HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-26, Page 2OS
tiful Drill of tho British Squadron
as- It LeaYes New York.
IerledeiPatch seys As pretty.
- sight as ever. a regiment presented - on
Amiss parade was that- afforded by the
_equadron-,of English_ men-of-war yesterday,,
. -when theybegantheir manceuvrei -prepara-
tory to bidding. adieu- to the. allied naval
ieview fieet.and to the harbor of New York.
The • specigele of War ships wheeling in
column and dircling--.by fours:with all the
grace of cavalry evolution -and all the pre.
eldon of infantry.. drill delighted many
thowiande of: persons,: who -stood on the
grasey slope of the west side in the: blazing
sun of noon. -
. The time for departure had been 'fixed -at
laiaf-past 11 o'Clock, and -there• -was no need
for hurry on any of the English ships. Parer
' wells had been said _ on Tuesday afternoon
•Afloat and on. liVuiday night athore whcn
• the English: officer*. had been dined' at.
Thceadmirals. called: on. Vice-
- Admiral John O. Hopkins aboard the Blake
and the English Vice. -Admiral weal to the
Philadelphia in his cutter. and took leave-, of
Rear Admiral- Glierardi, comntanding the
naval review fleet... The ships were all
ready -for sea by 10 o'clock, With. the excep-
Um of the washing of. the decks,- aandtor;
rents of water': couldbeseen.' pouring over
the sides hs the last vestiges. Of coaling were:
removed=hythe. hose.. - -
Signal -s- soon fluttered from the Blake.
• Captain. Des V. Hamilton could be sen on
:the bridge:: Commander Charles • E.-
thi executive officer of- the ship,-
'always the busiest man On an: occasion of
this kind, was plotting 'altent _rapidly and
. giving orders. AnsWerinspennants ehowed
- the- other shiPs and the signal was
passed down the line. Ib was .tehant the
anchor short. -
••nnauelhun EVOLUTIONS. •
_ •
- -Quickly other Signals followed, and in a
few minutes ,the -clank of the steam
• .
The Anti -Home. Rule • Crank Who Had
-De-4pm on: Gladstoue's Life:
EXTRACTS .14011 - HIS . DI
A London cable says: Wi111&rn Town-
send, the man arrested - on the charge of
having diseharged a pistolinPOWning street,
and also suspeCted:. of haying designed to
kill Pilule Minister Gladstone, was, brought
up in the pow streeiiPolide courtyesterclay,
and again : arraigned. - Townsend was also
charged to -day 'with having sent a menac.
ing letter to M.e. Gladatone,--which Was read
in 'Court.. The Ietter is. dated: Aril 25th,
and is as follows: -
".Do drop that cursed bill. .Say Borne -
thing about itin the House :to -night. You
gave ;me such.a shook yesterdiy loolthg -
cheerful anclhappy: -I had never; seen...you
before,- ri-eur appears:We: coMpelled me to
raise ray hat out of . respect. 1 had. :been
waiting for you since ; morning. After
reading the newepaper on Saturday, 1 left
home and wife and little .ones.: . If you are
removed, the bill is as dead .as Queen Anne.:
I Was in•Brightet*en Saturday expecting to
-find *0.11. If it b4 not been for my sudden
irevalsieti. of feeling; nothing contd. have
Fayed either -of us- yesterday t 1 could have
fired six Shots 'beton, anyone laid a hand en
me. 1 win give you another chance; .1
have.a stiong,opinion of our cleverniest
firmly believe that if you will it,the bill
will tecoine a • Inty, despite Salisbury,. Bat:
four, Charaberlain, and t..he lords, hut it
-4= - winches on each of the ships could- be. heard
.000 -
The Strange Letter -13nioicie-Ielley Wrote
. to HIS Brother
ite four, anchors weed. heaved short, then.
broken" and hauled on board: The tide
was near - the end . of the,ebb.. 'Slowly' the
.Blake moved up stream. while her .]eignal-
men -worked with frantic haste. Then
Captain Holland's- ship; the Australia, got
in motion and following ;her, paine Captain
:PiPon's _Magieienne and commander Fleet's
gunboat Tartar. - - - .
