HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-07, Page 3it:
. • . . . ,
LAUGH AM:I.:LEARN. one. of the best-known . .Amerksan Poets,.
.:- • - •
Some people werecalling - on hintand. iiii
wifeancl after a while he - said: to-hi-810'de
. .. .
The Ninety And Nine..
girl, :who was - playing. Afieut- the: room:
There are ninety and dine who live and the ,, " Go Up--- -staira and _tell -: your 'minutia Mr.
• ,.' In Winger and wa,fit. and cold; • -
- ,. That one may Iive in luxury ancl-Mrs: ---a. are bere. ' : The child went,
. ..
And he *rapped in*asilken fold -a -retained2 i.: . - and While " •resumng - her
. . . . •
The ninety and nitie in lieveN bare,
- The one in.a palace with riches rare.- play; , '' Pid-you.tellryoni mamma r! asikid.
:. the poet. - ••": Oh; .yes." - "-And. what- did
•• .They toil in he fields--41ie ninety and nine she say '?" Tho little girl ..-shrugged lip- her-
•. • ' . in he dusky ,
- For the. fruits of our Mother earth ; •
, shoulders, twisted her face . into an expres.
briand deiVe.t
ng her treasures fraine
stmi Lif '4114PP:tdceMP EIRRili :and- explained:
And thewealth'ireieasett b3e-their sturdy blows "..She • said—well, she •said, 'Ob, 'dear -r "
-To the hands of the one forever. fiows. . . Tableau. . - -.-
t • — •
F.±0i4 the - web.,t eti ,theii-,; brOw_s. the ;desert The New. Hampshire ,Legislatute heal aP7
-- • blooms, - • . '., - - -.-l -: . • _.• ..Proptiated '-$10;000afosf statues of. Jahn
:And b4ore theli. the forestpls ; .
Their labor has banded theta. humble homes, Steetke of Rev. qtutio.niiry fame, ',awl Daniel
And cities with lofty -halls; " .. ; . :-. : Webster. ,. They are :to be Pladeciinthe
• And the one owns eitieS, and houses arid lands, Hall of _Statue*. in the national- Canita I
And the ninety and nine, have -empty hands. : . : .-: - - .. .. . . . . - - - .. „ .
Anew floral effect in bridesmaids' .toilets
And, the night so dreary., and dark; and long, ..- will be. -seen at sdimeot the Easter weddings.
•. At lastisha.i the morning bring; • ' • --
And over the laad the victor's .seng . . This is: the "Marie Antoinette" bag made
.. .•.
, . • . . .
Of the ninety and 1141,o shall ring, •'- of Velvet and.sitin. ' It bi Pliffed, drawn in
Andecho afar !fora ione, tO zOn-,i, - at. the butte -in, 24ild filled- With ilo.w,ore. ' lit
Rejoiee for labor shall have its oWn. -.%
. . banks froth.' theaton by a lonij. !And of velvet,
.•.. .
,... , a - . „
- i • edged. With lace, :laving -a -,:tielicate trail of
A recipe forJamcomes-under the h°44 a ad -wets- through the dentre. i..i*-
. . -
arrant literature. . - , -
_ • •
. •• Qu k says that :he --'aneets:- many ,. prettya
- • A man with. a millix4oan't1.4 -very well gii...14..‘.04 ,-.: hig.,.. 447:.-t-0 fiatioom'age early in the
being a -capital fellow . , ; .
mothinga--;githa• with bright, lovely : coin --
Many a peer fellow has been badly frozen plexion7•. s - .aii.da he ha i 'often Wondered how'
:, . . -
I •
- tvhile trying to Climb. data,. the popular- they managed to make 7theinselaes :leek ,s°
:wave. . • .
r .
