HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-07, Page 7er.
• . •
Mr._ costigan, in intreclaicing a Bill re-
apecting pa13.4eofficerS, explained that by it
the law would be made more definite as, to
-the right Of the Government to collect feee
• ion'commiseions which they issue to public
- • • •
Mrt-WoOd r(Brockville), in •answer to a
queon.by.Mr. Filat,:said- :that there were
144 h.rtioveties in Canada,: of which there
were 'five_ in. NOV& St. otia, lour in New
.Bruustvieke nine in Alaeisoba,82 in Ontario,
• t S5 in Qaebte, 18 in .Brit:sh Columbia; and
t one in •Prince Edward Islat.d. The number
of bandit employed was 1;440, .wagea $891,-
391; value of rew ni%t-eri31-$580,631 value of
•1 -
EniMved products .$5 717i73.• There were
eigkeelistilleriee itt Oatatio and. one in Neve
•Scotia.- The hands einployed numbered
-04;the wages -paid, last year - were $178,-
D31, the raw meterial ueed was trained. Lit
1,230092, the -puts -heti products $2,199,6r11
Caeey,, in the; absonce of Mr..-Davia,
sked whether the Comptroller' '014--Cestoins
is Correctly reported as havingsai(l in the,
-Coarse-cif a8V1e2ch at aLifftliquet at Kiogsten
on Fry, 'Our friends" "(meaning Oraiigei
men. ja Iretattd) 'ito•vele there never
.submit. Britain May cast .them out, but if,
ehe dots shate4 no rieht .to took- for their.
further allegiance.- They .are preparingfor
action. Their unalterable deterinniation is
never tifeirbuiliti to Ifbme Rule a el th
have the sympathy of.. Orangeinen
-• of Cada, .aye, mere than sympathy; They
wiil.have our ,aetive e b aid; ifthat active aid
necentary. •
our eZtestors if we fail in our duty at such
Mr. osier—The Government ieposseseed
of -no iittormatioii on that subject. (Liberal
latiehter.) - - -
Mn•Litetrieitatild not the Comptroller
of Customs give :some einformation on the
aultjeet ? -
ehell be unwerthy- of
i Mr. Foster—The answer has been given.
-Mr. Wellac-e---•I have not -been ailed -yet.• .
Liberal cries of " Now; now." .: .. -•
• Mr. *Mellen asked what Progress had
,heen ntade in .the dtteetion of gettiag Ithe
tienbargo now -pit -iced upon the. ihipment-of
• _ 7
lilies:took to ngla-tid removed.
. , .. ,
h Mr. Fester said that the: last -cablegram.
xeceitied.on the. eu.bjeet Was. one from .Sir
Charles Ttipper4on the 17th inst.,. in Which
It was said that itlr..Gtrdner. had -stated in - the Hettie of Uummons the preyieusalight.
: - that the GoverriMent had -arrived- at the
conclusion that they would -not be juetified
in restiniug • the] privilige of -free' entry -of-
Canadian. cattle Until in pesiessien of , addi-
• tional evidence., Which a systeMaiie exarnint
• ationi extendiragthvee a reaaanaeltend suffia
cientiperiod,of_tifp lungs of cattleslanded for
e. _ slaughter at. the ports -would afford. , He
-trusted the rt -suit of 'such an examination
- Weald confirm the view that the slaughtei
at the ports could be waived, with. reason -
t _ --able :security ati3inS1i :the iiinpartatiim Of
- diseistd animaige-in whichbase and in the
. .
eibeenee -of any unfavorable news ' from
• ; Gad a he ez,ts.itiered- h'e sheuld be botaiii,
- under the st-itutel to alletv the free entry to
i 'toe resemed. He added that:the exoniinatioe
would notibe -proltaiged beyond the Petied
found neeeiseary fer the. purprisee-and that
• the mere niimerons the cattle .arrivieg the
sherter would nedpesazily be the period of
examinati,,,h; . :I '
r. 'risdal moved thet, in view of the
early con -Vet -ion isf the ' ctinal ar.ouniVSt.
Mary's ratods nparethe Uanae:i-an shdre, and
he enlarment ;.nd_ increas:fd depth of telt
,canal eastern to tke AiAatatici seabb.,Ard, -anti
- atito of theever-inereattrat volitme of triatl
-' -. tentiing 'in thiat_Oirect-mh., .it is- eiesirahlt:
• tha,t Canada shi1. have a-- Complete and
• nnintetruptect waServitey .fritin the head of
Lahe tSupertor to the Atlantis Ocean thioug• h
. her own territory i that, -.m furtherance ot.
such oljec.:1-,,' the .-''11121inister - - ef . Ritilwaye
• -"and 0al3- ebould, whiaail reatonntle (ie.
