Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-05, Page 1• ii • • Tracle_ For cataatt Sa ' s}Axes .ind Guts New goods best quality Cultery and, lamp. p. goo.dk All to shite Cana- dian ,Tra.ile:. - SEE WIZEN YOTJR BY tou'il-LL BEY: WREN YOL SE - TAYLOR • Good, Indacemeats li[eld of . to burrs looking for No -trouble to SstO'Z'i' goods: 1w e ry- . b titT ited VOL XX. UO : ow : r TARIO, FRIDAY, 1 WHOLE NO, 100.6. Mi!VION LUCKNf,JW. 6pita paid up . Reserve Fund "rota! Assets LOC.L PILGPHS. Newsy sygt dsServedlup:rog Sentinel Iteade,rs Pregident -50I-IN STUART. --Vire :President—A. C4-. RAMSAY. DIRECTOAS day's. 10 toil. Deposits of 81 and upwards - SPECIAL .15EPOSITS alsO received at 'cur- rent rates. of intereSt: ° DRAIllgr'6'n Great Britain- and the linite,d DE IN.ITAIT, KERS! Or Luokuow Banking- Comp'; ash Trout f sh-u3 oop ened - on Monday • UCKNOW, FER'Y 1.0T11-, 180a . We have the following farid properties.for sale cheap and on easy terms of payinent, viz: acre farin and- a 150 acre farnal_and a-- 200 -acre farm lim-onToWnship a- 200- acre farin; in West Wawanosli Township farra df 100. acres • A0401.d two. farms of 100. acreS eakla..;- in Turn 'berry ToWnship, only. a few miles froin the town. of Wiiaghani,- 100 aeres of timber - land, firSt mortgages et farm or :village iiroperty, at frora 512- per ceLt, interest up. Therate is gov- '42,1SO lend Small. amounts. of Money ori• •second. mortgages Alla first chattel Mortgages.... We dO -ii,-eneralbanking businesS in all its dr44. en all Canadian " peintS and en the AnieriCaii* -Exchange National Bank, 'NeVit througliOnt _the _United States; Make cancer or the -Nerth-west, and Cash cheqUes On:" ip.y --place; -"1:;ending Money' on: .farmerS notes a --Wingham, will be- in Lutkriow on the -second 'and. fOurth- and. Saturday of each m. nth. G-ood sets Office at -Cain's • LEGAL A.. MALCOMS01\1,. BARRISTER, Selicit-u-, Conveyancer, _etO„ (late of AIORRI,50N, ATTORNEY. AT barber -shoP, Be.sure and spend the 24th —Don't fail to.- see the. red, .white .--7Those.baby carriages ,at Smith's are just fine. • —First-. class attractions for- small charge at Lucknow on Queens Birthday ' A. handsome hew piano ;was placed in the parlor of the Cain House _On Wednesday. r. and Mrs. W. -17. Little left for . their new home in Milverton Thursday morning. —Mr. - and Mrs. Frank Greer .We effect Insurance on all claSseS of ings, either -in _Stock or Mutual Ceinpaines as desired.. None lint first, class CompanieS rep- resented, `. THE4 PAISLEY BRIDGE. • o ti a Editor of the ;Sentinel -DEAR; SIR,-ln a late issue . of the Tara.Zeader and Bruce -Herald .appea •- ed a communication from the represen.-: ative of ,the Brown Bridge Company, f Belleville, Ontario, stating some of his grievances for not having received the .'contract •of the bridge to be • built -j .neat Paisleya- over the 'Saugeei. River. t, `---ti..,,..;,'r lni-far, arrived 'here • frau _the Northwest Territories last w4ek. —There- will be Divine services - in the English-. 'Church - next Sunday morning and evening. have sortie. of those in raen's sizes. The cheapest clothing suits in the market.—W Connell. ANP ..11Y1ARIN4_, —Mr. John McGarry has purchased from Mrs. -R. J. Whitely the "Whit ly House in this village. Mrs.. Joseph Elliot left for 'Orin this week, wterei,Mr. Elliot has- bee working for -some time. Come and secure some of thos W. C. Trelea-ven. •caritured ELLIOTT; OVFICE -AND RESI- nosite lio4-el Office, hours'from 9: to 12 anti Accoucheur: 'Alliin's implement shop.. It, -3ttefided to. -Charges moderate. Residence, ... Outran/ strea, -opposite 1)r. Elliott's- and'. 4 ,,-,it•clioncl deor north of SEN I -NEI. ofiThe. . .. ce next door. to NV. sidence Ross street, - 2:30p. in., S.uperintdndent„Wra: S. Helmes: 'Adult :class _ every Wednesday evenino• O'clodk:, Bible and prayer book lesson's. librarian =ill be in atteu.dance 2.g these farge-speckled trout on Wednesda..,y., 'fhe annual meeting of the Holyrood Mechanica' Institute was iteld 1Vlonday evening, but owing- to the disagreeable weather only a few turned out. The Secretary' Treasurer's report w4s adopted and ether business was transacted. The : following offiders were elected for. the current year : Piesident," Wm. Valens ; -Secretary Directors, Jas. Marshall, Jas.