HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-05, Page 2gm7'-
7 V3�
xoter a to
ITn o hon. gentlemen
book. Th it and r they could
u experimet i
Ways !Sirly .61edt, in Toronto they
'W LEGISL-� had
is slid '.jhj not 5
bl �ggjni �f Water a tfrow their, posi-
rine Wes
Later an. 18 11 .. ..
an Basilica sip is led to Totrea,
at* the been comPel y Of legig-
fo d
Vic' or, �.,introav om
1 bjthe-�()ardivaf it Oli tiom Very. sold in the bist&
L6ed by. d
wemony- -3JUnidipa. tUe humiliating position
ble 'fOl"Ovos Mr -z
AN, . . land sirinkles ating ebo�bolming 'a Goven
RON$ ?,r, who ex
aWaters litive, bodies vv
I.0 on-ptespe he d
.11ment place in
thi - - I . He
d 14611ah ..now
r M imend
the pe Ur. cMah -fully coneurrel
which a -ind 4e*O in tb view that Toro
a4on-Td. men ht to
t baotism representation-
m.i. Str d MI.
oft v�hoW - oug]
.1cations that W
t 'Ar prov ed.
Comp Stp.E�pSEIDZS
have inereal
Le the represen-
and th bapdod. Agricultural Mr. Hardy said ied
D tat S.. ts*t. *tiation I b� the Att
ondated a .,.id
A T. -he. jg85and . ba
id ast -'Tait' for Torontop .8 -188-
'wirning -are lai. pulaiion nf
FAW114 C'Vae The tignsot -M seaon thep
3ge violet 1.
�6 r: i e' -d r ob e ai Act of 1892- Of ot
Asiessme be -zo
Cardinals 0084 d fair it might u C1 J
�,te and' j rdy-+4LeSP the establishment then jut3t an--
oct] was
whi .1 1. 1 � .� -1 --
:At�- re-terp* A `Wlth . . " . 1dr. Ha vibw 0
st altar is decorated f changed, couditiqns an -
te.d lijil P�rk.,irlbntgTio- noWI, - in
Vane. 4 Of natio re, T&Qn�o. coiAd hardlY expect to
Mow. .
of -go !-T mn, Gibou
seut� to JAA11 t id- r -81A, re- grow
Great. .:FM04 anct his mbimeut,.His Holiposs arriveG ves prep6nted a.
us audei,
S e the. inister own -nit of iepresentation Us
.8 'Th.
T -BUSIN iieivw tesi Vit g; . clotha. Cr 8 th, e u
Bum FOR Nl. Own rroverty,,,. Whi e port of L jisive e saw e featute's
q4ve at the thronp..'the e r ongtitueucIeS.
pays e TIMBER -is S,ung.and 0111 t e 'he
the v g�,OF xqrl N. ta A into,
V'a, desp oills, r 0 county 0 at be
A Fort Monroe.. Th has. Aus 61oria 'ce axid territory mu-
Lis- begun. - aul 0 amend the Act, Te -
altar I. �thiI- bell to tah
in Hampton -Robda b forty- b�f the.
show eel 'his ore c account.
awrived ii Arated Alter.* Mr. .14
IT - .. ibal forth, T - - , o see. hoW 06
of.. ve ships .1. hi� R '. pe er g 1-8
On n birthday.- churches., in ome rum 14 e4 t
Eng Squa . i, - SDeot ng coron a. -ont rio (Hastings)
&ftet by inth amend the ]AC. wood 93
1. i will to wron.
Fvsterd�ay i f011OWed. Soon f days thi6 silver t '6 'm 'Gilmou.
morning . - d mportant.one 'Sileiied 611 Ad. the,c tbat. is 'aamittemy
AnotherFroia 8 Regia- 11 #ystem
-in- .-the Arclil-itecti" Adt. - t'In
Iihe.Dutich shiii Van Speyk- Qaulu,al,.--e His- "the
the wag r 1.885.
inan r e b re- re-itift
a'riv d � late j, �.the- ThSt t16 St A-ngBib auniounct � _
I --- e oduced by
ships - her the. date the debt Of OtION01
re a th6. jumber,of foreign, and Bills We'
lac me cejvc-d All his 007A.. re nobli to con-
-Baglish sur
Mr. Gibson
rhey - aie five one - I *-ho iv..,, -To do . . .. . #
.. . 1. : - LLING- 1E0 Air.'McK,
to '61tivell. household rg.
d tW6 military SA, " at t e W" rblOonbu
One- Itily1o;n. an b to 11 n the .1 -istry Act
who-haSA -fraud 2ij. . eg
so idate the I
Dinch". two all offerhim.their a Prince - Mr.- RY6roonTQ prevent..
ked to nt
iWIE.- - a iu'Romd Zh-0
�Therlel I
-French. V this ths' -ij1iPrIsOn-- Mr WWterB-
-B 11 to
e. hay. A sale Of. ml: 'Act incOrPO. Ac t.
atene d' to. three mon , -
con lk
The: arriviil: of..the'- British Was Rccom �d his -- charger aw -9 een - Be d- the jedical
Ove i - .. . . U es
-by--a- large a coriege of Ambagsa-. me on onR&ilwf6Y r -R
Olse being r he- �blduutA 000 000(- Mr. SharPe-To &men Ore
S� fine, bf:. 9 1
mount-bf fust - On tit- bud- .16brated -P Mr. Wate 6, ejurn-Fr
:3 siti
-the,,W Rg unel .11 91N
d 0
-aid to e
St6r and 11� 90 Of "ng ember
xcitQme'u t folldm by.a. brilliEIint-, i some of the most ob the'ParrI sound C41 dtaiioa
od deal of e 411 the*n TMW a roa( the` the 34 e icsil. C
he de of Sta
in his own 901 Codipany. :,ach-m,
cj�iadrou wA8- -aj'cl tbeir attachf-s t 10 . ..
