HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-31, Page 7• 4
"I' •
The :following bills Were read •a third
:7 time
Ant Act relating to the • Canada Life 'As-
stirtinc-e Company -Mr. McKay. .
An Act to incorpiorate the -Woodmen of
-the -World-Mr.: Maeshall.
thi Mrs Sotherlatidnioved•thesecond reeding
Jate.-es Bar:re _ - -
Mr. Arnyot said proof I of the. chainfes.
inaiae had not been sulintitted, and tescitie
331.011r on oath was not siiffiaient• ground for
knistaining such applicatioae.-
Mr. .013arlton kaki divorces ehould net
_ hegranted -on the foiraula Under which the
'ILIAIVINT tunnel,:•also for all cOntracts, correspond
ence, -telegrams ot Papers. in anywise relat-
ing' to such borings or--soch-expenditure.
Mr. Davies said *the country demanded
that the Government Should investigate the
large made by Engineer Farmer, who was
-amployetd in _charge •of the. borings, -that
Senator Elowlao, who, it .,was considered
had unduly interested . himself in the
Work, had. not. accounted , for $1,200
- of -a bilIfrom the Senate for thetrelief onatho work while: he was, as
of eat,
iteeee the --substantial and only con-
tractor .
.tiouse.granted -them... They' "4-h4-uld ly
Mr. Foster said the Government had no
call to interfere in the Matter: The Parties
intereetto: had means :of relief afforded- by
the coiarts. -
Mr. 'Maclean (York) moved, That it is
expedient. with the end in view of encour-
en'ovidenceinf a- ; pourt of justice: laging matiVe- prititketh, to adept A niekel
la members . of the Icrotise -hid not euff COiMige. instead of the: present copper
coinage, - •• - . • -
. The - fellewinge Wirt .were -• read a third
three* •
fiehent inforrnatieni to enable tlaem to • vote.
-- te- -
.The bUl wasreadsecond time.
- -Mr. Woods (Brockville), in reply to Mr.
Wilson, said the attention :of the Govern -it bald been direeted th the petition -pre-
st .
-Toitteitive and. ,emeridta the -i- Act to. 'in -
Corporate the Menct‘i. (its•Prince Edward
isla,ndeCempatiye& ierry- Cempany.-Mr.
isett •
eented th the Governnientasking for a Meinterneth '
change in the weights and Measuiea -Act so - .. MOO the Actto int
far as it related to the weight of vegetable& eerriklite VW.N6rthr";04.4ailian: Atlantic
blithe bushel. It Was not the intention cf Railway & SOOWlirr-:40filli.a1131.-.--Mr..
the Government to amend the law during - Ton '•-1'7 ••
the pres.ent sesehou, •
Respecting,; the Columbia & Kootenay
Mr. Charltan moved that in -the opinion RailwaSt & . tlYavigation Company. -Mr.
of th;e House the Canadian department of Mira-. ' 1 - -. - ' ' '-
• the Columbia -Exhibition. 4hould be closed • Mr. WeldOtk nieved the House again- into
• on Sunday. ; _ committee on a Bill to disfranchiee electors
Mr. Metylellen briefly supported the reso- iirho have taken bribes. t • • ' • -
, t ..
, • ' Mr. Jeannette said that'll° had been rnis-
, .
•Mr. Anityot said they had no -right to reported in the English Press" in his remarks
intetiere with the liberty -of thousands who- on, _the -Bill ivfien it -was up in Com,-
relit-e.d to Rea the fair on Sundays. nate& before. _ had not - said that he
Mr. Maclean (Yoak)saW, no harm in visit- -considered. it • Costorniaiy for the electiona
zg museuths - - • - to be carried On by ,means of bribery
Mr. Mills (Annapolis), thought the mat- and thtt Ite --towed Ms election to
_ter could -be well left in the' hands of . the that method., - „Fife could not have said that
Government. Inithe main he was in accord because he was -.elected by acclamation and.
with t:he resolution. no votes sere ,polled. 311e moved that the
-bill be withdrawn'.
-FOSter Said : the. GoVernment had. no-
raght to interfere. The Closing of the dana;.. - The -motion was lost.