- Purvis, Alex. McKenzie, Johnaton and David Falconer. The. managerg of the Institute _have_lately made quite.exten- .sive • purchases and the library is certainly a _very -cr4diable one for a rural district. There are at present about ';fifty7four members who have joined for this year. • BrOge. Pompany...w.ere. carefully con- sidered withalli the others. They. put indteriders fdr two kinds Of bridges. btlt-conSidered too high in 'price, it- be - the hiOest tender laid before us. Tle.other one, ithat hp speaks about as beina so cheap, was .considered to be deSign of the bridge accepted: :by the Conimittee: states that' they :Went to as ,rauely ex- .-p'enae preparing the plans .ag any of the .others{Whe tendered. If so, •vie 4ere only furnished: -with a, pen :and ink sketch of he .cylinder: ablitraents r the bridge:mentioned. in his 'letter,. .nearly a pound:and a half in weight. has been called to Trinity ;churc Durham, and haa entered on his dutie —124000 shingles just arrived 'at -Mr. Nicholson, the' owner -of,. lot 6, eon. 7, has moVed on to his farm lately and iS -commencing at once to. improve - the appearanc'e of the old ranch. Stewart's mill in Luclinow. Pa,rtiLps requiring" shingleS ley, Cheslei and Tara, assigned stO Vi_oaday to W. A. Campbell. W. .Berry arriVed h Ttinloss, who -wrote on the Primary Art school exataination held Feb.,25th passed on: the following su.bject : Joe Purvis, practical . geometry, model, freehuid, blackboard. and menaory.. Maggie Donovan, freehand, geometry and model. EttarThompson freehand evenings at Mr. Baker's hotel while visiting schools in the neighbahood nd the plans Were -part of the -ten- week. er- the Committee had nothing defi- - Jimmy, Hunter has taken - the ,, nite to gnide them in the matter. The - contract ef building a - belfry . for the iender that -i•Alas accer.)ted had a plan sixth sori...-Lsclaool house. - of the cylinder abutmentsi and 'design. The.- bell for the tenth con. school bridge throughout, that was of such house, parchased through John Parvis nature that the Conamittee upani- has arrived and is a good -one. It ousl3T favourd. it, when compared weighs (including- the frame) about ith the other tenderq. There - is :35-0 pounds and cost nearly $30.00. three eylinders at each. end ' of the Kinloss will soon be well,supplied with bricirre- and So arranged aa to strength-- school-bellS.. strong at that point of the river the To FIGAAND ppTAToEs Trains leal--e In Allow for smith at 6:.:08 -m, M. t su_BsdiutETI OPENED AN iiii security- for -anyltime,- at the low4t late of interest. The p incipal may be paid - at the end of the time, o a part of the prind-- ..palmaY be -paid each -ye r, interest ceasing on - the amount paid, For- further particulars, VETS, ARMSTRONG IS- PRE- prki to gwe lessons in voca. and in - office in the- 'building east: of the- AGREE7SIENTS, BONDS, LEASES, -DEEDS; MORTIGAGES: AND- W.I.C.LS - yngs, mills, bridges,' etc, , furnished on short notice. • 1.... -meets in the _sOuth end. Lodge- Room. • FarnierS,-r---lool. to your awn interest -an insure.' yoUr. farm buildings and priyate dwellings in the N._.e PlikfTli.44. CASH SYStElq- C. T., U..-- The regUlar mon' thlY- centd-tO 90 cents per SAO for three :years,.. Teraperance 'Union Will be- heldevery second - %RH N L.#414 E Vednesday.of each Month in the Odd Fellows- - from Lagers -611 on-- Saturday aiSt. 1K --ither is still very _low.and hopes 'are entertained of his reCo.very. siSter caiik,ht the' infection: Far- mers ha.ve more Nv at6r than they want tor spring ploughing purposes. For bo);s' suits ao to Con The stock is laraer in this line t usual this -se,ason. We cant fit Mr. Thos.' Mathie has secured - St. Catharines. Nr. Steel 'Murdoch large till. shop. in ' ,appears in a family it -is the du Board of Health and the principal -al pY position ip large Ishor? en against -the ice thrust is very spring, and had to be guarded .'aaainst with great -eare • ana calation. TheY We always •was troubled with our part of the, weight of the bridge.: The neiahbor's. pigg, and although we did are also so ctonatructed that each carry design of the- bridge also wos well lik: to .1.)g u4ghb°.14Y it w.as. g°. in". a worthy of •COnsideratiOn in: PrePrence :little too,,!ar to neishbor with the pibz.tYs to the Brown Bridge Conapartyrs as the and as 'we dicVnt Want to. quarrel or top chords of the bndge accepted N,Vill make bad -friends we.put up with it as ' ease -the Public. School. ' --We are .selling carpets at rig, V _prices for gpod qUality all wool,- tapestry 9,.ncl r Brussels. sure -and- see. what Connell -has in Stock when. you want a Carpet. • activity. in the lo'cal -horse inarket. t .0 - past .few *weeks, . notwithstanding the CKN OW meets every Friday evening at 8:O'clock - in fheir hall, Campbell Streef. All brethren F. ,COURT .50,-Lucknow. Meet - every first And thiyd Monday in every KINLOUGH . Also", agent _ fer -the! Phoenix, cif •-.)