• - -,.. ia a fresand blooming, when they .have i So
. ' It is easy enough to telreaben the: spring - muoh work to cid: :...At Isaet.;:heasa)-a, that in
has set in if you:. wateh the kuseeartif your 7lookipg everthe-eolamhs of an exchange he
winter *queers. - - - • ... -.- _ - a - has idundoat the seOtet....- sit isi Clear, be
It ' is [said that ' whan. the Sultan loses _says, that theSe 'kids, to.t • a...- great majority
- bis temper the ladies Of therhensehold-speak of them, have.. on. rising in the niciTning:
• of him as a harem -scare -'em fellow; • -brightened their facee-With.as salt bath, re-
. : -. .-
free_hed. -their-, complexions with . ".jiist-1 ii -
The ide harvesin Maine for this year 'is dash of ot.einge- Water," wiped theeye. with
about ended,. andthe:result shows about rose water .and. glycerine, Used.: ta - reie..e.
• .. a
1,425,00Q tons put in, with 19,000 tens- . of
. , .
-old ice..... -1. -, -: r -_.* :- . 1: :*: , -:- - -."- . .- "sprinkleaaf :Flee Powder,.". and -then :tisa
. slated-. on .their a mother -giving thein an
. "Johnny; don't you wish .. Oianges a glass of het milk and a.sw.allow
• big inayour brother -:Will?" you -
elder water. - There li•apt -at times- to
the small _bay, "1 don't - I might be. a tinge of .sarcasin in What Quilpilayt
- lova- With a.gitI.-9' BufaZo- Commercial.
- -*a g., faehion note,: . ‘.' The H. return *of The man *who:waits for something to turn
,:. ;..n
- • • ....somebody be sufficiently -brave to predict -tbe'slia-wl* is • Ani now . sa.11,_.l up, -e,a ,Ougitp !oilliai.-as at 00 1,9t.tooek
•The Mat Withtlie-..boil-On his net :never
" the retutitqf thenmbrella I.. - , . .
•borrows trouble. He lie hasenough of it.. t
' MorcoiirtaaWhat beautiful little shell- - -- - ' - —
The.: ultra -fashionable visiting card is
like ears you have, Mies • Bell. •- Did.- you -
engravedia-old_English instead of script.
iever have them' pierced?' Mies Inell•-r-NO e
a- ' -•- -- -
• hual-haVre had then). bored. • • - ...• When ".. the ..barber- -talks; atoo - ninch his
, _ - •
- - . - Stories are generally illuetrated with oats. ..
- 4-4 Poor Jack 1 he maaaer could -spell; -and -. - - ."•;.ia- - . - - • i
- it ruined him." -"How ?" "He wrote a ;ISicaneWS`ie saictio- be gOod-nowia* but this
--a verse -to. tin heiress-- hewasin love with, : and don't. hold good in the ease of a missing
. .
he wrote boney f6r bonny." - •- = .- , - ' -- - Ship- - -. -• : 7... - •. . -...: ''' -- - °•••
• _If What did you give up-. for Lent?' asked).- ' Poes;.-.Y.inia 'Lee .show any- evidence-'- f
..- one Chicago Woinauxof another. = "My hus- conversion?" ' "Yes, 4e wants tO. niariST
_.: band," was the reply ; "it is iny annual !his Sunday school teacher."' - .1. :
; -custom to get, kdiV-orce ;about this time of An average of three British seamen -lot
-the year.- - • • '
.. . . _ • . , •
: Teacher—Don't you thi
nk you stre crowd,
ing., your son a great deal? Father -Not
air, teach had everything. -, Teacher—Are
you -fitting' him for a lawyer? ' Father,HNO,_
no, for an elevator boy;
• *,. " Ever hadyourlife insured, old fellqw.?"-
" No. qompanies, Won't, take • me. - Heart
.--action t�� - feeble. :Nobody to insure my
life for; isiiiiyhew.'" "Ain'e .you married?'
." No. Heart action-. tog feeble:. for that,
too.' •• -
tinsel braid. A narrow braiding -girdled
the waist and the cuffs were ornamented in
the same way. It had a -cape attachment
plaited upon the shouldersandattached by
other plaits at the waist line, giving d°1-
man appearance to the back:. She— _ /fa's-
band—That'll do.- . I don't Wonder that you
forgot the text.