. .
diem Department would make very_ little igr. Coatswolith - the bill was too
difference in the number or men employed cumbersome and,provideirfor -no appeal... --
on-the grounds if the United States Govern- Mr. Weldon said the bop- gentleman did
inent decided to keep the, fair open_ on Suit not-look:at the bill in a strnipathetic manner.
day. He was in favor of cliasiog the (a:na- • Mr. Listerthohglit; the' preyisionsiorthe
s diem Departtnent, but that depar,tmeat did bill excellent-. tI)esperete diseases -required
not byhiny means include all the Canadian deeperate•rereedies: iHtai. -members should
-.exhibits at the fair se,attered throughout seekito andStcliitCh highly desirable
• varioua buildings. It we:4d be wdl for the tion, and not endeaVort to firid.-flaNkii in it,
• lion: -gentremantnot tepss his reeolution. The bill wasefok, the purpose of purifying
- to a vote. • ! elections. •• •-
.11r, -Daly moved the adjeurnMent- of the few alaniec. were l- adopted, and ithe
debate, '. - committee rose and. reported progreits.
o Mr. Charlton.saist theanion of the hon. _ Mr.' Foster ing-ethieedi the .plit_pesge4ing
ei gentlemen. Was equivalent to aayingle was -the- Herber Oornrnisipncrs of Montreal,
not in 'favor of the Christian gentiment or Which is to enable thein, to borrOW to • the
- the country .and was afeteid to ineet ib amaiint,necessarY to ttedegin the. maturing
• openly, and .so arlop;te-cl .a parliamentary bonds.. tift-; *;•_. ee.
expedient to avoid the question. This :he Mr. eResterititiedneed the bill to farther
• . chk-Nraoterized as :a hoWaedly. course. , He amend the Insurance Act; -which fixes the.
cones:laded that the opening of the•fait.00 number of ehereie Upon which any one diteca
the Iierdts day wouldt-Itave a demoralizing tor or stoclethelcar may V�te.- I - •
and clebaiing effecton the pple. - • et_ - Mre-Listert onithe order e of the day being
Mr. Pate.rson (Brent) thought .the -Gloat callededeeired tkall- the Attention of the-
• :Alan wernmen would' -- in order to Housefto . the 'Petition of the • Governmentin
•'adopt a Sundayscioa
ein- ren solutioas the refusiiiitto ratify the French Treaty after if
Amerieen Ogres, c'hst : belteired, had lied. been signed by-rther.-Pienipotentiaries• .
adopted eueh a- resolution. • Mr. Fetter said he. -haat net intended . to
Mr. Da1,3fs aMendmentWas carried on, a I convey the imptteseiceithet. the treaty would
ttate. of. titi toin, -Uerrsrs: eMignaulte Leduc taet bettatified_.'t.1
- Beh
carti Voting -With the _. Gbaremments t Mr.- Da -Vies iadd'a- treaty of 'etch irilport
and, ear. 0 Bnen ing__:agains. the Gdy
ernmeet, . .
Mie Reiderfeved that in thetopinien
the liceeee " !cheese " product' andternane-
facture of at theeign cow -try hh-Pu/u net:- it would be no: insult to Fiance if the Cana- as ever. - •
- hill ruittm.d. f'Pr entrY °r :" .trfin-L'it'" Cl.`n -111 ref d toe Ccept the tieaty the editor then drove over - to see Mr
game she -I -kid -not he • adopted Without a. pro-
torizecl-diecueehon by the •Hcitise;
Mr e Foster said that notwithetanding the
steps which: had been taken, he teouebt
the i story of --my cute being published,
aali may . be the me -ani of heping some
other sufferer back 4to health and strength
andegladness." Mr. Merritt further said
The • Terrible' .:Ex0er.fence of a W011410.40 Oat- he had -now. no -fear Of alhard day's
Woakeand has not hial the Filighteettetuenof
the l Pains or the stiffness in the_jOinta.• -.
- - : Retnrning to Smithville the editor again
_ _
, called upon Mr. -Eastman and was informed
- - • - ,
Mr. Ezra -.1Rerritt Suffers Untold Agony- by that that gentleman that his sale . of Pink
- . - - i - , . . .
', Pill were something: enorineus, .Mr. Mer -
by a Physician That only Death
i Fitt's cure having something to 46 With the
XOtild End Ells -Sufferings-Bo* He
, .
. . _ ,.. .
, - i nacreaie:_in sales lately' There are other
ecasea also in this vicinity. little -lers than
t-maryellous,of which we May speill later OB.
