HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-21, Page 5• �e Lucknow:Sentf nel,: ruCe uo:unty., .April 21st for those that have to pass them are not hada though: there are indications y that before long they will increase: in _difficulty* The Government- .has -recently engaged the services of Prof. . Goggin, educationist and he is expect- ed to infuse new Iife into our educaF tiona1 systein, wlzich,_i ideed consider ing the_ newness of . the country, 'shows considerable. -enterprise on the part of tr-ato: our administrators. ors.. Ther are many other points that -1 should'like to have touched -on,- but I feel that r- have already made -this rather -long and. perhaps -burdensome.. . In. a month or two 1 may send you an f.ceount of summer on the prairie, r�uld .you -trunk it likely to be.. of any Merest .to, your readers: Sincerely yours, ,MURDOCH J. MCKENZIE Saltouun, .A.ssiniboia, April, 1893.: JIOIXROOD. � �Stock= I ctin safely : I have Ravin o g .ds osed of myGrocery = say now on handthe finest .lines of Mrs Mike Benny, of the 6 con:- died., -last : Wednesday,' I er -.remains were interred in the. Holyrood.. cemetery :on ..Ti-iday _Thc-• bercavecl family have the sympathy of the. entre • neighbor- hood: -° The spring 'v oil has been consider : l�i' �• t .tai tli d with the . ttt ui favoi altlie. AN.eather, 1)ut some of the farriers having dry. 'gravelly soil have made.,. - consideral;j e -0. ogt'o ss i.n-, plowing. . Mr. Duncan McRae has sold -Tis farm to. lIu lh McIntosh, who hnas Wen his Iiia tenant. for the -la t ten .years.' Quite a number. of persons in .the neighborhood are o the 5 ck list:, ht t In��r of . Ff c - then..., s,<e �c, Thathave.ever been seen in Lucknow. r::WOMAR:.S FINE .11AN-P7SEWEDiTqfiN._...-0.XFORD'9•:.,.. Sikta.ET 2c, AND G2 S.$111 -ES., Council met this day 'with all :of , 'former meeting were reM and confirmed: - .and show'c.d balance and MI. VAL have, just received a line SItges, which I am selling Tor as good as ordered W011: a anikher line at '$1:35 worth $1. ROCKE Apples Blacking Black _Lead Blue Baking Powders - Barley; pot Bath Brick Brooms Baskets - Coffee Confectioner 'Canned Goo s . Cocoa Chpcolate -Corn, cantle Ciorn meal Currants Currie Powder Cocoanut Dates Is the place to make your selections in L S WARE _ GROCERIES & PRO V IsSIt I have in stock the following Dried -Apple Nutmeg Extracts 'Oil, olive Fias Oil, sweet ' Fish,canned Oil, castor Fish,. dried Oranges Gelotine Oat Meal Gingers Pails Hops . Peels Honey Pipes Ink : Pickles lIndigo Pearline. [Licorice a Peas, .canned Lame Juice Pepper • ' Tiezuons Raisins Lamps ` Rice Lard Rice Flour Matches Sago Mince Meat Salt Meal . Salmon - Macaroni . - = Sardines 1ltustard Senna Mes, canned Magnesia a Sugar Nuts xfords an of Men's 'llanct-mader Thee gooas are just come -much cheaper. • Alsb Calf • eep 'Syrups • • Spices Strawberries, cantle SulEhers Tapthca Tomatoes, canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Wocdenware Whiting - Dinner Sets . Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Water sets _ Toilet Sets :No. 1 1Flour aIways on liana. • Gooda delivered to any pa.rt of .4. -,he town. riOUS 'AliD LOT FOR SALta 1 tion. . The 'houSe is .a large frame, containing 4 eiult or nine TO01111-3; cellar, kitchen, etc,, and is.in a good State oti'epair. The garden. con, - tains .aboit one here of :ground and is Well fruit trees.1 The place . will be isOld - cheap. : Lucknow P. 0, Cr th Bal. and-C,ionir,ess, selling for Cann --J. no Clark : Thos. • Alexander. . -Carney, P. O'Conner, Jno. chatiiiiey... 4., ,D„.„,_.„.E, ii,,,,..,,J.,,,,.:..L'arbpi', JaS. . J. Gordon, J.. BarbOur,.. Jos. • Laftlla w.. - rrERIISH- 11,50 fOr the Season_ and. $2-J)0. o.., JAMES - LANE .A by-law confirming , the: - foregoing a-pet.fti*n. with 130. siguatiir4s,. asking -' seconded 1).-37: 7N1r. INiedd„ that= the.. peti- From this out I am going to AND For Particulars ABOUT TI -CE ettleteTrains AND THE- Also the same a l. other Imes. Apy shoe that ri prices, 1. guarantee -win sewed.free. • Ili.4v0-!§ cured the services- of a first-class .shoe -maker Boots and SI-40es.mada... Repairing promiitly -ttended to. Send to your nearest 217ilroad Agent and obtain a co y of MOLL FOR SERVICE - HE UNDERSiG-NED- WILL KEEP for sertice to a limited number . of -cd bred Ayrshire bull,'" Gladstone, " No. 1298. _ PEDIGREE. Gladstone ,—BrtjAvn and white, Calved Sept. 1891 bred by Thos. Guy; Oshawa, Ont., sire Baron of Parkhill -878 -:-dam Model 4th -911 Butterfly, of Osha,wa-352.:---Model —403 --by Bismarck -119.