:- -6x -p-
_. epeteh, 'proceed to i aye made. -explorationt
andureye to aettain themeet diretit
- and f eatete manner- of nortnee-tizag Lake Sr.
Cr or River St. ciair hy (lanai with Labe,
- 'Erie through Cauladitin -territory, and re-
• port 4he s }me, with ant.spprox,me.te estimate
Of thf..?, cost therehf, to -this House.
i. quetad the -opinitiles Of the leading enei-
-- neere ttontrove the prtnit cability of the
eche/tee heendoriet,lin- his reeolueion,.
- _ • • t . ` Aitra'ke etscass. .
. _ . t _
The 'following - Bilis were: reada third
tithe ::i : .- tti t - - . . : •
- To ithiorProtitatlite Cleieland, Port Stan-
ley & -Letaion eirratapertatiou .&, Radway
Conatetriv, anti to confiLm an, agreemitnt re
e6t-in,„„; z.he 1;m:1de a &;"1-Yor-1 Stanley R.. oil Way
—Nr. Rt.3(Th.e. . - 1 -- - -'. -- ., .
•Rt-sptehnti tlie.,Laticlee -& Port Staniett
- Railway Ceinpany—Mr. Moncrieff. - . -
. - To initorpeeete .te .(iiiigary Irrigation_
Company -t -Mr.- Davis:
. To duce -rip -nave the Aliter
Company-. Mr. DAVO: -_--
. Mr, Weldon again moved- the. House in
- • - -
committee_on a B4 ,i.to disfranchuie eiector• e.
who have takedbrittsa- ' - *, - •
• -Mr.. Jeannette expressed opooeitioifto the
t . . . .
• - Bel. lie'. preneuncett -it iin infringement on
•. the righie of the. subjeet and characterized
it as beritariimi Ote the charee of 25 roen-
order:. Redid- not conte -there to discuss
Irish pcditiesi • . ' .
Casey Said he did not -come there to
:-disouss Irish polities- either.- He wait there
.to dimities the .hon. Comptroller of CaStome._
Telegrams - had been
Orangemen: from Canada and
promieieg. practical-. aisistande - of men and
money in batte of _ armed resistance to their
historic foes. He -Wanted. to if the
bon. gentleman was one of these. who had
sent.. telegrams.: for iCanada. a -The hon,
get:Wen-4u, (Mk. Wallace), was. 'an tindeet
tecretary to the. Goaerninent,talitl:the-Govi
eminent was. reepeitsible :for hi a uttertnees,
ge had been:•eiiten Tevery chanCe.-to:aflian
iv deny the janguage- attributed to
Hai judged - -frota the fact '...--that • the
lion; gentleman had shirked-- an :answee
to the .. question.. - that - 'he .was cor-
rectly repPeteclo Nothing tending more to
:excite reitolt in hEid. over been
uttered, • .whither .* by : Miniateit el- . the
Crewe/. or other person, tier the Dentinittn.
Tfteatrectiti. reported, tthet.hoa.'gentleitiali
had said •elnit the.- Orangemen t.of Canada
would suppert the OtaxigeMen Of ipteteria
physical resistanec to -a- .irieas-urb•:'-;of Home
'Rule passed by the British Goveinmeht.
such . phytacal resistance -was: not treason,-
. . : -
then he_woilld like to tine* • why Mr., Riel
was hanged.- • ...(Laughter.) . One. ,:vtatt
treagen-theii. the -ether was treason Armed
here: 1.Te did not believe .the Comptroller
of Onetoms meant that he would- take up
arms if Home Rule was carried.- If he did
mean that and did not deny the _meaning
• put on his worth by the Opriesition. he
'Would Vote for the amendment. - • - •
Mr.tBerginfthought the Government had
nothing to deo with the exprestsions of hon.
geotlemen 'outside tof the Renee, but
unfortunately the hon. Cotnpteolkr of Cqs-
tares hid. repeated - his lauguage in the
House today. -Wear, \hear.) 1 He 'did nits!)
look upon the speech of the t hon. tgentlet
man as an attempt; to create steife. in the
country.. - • ' • -
•:Mr: .Davin, 'continuing, gad that -until
the-,HOuse'came to deal- With questidn
itwasnever denied -that the hon. Ponaptrial-
lerettres .Minister of the Crettm.. He (the
C_)mittroller.). was one of his ileaders, and.
was he to .be told that he. Was. not to be
affected btri anything which one of his lead-
ers -had said ? had language Whie`11
07kM3 seditions and would .have, thrown htrii
into prison -in. earlier days of Irish historyt.