- Sedately as prize* steeds paraded* at
• rount,ry fair -before the judges' stand the
foul- black hulled :fighters- passed ui. the
shall not, if hy taking two lives, yours and
mine, hundridst peihaps theusande, of loyal
Ulsterraen will -be saved. Burely, that will
be sufficient: justification. . I shell look
anxiously in -to-morrow'S papers for an
. •
The prieoner admitted that he had writ!
swer.'t- •• -
ten the letter. -Then several entries in his
diary were read, of which..the following are
samples -
"1 went to Downing street and watched
quietly all day, being afraid of raising ens-
picion by making inquiries. There are five
chambers, surely sufficient for both.
"April 25:-I saw Mr. Gladstone emerge
from his residence: :1 -was so surprised- at
his happy and cheerful. appearance that 1
raised my. hat.- hurried to the park and
had to weelifor two hours."
The:prisoner appeared greatly distressed.
and said that he would reserve his defence,
He was committed for triaL
-Geology aue-;ivs Its Age Varies From 73,609,-
• • eno to Geo 000 ow Years.
'Geologists have ascertained that the rate
at which erosion takes place can be meas -
d • Is a 1 ing their scale to the sedi-
A Cincimmti despatch says : The most
remark'ableletter ever left by a suicid;e was
that found 031 Asahel Kelley, of Winches -
moll Of Pro** -Snit That is Timely'
- - • -
HER PURSE, .- TIOT ..:Btaxr, irtmlr.
:A Wilkeil*rree Pea, despatch says: A
new. - pace has - been 'sob by Vies Sadie
Reynolds for all -gills whose. lovers disr
Ouit them or gtow .weak-kneed on the
ter, Ind. - He. was -sa years • old/ luta " 1 wedding - day. - 1- As - this fair; maid in -
Yeats' was an adventurer,roaming the World' .terpreth it, .a bruised. :bort is .not so
&aphid vireo. •In
*Ver..: Sem _months agoe he returned -to ; pahltet i thing sis ix
Winchester and: went .into the irestaurant ilisuoi.for:breach ot promise against Jahn.
businesit tHe cem.t- to Cindiulati a ;ft -37114P i W Fri; the :girlish plaintiff pleads not for
igo. He tact been drinking. When ifound Ibalm to heal bleeding. affeetions, but for
dead inks r°amenb. the Ci4einuati. h?ta cold cash to defray the. cost of a wedding.
-fonoNivitig letter was ,fennd. On the ta-.-bli' near 1
was discovered be had taken The 1 sup
nold, sWantethe court ..tO know that While
per encl her Own trousseau. Mist . Rey -
his bed:-- --- - ..-.- .- - - • .. - i' se I a.: , time may Itealler•heart, time Will not can-
-: ;Citiothennta, -Ohio, -May . 61, '-1895-77ALL l'eet, the caterer's bill or pay the dresimaker..
&Tea S. Kelley, Wincheiter; Ind.: Pear Sir I - --.Lri December lad John Brown_, - -*he is
and'BrotherSa-Yon will-hnow*t. receipt °! geahrally known in this place* asked. Sadie
will soon have a harp playing a, lullaby! !
-°t , everything jogged _along -: in • lover -like
Wife. -She. gave the promise, and
this-thatl have cashed in my chequee and; ea.* his
fits)iion until! April 27th. That . day the
gbgra_lhderBDWelleenis2:--f' 'Or' ewomr9etemoln°eyY°FirOaLPIIIIS .1
COLltple , went' to the --Register's office and
to. send it.. .1 think he could afford to. - Xte i
rprOottred-a• marriage license.' The wedding -
day' had previously been fixed for May 3rd.
'could get t� th.e hospital,. but he dehlined.
robbed poor old father' out - of ' erwr4g4 bc'.1 It Was- to have occurred in the evening. _
A large oureber of gueete were • invited to
have let me - had it. :You :•can =do ae yowl,
Please about burying:me, but (1001 -Plant i eeteet-es the -Ceeenionies:
me.at Winchester. If you Caret • take 410:i'be7t3L-people prepared a as. nAllieredusth.sieubPrpieare-ftoPr-,
to Montezuma give toe to mnie. doctor. TOIL ; their guests. The invited ones °EON as .did
remember -twenty - years ego laf4ti "Mouth '. the preacher,. On the evening.- of May 3rd.
another Of mar -brothers took a. trip a *la ,.. Mips 'Reynolds,. .arrayed. -in a handsome
iPeoln.e.: gown,1 sat down* to. wait for the groom.
