HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-19, Page 14' • .07 Tr CIO 1'0: Oainaii Stws, Axes And taunts i'\ew ta;oods best quality Cultery and ramp goods to suite Caiaa- Man Trade SEE WHEN Y&URBY • VOW -WILL "BI Y i^^YOU; SEE D.._ V • TAY LO % 19th 1893. remarks were a powerful argument itit favor of -the temperance cause, and * strongly urged all -his hearers to sign the pledge and help on the noble 7ork, and on resuming his seat was •warmly applauded. At the close Of cott, Mr. Spence and the ..chairman. -.Was heartly responded to on motion of Warden Bryan and -.Mr. Somers. It ai one of the finest temperance meet- ings ever held in the village and can- not fail to have ar.good 'effect iwarous- ing our people to greater actien in the cause of prohibition. "VOL X M...4 MILT°. Capita paid uP Reserve Fund *Total Asseti President -JOHN STUART* Vice President—.A. RAMSAt. DIRCTORS day'R. 10 to A. Deposits of SI and uPwards re-z-ive..1 and interest allowed. SPA- -TAL DEliOS.Iii'S also weaved- tit cur - gtates bought and sold. DENTAL xv ill be in. Lubknow V -W-6 on thd second and fourth Fri– 'day and Sa,turday of each month. Good sets for ;510. Filling a.nd extracting a . specialty 0Tveyaiicer. etc., (late of AIV KERS, r Lucknow Banking Coni LUOKNOW TED'Y 10TH, 1893 TO THE FARIVillERS: We have the following farm proPerties fer iale.cbjeap and on easy terms of payment, 1,7i.z: InKinloss Township a-50 acre'. farra, 100 acre farm and a 150 acre farm ancIa 200 acre -farm • in Huron Township a 200 acre farm ; in WestlWawanoslairownship a farm of 100 acres and a farm of 150 acres , m the Township of Ashfield two farms of 100 acres each ; in Turn - berry Township, only a - few miles from the town of Winghara, 100 acres of timber land, and a grazing farm of 250 acres itt the Town- ship of Ricardine, We bave a large quantity of money- to lend on first mortgaves on fatm or village property. at from 5i per cea, ipterest up. The rate is gov- erned according to the cla,ss of security. 'We also lend- sraa,11 amounts of money on second raortgages and fird chattel mortgages. DISTRICT L9DGE MEETING... • . Large list of Delegates and a splendid " :Meeting In the Town_Mall was Called to• order in the Good Tem- plar's Lodge about- 11 m. on Thurs- day the 1.6th inst, -.by. the District TeMplar,. 13ro. Somers,- of Blyth. Representatives 'were i present fro in - some eleven' of the -,tweiltty-five Lodges other Lodges -not in the District; viz, : ”Waterlily,' of_ Ripley and I'Maple Leaf" of Huron.tewnship.- The num- 'her present was about- one -hundred: The reports•;of the- jofficers showed that the finances of the DiStrict Lodge were a -in satisfactory cortdition, and that a net gain of 25 had been made in the_ membership during - the last, _quarter. " The membership : the district ab .present blFing nearly one thousand.. After the other business - was disposed-, of the -Lodge elecied. District offiCers,for tSe ensuing :year •as• follows :—D. Q. T.,. Bro. - Broken - ab a ,gene03. banknag business in all Its, - drafts on. all. Canadian points and on the *Yok City, and Which are aecepted anywhere throughout !the.- "tinited. States, Make - liens inthe States', Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba or the North-wedl..and .cash cheques .on anY Place. Lending, money on farraers-: notes .a trasksp- • 10.11,111SON, ;ATTORNEY AT StiliclOr in: Cannery, Convey- - misionev, - etc. Office. over the in the District, and lso -from. tvio. We effect Insurance On all classes of build- ings, eit in Stock or Mutual CoMpanies as .desired. • 1. one but first class CompOnies rep= resented, . GEO; A. SIDDA.LL, Manager ROBERT CVNNIi4iavouvi. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. Telephone No, 195. ,AoTT, -OFFICE AND RESI, deuce. Outram street, second door north of Littleb shoe store, • SIJ-gron and Accoucheur. Surgery op- Heidi out to buyers leeking for' iSrarEs No _trouble 1,4 show bodysollicited D.C,TAYLOR WHOLE N0,1008. S- Physician. Stir- -Allin'simpleinent shop:Residence Ross street, soutn Of D.11.1,1cIntoshN store, GED15ES,.. CALLS -- NGLIS1-1 ClaUt,011 SERVICES 11 Adult class every -Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's... All are welcome a IlEv. W..1. CONNOR, Pastor. the hoUrs will be from 2 to. 6 p. ro. The librarian will be in atteddance duriag these Bro. Geo. Newton of -Wingham ;• Sec., Treas. Bro. Boind Liturason- of Murdoch of LucknOW ; D. G., Slate These:. officers were installed by the Grand. Chief Temialar, Bro. F. S. tither .Ify telegram promptly, attended to. Ch*gf.,s MOderate. Residence, Outl-am: street, opposite Dr. Elliott's- and second door north ofade. tute. Reading room open every evening • A SAD ACCIDENT. 