HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-21, Page 2T�
7 Y
-in the stat -BILL*
me ME,.
]MAU GUN a4d
lumbor re. rity wh
-OF: Se,
R -SkYAGE, UNION DOCKERS -FRO -60 JhUCh rmr, Irtpaice to the- revenue*
the marked, improve nt, ich
t Li
thepr9ope of
;Ijtm� that 'i he �Lead a
e. This
int6testa of the.Pr
-10ther.publio , .. I- . I a r
last - ye
I ficreased activitY - duiing - thi
ec TJ ixe
Big 0 lo av
S d. afforded a fav I- oprPortun ell
thr -southern
Ii it
�upQn A &tea in
part "of :the dis#Ict of I an, ..on- Him -BEA
With: thi auction
lilt 01V Thk Sion nib: Ontaric run -tion e 'right -Ine
-S ' p
Wme Rm-Uniqlats the- . a . r - .9 ond
I ght.to. Wbrkr* !.W, B0k- d th eye &t the
H th ---'-Sbitftb
auaFight, Fikoe.. York:
ew: �tfi _0 ITS REJE
-the north of -
soma mpoied U�thb 'on of ays gwllerieg of
Georg H rie hill- but the,..
------ lezoatterid. berths --.A Lonaon cable a
a we,
iai*t4i sAd of so
London -ca�ble-.sayg: 'A:'strike.- that .'.16 80 7 F f CoMriaon
- 1H.M. TO V- - I - - . . . I
n sb
spatch.. gay., ea MOv6
A Now, Ydrk'de G sale -of - 1890 coi.itaining aroso& at:3.45'p. M. the
tl -e Consequences- &a -in
-the distri6ti held ove?froin the the t; ci o vd d when Mr*
ft -at , a to have, serious h g o: Soralp id out:633 House Itself was n
bem started at .- A a" line past THE: -NEW RUILD.
11. For r PENE n
- ..some t 0 't1junderbuxat. of wa -ple that Gladsto,
f' -the ...-tr6iftendo`us n.- am ased to's.tate Home
aquare,mi e
ip- e -been s�ion. _V pre
gom,e- bf the' shi -on on 3aaing.- of the bill to -establish
ping conipan the'OcC d - aecond r4
rk-.harbor. d,w,ere
unt laborers to Work, YO V6 the prices:obtalue Agh.
on. 'Cohi�bisn - 0 - ut—The Travellin S3,657per i d
emp oyingi non in guns At- of 24r.,iGAadstone, saidthat
_of %.,the coming
es, Al erighig! 0 in:t ption.of almeno-
gr4nd ding �JL Gresit 11118ftrk .]Ev4b . I nile, aiid this Rule in Ireland. e
-�'Thjar T1 eadent, 6,v 1sa A
loading- %nd diach�argipg their';ves"Is. ve
altho to .-be -paid oii-thetilkbor the'Go rument
the current T�onthmjy 6 g�fiiea by lugh-the dues te
DaIrY—Agrituiturak 406111p9ef A- -J., OX.cept I.n FJOWO
As, preeen
esused great disoontenu a the mom, rs th pw: tb, ig the' bil desired
the foll-owing a 1 r - port---Wriend] as it.
Ong Prison imim*981010k Rip vihieji cut were increased by one our
of th6 Dock L%borer Vnion, afid a few on berths -particulars. He w
ii -d TrWde;- to-! the - iAind Gf the,', louse
stri Yorle!Tim�8-0,f lyeger.ay:
OM, goma ng horn
"Ad -1 -Drainkge,1 106horl'ain fo td, the .-Ni ' roy
-the, ufiioni ts went . oix .. I- e.. - - 'j�iral GhorardiJUat -'and.Al to bri
days 'ago. 10 ociet-100 Act—The- Lumlier com-, ed with ihio ,dues payable
-a large number -!of non-union Men Final orders-fr &y rme iing e t e
d' tio av rgir]k, 4iinual
186julid dike6b that on April 27 th tothe rental thequestion, when. this grea
districts. in.aAdi" tion ?Kolz a&
�Wentl to 11all to take. the places of �the atrik- h ztea d?, Wheers.)
Columbfi MB -RES F.RB SENT.
of 't�
0 -docks wavprocbed- e jtreat .7 7 -e OppOlsltiOu
6a Naval. Review, t. er : a, which will- be" -paid into was to 'on
ii - -timber: 'duo
-Tills �ft and to th
"the Provinoi uperiority.
on "reasur bu
1"81- and -work ab at the >9 aloae.-nb.. al t eatiou
R all be fireii -in. Asti al saiuk'' y upon'the iimber dregs the qu
e E rues
waume . , - ro. %thor pi e-
0 tlY upon'
-ly Ant Thef '116 Wing P'O- - . - 0
actorl il' 'to-dayi when. th6 sh 0 A .8 d. a
ing satisf spirit %osvni
1 s- th�qjn gune- Hardy SAM of ove $2,250 000� was
an one MowatJ when, dnt,' a: r -4 es it ea
a �Maijy -o -t e- annon. pres
stiikm d nsive attitude, f w1iich will' lie we ont goes'' ryden, 'qibsox e tWould 1 understandit.ga a"S
t,'Fraim- ty, t a.fized by way� A bonus. e
%rts.. an
sncd'�� by ihieats' and.. othek means T' e -of heay.. -calibrd; Harcour c
n to play ar �Y. OT) al
ised.anu '.d onoussi0a
appointed. to con der their -h
f 'timidatibu: Eucceeded- in completely' -k Dack Tool6yj M(' The a I equally
�e in Waters Milo icli bo'h were
M, proar an bl-b krritory in tho- d�o matt in w1i iou
ere.-is'pr ertairi t
-.,Work on every, s el on.. arapbell
blockihg ve a in z.the Ri BO;3�01.�Xn e years the quef
th ich NeNV Vork Y has `p�oba" Algoma), �eri
. . .;.. I se tri6t - o bl
-This bxceptiou- (Net)� P .