The Hittite Was net dealing with qaotations.
byea Commentator, .but with the words dif
the anther himself. We had the 'language
of the :Comptroller of "Quetoina, and .if he
said. he stuck by that language, we 1111111t.
take natural meaning:: It was seditious
Wallace -_There is no such Statement
resietariee to a statute of the empire oenstiL in,my.speech..- 1 belong to ;:,loqy. of pien
uteri treatort. The Orangemen :Thatet who a •
a talked treasoot; and the hon. Comptrole
ler of Customs Itadatby endorling their
words, also. - talked treason -Sgaiest, the
Qaeen: . langnage requireclexplanation.
Mei: Clarke. Wallace *said With tteieeence
to the question -the. hen. gentleman asked
gesterd'ay, I did-'-niit reply to it because he
has since given 4 more :faithful- v.eriii,n. of
• Whit was reperted to.havesaid in King-
ston on Friday Week last. I- may /atom
the hon. agentleman and .. those of' the .hon.
gentlemen onthie or the. other sidttof the
Ileuse who are -se -anxious ;lot -init.:inflation
on the -matter that the - atnended:statement
initherKingt•ton News of March the 15th isa
.1 believe; a correctistetethent of What liesid
on. the -night alluded to. So far &al know,'
-that StateatiOnt- was correct statement -of.
my. remarks, and for the infotreatien ef hon.
•gentletrien I Will further say that What was
my' opinion -then is iroytepinien:to'4y, and
I do not back one single word - of the
stateinenttlien Made. • j :
:Mr, CasethatI did -want yon to, . -
Mr. Olarite 'Wellactat•You .could not, get
me to if • -yen tdidtwant 'Be -tiiedo sot , I
repudiate the Charge of :disloyalty. made
by the him, member for -ES& taatinat the
men WhOill. I repr Sented.as holding" certain
views: -
Mr. DaW$611 eaidhe sorry., the hon.
gentleznan hed.been' obliged toconfees that
the repeat of *hot he said was correct. .1140.
bill int:reduced 10 the British. •Parliornent
had-af,ready been put before the,House of
Comment. . A recent election en that
id ben held. The Villrivould have to pass
he Ii=41.se-cf- Collin -wits arid ihe' Elptise -oi
. Lords 'and -receive the assenb. oftliler lti.lajesfy
before4tibecainalairet' While many te:rsons
might consider the Herne; R.ulir
iitteeedit utiWiset legislation,
tiorial-actionfor its repeal could Only be ltft
:foe those who opposed. it... lieibelieved the
bpeech- . the hon.. ..gentleinan called - for
mare than palling. notice. • He.. nitrified in
aariendment .resoln ien :reciting- -the .laut
Ri3age. used .by Mr. Wallace at : Kingaten
-ood Stated that : Wheritais,. Met- Watlatte
had Admitted the acoaraet of thia t
1.• ions.
Mr.; Davin quoted from the speech of
the hon. "Britain
eisi reported, in 'which
he:said : 'Britain might cast them out,but
she had .no right to look for. their further
allegiance." The Comntrolles had no right
to toipeale for . the Irish- Protestante. • Con -
tinning,. he Said he did not see 'that if this
motion,was carried the '.Government would
have to resign. t• It Was a want of, confidence
in--the-Comptroller, nottin- the Government
He was more inidinedto believe -this when
he remembered on a certain °emotion during
thetimeOf the Jesuit -Estates .qtestion the.
influence the hon. gentleman used upon cer-
tain members. . . • -
Wollace--,The assertion •�f . the hon.
gentleman is absolutely false. -
Speaker --The hon. gentleman must
sulastitute soxne other word. . •
Mr. Walloce—His • assertion is absolutely
unfounded. • . .
- Mr. Davin rase to -speak -.amid _cries
from the 0.onservittive members of Name,"'
• - • •
• Mr.- -.Panintt-Muet I -name ? I , heard
•hitra address hie brother' Pretee. nt •meine
tees Myself, and urge . them. to vote with
the Government; saying he could not de th
froni.jhis- position, but must tvote with the.
mitlorityi - - •
Cries—Name others beside yourself.
Mr. Davin—I heard the : hon. gentle -
Man, and can give him the day and date
and place .t If he had been. a real man he
world have taken his political: life in .M-8
hind: and have ttiged . them to; vote ias he
did. He. got credit --•for -being one of .the
noble thirteen:Mr. Wal1ace—fl is . • t - •
absolutely untrue,. , If
the hon. gentlemen- will nettle any men, I
will bring them to prove_ - the untruth Of
what states.
Mr. Davin—It occurred in room _46, When
the Protestant members ef the Conservative
party' were brought by Sir John Macdonald
_to consider the vote on the Jesuit' lipOstion.
heard- hint say it myself. ne • . • 1' ,
sMniMoKay rose in his piece to sayhe had
flevertheard the Comptroller of Customs -say
orie, wOrd at: that 'meeting- as indicated b
eneteette, teeigeett declares it ;to lie, the . itheanember fortWett -Aisinibola.