1� of the s dors n number o airas- PriIivide fai the s,
pr qiphaeL -The - M [n., the pmt five
. ii 'did by a, v- "dir tement of't!hf- a
sishoie, The, appro ece e. wh h un
aida 41''auri g
ruing Or McColl Un Medical Co
ero -of � f �
MO the- Me6caO W -h' A- vith': do in the'. city 0 of the
6' the Vght is to To was frSme certain cliu ch., hotel accOM"
and -the siers,-VI. e Queen suffe . 'needy' or 's omaiise;' years fok
treat affoided t h" way
0, a wn f In ation Wfiij tte
it' -and fr-0 th* intention Of -Feven, e Th e a - nditta council
y hun&reds who -8 ashoie, al- reikiw Was. Jull-bilo I jigg them afiamill incorporab travelling
aw -To.J a the
brisk 'It M -r -Wood (Brant) mod
ii&r of, her' I grbat histoidiP ails.of the
)Ute in all the iplel - thritt:800 udaiso -the det
%"ta *as-th6 finest yet prest Was of its art treas -Sup Algoma T�Wing Qom,. mAtee Meetings, ' a
r 'h -.e scene ]-n- ditig thd�-c, 11, Icroua ericir, Sn iolreturn
0 �7�te -i-and, d D1111try' Lake
t lit LdU the fiUBDc-
ee�Z,8, BtI7 rface Of' th biIautv; andappeare On -su -gent,,le', i .16. �jjnt set dowr
br. rred tb:e au. it e- h A7fOu;,wit hei�ladles- d t0833 a, M g �of ez*�
thips 'a In land, h r 6r, inyi 0 ild
m&c!8 Oui, wh au an grain cOu colec. incan
a nb�ight. sun A doeg howev -0 kee er,
lled. t P svebti 189.1 and 1892"t
-ing.; 1 There WE a should be 4bom3e
Tidt-�Re :hg �tl�e Toro"t
on f 0110:w y ball
-e lug,
th CIO hem, rk. '0 am
th fact ihat descent Light ompall-Y-P by Mr. j;jackenzie
b rhii461 lie es Bfiiure- -�
finely. -:-he d of 16,gE
flib even I ed ti6a of -whit,6-ele-phapts -.W. C 011 due(
US ratioulf Was I Tit es tro a
e dinner in -tl Lem.. - end In Cor s re. Gas
u jull-pf de re. if -he Cis e JT -the Sarri'86- - "me.
There- is; no: ePunished for sell 17 *6 -TAnc
Ships -re sud'then, b A
1posing jjud: the us al d qiA I-, U BilfswO
F�Mgli6hmen &:�e the. MOO ill V66phafits a- e...s erely th biDg
iib t A
'Our cruiMff,. it, Must bd stri u e ng.s f ot.
llanaQ.tim6s 1hor ev. --Respee.1 e t e name t�o
A �Wmo , t thiB a'. h
-e n Ight iComps
di ry 0C them; Taitx-Respectiz.g L
-now in- the road g On to ev )ur't -and S- tile -Swilt. i8toc. Companyp -and to chaing
is for 4wh by.-cqmpamono- -.to hich-liSu
suffer som at W, di Sa Gas and'Electr]Q
fesied t 'f th r -Hudsoii!s Bay Raiilwsy Compa
un 4cal 033 ard mb6rt:in-,parti0uar. th
nall -H'd - - '-' - i I - burgle M' ie. -if the Leg le
that The only waY,OU to Yjalature -of Ti 0
-least - t�> tb��- qys Of the Mr. Mak z
W& Sarnia t
away ask W 0
here ow
tkusands here.- point A on
an the Province a P
ale 18,11di for the.
h d Educat,
of-:beautY-- 0 -6rVFjjL A -his orical t
nd CiALLANT- �JA D -Y iheawner olipif ooraB. ed 13 0 take
t* and -enforce for -he 'to a
-but 6 d after get Ing ot.. zoln.of SaMI91
IL his. -own to return liomo P
E ailishmen f. the a
LF- prohibition her ,e
th Toronto
Napies, ha. Mr;
three of t being his possess'lOms) t0iij furt on=p,,8Bp ctipg
jkem at least hav idutider
a been st4lying robbo sea mu tilway Company.
for Power-
jhau.th� te the
in -not d bis 'hips as ene ew, lays in 0 c ni; Niagaria
Sheol for havink boei.i 1),OQi Equors by Ve Byers
61 an. air., Of qdi!tly Wkth fOi thie-onfl
T d Of inLtOXiC&tiDg
out -C hidh is- Us y: rtincef he atten ed a
t A 0ma, �tliia very e, Of he police.,
)f �b.usinessj where idy exer6i
the7 yes
ug. in our ncl . qrry-he.aii s-e-otion 18 of hapter 56,�
isub.. dmen
-been few. tea ii gbitst improvised- aftOtr t thereto by op RailwAy';
Fort Hor
Tho aona a
ahman, by -thaw who has - everibe V60alig oompany.