�Porb with -one ��.exceptioh, the.lik� Of at ri.6,Yell Martin - f -xipwin th of- t Mi -le way of
,he RivAr interested. Yor many
wh, R-. Vis ooked tL
k -gJ son er- of Irish Ho. e Rule had
d' -
VET via 'tybad offered
the Ordbrs, Ba"Ilkntyne, -a I or, ere. I legislatkno; -The Liberal pE
ich 61y- no itnesse C Amee,. M 'ait-h PA Mattawa, for t6e. purpose of a forest. res
W48 the, steamer, Monteb�,311e, upoi:L wh 0 ve -'completed J�-
vation andnatiqna Pa v 'kea `tho��
re -The.Pr-esfdeiit, t -01-arke r, Joh' .1 rk, 'ha
arge- A r OQd tion but:' wh n they' 05
0 Koins magvr- e
or They hi6ve a solu
agh the lines, LUei assi toend, thev
I fimbe of non. unionists we died by. 4 Gilmou
Ou3- throi f t -Garro Mi ed- -t'o them. a
croi�d comprising eeteral th Wackay. -8tva ton� WP e this -'w s
y6& A' board the -dea- Caldi�6119 tl : du 9-P tou
He will be-. Ch �g:c�
war ships� -on It seful InfoIrm%tion in mponents wh!ere. all Certainly' t
..h b I
oating and trikers ;kud: . . I * Cliary, Ray�oidoq T -olledte. mud swer,
hen: the' Dolphi4 .kaxtef� 0
-a mmissions,' an
A and-. of --h yelling a. I Dolphin. camp o *2 d 'have, rai�ely.obtaineia an. -an'
patc vesse h doc --the objectaii. of - e-', ntur ed to, point
aid k 0%
-theirsymymthi�ers the dock- ning o M61,ena anj t(-st of -'Irish-'
1;r6ceeded to itai�s Vrofa .(Pork), Fiold-'Bi
th' -be Ii be-,' opposition had not Yet v
mor- f- e - c�)Ith' made theirix, -the gFea,
mitted- for your cow
-ihe w �park Will be -.a
--a dete"rinined attack upon the ObJ re.represen by iidgi a fore you, A -Bill t6
ol e on tho-.. our. opi rt, which will
at which- the. Nto to rece iesi.;- J�!L� eas whereby
nteb 1 w a. lying,. -.an- ational 'out A proo.
ted 'be ded, apart
it.'the fleet. is- ready ix; the, P. establith a n 'the
-denti ill' im me -we iidera-, questions should
-made adiately trip ther auch6k �fb�6.,Juaiciaiy -,ab ft om
or a
- t- h6r such - h i let the. b0t mL
tionable. labo The 'strikers m to' 01' n, en at way in which,the Hom proposed
reis ade an 61t -�art;6 Mae e -Rule Bill
A 'ts- and. Mri, OIL 96 L, T,
T I.Th 1 tion. et ihe H e.14
attempt tklor6apture. -tb.e* steamer.- '-In:-thb 'q:'m 'rges a6ad- ill fire a Rr on e it.
ise FlBrgue6ns
t mis o6k. -at-, the
A aAd-the vessel, fjo The bx-- einhive sys. e . of drainage which'i,to decid
d. on the so -one. -Ordinary.1 -ir
meantirale. the.p'o,lice, appeare tea HWgins, Q -Mas-tel! in - i - - Mr. Gladitone.,cont wed
manv-- i
-un munici in to -its
sigg g For ftilly --.:twenty: minu .9 fe hold undertaken
or le e
6 f. - the. ''The, 11 zise 010CIL palit! a -t f 1 6 . I .- -
'The mob paid- little attention to, ord6r.8 6f eda: �. tacle the,wOrld &ffers - in regard
solitar order'.to en
Z- tho' -gu;1 0 their'
beta p landi 9
offi,ers, with, r ' der, swaM1 3jiftating In, the.civilized world 319
the. p6hea to diapers,-, - and W.-heiri the 0 [ace d
fired, ali -Promptly. at 3 0'61ocktheniacewa§ P. tillige e d iffi. ionoll
ih officer, t & I , * . t PA b
ph' I'd ou ties in a( ain I
ri - the. - - . i nion- 'effected and Py
a eir .Orael Con -.Ion '16,by the. -at ArOE,
on n.- U t�e tab S�rgeant -Th Iffi
-at empted to enfor 6 th -electric U. n6ot' d-
-ul- porited w
b lb ese, d a
private and -mupicipal right-
confilict throb - I A -..
s' :t-urr6t- ed the with -.'force, has Overpro.§pered- Th
strikers attacked -them. evere 6f 4010. bi
in ascend
will- be -standing. a.-, 9" the- S&�Jkerq ..having Ve gatisfactoi ily.'sett e I it too bold
uld not.
