HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-07, Page 8It
- ve_just -received our
stock- of Kid Gloves for the
Spiing _ancl -Summer and will
now be in a positio*to supply
thei-wants of Our many ---cua--
toiiiers,xith a. big variety of
styles and prices, in the new:-
est find best - sbades,_ While
„ •
having a-gOoa assortment:- ofthe low -
p-2.iceOines„ we have
paid special attention_ to the
higher grades wI*14.
we guar-
autee. I See Gut Special Jaded.
• _
:glove in fullassortment of
shades.Also our white un-
dressed washing g1oe.
Besides'I-Cid Gloveswehave.
a largerangeOf silk aua.taffela
_ 'of various kinds
Try us for 'Moves,
The Lkmycknow Sefltiflet, Bri1ce Coun y Fricia
• -
0 d dfei 1 OWS ).^tnniv,ersary
The anniversary of the -
OddfellOWSOrder in America- Will be • celebrated
by both th'.emembers of .the _Rebekah
Degree and the OddfellOws- lodge. in
Luckno* on. -Sunday, the 23rd inst.
Services - will beheld in the -,;:oWn
Hall at -230 o'clock when a 'special
sertnon will be preached to them by
the Rev. Mr. Fear, of the Nile. 'All
are invited to the ser41ces.
Promoted to London . •
iyir. Frank -Little, of the .-golaphs
The Nlasonl. At Home
The "At.Home" given' in
Town Hall on Tuesday evening as
under the auspices of the Masonic
Order,. W.SJS he best entainment of the
kind given n the village. Abotit two
'hundred in. ited guests Were present.
and the Co -Otte of:Manag,ement had
preesreYnthtincgoulidcelhYeaarrtriallyigeednroY thtalateamil-
selves. T e hall was tastily- decorated
and together with the large stage and
beautiful scenery, brilliantly illumin-
ated with electric light, gave' the
place a cheerful and gay appearance.
All manner.of Social and parlor games
were provided for those who wished
to amuse
while the
the room
mazy -wal.
early part
Bank, .Waterloe,..and; who - his.
Easter with his pa,renrts in the village
-has been promoted to t.he head brandh.
of that bank in Londpin* The. Water-
loo' Telephone says :--" Mr. J.. Frank
.Little, ledger -keeper in Mplscins Bank;
Waterlsio, has just received notice that
he to report for duty next Wednes-
day .morning at the I.Aondon branch.*
His position here will. be taken by Mr.
Craig, of London., In 'summer the
Forest City. is one of the pretti t :of
places, and no doubt Mr: Littl ,
appreciate the change." -
ER M111100Cil & CO.
Af.. G. 15. South 6:13 a. m-
L. H; & B. North - 12-30 m.•
2:30 P. na.
Ki 1 ss
n 0 .
W. & !Torth 3:18
.-S-Goderic •
Iitermediate points:k. 9-00- p. m,
& B. North.. • 1.(1.3o- m,
- Tuesdays and
Lan.gside .3 00- p,*M, Fridays
0.•& B. ,BAuth
&-_13. South f • v.'):uP•
Bpraying.Fruit 'Ttees-
There is plenty of time, ll3;ut it. ..inay -
not be out of place tp_again-. Mention;
the fact that an Act was passed at the
lastsessionOf the Ontario Legislature
for the Protection of bees, Which enacts
-.that.:-HL"Np, .person,.. in . spraying or
Sprinkling:fruit treeS,-during the perionwithrn _.
*hich. sueli. trees. are. in• full .
bloom, Shall use : or. cause to .be l• Used
any mix.ture containing ‘Paris; Green
•H. : 10-.0.0 ae., pa. •
:W -O&. ILIN.Torth, 3,20,p„ m•
Kinloss -
themselves - in that. way„.
arge space in the =centre of -
as.given-over to lovers -of the.
z and 'Other. -dances. The:
of the -evening was devoted.
to a prograiname- of, vocal .solos by the
Misses 1.141a:erry, .LiicknoW ; Aggie
Corrigan, Holyrood, and Bro. E.
.a. musical duet on
the'pornet..afid:baritone by. Messrs,.