Dee William -al, Pink- Pills are _a perfect
bleed -bender and nerve restorer,: I curing
...t -Ouch disease a as rheumatism, •: neetalgia,
; partial paralysis, • locomotor . ataxia, St.
i Vit'uns'dance, nervous -' headact,e, *nervous
prostration and -the tired feeling therefrom,
I, the -after-effects Of la - grippe, i ueliz and
ei, :dititance from home bordering on the teonse severe colds, dieeaeee dependin on humors
derfele They may • place. little confidenati 1 in the -.block_ such as serofu a, chronic
in it, and even if they do believe it; allow!, eryisipelas, etc., :Pink Pills give :a healthy
the matter to pass from their minds Without 1 glow to pale. seed sallow complexio0, and
leaving any permenentiropressiou. Not so 1 ate!A specific for the. troubles peculiar to
with local affairs. Whentanythiog startling tthe female syteme.antl. in the ase of men
amours...in. our ern -Wit; a- affecting- people t they effect a radical cure in all c ses 0i:sing
whoin we all know well, every one is inter 1. from ;Mantel worry, :Overwork or excesses
eeted,-And all anxious and even eager 1 of any nature, - . -
feta the most. minute. details. Ter' some i •These Pills are manufactured
months OA . there have been published in 1 Williams! Medicine i Company,
the columns cf the IndepowleAtfiorajime to s Ont., and•Schnecfahly, N. .Y.,
time . accounts of remarkable owes made b
that. now - justly -famotis medicine -Dr.
Williatne' Pink Pills for Pale People. Pos.
sibly.eome• of our reeders - have . harked upon i Dr. litfilliams' .pink -Pills -are inevitr BOld
some of these accounts as. deseribing outei i in bulk,: or by the dozen or hundred,
highlyimpaobableiit not impOeSible. And ner in, any - form except in packakes bearing
yet this should net be the -caiie, ,..fort they 1 the-egirmanyis trade mark, and 1 any dealer
are all vouched lor• by - respectable news- who Offers stilestitutes in any other lform
papers : who -could lave'. no ebie,ct .. in is *itrying to defraud yeti and -eh old be
stating other ::thati: the facts, and:wild Avoided. a - s • , 6
would be descredited by their. own . readers Dr. - Williams' Pink e Pills may be
were they to do. to. :* 7Howeirer, -seeing is. had. of - all. • druggists, or direct by
believirig,• And • Mr. i Ezra ',Merritt; .. 4 mail frqm pp. tWilliams' -Me ieine Coms
Sonth . Grimsby,. stands forth to-dayeae pany : from either address. The, price
listing totimciny to the wondeifui curative at which -that) pills are sold makes a course
powets..--of :this not at . all over-estimated of treatment comparatively inexpensive as
medicineDr. Williams' Pink Pilis. Having I 'compared With other remedies or medical
tiecured His- Release- From Itel'
Anxious That others • ahonid Benefit
by sits Experience.- .
(Grimsby Independent)
How often we hear the expression "Hills
are green farlifar " as a.term of disparage-
ment. So it may be with many of our read-
ers when they hear of anything occurring at
y title Die
rid iire sold
-only in boxes bearing the. firm's trade
I mark and wrapper, _at _50 cats 'briX
or six boxes for $2.50. Bear ini mind _that.
heard that a most remarkable cure had
been effected in the case of Mr. Merritt; the
.editor of the Independent, with that desire
possessed by most newspaper men frit treri-
fyina -thinfgs Corning miner: their notice, re,
solved to investigate. the. case and satisfyi
hirneelf as to the truth of the ef.ory. Seine'
deka age he drove over t� ;and
atiorkee Called upon Mr. P. - Eastman;
druggist, a straightforward bueisiess man
telidee word is as geed as his bond with all
who know him. Mr. Eastman : stetedethat
he-knewiof the case .Of • Mrt -Metritt, and
considered .it inoit remarkable one.
Mr. Palmer. , -Merritt had come: to ;him
one day and asked him if he could: give.him
anything that would help his brother, Ezra
Merritt, who. was sabering untold agony
with pains in all his joint, bi,eet and is
heed.: Mr. Merritt -stated. that his brother'
-hail tried everythingeried could find.nothing
to help him; and that the doctors:could igiye
him -no ease.-. One clecter from the United
States-. had told him epoeitiveiy that there
13 no .helpefor him,. and that death Only
ceuld. Set -hini free from his egorky. Mr.'
Merritt further told Mt. Eastman that hie
brot4er -wished . try Pr. Williams!, Pink
PIUS; arstd aikeel bite if Le thougheit Would
b&any. use. Mr. 'Eastman :-a.dvised him td
-try them, ,wereilerfat elms: had been
worked by theiruse.• Merrittiacted 614
hie epeitee :and continued the use of Pink;
until he is now a well man and sound
- Musical atidDranaatie Notes.