-Fre the- last- twe HOW to endure t] and he
-ue in.N 53 Vi0o ved the sei e d
tb6 -habit- in V99. ave
-to Sir Oliv
b was: o the Leg' pecting :Fjecu ies -in
e 3eior MOW%t,. Said liat4bether ill 'res
th9 idol of -the'-place for. tu n city or, the he will fi ip. ru �ging
thil njoji, whilai 01e.city 54'Vi6toii er Kwat MO the-
hoi no, louger,7, It. fhe fickle bligiId tO. Oranguishing, i haptei 461 ing of. a.
d -the- pasi those ena Surrogate Courts)
four h j every that
whore� in. h r of
spect6tors -have� swk-"9' view el. Ad.6r. witti martial - muslc�- re is- Conima dditi, in- to pro*ic
-ijectious -of 8111 - . . .. . lature'" d the bon
tbo ingtovartwitlISAM, ts*or-uQt was iloid. ab� ha, u'r-isdiction tO.] r gaite Courts Tn' do f
glishhipa., he this in , - .. - tp u-na
to. the Ep, in la W a -matter of disPu 8" naividuals
Ifi-C -il hav
none' Vf *0 hief..Of the garrisc T
�ouj-d be abobut SAW r
Bniglitihmen, have Co rt z#ad
he Prince W1. guarantee oomp
aring$. h -e 1 now, before the Supreme 'Japger. Of thol
an d ilitary� review. - .1:: 1 .. . an!s warlike d. iulh 11, t clals. a
Frenchm Gor 1N --arL11; #it i-cashea-4ha Ora Therewas not the �8%me
e. mysterious -way... t6kle part- In 8TIMST Fi u the aas one )-:cakry ou
ey - are in -60M In' (mor siog becoming iusolv6nt- Iact IId in ROmb 0 11 BSCUe -t( provI rit for -guarante
-the- been ij�poiuted
King ich, 1892
which 2 a dVv4z'eU Y
- W. .. .. 8 am 8jk-Att9mPt an i"fanIts to 9
-more Emperort- find for' Rie el )ut.y,. Acts -
t -Itesuit 7 ft h I
th.6 f the German;. 04. ucce IOU
th - ent CdMO. will be"s What -salary. or
]DrUMmIL Prisoner- it -authority.
e - ReRim nder wh t Mo -
bell .0 orn panieo
e no t6ti(juwa
eir. 0 remp f e e The I -u- uc_ Sir ORver Mo -WA,
jou, own
shi sion tU. h ,,!ecj the sqqnd read-
ven ri� u vffioers
xpessd it th 'has s paid to -B h g the
wh ke-, This tiu .416nd n. 001 A. M:ac.. ill rspectii aty Cr
repon d' drunkep Mni RafcouTt an -Count
two 11ationz, are� ver, -Prince IesAng-,tfi. ja-s� e ening th%t Mr. ing of a b
jt romantic aid y or
DfY k -and the
ship- poses. �She f the ar idob - -'Of pointed- by
Highiiess" rem
-The enh' a ains.snd'neit 'Year, rvste -k. 'Pi Toronto. -had been:9111- Attorney in the e
Fr and 12 �'-00 0 the The b 11 provides f
ighborg in -no o R or th
er ne. 4) b6tWeeia: dougil of
-frowna upon. is t6take unto -8 TY Toronto.
reed --t em, 0' their d received: A cit� pf
d �,at he gtopped,th. n, 01 der., in. -Council, 8�u so that one attof�
6� a when it is !Bc alian strikers.l. and,
She seem-
Ut w4Y- �jt. on of theis v
no 47S Look -out for" me' on hm. ide., �ostibl H�ating
u in a 't foi -reinforc-eme 0 : Th- One e Mr.; Wood
I get my b1p. d th.- '. n . � . . h n t- a go tten(i tq,,aud the other wil
Oapi Y. ately for ea
Ir. dl ghw�vg S unty the ex- a
e lug 'wl , for a t6turn ' will have 'oulLy the. �'Cit'
what gr&ndilo 'fe the-: 'heit t' ..The olice foughV th divis7 Toront to
w for 60 ish bi' Station. a'he Ye) moved ney nt T any other
devil eu the"place Of h% str opar
0 A 0 bion,, governi
-6" ther hiiii tb English ships- ate� un- C'ut at -Naplf s-, the - ikersi owe V e,, ountry. Le- nent Or 'orkint'll 0. n -
r Ure on oniz% uov�.grow
a degee,� hj,10' th`Tc. ithitolles) c.01 a -district bad
tih " bluff jurig Prince is P11 tIV9 olice reinforcements &rjl: ed hore Pe j, -to uch -dime
Tfie e�is'no n&it
%ti6uz to the Mea Cully with P-- 0 gat ere. ads thi C1 "ot atten(i to it
To.- b6 on reco
in. wl mi no -airs. thi 2 en W 'County ro and bridges.