m6b be' b- A The d on. 411 the lenge-of a
follo'wed which resuJ, e ing
Md in th' it M� ntonomo, -Clerk,.of t OM6 boldne,,,s. 8
mon, or ia 61. praye n'. the
oiju'-t tteted read th rs. possible info;rma on
d e u outt4e.Ifullest if
Aw , I ert is e a 3 raty;Clork," to Hon
e -ey ch n 4' . &
dy" -ff. th: ii f6r. i Iffeile. the Right Sir Micliwe
d . en o, dock. Jh ".the struggle. th j�iome At tbat:this offic the- fW' -loasi, au,,d:tiie D Rod f piodure'su
e -a involved -and to *w -h the'
1 1 u� I ed 'to: fill ti e -issues Gladstone
severaLmen. were serious y injured gunP I wil crus. its.' -Beach. interr4ted Mr 3 � it, A
frdin the. hin)a a ward,aiid.. :r6wd' wr isau r. caused a commission-
bolp tation my� predecess6 e Uiited
.-re a e eas
ik-6j h tutnvl 'the vacancies -cK, h
a t ir ittention to Ing- 60116tituencieg Jr mark -1(4 T k -e th -of t
-en, Those who- aye'� then- watch* eated in 1he' of drain
-Fe siso.. the certa is
hi the bulb. to be issued on �tlie w-61e!--queation
of the 8, pping deratibn, tf e- �t: ins`
the offi6es - io -MiAuto 1i -1, Be tant 6, --and -7orontol, The rep-orh -of -the - bomm sioners will states."
nomQ wl if fu Peel SW for rporat u on.
—1 said iuco
e o
flame hu Ue the el'cbi' JQhn and a 'bill youmissed. the
. � I f i Nge, cc! 'n'
which is'a4i owners. - 1.1y. 100` feet, n of' M Pe DI, Iiialing with .34 Gladstone
ssaociikt� I of zhip ith-
be laid'before yoUl
J Ad Jr-ish cheers.)
and &
�7. folf6wed histantWOU Y - Y --Dr.,Geor e 1it in* Rye.rs d for.your con-.. �,(Liberal -a
�s �nd bludge6hi thby: co 131 b on f or -T 3
mied �.with.,, Stow di(V11ntO-_5PaQ �Y' - - 0 -- I n -91 dr1i. 9 biect.,will be H-011
w1liell -shak, d the au J submitte ihear.)
own 9
MaUan qv. up the building in e b word ear
attA w 'r to
a roar*" A. thr eaten ronto., aiderati u. iiniong U
am .1g.watek Jr. ixdj X11 thli nd.Belgium
ouse, was then o 4f the 7commisBio eri on
es -urued 'dii
he -poli6e' builaing-i6long.. 7T�e A n triecl: orpor ted na
the l6eatedi -T the� city
ev�ry The re�orts. fteen years
if ter a -precarlo
re. �rniDg Of C Pin on- assessment laws -V
nor Lieut.-GoVer-- rustP be -:06 wa
n- they at. 'the HO will- bei. laid I Au-itriik.
Ove, of -fi 9nd Han-
thiji, -time -prourmly- �On the, -he -and Tliat rpoWering, dolUrhh: f flame which us, existe
ue W1 PI au 3.07 b61664 His b f ore y On Oil, 3 a effectec
a, other riflicS' �n 4 ".when 11 be -seen. to-:le4P f Mian id will I t
In T and g
7 0 ri. K the'.Chambb e
n irkpatrick...eAt r -n
ted to- dit -1 . I I � . . - found us�f a i nd - yearsof
�a, the ob The strikers e ed t 013,: a after , .. - -
fLttitude. of moh. t Will �-c6b�6: from Ove of the ary tried -incorpora, - at th I choice
r* Un
-were cowe e 4
a expe ien,
read A bill -cons lie, rs.)
t the regs, -Dg the a
-3 em r
on pis . .. . 1;
ngupi*brtfi� - Pi
i1a ed, -it was. urep espeo .
they re t on -inc Will: b ame:Ddi
d'b �the deltermined ce they, fo d th
vessel'a'rn Bter 10 h gun - usual add iatiAk -6ud
A thou the Univier8itY of Is
the poli, g� of po�vdei w t pleaftre to meet y 40 y in givi
-by 3harge .919 1. -various ting d - toke your
-used -a 4
r8 loco
first time -since ng ussia
For- t 5 -P . ;�L�glglt6tive,Ass(,-mblyfbr�the.. bill Ing
CM --To.rbnt coheolidat* 0�
ly in. --h-alf-hearved. way. Finally the d It 5. 1, t gives amendi R 11porated Polat-
- p. e -rou hly, 250. 01 A and
breaking t -a tWe 0kt as". Lie nq�nt--Governo c- - et -the Opp
t or My the R
ice h- riotous water a if. yi)u think
New. y k t ute m6ting labor 'standtherew.- -
ime in, appoin. in r6s,
W i' lists sition in r opera�
I ft, egistry. Agisl a
iantonoin n I -is peou tar] -with r'egar 0
el -water, front a- A -in tnese J ir bear.) un
re. fifled: with- ie"
Wi ..fire.one Of 'd b gratifying that I d to. v 'ter ake� iv -t
rowd,. and Grdim as restoted The:stre6ts- -her huke [y he rabdel -0i thei
oh,. h - and a bill roall' iona bvtrone.
1 -&long h .1ts roar will----be'-th &autiful buid- be sub 'ifted tioni. Hed
ation -an many -rivil6ged to, do' o ills'l er
battery.guns.- P in"Cities In e,d - and that is wheth
-.. I e Golu'mbi - n. ted- 'and. so. pr1neip1dap�nbeappU SW
a so near -i Consideration..
r strikers disaussinci fh6 aitu ih
signal- to every vesse .-in . ings now-, y comple
fo od by
ircum- ment year will,' they require permanent nia
&4 that-- t. -e cc or, the cul &
tbreats are, --is'.approachi ation. and The listimatos ba
made.- that under no'v h .,.-.President 1`9- ada;pted fdk'�yoar - a- ommod
r ---- re . -If when the -force
at&nee$. will they ai. ow, nvp�union. men to riaers16 40 ietree, ot the public service-. disapp
h --occ n 1 tell for your force. the
a hot often t..at asiOli',Ar conve n'eiiKly.. date -be. "w4bmit
-the �cO44
e- W mony
War ships to-bwassetri Od �hat e -to ree actual
bl- - of'the work They will b found e- UX110n 1: good.
