Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-14, Page 6'back -to th old e , th Act: ro and.9 PAR 7 0 -AMENT lists. Tho OUS, lomuiittee. ------ re ecting Bill Vice e -went into e -6 Vn I , I ( -S�, v r out :Civil Be( oa 0 clock. -the Go 0 nm 'ied - - b t 4bout 5. fiat-bOlDt011 Bill wag jign shotp int�o U0 'UP .0 Mr, Fo' oa is ster explain ea, that 1�0-uc&d, ? h e b d this ;t e U �d atute of.,.Ra*ise Id M AdV- oul P, or�i' resplec�lug the� roduceid to 90 1 f Me, 9-181,11 .'-- It w so of cana. a e int Bill-, ud drew th a �'he new 8uperf 152' th Started .0 ro -repea-�,- c IT, 'Or hoMe43 ad klougW15 nd t ON the b6soh-s where he lef b ex. COntita d d giveathe% nuation' the.coUntry -t an vaut§. so owards ro ac n's 8,M81 -tio t: ft1DtiO Teij�torieo of I;Ife raice to, the &civil ser -ma uggyr- exem., Insu Wi I, Wilson Soon- heard -!of the: the b Government w" orEe- and' I - , To - amend th' Ad L�iurier said U rl .. . I " h 10 61 pro ii rdurn. g into Stranger.. was e Bee The a ty Ac Son asked the insura 0 9'r pursuit. an Lanaerkib e -it.b, the iasurs!100 actioluir a -and Guar d securiu'g W th Inee business goin St a 33A -c d 71' 0 Y Un nquired if 'Onipetition ly.intheiN id b -6 fo 'the Ansut 'a shore for ear Ail - in ti� A of the ion with r6forenc6 t6-- the. inter 'Int 4ifily occu an &nee of -a certain f thro.c Q%T .-ty th-d- V e't vicin 3s t6, an�old.dvercoat ii! of Lieut. -V01- Villitra *on qompaulf, T' auni e W() - das' ter 1jitee E ro e -af elftl AOT TO 'XIM. THE IKA i d6un- �J pagaing the On - So i streete r Fell over pulled v b jh It Willr be read7.. 0411, boat, W8 a Of tt.016 r - and, a, g6it felt hq�t tei n FOU p4ttletBOU Thia com e -a undoilb 'hisf MI e eathnstesO er tir - -a %bVil iiee- bjoken1;aV -P4 billa w, lece cra#tttde oi Is:., -AD Th "ed. sin -A yraihVs M( nf6rmatioll The f ollew-ing DE )ndiV Tuesday _W d A -jis tfie. chain as ired if 8;11Y� -E -,OF a. sug".Ret gr. Laurier bnqu r IDN DevIU 1.1i. gard to, the "ch. -an oar� re" 6&ice Su erainnum bojr4*a:s ugoa for #1&d. t6 th Civil 8 P amf L* as at fiand 0 0 he� CaUVIC tion 9 into. -village es yor 'but via he ees - e lMe� Nu L-derer' Su-PPOsed to ea -la9t-night tired. Wi ie . -V� I " la -r despat InixPlosion ..I F gc. 0 At pes idt a- 0 1 llich., bh ays 04er Wi I be lu- AtIM10— A AqkAOV .9 - . I - . ESC he rid footsor� e -and Udrlrlb �e Tr t on V. !on 1863 .1-1 O'clo6k Mr. Foiter- ieiged lea4e to -106: Voters" em&es of LAII�­]D - denceit %tI.Mer. toj3le additional 6oirespou & -he ould. I' the ds—XV 9 L walkea _the small -J- GAO 1-jV* Jaer Foster. b i e. q ' Ong -Ias b6bil called Upon -.. Y, P - ve ore .-Laurier']r the leader th"' asked i k )Oitant it Mr. to a e of Jerd"me, 0 th nx. th -Melinz. d did-'noj tiAnk it bet W�h Qie 11mise w -vjtt g-BuR Railway-�-�-Heli p6dias -new -Minilory Bay en Musk�gkm, ssed side- or a aur-, ..khii hob." fri6i!A 16 look over d ps Q&riOt,t6-f M as -hf _House could:. Aear t h salys- �in ed his anklei an he� h*,d b- a -ilia Cabinet., bi -printed. P at ordered -t-0 - 1� m4g :0 he hlas� announce - W r blich.) d Be litei, pe re Sitting on Satur- e tile aring-. -.4vBtrisns he prorogue. 0 over two be -ft ri. ..iohmo dq As we a I -Mr -he ut p rier t tention, 0 -�q.