t.h bes me 0 drew Inio ul u
one man c
They -asau h The Iq0 -in the op' that
6hem- r ers. mnved2 that
g rig ass,
ey res-
h.ree o cers2 no 10
Bur d 6lubbin. ou Id. br gr than &t p
�b (Ignified ev6n- to atfffumas, -but bardlY a �;ek ip ub .6volv t,.blarke -e'ised and. an -to -he engaged*
d 61 s. and a, few h let is R . tant had al
iior� going 'their'batours-an 2. ion Of 011
-46 llot� the rourds th �- 11 se. the PrOvis!"s of -the
with.. it-. Tbpy out -some - i iepresentat The Misr
thei# are -aim 4rn� -
Stvtidtes reap
eir -fath " Aod �divid. �Ito thii-repire; �(i toh
I in 'th. er -hot U16 ecting the
oIS so Ldgislative-
thing or a 19 -S. IQ-- th �th6ir. prisonerso -could �proc
T ey
'Th -.are� evi peacefu ed"the 2 6d- ;to t Assembly 613 entiattach
In, ginj his future - ilig eA� -*�ih molp -so t
bi ce ught tile businesB of* the'
sa -stilb-tto, ker had tb -&6nto
same wi drunken i itri ctoral.dit.ric Mr. W:
t�of. T AS --of the ele
e strict,
s ati '6fiSrg6d
olidit &X]g Aftek-14.16'
beaiiug All the y, wh. c rvlos� t ' ou.� sent ion une jOnl headvad I -90YA-L nd 'upiII09 and no� reason di one
t�heir subat h can rrived'to been .,.-,:remandods* th_ are In . x -
adequate a majous, e the work W"
I oerei foroed. . . t j- 'ug the alaw ointled 01
'y jor main &In'
these F, 1P5 inothe ah d tedlylo The :L�t- thatin Nl-w York
ith it th nd -Queen-' Maikher-
lwithher-daug.Ur!i.an were ax e sul�kientlY large to
Ley want t0v anthe Police repea
wa when id, ghl i13 gill tod of electing not coor
-be, terribl(ii fello, u-ilfeir me ered to b The
D,g h� i after, as usW Pe d tw
n wit]. e Orbets.� q nt t appointm 4a
ferocious bearin g- gladd6 to -divided Ind. 6titative ct Warra.
eB to fight, P her prbMA t bacli by- ha Itionalf - and- ent -of qhOE16d for, the
when it com to- (9) thEi s&ia electoral di
that peakmg, repres
the sal A bil' I was res,
5iuiessi.. the;, :.more: 0�rrwtly- tO' e �att C d atecond -time.
I 8:68tablished-b
is their bu. -perhaps$. -he -in. e ie
or. for* no r wh cond read:
ve does t y rallied aga. tri6t,- icb wA th
0 ut, r of v- blank OIL - and mor In - Sir 0
w a -wet
were ca
e r. f whIlch ing -of a Bill tO
pr '01
ia .,3ot count f .*here. oes cost liver �Jjowat M
A t h�-, Fivixch ha - -,�he - -- he: totfd. numbe'
thro lers� P16&8SU t -Xom polid ted- 1!orouO W%s Xj,,n.,j tirn r min- 16)350,
-:�ingja ate, b .1 vieees.;
in- ere -roe Y the of ind de
e her, -sou- tril�ers v, att er ived'5 359 Ig, of state -B Duchess -is idb w - n heirs
THE 0 e.Ing -one'
ien - -obtabood a
b e
SX-ALLER er ou�dea- men. both b candidate roc veati-ir
t *
SHIPS he owag ho -on- the. rnmeul.. cutor$. -or SCLM
Of -th Qe 'W The d mseif receivea T� - Bill Jenxbles. -eXe.
ic ne, the rs
boAt hoc ersi 0 1 other wor to,ra w t6 the d ea,
elve _m. r
bed t e --1,000 too ontbo al
-v �upply- P PO 111- 000. votes,
3t.iSjifj and th r f 'k
1-t w . e Ued �to rgist r can' 'On
Blake's a Ae'Nfag room.t carried awalca4d -the. "At"ke hi -his collea;gue. an hi ds, wlile the hab fai
e partiid w*OuIA-. rather haviD h -of
the Au
t.la Tartar whinch: e. �ery. new
idate reoelv wit
2 ed . hin.tv6
appai.eAtly Th6 police
P DY e
kghbor- tq the Government
as o b op estator a's Pro 1
a- big, B] a -to into -the Goeinment Oand posed r fellowi b planks. to reistet
-the . I �fU YW W y -StaiGA -M et and epli th6 t than Lake. The the'caficUdOefl on,
ch, smaller t 3dly -ne eiq�ently wi- di W1`-' e
or more
MU t ILLIAX- hood of t isirict w -rec�ivid-111000 t Oto C de,
JU.. an" h -and co. nien gradal Thehol d ban t'%v ub
Magicienne. -comes, eX he dooll a jed. jtito-
in cond time.