Armstrong and W. • Willis.;
aiid a ..conple of ... fine • Mug -k-
cal - selections- -frOin. the Luck -
now - orchestra.- The duties the
..chairnaan mere fittingly. filled .by.- our
genial.' station 'agent, . Bro.- D. W.
Hayes, -who. on behalf of. Old Light_
Lodge- _extended to ' all :;.s.,1 pleasant
greetingl and -a hearty welcome. A
short address. was also giveii..by
Dr..:J. S. Tennant,- expressive of 1 -the
pleasure it.. afforded the. -members-- -of
the Masonic Order to see such .a.
andL appreciatiire gathering. present at
their entertainment.. -. ;Tables.. were
spread in the .Council Chamber in -the
lower flat of the _hall, where-- an
.abundance good' things - .weie pro--.
•Vided, amder-.the able management of
Thos : Reid, for all -who wished to
participate. -.. -Among the guests
_present were •a. number of ladies and
. . -
gentlemen from Wingliara.'
• •• .
or any other poisonous- substanc0.
iniuripus to.bees." The penalty for an
infraction Of thela. W is not less than
$1: Or More than $5.
Address arid..Prisentation
The Rev. D.; . Buchannan, r who .
was at :one tinae teacher .in
and .stibSequenth. -merchant 'at, Kin..
tail,- but who has beenforSome .tline
• , .
paStpi pf. the Presbyterian._ ehurchin .
Georgetown, has reigned onaccountof
ladling health and has, accepted an in-
vitation to oe-cupyi the • o the ,
Rev. - Mr..: Fraser,. • - Corn -Wall: -on
Hudson, for Six: 'inonhs, in
hopes that the change:- he may
regaiii his health. On leayinggeorge
. town he was presented with an 'address
and a- valuable gold Nvatoll. • and Mts..
Buchannan. silver
fruit basket: -..by..-their-- congregation,
as a mark. of the high esteem in which. -
they. were held.
pril 701 -
y itOns served up for eplinev Ite&ders
-Mss Ernma Bowe s, of Perth,
visiting friends in the illage.
- -When you* want your ishOes
_ .
paired •go to R. Hughes..
-Mr. R.:14iivera spent Easter
friends in Brussels..
Mrs- Hairy .Holtnes; of God
High Schpol, ishoniefpr his .holi
o W in:gha
the. guest of 'Miss L.
Week. • . -
Boas and shoes Made to !order
shortest *notice at 1.1. HUghes' •
McMillan this-
. -W. H. Smith c.4* supply i your
.'warits - ,- in • wall papers, .borders and
bliliadi.l,.' ..- • • : '• : -
1. . . _ - .. -
Mr. *Jelin . Stewart,. son .of Mt.
Angusl. Stewart, ''. of • IinlosS„. :loft. on.
- ---...
- : ----..w.antedA young man to l learn
'the. blacksmitliing. Apply . to 'ij*, [-L.
. -
..,Patterion Licknow. is
of! BrUssels,.... spent- a [cOup14... of dayS
h frien.da in Lucki-toiy.
Mkt Goose . .
On -Friday last Mr. Dan- McKenzie,
of Kinloss, shot a very fine specimen of
%. the canadian Wild goose near the 4th
- • .
con; There were three others in the:
- flock. It weighed nine pounds.
. the -list 6f- interim copyrights
_ ,
which appears in the last -issue of the
-.,Canacli'Gazette is the following : 407.
Tragedy in 'Five Acts.
By John Hutchison Gamier,- lVf.a,
-Luckno-w- Ont- *23rd March, 1893.
_ 3
-Spring. Showl
The-spring'!•show for entire .horses
under the auspices of the Kinloss
Branch Agricultura:,1 Society will be
held LucknoW on Friday, April 21st,
commencing.at 1- o'clock., Itis expected
- Iarge_nntriber of good horses will ;he
. -. exhibited.
Square -Timber -
3 t' •
The Station' yard her6 is. almost filled
with svareltimber. belonging to Mr.
- Angus INIcQUaig and --which is awaiting
shipnaett to the'Old CRiuntry_ markets..
_It is a naagri-ificent. collection of nicely.
hewen logs a.ind. there are few sections
- in Ontario at the present tithe that
• can. produce las fine timber, Mr. Mc-
Qu4Ig has ,fdso a largo amount of
Monday last:for .Manitoba. •
1VIens' Demi.- Kid* shoos both in
Bal. and -, Congress selling at •R.
