HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-05, Page 4fr (1ttL1W 1 IE LIBERTY TO'.UTT)'1% -AND TO ARGUE;. r REMY ACCORDING TO TUE DICTATES OF OF`. CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ' ALTA- OTHER LLOTEHER LIBERTIES he LuckhOw Ben Lijointovir ruimp sc1 oOLREPORT FIRST; DEPARTMENT - 5:th Class_EXcellent W - Yule, , S Yule,.- X Graham, \.Douglas, T Reid, 1L: - -Douglas . Good --J Tennant, .W.:, Reid,- K McNabb, E Odium. ' Fair - , J- Lyons. Entrance Blass--Excel.—J- Lees; J - Douglas, L McKenzie, _ S Boyd, B McIntosh 900a= -A-- Findlater, _ . D Caollins, L:..Patterson, 1 A :-Finlayson,: Wal.--Oorri an, E. Greer.,. W Brennan;-. M -Ha uIton, R- Volumes, . H Gallagher, G Berry,: A. Baird.:.: Fair-J..Mooro E: - McLaren, _ W :_Corrigan;. R .rm- `, tion F .Cain,. B Bryan, • )3,.- Handy: poor," --Iv Treleaven; 0 . Matheson,: ' F Collins.. _ -- Jr. 4th -=Excel:-11:.Armstrong, .Mair,. od F, Edwards,: 1��laiiJ,. F. Matthze..• - . Go. B. McCoy, .11 ...McMullin. Fair- Dou ;leis;s MThotnpson ::Poor \VI �1' Nnx -1- 'Labor organizations . Grundy, AY Dav s on, : J Baird. on the Continent - of .Europe ,pare _ SECOND DEPARTMENT: , agitating .-for compulsory trades unions 'Sen. 3 i d—Exce11'ent.A� Geddes- llndersflll J 141cl�onald;. J Lons;:. A to lie organized and ivanaged -`by t _ �.:I� I1IoIntosh, L smith: Gaverninent `oEcials laws._-to{be made Kilbou1n, , ' Good -\V Lees; E Wheeler, E: Vance,: to ,the effect that every wont man ittust:- :i{air-_C•Slioeoottom F Stewart, C: belang to_ the c1L;;ailzatioii :of hid tzdean.. .Poor C Cor ri an H Find- 11cLe -_..nd those, --:refusing . to ,oi May be latter,:..J McCoy, -fine"d and sent -to :prison.`by the:. police ' -Jr. 3rd-----. rcl -=Excellent=E •McCluskey: biuson. Good The national- convention Ti: Ilto—M Hunter.,: F' authczz �t�.es,: T -G A. Ross,. Ross; Middleton, L .Rotis, of the Swiss Labor party has al • ady tI Grundy.- Fair --=A.- ` 1cC-Jr're; A embodied :the idea in its-- political Shoebottoni, SWT Grundy, :.S Small, W c t o , ii aY,5t ., pos.. QUEEN Vie* toria!s birthday: will this year be eelebrted. in England on - Saturday June ,3. That .• .this date,. • is ten days after the actual -anniversary of her majesty's birth does not trouble easy -going -officialdom. In Canada the - annual holiday is not - _varied, except when th624th: falls. on a Sunday. This year it comes ona `Wednesday ine Bruce • out • 71$0,. DIE s seaso meet with the, appxo�a ose whp love youing what 18 Departmeflt: latfornx.. Hol -cues Poor --J Stewart, R Graham. Sen. 2nd.-proinc ted to third book— Excellent-- (J .Lawson A McN ahb) ) ties, M.Cameron, L::Stewart, (1V. Mur. docl , .R Dakisdn) ties, (B: Paterson;: TIE {dobe has •-under�takel to ecurs a plebiscite -rote of the-- ele9-tars` . .of Ontario -upon the, 1 uestion of.fro- hibitiou. A blank ballot 3�or \)!i11 -appear in each •issue and the -poll , rill - remain open until the. -first:.of . J'uly The Globe says It is • not pretested that -.this -.plebiscite -.will an v r° all *the .purposes of. the provincial plel isc .te, but at leas^•it will. not be eomplicatetl munieipal; -. provincial or_ rf ional issues, and will help -.to stiiiiule.te ipulolic :interest and zuature -public thought -on the question of yprahibition. act •. I Ai n;strot g, C McLaren) ties, 112 Greer,. A :Brennan, •-(M• : Finlayson, Watson) ties.: £Good-- v Ajlin; Fin1dlater, } Callan. Fair R 1VIcLean: Poor—W :McClean, S I1TcQuaig. TUIRD: DEPARTMENT Sr. 2nd.