�amejit pre�-Ofi ling. He W -ell it Clark ille,.near 1. -v@ - Y fier --dalled - r- 16thres . Ion to, t&+ tanse - Oxc ora the pe' Lifully h1irt t* IS7* not _eulellt - having VTOrO2E6 erv64 orre:, htq day-. it mdans Oat overix- Govern] pa;prer Y Mr. F but- - oii- . . � � 12�0' be - Fall Saturda G 1'r,0169. -Aime &nys genera, k y uig na mebt b the Vjr, &f it, the intent U4 Of the. vs -with 6 F, Who W viorth & Comp Over,, WO NT -W. a r, James. West M -were-burn�4�-�o.death.,­ oil ha�t into to f the -treaty, v�aae ixt'a �oronto lent r estea Bismorc t't -to. the effe0t 't 'w -a. 6 -Ing up. -bobta piinc 11 Imen -0 ask tor, f CU*8torJJSJ WPW ho- t- and an E:W.00dbridge) an of e lace; oJ bi pair on. is sessi .1 -the a�a e PO We e deltbi e' Comptroller o 'Ji6ated in he escape k. d-- f 9 IMP- -de§ ra� ithVa6e'th*­ th. ;0 One - ovdi rqu out A pair of thv id%Y 'Was -generally Y r oul. h in. gintle'; brotheZ) thre firi gh -th aent,-' d ask -the Althou ere W 21t, ght -78'uh birth W. staten Mr. Nate d ember of had See 8&tUr0%Y,_-. Wn- th ukhout 'Man.to defer -preventing Th ro Germany -On cipestion until, Mon still a ago. Latimer sent Th16 Moj3r. who or . informe nt -we, 10c& a b a.r into. the it e. was.0 law 6� thb* - tha v me' - in d Spei ter 61and .. . . ­ � _ Of Wh -nlj bus see hei Salon Wa]V' 13 tinuinrg in -lie -wanted to �tieot'ca%U4 ,fikdint '�Clev er it. to inesg3 he did n J) n- onal business a0w. 6- that special Be Rev d, na thait. t atime 'He of t be an im-, IVV Oi ir as L on-Satu aaythat a' enue -btiouia roWU Sri %Mptro e -d This i b condition 01 to some per's pectea it -w Sir L ir of nail� -him long overi, .9.. - w.11l-bt-called, Pt�Pm be �Wmd 01 or Poat. r.. pt.ay over to -ed -rhe to.1 his apPP& w Corti -reps �Sjeep-' d' 'ief�rence himic!elf- That he wi, - 0 46�, and a phjrt both with . porter conv pedr. gtay .-pants �6;u rVed Foster! $1�6'1 that, bi ict t 136 -S of Gainsboro": d 'tion -for & -6pamit-bl.4 tl11BM1 Mr go contra -TY t6;900d governmoIx a e J.- W. d e eonsl Wra into the ywing ;M eture -W� T --M�m aiere SZ V I t. Mwr u 1� : Wall%cro, who.cain tran ge t IP9 - 0,, ' 4tur, i -thin Houte O� r .11). a-nd he cslxe� ance and pi 2 eu in news a wohis4 Ad J.ed k L They watched -W. In c OEe Y ijtO.d auici, e. da­y..,6y:Rhoo i0g. r it. WaF "I ' "himr 'th 0' fj,�Orj. Therer is no -todd, -h'the' 40 offi the main wtityllim. 't �a elt 49 ;.--1e6iidej1 by. thd .--Gb'v o:verg a. InAtc-s.- Iatejr,�. %ia it hii pos, lon sido j; on -the b 02� and t Was Onnection -,ie'is in --tryj h jaei4y few M e w a to 'W,� it, -thd.offi .- a the fact t]iA;t t e F-ession h Lrop any c Nihile. h, 6 W d Sharet I, to this' VE It , ould d h s do. iin nor" Donato required tian in, d9ing t I -are. ockpd- Ila pAi- f6r. auditor -go -WI ' . ­ 11 1 to vl�h th ge. lockod finali�'hei aaid- they.-wo, 11onsi-g- 'the- Bill with which he + 1-ohop, lot to' th burplueSS -alik IL; g* Y.to Court Archb t e ill'omlkht say .,the �611 block . - to escape. -1 a , kt. outr OdU�qe, A "Ehori Bill 6 chance. he WOM - V the.. ecicksiastic& aShingt6j me -i 0 � intri thit his firm wer8 -was nten Mierel is- no OW re Lit'. -the lug.. Satoill-carri4ed at, the ec possi, it them.