...ondoil; to the bridge. than the level) .chord-, Bridge Company ; ,also in thei tender puttin' the bad out in the.lane. . Now, such theirlesign show9. by the Brown wain potatoes, Bill and me, -and geoepte'd contained a Clausejn. which- pigs is iiaaticulai fond iof sea things ary bridge for -the Of the public; • - -within-thirty days after signing. the dozen times that clay, they still kept Tbe.Conainittee looked upon that part board over lie hole under the gate in, where they ,got in. One big sassy . black fellow waited arountl till I hed as cluit.e -a consideration as it was the board.on; then hejust ‘marched up tender... He- also -states tlat ifrom ad_ :and rooted that board off and • vs.altzed" . was in.. the. BybWa _Bridge Cpmpany's miSsions made by the tgineer that he -in again. thought the bridge accepted is lighter This made me billin'. mad, So I made - -than .his..i How Can that be; 'When the --up my mind I'd fix him, so I told him . bridge thkt -Was accepted is_ to carry a to, come right in and .enjoy hisself, -fir weight 60280 lbs. per lineal, foot, and it want goin'' to last lona. : I Hunted his, -bridge,. _lie Stated, waS for 1200 out a great big. potatio ail hollewed it- .gouada. .' When:the Commititee adver- out And filled up the hole )1'itla cayenne -tised for 'ten.dergithey did not agree'to paper, then. plugged it • :up again. I - .acc.ept the lowest or any telider.. Had theld;it f:iut and teld Mr.. Piggy it was' they asked for ter.ders on a givenplan, for -him, and he'came up quite spry 'to then, no!doUbt, the lowest would have get. his potato. He ,neVer st )pped td' -been.aceptedr, but Ithis wa's not_ the examine it, although I 'Warned him an case; .::Thans\were.to be furnished by s id I wasn't jest mire he'd -relish -those w4o'tehdered. Col:Ode-ling all but as he wasn't in the -habit of mi!d- -daurity ;would haye _the leaSt, hesitation. . Now the fun bega.,n- but not fir the -0 the Ancie meet in the Oddf second Monday e invited. D. PAilur t Orde'S ;United Workmen, lowshalr, on the kit and isiting brethren cordially RSON., Master Workman io o obtain the best prices for your irCr it -is to -your advattage FINE LIVERPOOL 8 and bringrit to market in rolls weighing_ from 2 lb. to 3 lb. or in tul?s Crocks or pails at this. season good prices. use numerous mthe country, meets m rantforcl. Jiune,. when will constitute the highest court of the the blare of- truMpets Pre. dictec ar_ -year ago and the: promoterS of the `sclieme• Anglo-ISrael-l•Vilcli- the :king •h in endorsing the taken -by the had his—'twas me arfil eg Comm4tee, in accepting , the teride47 turn fer fun. We juSt laughe, till we they diel.;.not-only for, tl-le extra work cried- to See that pig. First lib tried to that the.Company agree do in erect- spit up _the potato, but nearly sulierioifity of the design Of the bridge top. Next he set up on hilIS hind' legs regret that such an......1.111141caiant feol- over -the Brown .Bridgei- Company's- and pawed at his mouth' and- looked. _ shOuid have got into :this gentle-. tears ran out of his eyes •.and -Mouth quite agohizin' and rad sick. The man2s mind, .mathout any; just cause, and- he cried real hard like a$ if he'd b t thle Comtnittee meti to transact lost some dear friend, !Mega he looked 3,3 efIed like to 'till rae what was' _The ,green .goods men of New for th.4, best interests of the ratepr.yers _ pose of pleasing or pampering; any • approacheA, are ft. ooding.Ontario- with, their circulars. They are seductive single individual or Company. letters,' an.c1 find too nian;) victims Tha time." as one sent to the'. isr.lagle 'the other' day sai4, "hoiteSty vial the best -nking yon for ko in your valuahle.paper, A. elitism:1m, tt but. i.ines .change much him and get some -sympathy. But felt hardened to him—harden; ederthan I'd evei. felt before.. You see it was -all his .)Nvn dttin's and he learned. a good lesSon—a, good hot one. 1 -le didn't care for any more potatoes that day and never see a meeker pik walk out any gate as this fellow did Chairraan R. -4)3. Committee. that day out min.