---Excellent-GG, Holmes, Paterson, =J Henderson, D : Lees, Flynn, AT -Thompson, A Yule, - E Mc- frit osh,` J. Douglas, D Hornell Good T Reid, C W. - Vance,; G Brennan, M pian s, 111'. Reid, D D Flynn,: W ATclntosh, G McKenzie Fair—H: j 'Graham, : B„ -Campbell. SPOUTS, AI AILS, ING HA: AND IG OUR SPECIALT IN 1890 the 'municipal act: vas amended -by a clause making. 0ounes responsible for the.eost cif. -=all :bridges of 100. feet or more -within thein -bound - ries. All -bridges .other than those :on.. boundries wereP roe Taus?y a charge on - the townships. ; The result of 'the- al teration was the building of a number of bridges 100 feetin length in places where porter' structures _ would have ans#trer d the purpose, the object being : W1I1 Tams ,, to put the expense on the county: M - SF GrundyB . Thorns: r .: � EPARRTi4iEI�tT . Jr 2z d.--- Good- - ..Lyons, I\I Mur- doch,. ur .doch,.A Watson, b Allis,:. M. Moore, M Davison, W McIntosh Fair—R. Grundy. , 1J • McCorvie,•; . J Baird, R gating, - W McCoy, 0 Grundy,. F Campbell.. ": Bad -- E. McMullen, 11. Matheson; G.Cameron -Pt. -2nd- Excellent'— G. Maim `I Flood, L- Lyons, J.. Reid. Good -J. Stewart, I :Collyria, Jas" Henderson,• `E d E. Ta tor= .L. Stewart, D Mc - 3ildre y• Donald, •J Barber, AZ"Graham; G -Shoe- bottom;• 13 Hornell; S Stewart, E F. indlater; R Little, S Johnston... Fair FOTJRTII D h 1 introduced bill to restore 1T Lyons, .A G y, -seems' to ba a sul) J act on luC-Ii legrsla- 1 _ _tion must --leral to perpetual ame :nc . . Good -4-i` Reid, E 1TeLar�n, E - Flem-" I- bl t � 1l ins 'E 1�Zurehison. Fair ---A -Winny Bis op ids a i Sent `art J�--�Exceller t -=-Douglas the law in_force. previous to:18"90.- It 1? McKa J .MeLure, menta:; no lain bei e o a , J McLean, W Henderson, M • Bryan:.- • cases. `:.� Tr<,,,�1"t.,f-fr.Tnitn�tnnP ng. -.app applicable 'CONFORMABLY to a resolution adopt- -ed.- dopt- - ed- by the._Liberal. members of - the House of Commons last session, - a con vention of: the Liberal -.party is called to -take place in the city • of Ottawa on the 20th -day of June next. The 'con- , con-. -shall shall be. composed as' follows Each electoral district shall be -repre . 'dented by the: Liberal neniber sitting 21 on, ati6r7g. wa'A.1RIT,-*viiici::i-atther more rain than farm work, in England, Fritnce , and drought -whos consequence threaten_ disaster-. In t • e ;months there has 13een, only t shower- in London or Paris, and gree vegetables - are at -; famine' prices. Th& ,rass is withered, and forest fires : these countries. The- see rain - has not sprouted. Our friend in Manitoba fear -damage- -by floo The Red River runs from - south t orth, and - the -snow and ice melt nea Source while severe cold _still prey s at ihe _ mouth. The condition is al ' ts.risky, fp,i the 'sister may come , :great volumes before the_chanuel 'is ipened -to let it pass'. The lower port., s cif„ prol?ably be floc', Jr. E McMullen - -F McLaren L Aim - HOUSE AND LOT -TO` NT ON WILLOUGHBY STREET. OT CONTAINS ONE. QUARTER OF an acre. of good - land, well fenced _ and,. -- it mood sup l.;•of water, hard and soft- has on-- a:�.-. P Y The haeme is infirst-class condition, has a good • cellar: and everything to make a place canes fent; Any one wishing to. rent :tlte place can do so at`. once by /applying to THOMAS_ BMWS -Middleton; R _Middleton. ' Good—W, • • REPORT OF SS 54 ASTIFIELD 2nd Class—A. Gardner, B., Ritchie. Brown W. McKenzie, M. Webster, R. Hunter, L. Habick. Webster,' E., Webster, IF. :Anderson, J. Habick. Sr. 2nd—H. Reid, R Webster, W. Barber. Pt 2nd—G. Hunte Ritchie Pt 1—R. Hunter, -M. Gardner, —RHEUMATISM CURED IN A.: DAT.