HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-07, Page 1'11 it V - - • • 'tirade ror CanadA Gung - New goot/s two quality. Culte-ry and lamp. g,-oods All to spite Calla.: diaii Trade SEE WHEN YOUR BY • Tor -m -17u, BEY wilts - O1JSEE. ID. ce TAW.° itt - Good 2dmontsf - ciii .ont to 73441.14 looking fOr 1 4 - stern* • . i . No troiible to ShOW1 . • - goods Ev e 0 y. , 1 -body sOtheite4 . D.O.TAYLOR, . „. . XX.-- OK TA.R.I0 FRIDAY, 7th 1893. WHOU.R0.-.1002„, haafM,Mal•M F H AP/1 I LION LUCKNOW. Capita paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets I . : • - yresident-JOHN ZTITART. Vice Prekident-=-A. G. RAMSAY. : !!' - $1,250-,dbo $65o,doo VT.976;64P ' DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, G -E6:;...13,04.614 WCOD; A 13-, LEE (TOranto):. • Cashier --j. TURNIRTLL.* - SAKIltraStBAZTRIFiiiiits 10. to 3, Sattir- *day's. I01.,i0 1.-.: Deposits of 81 and upwards - feceived- t nd interest .ailowed.- - ; - :- - • , . . . . - - • spRe_rAz,DEPosi-Ts arse): received at our- rerate4 a interest:. - I' DRAFT S on Great-11rittlin and - the United-. .. - • - • .,-... States bought and sold. . . 1 C BROWN SU' -AGE/.4:1'. -. DENTAL ' .LS. JEROME, L. Wingliarn, .w ill be in Lticknow on the second and. fonrth Fri- day and -Saturday of each Month., `Good sets- - for 810. Filling- and e-Ktracting a spedial.tY. Office at Cain's Hotel. LEGAL i:1IALCOMS01.1, BARRISTER,-_ • 60110.thry Conveyance4, etc,, (late of Camer n, 'Holt & Cameron Goderich) Offiee • at TraVer'slold stand - - .111CiRRISON,. ATTORNEY -AT . II law-, So1icito 111 Cancery, Convey- ancer, Commisioner, etc." Office, over the barber shop. ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAREIS- tX Solicitors; Rte. Goderich, Ont. ..T; GAnapiv; Q.0, i/ti M. PROUDFOOT. A. MODONALDfM. D., C. M. C. P. S 0 O. Office,. Kintail. TAR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- __LY clence, .Outram street, secoild-donr north. af -Little's shoe store, - - R. TENNANT,• -if, H Y 0 IA N, Surgeon and .gccoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel; Office hours. from 9 to12 ra:, and from 2 to -5 1.);.m,' 171.• McD: GORDON; IVLD: F.T. JJ.• M.S.; 1‘1..0.1)::.$;0, Physician, Siir- geon, and .Accorucheixn Office next door to W.. Allin's implement shop Residenee Rog§ street,. ffoutti of D R. McIntoSh's store: R. D. GEDDES, V. S., .1cALLA TLY either by -mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Residence, Outram street, opposite Dr. Elliott's and second daft north of SENTINEL office. - GENERAL: Eu TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. security for any time, at the lowest rate ofinterest. The principal may be paid at the endofthe time, or Apart of the wind: - pal may be paid each year, interest ceasingon the arnrnut. paid, For. -further ,particulars, - etc., apply to ANGUS STEW.A.RT, LneknOW, peemaximEssizza,- CIETIES G.. T. SF.POY. -LODGE,- NO. 381, -•- meet in the south end Lodge Room-. in the Temperance -Hall, Lucknow, every TuealtLy ,..2vcuing - at 8, e'cicck, D.. WEB- STER, Q. T., S..MATHERS-, Sec.. - C.! Th'eregular- monthly' is meeting of the Wemen's Christran. -Temperance Union Will be held every secorld Wednesday Of each molitil in the Odd. Fellows . Hall, Luc -know,' at 3 ;pp ra. Mas.. W: /I. *SYTTII, President ; MRS. HoRNELD,-Secretary, TT 0 K N9_*: ; f.„- . 're • a -,, meets. every Friday Lodge,-No.112- '-P . , . ,„k ..,.. . ,--:-.?...-.4. evening at 8 :o'clock in •heir hall, Campbell street: All brethren- .. 'hilly inOtecl. K.J.MCLEop, N-,-- Grind ; II. II, Piti-{0E, Recor-der.; - Or Lucknow Bnkin QM 4-1?'.uppthw,'F.Eri'y 1.0iH, 18,93 TO. THEFARMERS N-Nre•have the following la4M properties for Salei.cheap and on easyterMg-of paYment, viz: -.In Kinloss ToWnship,a JOfCre!farm, a 1..