ith it at A been
be. employed in I andiDg ship. -cargoes.- It at one- thn didn6 'Ifave remains, th
W -be 'further te6iib1-d;-. approva- tent ma n, ce oft
thou!r�ht there ill. ivarteis, but.onAhis: 00- -on together At -an rl r. -consio ft- tenan he union by f
all their cr'ews% at of my callin �y prepa the bobnorny the value
icu - - .9� I . . ry,
esident pass 8, up or in reserve.- ab
diso le. n
hAv Sion when e- iin is is rkecesvi -
o t�ken part" ar pre e., red'vlth%; all
thd authorities th �day.- . .. .. with,the �effibi 7. CY Of the public service. U iou,33, hot
-it is -;E� source-- o gi 6 --feel assu 'Your logis the
-esations to suppress any, r een e-w's of every f h1ifiorical . to� M. question 8) have been -
e -ihbcr adt d -that
tw the lba. a. re
the Leg to-. 6ted but autonomou
-tY a h session'wil
tri-kar Ft., - may attempt. The out -guns- or 1. inco.rp
I - �e - - rem!e1a e 91 . C
'LaW this , evening ach. n -in the ti 7't' r
d stan in - --,JY8X. lativ, -Aggemib i Provi Is
is g -on the'. the am earnea d in- w1l %sea, with l�ucce a,, 4'%SOM`e�
war qn. pori.will b16 ither .. -4 J e i�ddreesing lativ e labors durin 'the present _orE
: e
look an & - Ad e by;
aloft d ly of thif oe be'.char-a me t ,-as e at
d. n. a and
Union. issue Wal 'here- times -,Pon
the Dock Laborers h ' will-: edills- tlic.6its. nee
b to, �plevte- -
fire `21-.- gung, A ere -of the F-econd.c.ehtury ao �a attention- Which. have their,
-Liverppg thoughtf 'al e nDgaryj undol'
ar e
to, simil unions in �ernrnent: in tofOre-mark d Swede -D3
year .- a
ship Canada. nd ativ Thus Austilia -
Lohdon and 840- guzo. - - U r ntati;ve go edl'tbe. w. zknd *R,
d tthe..oxitse ark of the L g�
�h' a o rep ese
gow,- %ting t4ein. -to unite �W� the� '�rge -total. 'nurnbox of no f 'f the. first Par] ia3. present union, Norway an
reque h Ad the ress:o events.� rom,
�Waq 911 e prog '11-assa: , A- Fin--
nasmue Th As�embly Of my. na ive provipce;
6--glit jg;EC1'nst the 'Shipping Governor. k d an
-Vernor th -left the. Denmar
Ilu union in a.. ongi. ged.at the- same. ins.tant.: in' - ment of 4. by� Ais'.-E`xcelledcy. -Go on an e
w The 'LieutOaaht M�-
ill' not be' q*hli 'In-ost cc
en able: -to .792 to. the e officers� of' 1, are illust
-Federation. --No steamers haVe-ba the lanc
106d re
it the t
get to day except "those -,whicli had,- Jor a`rliamen -da wil ceived him, id the PI
na, dizcbxrge� - t e BP-ectatOra- ",Coe at N ia gira in -1
firi'' tbe� -first chab ed.by th
wa's the (Jerman Federationi
away must wa di.Kembark* �pf -the y sh.o.'s what' gr a ete success
oub' -d 4el city borps wh� e A
-ba -d
hive beeh-Mi. a Speaker - -eagcl6nd
,heir carg&s, aboard ..-f P a& towgir Ahe It o %vu powere,
before the. tr to t strides' the. e wher each state had
n fired iii opm, Cotthtry-an
-Among t 'd atee ea
b.ekan- and -1 -*h -846 g So eni .-of ithe- d. the-enta ern After -.tb e int-roduction 4 -the. nei V them.-
a-,. Presidloat'� befoiri3, e d -throne U interests.
e- ippiiig trade -is. a the I Dio On�y,
r uni 'xi will,
06111paili6s aff4eted, upKoar ich pri_,�ilcgt.s. of -State had its-bWn?
In the Unite Sit ell a
citizenship: under. e k, 4
tuf the
V in Top oi provide ri -a
6 Iuce 'Bill t
by.the -rike is tb:e - Wi �f, the -D n 1,o - -us 'by -0-I e isl a -yon.
i -:4-ne, sorne of droate" -in America daring to
[!a I h h gh an e
'Qp Mr. M wai d would be,
Following the pa"a ge t intr6c rega;rded
�f which are J merican- eup Qr Ad
'and her 'P 4 native 0 t
tha vesseb arrivil-'at th -oi Ji terfere withithok
oi�e up. the Ii As for `the administration f attis e poin -s
nes - es hadsor.n.
f th -PL �ent w re-- for.
ID e- #�etj t.hier resi many years al and for persons ap. J,�stices of -the- -as -0, s_ease of
d U- lie - , - - t- -
-Fils.6n, the- an.- Th -e coloni
trade-- Mr., Chas -.'H-.' )V d, bruecied 'with. th4 p madm
n poiriteaas Moil. With I
e x t
dmiral.. Gh,6rardi,' 7 '�Canadaj. rejoice perip�. d them, 15ut a
in a r
owners -of -theiine, hag incutred.-the ap �nd all t believe a i The
-1, ha to OM
-e A life of
the Dol. ieite
by ffieerS ikl�o di�affection orwo pera
-:ermity- of ate -.S�Hkeis. -his - attitude,
tai and -flag 0 nder.oqr prose 9 reada firjit time.