rtild baby',. . L TS art- �c&udidate. Bill was read -a 150 'he. secO
ggle-bein -1) k�den m na re.
o been 67 W v aproeiri,jh6 stru th-Gavernment, A - kd ng 01
The were agOIust U ove t
w AY at -_-the every stre of
0 in tjY10.1Z 'heplant c 1 which
-toile, it baB n did that*( minority therpt-ovide :sgQl
lufiug he in an 1 thougj!lt, the Gov-orent
icioden sl1i, et'aud all t e ex ofur
-of a few hundred
with the UJI.Empre E?� st red: dow h .06 Bill�t
peror a ma,he and, doors well perimen ul'eeA ginsengi,
a d v y in n in a
lightl rm-611 C In ermn Ebr- no Lis 6 large cen ikg Toronto min& Of
G� w bui� a ted well.. tre Ii- tion. i the
re ireBe S'no
let r_c
-The ydid e
urt theire -1. - �r, figliting ISS 3 thought PrOVI es er enfo emelit
MI)aSay, baZ ted. ut
C 0
0 timber -a the
e- we ewhbr
kastraliSda the -the 6re arres -eat rj-�-anal,
- only -ret6lly arm6fed. German I , Jd for th The
-Inc ", . -a Cou -- The Only -six strik6fa w Ughter-) I ielktil�g to- t Care the
She -has ten nt not tjying it. els e. :aw
a'ter liAe I othegran Ho� thoL
rderence, to
R ..C.ostume Ze 'he :M
r; will 130 'T n-acres""Of - increased �&d time -
'the. bat namentwhich - � t' the
dtour tw Bill was r
flull Fite ab -.Sir Oliver Lj am
-to d� onto tba6t the Province N ow
. f:10($ L -- e -is
OMPOUn a� rinici�al parts re - supipose ,
prot . e- 00o.. .-The t,-M-ce of land
OCkero. r -0 un
w - f- 'll to
I—- than' V
d rmr onu w in 0. ovedth(
E65 I - bctiv b -6 -held it B&gheao epreeentation of Tor
AheL Blake, h duly a I ilf a Bi
si e,,
on- d
the , "d iki6g- A to it And did 3aof -.de4ire "any q :N t W�B.oppoae- i#g
(if Rai
'inches -by the DuP have b ore y R;Ver. The'
ight be taken theref tities f r t
Australia Amed.00 -VII- by 'by
to ..telegraph ires Inj �the-. dist He he d
th,( ite eased represe 'P. a t Prtage)
irons e words of the MaIll off, "' is -to be estaWashed ��t rio, 'iud-,tfie railw4Y all, th ce
hwa ��ith'the 'InLo'�-' VltA) tile ffice -for the,
rtshiP bulkheiLas All ti
compound-e�rmor itauuele
and o1a her a
orIi fro firs And
is to be se -par -0
inehes 61 a Av t. are- dow, 6 ove thatt
t6en J�ngth Gazer bud Mas r of the t*O be f row h Hot � t. 'C 11 a ter t word
thb Cou JiLTOj motion. af
]a �wer twelve. 1110 'helping distri t -of
anting. -ti bit f�e. P Ut lln el ed., t��t instead th�reof. rest of the Provisional
ie Prince
d. in the- roads a -th
_feet draug. 'boat itted ereframoau
or yar a- e Thu
e ins
*idtll.. 5' SON gun.. is suchori C111 om P uder ay. House int
.W f�et . SaWasimai . . -- which - iior to B '
5,600 tons, and h d� te iLknights �alj The erted th' following 0 Cola-
'dis-placementfL vSul Rq our
Naples v4LO -NeSi3olitan. firi Wall et oare wne d ftesentat4on Ott Mr. HaTC t Moved t1i
the an
40o choEeri- Ion men. divided into ttee'of k knts uOthe pro- the Dh�'- Fran
whoemploy n ci.t', entral PrIS0115
lia iltboiigh, She gIV9.n of Toronto w. mi
'tjake twenty'46ur in n -districtoi On the.
efte Austra d SAe COMP 6 of wjii M. of the' C
r .1 h T-t,,W.o electora
fess-dispUce-Meub. tlian- the- indludeil -in the.. festivals'
and gramme , - - - . I - Is Feat* to the -Leg
;Yin Italy from a reat DIT 9 veil' rued one -ferstood t�ha`f` the
ve T nto.-
q�ttepy,' mperot William$ St8 Member Oro
Tg6ters said 11 unq--1
-ido, ally es and -prov N
N Cfj der on
YL bat -119 4 "'ion to UPI al re Aksembly- ii2ce ; N
foljo��s. that, &�e i Ahst
4ry. of.-� th'
batti te U Who,. aives jdoN�in 9*5 feet manuf'Lo ntral.
r seaond4t r asion'tbe Low al) the twino a tuma at the Cc
andJ%- bette Ail ;.i6xoul , L Act Was pgsaec
avjzlg heaieft' Slightly , he game Occ f a MS.- When that ill.,. He thought tbat,
h e view t..the- OX 7 is, . w;js made m mW5
'ja the Gulf. 0-6t the - febit 0 -t.i a V's,
co th derod.- tba --of Wes6iin� q� knoWn fro t al By POPUl L' ed .4
.: . - -P&Iaca aitem ti hail not A baus
uld , 11 -Was
r has Ot -the
ba the'�;, Aus Min' -frbm;the Too StiVely it
tteryi.. which -her ister -the-- CWBS�re jUM.- into ity r ax shoul luable and.