5th, 1869, in tbe township of A.sh- field, Huron. county, - Ontario, and departed this life May 2nd., 1893, and s was 23 years 5 Months and 28 days of age. He. :was received into Free Ma,sonary on the 30th clay'oejannary; 1896. Was advanced to the Second. -Degree on ,March 7th. and was ad-. • mitted to the Third. Degree: on April One of .the.most sad ocourences that 1VIatheson was droWned. Milk. river • ..on. Tuesday,. May 2nd: The aCcident -Was -one 'of- thOse that. cannot be _ac- counted for. . It lap. pend as follows C, Ts TIMETABLE& Trains leave Lueknew for south at d;08 a m, Spence. Dinner -and tea. were Served the sisters of tucknow Lodge the.. Tenaperance Hall. •Duringh tile meeting discussioni .took plaCe on --the expected effect' of.ithe coming p Cite on the prospet . of securing tot 1 The circumstanoes accompaning his death are :very sad. The father and mother, and stt..94, and brother, who reside at the ranch on North Fork, are -grieved beyond . expvession at the ,sudden. loss of • the dear '":- son. and brother, but they have the satisfaction of knowing that human effort wa% put fortli to save his life, and that. thdy .w,ere enabled to administer the last sad rites to his body.. The open hearted, cheerful he . always manifested, together with a kind_ and fovgiving. heart, won for him many friends wlio showed " their sympathy in the large funeral. con- course, and.: who followed the body •to the cemetery where he was laid to ' sleep until t1-1 resurrection_ •day. Peace beto• his ashes. ----Iliontana-Papen Mr. Mathewson was on the.south.-side of Milk river, .jUst at the iiaOuth-of_North Fork and started to_cross the river in a boat,'- On which he had loaded* a large iron harrow. He had-gonelut a short distance .whert. the boat dipped and filled with water. His brother John- nie was on the north side and:advised to- go back te Shore- and bail out - the boat, but. Willthonght he ciStild make -it abrosd all right,- The 'harrow was- leaded_ at one end of th.e- boat and when. about 50.. feet 'freni the north Shore.the boat went under water: It only -sank. about three feet and what held it there, no` one Will. ever know. *Liquor License A4 prOViding, for:. the ele0tion-iii:ea4h_inadicipality of p.p. inSpecter.-whos.bnsiness it. Would te, -that the. proyision,s of the.Act. in gard, to .the sale .of -liquor were n- force(-1,zand that •ininors -were. per:- cOliected froth-- the- atic 0 ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. security for any -time, - at • the lowest rate of intert-st. Th'e principal may be paid at the end of the time,:or a part Of the princi- pal may be paid. each year, interest ceasing- on - the amount. paid, For. further pa ticulari, M.. ARMSTRONG IS PRE - .pared. to .give leSSOI2S in Vocal. and in- m6ets in the south end Lodge , Room, in -the. Temperanaa Hall, Lrielcni -iv,. every HE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN o c in the building east - of the SENTINEL Printing .,Office, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDSr •MORTGAGES- AND WILLS CAREFULLY _PREPARED. lugs; Mills, bridges; -etc. furnished JAS, 'SOMERVILLE. The Dory top licenses. ; The resOlntion -was re red to consider- eu.nd ;amend, if acl isa and report at neX.-t, meeting. • Will stuck to_ the .boat and Johnnie went to the house to get a rope-neith- The seeding is nearing Completion. Farmers are showing a great amount of interest in the matter of fruit grow- ing and almost every farmer is having pruning and grafting attended to and several are plantiag out large numbei% of young trees. This is a step in the right direction. Mr. James Howard, lost valuable mare lately by having her leg broken. Miss Mary -• McDonagh, of Zion, spent a few. days with friends here Miss Mlle Gardner, of 'Zion, is at -present the guest of Mrs. R. E. Lane. Miss Naaomi Baldwin has returned from Detroit where she bad been staying fo'r some time past. er thinking it.at all dangerous and the' .pian being to,save.-the -boat and. har- •rows„ Tan Matheson, Wilrs father,' then came down and brought a coil of rope and. threw it out to- him The,District 'ledge will. meet again in the town -9f Wingham on ..the second Tuesday !in_October. dressed a, -mass meeting of childre .Variner-s„ - look to :. your own inter6st an inSure your -farm 'buildings. and priVate. dwelling's in Abe : 'C. T. The regular monthly • meeting of - the Weineu'd Christi -an TeriipOzatice.I.Tmon will be held every- secend Wednesdat of.eaell month in the Odd Fellows • meets .e4i-ery Friday evening at -8 o'clock' 111;* tiri-eir hall, Campbell street. - - 11 brethren CASH SYSTEM : 50 Cents to -90 centi per- $100 for tlirp_e ydarsi Al101414 .LANE: every first and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange hall. Visit- ing brethren a -r e cordially invited. the Town Hall at 4:3,0 With a: held in -the TO+n Hall; and ' nOtwith: t� the. deOrsi :with in appiliative' Who -On Opening- the -meeting .invited tO.