Jk , , -- t. L -: elf._*ov nm,!2t-.
ard tit relations WT
ni u JheB
&ij union. and: many th reats, are vil - - - - 11 . i 1. .a Le r
t lo-vbw: the Piesidea ht.--- and pr" of,1-1.
i ege mi is remedy was - f ound in
enjoy. e Mi. M0`WA Che'
After- 4hor Dved that the- speeo a
towar a w;B ean very rig
Mi,& against hirn..- Considerablip excitement' P it)- xerbise of.. 8- 1-
ark- 'but, 15. Itillest e b 3 taken exe Gladstnue r
i�r.ed -to-' dis�mb How eferred 'to
w be. -prop necessary ti ant Governor,
the tovtn --and the .6016 ten If the de- Jn con6hision Mr.
minutes7' b conaiderition- oft
K e or vlernmen into.., to -in ow er -th
e on
Mr. -t6-mbr-rowP
4DIMtCOM e as � the it had;- --i a for
e -6onve W- e:clos' d '�he retention of the Irish m,4ib a in e
'�it & L f �tbe me-'Vle� re
* 6- b., he steps 0 t
pre-i-aila every where: .'in i' the- barge
-nxioudy aw
a of the-strugg,16 is. a - �'birn o �shore*th 99 alff, iiat tha;Lt
which -o
As. the' the past year -while --hot so" Wo
"till 'a.'lsE,tis-;. a -n
t 'public accoun
t. v ignil flag- ". - - I - , Coon Pailliam
Hull a rikera madlp,�n-...effort thi�-e eA-` bat ent. Th� bill �6&TefullY
The 1. ff6 Dolphinj�mlll a harvest of -�,eral se'ssiv. 8 he' aLLL U .i per -
the Inc
ideut'B L. -Dolphin be laid:'01 Or% atd
I -&Ddudafit- a e Imm , oss,,bility o
to dompromn� eir Pres -t a4. that ediafely af
i c i rence� with -14:ege thb of -1g9l was guarded f
tops into he I , --' L agbt to,
y q'&
p;7 h irl. proposals- were, ti th� -tabl where -of Ireland -ol
dr. y.Zut t ei giv6Lthe Bign,� -1 'for a wse. Jhe getieral awakening- of Treasur wou ialexpenditure,
teLs�, a - , e
't e: esVI 'wp
wiJJ I ano. cond time ' 6 - , Treasur Id'
t I * " . . ... J�ctor 0 h Iso. -T evc -d
-�n ti ni Ahe::Proviata t' re in- the' -of r,
V :JF7eiec,. e ls-ofevery war.ship part iieultn'juts -'-i the im- atatoMont-.Qn--thc.foIIowin1 -day. Pay her aba, an
-the- virdi and. rail ag
-6� - dairy- iv --e
-induit4 andlL of other a- . . ; �
Nr. m. ned., ;rLance]of th The mc d d
-H Va 0%
an, Jts )tion was Carrie If the 9
ffr :pk. - fiecuritv �,off
an m , - - -, - - : M Mowa - v -a that al�lect itahcIlng fled. with.., the
It is at. t 18-1 ore ex . ve; pparen
200:"P.. L. SONS SPEARED. w b i attet 'omqnttbAVtbo- -d- 6aded de lop�-iont I t
in I . -1 1 . I .. - � i I . mo e
ay'.$V 91a: -t e, incre J f the pres.
Each asing .1 creamcriee ent exi nice bill WSS,
[sting fifia
N. f or the, :
g;-4-th6-d J 11 be -heard. f minbe'r of 0
calinonading r committees
ill CoMM6n 'Ce, n 11 . . . Ouse 'Pre
JJV e establ;.'ho
w Ant is.. d: -duringl on IV] ieb al:
JJUZ� -'�Lfaetbri* a ' si -be appointed the fo�lbwillg I me'ke-13
Atroci 16% the a and che Bee L On t Sir ,
t -Wn d -ready t6d e�ch
'instrue ion given by rA, �aiqs,
d 1be nationa
f ]�y- e. This%meana.that rr-h6 f
a a 0
ut t eleetionSL,�-allwaysf. e ade in the last'
P business -P'" fleges and th Board oi Tr i,
:must of -dairyo has-. Veen a 0 cl6ral publi' ula
e 1, L Irk . . , ,
guns. (1§a1i
Nativ S 0 fir -re-:.c1Vsin9 -21 ttl el-tiavelling'. standing' r
21. ttei &d' riv He - i Mr. Gla&
b'o, h t2.- teL
W- abary Cab; et
and at! erly t 111D A�tone L. W1 I -excursus
a e YL accoll ibLg 6nd. nii zli bavi-bg -mad' -a lorg
with gr . J.� -
tifying reg�.toj: iniciDal 14
-A ud. -,jL
t L or. isll. ilon. of pra&�� cal he was exPec
AbOl* histo y
'WHA.T SA"W.., taLlfan- The: appro tfad -to
kou h i The -rn otiwiwas.aarriej. btlOt ir wben
Tay.,i - - -- -all U, �6.��nt
C 19clu-ps ll tile
TVinle-S br1a
A -The Houz- Ve UO
The - Car '0 the' M�L -i
I- tudinous - Cri
lot ara
d." �At
ons -111 _Tao_ Act h
WJIL ter Te
fro h e
C lesv e
A Londo %ble- sr -Ya- - I Ib.danswer
le m the Nkon(le cob1rac bro Ow-aick i�ark, c -h oter of the
tt.er - - ' t Since th the most yi
rip On. -]hand
puoh private The brufalitY 'deic The for publidati
At :pre s#n be� -e n. I
ah th -Liquor4,=ux1ft� &r memure
their- +i :Lao _great &$
-da aubioe e 6b&i)it�LP y
N, OV. - - * g
-people of t r oped,
Nyava-lan-At' ted to -b tu -.been hac
plai . � . I agirlou
I parts I Jirmei,W in-. Mhaa deV(I
.-among iintent" ant
ntracto.f dvity..- preva Y: iotj� f agollif
-Ot U - . 4 . POOPI
L other* -kindr
tha- .8
b dfal of b- authokitle and
xeland tile
he.. haB ac a ed alioc #6 NATO of I
states ttmt th'e jo a ii o in oxi a it. la� Jargepax
Ze rabaj .1 cc RIAL RrCE#
I- t cror quired the ia A
Y, sp:h6i 01 Cl o ' -irri o1ppoSed' to al the
led p -rote -c their osing -0 re
J071 -ara I g
p a.