kind; Milt in a more tragic Way,
'Will Mon think it.-aftimil.Y. ePidenlio-- II have Ate was lite. • The .hour. set for the ser -
nothing t� live for, no money, or no "way to `. at0-16 can't). - and . passed. , Another rolled
getilong, ram. broken- down in healthand ,. by, and eh -Oilier and another, but- Ain
Brown ,did not appear.
sidelts. _ I never had :but One good, true th;et_ term of John
-friend (any :wife), aad. her 1 tretg;t4d-- lika' Then. the . disappointed bride -entered the
a dog. I feeliiiicerely. eorry, for her,: but - peeiO4 Where -the assembled. people satand
she is bettetr. off ._.without me. -. YOtt.:Will startled them_ by announcing that there
find me a rusty looking -eerpeo 'as. 1 have , would'l-be no Wedding. ; She told them that
noir thaved for two weeks nor bathed for a : they- Could clisperse"after partaking Of the
month, . Don't jiliVM. any. religio0 .exer- ! slivaiea witiction. . . . .
Pfoess Over Me, whatever you 46.
amesement _ . you 'right hihit By way of i 1To-day Mrs; Reynolds began -suit for
O'olneboare ' $1;000 damage, allegbig breach. •-of vrombie
Whistle " 4ohr_My Comee .Marehing- Home, : !ti thepartof John Brown. . In her petition
and if any Of -ere pipui . relatives - _Want to; 4111.41e -fair -plaintiff does not dwell much on
Don't -you open the box, or ediall; c 'what* the Wounded feelings - business that usually
fille stich a large portion of similar petitions.
shed tears, kindly fire a few radio: fet-theta. '
ewit "alit in, as , I - dont want 01°30 hYPci" -Miss Reynolds lays emphasis upon the.great
have the satisfaaion 1/4:4 .041ing me eipeitie incurred in parchasing her wedding-
_about 115th street. Then tshe.whieled .to mentarY-recks they ha-ve fondest' hypothe-
kis as to the time. whieh has elapsed since
erosion began. • -
The stratified reeks _, attain an averag-e,
thickness of 100;000 feet. . The material. of
which they consist was all 'washed down
- • -
from high- planes, deposited and left to
etratifye- By the init:*etion of river _banki
it le found that in.places thesurfaceof the
-land which_ has been wiled down as sedi-
nientin the rivers has been reclueecl at-7the
rate of asteot 7.3.0 white in other
Places, where the land was more stubbora.
or less flexible, it had taken -6,800 years to
latVer the surface one feet. The -depoilt,
must be (ClUal to the denudation. -
We find, that while gime of the sedimen-
tary reeks have grown a foot in -730 years,
others have taken 6,800 years; to. rise that
height. Thus the period of tline that vta,e
eentilied to build up 100„000 .feet Of - sedi-
mentary rock has 'aried. acoordhig to local-
ity from 73,000,060 to -6.80,080,000 years.-
It.follows that the. active. work - of creation_
lasted for . a °lel° intertaediate- -between;
these two figures. The cycle varied with
endless eucceselOn. of periodi of .disturbanoi
- by volcanic force and glacial action, and the
fieqtent'subinersian of dry land, alternate
Ind with the einerginglof -continents. out- of
the • semi.- These may Inte.6 retarded the
tar they -a -
past the Tartar. - Then came -the kustralia,. gr-mt.'11-°f sedimentary rocks, but t u
river, until- the Blake's nose .was opposite.
• -the west and lay raptionle,ss, with her w
e, pointing straight across- the river. The
- other three ships wheeled as they came up
and took the eime position, all lying side by
eide, broadrside to the caravels, with
perfect tow alignment.
More signalling. - More mystificatiOn sfor
-the watchers of the beautiful manceuvrei.
The - Tartar now led -aWay, and proceeded
-well over to the New Jersey shore and
downward . ..towaid the Philadelphia.
She was guide ship ler the other
&hip s to pass on parade. Quickly now the
-.. ships took the positions- they were- to
eessume in passing the itagship.ef the Araerei-
- rtv-,n -fleet. The Blake swung around. A
-bugle rang out, and the red -coated guard of
• marineer drawn up on her quarter deckneuld
be eeen cbntrasting brilliantly with the
.1lb:irking brass instruments and deep blue
'mats of the hsnd.- The "garden band" had
.Been ordered, out. - The 'term is need
*radvieedly.- . A landsman -would call it
. "guard and band.," but an English sailor
who would. cell it 'anything but "garden
band" would he treated with contem-pt.