- Henry Irving has been commanded to
produce "Becket" before__ the t Queen at
Windsor on -March 17th. • I -
Wiliard- refused to.. •play $ eigh
theaties nextt season where the dressing
.rooms. have been deficient in 'corilfort,
1 - Wrote Operas at 68 - erdi who
. Wagner. . , ,
is 80, has lately given us a comt opera and
Haydn did creditable work- after. his '60th
. , ... 1 ien °vermin° - u.ee , , .. ,. .- . . - . - .
Ls the- ntme .-,efe the rn-a---Y. 's _Pi 'll Y t ki-b.ou'd it be consa ered unsanefactory -
, i . i *. . : . is ilortitt, and icilind_ thee genti- Mara .sound
- mark`iilf etall4lifili ' braniielt -' or labelleed- ..i_n i words had . co.nveyedeth . inipression. e ,' -
7 ^ 'T h - an . hearty lookkrkg over hie cattle an his
leitittle lett-ei,S:, 1)&11 ete..eaete fee ease Eit-l'Ittle.i.deeired, and onleaS coedit -ions chieged -he` ifarinyardt- :. Mr, Ezra:Merritt is. a wei-l-to--do
hex .conSaleireg_thefsame, po -as . to _
indijialtet.wolikl abide by ti-iere: -:••-. •-. ' • v -.- • . ftrther- oWnIng .two- line - faiths .altifitt -:3.-4-.
. - the con -xi -try or -its ,tiiigie.
- . i
' dzinadiallhbeetseet.- • Mei •.. T_ arte said - if i Sir: Charles. t Tupper 1 lnies ifieet otSmithville; in the totensh?p pi
When.the tie v. seaPer man:
' he •COrtne-lcdi had- 1)-ean u-1.1-1:red vt° the ex"' Wei -alithorlied to-eign 41 -g -treaty he did, not I Sell:VI GfililebYt
tans ef one eent a p0ue4incere--$1,118,700, to 4see. hew t. the tcansteitei. Gee-era/fleet eettha •tftld the "objece of Inc irtifit Mr: Meeritt £x -
the Canadian fhlieuf'-,i,loturer-in- the ' -El'hd-ii.fh irefilse to ratify it. lig Baked What Were the Pretsed -. his *iniugnefe .--tci givo hint- the
.anae ket 1.1x8{: yo.,r. t by reeeha of t Amerieen i instra-ht' -s t Sir Charlee TupPet in
- ion te. t:. . '-
thab rauZlest patticillitra of his case, .and we can.
ng, p lased orfor, f„;at-adia-o• . - 1;regarA. *whether ve.abal or *Written: - • ' •• not do better than give it in lkis ewo worde :
. .
Mr. R''''' a -(1)"1/E) sa-IL t46 °ana'-liaris : Mr. Poster said tlicordy instructions given
Were chibflit *: to be blenhetl, 'Nvloirp-P°P--*1gd 'were contained .1n the written correspond-
A*-Ileelic'in cthgeee 'aj-IdexP3rte4 it to Engal-ic-1 ence broeght "doWnlait-night. - . . *. . . ... .
as Coilf-d1an Oleese• ' - , - - ' f . The Sptaker then left the -chair and the
Mr- Vostersaid the trankit -cluestien N'T.s ., Home ha Committee :passed One - item and
itlislieate one, ani any interierence should eete and reported.pregeees
be - let 4 careire ily con siclere, . -
'1 '- 1--' " . "1 ' ' "1 • • .
CA-ia.,,ia 1‘..4( - Mr. -Mi. a -upon the order of the day
11.11.u -int: trane t. traite beret -lee the Unit ,- li I:mg calked, asked the Minister of hinence
Ststea. - Ti 'Govern -meet would not loie 1 1 it e - - • .. - - - - a
. . . . , - ki eel' kci. give:any information in. regent
si.lat of the q -1cition and he- -tnoutrht the] .h ' , • -
'had Petter iw-ft-Ildrawat.hlls !gula.tioes of the American Government -from
- .
., their ceireuls in this CourOry- On all goods.
C6xtwrigbt 'said ten rain -541 shipped. to the UnitedStates...-
ed as Carta.iian- cheese laat Mr.. Foster said . that hie ;men -wry -was.
to e certiticates required. Moder the
. .
aon.- BIE'1114.