a-- be- hich are r
i-5 M he �Of ing -Mor4 'the LieA ploteSts aLgal
103k . 61, l-Governo; as el as,
the to
tn. the an enlergi for m. W a
A rican -ver -few mirlute�s afte ple ;rjf bill. The
y e W -the .
espe6i�ii h ad- 0oted by 8;A - be; Q than nor :Qie princi
-it ua
.1 - -t the
r diagenrinating,. v kPatrick retld&e,
r,,tivauce �h6 are�hostile` Bp t the
Of.- ationwit *rei t Kir h rime 10 in.i ba�'s
JSrvOir, an �and Mr
P6 P� a+ Hia I
-hit Pp A by- -t :'Us�efiilhells� cl i or- the Hou'a to th':Aorih -of Ireland ra�j, N ith
a 8 a- w.--eayl! e.� '10 .4
The - one-, gie&t J�chooees, to to the 16,bo er.gi, He- th,6 Al
their �stat'Ou
k -M he chamber and- 1. be r ster ignore P
. �) 1 A -ked to a throna f y wie
M 0 lea arn -Ir
--pe6ple,-�-v 1. % -, c 1� _eat -to agriculture wok up eir=hable
r&we 0, 1 with Winchester
to the AT:A ten will b p tha�t e prime pp
c4rriied 6.%bv the DE�tive �Gr f keep, Bed to in or.m n
leiscribe& a a guards r it daiS front 0 . e
t kou f th' Uqe in hie
pieveat bis, Menc -from rl!ADID9
, - , i , 'e c�alturij& Coll�,ge is: now. igitatDnPajid wbuid nob ev
--tb at, a
r-1 - - . 'L -- tedby Sii Oliver MOV t3ze
f d rifiet to
out the eps. 1A o answer the ents of
J$')"he sa�isl -His 1�0 --dliibb suppor the, Offi ity of tL
cc�Th An: t h%Fj-.t ore of -th, retmaject t
iou-, In6n 1phind it. Tiie rn--violi
q '0 qui�fv -thbh* -front he',Q?ec'
g -bis -capilcity .
wer ha' he
o. flii4 u-tmk)s� so gres.
epent -instance- Cc�pyjn;g_ thb 6rnment elyes A. cordon if�
7- ulu. -�Cterist-ics of 99v M be�omd to ;plefident 'in Ah( ir vs,
4F &.re all offishoot 6f,
-to, C, -wes.tj and e. n pro esi�ion - o- ea bY
- . - - * - * ' I - Tel
t th a d fhP f or 'a!*Y- far ers vbgrictLl- local.:corp9i 0 ifai,
men a shes y, or. o. t cards were r,
e t rror of the.: ni Grea�t Dri in 'were convinced, thatt
ar d boats an ' Pu h con, �C;T Oi
is R.
-g istanbe I ulhifortner.t .. L N
ur they ttdmp�ed -res ;to his 8�1 00bstititite& -e -,o talk e ill f ate
1horo-ughl f t dairy- course i conr Th pijrlidnent, once.perp aaed I
1�ast-' Friday nj . revill- d never retrace
cou -11aw It
as. pro -0 niander - f os.rful- stp,nowpro(pc
�iioro in great num- -n is a 1 stio] coul
iay eithcr-fo`r�6- turfato
d ho, ed is t )sed
-16 � a
-,t e.* olleg6 lug
tk itbority- OP:s1ju ep ith -thb' into the'
v-E�me do to- IT or thep�l.neutlon:. h
-Kay-une ndih Ow -of beiii th-
t1tend, -6hu rch.. s e rvic e. notwithita Harston. The foll. otor it witoult. plunging 0 CIO
the vi-1.15�ge . �4 them- to -A AhatP
-biaia -an t isfact6r mint., f who had the h.
4 al jail --pontracCoral.glt o)r a- de. a of LaCiVil-W o
'R fidl �par rom Hamilton rey -horr*
lently-, and iaeh.,
-flage' b� def
s, post, ion "ih6ir me 1- Prt9iiVted!: Mr. -and Mrs. W.
t alt taxed
The-vjerntere(Lthe vi a- door, Or bave mat� -birt io-y liberld provision m c Id Aw
th�. n..to e Mr, and
VrV 1116fe th& a on iinoda- I erzor laii stilt.g. �4
�.Dk �i�p hi' who f' al' lotd-1 rf-half-the plia . rari .1
-ior t A e (I -.and ra John P ID e
86 eg .8
-to con-" to -th Ir CC Mi, and r
arr Cr
the iaM t el e course ble ud� Cr -r t Tke Bee's
'as presen �surw I ilhwt -'Ch,
-d Iton,
-as speare th-, -3le E.'Ch inerP ny 'to learn
t and orde ed bifl io, ti are U
pf hu �,:jpe6ttd nloteL :B'. h
gver-Y-Lraan and boy.`,,* Gar
rth. 'I You -a surz��490 to Ma,
would, -not have 'Q the :A29rn Mrs.