• Little Dot—Mamma, I was piayin' with
your 4 o'clock tea set while you was away,
.an _ when you bring it out you
you 11 be awfully mortified, 'cause you'll
think one of the cups has a hair in it, but It
isn't a hair. - Mamma—What is it? Little
Dot—It's only a crack." - •
At the meeting of the AineriCan_ aPtiitt
Missionary -Union-la Philadelphia the other
the hymn g. Nearer, -My* God,' to Thee "
day a clergyman spoke .in 'severe tetins of
He called it "a *foolish hymn," arid ex-
pressed the wish that it might be baiaished
from every Christian heart and lip. L His
chief objection to it was that it riee s to
teach that Go -d takes pleasure in -the agony
and trouble. of men.•
Ex -Postmaster. General Winamalrea's gold
medal for prefidiency in :the railroad mail
service .Waftscn by a colored man - -Edward
_Burns, wheliiins'on the•Sacramed. & Red-
ding division of the Southern Pa •fic. . . He
obtained 100 per -cent., -making not a singlle.
mistake in the distribution of -1,003 postal
cards, Which lake only the -names of post
offices .all over the Pacific coast and Texas.
Burns' epeed was fifteen °atria a minute.. .
Have You Got It?
To cure cramps take Nerviline. teak
up a cold nothing is as good Nerviline. • If hun-
t:sage,neuralgia or rheumatism troubks you
you resort to Nerviline. Ib never fails to gip!)
relief. Nerviline is a powerful, --penetrating
substance, which goes at once to the ?Um
and speedily dislodges all ,pain. Ne
of is - better,. strOnger and more certain in
be action than any other pain remedy 4s the
-=-• market. Nerviiine is sold by all el alers;
only 25 cents.
Levishon—Well, Miss Maud, I:beat. Jim
shooting to -day. We that- at a nickel' andl
• hit it. Melia • (to- Jin -i) -a -How did_ Mr.
Levishon- 'happen to beet you aShbOting.
Jim—Yak eee, a nickel appearis lunch larger
to Levis6a than it deei to me.
"1• had . -Smithers, Hicks, Papsie and
eTiinbleton at my house celebrating my birth--
• day last night. "-Well, :did they enter
into the spirit of the occasion ?" "Did
.they T- Well, I guess they did. They
entered into four -teen quarto of it." -
• A Well-known London firm of publishers,
. Messrs: Matto & Windus, admit having re-.
• eeived.664 Manusaripts last year; of thee()
44 were accepted. _and. 619 rojected.. . The
•firm gefeieqt as teir opinion that out - of
every hundred amateur novel. Writers only
about three .find their way intd
." 2 • Papa, dear, said ,the old man s testy
daughter as she bent fondly over him during
ahis last illness ; "- forgiVe me for askin
you,. but What are you; going to lave yoar.
'darling' daughter. when :yeti die ? Father's::
• kss 19 cried the irascible old ' gentleman, as
he rolled over with his face to the well.
- • - •
" Although not generally-. known, Miss
Helen Gduldis. ofte of the Mos -charitable-
young - *Omen in New Vork:-.. She is --very
• demure in manner and - spends far more on
her charities than On her dress._ Mies
G-ould sOpperts two cots. at -the
Shelter,' in West TWenty-first street,Nes
York, with the proviso that they ..shall
.always be used - for two of the most 1.1.11ili-
'.teresting hisircn. • a •
Families( taeubled with ants can get rid
• of them aSi follows : Take a medium-sized
"bath sponge, *et it and ring it- out ; sprinkle
about a tablesPeonfal of fine- white sugar on
the Sponge, and Work the sponge betWeen
the' hands* in with a raanner ae= to • force the.
• - Sugar inteitipiit the sponge in the place
infested .by the -ants, and every two, or
• three hours pour bpiling water on the
• sponge after placing it in a bafdri.
there lives every day by drowning, and 300
steamers and sailing vessels are lost at sea
yearly. ••• • -
-Of the 44 States of the: Union, 27 are
-favored with Democratic Governors, 3 with
Populist G Femora, while only 14 have
Republican Governors.