Rapidly tucreaeindher speed the•Blake, -her-
_ huge 9,000 -ton propertions looking nesjestic
and her brasswork glitteting like - yellow
•-emeralds to trick 'out a dusky queen,- sped
.then the Magicietme, and the Tartar Jell in not have accelerated it,
ut the rears_ - A study_ of Jenne teaches the steady
40.- •
If You Want to See All t.le World's rak.
- The admission of _ 50 Dents -covers -en.
trance to all Oita of the :exposition.
grounds, including the Midway Plaisancet,
a total area of about 670 acres. , It covers
also admission to all the buildings
of ; the World's Columbian ExpOsitiono
including all the special exhibition buildings,
'allied With the severed great departments,
the fleori,, galleries and dome of the admin-
istration building,- the; monastery of La-
Rabida, containing !all the most valuable
-AO authentic' relics oliteColumbus now
extant, the woman's . blffidinga and the
United States 'Government building, the
battle shipeand. all the State buildiegs and e. .
the paviliims of foreign nations. h_sia 1
The lees for about ' 50 ipeciaiceittertaine-
taints feet up from $17 to $20. heS. vie- of -
-them are free.. The listreade : If -.
.Constantinople etreet mene. . Turksh..
theatre (two pezformances dalle); 50 tents i
Persian tent, 25 . cents ; panorama, Syrian,
photos, 25 cents ; Tarkiih. -. restaurant,
-native musical performances, tribe of
Bedouins, 25 centa, -
1Cairo street, adinission until 11 .a. m.„ 25
cents. Reserved seats, 25 eente ; aftor that .
hOur free. • - ; -.
l'Egyptian Temple-Admistion, 25 'cents..
- i Duch EastIndia Viliege-Acimisstoil 25
1 , - - - , . i 2
C4:gi Les -
• 1
German Village and. Town of -Medieval.
Times-Adinission, 25 Cents! -- • '
! Notatorturn•a-Admission; - with use
batlis,-50 mite. - ' *- '
!Eskimo Itlage-AdMission, 25 cents.
, Moozith Palacee-Admiseion,"25 ccitta
Panoraine ofeBernese Alps ---e isaion„ 25 '
'-c]enPtasn. Panorama of iToic.anO of Moil' te;KilA11;;:!
Admission 50 cent.
Algerian Village-Admiesion 25 cents.
Hungarian Concert Pavillon' and Cafe--
Adrhission 25 ceate: -
Venetian. Glastware andMcsalcs--Adraie-
sion 25 cents.
Chinese Village--Adiniszion 25 cents.
Irish Villo.ge and Blarney Castle. .
- Lectures oa Animal litcomotion-No ad-
crltes to
charge. .
dead., - 1 go by the morphine tette. 1 If at - outfit and prepermg' an elaborate supper. • Nippon Tea. House -e -Admissions 10, 2a,
any Int l'y - should Move the- folks from ..sioe _bulks .at.r. Brown ought to pate these .and 50 cents. •
Montezuma •th NVinchester, please let -Morris with - . • ": Parisian Bailding-Admission 50 cents.
-slid' I reanaire ' tither. Of 114 hi tee: geed to : fl , /WW1 of the Cliff Dweillers-AamisSion 50 ,
The hitter comes withont a signatnte, but - 1 cents-. - . .
IN A -DROP - OF wa.YER,.
. I Typical. Irish Village . etith Native.„ In-
"Telegraph-- to. Ezra S. -Kelley, Wincheitter, . . t i, . • . : lithanr.
* 5 ' Oran the interesting microscopic objectalhabitents-Admiesica 95 cents
tent 'this letter. to -hie br°the'r : ' ...1 col 'Fatal ined ih-. our every -day drinking water, 1. : . Japanese Bazars -No- admissi6n fee.
Ind; Ade IC.elley:"_1 On April 23r Kelle
elgonticit.it iilarn23;-"To Ezra -KePtiti .* think the- 'cOnemOU rotifer is the m it Vienna Cafe and Concert Hall -No adrilis,;-
. -
belhiried.VO ngiddeOf Old:Ace Stone . • .
I Costumed Natives of Foils, Countries --
-on another piece. of paper tvere.the words : 1.Alvel* Little Anemia It -Mit Like a
Admission 25 cents. .