- XiLst as n - e said 6:1 Tlie. L frbin Ro of revis I�nocted. n eati V. �onie, -tO 3]iY- -awaY: lk, of the dobtsomer, d him to c k -flarh,4eharte(d through. do 11y:.. not Hits. has .9 Quic asa tur w� ta 'd -bPen he inv�ri&ble insin e, 'd roke -on or me Vi t -th( ed duestion of head Of he the door. indwas fast dii*PP1 t ib tld me own fi t! auced; ti �,Tr.,--�QhUHOU'tn rod Xp6dt that th ,occra alajjd� and- pa� -Satur- 0-Y m0ulpg) Wo..cent. ide to her& Thecrowd..quickly' t rkhess. on -a -Rhbd4 Ui.suit. $h%­­-� lettigr postage 0 ted I- hould. u6:t be 0000 g nMero4ntile r als 961 Custpull and ff,6cated'V� rec re -fi6r.hiM atte. it d s&d d. Y oil, isome property -,,L 11. imer on pen were su the dimb popular jo� go �th8 wa$ 14at - it Would be a ver3 'were - lojen pUrsaasi.e He Leld ;d where abo P6 P -rig' 7 g,r f the It . , 4_,,n me JU siou of. I - —1 ome bushi Ui A exA0 I he e36,MP16 11 d-gettle UP e There %M a DAL- :g ei u to a IF aide of the prison an. wo! n J, Phel� ieutcliant:l r�h Mort rg:- tage ham 1 lid do SID an. M Hohej. be' ed ith! the:firm- W�6ut. at Taight to y to urst Foster in I-- 'told,him Myr ex mer d.. Gerritan Zry at greatly UAited States a -V 'the'r BaLron eyern maelf in :r iage� of -letters through W o this i1road and- broke ail the A -Oidn In Pos guaiiintee rare.- es T a leri'�each in -the er i�creased- wr Air.. a -p, .17, eeeii� italyi T ient av it idmake: th6 trip When -hi aid I wou on r'the we We. parvae, Bri the pbst-office. 13 f6r.tunet t the Goverrin 'ficial effee C S turd ahea ben� Wo oroil Ale on hY e of the pc lit$ biils eeing.:' c of -da Y H r o* - Was tba ay edand aft ouloict" -was. ontel 1, ded isy aid e - p�190 the tiack: the. -1 b:9 a f I - lr�IM th d -thOrll ad: lost a theyWOnff tOt' M ff SIDOU allowed th )stage to.t )wl a; re J!ab env M. 1 9 o- -Act to r L Wave las��deer it was A telegia S�u'Fraucisco-SVS that might n-wfth-tbe foil( di& eut d we have M, fko 0 the -: M, to '13 -Chinese S thel amediate follow a end t1te Ac "i --ove e 1. -SUPP IUlC Seamen"S to. almend CXportjrl sto Over W, �operjtj on sup nhiries, ca thb matt OpEnly Om r About two:milc-s -61pp The 61LUC V itsued 61 MV office, 'au 1* ke. 'When the.. at. hav�. J deficiency in r6V thkjl�p rance a -him to c .9 on- ix Con from the. sta er IY.- au Re -h legi OR 00 _easily be t he Se began .,Lth the Geary Ole land e to..refu4q c idiesfor erritc -T.. Abt, the DQMM- ­klaat, nio edi �Hehad not a, C. hin- Went to' ther Y.stirrouna Vere cul Igati sc-Wh, t -are UP the b efi .1 ou. -,A ct, tlof in- �o SL16 MidialeseXt wLatim.eri­&n. aBud was ase coo as, ice.' 'battle 'is. report ran. in. ther word to'saY -18 itim-Wi,392 and hi -allies. quickl right Met b rtailing U Wb tee, It could -also goot when pursiieig v Is -t.o amenrid N iaidy 6harli A -d!np ihe:o]�jeiotiouahle F Irr fai:imilit a sud-1 pealing Lt L n. the rab 'shing ion - be Ipp, the- owe t troauc�d then 'ing 6,j and,*h6re are you going' Ming con M gpt� his ke.y. .. -1 �tween Indian milit The Met b wfthr 1]� to --My e Okk] nat' you w Choctviw -On -four 1 ect. b.1 an'. S --b tt, d -. . .. �. .* . - _H6_ e�X -were a d- noull oat-sw -on aw 0 end ledders 0 -Gov rA110 amend in Rhode Island the Iked by.'the crowd, a in the a. 9011D 9- t In cash an r o oaaejr and am A th&efor& move Sum -0i 62.800- i --tw ��Qiuto`SUPPIY-; died. -­ sto o— plained that- a rain woun. t 10 0,4o . ct, 11ad teen lev Was. had,bxok6n u 0 t taken -by the G ov-�-. 