pbunds or
ada was
not neieefectured Car -
year-, _ There -c_oas-.no douht a st-,r6ng induc,;e...- :nob- SuffiHli„ent to enable; him to gay =whether
ineiiii to exporti:rse to nend in _iliiferior attic. le ':°r-ifftt Ole eerfilaea0 was l'etl-i*lit refinil*d
as ft -midi -an eheeee, whieli had achieved an 13Y. ,1#'*i bit *- for: y..ea.r6 ''.the, -practice had
aneietele repiratian in teraite Btiseen. • - ' lift.ten attottinsi•Sithatt all i gtio34---shippe1- no
i •• r T: he matitneawaa with -drawn. - :. ii.'mat-tiar 'i-1-le•tieg... tht,',OFt'S. rw9V11 -:Vit 13r
Mr. as--sy- -drew the atientien of the e
: 1
$--,900.1 tte.teitt ageout4fed '..*by a .conittlar
OUS.T., tr7 a speech•macle; b. Ir Clahke Wale i ,e-ere
:l'ili - ' ''•lir whicha fe
' t * - * . .. .- -
c,-te, 1. . - .. e wee paid._
, ._ •
- porate the Eastern
.iae nKngqtbn,, in wifieh-. be endorsed the- r• atrt 1_ 0-1,ne9
eictsreissions of opinion Made by the Orange_ ibanada Saviags & Loa '
men in UI&ej- • - !1 a Eeco. timee
Spe.ker Bald the hon. gentleman was 3- - The following Wile
-- intreducteg a subject which would lead. to 4.' readng ' - .-- • 1
a,bate.- 1 .- - 'it . . . - . - -1. 1 . For the relief "de Martha Ballantyne -et
- e Mr. Casey f aid hewoold bring, the reattei. Iltir. Stititerlan4.-is -et . ,
: •apporthnity. i J - - .. , . .
„„,-.i.y tile idle - p • , . .
.137. ehargei i had- -been preferred inehinit • - - _ ., .
' m -r- -1-111i-t,- triti-W3lvet t° ,.mr* Davi";:i Hevda--Mr. titherlafird,.
eceived their third
. ,
• to the etteat on cif the 1101P3O on the- first Fr tot...1; ,James Ballot:Li-4%in
- - Suthethind. • - - 7. • - . t-
i • f '--fEdmund Holyoke'
"The first_ time I was fito-Obied,i' Said Mr.,
Merritt; "was . on •Jely 1st, 1891. • We.
cotemettced haying on that .414 .and I felt
sore and stiff in all: Mit joiiett. - I-ne be-.
lietse the trouble originated:: throag - imy
weighing- some shaep. in: Cold Water th pre-.
ceeding :April, when I went , into- . the water
Arad stayed so ling that •-when I carrier -me
'my legs were numb, but I did not feel any
bad,:results until July, as ."I hay° sai . -1 I.
gradually grew woree...until I coald sea Cely
die :araythieg. :I- :kept . on -.trying to work
:hit it - Was a terrible 'struggle, eand the
I suffered.- was eomething-- ikeivfith
Every.joint in. my body was Stiff. • and in,
-tensely... painful.: --As 'time peed etint I
gratloally gee*, worse, the paint went heti)
-. , ,.. . - . - : -15 .
my- back. and at 'times-- iiiy.1 agony . Wadi
ahnost unbearable, I had tried.all hom -
iiiide rentedies. heli without -a.-Viel I the
- ,. .. • , . ' e
'consulted al, doctor bail his medicine had
no.ffect.-:.At the timetof the .Sinithvill
fair. . a doctor was over - -.here: froix • the
.States and I- consulted :him, _ He said my
ease . Wes hopelese, and. I need not expo*
enytbieig .but death tit release- -me - from
my :paint. : -.Ae vrintert came -eia:. the. 'pail"
get into My. headeaod. my satnrings were
s4nething. terrible. . About daik the piii
Would Katt about - my -- ear - and :work. se
until it.- raeehed „the . crown ' of; my bead.
AS ireeeidng carne on the Fide in lily' jieikil
woeld subside, but thepanis fin. thetrest Of
Lawrence. HiFtchreer,. Coonnistionet of -the - T for the • -1,-eeedtt.y..hodY- neve; left atid. 'at --.1.aat..
'1.*-sforthwest itleenteti Ifo*ur-feen an.- EaitTilcia-.'s14,:ilt • So bad thatwhenI -wOuld* lie- On thy
been proved; an4 23 .1.)artly Troted hu•t '; f.hr
ick .f -could net get-up to save my life
none of - the t charges affected ie henesty,e thouf assistance; A.Ithoult I had. not;
. bueinese• catf, %city, or effieieney. . Het h,tri tre: .1
' t my a, - etite I bedame weak so bad that
- hien f, *ad hattle to lose hie:temper,' The 41 1011 - PP . . . - ' '
, ugh I coald walk around i could not stoop
CImt.rnmeat had the case under ' can- i q.'t•• • eit a pound. I became so week in this -Way
isideration. . , - -. - • - de
- - . • .. - , . :Igotditicoutagedandlosteall hope of ever
.. • •
'Lady Windermere's Fan" e sent
by Charles Frohinan next season on a'forty
-weeks' tour that will extend to San 'Fran -
Cisco. •
LaSt.week completed A year continuous
run of Si M. Barrae's farcical Comedy,
's ¶lfheatre,
r- Sailturday,
„spend the
Mr. W. R.