Hawker—'o Min has. moved- to Chi-
cago, eh? Is he making it go there? Dixby
—Making 1 go! 1 Should :smile. -- He's a
motorman,on a street car.. -
"Does the usher belong to the church?"
Certainly ; what,-; do you mean?"
"Nothing—only on�. mightinfer from his.
aqtiona thetthe church belonoito him."
"Your tickets were compliMentary, were
i,hey not ?" • " Well," replied the man who
bad seen o, painfully -amateur entertain -
Meant, "1 thought they.. were Anti'. I saw
the . • -
- Morrison Essex—You want a manager, I
see. Stockton- Bond—Yes.; what .expe-
rience have you had? Morrison
I've managed to keep a servant in the
Country two months.
Tommy—Aunt Jane, I should think that
you would be afraid to , bang your hair.
Aunt Jane -(an antique) —Why, dear?
Tommy—Why, -"" you might ignite the
powder on you face. • (And then Tommy
wonders why Aunt Jane doesn't send him a
birthday present.)
Marrim_a,"' asked Willie, with much in-
terest, "don't men go to heaven ?" "Why,
of pourse they clo,'; replied mamma. "Well,
I've•eeen akagood many pictures of angels;"
said Willie, "And I never saw a man among
them. -They're all women." -
Servant—Mi. Dandle has just called.
Are you at _home to him?_ Young Lady—
Let me see.. No ; I'm not at home; S—
He has. a box with Ib -look s like
flowers, or candy or something. Y. L.—
? You ein admit him. -
.speaking of the launching„of .-the.-new
battleship -Indiana, the sqt• 'hones' Oa.ette
says: " . The Indiana is -duly the:first. of a -
large number :IA ;vessels' that are - on :the
stecks„ anti_aitiSaiso ..• use blinking the fact
that in iavery- leiv .years 'timefthe.j. United
States will, it She .pereeveres in her pie sent
catirse, possesaa-:-havyivliieh Will: be. -second
to nqne poseeigled by the Burbpsairpoareria
and:Mayaquife4possibiy; be 'superior. to the
best of -theta,: .Even the. roman liners.tha
have Past been -place. d tinder the .'Stars and-
Stripe are-- being mitch.,mote • completely
. , . •
armed than - Mir._ewn:conver(ible merchant
. To-day,"says-the Popular Science 2,101thly., Cruisers,. - : Tliee-nroceediiiga are a: warning
the phYsieiala is -aSireci not only: how' the to all the great powers; but none ofthee4
sick may be healed, but now the well may . iri the • .warnigg --More - signifieent • than to
. stay. well; From the lesseserious :- Maladies -ourselves." . -,,' e •' .
. immunity ;le largely -a. queetion of takingh ...
i Ac an„e'0,' -;:i ' - .: ' : - ' '-
.i.ri •, merican -betel life ite evident:
care of dne's genel-ailealth, and. vigor:7 To.i:j:ii the to-kltrictor, opa,e.., ai,b:irti. ike. 04-6-e in.
maintain_ a healthful eeditiOn, wholeSome ithe new-" Waildorfe" in *it York, - in the
..food-,•abiniclant, eXerciaea *Cleanlin
-es-a' terra: ti'eautasato as4ts and passages, oat in aaara
erance in alt tieings,iaihd the .0-oidance• -a- l'alie absence : of ..:that • tineeiend anct -iin,
Teabie are incl4le1em%able. ' Ev--4Y. :°"' v;ill .apprepric_ed_.Waite- of . sPace *.hi‘thour eider
' -assent to thiS,..VTh-lie nob One -in- -a h.undreci if etele leaVe- _free le. ;thee 0.4lie., and : -go. Of
will keinethher, ' it. five -Minutes.; 'We • re-- Ha„,a-a. ,aa and&este' visito64. All 00,018
-•. member. what We _bke, the-. reit '-Vv„eereferl''ee-e—aw';y- 1.Villl-,,Alld geed's.' afe supposed to
to- our neighbors. What a. world we 'sake -1-41•-vat-e_theik.. filen
. . de- into .8 'making -zoom,. or
.of it. • ' .
