HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-05, Page 8e krlOW n Truce Oounty s. of We are noW in_ a -better position than ever to --rueet the_ -wants of our ..c.ustOmers in thig line, Our stock- is much larger and contains More varieties., and better va,lue.; than any vie have show Two ofa-Kind When someone offers to give some - thin i,nd someone else for-. nothing, bites' at the bait, there: is then_ a fraud at each_ end of the lin, .for the _ man who expects to . get somethingfor nothing is -•at. heart as dishonest as the one - whoa promises - what - he close t intend to: fulfill. County ;Councils Too Large e have_ thildmas suits from 1:35 up. Extra value in: boy's and youth's, and cly, you will say I No they are not shoddy, and give you Al bill has been introduced iitto...tliv tegiSiature'by Mr. Rorke ter so as: to-„prOVide for _the rodn , County, coun fOr 'ever every .50 csenuine satisfaction. Call _and see' what we are offering s and we will tali -e pleasure in showing you through, "We have alio a. fine range Carnival at _Q. hti x rr t t �, reOt44Vod un .1 yit�rttt�� �� � 1 ' t� 1- f ret1t4 i _tit. to:: hand the' gt>ctUt�'. ()twill ,l Aka-. ” -§ooiobieg' de Onilt;���%Il%1IR Iii (Ie, tOw.: of Cit .on. :t,he l�:t�t l� tad 10th of:. June;.: ti u t t th : '0)11041010@M : o the- 14(101)0104a hi 14(101)01 tli inti = i r.tif -'I t'botors o t�l►.rLt," t,� _�V It, A:. it .tt�.t:i.lVee tt piegrRrime �►f:` I,t�x�:ti,�,, ott Will h irresolute t 7_r11 t s o 'ti tiIrtt► #t►y For sever 1. year -;p$IFb the Queen's . .- ,. i-- ..anti nvar liobt- lectu.i.cr was., recently .apprOikehed of Tweeds ancl Worsteds 'Tor suitings and pantings which are great value. Try us for these lines. Itirtilidey NV IT'S ALL BIGHT You can't. make a mistake if you wait anything in .-the furniture line go -to - }3er•y's furniture store. Take - a a lo 'oka t +his beautiful parlour suites. Discharging Oa in _ fire :arms within the ---- forbidden„ by • Corporation _ withoittemy Onlebration in the village, thiti year our citizens -are, deter - Mined to. ineko •a demonstratiOn lilvoi(tiow worthy the .Nistail day ef -our holo Vett soitireigni aner.' have-. -liberally: _tiutmoribed,a- large -,a,MoUnt, of .-Money tor:Cho. purpose,-- -nine o'cloCk -a and.: :.-georgeobsly% - arrayed the. streets of the village,: afteriwhieh the :firefnen Will indulge • in, a ."Water battle" frOnv the ::hydrantS':along the - Main , streetS, -for.: which events big Will -march to the park and during•:the -.entire 'afternoon -bergs._ racing,- -.both running and trOtting, laciesSe foot-baLmatches,: 4-44 athletie sports. will.be indulged in. epitaph _On -SOtir tombstoils.” .1.1.1‘)w is tinily ask -6d , the- orator: .`ltobtirt, The Countrynian This was the title of an. interesting- • her'6 on, Friday --night- last: Tho eompany. a; good ono AO th6 play depieturing _ 'country mid ;City: life created'a- good- deal :- of laughter_and anms.einent: The audience WaS .not as- akge as -the. play deserved: Drop in -the. Price..Of Canadian Apples Holyrood Kinloss - Gotlerieh intermedizite points arcivrota Tuesaa 3-20p, Dv • tt Latest advices from Britain inform us that the bottom has dropped out of the prices heretofore .paid -.for. adian apples, 'and that late con: signments have gone abegging. The result will prob.ably be that the 'low , prieeS': - rule during -the ensuing season for the Canadian product. in the English ,tharket. - Mr,- John MurchiSon of this 'Village has been *appointed District Deputy Ir -The following liquor lieenses ha.,ve been graptecl in, the Township of - Kin - Hotel; JaMes Mullin, - Commercial rather . interesting. hreach of promise ease Ia.'s.' been.. instituted b.sr. IVIiss-.Porthoy -Rollins, now eMployed. Richard Davis . a farmer living -near Pceter: It. is- -understood that the Writ hae been. ISSUedi deference.: tb: a request from the Qomerciai Travellers' Associatien., -Circular hotelkeepers -calling -upon fpINL feels safe in saying .that there s LUCK:NOW MARKETS. Barley .35 - Potatbes for the counties of thiron and Bruce. The selection iST a good one as Jeohn _Wilt make a - popular . and efficient able position aineng the Sons 'of Scotia. LOCAL GEMS. Boiled Down For Sentinel Readers. - „here , to buy wall -paper 7. Answer, W. II Smith's. Remember the ball- and supper the Caledonian Hall May 24th. —A great deal of fine timber in this', vicinity was felled .by Thursday'S meet at. Wingham next Tuesda,y W. II. Smith still offers -grea bargains in wall -paper.. Registrar .James - son, God.erich, one of the old pioneers of Huron County, was ,strieken Witt). -pairlysis lately, The Presbytery of Maitland has issued a very neat report, containing —The Presbytery ----bf-Moitlancl will An interesting Dog _ricIr dog; tyv-o years old. Will eat -anything very fond pf children. There is no truth in the report. that • will continue as forn3erly td (rive vocal and instrumental inusid lessons to•her , many pupils_as usual. - Discount on Silver Certificates . _ The banks give notice that no American bills redeemable - in silver, will be acCeptea Ett pa,r. A" discount 6 cent is charcfed on. struTt certificates, and the •ResiAoforbiluse to take SOOk District 1. meets kot, on 'the 1.6th hr.' the Te.irig: eXpected. that Tues -day eve . - %TER,. 0. T3 representation -at -important matters before-. the- -reeetine. alOng on his wayt:o LuCknew. and asked to .:stay farm hoUse.all .night: The --request granted., , :In few looking foi. h. preacher:. There being q., Grand Chita Tend, Mrs. Scott, Grand Bent of . the Juvenile De-- - will be preseist. • town body Wilso their fac-e made over. 's As.,heis a good hand: many . are -submitting and his stork looks fine. Pork per bwt, tc • 4 to It yhite,. 68c. Potateee---steady nc. to 85c. .Butter -=15c: to 18e. knOws it .needs it and if Max. gets his way house and sign ve to take .their turn • and aet the cer.emeny:and ass the farmer and wife --__to - sigh the : _paper as :witnesses. lig demonstration in, .1)-ungantion -: on° Thei.i.44.-of attractions is. the best- eN'er offered -by the -peopip . 9f that village.- erowd -of, -sight seers. The. progrananle -lacrosse- match, -bicycle rare ,:.-_etc.-.for _Which nearly .$300 will - be. a kiven -in the statiitics of all the Sa,bbath Schools in -the Presbytery. H...,Smi.tla can fill any order ---•Thel Chicago -'131a.de, Police Varietie4, and.- Wild -,Oats have been placed_under the ban of -.the Custoins autheriteS. It is high - time that hibitingi _the importation ' of this for wall -paper that -you may favor hire Guelph Conferenee of the Methodist churah Will hold- its anianal -Ovien Sound, commencing June 1st. --It might be as well for those who Note sortie of T. eT- leavens offers for tile _ thirty days. Now the.) house- cleaning season hand. aiad you want to iaake your house. ana horde attractive andbem- burned out, I haVe been delayed in get- -all colors,',With-clkaPery hooks attached; and-. Onty• 35 cents- at Berry's Furniture'. are .1faVing .grafting, dene this, Spring to . .furniSh their- Own scions,- -alert'. .tley' -WOUld-be Sure of .What .they. were-. get - -s well known that animals with •The Auburn, ban __attendance and in the eV Canadi,an Order of :Ferst giving a graikd :concert in For liit of -events: see (lino -T:1 sized:audience met in .the ill be- m ning the the hall. —The backward 'Trine- has its Con - Solation; for as one gentleMan exclaiM- jUst call and. see the ,fiv& iiice frames we will fit you up, -- ready to hang on the wall for cinl7 $1.00, Also_ Voir, the next '- thirty days 1 will giVe to each And every one having -a dozeia ,have a little lunch everji-,- Fridaii.