"naraw .-and- co e epresenta on thin the ud �made
�k� unlesia the ter n.wi tario a More
jvStion ving n as rapidy as -r t in �of. th of Minor
proopea he:, t d 6peratio
a een.
ald 6nabfs her to, . 0. uk -rif water, Be b' tested by So' w
Poin Men
She ig ily built suspended n aditIOnal
'26, of--.
4�ffll loge", Ov
e la ra.. . 2 - Pr t 1 3 t
9Vf. ahaal 0 sThO 't�was dea d d, 13r
a tha ble and twine.' t
aperior speed wo, P ina Burn es"
S vice
to o6ve The* 6i ince'; tba
osBiblet4o as hust reditll, a
h E able
T V, p building. d Mr. alightty- Mplet.ely- uncover eipedieul, that- -.qubh, ali test, shc-u1d'b.o made�t inspector
OjM arrie msn� on as :a
Nox t
SSr. BPL Was Le publicnstitu was in.0itec v
a - en f ly well
-of; 22 tF
e-� k7tl 8 rd -to 1 j th
jMSIler thau 0 many w. IIIA,- �c B, the- -Ger Sai(l.reityF havi�g Tog
eed. The a-]Ae staiuds on a t* the To fi.'. 95 feet ai�dd. that on-gir. special ing jqf S.Uo e which pr
r an g Of Italy -the area. abut has le d the jvi Luf or thd apPiTkt-
-him in- lea tbostatut
beavier ure De M. eloi r
*Sgicienne was ov r, il . .. . . - or,
To .1, v " ' Suite& f 0
go. fb6r -as b or and b6ei. ilb�ei. mak to uter, 1 1100' tors Who were
t - a�. Ailass of on.of - t of'-onty t'WO
ab e the
nne., ST. ee r-eri.
id Act the diviB men
-broad d he a& Xj-RXSjV19-GUE ned. teit - 'that by -I led of 1h UTON-AN atkad "of 'a' y - L . 'The, ,al
Pee rteOp - - .40ti, was conoe be% )f uptur dity.itito tvv e.0toral distficis Was.
lie Atlanta b- t two -" 061, alre ady in c
ift'6. The
0a upbuied by S fliring.) b g- Asaid in mak such -she ithet Stage the d can be t lerin
but. r V, said city, wtb had .6xcee
WAII0116 will be. accol ed-h'sduV
j- six-6-inc
3.a h Kaiser he all olished, and
r es 06b
hi h w be -S mere
ofteuty W le At 19 t,
aaller 9 d in the wooden, 0. sco, elee. f q-) 400.
in ML that
s�mewhat a,, pakdale, wb app,,viatmentat a Salary 0 'cement of 745 tly gUe _Whole 'he three d -for
Thq.P&rtr �ib b land town of
idj.o: fro must Sul no S'. to J1 that suite truly a 008 Dr g. -H what Levis ely It mewber r. iL son aa Noxon could
the. Bancrc ta
e been isecure
4-inc -wher Wi -el. t; �nd ative Assembly
lem- he would. havo b
toun. only. jty. The
Sh h 18 feet longi-
jj-a,7�jg-a disp a - .-EA wporor It th Ay of lo the �k which and trio -a- less Bum, Or
�b%UOXV Of -SiX- e. toi.tIi.L 'is - 8 fiet' d In a -basis -of not have,
e has a btr The tank hat een, e would be em�
other-,diffi& tin - - t appl,
knoto. - MI is, a epresenta
rity k,
F t id ayot�m-of r
vibni bud,. not Jet a presentat a. almost ntirely at the Tornt*
of, 13J.
13pev . m. . en- -the th
the �hej only RoyiLl �7 f 'him r ov ion to -said
1019L ti toject I ascapa�
.9 - - x4io'has o �tion of q&
W of' the �poctatr Pl?Ye
A -hum T as understo d was
t. h laigre eith The- -jee his toes p
shore er Strict -W prioon.
jut�j tll&tL I
ran -electoral Noxon
�Wer -gjtdes perime Waters isald MT
an4j. othe'r BbIp's'.0a"le 81 edfather, Victor piatforni L edge then,they ;di
-0 the rooWs. SL Ao",'Vnd th,, in- zinte 0
)f ihe - ELY it el ej or u had'had
&-the - - bailv-uged �iuc' 'che e secured.) -and
an e.. Warm no, nwid comes of said. Act two gen b
ibn&. which emos: passing ble, a man
bath Emmanu .9 beid,`for M. fth bindi
mtstretched Pse considerable e.cperience
W ery anifflEI pnc�iincb the Ag twine
ith s a07
.tt h
Th6 1B Pb6tfOrM..
