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Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-31, Page 4
F Titarallti jHL. LIBERTY T0- UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO'TIIE.DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WYE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHRR LIBERTIES r..31st 1893... 'OIi GOAD ROADS.‘ During: the past decade there has been a marred improvement in our railways, -nruhlicipal buildings; country � residences: an,d f arm buildings, but the question, : of i1 improving, our country., roads l.a,s mt -received the. attention :that. h�; been directecd principally to thin seeul i g lines of railway through:.. > sdifnit tl er jnt inutcipa` ities, Hav- ing ing i opt' sect r -ed the advantage of rail -- t set, 9. ie: LucknOW :Senti=nel �laces\ u�►�le in country. p 1tAff often: a , matter. of ince too run tto the store : e o the eoinon remedies, bill that are now, kept forsale. This is an unjust one and should not receive the sanction. of the Legislature. It Is e combine of: the worst.description.description. without - articular; t grea an COf d..ge TILE _ L or element :in England -have gained a- decided triumph: in. the ,adoption by the Imperial Parliament - of a.: _rescfIution, p bogy iding .for the pay- ment of members of Parliament.. Like the: House of Lords the House :v,a�.:s for tllershi of farm. roduce . p.nn er � p and the bringingm-: in, of farsupplies, it is the ixreatest importanee. that the • f. o these railways be rands :leading t :. •: placed : in fti. t -el aJs-. • condition. - The benefits to be derivecd from good roads to the markets tie so nunierons and so apparent,- u- th0 little need : be said in, advocating their: Good' roads - enable the farther to market _his- produce- .at `all times, to. take advantage of changes.. in market prices, and to - utilize tithe that aunt 13e cbiv,en - to other farm. 0f ;Comm mons' -has ;peen a rich an s Ls use a poor elan could =not afford -to sit in it and whenorganized labor first saw the necessity of having representativesI :of . its own in • Parra - tient it found itself handicapped in = carrying _out its- wishes because few workingmeil'had_the necessary:' means to support themselves while ,attending Parliament duties The dithcul t odes as got ov ger in -some instanee by ' union . snbbut these werescriptons, _ only available in co. mparatively few instances, -and the workingmen had :as a rule to be contented to be represent- ed by. men wIVo had little knowledge of or sympathy; with their wants. Bruc€ CoLinty, :y'' tom: ay .EIS. is seaso h the ove j]I ASHFIELD. 1 r; € John - .. ndrew . has been. seriously all for the last few.weeks, but c five 'are glad to say ' slowly recovering._. hauling itn work; they enable limn market his The ' roads are Zit • a had state at expense—for: produce and s\ _t and tear to vehicles; _'?d with less}° and secure his: supplies at .less . ,•wearresent owingg to the depth of snow In le place injury"�to animals. The imprdvm it of rclads results in bringing more else : . Iy together the rileMbers -of the • ag ' -, Cultural coniniu ity, and • thereby: in-- - creases the social intercourse Of farmers. In. a Word, the construction -of better roads brings the farmers closer to -their: markets and closer to one another, the financial, social- and moral advantages of which are. Well understood }hy a 0.4 WI -ie looks fair- in`most places, •b thSeverer frosts : ; at • night will be hard on it The snow ;is going away nicely; . ' If without causing any great `flood. there had. been 'a continuous thaw there world have been a grEat flood "-- -THE fol•eig ex pays the tax, says an .� exchange: -See what importance- this fact gives to Great Britain in the politics as well as the commerce of the vorld_ ,She is the only :_ nation in the i •o�'l.cl that_10ies no- protective tax on = ever' other nation 'forE3tr,21 3Elt�?v�1,:'•, -yet i i the uliti .`=very dollar's. worth .he, „r��.,� �i� she sells them. iliac -is to: "say ,Great .-. .- 1.1(4,,-F,•1.1; ..win tie- sup Porr_i. tt.a.ionf • es tot i. =.. s by.: paying . their - tax _ all na:tlr��l y. p , a _ahem �,nd 6 - asks:; bloody : ,..to pay. , i • :. - hers. P the tansgressor is hard. T• • { =ce daylight - robbers; Who ht - T u 0 . d t ere s rltenced on -.Saturday, no - alize the truth of this .state nowrt t, It is. not only hard • for then inert .. -for. -r • +h�irT 'families. : . but itwill _ hard. _c . ...case-of et who will not ,-lime case of :I3��n - T ke SPODTS, NAILS. bstra t of Auditors' Report TO` 111NSHIP OF AS IFIELD•: Bogert ;Iarrisou,. Treasurer.: RECEIPTS. IFi SPECIAL" are Depot: ToN,balanee on:ha,diDec,-31st 1891...