- The teachers teach the little ones heW to behave at the table, and e.mpngtother things "a grace le said. Afterj.that, ftinction. was -over the other fay, a little fellow looked up does not -Say such a long grace as.that." oesl-he not ?" said the teacheisweet- he lifts: the . cover and says, n; there is the -force of - a careless art e. for the Colinty. of Bruce, --has_ T.ibenta. pointed A:ssistaut;Medipal 'Detective to Mr: Janies TOlton,-. of Brant; 'has been recommended by the Executive of ,the-Trevincial4ssoeiation- .as __,,ond of; World's Fair, ;Chicago: —We ticAia6 Since Max.Wilsow has citizens "are -taking :the a,clvantag, 9f. :and as --,he *kept very busy; - peeple:- desiring -him .better tketrA ,orders a little .ahead. wook Canadian' „corder. Of ToreOterS brought up it is hoped tilt all the members. will attend. HAVE rt HMI NOW- , :basetnent of -the Methodist church on.. y jaw are m--at-fit for food; and. 73 timinal to use iliern. Their, , ai their flesh is liable to- _ disease-of.cancer:to human at cLingerous. --While it is io- us a_crime.as•the• other; it dual act.to- Sell the meat - of - the flesh of a mad steer, also, is r _unfit forlfood. The farmer `-there. can. be no- possible -excuse )r the b_utCher who deliberately sells he 'flesh. - The soOnir 'such-- parties .Tuesday eVening -last, to enjoy the. social ..-given by .the .-Ladies' Aid Society: - The 'chair was. occuRietl by -graanne _of vo6a1 and instrumental _the .clioir, the Harmonic 13and-, and - and ISiessrs. - Alf. Davison, Frank Gordqh; 1-I. Armstrong, a, d the Greer cabinets beautiful photo and, frame free. FRAMES FRAME& —ThoSe of our readers who cultivate. the hicious pear noticed that -last season the.-14aves. Of the treeS seethed to suffer from Plight abeut the Middle of May..: On_erpae-examination it would be found that _the- sap was exuding cOpiously From 20 cent -up to 1.0_„ the largest kincl- most beauti- ful selected stock in town. have also . on hand. :a large stock of fine- inouldings for making odd siz:es. Call and inspect beforp chasipg elsewhere. svnetimes•running down the branches A thle ground. The inischeif is done ir -13', aan. insect known as the peartree creature; flattened idform and -Provid- ed with a•shari 'beak with. which . it tlere4dy recommended is to_ Taint.,•the and') yringe the foliage with strong Soapsuds. A little judgement must be used. so as not:to Inake the -solution too SOMETHING NEW Just you look into Berry's furniture* store . fen! photo franaes. . Don't buy until you have seen his steck. All new designs and right prices. ove, njs:Ng-1"3" t11?- 9f g°ciet:Y• .plan.t them. by the.: sehopl- Forestdrs' -Demonstration house,: they plant. them "hy trlib - demonstration. thider. :they rilant 'them where' the I braneheS the- 6.u:spices Of District/ No.. .1,.1 Can- sh.ado their door sill, ;they adian Order of Fs -it -esters %will be held' plant[ tb.em*. lp-y _the roaAside, thoge •streSig•and• thereby- injure the- fohage. Of the .:presi, at. the expense of the editor Of the, Atweeil Pee, an _uhinan ecl tO a party at .the resident' where • -4There. is a Joke goinq the round Maples, leVO and birclieg *14' rie Foresters • of that town are -d°n't Pe°P1s: :Plant them aiOuncr. the rean.4-er. on- that occasion. The' town WiarioR undertook to indUlgei., in -.the bounfail- tit. :its. last Meeting,- -granted_ pleasure tif ya-wn - •Sioncitty last. $10q te.‘01,01. the -funds .fdr: that^Put- She Overdid: the: job,. hii*elVer,Irjand ;question, it appears, was recently inVit- the home had reCently beenblessed-Veith an addition to the familY. ACcompani- ed hiS met his. kind hostess. -*It the .dpor,:, and after the cuStomary salutation:, asked 'after 'the Lwelfare of ....the .. babY. The. lady .was i'sOfering froth" a cold made her cleaf,:: and she .miitalcenly eittiuiring abeut her. cold. She replied though she :usually ha,clone eyeijr .w.‘ter, this was thd worse one_she had ey'er had ; kept her awake at nights a good deal.and_at first confined her to . faer -bed. - Then noticing that the scribe Was getting pale aild nervous, She said could tell b.y Jobks that he Wag : going to have .one just,. like hers and rshe-asIcedllim to lie (low*: The paper -O4me OUt Its usUal. next- Week, but -the - .editor -,has -given up enquiling ahout L. eirp Now to supply you with anythin, you want in $ entertainineet will be ilsued shortly.. sent for,- - and she :had-- to he placed. leis: 'expec.tect . that -the....great. Goiira lin:der:Olilorciforni before the.- jav was: • operation. • • • Botixtets, F.04the i bons,,, Laces c. If you. --want a. first-elass set of- tee cheaper', than. the se)leappst, call on MTN. Dr: Tennant's Ogee, • • • • •