Winchester, Ind. :- ".I have f.a pack-
age sent to yon about the 25th a this month: ;thresting little animal, after the. one drop
Kindlyretpect-it enough to bury- it at Mem- at -Lager is mounted in the microscope,
tezuma Without priest or _minister! --- .16 `,4,t to he disaPPaintiag. *The hanateg of
fail in this. opine Withthe Awe *ater and closing • clown of. the cover-
" kage." -AcE• 011138i seems to feighten the rotifer, when Hagenback's Zooiogical Areneet-Admas-
.8e-You will* • heve ' to come here, and 111 eentraet hianself into in almost shin to building, 25 cents ; SeatS
in ampi11-
tiike, charge:.
'onderfal. The first view one .get- of is Bien tee.
Competitive Mdeioal Exereises:-Prices to
be approved by expositien company.
Model el St. 'Peter's Church, Rome -
Admission 25 oents. • . . '•
. • , .
obtilar form and •play 'possum for a time. theatre, from 25 cents to I.
A short interval of perfect quiet Will gen- Tunidian Exhibit and Cafe -No admist
irally restore confidence, and then the cir- sion fee...
induce eteahegins, First a sort of unsheiting of I Mammeth Cry.stal Gave -No admission
The Englieh settiadron asunder way: ' .unt:tlformity with which the work of creation
As the BlaikeAtassed the Philadelphia her Tr.cceedeol., Since "_ men -begibu' to obterve
"garden hand' saletede_iThe Philadelphia s I there-, haa• been no change in the fOtine of
band -returned the salute,. -ale efficient and ; animal and. vegetable life. A :fevt specie
nen-in both ships stood at the Salute And have disappearedetmot one new. species has
the colors of-- Vieth: ships were -.dipped." been evolved. - Not only do-- we fiild. the
Bands on all the ships began to blarte. : . ,_--, .. firma and flora of 'ancient Egypt as depicted
.: The leave-taking .etf two - adrairals-: h a i Q-kl- in"uingato which .aTe-Prc'hablY. 8.000
teethendoes end.unpeessitle- eeremorts,)1. , : . - :or 11000. years :old,: .identical with . those
., which- are found in that .country to -day,
. -'neutihm. it ze: 'Tug TABS. _ • .. ' -. - but_shells Which inhabitedeur seas before
Down the long line of ship tan the 1: the ice :age.aud grew in an mean_ whose -bed
- ignediein, each ship. dipping as it passed. 1- overlap the ROcky tilountaine are precisely
' the ' , game des that are . found ; in the
The Newark's tars were ready to give a
warm goodbye to the crew of the Australia.
There were beeclaehes on bothshipsas a re-
. mit of the day- before, but such a cheer
swept across from. the Newark anclawes
answered back by the Australia_ as. Made all
the- hands- in all the . mentofhwar feel that
Bay of_Monterey and the waters of the
Chesapeake. It is .evident -that there has
been no essential change in. the conditi
of -life since- these aninials and Us se
vegetableswere first created, yet how vast
the shiorteut Period which we can assign to
h t ditides us from that remote
A --LIST OF 1111SiAline
A -Good Round Dozen of -Them tk
- the body will begin. . The globular body is ' fee: • - . .
1 ' "... draWaiotat, teleedcip- e • fashion-4'rd *a for! 1. , ModelEiffelTower-AdMiesion, 25 cents.
chrenle,-Eaderempered Invall DU
Contriving to keep -up a cmtlnual ,worry. .ttr,
g. way ' nein front and another sectiOn is pushed ,:be apple:wed by_bureau of music. .
section, then an after ,one another I Vienna Mactinerchor ....lociety--Pricea to
J }
. but at the rear; the latter section diecloging 1 Whaling -Bark Progress-Admiesion, 25
sleePillg. two or More eattensions, which serve As feet fil cents. - . . . :, . -..
kinds -ef ilfhheit.przpelling iteellf -along the _plate, by t Electric Scenic Theatree-.Adiniesion,. 25
about aomething ct nothing ; gi.
to firs of anger.