$ 2998 00 Received' from Collector.,. . • •. 158�Z72 185:4 45 iciundary.line apportionment . 35 `Co, Treas.. nun -resident c�,1l189. ectinns - 14 16 License f and • 1',•11 ble 589 15 i s receiva J, P. fii� es.. ........ 00 - 25 . Incidental • .. • ' 10 Total Receipts::for 1892 ., ---- :.$20006: 56 EXPENDITURE a. $: 184 13 .. B3 _charities ... ;694U 49•.. -ehools.- -. . S - ::39 .. .°.,, ..; 2888_, Roads .and_Bridges . 9 Rates-..,:. ... .. . _ 7440 County 790.:0 Salariesg.. 790 00 Bills'. payable o.. 00 17 `Printin' and Stationery :_2:1 54;� Taxes> refunded . .. .=50 00 ._Agricultural Societies.... 68 G0. Election expenses 23 00 d f ] lealth incidental 62 i - J a . • . ~ . �� 'until the 20th 3•s lrl.,. ' v r all 1=�I11.11 .' under way. '-What centur�� is: ..-�� ell :, -b ` . fe . and : children ��vlil � - durii g these long wear � - y - - , :� ;� . - � tlgin. �_:fhe ffeei : )..c a�,s z�.or;.e flat_ o - 1 r T , :& men. - tempted to �� a �' time- - :nth -of rectitudo -: -�:ancler• irOin p m a well tioiider over :t.he_ fate. of_: y ! b g,. and ie .ember Tv nt -1. Dultoi all - 1 tat..it i Ys to. be hones is .4+ Boar - - 50 Sundries 189 .00 Balance in Treasury 31st Dec 1892 712 Total Du less bal. in treaniry....,.$20006 . exn4n - ASSETS 712 (72_, .;1. in Treasury.- ,...�. . h��_�,nce Y s 1156 82 a- front Coll ctor .: 1869 41 170 60' .— : A LIVELY tilde is exiiected.- at the next n r islativae Asser- etin, of the Lcg_ }Ay; vv }r a bill to , be introduced -Ito further amend the Pharn acyact, .. The object of the bill, .is to concentrate the _ • whole tirade in.—medicines of all kinds,. Liabilities- • • • - -editors -Report O S 1� l3&A IdT OWNS SIl'OF. . W .. ! J. Ward Treasrizer.. A pp FARM FOR SALE CHEAP T- _IN G 'CON. .3-E, D. . TP, , of Ashfietd containing 00 acres. 95cleared Buba of soil, good fences, .ell drained,,frame barn, stable and a •�ranery good -well,- young orchard bearing, 40 to 5 :�;cres meadow and - - Apply . to P... GRAHAM pasture Lueknow'P:-0, R:EOEIPTS . �nce m handj from cash • - „ y - Jami < 1 },ata .. -$1058 30 -. - account 1891 - -• - , - -_ X891 :_ 1. -� .Balance on'col• roll for.._ $2884.G9 less: $56.57 to ted Co. Tress for col, :: 2828 12 -:21' - Gash from*Co Treasurer non- ' • rekde1t taxes: - - 43 05 Feb. 22. Ashfield's share expenses• N.1,-189124 25 June 11 Cash from license-fund- icense_ upd:lt - - drs.-$2 , 2nd dis. 56c... .- e approp 22 ,:Co. Tress. bouu.. _ lin,, B,' field work on _W Au 12 Ash � 13 . Boiriiwed money - ... - - taxes fer7.892 3 (� llcctor'of Total a55ets 1690 44 ,)geed auditors, hcrebyCertify . We, -the uii4c.r�z�, - 'that -the "above : is a ;correct abstract: of the Toff nshi p acc:�unts, and also' a correct state- - t a )e; - zn-eit�f assets and liabilities: at Dec, 31st, T ¥ORGAN DALTON AvDiloizs JOHN LONG. - - iti the lands of :the. druggist.: Tinder bi s proposed f -- aoetor cannot the bid dispense - medicine,; if he: wishes • to • .pra�et ee- 'as- a _ physician He must. either ;ass the -- examination of the 1 College of Pharmacy himself;; or employ :.a;.qualified dr :l gistJto do his • dispens- in } P old *he. \vish to keep his. own. a'r' " 2;''� ' in other ` 'point . that is • .(©F� ute .proposed : act, is :to prevent - efielal dealers, hardware.men; amid others from -. dealing tin paten . medicines, castor ail, salts, . • )ars:greeit BOHN • BARBER -Lin West 1%h:: cou;„ • - 26th-inst.,- the wife of Mr. W - of a sore, PAXTO1F- On Wednesday,-22nc1 irist., at Otter- ' ville:the WifeofR. Paxton; of as�n ...>. 