Walker London," at Tool
London. - . - •
Stuart Robson s .1 -us ton
" " •
M9.37 27th.:- He expects •to
Liu/rimer in Cohasset, Mass. ' -
Hayden •continues as hisfmanitgir next
season.. • - - -
Bebe Vining, the leaclirg -Jae y at Stook-
weli's Theatre, in San Franchaco, has re-
sigared- her .pesition begauee she declares
that she Will never -play with # professimiel
pugilist: in the *sameecast Peter Jackson
was the man in this case.
• Speaking of the recently reViyed plan of
tasfing the tecipients of free pases 10 -cents
a pass in New York for the benefit of the
AneorshFood. MeiMerius said that, in Paris
it was the custom to tax all thei theatres 10
per dent. of theit teCeiPt.s. for the pobr.
•• Oneofthe sensations promred for next
. season," . raYS .21/21SiC _ itriq
attrria, "'is.a huge phonagrap
consteucted to 'rep -resent a inn • -which will
automatically mike its entran es and exits,.
plying a long part -and. introducing a num-
be of -innsical gems.",
'. why 'Ethel Was Cant ous.
Little don't want any cake.
tain the besf. prices for' ng better. - 1was about this time that
Foeter, in. reply to Mr. Muloelt• said ;
. th, Chevalier berley inapoeted by the, Gov-- id •of ..the wonderful ciieds b,y the use Of
etenne..nt -and supplied to fainnefe for eeetl
• .
illiarns' Pink:Pills end Mr Eastman
Was conaideredtpures by the Engifeh 'ieeda- %ea,. • mithville advised that they be given e
men; and coptiained no admixture of other 1 imf My brother got. me a.•box and I. teak
barley. The barley -had been tested in re- 1.4.
tation to its fettillev at the Experiineritel i
Ifsitm and. found very satiefaetory, and had
'been sold to farmers, freitrtt paid, slightly ;
• did not intend to import any other seed -1);.1
d t t but felt no good results.:
to:y(54r.* v -an age use:
'stino box and Still. hoepercepe
• .
lzenefit, and felt so weak and .dis-
,:aged that I _decided not to take any
over the cosi% at $4 aebag. .The Government .t!'ir/ k t 11 At this timely. lady horn Hamilton
sip 14
, .0 8 ' , • •
. gra.in fer the Canadian karmers. - '-. - . _ ; o . - -
Mr. FOSter illanswer to Mr-. Rideti said i - cr ..01fi. - "lied me to ohntmu usin the Pmk-Pili ' . •
. - ' , ashad known . r. Marshall: at _that city
3 lb Or' --fi es g g. t -I! '
tion of statistics were adopted- . irk the 'ate. -
in, al 8, --,.. roe s- -or_ pal s _
t -I3 'C- - k - .
• --1- knew that his case Was bona fide, 4
United States. on the reports made by the -.Mo tiZainueris writeq:nau . r.r:J' .....-. _________;.:. 1-
-- -, - - - - • ught it useless to. continue, but, at tI*3 gito.d old mother ! Be sure t
thy - fri.Adi i aid -se, your . cold mother. Good m
Fraekiin Institnte.. • • The. machines were :. the thedielqinekof Canada in favor of the r, argent solicitations of
decltwed to be _decided -4' more accurate than erection:Of a deep -water Wharf -tka facilitate -, third box 'I 'began
and' bia the time I- was through with the, bishop -did net know *he hi
:to. feel - a benefit
tither methedie The ten ill BSO COW :$625- a ;the landing Of -passengers at'Grosse Isle, ' from and haidito his footman :. "Wh
eeevant replied : -'''Thelast gentleman
Month for their Operation ' .-, ". - - - . : - i There ..was fartl* discuseion upon. the I.
i them... Thistgave 'me lir:4w which did nOt I Zile -
1 who left your lordship's rece 'tient wife the
Mi .-t, , ,-- d r .
