HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-07, Page 5ue cnow Senti ne ri�l a • • captain of the tug had knowledge off f : - the . gist€ nce . of. the rock: 4, -.dg - of. -the rack: res �rved:. A. I3..: Aylesworth, Q. 0for -laintiff. 13. It Osler, .Q; 0: "-for defendant. _ QUEEN .VS .KERNEY,. This Vbr .s-0;11_,ae °ii,u for 4riin nal assault.. Tae: • defetidant -who was -town : co.,stable of . W li erton - was. accused' of goingto :the rho use of - one - Oelheiser during; the evening, sending_ him lfor beer and . in his: absence -:assaulting : OelheisaL s. ' wife, he evidence. . was - =ei y weak and the judge took the, cz e fr oni: the jury -,and. entered ju gine it for the :.'defendant T. Dikoa for- plE- irtil ,D Robe Ston for defendant. - , • VEBB VS. 8PEERs. Two neighbors of the peninsula had - a: dispute lover. the ownership of . •a: dug, hic1 .the d.ef endan t a local magistrate atternpted- to adjudicate upon. -: This he should not -- - had no lirlsdlction: - The plain .iff, One of theparties to- the .dispute, was fined and tl+ie fine -.not --.being : paid an- * illega1 :warrant :was ,made, out for .his cemx l..t ie.1t to tkhe jail _at Walkerton, His lordship considered. • that - - the defendant 'Fitted stupidly '.and: ig f or aptly_ and.ddeidecI a ;ai 1st..him :on the ,ustion� 'of iii W. and left -the- - � _ • E question of da nage- Ito-- the .:Iry These: they. • assessed at .t9, 30 and a;- verdict: for' that. amouiFt and costs i W -ere" entered for - the pLLti i ¢i . " 0iarrie .the : other party to tli6: ,..grla .re was a co-defendant, but he - Was 'found :not giuiity. D,. Rso r tsar' .dor the.plaintiff,. T... Dixon. an ' H :-- -Q `Connor., _Q, C:: for defendl. ant. The laii'tiii is the owner of 4 port -ablesr.v.-Tail and the .clfthadallts own timber= Ii i'.1ts -iii the tu\%=nship of Lindsav: . A owtr get WELF4 _ P2140T ed.1 into between the tv o pruties tai= �vh cil the .paint itt was to work for. the defendant, :,,aild the la t ti r: was u fut'i Jilin: w ber. - to keep his mill oi'IFg e l.iin ` r :fhis =tl: -tiff claims was not'done to llis gr e.at- . loss: The- defendants ,c14 iih that the- nlz�l t�:as Grp' t,, ti}e r �r,:talent,. that she - as' const::ini iy tc,i :lir' Siown _aa that;the pltuintiff never could Wit. l out' of their:debt. The evidence. Was- .." -all taken l=ilt the argcinietit ' of the counsel -Will take Toronto;: after which ji d n1ent will": be iven nor',.' _Q •a :for plaintifh,' Jo1ni ,f -Q for defendant, The- -following cases Were settled out of- -court - -W 'iegland Clements`-;' Evans .vs., - Raker ; Shaw vs. - Telford .:%%as -•`vit�ldi'awn rtlid the. case of EetLnan v s town. of ;Walkerton was deferred a. siting the judgment of the court of app al y -sittl late on.: Wednesday evening the ' 'judge.. was enabled to bring the bu mess of thecourtto-.a.close - so far as tr nig the eases 'was-, con- cerned, Th`ur :-:men' .were paid . ori: �3 Y Thursday. ,f otreiioo a the flag` was taken. down and thet spring assizes was a 'thin;; of the st WHAT AMEHiC-xi s THINK I havf - met several- deleg.atesdelegates from Idaho, ` z>c;:.rtc� -.and Dakota, ailoE: whorl are :. Zell : pleased with this countiv an -1 they tell -rile- that: there will be a -1 r,iT•re iminigratiol from those, ,states the coiii:ng: season.: This coon tri is p rer ently adabted--to Mixed. f�xr�iiizilg rii d 'would strongly J advise those s + ting a chano•e�: to tonne and • HT 'T ST, Edmonton. .