-00 acre farm and a 150 .aore farnot. and -a 200 -acre faun ; Huron Township 000 Fre farm; in 'West WaWanosh TownShiPl4arra-of 100 acres and a farra.of150 acres in the :TOWnship 'of Ashfield two farms of IOQ acres each; berry TOwiiship,-only., -few,,piles. from the town of Winghana, 100. acres of timber- land, and a. graiing--fatni of 250 acres in the Town- ship of KiCardine .We have &large-quanta-y.6f Money to lend on-firstrniortgaes on farm orvillageproperty: at froth 5. per cea • in terestiv The rate is gov- erned according to the class of sectritY. We alsolenttsinal1ainourits of money on 'second, .mort.gag4 and first-cliattbl Mortgages. We do a .genefalbanking--bpsinesi in all its branches, . 'anew interests on dePosits;issue - 'drafts: onT. all 0naclian points tmcl on the . American... ExChariv,s 7Nationa1Bank; New Yoik,04y,b,ow.hcb.'are;;:accepted, anywhere -througtholit. the :United State, make -collec- tion sin the States, 0-iitaria; Quebec, Manitoba or the _North -wt, aiid cah cheques on any Lending...money ...On fainiers notes a - specialty'. .• We effeC_t_InSuranoe on all classes • of , . . brnld- ings, either in Stock Or Mutual. Companies -desired. one but first; class Companies.' reP- reSented4k, Q. 4;:.STDDALL ager . . ROBERV_CIINNINGHAM. - INSURANCE -. FIRE- AND MARINE cp,ELPH", :relebitone., No, /95. aiwiRctivpiRiecTo.Ry. 1JINGLISH CHURCH --:SERVICES 11 a- m. and 6:30 P. m. Sunday School, 2:30p. m„, Superintendent,- Wm. S, Holmes. 'Adult class every Wednesday evening at -8 o'clock, _Bible and prayer book lesson's. All are welcome.' REY.-W. J. ComcdR-, Pastor. ITC.KNOW MECHANICS'. INSTI- . I bite. "Reading; T00731 open every evening from 7 toll) p.m., excepting Saturdayg ,hen the hours will be from 2 tp 6 p. - The librarian.will be in attendance duristg these hours. D.. D. Yx1r.z, G MmErioviAi Secretary' • C. 1. R e TIMETABLER. Trans leave-Lncknow for south at -6:0 a m, 1048 a.m and6l5p m,• North at 1235 m,,a,nd 1028 THE S 6.13SCR-Il3Elt 11AS " OPENED AN offieein the bui1din east --T-of the -SENTINEL *Printing :Office, - AGREEMENTS,. BONDS, LEASES,' DEEDS, M0RT6-AGES AND WILLS .CAREFPLLY j PREPARED. Plans ,specili-cat- ions and .estimates for build.. ; rings, 'raillsi.bridges, etc,., furnished 0. F. ,COURT • Sherwood, No. 50, -.LucknoN)i. ;Meet- ; every first and thiFd Monday in - every month; in the. Or- ange hall: Vit- ing brethren a r e_ 'cordially invited. MoNSi C. R. D. D. YiLLE- 0. TY.W. LUQKNOW LODGE' F • Wet -Ancient -Order United WorkM4h, meet in the OddlelloWs hall, oil the last- _aftd second. AIouday evennge. of each month g dight o'cloCk. Visiting ,brethren. cordizIly inV-ited. IX. PATTERSON, Master Workman,. • -R. 35. 0-AUEE,ON , Recorder. TT0US1 AND LOL" FOR SALE '-'6.IIL.1\ . Ito4 St.: also lot for _saleon Haveiok Stneltr the G.:T. R..Stati(?n..„ On easy terms. Apply_ to tjas Kerr, Drumbo, or I& 6 rrison,ILuckno*:':- - ' on _short. notice.; • . . .3-A.S. SOMERVILLE: LucknOw;-J,an_.1-891. Farraeis• look to- your owninterest • and - . ,insure YOur..farm buildings and - in the UTUAL. No large Premium -Notes required • CASH _SYSTEM :- 50 Cent* to 90 cents per 8100 for three years. Y. JOHN:LANE KINLOUCH. - 3.t1So-agerA for the Phoenix, of London, England. - moanertteitioii NOVEL ATHLETIC .SCHE _ lituthellerrio colathiq- a trirvelle .vnpanty of„Conapetitors. - We take the following from the York Worlcl: -• "Kathel 'ken.; the ••heavy -.W athlete and• -manager, originally Lucknow,. Canada, has organized N6W 4 igh from • 'the Internatitc*1. Scottish and Amateur i - Athletic Conabmation - and will Make a lour of.T.Tnited States and Cl.a , , .. . giving a series of athletic games every day in the principal towns and, cities. The tour is tot begin May l• in ' Coi4 necticut, and continue until Septi. 