HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-19, Page 5JOH1Fi TRIAL _ RECALLED.• ;The :following :question _ and answer • &ppeared in. the Boston Herald of Friday lash :. L. 0, Somerville. Query_--1IoW'long- .ago is it since the small boy was :hanged in 'St, John, • N, B., f€ -r stealing: a loaf of bred 9 . • - Answer- -We know -'of no such case. ;If it. - .happened it must have •been prior to this cen-- tury, when capital punishment was metedout for other offences ;than that of m u%der,, -The cuss refer -red- to by the Herald's correspondent was, no doubt,that of Patrick Burgen,-a youth of 18. years, who -in 1828 Was tried forentering the shop -of his employer, John R. Snaith, in -they night and robbing the till of a • few coppers, amounting :to one quarter:.: -of a dollar. -Smith was a manuf actor= • =er of ginger beer and his, shop .;las on the corner of TJnion_-street and. DruPy L $fie. ; Burgan :was tried before Jtidge:- man, who was afterwards chief it* t ice of this province: Burgan - was_ defended by the. late Wm: B Kinnear Who -Was assigned- as: his. council in: court. In hose : good oyd . days the council of : a-- prisoner a charged with felony was -not allowed to •address. the jury in: his behalf or to refer - to Fques- tFions in fact. • The :fury found Burgan .avi tock I cin =safely- sa ed'of Grocery S -- no ' on:=hand: the finest lines of guilty}- but added.. a recommedat.o: to mercy. - The judge, however,,..sen -1, tensed- him. to, _ be ,hang:ed,• and. told. Burganwhen pronouncing the sentence that their •was .no. hope for mercy and that be- must prepare for death.- A petition -in his favor to the lieutenant governor, Sir Howard Douglas a mg fors a' commutation of Burka sen jnee, Was rejected and the :info 1 unate youth was duly hanged` :less °.than four-vieelcs: of ter the date of. his - -_ n. Douglas have` That have ever. been seen in_LucknoW, A HERD. �O ._ - . - � _ :- and see �h�m .vel. goods -and newe3t .styles. Call,. Lo yg a handson-le., line lea • "i- • WOMAN'S; LIACI.E.0...-p•OKS!" 1\11,11:3KS 4NO.01.ILD.RE.Wa'SIMIE& Apples, Blacking. Bla�ck_Lead B10�.e�� ;Baking"Powders barley, pert h Brick., 'ns room also Is: the ,your selectlono in OLAR8WARED GROGEOIES:.• -& :PR,.�:: • 1 have in stock to follow ..:g 3Be IB. s B skets - ` '• Brushes- i.scuit (Jaffee - - -Confectionery . . (,Maned Goods .0,cog Cocolate • Orn, canned ••. Corn meal'-. -• Currants. • Qi Italie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates No. 1 Flour always on hand. In this department ,have a fine line o other.shoes. Tan-Oxforcis,:selling mow. at 806. was trial. As excellent- unclerstandina- -.it is. -blear not only a human man -bat -a Man -. of the- recommendeip to the. govetnor, -of:his own; so as to' defeat the- attempt- -of the jtiry to- save the prisoner's., life.' r_ , ,an(itlief 414 fords an • Men's Handimade a . These goo s are just much chea er. Also keep • this citfonly 25 years ago, and men are now living in this community who . knew Burgan- well, one of them being the late chief of -police, tohn R. Mar -- -Shall. The people of ,St. John 'may - congratulate themselVes that our laws. are very different nciw than what -they were -in 1828,- and that we have judge on the bench with. as hard a "heart . as was possessed by Ward Caiippan. SC John Telegraph. THE MOST DESIRABLE- HOME FOR - EMIGRANTS -1H THE WORLD nhan in both -Bal. From GUARANTEE loOk upon the Canadian- North, .West as the_ thost desirable- field - 'America, if - .not 'the world,- . for _intending s-ettlers of _the right kind from the Martinae Provifices, that is, . fanners ot farm .bands, married -men - With families and Mean's, or young men with .young women.:_without means, to every one who is able and willing to Work their is abundance Of ropm and -...opportunities to _better _their condition: MARTIlsT Formerly • Of ileitherdale Extracts Figs . Oil, sweet Oil, -olive \Nutmeg Dried Apple Fish, ,canned Oil, castor Gingers Pails Hops Peels Honey i- Pipes . ILicorice Peas, canned Lemons • Raisins iLamps Rice t Lard Rice Flour 1, atches Sago .