-- Perfection 181,— by' 'Ecliose--1015,—Cherry--180,—by Dundee 4th - tion.be received and laid over}..' til p. issuefl:—T..Disher, plank .and timber, con: 8 and 9, $2-; W. Scrimrnigeours culvert repairing, $1.50.; R., Bower,. - repairing con. 4 and 5, 50c. - Council adjourned to. meet =as a • HE II-NDERSIGNED, WISHES :ETO infOrm- the .public that he will keeP for. serVice during, the-. scaiion at iot 5, eon. 13, bred Durham bull; "Lord Lenton;" No 17384: 'PEDIGREE. - Lora) LENTON--17384 --Red and little white, -calved. jam 18tn 1892, bred by Wm Wilson . Brampton, Ont. ; 2nd owner DA—Vid Milne, Ethel, Ont.; 3rd owner Geo. SandY.-Lochalsh. Ont.; got by Goldfinclers Heir (imp) -=-6368— (60902), dam, Rosa Lenton -13015 -.--by Baron Lenion• (imp) -1222 —(49081), Rose of Aber- deen 3rd (imp)-5210—by Gladstone (43286), Rosebud 4th, by Golden Prince (38363); Rose- bud 1st, by. Dipthong (17681), Rosebud, by Scarlet. Velvet (16916), Thalia; by_ Earl of Aberdeen (12800), Myrtle, by Balmoral (9920),. Fortune Teller, by Danneeker (7949), Enchan- tress, by lir'Y (17157), Lady Kirk, by Heriot (4017), by Grey Dioroed (2076), by Juniper e ovator And other tested remediek SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Impure, Weak and Impoverished .Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness„, Palpitation of the Heart; Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, ConsamPtion., Galt Stones, Jaundide, Kidney and Urinary Dis- asee-s, St. Vitus' Dande, Female Irregularities and General Debility, -* I 1003-6 NIXON—.HEIN—At the residenee -of the bride's father,13th con, of A.shheld, on Wednesday i April 19th, 1896, by Rev, S. Kenner,'IMr. I Ralpji Nixon to Miss Margaret J. Helm. per half pint.and $2 per pint bottle, ProprietOr and Manufacturer. Bold by Harry Days -and A. B. Congrainv :Druggists, Lucknow LoChalah P..0: 'Ashfieid. containing 100 acres; 95 oleared Bebt of soil, good fences, well drained, frame barn,, stable and., granery, good well, yogi* orchard bearing, 40 to 50 acres meadow and pasture. APP1.37 to R, GRAHAM 1!..ICENSE DISTRICT SOUTH BRUCE Tavern licenses for 1893-4 hot being licenses under.the Act it 'the present time, are David McDonald, Imeknow Hotel, Luck now ; Henry -Montag, Royal Hotel, Mild- may ; and Isabella Goode, Maple Hill Hotel, Brant tp.'-For _Shop Licenses ; Frank Morley for the house and premises situated at the Tillage of Teeswater, being parts ..of lots 156. •and south quarter of lOt 154 south of .the The total number Of Tavern. -and Shop BULL FOR sERVICE. AKTIO REAL ° ESTATE, 1.1%1SU-R- AQ ENVY. ALES 4TTENI )ED LN. Al . PARTS - of the -Cminty and satisfacticn guaranteed.. A number `of FIRST-OLAS's FARMS riwt UNDERSIGNED WILL • KEEP at lot-- 19, con, .1-1,' West Wawaniish. his .f. . For sale` on reasonable terms. 41.3fRi . isj.NGSRIDGE P:45 --.17123—,by Barrington Duke' --10822—, Eu - 1178—, Lady Elgin ---1252. b°37 1)ellimore— T RAT5— Grades" $1.50; Thoroughbreds $5, paya le Feb. 1St, 1894. Cow4 to he returned twid if necessary, , If not, ol-earge.d same if! if Leads them all for Gr000Ties Fridt5.--of Ktildsin FINE TEA8 -The Largest Stock, - Me -Choicest Goods, Me Best Vaue obtainable in Lucknow. TIQRSE •' AltENTION.1 Licenses issued during the current year is 41. The total. number of applications for the en- suing year is.43..r A.N. Gus_ sTEwART. Inspector, Dated at Lucknow, this 3rd day of April 1893. • )002-4 Engligh Spavm Liniment removes All hard, soft or calloused lumps and bleinishes from horses, blood r3pavin, -curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore arid swollen throat, coughs,- etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by A.)3. Congrath • • T YOUR POSTERS printed at the SENTINEL Slok and job printing office, Prices very moderate. —Sir Oliver llowat is the only _Member of the present Legislature who ;Vila a meml?er of the Assembly when the Premier of Ontario entered public life in 1857. AN The thrizingh Colonist Sleeper will be at- tached to train leaving Lucknow at 10:48 aim. on MAR. 14 MAR. 28 Arriving in Toronto in time to mimed _with • the through Colonist train, via, North Bay -and C,P.R, There•will also. be an RSION TRAlti - Every Tuesday dnring March and April.. Baggage checked thrOugh destine:don, also thrmigiA tickets -sold. -No_ change of ,cars. Considering these adVantages we ex - pe Ot to f3ecure the traffic thts season. For any, information aRply to D. W. HAYES, • LICENSE DISTRICT OF • SOUTH BRUCE. . MITE COMMISSIONERS FOR TIM 1 - district will meet to 'consider applica- tions for licenses for the • ensuing year at the Walker House, Walkerton, on Thursday the 20 day of April; 1893, at 11 o'clock% - Dateaoi •