Being irregular in all habits of
and sating; too mucli, too many
food, and that which is too highly
Wearing thin; shoes and
.stockings asoned, ._.draWing-the rear .portion -of :lei body for- eente. •
nes '4 ard, anChoringfeet ter the surface. of.1 • Beit Indian Wares -No acjrnission fee.
ff--qt) PhOlang the whole bodY- forward: Captive Billoon-Admisdon to 11101.cm:re
wearing ; insufficient - clothing,: - fsPecially
:ofler to traYel are abOut ex -1 chaire Rent, -with two native carers, $1.
rooms, without ventilatiOn At the top of the
misted. • But. 'ilia little animal seems to per hour. - .
Persons in the:saltier:small bedrooin..
- - . • • aire.am. ideket just what he is looking for, 1- Cairo Street SefileS-Dzukey and -camel
if the _observer has nett • • - rides„ 50 gents per heir for denkeye ; 25-
-windaw, and. especially with two pltrnore.
Allawing the power. of gam . to. abserb .Suddenly_and ••waming the body, • cents for ride through street en camel. .
elemit eights end in cool mina' Weather ;-• ha P4tte? t!len hY 'considerable muscular kestival $1.
thr:yr., were insignificant -and -made . every t the gap
. •
railer reae vow that a.:a.. admiral's salute was-, epoch I -
mramonplace. --. - . - . • . -- : .. i . .
.-._ _ Alongtheline of the American -ships rang I - . or InteeeSt to erae.tekereddett.
•the oheers. The rape ladders were manned 1 -• Young *wren; erta especially slimmer
• with sailers,. and all of them . sent a lusty .!. dies, 10.0 deal lightly in hearteSwill be in -
farewell after after the departing guests: ..- -. I tertsted to learn -from Marion Crawfritd'ai
e -
The English equadron- passed the Battery i latest -book, "'The: Children Of the King,
ebent I o'clock and.Sancly Hook -about - in.1 of the Moineentons cencie.qnences that ettend.
' our leaf. The Blake is -boast for Bert t an-eagagement of marriage_ in Italy. . "It
-India,' and after leaving there will. go i tail ii not easy:'. says Or..Crsivfor0, ." to atm-
- aleetiex. e_ - . Ivey to the foreign -mind generally the enee7
. , 'rge elev. bee' •ot,Englith. sailors- were; mous importance which is attac. lied in Italy_
r,i ezincl. - Seneational stories .havta - been ipto a distinct prembite Of martiage: -It, in-!
I'S bri:11- Setae ruewspatiQrptbofit wholesale I deed', almost amounts, morally-Iking, to
his movement willsemetimes be continued 25 eenta ;a _trip in -balloon, $1.* •
until the patience of the observer and the Constantihopie. Street_ Scetes•-.-Sedan
upon the limbs and extremitiee '-
Sleeping on feather beds la x 9 -bed- desire of the
Mr Minds so as to leave no tame th attend.: eXcept the feet, allot •gforwardi drawhig :out I - World's Fair Steamthip Cempany-Trans-
tong italic is broad, showing for an . instant e ark. Roland try, 25 cente.
- - ..- .
only two bright red little ethes, exhibiting ".. Electric I'-ntrainural Railw.ay-Ten cents -
1141 the'. :ferocimisness of e : tiger .. round trip.
when Seeking its prey. The nod instant, i Stearn Laanic. hes-eTraneportatiofl theough
,t14 nicker than thought, - the head epems to ; outer lagoons, haeins AP:CI Lake Michigan.
leplit ceswider-or turn insido. out, alS1.1111ing . Round tripe 25 Genie.
_ 'the 'form of the hammer -headed shark, atchl ; El e ctric, ' Itaunches --- Transportation
riling on each side of thesktead, appar- ; through lagoons and haelne.' Round trip,
ditty, two little propeller whZels whleh re- ._ 25 emu'. -• -.* * . - a
. .
°lye - so fast that the eye- cannot follew i . -Wheel . Chairs -Roller ' . chairs about
their re -Volutions. The Mont:anent of these: grounds and buildings, 75 cents .per hour
cilia : or wheels causes a .current of water : with attendant, 10,_ cents p -I hour -without
to set in. fromthe head and sides near the attendant. -- -, . .. -. ,
head, beating ota the flood such small ani- i., Venetian, Gondolas And asine-About
malcula, aa Might beunfortunateenough to lagoons and basins with gondoliers, 50 cents:
be caught in - the: neighborhood. just in- per round -tap. - ... •
side of the head tsrad. below the .wheelte lei - .Elevators in Traneporteticia Buildhie-
1 - . i .
