Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-12, Page 1tiL Tratie Igor Cana& Sawg; Gitns ° 'New 'goods best quality Cultery aud lampgoods_ All to suite Geula. dian Trade "SEE WHEN YG:LTR BY AND !cot WILL LL. til"Ti }'IKI N • Tor SEE Gt-'TAY LO : s• Goo& luclucortionttli lookingifor No trouble to show goods. EV er body solicited ONTARIO, 1;111D.A.Y, - - ,The foot ball bays are practising -- • faithfully and will -make it warm for the visiting kickera on. the 24th. _ j-40 CAL PAIZA.GaAPHSL • "DIRECTORS : - ilav‘-A., 10 to -Deposits of Si and upwards ref and intereSt allowed. - S.7) TAT; :DEPOSITS -alai _received at .eur:- -re rates of interest. _DRAFTS on 'Great Britain • and -the United BROWN,. Sin3-AGiENT._, DENTAL IN4 KERS, Or Istiokn. ow 1,34nking ,:com We have the folbwing farm properties or sale then— nd 'oti- easy terms of payment Viz- . In Kinloss Township -a 10 acre farm. , a 100 acre farm and a /50 acre farm and a .100 acre West WaWanosh TownshiP a farm of 100 acres and a farm of 150 acres , in the TownshiP of Ashfield tWo farms of 100 acres- each.;. in Turn - berry ToNifiship, only a feW miles -from. the .and grazing farm of 250 gores- in the Town- Wingham, will be in. Lucknow on. the second- and fourth Fri- day and Saturday of each month. Good sets • at Traver/s old. stand. = ancer,. etc. ffice. over -the- barber shop 'ship of Kicardine, -We have a large quantity of 'Money to len on first mortgages on farm or village property at fibril 532..- Per cer.t, interest up;:- The rate is goy, erned accordinc, to the class of security, We also lend smaif amounts of money on -second W -e do a general banking business -in all, its -branches," allow interests'. on deposits, issue - drafts . on all Canadian points and on the - American -ExChange . National Bank, New Yolk City, and Which ar, accepted anywhere throughout the United States, make collec- lions in the States, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba- orlhe North-west, and Cash cheques on any pike.. Lending mdney 'on farm.ers notes a. - —Have _you seen it —A missionary address will be elivered in the Presbyterian church The red, white and blue, n Monday ev,ening the 15th inst. —Only two weeks naore* the repair the damage done by the high —The Council will inspect -the v —On Sunday next the Rev. John —Street watering commenced - Mills _will conduct the re -opening Wednesday. It was none toozoon. • services of the Attwood Methodist —Several of our citizenskadulged hu h the luxuries of trout fishing this week. . The people of Dungannon .are Queen's birthday. • Workmen have commenced to winds to the large Agricultural Hall. lage streets 011 FridaY morning,. • yAlt, ELLIOTT„ OFFICE. AND. =SI- X, deuce, Outrarn street, secoaddoor north - cif. Little's shoe store, _LY• . Surgeon and. Acconclienr, ' Surgery op - Vt_e effect insurance on all olasSes of build- ings, either in StoOk or Mutual- 'Companies -as aesired. None but first clasp Companies rep- GEO.. A.- SIDDALL Manager 1 posite Cain's hotel: Office hours f_rom to 12. 0 Physician, Sur- _ tg.` eon, and Accoucheur. Office next -do -or to W. implemeilt shop. Residence RoSs street, _either bY mail or telegram "promptly Outrain street, opposite •Dr.: Elliott's and Second door north of SENTint, ROBERT: .PUNNINGHAM ---,Mrs. J.. Wallace leaves thlis weiek. deterniined to.make the Queen'.4 birth - for her fonier- hoMe in Mt. • A-lb9 clay -demonstration the best ever- -held. in. that place. , 7, --The- Council - has again] secured —Nearly all the towns and villages Ellis' field as recreation grotinds for in this vicinity, except Kincardine, the village youths. will Celebrate the . Queen's birthday, . • - Kineardine will be here on the Queen's If April showers bring . fort birthday to take part in the matches May flowers:then the woods -in -this.; -for the purse of $15. - Parties Undertaking to -busi-, 'has, purchased a dry -goods and general ;-,WITOIJE -1007. To -the EeitofolateClinton News Record Siri,--7-Kincardine claims as one of . her citizens a horse dealer of slick face, keen eye and gentle disposition. vicinity should be full of them: Mr. J. A. Denning, of this village ness without an - auctioneer's license store business in the village of Ker-. Goderich also. recognizes as one of her citizens, a man who claims to be a hese dealer,- but unlke 'the Kincar- dine man has a dull eye, is of large proportion, -very corpulent, and what are being -looked up in the county. wood, near Strathroy. tits A.ttwood, and -at one time stationed in Luckn.ow, preach both morning and evening iii the Methodiat church here on -Sunday'next, - The -W. 0. T. *U. will hold their next parlor meeting on Monday. the dence of Mrs. Alex.' Ross, Victoria St All ladies a -ie cordially invited. - Nuinerous qualities:of *ult. bFees ..4he. Rev. John S. Fisher of •have been distributed- by e the ag to the 'farmers of this- section some might call -loud mouthed.