7spOt where e u -thirteen houses,11- -the,oplulOu that the Said a ion -ken- '0 0 7 -Ho ge of batage Mayo ernmel '.he had f ero-me -idn 'h ty- f0f -SU embainUmen�j"sprain- a -HO LIt witli'tefer n e petition -for -,heI. ropr !&11�n- &wn LUt Ridgol A -ate of P e ce to -t obibitory Appose -destroyed by fire d e Ilewai t C, =,:khen helsugges ha: eil Eand -re-; FAday n liquoi law lugr IS ankle.* o, we ally injured 1i gtic and Americau I at bb pr fAt intere, -nee a Went hi �-A -littl d- t. r6 anoth Was with 0.�Iet the pub ic e.1, f fAanitoba nd.several -h6d. -ard, to :ju of one ounce. received th Provi f ouild-il p liti ' Bo ersons k -n ibo-by UIP be. -taken cc si ver. 0 -0 r, 0 ]djj. d.nd L rod�,6e t xiiiin prustic &did was at ed.bko e VWo ceut. cti n would �W�th he. lat Of' Goven e -V q until the rp u 01 'Prop )Oed' -up- P, -1 Bier. -V 1 , fr M.w . . - OUn with in -brleeg I -- w or- fr _d V.. , indow ' * iko' four' 15 --gold. 11666i au.& SO 9 0 �n the Liquor Probib L 61petA- wal .1300ta aGo�jjornznent has Tb e Oi dihe, o itain Sir AcbA �ron said the the- -Ing-r The Russ phd the world. -C amissioli. Was ieceived PO ch en� th� beqt,i� or 3.r reau -ties in Ca, 6ada were a w with! G i glar dr.e. quo kngem dt�o3js-,, And OoTpa,ei 5ttle-� the name Of a. te ppriwy ar-irf e limit in which the� 'ice bill Was re in lAinlon 4 ten -the c ors,did -not ask any M t Inly-� a3 V, ing_&&M,� tor ga�ia that Wri t6da� �mter - t - Uj3e Db &OW from, . 'd caPt thL- �'H It from Daly's bill to I Brehr gotten non the ould r�su the reduc- War% 6.30-1 . decrease W' W. Lt ex h an mile., off 1-hax,6 !Or he offired- no P UAO V16 third time. off- the main a. ip Act t enate's ROVI Islan. V.,e n -F -Pf to relm D --�Tol�y- 0 . d f taje nleitejs from three to two IA !W!;*a a,. of, a g LOINFIR? n f �m-- the tion be c. p 6 a'r -to t but.. two-thirds e waii te WitnessPs and 1�vi h.. 8 with t..D*,ztr1ch 65 centi'll cout _c pii.nted mqtt-er menta ored. LoWryr. onvie d - a no& read biat end. wall po�tage ers'a Y sic ' k us w p`ori some timej -broughtr from Jero�ni to on Thurad,,1 le cond time h -1 became deti h-6 Wa�s eina'. den�ea` Be. whe -b the prison ti�u6i tllfs- sh . d' months. is b h tol 11 ge.n# ould;be one. b- tWs :day e4k and. 90�11. WA Went. to. h. re dowmon ene d e, me- J Son I&at:uightq, Latimer -home- in a- sma -duction of that thV Was be* Mif L3iuderk A 11W - fi e &men - 8u; Dr, - been 3 * - . . V repeat� no. power f rom . ths t t an 'n -in the e 6)i letters it took of arked--tha -tige .0 OE a 7 r ­ , I - , - d. "the r�gls�ratie: TeMr d ftf "do.: a fee of 15 deOP 12 a Torthwest TiErritOky 9 - com] on -on- 'b 'has aob'boli ved- that easOu for uy.therre -witb Ll-.4imer sitting olit '65.o to I.th' wored.Ahe re dmeh-t ddenly -hit scape $-I 'Put mqidered Wor. B CRY. h( oi p16' ' k ow � t;e. ile Latimer eful- a�id 'IexhaustivO cl 'Weli by I made was- so beiking, _gy" -Thatr:, e Mavo that Asa r, -11,891 to -an tla�.Ii effects. bolished..' &4 vd�A Witn"Fles 1� id . - I Z * . e _Ir 6:,ka�rck - g1VP.g.& euz d AtUCIY 0" poison. , 1 - Jid t Ways �houid W a st by 401 T.' ''to 87 *11 y -prove ! t Is. Pex d di; -no Kris im.