..I - -
• h little animal into a forni - ten times as 4, ortation eipaseeneers to and from Jackson
toe our health ; following an unhealthy.
e.ccupatien, because money can be mule
_Tempting the appetite with bitters and
fotoing food into it when nature Aces not
nieeties when the -stomach sa.ys no and by-
emend and even . rejects it; aormandieng
etween meals. - -
Neglect to: take -Peeper cult _,i011T481$0;
and not applying early for.: meMeal advice
When disease firet appears, but: by taking
quack medicines to a degree 0.11:makieg
dreg shop Of the body; • . .
-Marrying in haste atad gettingti an uncoil,
genial eempanion and living the Iremahider
ef life in mental diesatiefactiott, cultivating
-jealousies and •domeitie broils and always
.being in a mental ferinent. -•
Beginning In ehildhood on !strong tea
and .coffee and going home one stepe
another,- . through chewing emoking
tobacco and drinking intoxicating liquorsel
and Mental and physical excesses of other,
Surfeiting on hot and veryistimtlatin
. • e
situated a -set of grinders working togethei Ten cents per ride. ' . .
like two eggments of cog wheat perform, i Elevators to the Roof of the Manufactures
14 about one-eighth of a. revolution back" BuildiegeeFiftY cents Per trip. • '
and forth and at at state of about - six or i :Vertical Revolving . Whee1-Fifty cents
seven mo'ventents in -a second. .These grind- per ride of two round trips. _
.eis are • occasionally given ci lit* extra Movable Sidewalk, Long Pier -Electric-
- movement, and the food that has been mast ; elly propelled, Eidewalk, 5 cents per ride
tpated is. dropped into - the ehannel that i from shore to end cf sidewalk,or ;vice Versa.
dinners; eating in a hurty without ha
masticating the food; _and eating' heartil carries it to the stomach. 'There is also a I • -
before going to bed, When ,the mind an rie creiment-- of cilia . near the head which. 1 . -Theyewili*Fe.wjAyillasoBS, _
body are exhausted by the- toil?, of ,the day ssts outside' the radius of the wheel's j-1
and the excitement of therevemag. . Menai- any objectionable 'substanCe that! ThefonIale ladiesl,is° 10110P lodge. r i sare - pabereattetde ifiolninhdeirrt
Keeping children quiet by giving -parei Coes not exactly suit the taste -of this little .
; attempts to obtain seats in the Legislature,
goric and cordials; -by tietchieg them .. epicure. . - When startled by the near ape
the Academy, and in th, munirapal e01111-
allek candies and by supplying them with •proach :of- danger,• Mr. - Rotifer contracter' in
taiaine, nuts aud -rich-scaliest When they himself into the globular form 119 quickly it °US, they htahveedeotbleeectie„,eb,fre.. ,ressoortttheeyFrg-_,
Free -
re sick by givirtg them mercury, tartazi thatthe hunten eye'cannot,e'ven guess hoe/ 1 InaeOnt5re
emetic and . arsenic, .under t,h,e' mistake he did -it. • I have also frequently seen liin 4 flounced, to " regeeerate " this secular
notion that . the/' Ste. Medicines and not when • he -.seemed
Jf to
end 0!
1 1°L fa bus
r :Yi°6 teot andget' :hse jtcull‘ examplefirInt elitti 1°oifteYtla' ells' s dailtelW0 aboveithgE t a 1 11:1 1: tr he tt° r4 et‘ dsl it:fie:0'B;
to some distant station stretch himself" Mitaliend
- Leading a life 0 unfeeling, _stupid Iasi to ills full, length, produce a little propeller': saluni Politoirtahuastotuhteyof dtohei .iotetminettleen. aeTthoe floaidloi:
irriunt poisons. - .._-
ness, and keeping the mind in an unnatms *heel/ directly a°:-etrheof a 40ana
state . of 'excitement- by reading trashie In the exact -ma
°a g' Dig : to mysteries and theatrical ceremonies, and
,th.,e title. from the- _British ships.On Fmarria e itself, and the breaking Of it is backwards pull himself,. forward.a an . ,1
. StanieY I- ta that 156 men hjadleit theB. lak-ee 1.looked-gupon, Belem' lly, almost as an act of : niost lightning 'speed. . _ have treereenoy 1 .intend eoyentain oontent ,with. the tr:mes-
,the. seated - egeratien, . meny et -the .men ! girl who refuses to ItteP her engagement ie
. shown the_little.lellow to visitors and can, i trial and einual passwcede. The object of
not remember that anyone eve i tired- kit ' the scheme Isassertedto be purely philan-
- - Canada.- 4. ' matter. of filet theoe figures are infidelity to the marriage bond.' A _young
ever:heel; reecik-al „to,soeriets reabred board th1 '., c-alled a oivetta..- lin owlet -probably be- watching him. - Certainly -of all of the won- thr°Pie• -
ate o ge on cause owlets.are naiad as a decoy allewer the
novel?. Going to theatres, paries and ba
in all sorts of weather in thba drawee
dancing until in a ccmplete perspiratio
aed then going home without sufficien
overgarments through the coo , damp nig
derfully consteucted microSeopio object-0;th° 1
. describes him at, • , _ i country in snaring and sliooting idl small °Fs 4 common rotifer is as interesting as any. . tamb lien.
