Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-12, Page 5h : A NEW .You daily _papertaping 1 � p the: idea coir oyed iu: FlaYninarion s • ex,citinb; uc.vel. "Omega TheLast. Days of the World," has inter viewed a number of the ? eadinb men - in 'all prof :ssik-ms s to what they .wou` . da6if science were to predict to -morrow that the : end or the world Would :. arrive ..:The-: • ' vitlin. the. next thirty days various and curious, and �,ns��e1 �-atii:e heighten the' interest which -is felt in.. the second part. of Flanimaronion's great novel, fwhich, appears, "in the. May Dosinopolitan It is ..a : question. which everyone will find interesting to 'ask- himself- . What would you do if within six weeks the end of the world were csrtail Pro1-.,bly no novel which` has ever appeared in an American ta2ine has been more elaborately' 't.Instrated by more • distinguished x - �_.-..-,-. .. rte,[■y��VV' JV 1+J���� �'{-'!-� e Lu616n0w Tavince Lean . safely - s Stock -C�r�cery. IS Osed of my . finest lines of hand the fines now on: h� artists.. - Laurens, •Saiiier;. Vobel; Meaulle, Rochegrosse, - Geradin, and Choviii all- Contribute -to, the- ;ex plains- --tion of "the text. A -clever _ story of . kind �lisli another kind is that of a new.English novelist", Gibert Parker, : in :the same number.. `American Society Paris's is an article of another-. kind, - but one which- willinterest _all -who 4haye: 11 (I occasion t make. .eyen-- :a short "i esidence ill- the French -capital...-. The-*Coniapolitai scores a: -success -in' prodtici1 in its -May number almost ost sinlultaleous)y -the dailyp pe si --an-elaborate' description- of Professor '� mars elldus invention, th"e - Gray 'telauto :raphy, _which reproduces the Ualadwriting,: or the work. of -the _artist, sin ustaheously; ':thousands of m distant-, fi oin the. ':place' whereHoe 2r --.writer or artist is sitting„ �T 11's pili:poe in "The` Tia�•eller` frons Australia" -is: month by month, becoii ;• ''4 ideiit - and is now .receiving inn -niotl�e� :Wira. - f i at the -- hands ,-of the -world. ave • 1 Is .the: plaec • to make your..selectionsCll.:OOKERY-;..ctAsSVIARE)-:CR00EHIEs '4?4i NOV 11: in t haVeinStockthefollowng 5,3 APhles Blacking - Black Leaa Blue. Baking Ponders.. Barley; pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms - Baskets-_ - Brushes Biscuit Coffee: - Confectionery Canned .Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie .Powder; ° - Cream _Tarter Cocoanut - Dates No. 1. Flour always on hand. That liave ever been seen n Lucknow. WOMAN'S filtiE HAND SEWED TURN_ OXFORD§ Call and see then4, als-o W9t4.100 BUT-TOO:EP WED :Maga Ati-W.C.WPREWS:SHOESIa- aepartineiit V00 -- . of MERV WEART4PECIALIALUE- a -in suc not to - or .glve SHOES Oxfords an Dried Apple Extracts - Figs - Fish, canned. Fish, dried Gelatine Gingers Hops jnoney link l Indig O Licorice Lime Juice 'Lemons : ; - Lamps. - Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal= Macaroni 1Mustard 'Meats, canned Magnesia Nuts - - - Nutmeg Oil, olive - Oil, sweet - Oil, castor Oranges , -Oat Meal : Pails Peels Pipes Pickles - - Pearline • . Peas, canned. Pepper• - c_:, Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon Sardines. Senna - Seeds - Sugar • Syrups Soda Soaps Spices Starch " -P Strawberries, carne • Sulphers Tapioca - Tama_ tees, canned - • Teas Tobaccoes 0 Vermicelli, Vinegars Washboards Washing Crista rWOOdenware• Whiting Dinner Sets YCa.' Dinner Sets Tea Sete Set Cream Sets Berry Sets 'toilet El yr t' Sets Goods deliyere to- any part of the town. OPL PUL PARTIES -I .have just received a ElIQ -of- Men's.::llap.d.r.acle_ Oaf • Shves. w•Ilich am selling for 2.75.. The'se goods are] j4st as goocl _as Ordeked work and come 'much che4yer.. Also ENGLISH AUKENPHA and -it 1;oth Bal.