-on -h isPr d at all i The amen coul 6ndq at bmas.lo r dmxit d helPirl Va. Deket I han e- book wl. y �that. -P.OorVarn W.Odl Site. key ff Om3l n e -fier wmend- he had bertier"go ilo- -murd�j and Tou 9* Dijased Btief if Ue revent e hou no' th 1.tt. w9& Y) .th -bein ght) a t1lat a the tFe-,1ve ik e Lld -rmh. ,p all4w of,its. g practicable. out oI 7rA and e servic wife -on tho h(jusnc. gy as posal and 1��jdered him ible- a at" h * 1 ,6 e th. by the -see. the dead.- Wou . Veen &Oeatli r: Idiii0a, move t 'have - n--�rabred- -him, Pivusb-arg' has amp 11 is -bianch,qf t1i Sena4 be. struA hes tIrotted than to h6wev r tb -at I ment e but, wh _e dollkrs V inadeazzelf -su-stainib ai brif ore �Paymen f gate-- a t maatt�r - He, ; - - - - that. koWn. -Tho cl. to- think death. .8hovi or the bill r lcy to giv an E -a �v�f Second poisoned, hiirff t 9 sheie * leted" a's t %S D A 5 tax, It was. j.rot public po if.' J never le. ad 1ich th Governme 'e tiou Which tb&tr he took ground ti b1lin&ring on nt UxLder t( fiow6ve� -0�6ght f6r e' hnson,��-'Who- *60 Videnee 'PriVa. the of, ­16njou e.' exv aaidrb� icwq T. T sh'. t iId mak -him SIOOP over. 9�lfri e h i�uidr.of 'FredE Latinser 'wou f the sople. ace betP, or momea g�d o guard- room... -dischar diViSiOn. the *as lost on ai n-eadment here being n.. Th e ried. the was. Ou HIS -VLANS. MISCARR111-o'- 26il B'DoBi-tiOn, In �n hbi t on of th' 'Mr. HaggaTt oid MaCIlEg un alledthe attentl toin r 0 glinbi§ -that to* open W y- lll, is at f, i cer Some -of ity provid his. bill giv"19 'the I Ve OA�ftk .- , Ilia e r g i ae I nee. ar. 'but to move t might. 1%r at BID11V the grhta he 0 B. -insane asylum I - r -end Em�erbr I'ng fo -he n. Lie the tompTising the tof, les h a * - W-ple, in sid, crook 0 t luncheon- - up ihis �WaYso cure,& a;,cs,,ne wit l6nioaa e Plot to- bloW.0113 lba�ada- on the way W ther up e- the nt eorp$ol a -ad was mad R, o� i their )poied to any I gh _th6 bao dre 11 The- bill bi!aed up throug Way Much 61 -e h Ing - Haight was "a uth k E a�ress W1 .;jDu1jtfy!, were veKY c"Wn the -.pow e W,) �.a;u 1'�a r Ie d 13-P S- IL ed theI pas -ed I CaMe M -dt was cOD,7 -we :Zlg-zaig _d 0 . r. �. all at Wi lake nUM er..of properly T ai f�611en­fjqxn his th7e: -airway, anc M a -t the r k. .. - ­ - -t he.. tF E M1 1, 'b to Y. -chest, he-. -.Af oled to e du 13 h -P, 'k sidefed �L.ec�ss:xi-y ibat -1� Mit. Wood db s ed, bill respe -,tLe. h f petj:oleum. the. StUff through 't tie' -to. ni u -tb-%t Roth, b drill ir. C6, El -dInlen e 06 ih6.1emou& e d t il ­ar, It wasany- in. of a:soYdie -d to 'c sr Flint h -e iduncl th drank im 6n� the Z rnt�de ca-Drble of. instruct key osei ject, -got t e San', e 9,y h, r -wit), 11 ir.npOrtrf;din ihiIps udOr a' -belo er. -tV0, r oart I! the mane e the-gu lie.- ard is �11tlfc� Y- IfCc-mmon prii3g let them aa "6�h ali I � Oted 0 t�elodinary:i be,� Pd lfuw- m -This wo The The, H. uzO j16y the - and r . - :_ r ke.e. I I - thr the- g.%t-- bu�4. gligence 1.1 werth, if t to present to then. camm e ay. ob' but hib$ -were v oarl f fy r r- 06re no h noo-Out of:l.t -of overyeue.