. .
his will dated ,r,gd, -
i Fuller's Earth as a feerser. i, 'Mince very -finely three pounds of lean
fel - quite a num er of 1 er s. t a - as 1 ma,y, e rm is a
- b ' b' d Be- c'h t 't th te ' '
' ea with doctor left for ,y'ou to-dey when he called onion, and -one of parsley. Mix welt and
• ; •
- lamb with half a pound of fat bacon. Sea-
- of England:" Tha-sta Ad. thirty-six marines! earned .it, -and Oftens-ruiniber wholeliie." are riot as generally known;-aell- appreciatell 1- , sem s„,e salt, pepper, 'nutmeg, the ted
Weed Mc- ?, henteg .'weter and: equal parts- of Iulleklai and fetind you out; . • - , . - ' 1 shlape into a huge sausage, flattened on one
Yolk- 9;. I Relied uPOn a' carPe- • k as
union...label' ea tth and. magnesia sPliii_ it - to ' the. .afa" , The hueband-llow did Ire -knew what iti3 side; toyer ivith buttered paPere and. over
d n°*. aBk '1' li t d let it dry . Then brush •011 t t give me, ' t. . - - -. t. e . I., this a crust made -of flair' ,and water ; bake
Stanley; Lord 1‘/Ci.b.,1 American ships. -The: bitter retreach.. atleks. her who __hoe
The cleansing-:propirbiee
ants, -paternally, Of She -has but twenty- A
Aldithley, a Norman, --e, .
England in the Conquer&
turere and thievez, -an& esaid the guest, in .
in Staffordshire, to -whio waiter Resisted.
of his Norman birthPladtinag on his oven:
Au-dley. His.- °Mesh Irate," 6 6 Yeif sir,"
-.ancestor of the Lords Attilliaiderably. "1
William de Audleye wile Mg.estly to break
women, Joan de -.Staneleigking's_your- mus -
her name, nime, having first obttir manner while
with his cousin, Audleys tht der. My- hat,
_ _
hee4 -The wife -There is. a prescription that the rind o a lemon,. a teaspoonful of ininced
• _ as they should be. ' When. grease has
The eanitein tai 'ors o -Ne:
started a MoveMent to -indece
Allister and the 400 to wear the
- • • ee -
' The wife -He said that from .my appear. ' two bours remove crust ;And paper and
awe and symptonit he knew you were suf. ! serve whittle tomato or cueumbersauce, with
feting from chronic dysperia. • ', i peas asparagus or new spinach' as an • ac-
- . - I 9 P P
1 companiment.
- .
.How -deed a pitcher of water differ from l-
a man throwing -.his wife over a bridge? "About the greatest tail -bear 1 know,"
00 fs water in the pitcher, and the other said the fnmer's boy, !. is our Old pea.
18 p . • water. ' , , C90k."
k " '
• itch her ik tie
In eheer-. clothing.i a _ w
that the label be worn in a conspicuous powder and the grease *ill uatialbr hav,
place, but somewhere in the lieing, where itI disappeared. paste made of fuller's eart4.
*earl be seen _when the garnient ls-baken off and•benzinelaidehjekly..on stained; marbS
One Of the'plans-is to appoint ievenl 'mem- and allewed to remain for twelve hours
bere to -see as manychappies as Pomade and remore.the defilement completely. .
get the* towearthe label; they sat the - - - ;
°hippies weeld talk about it and other -pace The_ . man who WA! _tit434 to time -it_ no
b t wish its woad johk in. en pata on