---11.11.E.�� ...:ii- 1IN &i CUPFJ DAY. -H - 601.1111 A -- 601.11 i .E=.iiiel:iean it Cure r for Rhclu iat:m• i.rrl Neural gia 1 Aldi=: calay c:;,..; liir.1 to 3 .daiys. - Its' action upon tilt sy teni is. _ reMa rkable . and itis steer ic,as ' ,Tt ie4Yir o es at..once the ca.0 e 'and thq disease immediately clls= l,pc-r t`S. Tire first closi greatly. 1, iL nefi* -, "- ,cents_ Warranted by' A. -: -1 bfTca":.1„ i1kniso i, of. Brows- s - VI .3,- , =.rill , spivs - 'rI I-4. -been iii af ter i o ,eci, : �` ditioii foi' three years - 7 from. - �; ,.i f- ks,_; \V eal,ness of the Stornacli, .l )-y rpr Asia. and I11digr:stion' ,.until ray 1i'c=al h was one I bought • o rf. };,- tt ec f , k.o,,t1Y Ari eric'an-Nervine,: whi:;L•�( :1 t 14 }:'•i; yowl- than any t K3Cf � <<; l. k : _ of 1"-( t ' g j .eVer -did . in - ! i lj.l my 1 1▪ :---,7- :bid 'ad vise u.ny . weakly. pe'T -_ot t we this . alu. -1.1e op.d. lovely rernedy.:: .I consider it'. the: grandest reclicine : in the - world."' .A : -trial bottle will cc -into. you.:. Warranted .. 4y. A, K Congram.. . ' . —Enli. h 04p—ft—yin Lir ii ent removes call hard,: }Soft 1Gor'- calloused - lumps: and i icmislies fr iii-, horses, _ bloodspavin; ellrb splint.,,, ring "bone Z_,. sweeney,. stifles;. sprain-, :flare and swollen throat, -c oagbsr -etc,-- . Sa5e -$50`. 'y use .of: one bottle. Warranted by A. 13. Congram; Having d sp. ise� a ny Grocery Stock -I can safel _ sa hand the, finest lines of That have ever been seen in Lucknow. • O A ' 1 D -SEWED :TUR - ...0X.FORD„, IJav: - .n . o _ :newe styles., �al.l and see -them, � also. a handsome line .i • WOMAN' FINE- BUTTONED AND LACED,SEW... AND C14.1)' SCES In this . d e -:�artment . I. have a ' firi e s i� e line of -��fo�cl�. Qther..shoes• Tall-, Oxfords selling .no v at 806. ,WEAR—CECIL ALEG I - have just received - a line ..of Men 's Ha d n ade Calf 'ese goods are. .ust s 'good as -ordered- work and come. much cheaper.; Also iiother-line at:" $1.35 worth $1.75: I keep Shoes, which: I am selling fort 2. ' •I2 and i I . AU PHAST eth al; and- el ng.ress, selling From this oat . I ° m going to 3,75. -AND Iso the same in ail other lines. All shoe That' . - �•... ,. _ . a.._ Y . _ rips at. the prices, I guarantee will besewed free. I haw) secured the services of a first-class shoe maker= and will be pleased.- to quote prices to any one desiring to �et` g. Boots and Shoes mad'e.. Repairingg promptly; attended to. --i YOURS TRULY R - The through Oolonist Sleeper. will be at tached t} train 'caving Ltiekrfow at 10.48 .a,in • an FEB. MAR. MAR. a. APRIL APRIL. Arriving- in 'Toronto --in time to Gccnnect with :: the through • Colonist train,, via, North Ray and G;I'.P►;,` There will,also be an 1 1. lot Is the placd to make, your selections in CROCKERY) GLA WARE; GROCERIES' PRCVIMO- .. 1 have ' in= stock the folhwin Drie Apple Extr cts Fias Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelot ne Ging rs Hops Hone Ink Indig Lioor ce Lime nice Leiuos Lamp . Lard Matches Mina Meat - Meal Macaroni Mustard • Meat4, canned MagnP sia Nuts • 4 A1pueples TBBlacki-nb • Black Lead I : Baking Powders Barley, pert Bath Brick - Brooms' Baskets Brushes - Biricuit Coffee Coi fectioiiery. Canned- Goods Cocoa ._ Chxolate. Corn, canned. Coin meal Currants Cori ie wder Cream Tarter •.LocoanPout Dates . Nutmeg Oil, olive