1. 9 ectioug to the said L gis ative Af
-9: 0 z. I - t
'dW e i in as riculturI16 lj"P 100?
if, outiid d the zntuo�7io ea with 'ati
t b - UnIging I i 9
lissi.p*ted by a 6' lod go, at- tail ell I.
C h J)uchesa dl.Aost,04 Irdi t i6f him M ibly h-a-ve been held ". this Pgovince 'anc afadturer
d, - t: .0,11L th_ei �.P*n ameeiting i I I � . .
rjrB. ht 1 r tw
9 But n - .- L mell, prob whe elve -months aLt ho %bly Others Of 01* and.1jinds e w in the past flirt- arm ith-1 ogetEolls'011t On waBL.Claineing2 an the have'been.-Se -�eagular. head r addi Ion d,that Air. There-' all oresut e.- Assembly -
feet I Xr. W,
an h! 01114. - Way .40WE -his er
0 ap
w6ra simp N les to� pr
_n able _Dj
-y Ahi79-0 ba6k- towar mur- have.- V t ply at a salary
estls the-�P 'the and notably if.' h baA to h%V4
and b6foie �Jectionoj. -the two by0i
alperial M a] d lijoetely, overg
-they wl . :be Several it heari,
and The Russlattf$ R�Y&l visitors t eir little e then jwd -b. e-el6ctiOns to -the "am but �(i help th3Aizid twinO
i�ftg was -faRt- e0areapar ments for th mor y a 1Y cut all his' fi!!�dj'he turns -ken place in city thjtL these
were. over too� but the R-eale J6f
n�pletl 11 %6companie: Almost 00 d fit the $2 400 Ye4 -to
tow th
Y 0 _that.L id h6irorl ';that is eilectiono, y demonstrate of excitemeut-� am app�rentl
FOR3TID Voiced ation nw�applied au�htez)
-w -6 Po
e &V6 has form, of -minority ePri and
mpaujinent. to the eseut�,
Witt' a at he.
Tribune uau�jl gcod] Working LL at bibly
_48 th 0 uhat
-8- -practical
-v -Y610C he . t ST. -PET. hiishoulders �ty -in its -Aalr. L ROBB
W- -B, th
uv e
th pro hait th overn-
Bu� 4 the water; .'therefore the. . 'inion HOU igritied to a.,
k back Wi igiou
follow'D 9 "at usy im ra noatiefictory, inco EASTER itself he. strikes- the --water to. said ci.
th thud. He enient nd expensive )ling the�hon- .
Shi tb Bla e. 'I.FasnWr h 8 been 8 an L P sComeau
4 u
t -a
e -d th( I I. . . . . 'Should be -ail I tL, Sol
-re pfiesto thei it (in labor -I-
ther.'a 'nl have been rf ce
Plissing- m tbe -to utllze prig
f tion un P ment wtis,abO 't
h . ikiini juit
W-ge 6ji der a readjustment of.
Jf-,ervea mOr iht *Ah'anq U11 enter
.1 Mg. seeming -barely to that there.
and reathen hard. #tory m ner� an c
esentatio Of 0 inoU
div th,6 jarg.egitf. -it froin:i c n aid .0ity-in:.30614 Legi an' He 0-wia ix" tothe
e sten-cp) a upwav goes off repr e system of MiD t
ctuiser 0 x" r the oqhor., face.' stry *bich w
havily arm eviendoiiig df n�bly, and t 111 .
wed' is not looked Upon n br the tr tive. Aim] -hat th aininig r
recentW Frid'6y Sf t, -applie farmers t SaL
-the excep don Or fier' sister with 41 mue 36n.6xhibition Sent%tjon now d to aid houl ndS Of a011F. si-
thQ lgic,;us of immediately to give 1. ity repr C
r poin n the-.
and -her Yppearanc di anot er pit
.g - 0ay.. - J . I i i 26� buildin r
'id -V9Yage. xn�erenOe - as 9 he mi0o 'Lt'
ja-86L lasto.,year -is her ma en eiviresses. '-'Ivl Ta. t thought Of th itena 0P h g ity shoild be 'abolished
the pro Y form* of
pry oaEe
(if qhuralhes Ov. rone Fim the T
outwar .. - thrconsider06t
d sign
7 W -the hi doptea iui Upon f a
enkiii1e;5-- ofl h.
Sh to eientation a.
00 tons�, Siv e pa�al,.Cha� -a ropi -ion
evise& He of public institut
e a M -56 _k6e white, bathe -them of the have been
Lourin. of list
sea a beat that could. To rch is p -batih* words Mer§dfth proteatea to pro�el the cardW'S18- eswIna-.dry b6: added, -11 r.
-20A01 ninceuse, burns DO to unl at th followin unleas their, ti�. i
11101 0 en
f 22 seldom as -POE or tor' increakei-P, iDublic
the water with twin screw a a t, the' -rate o .all hatigingSi mb
hour Meal, remove to the am. a
'd with, ifn:- Bv Ahe hoW Me absolute. - nedessit-V-
c eut WAS' � n
Aors bit bla k -and --ourPle, are endaient of L
'fku dledi n6:0 e part appointm.