- and:Congress, Selling for $2.7 From this out I am: going to LIKE THE PRESENT place in_ •America where 'Itipae,. and iny advice to id middle aged man-- is ,:his land to be taken ailwa s without making ,selection. first, as no doubt these -fine farming lands that are gilien b'Y the. wish to _become settlers will be very GREY iiICTIOOL soon, taken- and 'itriade o_honaes 6,14-11-D McIK;in- Mainnon, 390,- M McIntyre 47 9-!: ARAN EE 8' SHOES OVE AUCTIONEER 'FOR Will leave Toronto at 11.20 p.m, EVERY FRIDAY For British Colum- 131112_ Washingtoni Oregbn, California in Tourist Sleep- ing Cars Toronto to Seattle without change. , EYERY FRIDAY A through Tourist Sleeping Car will leave Toronto at 8.45 a. -m. for B013 - ton, 1Vlasso and EVERY WEDNESDAY REAL. ESTATE,. • ANCE AND GEN •SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County awl iatisfaction guarantee& FIRST-CLASS FARMS -, For salt on reasonible terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, ICINGSBRID_ P.0 13 A through Tourist Sleeping Car will leave Toronto at 3 p. for Chicago -until further 'notice. Apoly to any C, P. R, Ticket Agent • for full particulars. • -ORDERF DEPARTMENT and will be -pleased. to .quOte prices to any one desk n_g to .get 1-B•olots. and Shoes mad. e. .Repairing-promp-tly a:41•L•e-ndled• to. • A.ffjerican -Rheumatism Cute for Rheuthatism and Neuralgia, .4Adi- • cally'cures in Ito -3 days.: Its • a,tti`On Up -on.- the system..'is remarkable .411.d. Pmysterious, ....it rdinoves - at once the call-,-- a,....ad the disease 'immediately cti.___ TRULYI AYRSHIRE • Lead.s them .s•al.1 for:. er060406 BULL FOR SERVICE. liE UNDER -SIGNED WILL KEEP for the sea,son of 1893 his Bull ``Robert Adair" Robert Adair (red) calved April 4th, 1891, 1Sred !by the " Ontario Agricultural Colieoe rt Guelph. li'lower -of Riverside, Mayflower -f-1,003 -Red Rose---10496--Violet -- 10887-7-Alplia-12340-- 638-Moss Rose--1592---Ruby--1887--Beauty :inform the farmers_ that -he wilt:keel)" for service.:this season, 'at lat. O., eon,. 9, (Easton cowti-hiA superior 1 -)red young A3:1:Shire : Ball.. - 1 isgir CANNED 0:139. - Fruits of Allaind§ in Season. FINE TEAS Bardn Waterloo ---13131 -British Sovereign -- Brilliant -735-0Ornet-432--Agricola, (imp -.) FoR aseeS, 11S' Dance, FenaleIrre.:calaritie; and General - $1 per half iiipt and $2. p pint bottle. .TETR,MS 4--.‘51- per caw, owners o'f -cows to tisk the cow breedino-.. :Cows 'brought over ehargt'ed. T$2, :payable at the first time. of; service. All otherS payable on . -before 1.:st 1893. Tke Largest- Stock, Choze est Goods, 4:9 Pze Best V 1 -kitit.t.: FOR SERVIOE.:. --7-11TE UNDER:STONED WISHES *TO ,_irnform the- public* that he -will keep far seryiee during ;the .seaon 'of 1893, •at lot :a eon E, D.. Akslitield, well-known thoroulaThred "Duke Lanus" ri 3. • • to be returrikl. three t,', Mes if -necessary; or•will • • -‘ (00902); dam Ito:..ra • IAetton. 1130151 PEDIGREE. - -7.econil owner Joseph Kilpatrick., Dungannon ; third ow-rwr William Kiokley, Lanes, 'Ont. ; . - ..., --. , !„.• _ ., •,,..y r::-:.1:_ittt.,,r117,Lo13:17,170119g: C-9 74 ;..--k.-::...1,-::,•. - ....':. ..1-.....:.!,-, \ .,.,... , .; .,:-;i:711.1-.1.._i: ....7...i. '2‘,...7.2,i 7 i_ - -- i'-i-i,..,.:;:.;,-..:;,..1.1):,..:.:ii...,.t.:-:.,1:_ili-It,1 kt1.. -..(-,-;1„ .1‘',Ilti) -..,...-..,. • 1,o-wriship Clerk. • .twent‘r on Vie SeVenteenth Concession, toWnship. of Kinloss• being 125 acres --seventy . Apply- tol Alexander licKeluie an the pre:- inises or bY letter Hol rood P.-0, • 1893 ' 1003-6 . The through Colo -1-60z Sleeper be at. taehed to train leaving lira:know at 10:48 01.1 • APRIL 1 • 28 14 • ; f • C-cnsiderin:r ex. - )4: 7: 'I.:Ns '?",1;171,11-;1'il '17.::1111).' Nt: :El 14111 11:1 C r t" 111I13''4"1 111;;;111-ft?'eilli 'VD 1.'1;:et• S.°11 7.1)1A1 3 tlinrringhlYreds 40.1.-911 Lochalsh P. Eclipse - 105,--Chyrry--180,..-by Dundee '4th 'sex, who Con read and -write, an4 wilt), - - 111 - Oiti. Jermy-109,-by Diludee 3rd -111 1 after instruct O'n will Work industriousl?', ,.. . . , y - . • • • No money for m•-- unless zuccep,fa.1,,r.s above.i.....as.) 3 nt:n , cows Ito be. returned three times , arn, S. a c, t . , • e alretidi• tau -ht raid' tn.-Aided with. cm pit.‘ rneyt ; y inadow r. Luukuow P.