. _ ; • .. , . .
duty (iftitil Her lifajeaty'e subjeetitievaiiyao
. .
mit to the tow ; _that . the bonetit h Lion- ' Mit tql-iiveitindi. said : he ithought : the
language usedbythe Popepttellei of . et.113.-'
doo-,ailit4 meard3. by.which-idi gitik_iv.abes can 1;0111i atr:1.(1.rigatcia ult.-called'. for :and foelishO.
--he re,ilressed by : Ottnetituth nal- inethedt. e either' for Protestant or aCitthelidit but in
that -no ..- changes in • :the *law jhcitild th3. abf.ience of the leader of : the' Geiretn-
-be etugite or brcitg.at - ehtint by: retetting to Meet he felt hitund:. to .rote for -416,-0-cive-
temed resistance, - civil - iirar, air.. raisrtlicat- ,rrini034t. - •-:--- . -.- ' ' ;:. .. . - : '. ; . ., - ':-- ,.
.f:•refi ; . that: any . attt m -pt to- ;depose :Het --Mietchteey.aaid the ben. -gentleman'e (Mr.
Majesty tiarespect7of aoyipoitican of her Vttit, Walltiee's) 'speech et. ICleaston either meant
oire is ennwarrazitehlei and should receive all he had seid or nothing:- : 114 be ,h4a-
thiteuilecititittomisinit, Tesistanee - of all l. 41 meant tail was event li'Y his ..c'inOrltifitiiin
.tijettet t eeetttoe actian amt., way.,,,p7iu .0"...i: ii? in. --00 .Rouse • to -day, - and' that . he
bidding ont the hope of aettiv,e, aid inittesosiet ;Jai. eon:tete.. incith to .rebellion. and treateo' n
epee to . Her Maieety ie derATIzid the- against the Crown. and Parliamentof Eng!
,:.,,ye.,..,6c,iimte:of .iite rit.ust-„airetit atitwed -load iftheHome Rule .nteasere should'. pass
to p4 -e-.$ unnoticed Must 7plitee Cahada•under WO it!Sitesident- - He hoped -,tintliltelieved
searadalinneihetiittaition of being dialOyal tliefe wiiie enough- liiYal . then- .in:Irelrand,
to 1-fer MAjesty:- paid that it itethe ditty of h'ettlevtiri to :deal -with'. toiy-giupri fanati60- as
PaeleeneUt to .terdriiliate the -::ufteraticeCoi thre..t0ii34::t6 Tize_ in revtlt•
Mr. -WAIL ee Itet the :public 'relight be led- to ; Mt:. Hearn eaid he Would : have liked to
the errenitons crincluEiotithat his Views 6re hi.t) Been -the- 00E4)14'611er 'of.. Ctietonte . dira
shared: in by this body... -and: enAanger "the aFetv the disloyal pen tiroceatt as he wasasked
Pe*ee.. -Prat4. and 'good goVernment through, to do by .the-Solictor..Geperal. i 1 . • ,
out Her Nls.jesty's 32.0initlio.h... . • - • -• - Mr.. Wallace---Theg to tn.fotat tthe hon.
,. . ..
• •
Milfe (Bothwell) Contended -that this gentleman . at I never _uttered_ disloyal
th ' '
amendment- didnotmean re want' ofi coriuLS -
e sentiment. - ..- . , • . -- : . • t . ' :.
denee in the • Covetninent necestarilit . :Ile A division upon Mr. ...Dawson s. emend-
,. • '
quoF..-ed from precedent to show that -eeyeral relent to theimotien. to go, into -Stipply was
Goiterrinienta .had treated an antetairnent to. ,taken at 12 o'clock, midnight, and resulted
go into Supply. notas-xnetions. Of Want- of ,
as follearti eillyee, 74 ;105:- •
Irrigat' - - i • m ' " . •
coofidence hut '„hail ;accepted theta E VT' -The ifellOving Geheroment titiktorteril
ion 1 bon. gentleman who voted, _ fie inee voted for the amendment : essrsa Costi-
inotlim on which the Honed would he • asked teen, Bergin, Curran, ..Lepine; -Pelletier,
•t' thvide . the Kenny, I Kenny - Adams ' Sir Hector Langevin
ciples enunciated Ittr the Comptrollet of Cites--
v",-ou ilniet to t Pew- Hearn. Davin; - smepoitiaid (mega), mei
twits. (Appellee, -. • - n
' : • I 0
. .Mr. FoSter tirti.d he -q.aestioned the:sPielt .
whicit the motion made.. He Worial Mite Intreeee Grints oeld heV
term- iot &jet:hie:time. party- motion. . (a, ar, Situee in Siete • Voile desires to make 'h
• ,• here.was-noth in the statement- future home in.-Wattling:am. She desires
aura- eonetitheecie . et' emelt. atitnding, leof honi Comptrollti 'of Gastorns about,4) locate 'Mt PaYette :-STlaret
and has
epeetable be brought in to lormed.. reetttance. : The. 'bon .