- How- • eVer it has never Said that he in, any way , resembles a mule, except in:kick- ing propensities,- and then only when "Tlae Square Deal" don't .suit him, A sort of brotherly feeling aTpears _to • have exiaed between ' those two .Worthies until a few days ago, when it was blown to atoms as suddenly, as a bomb shell had explode& between them, and although a horse which like the girl in the song had "eyes of - blue." The facts as given to me are' --as follows :—The Kincardine Man to purchase and send him one. The Goderich man having a horse as above describe° thoughts he would "fill the bill" and at once forwarded him to handed over 16 the Kincardine man the -"blue eye"' was at- once detected and thinking that his corpulence of Goderich had actually tried to beat him he betook himself to thisIown on the next train, The meeting has been deseribe& to nie as follows :— After. mutual greetings the slick faced gentleman cast a keen, glance at his corpulence arid remarked .quietly : "Vine horse that you sent me I" "Wal, about as fine a horse as I have . swapped for years, I reckon !" answer- ed his ,eorpulence. "Yes if he hadn't - blue eyes,"- aooly replied the slick faced fellow. - "Blue eyed horse," re- - joined his corpulence. with a broad smile, ‘.'who ever heard. of a blue eyed -horse I 'Now look here," con- tinued the. slick faced man, -"I don't want, you to take me for - either Dan .1\1cDaugall- or Jack Adams, or Dan ,- if you have bku fool enough to have- a blue - eyed horse passed' .on you don't think for a moment that such an' animal- can be -put biL me." His corpulene raged andfuthed, but the slick faced man cooly said : "I'll keep blue gye if you wish but only at wha.t he is wortL" The offer was , accepted.. The slick faced Man then smiled And addressinglisCor- .4‘old nian let me give you a word of • advice., I have known you for a long time, an& have never considered you a judge of horse fle'sh. You thought you. Ntere and, in consequence have dropped quite a little pile. Quit the business_ while you have. 'something left. Your eyesight never -was good. for examining horses and aS some • haYseed ha's put a blue eyed critter on yousit must be failing. Again, I say, go out of the business. If you simply want to make a living go into politics et law—neither businesses- requires a "great head," but if you want to make nionev go into hogs. Hogs are high . and if you buy low and refuse the blue eyed ones- you must make money. If you prefer politics form an 'alliance with John Sheehan and remain him ° If.you think law is your fort, engage Jas. - Breckenbridge and remove to Paisley for practice: But should you go into begs secure the s,..,rvice of Geo. Abbot and seart business at Duggan's Corners. You could run gsheepzkin busi- neSs in connection and I have no doubt that old W. G. take, them off _your hands at a fair adva.nce for. the sake of old thnes "Adieu, old man, farewell old sprinter" said the slick faced man, as he again smiled and jumped into the bus while a . young law clerk, who was present remarked: That'S the meanest man ah top of the wth!" My informant . states that - his cerpulence musl have decided .to go into tne hog and sheepskin business - as he. was see.n consulting with old W. G. next day. NGLISII CHURCH =7 -SERVICES 11 Adult class every - WeclneSilay . evening -..at: 8 o'clock, Rible and prayer book lesson'S. All. . it.A. tut..-,- Reading, room open every evening GENERAL -- CegEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE sec-arity for any time, at the lowest . rate of interest. The principal may' be paid_ rial may "be paid each year, interest ceasing on, MUSIC LESSQN!* ARMSTRONG IS Pitt - paled to give. lessons- in vocal. and in- "$opigTms .1.• meets in the .south. end Lodge. Roorci. R.. TIME TABLE: Train-sleaveLucknoW.for south at d:08 a lage, passed very creditably at the re- cent examinations of Victoria 'Univer- sity, Toronto. T. W. Hildred, will epreseiet the Lucknow congregation atl the Kin- cardine District meeting on Tuesday 1Vlay-23rd. OTT office in: the building- east -bf the. . SE:TtINEL Printing- 'Office. - .;.AGREEMENTS, BONDS, 'I.ASES, 'spring. ethereal :_mil4neig;- -one-radiith behind. time. iBetter late than never though.- ---7.-124000 :shingles.