. • 7 • • . , . . .... s 7 -
, :dale., or restaurant- or mtoaa.private room.
' -,lOne.queition. le- forever -in the *air : ". Can- .Another and a•-iiMilar.ehanka is Seen in : the
- rigt a bridegroom .wi-en he hes more. of this igieince ef'::laite parleys lot ladieit:on the
....- world' goods than e beide, "ear .serne !Story. above; _there, are - no, pnb1io7 parlors
Part; in the Wedding -e perses ? " 'Proprietti there at all Ladieri in this bietal have oiii .1
• shakes her .1Leted..and rrates.: "No part i the reception -room .of the -: niOuntt,-.'floOr in
,vehatevir .- but - paying ' -the' minister!!.14hieli to meet: ter drieild.- e Ifere,.. the.
•- -Grooms' frequently do- proVide the -carriages, -.1.gbenia/O,Post remarki; --isfarr Upsetting of eold
- the cards, the'lloWera, or even - the caterer; . eiretoma with a Vengeance:: ' : :-
in so doini they trample upeii 0,4fik- Of the ? - - -- - :- ; ' -..• - - .- - •
' . most sacred laws " of etiquette, --which del 4 :
. . . '.: Husband-2ManY. people 4 -Church:. this
f crees that they emett ;..,14 axe -npthing-te do 7-, fOr01613174 :-.der ?..11-Viie-4.7'Yellia- large - Puth"
..with the legitiniate.ekeiensc 8,. . thougIi. they i 1.3ee•-:, , 11.41,5aid-Gotad.'s .ser,mqn 1
Can he ai.laviolik as ' the't li'-i, in presnit - - DiellehtfUL -- Hiisi-and—Iyhqt wrts. the text 9
./giving., B.U.t. the wedding iSsiippoeed to le 'T.-Wife.t-it was—Ibi-Vai-4,7e*Of rea:11Y.;1 have
. . , .
the lade, Money of-fort:4g 'of- the ,beideej ' .ergotten•-• lifusbanda-IliimPh I- :. "W4s• Mrs,
. family td her, _aad" it an4et bear the cests-.! 4res- tii# `.? -Wfe--`7-8'.ie 'wag,: - iinst%and
- ' - thronglibut;: Poverty- furnishes -no eXeuseic-r.--wilat ha -a -840:9n ? 6 Wlie.-,Well, plie- hid
.. . .
-., from_ d,evriation from this custom,. as the 0,4.5. fall .Wrap of -dark Po-Mpeilan red Cloth,
marria7esceremeny is. quiee as bin.dieg with- ,t.' I''-
, i eh narrow - intereion , of Oise& -velvet- -in
nt elaborate. " tens a
arUnion easene: - as 'with theni.. - i Ihe-gibles a the-.04iit', .A small yoke: trin
64The. Si)rittg e-.
• .
, • . . The ITIsterman'si Prayer.
.. The following prayer- in _regard to the
Irish crisis is:hi:general use in -churches in
Ulster: 0 * Most _powerful and glorious
Lord God, the Lord of Hosts, that rulest
and commandest all things: , Thou4itteet
on a throae, judging . right, thereforle we
- wou/dsb take
make. our address to Thy Divine Majesty in
this our necessity, that Thou
the cause into Thine. own hand, and judge
between us and our enemies. Stir iipi Thi
strength, 0- :Lord, and . come and help • -us,
for Thou. givest not always victory . to -the
' strong, but canst save by many or. by few.
