigo • - 1Licorice 1$Lime Juice Lemons Lamps Lard ,Matches. - iMince Meat - Meal = Macaroni iMustard =Meats, canned (Magnesia -Nuts Nutmeg -- Oil-, olive Oil, sweet . Oil,castor or Orangdts - - Oat Meal Pails a Pe Pipe Picelsses kl Pearine - Peas, canned .Pepper Raisins. - = Rice RSagiceo Flour • Salt - Salmon- Sardines Senna • Seeds - Sugar . Syrups - alwaya on hand. iit, Goods ..delivered to any • Soda Soaps Spices St i: Strawchberries, canne. Sulphers Tapioca . Tomatoes, canned ` Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Cry ;Woodashbenwaresta Dinner Sets Whiting _- Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets ' Tea Sets Water Sets Cream Sets Berry Sets Toilet ;Sets partf the to... :, w on. • ARTICULARS ADOUT ATES AND TRAIN SERVICE APPLY TO THE NEAREST &GENT OF THE Also the smile in all alter ny,shoe.tha prices .1 guarantee -will be iewed free., ORDERED DEPARTME and will be pleased to quote prices to ._any one desiring to get Boots and Shoes made. Repairing proMptly -attended to. OURS TRULY, - MICHAEL LEVITT°, .widower. two children. The remains of, the- men had not b -brought to the - surfade at this writing `(6 p. ,Thit One fact was -certain that all:of them and -dashed Ito - atoms and the searching _and picking up" :of the pieces will be a sickening and tedioUs job. - Thousands: Of people were_ gathered 'around the inouth. of the shaft,- amonk them all the mining caPtaing 'and offi- cl-ri frOin- the different parts Of .thisi titkomoth 114ine, al$0 all the mine sur- geons; , But tor the last there. was The motith of the -Shaft 'has- .bepn IL mile to the.Oast of the 0-erp_. endicniar, and roin the stiaft will:take the cross-. -cut to nearly the- bottoth of -the- Red . jacket -shaft. ...:Very little. i.q.: said by _-_ any of.. the. The einking of this shaft . to -the. vein . weeks and all w"ere in horiei that the great, undertaking .would: --be • accom- _. Aline In!ipector--Haj.l was .proinfitly, '.On the:-:giound and --.Will . give- thia, Mat, -ativful sacrifice of ten humaivli-VeS de.- ' Mands. Reinvest. will probably -be -held before to-inorow night or:perhaps =Kincardine. hadi hard-- luck -here HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform. the farmers that he Will keep 'for service this season, at lot 6, con. 9_, (Eastern Division) Ashfield, to a limited number of cows his superior bred young Alrshire Bull PEDIGREE. Dcon Lad, .A:, 254—red. and White. calved May 23rd, 1892. bred by Jos, Kinsey, Doon. Ont.. sire !White KnoWe dain Red Rose—A, 55—, ,by Robert Burns -A. BeautY 2nd—A. 21—. -by Carrick Marquis 2nd —A5 Daisy alias Whneey— tERMS: —$1.25 ; thoroughbreds $5. Cows to be returned three times if necessary, or will be charged service fee whether in calf or not, Lanes P. 0. o:110E TO GRAtiCERs- WISH TO NOTIFY THE MEMBERS IMPleinettO. er wine MADIAN -PACIFIC SHORTHORN BULL R S E 0 E. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for seryice 'at lot 11, Con 12; Ailifield, for the season Of 1893 his Bull "'Robert Adair" - PEDIGREE. - Robert Adair (red); calved April !4th, -1891; bred .by the Ontario Agricultural College; Guelph. . Flower of Riverside, Mayflower-10032—Red Rose -10496 --Violet 10887—Alpha-2340--- - ,Amabella-606—Red Lady - 1766 Beauty- 638—Moss Rose-1592-i-Ruby-1887---Bemity- Baron Waterloo-13431—British Sovereign- 4335—Duke of Oxford-3099—Marmadake-- Robinhood-1017-,Young Cambridge-1178--- Brilliant--735—Comet-432—Agricola, (imp.) 365—Charles-127. - TERMS :—$1per cow, owners', of cowi to risk the coW breeding. Cows brought over -2i miles will be charged $2, payable at the firsttime of service. All otherslpayable. on or before Nov. tst, 1893. I AUCTIONEER OR ON- REAL ESTATE" IN4URis MICE AND GENERAL SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS - of the County. and satisfaction guiranteed. A number of • FIRST'OLAA. S FARMS 1111cLEPD'S s enovatot And other -tested remedies - SPECIFIC AND1 ANTIDOTE Impure, Weak and • Impoverisked 'Blood, Dyspepsia. Sleeplessness, Palpitation of .the -Heart, Liver Complaint.: Neuralgia, Loss of Stones. Jaundice, Kidney and rinary Dis- aiees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities . $1 per half pint- and $2 per pint ibottlei J. IC McLEOD, bold by Harry DaYs and A. B. Congranr, Druggists, Lucknow.. I. at the PATRON' 1 MPLEMENT L1.0:flow:oh the thine tering and .prkes as Vie Patrons of InduOrY. - GV; ANDRIIWS .1005.2 —Rebecca Wilkinson, of -Browns- valley, Ind.; says': "I had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness Weakness- of the Stomach Dyspepsia and - Indicrestion until my health rm. gone. I r bought one bottle Of South Atnerican Nervine, which done -me more good -than' any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life-. I would advise any weakly .person to use this valuable -and- lovely remedy. I consider it the- grandest medicine in the World." A trial bottle will convince_ you. 'Warranted For sale on reasonable. terms. JOHN- GRIFFIN, .KINGSBRIDGE P.0 E UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO -. inform the pnblic thathe Will .keep -for 11144***44.-iti--1 Drvij14.11ELEett.t6111'7 1738. - LoRD- LiENTorr-47384 -Red and little white, calved Jan.._ 18th 1892,ibred: by lyv'm :wittoo: likaninton, 2nd• owner .David .- Milne, Ethel, Ont.; 3rd ewneitGeo..Sandy, Lochalsh: Cnt:;- got -by -Goldfitidcis' Heir 0m0+6368,- 1(60902), dam Rosa Lenton-13010—by Baron- deen 3rd (imp) -4210 -thy. Gladstene 143286), Rosebud4th, 13y Golden Prince r8363), Rose- -bud lst --by .Dipthonel(17681),. Rosebud.- by Scarlet.' Velvet (16916);• Thalia y Aberdeen (12800), Myrtle., by Be, oraA (9920), Fortune Teller, by Winecker (7 49),- Enchan- trega, by Ury (17157), Lady Kir Leads them all for aMay CANNED._ Frults..of.AiliKindsluSeuon; FINE . TEAS ULL FOR SERVICE' ITE UNDERSIGNED W.,511ES TO imform the imblic that he will keep for service during tho season of 1893, ap ..tot 5 thorough -bred Durham Bull "Duke Louie_ PEDIGREE. 1887, bred 1:py Win. Kilpatrick,, Dungannon; second owner -Joseph Kilpatrick, Dungannon ; third owner William lickley, Lanes, Ont„) giot by Louis Napoleon -2058—, dam Lady Daisy Deane -2751---, by Dixie Mike -474—p Maid of the Forest-1455—kby John A. - Mc- .Donald-721—,_Mayflower-1514—, by Alfred —, Florence Nightingale -7100—, by Young Cambridge -1178—, Lady Elgin -1252—, by Dallimore -463—, Eliza --955-,-, by Duke- 484--. Countess 2nd:7783-by TRopoltt-:461- 238--(155). Piineess (imp) -4191 -by a son of 1.Ancaster (360). by a Son of Wiindsor(698). teach iily fairly intelligent person of either sex-, -Ito can read and write, and -who, after instruction „will Work industriously,' hOw to'i earn Three Thousand Deflate a - Year 'nth& own localities,vilhaever they liye.I will also furnish the sititation or employmant,atiwhich you can earn that amount. No' money for': tul untess suceessftil as above. Easily anti quickly ' Isaias& rdatir -but lune vvorker Tram each district or County. I have already taught and Drlvided *With employMent a Itti•ge - The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, The Best Yaw obtainable in Dicknow. 0964. Lanes BULL:FDA SERVICE - HE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service to a limited nilmber of cows bred Ayrshire bull. " Gla stone " No. 1298 • THE • - Th. thro.ugh Colonist Sleeper will tio -tached to.tram leaving -Lucknow at 104 .10411,- - Gla4stone.,—Brown and- white, calved Bent. 1891 bred by nips; Guy,- Ostiawa, Ont., *sire Baron of Parkhill-878—dam 1VIodel 4th -911 —by Bismarck: --1191-- Petfeetion 181,— by Eclipse-- 1N,-; Cherry-180,—b3r Dundee 4th —113,- -Jenny' Lind 2nd -177 -by Rob -Roy (imP)-12,--Jenny Lind -176, -Ay Dundee 3rd • TERAVIS- $1,50 for the SPASM and $2.00 to MAR. APRIL 11 APRIL 25 'Arriving in Torento in time to coined with the through Colonist train, via, North Bay and C.P.R. There will also be an EXCURSION T Every, Tuesday. during March and Baggage cheCked through to *Ablation, through tickets sold. No Allange 01 para. peet to secure the USA C this season,. For any lamination apply to - D Alte ES:tiontow:,..„ AgenteAk T. R., BetA of soil, good fences, well drained; fro* barn stable -and graaiery-4-good Tounir inneseueisrea. y.Cowd-to :be t jeAturmnBerls. tr„hrAeNe Etimea asvoreitbiidu.re.A13peparbily Jo, 40 to s0sa.otescattumeidow •