15. • The programme will cosist of twenl- ty-five professional and: ten local events, and will include all styli of outdoor athletic games. •It will not be -An exhibition of paid athletes, but a series of competitions will be op ,n to prizes -will be given to all pro:- fetSional. competitions. :. Local j and amateur athletics will receive prizes -in medals _and jewelry. • 4 • The: fallowin0.- athletes lia,ve sent.- , - their entries: Charlet Currie ch piOn shotputfer:; Archie And Walter. cott,: -all-round athletes; Gideon Perky, McLean, Jas. Grant, Peter Pridd 0. M.,Lellan, Steve -Farrell, Tam Bur- Teivt and Collins.- Albert' H. - plan), of No. 32 Church; :street, 1- NoW- York is the backer ad business manager: . . GRAND JURY'S REPORT. - 77 - Tho following is :the :Grand jury's pretentment at Atte • '.•recent Assizes Court in*WOlkertOn : The Grand :JUrorS of our.. Sovereign Lady theQueenpresent that we have carefully considered and disposed Of the various Matters brought botOre • Witii.-refei.ence to your lordship's remarks as -to. prisoners. confined iri the jail, whose : only criine •is poverty,, we regret: to haveto candemn the present system by - which.iindigent j• vagrants are incarcerated: n ail, and . recommend •'- instead, •the prOviding•efA House of. a. -refuge for such ,as we believe in the end it would •be in the interest.of the :County - and - • - , : - , • • more ii ACCOrd With christain teaching. a.rn • • . • • . - We - examined theriail :and- r nds- . _ . and •with regard to the former We are • glad to report that we found every- thing neat..and clean,- but we are orry that we cannot report so favorablty of . the latter, as we found *pi in a very- - unsatisfactorily, unsanitary conc. ition And woUld.-,..recoMmend.flia, -a sy te4n of sewera0-0 aa SQ011 taS p atm- . able, as _the, dry earth.- s) stem no v vague is We consider .ver* detiimnta1 to the health-. not - -only of the . occupants but also :of the general _ We -have found but three -prisoners in the jail viz. One - I -16y .for petty I areeily. and two fenialet Yagrancy.J- • We are 'exceedingly ,gratified by the . emblematic presentation .of *hite -gloves- to your -.lordship by. the sheriff which goes to show that the inliabit- ants of County, byho.rneans a small ,one, are la* _ abiding And hope At -each isucceeding- assizes the :.same state:'nf thingmaycontinue to ciisf; We sincerely thank!your Lordship for: the Clear And lucid . Charge.: d live . _ ed to us .at the opening of this ¶Jourt which ---,very. rnat.erially assisted - 3he Grand Jury iri the 'discharge : of tWeir duties. • • To oisittaii..the be.:s.a?ki0e-s for your 33-C.T.TWU it is.:to. your advantage- to use FINE LIVERPOOL SALT, and,i)iing it10 market in:rolls w&ib b froin.2 ib to .3. lb. or - • - ill -ttij* pioOts or pails. .4 this season: do. not bring ., a good prices. ••tg SPARLING. • . . - We-wo-dld Also say.that the- . . . • . A HoLyRooD - Mrs . Congram roe with very °serious - accident last week. -.. While she and Mr. Congram were coming home from Ripleyi the roads being in a bad condition, the sl ,igh got upset, the box, in which was _ a set of iron harrows, being thrown off the sleigh and falling on Mrs Congram. . -Frank Harris is imp ving as well as could be expected. The roads have been in some places, more particularly on th gravel road, almost impassable since the thaw. - Mrs. Dempsy has een lately. We are glad to learn that she is getting a little better. • The lecture. on M iidOy evening delivered by Mr.