Let not out sins _cry against -us for Iven-
geanee, but hear -- tis, Thy 'poor servants,
begging, mercy arid. imploring Thy help;
and gent •that the:course of thi 3_ world nay
be SO peacefully - ordered, by 'Thy govern-
ance that Thy Church' may joyfallyjserve
Thee ineill godly :quietness throngh: aesus
Christ 'oar Loyd. -Amen: -
McColloin's*Bheumatic Bepellan.
IS the mosteit reliable internal reedy k11nown
for the thorough cure of rheumabisn or.
neurgalia. In uso over 18 years. Thoiiiands
testify to it. The most eminent physilcians.
.in the world agree that internal treatmenti
is require to eradicate- the' disease fro* the.
System. Sold by wholesale and ietaii.
druggists. :
Broke:Up .the Club. -
A cookiagchibin Washington was brokenup
i - - - i
n one year by matrimony. To the club dinners
ordered, cooked and served by every
big oftheclub in turn -a -man could be asked
.by -every_ girl. The resulthae been as Many
weddings as members: .-. If, iss.Mation Har-
land say's; "the 'foundation of hppy
homes is laid in the kitchen," these mar-
riages should not be failures... •
Purely Vegetable.
Patnazii's Painless Corn Extract° is'
pure/y vegetable in composition. Piitiiisna's,
Painless Corn Extractor - makes no sore
spots; don't lay a Man up for a week. Re -
ware of aCid substitutes. - By druggists •
Wonders of Science.
Carlos- had Just received a telegram from.
Havana..- -: , • •,... .1 . -
• ". Whit.an admirable invention the tele-
graph is;" be exclaimed, "when you. icon -
Bider that this message has coma's -.distance
of 1,500 leagues, and- the gum ontheeayelope
isn't dry -yet."- • -
Put -This. In 'Your 'Scrap 'Book:
-.Mr. Lice. riCkett, Paris, Oats, wri es:
I purchased a boic of "Texas Balsam" f «oI/1
your agent, -i--W. -S, 'Rochester, Which -has
proved -itself fat superior , .to . anythi g'4I
haVe ever used. While driving on the road
last surhVer.iny horse became sore in spots2
and also 7scalded, - I applied the Balsam- lanld:
in a few dAye it was_entireiyliealed; leaving
• no sign of . 'a -sore at. -all... ,I will never be
'without Texas Be.laarn as long as I on. a .
horse," .. Price 25 cents. ;Ask your drug i
•for ; it or addrem F. F. Segsworth, Noe
Wellington* street east, Toronto. e.
Not Excitin.g Enough.
Engineer --Well; young man, how do you
think that you would likethisjob? -
Stnali boy—How often does, the - boiler
blowup' _ • - - . - - _
Eogineer—Oh,- there's no danger of -t at
. Sinall boy -1 guess 1 wouldn't want jtbe
-job. .•
temporary filling •ar.d stops toothaches
etantly. Sold by -deuggis as. •
The Sky Color.
• .1.- -
he- blue color of the alcy is proba I -
'Merely the color Or the air, se•en through
. _ . . ,
the length of about forty-five miles. -It has
been observed by those who have ascended
about five miles _above the earth's surface,
that ' the taky appears of -a dark, inky hue,
.owing to the very small reflection*. and. dis-
persion' Of. light, while • theblue color no
longer .appeareaboVe, but bele* them.
Rev. Dragle_y (Who had:a-Stranger to
occupy .hi..4e,pulpit the dayebefore).-i.-Well,
Mts. Dobbins hew did you like. the Seraion
yesterday' - -
Mrs. to tell the truth' i
was too plain said simple to suit nae.,- :I like
beat thein Sermene.aelumbles up the Judg-
ment and eenfounds-the -sense. Oh, ir,
there's no, one comet up to-Iyou.tor them'
. • ming of the vilvet CoVered the'. Upper part A fool who ha 's -sense enough to know he
- ---• . st°1:Y. v;61 -:;the chest and •-is fool is a not wholly
a fool.
Theklilarvellous Gift of Naive Illustrated
• In role Balancing. -
It is an easy thiug fo4 girl of 15 years
to bend backward, plungeher head into a
hole eighteen inches deePfull of water and
dirt, and bring up between her lips a ring
that was buried in the mkid. .