couiti trifilitg oh/lir-gest The OOTIMIti-SSi0/1 1 Both/A-el( (gr 11:11 , "rtla, ti • oteet
- member tor made an offer .fer the -Maine residenbe that
ard Sallow under conaideratieni . • •
a ma inquiteterial courtoely l_acking the reasonoblet had 'dieter! -ii.- the ,: Lets, -No Lerd • Winelielsea islabout -to fo.und . a
- <,. . .
instrumenie et tertuij; et - - - . , -two men Oat of twenty -fly' would rtrobably, weekltiptper..in rngland Which is to•be
• . . 3 '
e Orgallization of a Gr at Woolen
Mil Coinbille Going 011.
-' • • • - • . • • . .
Chicago -boilermakers have', decided to
demand ten hours' , pay for eight hours"
work. . • • f •
The. Trunk 'Line. Association has taken
steps to p,00l the grain -traffic cht.r. g
- navi-
gation. •
• At St. John, N. B., yesterday, a 14 -year-
old girl was sentenced to two in nth! in jail
for dtunkennees. - I .
-The annual •meeting ctf • ,i3C -Toronto
Veterinery. -College wits held,i4 Yesterday
morning, when 140 graduates received their
diploma -s. : ,
- . •
. Inspector. Iluot, 4f the Northwest
at "Duck
iiralysisi of
•r badly if
ef .gs
ounted Police, •died suddenl
Lake on Thursday night from
the heart. •
• Two men were killed and fo
not fatally injured hti an explosi
a ill coliiery, near' Pottsville, Pa., . yes-
terday Morning. •
. .
It is reported at Montreal- th
ment is en foot to combine tit:I-
-woo/lei:le-mills of the Dominic,
fashion of .the cotton combine. .
The New Brunswick- 'Supre
yesterday _ordered _ a new tri
Weldon -Randall conspiracy'ehae
nection with the noted gravetrat
Two Men, Calvin and Weis
stantly killed in Montreal last evening by
the collapse of a derrick at the hew Wel-
lington street bridge, nosibeing built over
the 'Lachine canal. • •
The People of St. John's; Nfld.., intend
oe profit by their recent disastro experi-
ence, and•propose to organize 4 firet-class
fire brigade. A representative l t presen
in Montreal studying the fire "
that city. • - .
t simove-
, principal
after the
e' Court
1lof the
es n con -
were in-
, -
Lieut. Andrew Robertson Gord- te, R. N.
died eit his residence in. Ottawa iesterday.,
it teif
e•age of 42 years. He ..was a victizn
to consumption. -Retiring &wilt
1873, he came to Canada, an
years commander of the fisheries
service. .a '
The V. :S. *State Department ha
official information that Queen Vi
Meet' the rank of Sr JulianPounc
epresentative in Washington, fro
lEnvey Extraordinary and Miniat
petientary to that of AmbassaAor,
hie credentialk as such are on their
A case oftsmalipttx was -discover
The bandits are supposed to have killed.
her either because they despaired of getting
ransinzeor in 'order that they might escape
mereeas4 from the military, who haver
scoured the country- for them ever since she
was carried offi, .• • •
Fifty New York shops closed down, yes-.
terclay in accerdance with the retaliatory •
policy adopted by the Clothing Manufac-
turers' Association against the American
Federation of Labor. The association issued
an ultimatum to the effect that the Federa-
tion must cease , its boycott against Sin-
sheintortLevenson & Co., or all the cutters ,
employed by the • association would be
leaked out. The boycott was not with-
drawn, and at 3 •o'clock yesterday after-
noon :the keys turned in the • factory locks
behind700 cutters. - -
1 • •
he **hilt -Wikrships Will Mahe ilie Most
; .
Imposing bisplast
The international review of warships in t • '
New York harbor on April 27th promises -
to be a very imposing .affair. Both Britain -
and France are -to be represented by several
of their. finest teemed& As becomes her, as
the greatest naval po v er; Britain takes the
lead with her flagshi Blake, of the North -
American Siiedron e the Australia, of, the
Meclieerranean Sqadion ; .the Magiciennee
of the NorthAmericitn- Sqadron ; the Tara t
tar, one of the Archer -class; and the Par-
• tridge; a composite gun :vessel—all very
-goodi!specimens •-• of the invincible Britis
Navy: , prance, again, IS to be represented
, - . . • •
by three veseelsa-Jean Bert, a protected
cruiser; the Arethuse, a Wooden ship, and
the Hossard. • -
• to_ tote] '
The British flagehip •Blake will comMand
greatattentien. 1She is ' a magnificent
armoured cruiser of 9,000 tons, fitted -with
four vertical *triple expansion engines in
separate compartments. In a Seven hOure
ttial trip she averaged 19,28 knots an hour,
'under natural draught, bub. would have
made several knots batter had it not been
for the drag caused by too shallow water
and the excessive friction of thrust bearings.