Oil, swe_et Oil; castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails 7 Peels Pipes Pickles Peas, canned Pepper Raisins Rice , Bice Flour Sago Salt Salinon Sardines Senna Seeds - Sugar Syrups Goods delivered. to any' NOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. - the village of ritiekno‘ tion. The house is a large fr eioltor nine rooms,reeliar kit a good state of repair. tains about-. one acre. of grou stoked with apple; cherri, p fruit trees,. The plaa For further particulars aP143T risou or to • OK ...STREET me, containing, e garden con-. d and is well um anct other -)e sold cheap. to Hugh Mot.; ENNING Ucknow P. 0, ..For Partiotfitirs' -- ABOu-rs 11.1E iettlers'itains- . ;TO ; .AND THE Send to your -nearest Railroad `-Free Factso.Farms" BULL FOR SERVICE. HE UNDERSIGNED ILL KEEP -for service to a limited it u,Mber 'of CowS brocik 'Prince -42309- :, daAn Mi nie :of Belfast .F payable Feb.: 1st, 1894. . Qo ,s t be .returned • rimmings .:to suit, EveryTuesday during M'. y � o and April. B f.:gage checked thr'ougli _ to 4estination, also through • tickets sold =No tehange of cars. Considering all these` . advantages _ we e3(= pect to secure the -traffic :this ea,Son; For_ any: information•apply to' Agent G. -T. R. ucgi�ow TENDERS- WAN ..ga .. ENDERS- WANTED :FOR TITE building of anew school House ' school. section -No. 3; Township of Ashfield. Plans' and specifications can be seen at the office 'of D • Hc1Vlurchy, Kintail, Tenders. will :be opened on the 31st ofa March 1893, D MaIuRo$Y,:Sea. Trees -;•S S No 3 March 15th, 1893, 999-3: • 1 HOT St,),._.R.AH' arranted. fast colors. • TRADE -IVIARICS, DESIGN PATENTSgi For inforMation and free HandbOoki write to. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken. out by us is brought before 'dentific ill MUT : Largest circulation of any scientific world: Splendidly illustrated. No man should be without it. Weekl per In the intelligent S3.00 a /par; $1.50 six months. Address & UBL:ISH4RSI 361. Broadway;New York City. Tli E COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Ssooadpas SfStpriac:vsbe.rries, canne Starch Tapioca • Tomatoes, •catmed ' Tea Sets Yeast Cakes - Dinner Sets Dinner Sets ' VWITioeelisalicli:cooealt Washing Crysta Woodenware Cream Sets TB oe ir lel SS ee rs part of the town. AUCTIONEER - FOR REAL ESITATEI INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL ' of.the County and satigfaction-guaranteed, FIRST-p.A.40 FARMS JOHN CRIFOIN, KINGSBRIDdE P.O Leaqs them all for Grocer!, AND CANNED 000D$., Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS the Largest Stock, The Chowest Goods, -4e Best Vau 'obtainable ,in Lucknow: ELLIOT. 00;00Q :f6:pt pex thonsand for the above quantity of ii▪ rst class maple logs, none other be taken. • LucknoW EXEDUTOKS. -RALE FARM PROPERTY' trinE ExEcuTows OF THE LATE Kenneth Matheson, offer for safe or rent the estate of the sail • de ceased. KEnneth Matheson, . being con 12th con. Ashfield,- containing 100 acres, mo or less. There is ou these premises, twb dwelling houses, one leg barn with farth 'Stabling ; two young orchards • bearing. faem is well watered and ex**, well fenced with cedar For terms of sale or rent apply on the pre - Ashfield . trals to offer, winch are controlled only by ust, We ppy comthission.-or salary. Write- us a ', once for terms, andsseenre choice of territory IMAY BIW2HERS; Nurserymen, ,-