It ill be
fo sn durin �MjBS Dua�lopl
Was IQ86 as$ 8 Merlin 0OIloge
ala — ... - r. Gibe tnat Itbr all. Oe most important funct'
?pOr o e n
'S CoUrSE at tho: Aon
vety �VomaA ptured pro turies and
-g�d and'e- "Of lea. I
an ol.
ater soon---reacbed the. t I util y .8 t b oh A Ar
e dis )t stinging. I -b%Ne.
of th a Hendrie.. Ur. ndrle e6 "mg is T1(
qua. 11. CO
a t Karonge§ n o li fyin pre eating. Gibson Mri and i nviAced tWtl�e'bees. P,utthe
t lii6q,
C. Hen�,
j- teacher- Win.
thiee -white: men' st&UO'Tie -a 'U affoide,4 Miss.lo
0.'�Q'Of' Cr I - " I C, Ad
Ittia. thc, FunDY tilt ure in our n,
x f
a ngs, and
vo..qloubt.. W.
Of sgriO ffect,
' X voll Mrs. an# ell -0
t -is -cau. &the� touches on thVir artistic a
lie, emoloy, the rudiment 1atvis, !as Lo fy a
t immedi their L
-U �ately- mithL have -�of Amilius; iiss -]�aodo - 136-.
M I AArr
their �r get, U, 4- '-This M at, Mr. t'.dextroub use of
n-mb -thb'uJ.n4r"-ne ve- a tura f 1by- fit
i. - d- the. Pu ul 8
who� -t Fad
on f .1 Legg
_10 gnt.eXCIta 01 -t6
-to rempturo t be ren er s), Mr. this -final f g 9 e pro -
-300, -�qractivej to t e, yoX
were M . aya. h 09P - - Voll Wa-_VL. 9 oneymaking -the beeAix�jeota' inute
6 f -'-q glaLUS ri by -Abe -that Id, Dr. 6�46MOIon (Dundai A d.ut. inish a sta e of. th
4 or beiak, 6%1 an Y. and
d thp, life inore 0 Bid'V
Dumter ot no- Se Stuart Ml�o
1 t h ..met. -the Apgon dowa: on tendt P tg.
: -, . . a
or measure 3, adopted , eyi, This
-ey P6r' 'fformic cidlint-ot
ti 1 th6 -0th - t' o
Surprise, L a-0. AgricultU ison
ratfi is Was T MV John B. VO
hAnge od' , and Oliver
d- 'Of �tt . 9.� . - -
tt(i i , - ' ien er th rist -WO Sir lity'the po* thOzt- Ai a gr. Th.
Taken by of
d.. for, PlQasui ''
..a -T1
re 46n 1 e- At the'
'th close of the re C e nst� Is W
d 6. o ff, .-but,,- not Y�iag er al d d' ent!)M Ma,keih6. Posl IOV"Qf es. and- AV
Zpe�l'r - . -g- . I -V a d giies to honey it3 1.
an Or 'foril )eculi�T flaver
g Or M I Mn.,
s ma., b -his
Tkip a a evy d
ends roun t �cb, to. be.^.� desire to with por
e. a ny, er. a&
Impart 0 b
carry a lriqiai�g' as 0 th 0
�M' ras presen an, d
b th ihe booty- an(t the women U- 0 A*�
ti, b- ck of thd elbQvv Join f :)the at i its keeping qualities.`
the. latter. thk fore MI a W re0rr6d t in =4 I... . 4 - :* - I
I IT"N v
to 4
r ighbor's-- elb.o.
b.'o jMM'ediJ%LreIy tQ� Rpga W &$J -h c� g is real y an -exquisitely -contri, ed
they .onie. 010 -hi elb is W. no I Th
d si
m e oners. b off
b" a lit :we]
-j-,; mxN T 101
gaul lit. the elb�*-J pr.ofeEsto
then ensued- 14 half tb n. the y witil which the bee es
A the dell
0, -nows ve Of the -ay ern ,: - -
h0rriblef his fibs k e -report oi the d
A Den 8 er Th -the J P�OCeedin98 finish
qbe nil' are brimful
the .01 Th -Of
TISOA aiid-.reforma ory The p
he. P A— -wit W -hile d0ing this. the form, le
a T was a P. the aaeike disa,ste T� remar a at t IS:
anr r k h .-deficien. in -.I:-- a when tfi�y
b thay,,weie beaten off, t, flesh`� rnat.ot'a
ly trioreAha -a -,*�una! up. -bTL'an oflic�119;1 i 6r at and ey.
-,of the 'h 'polu be
t gar we
le. - 6 aiNir was ve,rY.
ther6fom 1'. piovince-h" for. Were. Wit
-,foity-s6ven from": a a vals b
mi ssei f -P n exu es.
andicounteA 0 P"Jic.. - It a ords Govan-iAent HOW
little t - shield -0
ihrefr the. 3 rom -.the -01so
died 6r:. siirfaceia�ll t 6 ve�. fore the -of J.nfl " f , llowing �ve� drot arop,� f�oin t e point of the -sting
bIQ L ' uCQe8df The -0
eis -had;.r-- -*6, fortunate 0 n tiad atoO E 6 t-. Aon, All-* h
odver MOv�s 1 e!jUtiLJUI'wOrLJj is finished. �:-Horti-
arr ed at t -taip -in* a lug Sir.. , 1 1 Ron�o andob.
y*;9a 8 OUL -g'
'no -Man -bad bta pra&ical riliutiO
vo,"ded. The oth 0 If are�- io. 'in t bb I a of
b eek' t,. iDff 1 Ig �the- various m)tho.4
We 0 VT
n sVoar WOUE
n -t arm wn� liar
a N, f he- ac t -ther , Time,%
e 15ow &AM iests
%t-ttle -jilnae-Aery regar it 15 d -C Fraserg W.