She carries two 9 2 -inch 24 -ton guns, in bow
and • in armored towers; ten 6 -inch
pid-fire guns,six being on the spar deck
and four on the main deck, in caseinents ;
sixteen 3 -pounder guns, seven Nordenfeldt
machine ping and four 14 -inch t Whitehead
torpedo tubes. . The Blake has a carvect
steel protective deck from three to six inches
thick, but on top Of the Machinery it ish
roitt;:tYioinn heiaght e
for smile I main deck, and the conning tower and tubes •
e ailnsco tehsitclikieskteel
ay here. I to three inches thick, while her connin
Teobveercains:nents on th:
The'Australia, again; is belted -cruiser
reeeiVed of 5,000 tons displacenient, fitted with
toria has itriple expansion. -engines of 8,500 '. horse
fote, the 'power, and capable of attaining a speed of
that of 18 knot. She, has an armour ibelt • aaout
r Pleni- I Jen inches thick for a distance of 190 feet
and that lamidships. Her protected deck, is from two
d- yesteri • • tower has p. tcovering of 13 -inches: The
d• ay afternoon, M the fatally of John 'Kane) Magicienne, again, is of the "M" class of
In- Waterford, ,rjust north of Troy,' N. Y, f caPper-bottomed, partielly-protected orals -
he Victim being a 110L11 Daniel, 30 years of i ersi intended to have a speed of 19,2. knots.
age: - The latter until a feta -days lagO had I As we hive said, -the Tartar is of the Archer
been a cook on the G-attenburg
in New Jerseta and as • t '-
rape *rank i class; istfitted With engines of 2,838 horse •
dmitthaseveral power,
and can attain a speed .of 17 28 •
jockeys there are ill with the disease. -I knots. -. Itte carries a battery of six '6 -inch
- A slight eart quake was • felt in
Friday evenin
Six steamers which arrived' at N
on Saturday brought 2280 immigr
'A -5-.year-old . child of 'A. Cr
s 1
tana ! guns on eponsono, distributed at each ex-
on tromitY And at the waist, and has it pro-
tective deck York
!otoecttiriveeiendgetb,hk. : eIhteenpdingt Partridge,
houi her' -*
LL''',4.17-.. lunpretentious vessel of r 7F115Pionasgadinis, 118. 411
nk was :ment, with engines whteh can attain a speer
drowned during a &�d- at Collingtwood- on i of about 131- not. There is some ground
teideye. It . .. . - • : - .. I- • _ -. I for hope that 13-itaiii may 'yet appoint ad -
Boren . de .. Aiguain Audrtidai
,., BtaZiliau i ditional -vesselS to attend the review. .
- - n iogen israther disappointing
. . The
inieter at -Withington, -died of apoplexti Comparedwith that of 13ritain the French.
bin . • .
atu d
on ,Saturday evring. •
Ray, a girl 6 ,years old, wa
to death- at Marietta, .Ohio, on
night by her clothing cotehieg fire:
( e na e of a famoui French ad -
tat i infral) is a protected bruiser of 4,162 tonay s .
displacement, with engines of 8,000 horse - •
The reintermenti of the remains qf Jeffe
s�n .Davis will take • place in IfUllywo
cemetery, at Richmond on May 30ti.
•'Three young men were drowned
o'clock l yetterday mornithe at a do e
arietta, Ohio, by the capsizing ef e
boat. -
It is reported tha,tI3 Prince Bismarc
power, Which in one trial- trip attained a
rt Speed of 18_63 knots, She :refarTieS four a S-
od inci. guns on sponsone, and six 5.5 -inch
guns. in. 'roadside, with 4 .secotdary arma-
meat of four 3-poundernapid-fire guns, six
ate: revolving ,cannon, and Six torpedo tubes:
; The Arethitse took part in the naval parade
. here lost autumn.. Ste has a dieplact:ment
• 1 of 3 400 tons and, engines of • 4 200 horse
t• .1 • • '
power, -which ca attalll a speed of 14 knots.
She carries eigh een 5t-iach .gtins broad -
e 4. side two ,guns mounted in the bow, and
!eight Hotehicisp revolving cannon—&11 pro-
, teeted by dhieldii, and Capable of being fired
f by -electricity. - The other French vestel—
e Hussard—is ut.-resent out- in the West
Indies, balls or no notice.
freely tells his visitor that he tyill no
'ReichstaR: at lth
• . :-
fteenth this year
.rofessor olfr; o
hotpgraph zit th
• It tis' reported- In in ytt bitIJ
etand - for a seat :in: the
ext elections.
sA•Entiodt planet, the
Ts been diebttvered by
idelberg, by means of -
:Kiel. Observatory.