W.D wears some simplb D 6vis) to constitut the publid
out .25 m PO -tiff, h -York (Mr. a became
-former, alk. ...-ow er. dweAt
worD,,.:. exo;eptL by, he tilt n be t Th�ati it is further the Once them
throw -.6rth %tt' bd
of sure.. t6
on ig batteryl.clapa � e . Pope".. d A.t.nighttry-A %at of corns -6,rob,- 0
-th 7 lisiii 1pr ili6 of the. Simon almost ospibil ia ahakiIi.�
d It was-. 51 girlo pdrib it W&
ing nbal'. ..otbiers -to d *ji tie borax.
'thousand pound of 'M t in view of the
lemon -an t is is. wh pmlonf this Rouse tha
bl 1-104T
car %IB t *1 1 - I i
E64 a
w., e Ac
0 of 1885 was passec
91 'd
since the saii
of- h,�ii d%Y, can --be i for - or uorease- of- P saic at sild the inspector
h.,bro from th.' - in the , I" I
twenty-two bari�foot in- procession- .0 �jiefk preaVra . :Sir
n this ec6&m(nded opulatioiti, ese RiOn r that[to -er Mow interest. A� to the
- 'S r, Cro e, in Jerus mbei city
0 i
---tong -'-Sn Ma8Fjive 91 netteL 6 pores of e
bin'stil , - pracl,-,
-k -tion: estroy
rem. alus- sudd,6nly2 an d th t of inall 11
Snell t repre- -d-
d, m9unte go clo!ee- t1i -said city is'eutwea tOL.incr6 ed. -need Lin the public
Df t s the d e ell eim u jnapeotor�
a -Ula d c trae: MPSIr. e1rc-11 atIon sentatiouin. this ROUS se of Be
th. His duties were tho
monivat saiia,that he
w 'White agreed wit e -a fix-
ithout e 9 -uP skin�- WOU � 'ad
I=711`19 gL Off the dd- n C L inpectrp
be eath �heviuzzlw b n4in�- Th _puttin iih-ods it 90 ch �d h th Wa
at' 1 'jjX' I r. 0 dig. re . . I poundw a- or le.voutly doini the Just nd- Wy-not call him a
gang earl1re a L t of 360 -the pope n and ame
brauW0 u f sunbatAn
its ce of Wth, the. motio tiiey "could ot, 6t him J.
Down - in: her.
guishes for V21400 because'.
-.Unce'of twenty4pqr mi THE 5ASCAL. . ught thei representation
- i He'thO
fifty 1L., - P ace onto '09verul
-'fild there 1%rq?, . uge furhaces t es.. I on the. � - '� � , - -- -; inadquate, and f6i less.
, le I re, �vhi -'are attended f men compot.11 Tdr by 15 Bi4d. Ak Vo oiip6te the CiLty. of Y -What steS til ht�
e bof
oti-- - F'id by (4 -.reninarlt of i said cc f minority, Mr. -Clauc
day,. afte Good I Fi kIS16A2 in _&IS�,D -that he syst�,In to dispose Of t
our -expmnso thou as an expe 0.
of dollars. old* -days), I'the W -2d gatisfa- twine. - H0 under... .
:th , ith meji- legislation
of triD16 -�orta,]B-bif most' Women In, been tr1e4 ment propoSba -to 'take
fliemen. fler f imited rinivat had stood that &.T.OrOut 1rM
Million 6rkst. jno;jj �g6rs of I ild
englues one: Qhapt� 9�r* o;-bou.6o.bin , -not-prove put and
rs, dent jolojenough and i
Stine id
''In the 8i . -corpora 1. oipoi.ej�y .:
nt6ii adooto. neizofla - r the out
t V;Ould therofor6i be ab dlemau
sno IeO thaii fiVa:- Searchlights. churc,hL 10
She cir ie also-. th sudoned. Weis: ting fa
imm,611 Q To nd bank cashle
r two, 'ch" an: inen, iiels faro. ninbty feet., dinal - 6elebraut blesses -e �ry, Ana m jl�t that theAe -should-be no
He je fun h igni&B n. gentle , en thoul
cea-in the P. P sjid that ho- 'that th0manaf
'I her masts are .-im The they are OU4 )AT. Men , but
e dith
b fil _P#i
lahv anc the a, the' --entombm' ut. not the M3111 come vut In- the tr adireo
teel. D� f -of. for-! pic6a used at :. 1. site had iness to tly witU the fuM.Or
r rout --the oppo %a
_�J� G eCtILY In M- 014 teue... figu 'as
r r. . I . .. - '.1 -1 boldly er
Y Pascal C It i's said thwt. arkd6n. Ill
'g Is If atlon- - -.0-1
-0 tjr.ers shou
jtlhei�h egiol., .
s.- the: f I, tthe gt�6tute -as.. possibles
iring.tovVi Protected. b
Ward Mali I bling.-ji Column., i ouidoi
18851 W
Wree, feet thick,, -where �tj L le . ancient, uVe, resem t q.,01llja;jj.jn Ouids if ng W lu, h -was a d
pillAr th
te6l jeu- tMil-I beeii likeneds
r d" ec ts� eybry movement has bi E04T!049 is
ding offioe , . ir -The Will
of. fire w.
*OMMSU hich
-4ming jan- with,then