- !Joh McKay' was -A decided -audeess. Th reading: room • inwhich..delivere s- crowded . to. ate doOr. ` A :very goo program... was . provided.- . consisted of .a recitation . by Miss M. McPherson, and J. McDon- ald, and instrumental usie by Joe - Corrigan:and the Kinlo s band: Th.o latter was composed of. Mebsrs, John McLeod and john- Co each with - a violin, •Hoirer- Harris, ho is an expert wrth the bones, nd_James- Cox ,who played a -triangle. Miss Stewart, of Lucknow,-played th . accompanists on the organ The. ban received the applause of the audience and were loudly enehored. .hort addresses were also giVen, by essrs.,. Peter. -McKenzie and Peter C rrigan. " Each of them coMpliinented t speaker. Of ',the evening on his exc llent and in- , . _stiuctive lecture The former - spoke in his. Usual earnest. rad impressive style, while the "Big Alliff"- .in his wonted manner' gave expression - to. some characteristic jakeS,_ Mr Wm Valens- occupied', the chair -did his duties in a very credible Mann.er. In his lecture Mr -McKay dwelt •on the .Vast area . of .- OW'. country, our un- developed -reSorses, they tax laws of the United States,. the necessity of a re- . . f. , ductionmottariff, the morality *of' our . .,. 1 -country as compared wi h States,. and the neces national sentinient. T handled- very cleverly. iti e mte of a fide e diubject was Ile ended his lecture with A poem on }Canada, which was an epitome of his speech and- was quite a master -piece No doubt Mr. McKay a piominent place amon Canada,, should he cho Composition. ill; yet occupy the peas of se to devote his talent -in that lin. We think that everir .young- adian school 'boy should be taught a oem contain- ing such patriotic sen-tiinf?'nt as. was -embodied in. Mr. McKaY's poem. a' i L_ HEMLOCICITIC - - 1 I _ I 1 • - - Mr._ Bobt. Millen met with a -pain - fill: accident on •Friday. WW1! ..chop ping in.the bush he •haI be misfor- tune to severely cut hi's[knee with the 'axe.- -Under the care of Dr. Cassidy he is recovering rapidly, 1 -. • • . Mr .1 Robt Hamilton is likely to loose a valuable horse --On account of a 'brokendeg caused by sliiviing on; the ice: - - - -- • s 1: Miss Maggie Rose, i of . Goderich .-ffigh. School, is spendirig Iher- Easter. holidays athome. Mrs.. D. • McIntyre istvisiting in ..Kincardine.. - - • Mr. -Jas. L. Grant-- Ilas been - con - 'fined to the hduse all * ek with ' a *severe cold. 1, MissLillyRos daughner of Rev, John Rose of t s Ashfield Presby- terian congregati s s1i4,1y recover- ing from -a ,severe -at klbfbrain fever. . Miss Jessie McKenzie of Lochalsh, was .visiting,fr.iends in he city this week. Our citizens are fully enjoying the, . . delicioustpring weather and are taking advantage of it in- toiling. down the sweet juice of - the map Neil _Campbell is engage . facture someWhat, ext season, Attorney has been very courteo s m givrng ---.. • .., valuableadviceand inttrnction. It is with feelings of regret th t we have learned of the resignation - Of Judge Kingsmill who has so credit - Able discharged the onerous duties 111 connection with his office. We regret that -your LdrcIship has been put to the annoyance of bripgiiig the matter Of the ventilation and. the present mode of heating of the pourt House before our notice, especially as this isnot the first, time your • Lord- ship has been Obliged to do so. :VVi-e trust however; • that in the Pear future such steps will be taken as Will result in the improvement suggested it your Lordship's address. . I (Sgd.) P. Cumming, Foreman. a. e tree. • Mr. in the mann- . . niively -• this _____.....,........._..... .