Hughes' for $1.90; Call and see them.
Walter Campbell left on
-Thursday.for:.TOronto where he has
secured a position as Sessional Clerk .
• • - •
for the Ontario Legislature. '
Private Amex to loan on good;
-seOurity.-P. Maicorleons
ThePaisley Bridge .
A. Meeting of. the Road -and Bridge
committee was held at the call: of the.
Warden in Paisley '..on Thursday ..last
regarding.- the :rebuilding -..pf... Rae's
bridge; a short distance north- *Of that.
This bridge, although. not on:
the boundary, is but three hundred
_yards•froM:it, and has always been:
userl.in lieu- ef the boundary,
that --place- is impossible to make a
road tlirou.A- it.''owing to thedeep-
revine and- hil.).;h :thrOughl..:which
the toad- would .have to pass. ...The
_. Call- at Berry's Furniture store and
see ,hist magnificent display, of Parlor
-Vase lamps. He makes a speciality
of Parlor lamps and don't „keep any' -
other line.' ThPse are ieally fine
pods, at rerna,rkably low pri4s,
--Six hunched women are expected
in Lo 'don on April 1.7th aln, d 18th.
when the •annual.. convention of 'the
-Women's-Foreign MissionarylSocieties
of the Preslaythrian Church in Ontario
will be held in St. Andrew's Church.
-In he spring • examinations of
the, Presbyterian College,- -,Montreal,
'-Ewerl. McKenzie B. '
Redpath Scholarship
- . -: s
-34sters Rus, an Reg.' F104,0,
with more Come on and --Secure some .
-wall papers at
J. II. Came. on,`; Principal of
the Brussels P.ablif School 1 spent
Easter with friends in LudknoW.
I . .
of those bargains in
W. LI. Smiths'.
--It is a short story - true ne,
CAswELL-MacrgielE.,•Caswell, daughter of the
Rev: J.0.78,swell, of Grimsby, andlormerly
of L-ucknow died March 29th 1803 aged •).x
18 years and 8 months. •
Wheat, per bushel*,
Peas . ' '6 .... .54 "
Oats .28 "
• 411
5 5
Butter, per . rolls .15,. tub .15' to 16
Eggs, per dozen.... .10
"Hay per ton.. •.. $6 to .700
Flour per cwt.... $1.75 to $2.25
Dried apples ", 4 to 4A.
-that Connell is sell ng a good_tWee&
suit Or $6.00. , -
. 31.1r..- 1 :Albert.. i hi, 'of the
Imperial. Bank, Toro to, spent 'Easter.
. . -
with friends .in the village. --
pierybocly 'pleased • with.the
prices and patrons of wall - paijaers at
W. II: Smith's. '.. 1
-Misses Martha and ;J. A . llpugh,
of Kincardine High. Sehool, atte!visit.
ing-friends in the vi lage:
1 --
_Ladies- Kid Shoes- both in Bal,.
and 13utton to be had. for 81.45 at R.
IiugheS'. _ .
• -Mr. D. •IVIcQuallig, of Kincardine
igh SchpoT, is spending his tolidays'
'with his parents in ithis place. •
A. • won. e
of 'ViO. Con-
, .
county has built and maintained the*
-bridge in the past, and only nine years
ago last fall the -bridge.- that has just
collapsed was erected by the county at
an expense efsome $6000.* The cities -
tion, however, as to whether, it was
actually. a 'county bridge • or not, was I
raised, but at the meting in. Paisley,
the County solicitor, Mr; A. Shaw, Q.
C., who was present and. hal . looked
over the ground, and the- law in the
matter., advised the immediate erection
of the, bridge tiy the county. The solviing, the great problena of shoit
committee -therefore- inia.,iaimously period changes in the solar corona.
paskpd- a motion -to builaja brigge, and Don't you admire -bright, fresh
on the report of Mr: James Warren, d
engineer, that the old abutments were , . •
timber -at other stations throughout
the country.