- 1Macaroni Sardines !Mustard Senna 'Meats, v.inned Seeds 'Magnesia Sugar 'Nuts Syrups _ Goods delivered ABOUT Soda • Soaps Strawberries, cantle Tapioca Tomatoes, canned Teas Tobaceoest Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Dinner eta - Dinner Sas Tea -Sets Water Cream S Berry •S Toilet S ts ts ts to..any part of the town. Amy _TO E NEAREST &GENT OF THE AUCTIONEER TOR R EtkC L ER ItTgi N ERSAUL R AG ENCY• SALES ATTENDED ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of - Fl RST-OLASO FARMS. For sale on reaSonable terms. JOHN GRif FIN - py shoe that rips, at prices, I guarantee will. be.sewed free, BULL FOR SERVICE. e HE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service ak lot Con 12, Ashfield, for the sea:San of 1893 -his Bull "Robert Adair" PEDIGREE. Robert Adair (red). calved April 4th, 1891, 'RDERED- DEPART:MEN -bred bY the 'Ontario Agricultural C 'Flatter Of Riveraide, MaylloW.:3-10032-Red Rose:--10496-7-Violet 10887-Alpha-2340- Amabelia,-606---Red Lady -- 1766 Beauty -- 538 --Mose Rbse---1592-RubY,-1.B87!-Beauty Baron Waterloo-13431British Sovereign -7 , 4335 -Duke oft Oxford-3099-Ma,rmaduke- official at/noun-de/me/It-of Lord Aberdeen's: , appointment.' tO the ..cOmplireants from -the, British - press. The . Daily .,N603- . praises the :Wide sympathies -of..13oth -the' Earl. -and- -the Countess. - The AYRSHIRE BULL FOR SERVICE HE U DERSIGNED WISHES TO infor the farmers that he will keep for service this season, at lot 6, con. _9, (Eastern Division) Ashfield, to a number of "Doon Lad" cows his superior bred young Ayrshire Bull Doon Lad, A, 254 -red and white. ealvd May 23rd, 1892, bred by jets, Kinsey, Doom Ont.. sire !White Knowe Lad -1.160-, dam Red Rose -A, 55- by Robert Burns -A. 24-, Moos Rose- A'. 22-, by Tarbolton 2nd -175-, Beauty 2nd -A. 21-. by Carrick Marquis 2nd -A5 ---, Daisy. alias Whiney - TERMS: -$1.25 ; thoroughbreds $5. Cows to be returned three times if necessary,. or will be charged service fee wh6ther in calf or not. THOS g. yoTLAY, Leads. theli for :0447.41:31r at0.0164,0$ AND 4 AN NED GOODS' Ttuithfif-All,Etads•biBeaons. INg ::'717CAS TERMS vt--$1. per cow :owners. of icows to risk the DOW breeding. 'Cows brouiht over 21 miles will be charged $2, payable' at the first time of service, All others paiable on or before Nov. tst, 1893. J. y, ANDREifir. SHORTHORN _ the air, awl. the ifueuf.e of.. Cie, Do -min:. --on. the rOntariO gOv•ernment last.- week - ;and de 3a-nilea -the ballot for 'all weithen 4 - -not' so-- much ..beettaise the•-liot.es 'of. tion on such questions -as thfla of the - liquor traf6.6' as because- their vcites --would improve the tone of -public -life., Ile hOped tha finite was not- fardistant when . their desires. thight tiOTI CRA GERS And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AliD ANTIDOTE Impure, Weak andi mpovens. e. Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitati6n of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Reuralgial i!Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and 111-40.try Dis- asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irre larities and General DebilitY. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bo tle, • GonE OH, ONT. e Largest ..Stock, The Chozcest Goods, c4e Best Va04 ob.tainable LuaKnow. BULL -FOR SERVIa. TIE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO imform the Rublic that he will! keep for service during the season, of 1893, at lot 5 con 8 E. 1). Aslifield, his well-known thorough -bred Durham Bull ."Duire Louis" No 9745. farm Implenlents and Biiider Twine at the PATRON IIVIPLEMENT WARE- -ROOMS in. Lueknow on the same terms- and priLes as the Patrons. of Industry. Proilirietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Harry tavs and A., B.TFongram, ... • oup.. f9R. pgfly inform the public that he will keep for service, during. the. seasan at lot 5, eon._ 13.; bred Durham billi; ' Lord Lenton,' No 17384. Lon) Libliort-17384 -Red and 4ttle white, -calved Jan. 18t h 1892. bred . by Wira - Wilson Brampton, Ont. ; 12nd owner D4ivid- Milne, Ethel, Ont.; 3rd ottnei Geo. SandY. Lochalsh.• Out.; got by Goldfindeis Heir (ikp)-6368---, (60902); dam Rosa' Lenton --130151 by Baron Lenton (imp) --1222--(49081), -Roqe of Aber: olden Prince (3§363), Rose- ong . 0.'7681), 1$(33tsebud.' by. Myrt e, by BalMoral (9Q20), - Duke Louia:=-9745-Roan, F,alved April .1st. 1887, bred by Wm. Kilpatrick, D'ungannon; aecond owner Joseph Kilpatrick, Thingannon third owner . Lanes, Ont. ; got by Louid Napoleon, --2058-, dam Lady Doisv Deane -2751.--, by Dixie Duke -474-1, maid pf the Forest 1455-, by John._ A. Mc- Donald -721-, IVIayflower--15144, by Alfred • - -304-, Souter Johnny -1083, , Florence Nightingale ---1067-i, by 'Young -ciiiintess 1st -782-, by son el Carnet (intp)- English Spavin Liniwent removes, all hard,* soft, or calloused lumpS, and blemishes. 'from horsese blood spavin., curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, Sprains,. sore and sWollen throat; coirghi, etc. Save $59 by use.vof one bottle, : Warranted by/ A. I1/4_Congram. -YOU ontRs rileen Rosebnd 4th, 'by 'Aberdeen 42800); 1-"-rtch on human: and all animals' printed at he SENTINL- Sanitary LOtion:. Warranted by A. B. • 4,1id job **lilting office. ored_ 30 minutes ,by- Woolford s. book- 006-4 6916)1 Thalia„ of tretqt, by Ury (17157), Lady . Heriot (4017), by . Grey Di!Jnied (076)11by Juniper 1.003-6 irehalsit P.. O. teach any fairly intelligentperson of either sox, who can. read -at* write; and- who, after instruction, WM Worle industriously,. hOw to -c‘rn Three Thousand Dollars a the situation or employment,at which you een earn that amount. • IkToMoneY for mg unless suecessful above,lEasily and quickly learned. I &sir but one worker from .eachT,ilietrict or county. 1 hare already taught and PrOvided with domiloyment a . lame .nuMberLwbo are .nlaking over 113000 a yeai each. It's NEW .11,13; istpx 4244 Au4lastepi • WIVI; KICK LEY • FOR` $ERVICE- RE UNDERSIGNED NOLL K_EEP , for -serticeto 0, limited number •CoWs lat 4. con. 1.0, (E,D;•4) Ashfield. a thorough- bred .AYishire bull; Gia-litone1- "No: 1298. The through Ciolonist Sleeper wilt be at- tached to train leaving Lucknow at 10:48 a.m. on *--Gladstone,:-Brown and white, calved Sept. Baron of Parlthill-878-dam Model 4th -211 Bismarck -UT- Perfection 181,- by •Eclipse -1.05,7 -Cherry -180,, ---by Dundee 4th '7411- OldJenny-169,-by Dundee 3rd -111 TERMS- $1,50 for the seafion and 4,2,00i.o insure. COWS .to -be returned three tAmes A FEBa MARi APRIL. IL Arriving in Toronto- time to mimed with the through Colonist train, via, North 33ay.and C.PfR, There will also be an EXCU I EveryTuesday during Margit and .April. :I3aggage checked through to deatinatiow • through tick* sold. .No - eliange of* car& Considering all these advantages we mfozmation apply to 13 W. HAYES, A GOOD FikRI4 FOR SALE CHEAP Best of soil, IONA fences, veil drained, fraxae n, ble sinery. good well, you lora:bird teariiig, 40 to 50 acres meadow an pasture. Amay -to R. GLRucatuAlidAlivi It. !,,,;,4 •