---:Word has been reeved of the death; in Ne* Yak State,.. of James Finn.,:- formerly • of kintail. The d reinains Were found miI- . he railway, but foul -play is-suspecte , as deceased Was known to .have fe eiyed .- .$600 - a short time before, none f which was found on the body. 1 Bring your old shoes alongand get them repaired At R. 4ughes' A :MEI) IT MT- BRYDGES A Former Resident of Xlilloss rasses' to the treht Oeyond. • - • 'The Mt. • Byydges eorrespondent Of the Strathroy Age says : "The pale horse and. rider have again visited Our vicinity And partici- pated in the sadest event which has taken place here for some time This sad_ Pvent oCcurred. on the. lbth of _March, at the residence of A. McEvoy and Was occasioned by the .death of his wife It is less than a year ago since Mrs. McEvoy first dame ago ong us, a stranger, but in that short time she has gained the respect and love of all. so Much so that it can .be truly said of • her, To know her was to love her ." She was a devoted wife and a Allem- ber of the Presbyterirn church, and her sudden demise has cast a gloom over the entire neighberhood. Mr. Mc- Evoy -a husband' for so short a time, has the heartfelt sympathies of his numerous friends in his severe affiic, tien. This was well expressed bythe cortege -nearly one hundred carriages which, followed the remains of his beloved ,wife to their last resting place in Mt, Brydges' cemetery." The Hendrick correspondent of the same paper says::: _ "A large number from the vicinity of the :Union attended the funeral of, the late Mrs. McEvoy* ta week .ago last Sabbath; Deceased 'during the short time. she attended .the N. C.. Presbyterian church -won the respect ofall. °Her genial m -Inner and kind - nets wi4 long be reMembered. That she has gone to -a• better land must brighten the sorrow_ of her late husband who has the sympathy .of all in his 'sad bereavement, ." Watch for you know not the day nor the hour when the Son Of man, Corneal." The deceased Iady was a daughter Of Mr. -John McDonald late of the 4th con. of -Kitioss township, now of Calumette, Mich.,. and her sudden and unexpected death, breaking hp a home- s() recently formed, has caused deep and heartfelt sorrow among her many friends and relatives in this vicinity, by whom she was held in nigh esteem for her many amiable and lovable • traits of character, and who cordially sympathize with her late husband itt his most severe affliction.. • BELFAST • The following is a list of • the suc- cessful candidates who wrote - at the uniforh promotion examination on the 2,4th ult.' : - ,From 3rd to 4th -R. Johnston, M„ L.EdWardt, M McAllister, M. Stheltier, A McLean., Jparkley, S. Thompson, F .Borland, • P. Somer- ville G Borland, W Rutherford, W Hackett, G McLean, L McCrostie, M Mixon. From 2nd to .3rd -7-J Thompson, W Irwin; C. Ager, A Philhps, N White M Barkley, E. Stothers; M. Stothers, Hopkins• Rogers. . • • S. g. NO. 5 IIINLOSS 4th class -=A McGillivray, A Suth- erland, A Valens,. M McCaul, Lizzie Cox,L Fraser, R Wilson. 3rd class -Dan McKinnon. W *Smith, B Bain, B McLeod, M Carru- thers, J'Wilson. 2nd cla,ss-A Sutherland, N Pierce, J Smith A McCaul, J McLeod, .N Brownsconabei G Carleton: 4 , GREY OX SCHOOL. The following is a report of the standing of the pupils in Grey Ox school during March, 1893. Fifth ClasS-Geo. McDonald, A. McKenzie, IL McKenzie. .Fourth Olass-,-P. McKinnon, 709 A. Milne, -700; A. E. .Atkins, 641; D. McKinnon, 630 J. D. McKinnon,. 614; M. McDonid, 509, l Mc- Intyre, 475. Sr. Third -L - Graham • 220, A. McKinnon. -A. C. Osborne; editor of the North Bay.Despatch, is at present itt jailHe did not register his partner- ship itt the business as the statute -requires andrather than pay the Bne of $100 imposed he • went to jail for • forty days,- • • • • • •