Trout. Fishing
The enthusiastic must hold their
-hands this year. Trout fishing does not
- commence until the 1st of May; which
is on Monday this year. Last- year,
owing to the Dominion •Order of
Council; the fishing Opened on the
first of April but residents of Ontario
are undoubtly governed by the Ontario -
. Statutes fnr 18,92. So be carefull, for
- •
For sale -A. ,..-• the Ashfield parson-
age, Lucknow. rcar,e in
foal Royal Alpdellah, age 7.Off, good
to drive -single . or double. Suitable
for general .urpose. A may
haille.her..or 'a woman drive her. ;
'quantity of fu.rnitnre lately ibelonging
e fine- is $10 to $30 and- the Game
Wardens are known- to be - extren3ely
The New V
- Mr. 'E. E. Shoebottona, honor
graduate df the Ontario.- Veterinary
purchased. hopracticeOf
J. C. Fyfe, t V. S., of this place and
will -take pb-ssession on the Fst of April,
He was in ,_KinCardine last. summer as
stn-clent of Dr. •Fyfe, Who • speaks
very Mghly.: of - His
father, Mr. Wm. Shoebottora of LuCk-
now, will move here to assist him. in
practice -They are said to 'be
have cleaned -- Out': a large
to -Mr. 11CT.' U. Little, t, have ted[l
T4110* it CC -
Lard • •
.Pork per ewt 1 -
-Our Job Counter still tcontams
'some splendid barg 'Iins in wa 1 papers.
--NV. H. Smith.
-The assessor is now peliforultin. g
his duties, and every young men. en-
titled to nianhood franchise should see
that his name is on the roll. i
R. Hughes' is the' place to get your
shoes mended; also ordered work done
on the shortest not de-. '. - i
" Mr. John Elliott, of the; Walker -
IOU High achool gave .us,. a call On
- see
plJLL Sid.eboards Extensidn. .Tables
Remember everything in Mr.
e's old stand is offered at a big
unt. W. BERRY-.
-A total eclipse of the sun can h
• on April 16 in the comparatiyel
dless regions of ..,both the African
- Chilian* deserts.- -A paramount]
ure in this eclipse is that it will
ably afford the best facilities* fot
- _
Don't you admire trusty garmentd.
not sufticently. Sound to erect another-
structdre upon: them it. waS agreed - Don't you admire close vibes,
tradt was - AccotAingly let. to Alie S: Campbell; - -Merchant . Tailor,
to .erect asteele bridge,- encl.:the con- en our advice to -yOu is. - go- to
Peterboro Bridge CompanY - for _the -Ltioknow•-,-
sdni•of $5i282. The bridge ,is to be„of
Monday. John: 'spent th'e Easter
vacation. with frie
A . valuable trotting_ 'bred maib
one span, of 202 feet clear o the -belonging to Mr. Robert Hamilton) of.
gliilders, and will- be cothpleted In Amberly, broke her lee -while playin!g
di at. Holirood.
-That pile o paper at W.
H. Si2aith.'s must o and somebody is
going to be made llappytwith bargains.,
_ 4 .
-Miss M. McNabb,: of Brantford
Young Ladies' °liege, is spending
her holidays with er parents in the
three inOriths, but in the.m,eaneinae the in the yard one day last- week. She
conapaa-ty will immediately great and Was Stinted to Slander. fall. :.
. _ . , _. .
i_ .. A, trotting'race for $00. has be
. . , , .
•-mainta_in, _ at. their . ownel.cpe...n..se„ a
Of- the public. - . ..,... _ arran,:b-red... 6t,N.V.1--ingham between. _ .T. .E.
: teMpor' ary :bridge. for .: the.. tonvenien.ce -
, • Swarte "Walter G" and [I3eattie Bro.
- --SPEAKS P4ETTYNVELL .. green- mare, race to take- Place on or
; a W. .ierr.yri-shiriped a 6611-sigriL. _about -the 28th of June.
d to British Columbia ; -
near Berry to handle our manufaetureh-
New goods at Berry's IF•driiiture'•
store. Parlor Suits, Bedroom
Sideboards,Ext0' ionTables,Lounges,
Fancy Chairs --_and everything- the-
futnitureilne at still lower
-Mr. E. A. Kenzie, - Ak
M,ortre.al- Presbylteriari,. .
pre eh. in the Piresbyterian church,
Larigside, _neXt Sabbath, A'pril 9th, at
eleven o'clock a. na.-
• .