Wome re not less d xterows than the
girls and t e men. Thy are frequently-
seen dancing in couples ou slack ropes, one
Playing on the vina, or Hindoo gaiter,
while the other poses, postures and capers
gracefully about with a yowl brimful of
water in either hand, without spilling a
A Hindo juggler will stand a pole 20 feet
high on the ground;and then climb to the -
top of it as if it was a •firmly -rooted tree.
He fixes the top of the Ole in the middle
of his sash and dances about in all direc-
tions without disturbing the -equilibrium of
the pole.-
The same -mane after giving an exhibition
of. this sort 61idea down the pole, takes a
boy on his shoulders, climbs once more to
the top, fixes .thei top of the f pole in the.
hollow of his foot, and stands erect, belanc-
ing himself, with the bosi'ort his shoulders,
as easily as -the 'average person would
balance himself on one fobkoa the ground.
—Christtan Union.
_ The -English taignage.
It is said -that thestrongest opposition to
the general spread -of the poglish language,
which is rapidly forcing its way to recog-
nition as the universal tongue • of the -world,
is found on ,English soil.- Not long ago the
Legislative Astembly of Jitney rejected by:
an overwhelming vote a proposition to permit
the use.ot-Enklieh in the -Assembly, at the
option of se member. - Thisaction, of course,
affirms:- the priaeiple that French is the
official language. -The country parishes are
resolutely opposeto this introduction 'of
English, although it . has ,made great pro.-
gress in the towns of late years, and it is
said many of the deputies are now unable
to express themselves correctly in French.
Mr. Gladstone'i Government has been asked
by several Welsh • members of. Parliament,
at the instance of a larget4ody of Welshmen,
to make the teaching of Welah in the public
schools of Wales Obligator . It has always
been taught in the on-Ocpnformiat SundaY
ichooli. The number Of Irish: people who
do nob speak English at al -is still consider-
able, and in Sootlond it is not small. —New
Orleans Picayune. .
' •
The Average Girl' Husband.
But what rubbish is:all- this talk of "best
possible husbands ! ". A giri takes the man'
who offers, if he appears t� be uptight, bon-
orable and in earnest: If of does nbt, she
rims- a risk of going to , with, a red nose,
a canary bird and a lap 1 dog. a The chief
trouble with- bet is not to know whether she
has got the best article int the market, but
Whether the man who hays he loves her,
means What he says. Ibis easy for a man
e can do .it quite
to acquire the art oflovai;aking, and, with
a little- practice, some m
skilfully. • Hew to know. ,Vihen they are
acting, aad when they ardi obeying an irre-
sistible and ungovernable -impulse is the
thing a _girl ,wanta to be able to determine. —
San. Francisco Argonaut.- .
t- '
The Aninials of Great Britain.
Few people have any id a of the immense
animal population of Gres Britain. Accord-,
ibg to thelast return of t e Board of Trade
there were in the Unitedl Kingdbm nearly
2;000,000 horses, about 10,000,000 ,cattle,
more than 32,000,000 she p and something
like 4,000,000 pigs. As regards the first
item, this was the number used by agrical-
twist s alone. The number of horses used
for carriage purposes in towns, regarding
Which we have no particulars must be
enormous. -The value of this property is
•estimated at about -£250 0,000.
• LitVe girl (on the stre t). --:Sir, can you
tell me, please, what time it is? Stranger
—Ne, my child; I have 10 watch on me.