4 '4If you l'iaVe ten dollars to spend i' said the late .P., 7. Barnum, `spend one for, the' article. and the other nine in advertising it." The old man:` knew a thing or two .when it came to: adagio, ir- using Barnum.'said some :years OX • y ;ii can aur -talk anybody on earth but the printer- >' The man who can> stick etc. I\ aturally -the bill is meeting: with-- considerable _ opposition, and- is looked upon_ as audacious" and: selfish on the .part of the druggists} -and an --unneces- - nary attack on the medical; profession: Nor will general dealers -give :up the right -they now possess -of dealin: :the " atents," : castor : o ete :, , -common p type and talk next, morning to thous . Nov o 41 i�. • 15 ,e �r Is; 'Biles._ Win:.Mallou�li J, - E ti T refund Nverk E B, ands of=people ' While...I'M talking to one is the only -Man:' af raid of. =I want him for my.. friend,?' Rebecca Waill0113 of -.0Browus valley, Ind., says : "I had been in. a • 1 istressed con liti©n . for three years from .: NervoWeakness of the- usness, .., ; temach,f.Dyspepsia : and Indigestion until anflhealth:was -_ one: . t bouet, one bottle of South American Nervine, which done me more good than : any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life I would advise any:. weakly person' to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I: consider it : the grandest medicine .:in the .world." -::A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted. by -A. B. Congram ollector taxes fer 1892 ... Total Receipts _.:• EXPENDITUB,E ec 31 Co rates for 1892 ` I;ills payable,,.... • • Charity ; Schools Public Works post- �: :stationer Print�n_,m , l ..os - - _ m -F .0fficers-salaiies. -. Special grouts - Misce-Jlaueous - • •• Total expenditure - - Cash. balance - - •ASSETS, Cash on'hand .Uncollected'Taxes.- . ..Tiro. resideet taxes : - - - Stock in Dungannon A. ha Total;Assets • '28 ` - 136 56; 43 7. 92 `. 400 00 625 00 1602 60 1800 00 1440 00 1 00 62 81 1135 00 . aiice well cultivated. -- LIABILITIES LE _ .� . $ AT VERY ERY DES S ABLELE PROP im- nown as.tne«jeddy Farm" Lot 22, ty , West ? awanosh, is now for sale. t the pr gold . large, comfortable- . premises -are: --A gold, ' _ bares L shaped, '. fr me €inane: house, :a largestone. _75x15 feet, and.uudernelath the same a stable, a never -failing sp bag is found on the back part` of the.ibt and two good wells h front, together. with: a cistern at the barn,urn n � 30 - - which furnishes maple water supply, of hardwood'bush, larg: orchard of principally • fruit,' -90 -acres u er. grass and the ba: :winter fruit, - 11192.44 $2524 98 1294 97 147, 45 8654 14 1660 66 84=68 136 0 538` QO 105 , 00 $11192 44 160 57 IMPERIAL .:'s.` 'mss E ELITE STAN ARI SON E.ROYAL This being one of the . best farms in the. -Toiinship; it ought to find a ready'sale, _Poi Terms and pa -di nlars,- apply th $3303 55 Co rates indud.raun. grant to Soli° ls $2659 82 -Collectors salarY for -892 , 60 00 Outstanding ord.ers - 10 27 Stock -in Dungannon Agrictuture hall 50 00 Balance in favor of Township ... 521 46 We, the undersigned Auditors' appointed to • example .the -books Of , the Treasurer of West WaWanosh, beg leaVe to report that we have done so .and compared the -vouchers therewith, and found the -books carefully _kept. and cor- rectly.- The above repreSents a corketh account of Reoeipts -and Etpenditures, Assets and Liabilities for the year 1892. . ' - BOLL -Fo -SERVICE NED WILL KEEP imited itumbor of cows • 14EforliseNrvpie!-RtoSL THE PEER. -4.62511 --Rea• & little white, Sou Cargill:. Ont., kcit by Albert lrictor (irap) —631575-p52o0k da, Isabella 2nd -13-11881 DiXie. Duke -474 —; Duke of 33ourbon— by Barron Solway. son of Mr. Booth's Star (5319), by ROS allan.-6302—'-; Isabella— Gillyflowei..--3101--, by y Sir Walter (2639), by a -Jerry (4097), by Young pieces for tile piano and organ in 16 numbers-. , Each : 25 cents. STATION' Our 'city tablet of fine .stationery in. note and 'letter sizes. The latest idea. Ask to see it. TRRMS—$1.50 to be paid at service ; $5.00 for Thoroughbredsl Parties will have the prtirilege of returning three times if necessary, =Itch on hu ari 'and all. .animals mired in 30 nImutet by Woolford's- Sanitary' Lode*. Warranted by A. B. COngran3,. Druggist. Salary and evenseSweeidifromstart. Permanent position. Good. chance for advancement. Exclusive territery. est rowers of Nursery stock in a, and only__gTowers. in both. Cana.da..and United States. Clean, hardy stock true to name, and fair treatment guaran.- tation in our orders. NO competI- ISOM other houses, on low prices and • ges. We can interest!, any one not earning 4.,..73" per month and expenSesA Don't hesitate because. of pre—, vious failures in this or °tor lines.' We can make you a Siltee,FS. Outfit free. Address for particulars, ' . •-.-i. • BROWN BROS. CO., Continental Nurseries This house is reliable.) TOR(tNTO, QNT. 4.).-` land, with large '2 story Warne house and out buildings, barn, etc; 20 grape vines good water, good location, within half amile of the -station ; eau terms, Particulars pay T. W, HILDRED Lucknow