-Our Milliners are busy l this week
in: the trimming room. - Or, rs.in this.
line , receive prcinapt :attention fronx
Miss,Lawson. We ask the ladies to
favor.us With a iivisit to oui-
millinery -
depa,rtment.-W1 Corine11.1
-,The ti.me is ere when the citizens
• .
. merit -6f s - - . XOTICg
alsoanother lot of furni-ttire to parties
We :have arranged with
Owen Sound. - - must 'certainly
.buy right: enable to sselt.acit fi"
n furniture 1 You can purc
. .
Prices anything in our line from .him
conlm.and such an _outs]. e
trade. • Berry has *been -busy. -all - .
- winter .and - has -done a- very -heavN f ctory prices
„ St•FoRsTER . -
trade since he commenced -business • _
. ••• -Manufacturerb of furniture, Lueknciw.
-There ii.ra,'.s. no- .;--tr•iith...:in ' the para-
-The Paatoe *bug --toOk- an -inning' : .-. :
last yeiar-,'ed the -ravages Of .the il..)ast 'graph -41:110ndaY.'S Aqvert:iser that the
^•sver,e _,s -Lich. that it -was : expected there sAfe '1* ti.t.le-t1-191610W gta,11.04_ li4d .13. en'
-*mild be trinible'clUringt the [ ensuing; ii;obbe&': ?The. robbery • ;took place: ir'
Year. ' We have been fayOred:; however. ,Listpwell and not.LucknoW. -'
belieyed-by those*WhOprofeSito knoiv, ' `Denieiastration-„District_No. 1-, .',C:O.F.;
• •
- • -
Wheat --red, 65c.:,; white, 66c.
F1our-$3.00 te,$3,20i
to 40c .
Oats -33e.
.Dressed HOgs.,-7-$7.00 to '8.00
potatoes_-steady'at 82e. to 85ci
Butter_lGc to 18c.- .-
Should•conamenc their. spring cleaning:-
and_have eyetything. in ship-shape for
-- •[
the coming summer.
[ - • .. -
•-,--The best assortment o boy's suits
is to be. found -It Connelrs and the
- -
prices.drelow. -The boy fyona 5 to 14
years:of-age can, get a,good- fit.-- -
-1. •
-The reputatlion of Canadian.
• barley has reached the 'Russian Govern -
Ment arid 'they' have sent au. order for
100,000 bushels for seed this spring.
by seyereArost this winter, and it is The 'Executive Committee of
lns P that the .potatoe. bugs- have .been are busy ,!iiaaking arrangementsifqr
ex -
good practical holisemo..--Kiticardiae I frozen. Up .beyond possibility • of resur- ccursions to -Kincardine �n - .1sti
_Review. rection. - So mote itle. I Dominion Day. - .
1 •
▪ A
If .iiou ant a:first-class et of teeth
eheaper n tle. cheapest; call on
• In buying 51., new carpet there are
three things to be consicle
-pattern and price.- go to connen if
you. want to get suited. in all three.
- Our stock is .11rger than. Usual this
Dr:ennant's 0
-System nonovator.,
--1-Mr. W. Treleaven. pf Listqwel,
spent Easter wilth friends], the village,
but lie -is now visiting in Toronto. -
--A.S. CamP'bell ha's been appointed
agent for the i Ontario. Mutual Life
Assuiwee Company for the vilage. -of
Lucknovi and vicinity
The latestIstyleslin flOW/ers
1. • 3
'and trinanaing of all Intuits are to'be
found , in our Imillineryj department,
also 'Bomethi 6 new t in veil;. at
And other tested- r4nedies
ii.nrwre; yireak and Impoverished. loocli
Heart, Livei Complaint, /Neuralgia, Loss of
- Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, .• Gall -
'Stones, Jann.dice, `.Kidney and Urinary Dig•
asees, St. Vitus' Da,nce, Female Irregulaxitfcsa
And General Debility.
$1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle,
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness Palpitation the,
. .
1V1. PficLEOri;
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
Sold by Harry. Days and A, B. Corogram,
Druggists, Incknow ;
sale 6 superior young Valls ranging from •
8 .months ' to 2 years, These are the right sort,
thick and fleshy and will all make shtW
animals. Clorrespondence solicited or -come
and Bed -
. • Sp il4ens,