-.; Saw ji ustom.,iry to One iivp ay wit Fort I me it the saIid ie- �iutereot 4n 3 close. of - the rm that -a AD 1 .1ne Iet­ -the Gov W11 t' t8 llii4 - the. Inatter �ame may- 1�e truwf d ent U1 atel in Do. YOV - say It 1 the- Ove ��dj,�Iirowihg the. ope veibeltmatter! . '-t L'k I 'wish oil in Vessels'Were tha �vhstl d- fty -G- `-Mloncridf c0nt6 g t ai ht-�wis dying. ikas, the ras 0;1 Co. dow n h- 6f 'ihit di& -and e in to c jum Oixlread peop, ry lit Itice. to) -the scene 11 t e� o%ge anTherefore orsi The: commenungr uPO went boug OL , Was": 0 Law end to th. �qe. th-a US. ythiZ,g. &lg quie. . s. Gill ther The. amPE-0 "lent VJ;:w nee lit t- uld be I '�16L%ve� Cr of ate �ver 6h �'j f#.,rmer wl: e, has thr.e ould I 'Er.) . . 1W ha OUK Of a bill fro'A W, as The, only other ne toL n'. on ev( _hing i�ll detail's a . oor. a- bitotr tingf Spea r, an inI Making map f .50:. ble &rly h0p ess e.iigaged - - '7aQC.-0nR01Qt I - - it had t b the lari .0 myself 'it. 'ryt ve tapp lia i 'un -Friday his fzlapd e (int a, dep1l"L ii3to j at been pu a -ni. 01) at dy %Pit%l ind snMmOn' the crash of �.thit: diah. d farm 36 c -by Weekly Messex had or i -e to the -ho 101 Sup hat bOL t igdr.11 '0 gL ooke L t e. g' WAS the. t fhe d-1' Utr' d_�e litt" &�Mjp Ut The -F 11�e said -the- door -,Ka oe.ked, d aardo V* 11 i3i. the meantimc fo -ttie -chalr, to tak,' his in..HMgh �s pocheu 6tart befor� -they, cbuldb06ve.' -110 leis to Witheall ilonial not 'a1I.auV on ou, thr 6L hburs d ab; to- ieei e a� -e )lh'shire, which consists 10 a to leave 1 -a e h L -key rewov b Louth w inco pl�ce, he d e54r snou mer an, f"r With' :B gly lag -terr & the wh6le paris o call and 70 ad ith '04 W h haid taken the. eff-irt t Ilse coil ki� h t uptatairs- v --ftxigh4,wJjen he --first w1aln have- let 1, the pHt !.e: pldallry bn� .2 6 IeVe 'B)rle I thebil nd contains mid W �jr.; D bbilex . . - - .11- . . ty M re geS V We. Wier ers , 'I w . I i, I br6s.- T re a r 36 cotta -ray.e qt .0 nstit i lgom �qh Mr- i good- cl6thin M in Welt- le -W -old, e two rev6l-v aw Sell,' 0. vith. garde'A th f W le eetio. our fincir -them Latimer -rad. 'ta hiird'af ter it -juld have be 'iCe: _:VjJr g f arm., all ,-g! a tiow- f lepart- PoBed -the n e and c th the' d all- -he f 6geol of t ooke, Made b- en 200 miles.awaY. ?V�eii on ccuby -t e ow Wter fr, A! 8 al a -Sicie- e, ;lr 6.rKeyff WI whek'a Hi Henry IM Orem, F! hi �iglitr Wa. supplied with id Be'' -er ih�ti ta as d train 0 SI)y e. thatthere h works on the - eptate- Vol l)i 'ttoil that 'giVeS the rawit bill. k His EX th h I got lu togeth6r T., Alei 1wasn' aty-five gp his -threi Uge' -the in eta tiolt. Oa boys are -:-con ittly enipl6yed: on I , f ti. e tha rid ten t arm affair t.; .-th 6d. alx�-&4 c aS' e Ve his as the warden., ie t�o the bill. mp� -h 6 wa ets. -.;:a Raw- fae --riod of ceillency to to tb and- the ward m, 1" b6t ion. ut. after the , T, AaY ioh Tiiniiy .0 urch atfor; WOul ha c juld LT an.d Sproule Paid -that I ( I go on it _jUm.1 t ck: idopte& ra -kes 'a t t( *hile an -4k and diiz come . �Neil W.. VV . )" E tle the nickel-in-the-sloV Foste- X the prtaon�" d t 0 ty! e c oa- oBef ore d* 4. h6jilta. 0 quidating. _a.Ay t 'Islite 'bt. r -191ve!t-e� -eburek. -de ou� that Pi,8011 eiid.. L ve ,ki Fra;,.f me&-ni of i ifs ri to, tca whoas cioU§Ue1!Sr alid :P .1fver recovered more ab' e sit. n. i s'der Boul r. 0 .0 each B C ht z very serious leijr- eioii- of he� Su-- '.tryl jOOk 'On a �&st of.