Id of th the -dritnma 1 ases M - all
t Iffardyj I
t, thi . - E1,oA
m VC G U14
J impressed diP , a le
h -td "V16ILt. e -most -_was. co Tinatiou 0 -f -fore B. 3 !on.,
wllatl, r nervel.0, the.. nd'recommel -,ibionf Hou.
-is t
.1 Chief
P7 -i
Odo.--O 0.-1 Us arty) h
4, t) Who were iiptt-;% e f
-Thap oted chil- 6'hi6f Justice Us �is h ve recently
r; of 5 oUn veu . ... ' 1 -6 he w
ke principil. senso y
'r, %86D.d.children (6 '-1' countries 1:
-Hon. John Dryden,
the, nu., effective mJ f reducin
red.- 001C and hand; -
d'. le
Ic or
VR h gerous a
-on th t JA law -
J Us biC6
anc Ar tyne W
drava, 0. - . .1 ' . 4 - Mo I , - I CUM
e bN oned Boydt Ch*
-0 to thei -villag0j", It ral Bettye
-eatarffs.iwiatO af raid.. to r ur Thoms stion as �to ivhethf
ob 0 kill n
Bee. dren f ul hous older t
It � ju More P. F.
e re . --c -decision
'd W
ere: - !yIng �11
from --criralna- ineasur, W-111 Ron -
ho -,irj
U linink theL lak.6
R13. W
cer 00-1 -into hisresidereL oot
2gZ On, MeTnZL tter. pr a. On -Lieut 16tlyjawful to ab
New Gir1,Youug M - , - , ... - I t, , . .
a -i' I With thi vif
th -e, -h C& e. e
As A
Wtro uce
ma A/1.
i.3 I M -en '11;wn Lan�luid-(� d ons of -whidl cc
astMuLed I th card) -CIS ot tw bre
()f (If is LL hile
it is per)k
Unbiil A 4
Ito T kp& ti.On. she -'a
2 bays 16- -8 Grac'0118 Id. - -1 -4 xu-ew. Ralms
MI chi . ren, iae a, when he ev&VIP
womtn 4.iL Mr. F�IiJa e our mo�t. 6aref -t AS, 9 a Ma
Hi. I -- . . ) Bettyp mend. to Y to +1110 house A has no riffit.
1,rd, i zi OV een
of 6 or .9 91r
to )rnpleted
Alhonitabout, 30. fit Tell him 6deeth. th nsurandl) ph MID
rlar whoP baviilg 0
The "Alut5l del
_: - --- - -------------- to
is booty*
sh6 o'gone. �ftt sei Bion
16 - - I .. .. . - -4,b I:ucy - ii AdolphuA 1.
-A nead.,o Ift-OW111 . 73 J.1corl A- er coulabear a 'MakiD g
-�-Oh i4stions, AD of 3 a with -M
P y.�
X yotfug Mth - A Arm v hat
W� but2 oxc
mug g. U were:&U Th
t 16 - us
go 'body. to 'hi of Ntw Qirl-(�6 s1ready b,eeh, 1 'k 801 -ne( don in - the. latter case, is t
Iii Ch tL late' to' - - . . t - - distinctIV-.1 6 :-1hiii - I -
od iaci h.' no: ed from re Re 'as-
C;Ja there., a, Yee,
n violence.
'of theAct �he 8 0
minifitritioa cufative, he +Ae al intend
V or N
-fit to -know-;,,
Idia yt khow lug -to d.
b 01 Jrgixid 46
be , , I
h. ure 58, yo.
it lumeroiis shp
reas for.
Lit t tho,laead+ ba: h, is already- beg
- ------- prpfe
-J sea -to
to.-.jf16 WIDAW s F4 It.' ietiei 1y .1C .
sof ge
hei rty,
id t at N"
b Boo IW..the
I LAe, Jt ismsai isitors -ai:fiaii means
rivi e. r cei,-
ed :6f- sittilag- �eripid.' 3k, . 0, - jf�- insura he knew -1 - Ou. tep 'this ways Wbi'zz-
e I fo ' 'I Of Mr
fkugram fron will b dha4 -L endowme t..rl elej t%616,gja.0.F.L, pul
-Bride -doyrn n 9 'f:h oil.. MY name is Jonen-
ly j pr6vivc6b-si th jh� past -fewli.." -of:
Here is -Brida j-mcd reati fel�l ;�iuiit�* be, Ica r.
ed trot I the. loss 1 coi� What?
-does. be: '-say ? Chicwg.o gre red an, rink, 7*r w
two be C 2 1
Gr'00`m�. What r d kipS % )ur pardon �n 'hen I haluded
-tuin And all will -be or-. distj has A a, dinner I
na jn� w
e tbg clinner., yo 0
Do ndt.-r 8as Oil aid: G.
y .6 614,110APSO ..such -80 -uhive both 0*w I t 1� milis Mollie, She aa
Who .'Rlb,7 ths th -tho k yi�
-�OA*ng Man 1 --,'the i'mon P es.4 If
Amen. S—T Nt
t e net
W, I.i 0' th dQUilQued. W glo
at a Man to b6 allowed tO' - : - : - -� igive whungry bq=
cc Wallace u
Wbatt will. i i4o iick; lcpl�,� U
Fidr- cOrn1P, 0 d
e- ig ou
in a to, itulate
-d t
:ah6w' will recover d
his.*,tOw,1x tobaep.o On if d Ot.
'WeeWo bte granted. Adt-t- daor,-�` 16 r
Ho any, e
. Vr,