--1-- South American Rheumatism Cure for Rheumatisth and Neuralgia radi- eally cures in 1 to 3 dap. Its action. FOR SALE coltriFTNT. • tages in the -village of Lucknow. Good, stable on each lot. For particUlars apply to WM. POWERs. Gough St. upon. the system is remarkable„ and mysterious. It removes at onae the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears.. The. first dose grehtly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by A. B. Cougram. OTICE TO CHANGERS WISH TO NOTIFY THE =MBERSI Fart. Imitileme-as :and' " Bitder Whit ADONIS in: LUcknow .on the salad terins 'and 1005-2 HOP. PATKINS to their interest' tO. call op. owl. Andrews. All machineit. th4t -pan b6 -got at. whotesald. UL.L Fob: SEwiGEe .. iniorm. the farmers that he Will keep for Fvice this season, at lot 6, .Con. 9, (Eastern cow4 his sUperior bred. young Ayrshire Bull PEDIGREE. . Dpon Lid, A, 251 -----red and white. calved May 23rd, 1892, bted. by Jos, Kinsey, Doan. Ong, sire White Knowe Lad --1160---, .dam tel e returned three tinaes if necessary or will THOS E. FIN, taAnYes, r. 0. ART OF LOTS 'NINETEEN. 1. twenty . on the seventeentli,Concession townshiP. of Kinloss,_ being 125 acres---:setenty five acres cleare& and bal.ande yiell timbered 'Apply to' Alexiiidef,'IrioNettillcith-4lie pre:, BULL F9R SERVICE illE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP fot service to a limited iamnbor of Cows atjlot 2, con.- 2, Huron, his Thoroughbred. ShiOrthorn Bull, " The Peer, " No 16261. `TITTI & little white, calved JaPy 29th 1892, „bred by II Cargill & 'Son Cargill; Ont„ got -by Albert Victor (imp) -p315-(55260), dam'Isabella 2nd—B-11881 — by Young Strathallan-6302--, Dixie DOke— 474—, Gillyflower --3101—, by Mike of Bourbon -507—, The resa-- 4865—, 14. Barron Sol.‘iayt- (imp) -23— , Strawberry —1790-, by Young, Briton— 1176— Lady What appears to moat men to be a needle4s amount of uproar:.confusion and . arrangement -at this season of the year, arises from the de- -sire of thc. fair sex to clean, tidy and b6autify the house. The result is _always Worth privilege of returning thie.etimea if necessary, LUcknow.-P 0, • OUSE 'A FOR SALE It: .-BURG:ESS .07FERR,FOR SALE Chain:Hs house andtlkalf-acre' of land, Situated otiltheOuthportionbilfavelock street. Tancknow:%The..laptse finished " in - 'side and will :11(ake,*.a,.cheap convenient and terms the vacantlot on CainiThpll street, kat east of hig brick :store.;, Thisi,.1.R, a; first-class 1?izilding•site, and 'the -purchaser, ninit'agree to upen it Withiu one year frOm:the sale. the worry. • In this connection ven- ture the statement that n and beautifyiiig transiorma* tion oh the home at so little cost as wall paper. gy orilers for the -spring traqe are now completed ancl, it is safe to say that. we never before had such a range of beautiful . papers wit,,hin the reach -of a moderate.pocket book. Ladies are welcom D. • Agency' tor ' TRADE MARKS. .- DESIGN PATENTS& POT infOTMati011 end freelLandbook write to -el Oldest bureau for securing patents' in America'''. Every patent tam out by us is brought before, the public by anctice giTen tree of charge MOO. (Zen t Xt ".‘ • 4 silteVXCAn ' Largest.eirculatiOn of any scientific pager intim!) world., apiendidly illustrated. sz,No.intelligent year; $L-50 six months. Address MuNN -& CO., - . rwouraurafi; 301 Brourivaro NOW 'Mk Qty. _if-