&�r the los f d:. -po h The Hiluse then his tace -or ce Ea war, , �J Of 11 c ubeflutei 'n: -;,V,: V J�j Li L� I t deat I from he ciloolth adent br* _ea ,1_1 YOU hOW ..AS 1 and:z4reMUn:- Jul was or _ate. -03inuo P. -to Ile ces wit hat a th6:6nl I ap i0l d. tere4 0 n from the 19�aped re Iet ou d buonness 00 bt OW6 h the I� thr_ dt, ep gorg I ri'. - I Haig]. 7 r, inth li& It.'* Co -he '45uneete Stt-reo "�I&t died -from, e (jra or. see is 'Ilea' Wient - of t e n Ot the f h heak. uA owed the i were 0 h' -h I- used- he h tt on, clown -1� prp- Lua � rog led.: Dr. 6tion to -d - The -poison w le bA,.,E0AepIace ye Wen tl r piurn.and type - rence That -fact is Be ar after t b - hl Was a mixturv-04, - �-c6wpeten'-,�rVf tho f 'rnfei wLer grot 3.13 sio �peech V. 'bore out his char, t. there' last. see n Pf OX" from the -two P 'C foun Two. TnO, of h --Wok the Ani� Th, one ma.d refo the stomach. to _S_tr iii miidb It cor U( intended N . - �e. Lit . X . , - - 1 1. go"L-9'on r utid Kii:kture was T 6 f the turne -he the': treatY -Of cOm i& Wt tl�, 0 th. ng for. -re IS Justice KIDON - C4 Ito Belli Di Vaug6�g sho The erstood t t.Lf, KVy l Meree with F, all ]&UNXW Dr h6 d at P" d to- not bdat preselA ottle ,Ice Would the b Ia. el A: e Minister to MY ked the tival Ale At that 1�e woul j opili -secures &ne M Fij� than the'l 'Mbieckiat,6 effdat,- -1 regard to ke gomb State!= alid 10 b.eral pro They n6 -w by Pariliamex - - V ad.at oia pgo.f ecur6a an i ra�tifi�a : 1i to he Prussia acid al pro s -Made - Xi�aibpdl Ballooh fortr at0t -imagine� w -b er -C ZQnt that-tre,A Y.* -heleadeT OPPOsi- etit &nra,�,�'-a Vt Dt, 00l fie (;ieat;Ger1na4- for t hemb..of the iiiixtlte' h lilouse Fair. )_fu,i1c abi 'that. That was t -th and -that Of th hj) . ig- bal oon' st �s, t oula be able diluted ai to'-repre med the speec, o t idew . 20,Q00. 1)iUJ ding Vne mr.- it$ aetionr was CO on.-th. Wk YV: The Governor-GiM A Baskedim, if e v ree U,13 th the -p son --be.Onl- - I Whi ent UP e r ' e!162> When 6ir O&ft��edom- ut w9jild b mbers Urewellim h '" - I' Dr. Parlianle .with f'111 br6ith of t.r C state. to-di),Y wheth, kgth� of. 6716ng t �iou - ----------- ,nata,nt � - - 4 under the �or est n --- . I -I , tr - t] un., treaty avebee- :to r e took'bn in 1 &rted to- r' and dDU?t-thij&k CIO an he aiS ieS;.. V... mi thre ihe� balloon -Theull'st d made? 'G t he would not H' �6d jtopJpqd. until 1. ]16 reply-�.tha tjkke. Some time to an& had. com .6coin 4 G�eqnan toi- tel"' e.WaSL i on. wohday. glinds jjk Whei] W army. L hin be hopes. e -M cf tb�e, th OtV d 0 We, corps i q ta of. A6*e d :wii to a� w that' esStaffordshiret F-10 'The, fi 'and m 13 h_ Ob 4% * _ ­ , 4'. eC & einl5ers P he'hAd state& -be jig phabize filt ork IL the- drug was pl6tely itied by zeven a "hetwe6n th Ouse, w-, ereL 1, going on in P 'y. the Aaf Y,tjo a were was ng rad ihers �qf Great BritaiA, 1 gom rau a 'Gio4erum(Int a -y,- rom, a1�u f drug' "to 6, on at rie Aj�(J i.meem! td WebV0:- �rej rme-es 11 -in- !:told mpin h id f jin New.'Yi)rkL cloth! & 't'--balloon�- 9L Wet. on and that fair- I of -children --e been or ere a -' - r The: b4 ;t which he-. - in g -a 'f hed- wit a irst phfal'was'pur6ds-ed SUdL. was urni� ]i the. of ­eutr_ a in r3 b iint re be -in thei 