. . Perry mete te a statementshow- . . ... . . , . -
t deep water whirf at Grosse Isle and the t" • • ' - - i a 1 * - -. h
again waver, as I fofind myself steadily
kg in detail the eapendituee ificurred.Singe Item Pasgt.d.- • f-: • t... . s, _. - t . •
.. . growing better, and continued the. use f Puke of Cannaug t.
the -Pink -Pills until r ow I an'. as Well es , Only One pinion in one 'tile sand/ dies tof
heelatt seraton of Parliament in Searryinetari : The ohnimittee ipeed a mirater of items eVer I Was in my life. I know that it Was offil age i Sr it iieeniii that -ol •age hs not
-ar -e rp, kt. •
to visit at Our place:and. she. :strongli
the eleciric;i Machineli for the compitaseioP
Papa -No cake W,ifatie 'hie matter.? 1
Little Ethela-Mamma said -Wasn't quite
• The Old Doll to the New One.
• So ticlu're the latest victim -no,
I beg to make polite correction -
You're Dott's new 'doll, of course, and. So •
You have a beautiful complexion. •
. •
It's very easy,.inisp, to praise
Those 'blushing cheeks, for one supposes
You've not been placed before a blaze
That mixed your lilies with your roses.
You've riot been toasted for an hour,
To teach you beauty's a delusion, *.
Yo:i've yet to learn that fire has power
To leave one's feature S in confusion.-
Your form's as trirn aq trim carrbe -
Your share of sawdust's not denied. you ;
No one's unpicked your seams to see
Just what itwas you had inside you.
You've all your hair on, light as tow, -
You've both'your eyes, of blue mosaender
You've not been scalped, and well I know .-
..You've not been dropped upon the fender
' •
'Your squeak's not broken, I'll be bound ;
Yon'venoteondemned your woes to mutter.
When you are banged. about, a sound
- Of protest you can shrilly utter.
But wait a little while, my dear;
You'll not escape the fate of others. •
Stop ! let me whisper in your ear- -
Dot, youmust kn.ow, has two smallbrothere.
Leigh in March St. Nicholas.
. .
'Cause They -11did't Think.
Once atrap was baited
With a piece of cheese,
Tickled so a little Mouge.
Almost made hi is neeze,
Old rat said, "T danger,
Be careful wh re you go."
"Nonsense!" said the other;
"I don't think you know."
So he walked in boldly,
Nobody in sight: .
First he took a rabble,
Then he took a, bite.
Close the trap together
- Snapped as quick as wink,
Catching ininisie le.st there -
'Cause he didn't -think. •
Once there was a robin ,
.Lived outside the door,
Who wanted to come inside
And hop upon the Rif:or-
" Oh, no I" said the mother,
You must stay with me;
Little birdies are safest
Sitting en a tree."
I don't care,". said robin,
And gave his tail a fling •
"1 don't think the old folks
Know quite everything."
Down he flew, and kitty 'Seized him
Before he'd time to blink, .
"Oh I" he cried, I'm sorry,. -
But -I didn't think." •
• • z •
And now, my little hearere,' -
You who hear this song, -
Don't you see -what trouble
Comes with -thinking wrong?
And when you're•warned of ruin,
Pause upon the brink,
And don't go over head -long,
'Cause you didn't think.
Who Wakes Papa?
When early dawn begins to peep,
- 'Neatli my curtains, drawn with'care,
And I fain Would lie and sleep..
Some one gently pulls my hair,
Tosses back th.e nice warm clothes,
Pulls my moustache, tweaks my nose..
Bores his fingers in -my ear,
Punches at mYlialf-closed eyes,
Halt in misehref, half in fear,.
Down my throat he prying spies;
Seated on my chest astride, . .
He takes an early morning.ride.
Takes my whiskers .for
SliputS WW1 eve rt11-1).4.1apb my cheek,
Soon for soreethihg-new he pines
Though I be quite mild and meek.
Then hehicies beneath_the_sheet,
Pipes to me in accents sweet:
" Papa, baby's done away,"
Then (although I'vemissed my nap)
• perforce submit and play -
A.half hour w,th the litVe scamp.
And when his little arms I feel
'Reim& my neck, for all annoy.
I'm repaid. A kiss I steal, "
Saying,," God bless the baby boy."
041,, -OUT PQINTED:.
The Story With -Which Lincoln Enter
tained IL Party of -010.0e•$echers.-
_The best story g.otten up -during the week
at the expense of the Office-eeekerst says a
Washington correspondent, was one 30
Jeers- old, which Senator Vilas resurrected.