- just, arrived iht Stewart's mill LiicknOw: 'Parties reqn?..ring. shinglei call. and Plans ;specifications and i estimates -for'"build Lucanow, Jan .180! -Farrhers, look • to your -itown interest ' insure yo -0 farm bnildinoi and 'private dwellingis N It: MUTUAL. No large Preinium Notes required . •- Cane:ling of the Women's Chrigtian. ,. Temp -era -nee- Union will be:held every second - Wednesda r of each month in the Odd Fellows . pi• IT CKNOW , meets every -Friday In their hall, Campbell R. Hugl3esi Recorder. evening at- 8 O'CloCk street.' brethren • Sherwood, No. ev,ery first and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange hall. Visit- ing brethren a. r e cordially invited. Nor jh11-1D% a-kitO.t.a, left ----for. lea . - The Liieknow Cheese factory will, -coramence -operations on Monday next and all patrens.-are requested to *send their milk on that date or as shortly afterward as possible. The ewo finely bred trotting -stailions Slander and -Saranac, oWned wilt-asfain. visit Lucknow this season everybFiiday and Satiirclay of. each week, at the Whitely House stable's. We have to call attention. of the BOaicl of. Health to cess -pool a little south -of the evaporator on- Havelock street, .and hope they *will devise sOme way of remOving the dangerous. a month - at -the World's' Fair befOre returning to Dakota. • - —The membership.' of..V4W 17. Are Yeciested id meet ii,the,.C6.03.611 Chamber on. 'Tuesday 1, n3eeting the-, Town —Paisley Reform association has decided to invite lion Nyilfred Laurier to Paisley to deliver an addreis during Mo cy at d also. and be a county affair. Hon. O. Colleauues•are to be invit =The . well-bred fretting stallion Royal Abdallah;" owned by ?Ir;!- W J. Little, will .make the season at, his own stable in this villaLle.- the sire -of many fine aninials and! will -- no doubt be liberally. patronized this season: - 13.00d•befOre the hot -weather sets in. Ninloss :and LuCknow S. -S; 50 cents -to 9Q cents .per.$100. forihree years,. OHN LANE AGENT:, -KINLOUGH. agen,t -for the PhOenii, :of London • the Ancient Order United Wchkmen, - meet- in the Oddfellows h:all, -on the last and second. Monday evenings of "each month it eight o'clock.- Visiting brethren cordially MIMS Volition standing.. the heavy- fire• -losses .of the Association will hold their second annual convention. in the- Methodist chnrch, -.this -siillage, on Thursday, May .1 8th. Sabbath Sehools in the 71•TiCinity are invited' to partake. A grocer tacked upon his door a bit of paper , this it bore,.4.'Boy wanted I At the des1C-apply, pay sure -L•• -at first not .very- high" within two days at eacly ..morn a grocer' baby- boy was. •born..' Its brOther wild- With joy, said ;to his.. father -e's YOur-boyi Take down the notice on the.d6or, for you w-on't :need it- any more." Then added this : - We've .got premium paid. This pld an reliable. Co. Zontinues to grow in fa or. with The Imperial authorities have de - fllongservice Medals granted to officers -Scott, of Southanapt6n, Dr. Aarityn, of Ri nee rdine and Capt -I 'DoUglass of Tara., all of the 2).ad Battalion, are entitled to this .recOgriitien. fellows drove over Jo Sunday -last to attend. English church with _t that town. Ora Sun obtOn the best prices for. :FINE:i LIVERPOOL fp.jiagit to *eighing IMARLIka• ervi es zin-_ the ay. next the' Ripiey lodge Will. attend ahurk -'14 body:and itis expected -that - several. LucknOwites will.also join With them in the procession.. • • held the second of a series of parlor meetings, at the residence of Mrs. G. W. Berry, Co Supt. .of parlor meet- ings, who in a graciously expressed manner warmly welcomed the ladies to -the freedom of her parlors. Mrs. I). McDonald, vice-president, occupied the chair, and gave the bible reading. The -hymn, " will tell it to Jesns beim:, sung, Mrs. Chambers and Ars. W.E21-1. Smith lead in prayer. Mrs: S. -Reid read. an excellent essay on temperance which furnished a subject for conversation, after which Miss Berry ono. " Throw out the Life. Lines. MrsA.rmstrong's essay on " Would the ,Enfranchisement of Women help the cause of Temperance," enabled the ladies present to express their belief in the power of the ballot hibition of woman's Suffrage against:the apple- tree-, the -ti'unksrancl,,lowe liralqs 'iiii.,y: prevailed.: . Mrs. Wi Murdock gave a 12.e witshed in May wi4-i the - following- .pathetie-re-ading entitled "Poor House - Mix tiirel:. Take‘twO-tlirds ' of .: a -pailful Nan." Mks.- 0.-* Donglas read a' letter of. slaked linae,--the smile As for_ whit -0;,- -on the publiCation cr.- ‘.‘ MrS. Yeoman's wash, and one pint of gas PoUnd• of 'hard so? Pint. of lye .and put it int .then add enough icommon with a V‘;hitewabh brush:- tar, and. one issolve one the mixtur.e soil to -prO- -Refreshments being served, tlie hymn,.\ ' God be withTou.-till we meet again". fered the. place of poet laureate, made and the benedictidn -prOnounced, the "vacant by the death of Lord Tennyson, ladies left having spent a pleasant ,to.the distinguished art critic. Jolui 'Prime Minister Gl.dstone has of- • 1 •