Stainclitecli-011Company and the-Ro.t achild
have -effected -a combination- to control ti
Bites/an oil businees.
The - damage -.done to property in -ti
ssissippj valley by Th redeye cyclone i
calinelat d rit-$2;000,000-e and it id itnotan
that'eig teen lives were I st.-
Alr: Michael- Dolan,night-wattchmon at
the Parliament buildings Ottawa-, died-end-
derily last- evening -. a few minutes aqer
coming . on duty.: He w 63 yeats of age.
- -
1 Ulan been =decided to old an inquest on
the of the late _Col. S epardeproprietor
oftliteNeve York 4rag Expressl Who
died itudlenly on Friday. He left. a Private
fortune Of $3,000,000i 4 • .
ie Queen Eh abeth's day some of the
e mote fashionabl of the courtiers wore
ipOinted shoes that *ere three feet in
. .
e . " It's time to drawthe line," as the fisher-
man remarked when he felt a good bite.
• Fair plaintilf•in a.breadh of promise suit
What I The verdict iti against me ? -Ah
f — ,
1 woe is 'me ! There is nothing left for ine
I but d a . • Her lawyer 7-- You forget
I' Miss. There is till a chance for you to
levate the stage.
Mrs. Beabee-- ow did the Fijia take out
!dear missionary • Rector (sighing)In.. ternallyyl '4
` . Spiggot tinie
Archbishep Corrigan ha received ye y any boy at the
graCiou letter . from ,the Prefect i4 • .f night." I" Xes,
up:hie . hat as vvildly
;temperance speech last
ut this morning he felt
- Mr. litteibes did not see any reason -w-hti tt thiek - the same- ton th subject of Home the Organ -of. the- movement-, for it- union -Of. tda,- acknowledgitg in the lititifet !. like throwing up his boots. ' .
Inan vit4) gave -a -bribe ehould be separated tRulei, and lilt hen. friend'e views were hie oll elasees OtagriculturiSti An 1:- enanate. :the -recept of -.a c eque far 7,9851
from. tlie. wan -vAio_tol-,k . ow.m - . .rolet,of an; editor - and- editoi Of this sert of fttinns, Petee'spenCe, collected.by the •
. New York's death rate 'continues tot ad-
cieuteprovidingahat there theuld Sir Itichard CartwrightSaid might be paper, Issomething,of a nevelty aoress the *bishop. •
Ati..a.nreitl Ira* the Itii.:t-by means -or a cer; well. to permit that eatitS0 to be t f •r water. !
tior&rz iv.=;•s struck -Ont. vKith the ccinsent Of -the -dietifict keptidiotion -that the-- _ .your shoes squeak- go to-. a sh-oet Halifax on Soturdavieveni g br ht
. .
• The steaMet Labrador,' which arri
• to a
- At.t.
the II
ton It
the se
of -Finance. - had .anade of the , cx
he cotranittee„ haV• ing made SOT116 amend;•.i,-tremel ill-advised utterancettof the Comp
tto the oeiginal bill, reported progress. i troller of Cmitotnse. - : -..••• , • i
te Ouheet moved Ithat•the 0'..eri, 'of .the j -Mr, -Cciatigan said- that i in this ..countr
eilere other proper officer h , - leave i we had often had to Meet questions. of thi
•,.. tend the Hip °taut cf Justice -foe thel. eanbarreaeing kind, and hod generally found
eity of Cerietort id the cate-Of the. Queen: ta riolutien.of them." • _Ife Wien this question
Nt Ki Connolly and:Moines MeCitetir : a good deal like leader of the House,eWho
- the i dlls , a the no,. Of Ctinnionat vitry preperIY repudiated aid refused keep:in
1874 to 1887, both loth:tiled. and be- ittii. at • or theutterancesagributed to his
aredi to _ give . seen evidence as - was . hero, friend the Comptroller:of -Cuatome, .IIe
titery in theiliterass of. justice. -T - . .echallenged any Man.in-this:bounteat te:point
rt Mills (Annapolis) pre-eon:tea, i% Bill '111. any-utterSaide of his in the-11Ouse or aityt
cting the ladies. of tte Sacred. Heart of Where else thatevetthad the .serribleitee tof
,awhich- was read t at flint and eleeond di-slo ; hp Or was not in keeping with his
:7 . - • - • - _, - -'-: dutiesand- obligations - aila Minister Of the
, --Cisey, --on :the orders et the day Crown. . he • -• 7 _ : .. .. - • -. -'T .
balled, desired to cell the attention of . • Mtii, Wallace.e-Dld I ever do -it either'? .
arise to eertain alleged utterance s of i Mr; -Cestigan-o-Iidid foitstay you did.
orentroller of Curitome (Mr: Waliace)on!. . Mei Clielte Wallacce-h•You .iii,iiinated it.
y week laiii, aireported in.the Kings- Mr: Coatigant-I Ain : t dealingin Mein:.