011 come to PC ItY f1i 9 -give e out I 1w n , 0 t -t P c -the thdy t 61 th �-na Heho'ed'.. T f lj� mort4i h 16 n,,c . . . . . . . men re a average— e �Evidently La plt'boots make adefinit sAtel -the.as rr re0u;n o wL or -at see and f �tager6d er cc�t- above thq� rd gh -IT, joh to Dr. giI for. whex to be ab e to dor SO �t -MO -dy 'it Will: i c -hty�eigt e dnes �bid disco .9 phi, d siliea , 0 tha;t f&fmer, �Ithou owdwb i t a-4eAi--.axi n 0 1,4 'A t .6 seco d to a IiA b oes not -0- it n� It% !for-. i G t.up. aakj�jf Bill respectlng� �it� stop COgt1gau intr u 7 F - . That Hative ildterferebPe. h"- boen r f t taD e c ��eed a'lid ut, .Si'er od cd a for h the Hwhbo c tht= fk b It then. sho d- 1 the #elds,An jai.. The ifir gh. aer ofl� thr.du WS -0 -can axail lug bu "d the 61rd reodigg, tuggeAin, e F atom _6 ("I thCftjghtqr";�-Rai&, biie h�s &eu 0 - $hall inr t th Voter be o01 a their tue 'A! 'a-, 0h awaited -4 �Un be IL thp, ordor., od: e the tsworth. �,wet,�, t; a. lessen this ETI nkw. -t Ire prontOOKBU411t g -I got: my e SU swam -e 3. thi fill"ait prephrea tO PerBlcll Grea ill -r( roceiv Ao so. - - . . . 9., - L. -was ' ' - Thf to croz I %&nd:i JET dangerous tor )speeting' ull mothers it rtu d dl -&k of 'ro nc W Le an This we -if not 10 vent -into 'Committee rnin hims hi in Go -y' 0o -.M1 instruct lzell women cOPe d ontribut4 g7og'lieh Ea;yp 'La6eimer bill- re V g4 -hie _-Had'it. nc been f6r thi. y:. voter B co itinal. WAS J�Iyr a;n -dih In Mr. �1 ng better tb, to 9 Nnd While plashing a U Railwaky do pe k1 -Ratio to waujed � -the -acci enP' am, d it Emp4or Willialyl C�Rt; n speoting velop Rome. ]phQto-grap d. have: madp.m -tisespe. a U13 iuction. 4 utrace tow ti to 'the 1r. Costig&b yestep ay. L vaid-i tica d one WO fied the d, Or I woul aras it. )—,gorth GP&eston d a intQ nd I -then- or eted 1e b -1 - sPen 6, 'Will �Wijkh to the -The �ally expro r on c t a gener two. k. a]�d it "'tlt on -my Lon -of the, CVL y F -t lor-somethlhg oW-. Chicagi pr Un ReCond" ..an old�qu women the t -tb hare sho -6�:no revis' h diMxi. then 11 lilicked effec _at t, doiniury house) ..A] -WOM aye 6u oil of.' e af t1r b6ing'retused. 6�4bedi, efi g,ho b W&IX's Fair h, a Yeart t is Year. on, ne gave we a -th Sh tj� suppe 'a this- crood- and- I- . I - bave thl ould AW in&OF e8AP'%t-1h Say �j Jeromei... f L-urier agreed that 'tbLe Was way i out P s. Tyr Art. U26Y.L V r 6rk Ch i now let The he lists sh t not'be re Up ent mqe. is U genera Wi C Winda6r, . - . -1- 3 n Vi oitm�nt -was 601maI -Clothing V+s () d he nigh� bre to a P d c.ondiderible d th �-it Me whY the ed, but Mr. Maor6 a 9 Me " SUOre. consists 0 women. -Of -Y he -a-ins 11ty- h�t Irving er 0 0, 0 ohthey -�j�ng by a repo Ad Whi. preal-nt'yv Wr 91 0 T. gto sIf d a v, grol's Um'ant abolIld ContInUe The -=Dq r-1 - t - a ieA0 90 to the Jer and. repr p t t etj g. le w. er r anklO: �Ietter, 02 hadr Red the- you;a these �50.000 belo thiee are 'Would jpeu, aat 0 me. but. tohe.1. 'on LI: 11 -sandwich.- Was went� anil - th�'re not% af6rbe acc UAv�ftn.wivalsor 06n4 )) 1, ! . I V2C Nat'. -the eserip fil . -.;; ............... oy.,wern '16ed that. ar Mt� nc&' out. by- r'. e cQlor� in 6J.. thi Bi s the)XIdur -e 'h - " r io d Crossed t tiv Davis -ba -d IN e ih OA, ded