Little girl—I don't belie* you ; .slow me
.T....i.samesenalisismwOur pawn ticket
• Cures consumption, Coughs, croup, Bore
Throat: Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
s For a Lame Side, Back or Che t Shiloh's Porous
, Plasterwill give great satisfac cent.
siS iCATAR ft El
Have you Catarrh? This Remedy will relieve
arrd Cure you. Price Wets. j ThiP Injector for
its successful treatment, free. Remember,
Shiloh's Remedies are sold tin a guarantee. raii
never fails. IT CURES CA1 4RRH IN THE HEAD
stores the _sense of smell, a d drives away the
DLLti.HEADACHE exp9riene d by all who have
f.la.-&,arrn. One 0ottle will wor wonders. Price
50:::. at DrIlm,„,r"TiStF.1. Sent by mail on receipt of
•-, • price by addres13ing '
,writs •
IR replying tit any of these ativerthamenisk
pleasentention this lutper.',
Yes, but feed it with Scott's Emulsion.
Feeding the cold_ kills it, and no one
can afford to have a, tough or cold,ac*
and leading to consumption, lurking
around him:
ti Pure Norwegian Cod "Aver
Oil and :HypophosphiteS
strengthens Weak Lungs, checks
Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable
Flesh Protlucer. Almost as Palatable as
Milk.Prepared only by Scott dsliowne,Belle
_ Why be troubled . with pitpii; Es.
RECE.Tanyi OR Awls when
.F,:arfeescotflioinrar stautibdinle.;. pan
In the hands all Never rails, even
PILE oINTMENT-nuessitrimps idtdi.taaste, prove
$1.00 atbruggima
. Sent by romal:on 'receipt of pales by addr -.-
SLAM( ChlkltilCAL CO., 186 AWAKE ST -WEST, i 5t
We .send the marvelous French.
Remedy CA LTHOS -free, and z
legal guarantee that CA.truoitirilf
STOP Dise..liargeo -at
'CURE Sipermatorrlies.Voirleatele-
and RESTORE Lost Vigor.
4ddreu, VON 0,
Sole Americas' Agents, laitemixor,
Gives a Night's
-so that you, neeci n_
fo rath for 'fear og
Dr.- Tarr )3nofa• Aff.npi-
Canadian Offloe, 18.6 Adelaide Strf3eb Vest,
Toronta, .
F -()R SA -L-1419 IX?" :
' TogA ARM
p:.0. Box 396, 1.44NDON.v
• -
= per bushel.
mixed variety for ensilage,
Colchester, On
IT 13.A.YS alway
• Forty beautiful deign
of Turkish tag Patterns. Catalogues 'frees
Agents wanted. J..J. HAZELTON, Guelphs
Envelope, Silk Fringe, Fancy Shape
and AcqvaIntance CAD a with your
name, 12 cents. Address, P. 0. Box 552,.
WoOdstock, Ontario.
X' has a number of choicest farms for sale ins
the County of Lambton, the garden' of Canada
for gra.in; fruit and dairy purposes, also town
roperties for sale in the th iving Tow* of
°rest; a brick livery stable for sale at a Ina -
gain; Fi:strelass blacksmith and caarijagek -
shop. . Good stand. Apply to THOMAS
WOOD, Land and General Agent, Forest, Ont.•
If you are suffering from Nervous DeWitt,
Exhausted Vitality, Errors of Youth, etc.. We
will send you a- full course of I Jr. Chester's
Restorative without.a`cent of pay in adVataetts, ,
after a fair trial, if you find it a genuine
remedy, You can pay us $2 for the gam"; if nate .
you . need nob pay a . cent. Coniidentialt
SAMPLE FREE. never fails. 'Price 2,5a. by paalE,
Lady Agents Wanied.
T. A. ,SLOCUP/3 & CO., Toronto, .Ontaries. . _
MTEn.t-12TetinTSF; airaloiscordAes .
L. I LIN) ornamental.fihrel8
Roses, Trees sari
Fruits. Experience unnecessary.-Salary...EtgAze..
Expentes paid weekly. Permanentme a, W. D., No seemitY uired. Must furniella00 res, more.
,13 t°Cgfir-VReLhaErSaficTrdffifis,atathasee'r7aarn.is..e.?o, ...JAY!)
Mentionthis paper..
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dehlable treatise ,and bottle sof tnedicing sent inve
Safflrer. Give Express and PuM. I.VEca :mt.tdritst, 11.Cr
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