-iezes,ea paper,- which e: believed was :uationee HeworldVote for the ainendmeet. i
Uy • to the :fiont. -gentleman. - This . Mr. Carranieentended that .whatto 'memo -
age, maid the hon. .gentlernaii, desertied. iter field outside the Renee open thesubject
riots noi lee of the house. ' - ., -. • of_ anything foreign to our Canadian politics
Maclean (York), roke, tn.- .0.. poll:IV-of fi40111d , nett be brought tip:. for.. nipcusilium -
‘. ---
maker- and er and, avehim put a peg _the Middle
1,01 the .nolo and,theee will be -no lend -
h-lproolamatios,- lArkotho thing, when you
buy Fide 0 new .shoes and they- latirtityou,
-1)0 water in them and let :it -remain ifor
naifiate,' then '-'potir it :Out, tend... if ; Your
hoes burn or hurt Yon after 'that' you.
can :say t I • ittitatiareng. •• The iTWateri. takes--
th a • eat -but of the leather;
t and makes the shoes comfortable. ---1(onze.1
Queen.- •• • - •
: -
It's . rather Odd --that- one his to iced- his-
temperrbefore he can".display • *.:
? Doctor :-e-Your symptoms, resemble those
Doctor -Your
apoplexy. - Patient -.-y08, - I • know that, '
I've r been iooking. over :a - Medical . book; •
rand- _And.. my symptoms resemble . the
syniptoinet of. every diabase that was - ever: a
gotten up: :Viiitat.:-Iiwant to knew- tat, Wh.itt b
• immigrants ; the aumwe whiCh ar
I yesterday, 'bought 415.; 't 'e Labe Sup'e
due to -da haii450,•and t e }teems A
vance. Last wee
'number of • 1,100
'el at 'known at this`ses
1 1 _
ib reached the eurprising
eaths, the largest ever
n of the,year, •
Jones—He called me a liar. Brown—
rived Well? Jones—__Then said he was
Her, " another." Brown --Well ? JonesThe
Yre02 Ihe said / WAS Another, too," 13rown—
' I What did you -esti then? Jenes—Noth.
also due tit-tlay,, has 650.
and while passing
was . 0., returning
.:efvrtoehmnrionugghtiealp. voKirrAiiin:g; aEHnouriti_hbiejesarea;t.1aIamAyenrsetiripetr.mheegernrnetspg:isvpwee*;huuptmuebdoir,LtBte.y8- tahyeofuonugoraidnyg, ,
— 1 . - -4.
threw a• stone . which -nearly •struck "ffic i &dad 19, of -pleaeing eottntenance; good
- Edward A, Kingston, . of Buffalo, : the oroChet, a situation in the family of a gen-
Majesty. e 4.Mitl .great. exe tement -:the mat 1 fjouio agreeable manners, gene al inform-
insarie... -• - - - - -. ' [studied everything 'from the creationt th
was arreetted., and it is b: el:-Ved;.that:' he i "i.:tiOn 4114.varie:d acqomplishinents fwhpoihaes.
Ferry street drag store proprietor, forinerly iz tleman. . She his
take the head of his
; •
of Port Colboene, Ont. t :tad his bre hers:Itable, manage his hoTsehold, sco151 his Ser.. ). •
dross the Niagara River and
Buffalo; have buttons, wenn his- slippers and generally
WJaoida Kipgaton, who were -icharged - withl vants, 'muse his babies, check his trade's -
ing .phienacetine in Toronto and alti -pins I men's bills, accompany him to the theatre, -
.30 fined $350 and 0100 resilectively a the, I make his, life happy, , Apply in the • first -
he same to Fort- Erie smuggling rt I cut the.leaveraof hid new • book, !Jew on his
United States Court at Utica.- • 1 place to •Miss ----,--- - Hickory Grove, Ga.,
iMis;'F 'nage, who •wo
time ear Elsie,. Spain - /RSV ral nights age Bjoites—I hear your friend married a
ii taken k'fi. bni heal and afterward- to papa on the premises."
ome fifteen miles from the : eivn last ni ht. I Colorado to save his- lungs• and, succeeded
y bandits, was found- deo, in a thi ket 1 western girl. , Giles—Yes. He went - to ,
h e deuce ails me? . . .
. 1..
' ' " I've got the droponyou," lila' id- the. !
icicle to the tall hat. . "That's' all right,'" . h
replied the' hat, as it righted itself; but it b
setms to have broken you. all up, just the . s
'same." • . - .
She had been dead- -only: a few ho tie only iglosing his h rt. e