-the platforni'Rev.• Messrs -X. A.--MeKay;.j.1(enrier and Mrs. addreaes- wee..given.' by the iti!ree rev. then intrOcluced *is„ 'Scott,- who Was tterance canse and -in -iher. office '. of Grand. Secrtitary -of, juvenile .Tenarilars among.st thEi yOung people[of the. -pro- (fa-...nest appeal t4-allspresent4to, assist - in the work` of: -auppressi4g.. 'the liquor the .eVening, however;., wa Mfr. Spence,. 'yinee. . _ Ali: '- Spence - spoke . for ...about but it fell short and sank. All this ad - in ieW Some time was standing in water up to his waste, never thinking of danger, although he said a little later that he eCYLIAllur.11°JtOh'wnlimBlack.Stone • who - was w:orkiag in a field near by came up on the -south side o! the river, _ Taking in' the situation at a glance he took off his outer clothing and Started. to cross to help Will get the boat_ and harrow out.1 waded a short dis- tance and then swam,' thinking to come in above •the boat and float Aown, but the Cp.rrerit was toe strong and he was carried below 15 or 20 feet. He had a hard time to 'swim up the stream but finally got to the. boat and gained a foothold. He stood there talking for a minute or two during which time Will said he could not swim and was getting pretty cold.. Then either he -or Will must have jarred the boat a little as they both went off., - Blackstone said he - mtst have gone dowit 18 or 20 fet -and as he came up the boat grazed -his head and knocked his hat down over his eyes; dazed him a little. just as soon. as he recoverei himself he looked for Will and saw him floating down the stream about 20 feet from him apParently making no struggles. He struck out fer him as hard ai he could swin and got a,bout 10 feet when Will wdnt out of sight -and was not seen apain until the drag brought-: him up., z5Mr. -Blackstone was- chilled and numb but got to shore after a hard effort The t is.that Will took a cramp when he fe of the boat and it is very plausable for the time he stood in the ice cold water- was sufficient. Wm. Shearer came to town and .a Miss Mary McLean, of West Super- ior, is -at -present spending a few, weeks at the old homestead: Mr. Patrick Quinn has gone on.. a visit to friendirin Logan., * aispecter Tom. paid our school' 4 -visit last Week and expressed. himself highly _ pleased with • the .litianner which our teacher, Mr, james. Kerr, - governs the school, .-an,a. the p'rogress the pupils. have m4de since his last official Patrick Wallace, makes things lively . in the early Mornin5,r as he comes along. with his rumbling waggon.. He t for ;the husinesg e a- very careful )ood satisfaction to Also agent for the Pheeni, of London, LucKilowiLODGE CiF g. p.Oaatiniols, Recorder. =ACTS o obtain the your it is, to your advantage to tention est prices.for .3015, has. a eomplete out and no doubt will teamSter, and give both patrons an. Cheese Factory,. use ifs.o.--...*.ark.et. rOlis gro00: :pow' at • . Mr. John Wilsoilk, of Seaforth, (son of D, D. Wilson) s *ent part of Satur- day.last with R. Lane. • ASIIVIELD stack for his steaan na which adds to its ap-p'eirance anA usefulness. Farmers. are ,,igetting pretty near through seeding, -with the•exception of thoie with heavy clayey lands. preached at Zio soon hear of his h for party returned with him to searc • the body. 'The second Cast of a grap- pling hook *ought the body to the surface and it was rernoved to the grief- guest ot her si ter, lira. A. isi9e- Stricken home of the parents, brothers during 0.8 whiter, left for and sisters. - in Dakota, last week. the ranch yesterday:at 2 o'clock and a Ottawa, wher4 she inte the remains to their last. resting. kiss 'Tam Stewart, last Sunday very h con. of West Wei- ly We hope to The fall wheat in some S malce p; great chtinge in its appear - The h-ome McDougall op burned. on S were saved. Mrs. Angus ccnpied by Mrs, IA osite the -wschool was ;. McLeod who' vas tt The funeral services, were held at * Miss Bella *Donald large concourse . of -friends' folloWed- the summer. place at the‘ceinetery.. who was visit g friend Mathieson was born on NOv. last winter, has return