• !' President Lineoln," he said, "received a
.delegation of office -seekers one day with
the remark : 4 Well,. gentlemen, I can't
give you.alleffices but I can 'telI -you a
. •
perfect, an' when _She say* her ,own cake -
is 'tquite perfect, it Must be awful. " (OnCe upon a time there was a great
. king who lived, as great kilkgs. always do in
Happy Old 4h t est. . • •
. There .is rejoiciieg among the -elderly
ladies Who have the .misfortuae to inhabit
the London Worldionsee. The Poor .Law
Guardians give them weekly lialloWance of
peipimint lozenges and barley Sugar;
, -
storiet, in the East. As. was the custom
then he maintained a large staff of
astrologers, prophets and seers,. peat of
whose business was to foretell the weather
for him. • One day when he wanted to go
hunting these aentleMen informed him
When he arose inthe morning that he' would •
ha-ve'a. fair day for his sport. Accordingly,
he started off with his attendants on a long
hunt. Toward midday he met an old fel-
low riding on a jackass, -who. warned him
through one Of the attendants that if he
did noo. get home before the the afternoon
Was over he would be _caught in a _rain
storm. .• sera
"'But the king, relying on the assur-
ances.of his meteorologists,. scorned to take
the advtce of the old man, laughed at hini
and kept right on. Before the afternoon
was over the big rain 'storm did . come op
and lie went home drenched to the skin and
took Off the heads of the astrologers,- pro-
phets and seers before supper. Next morn-
ing he had the old fellow with the jackaes
hilatted up and brought belore him, and
offered him the post of weather 'prophet on
account of his successful -prediction of the
day before. "But," said the old man, the
fate of his predecessors staring him in the
face, it -wasn't me, it was the jackass that
.knew it was going to rain. saw him point
his ears." "Very said the king,
rn appoint the jackass," and, gentlemen,'
wound up Lincoln withhis broad smile,
the story ends with the rem.ark that the
jackasses have been seeking office ever
-since "
Heibert Spencer, it is said,, is the most
fortunate'. writer, on philosophy -that. ever
lived, so fat as his income is concerned.
His "First Principles"' brought him $27,-..
000 ; his " PrinCiples of Philosophy" -about
08,000. . It is reported that his total re-
ceipts from his works will not fall short of
$100,000. -
She -I believe You don't -care for me as
much as you say you . do. - Inth you,
think, it is "out of sight out of mind."
He (earnestly) -You are right,.. for whon -
you are tf)ut of my sight I am out of my
The latest club for women in London is
.one for use of clerks, bookkeepers, sten-
ographers,. telephone girls and others who
earn theirdailybread in the city, but live
n the miburbe. - -
-SuPerintendent Whyte; of the C. P. R.
-denies:the story telegraphed- o the Ameri-
can press that a number of nen hid. been
killed by snowSlides in the Rocky: Wail.
tains. No such accident occuered.
tii Goodness -me Johnny ! What are .you
--crYing ' about ne'Ve` ? ". .il 'C use - Tommy'
dreamedabouteatin' pie last night, and• -I
-didn't.'' . - • -.,
_" Keep a .chiid: in bed for fully a -week
, . _. _
' af;er every , syniptonr of illness has dis-
apipeared, is my rule in all serious diseases,"
so4d an eminent Physician. If you will
do this, - , you _ will greatly- -reduce 'the
changes of a relapse. When he . tempera-,
ture ..beeonies normal and , he, appetite
returns; the patient natme lly becomes
suppose • that the change tom- bed to
eager to•get.up, and it its - veil, natural- to
lounge, or event() the next .ropin, would be-
-beneticialebut it is really most dangerous.
"This is generally the time when a busy
doctor feels: that he ought to be 'able to
turn over his - charge . to' these who are
nursing Iiim, and yet in inapt and many a
case a relapse' has occurred, and the last
.st te is worse than the firsb. Therefore,
as, I say, keep the -patient int bed bed a week
-le ger-it does no harm, eV an ounce of
preventien is worth -m' any a' pound of cure."
-, An English 'paper reares a story- of. a
.distinguiEhed bishopwhose. era ;.from lin-
paired vision. . During. a recent- levee.' a
. .
Sliest approached and said.: - "How do you
do, my lord.?",. My 'Mother. wishes to ;be
kindly remembered to you." "Ah" - said
4e bishete• " that is very good -of her: And
how is the -dear old soul? Nothing, like is
take dare of
piing." - The
-Visitor: was,
o was that?"
. .
tables would
borings in the Straits- of „Northumberland an( rFose at o'clock, when the House Pink Pills that- saved mewhen all else had dangerous. as the _insurance
th Obtain data as' to the probable cost of a adiOnril - figled, and I have -no objections whatever to have ual*leve.-
' • s
• *
*4. • "st.l