HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-31, Page 34 rrk .• • ' • Olt - LD OF FASfflON. Wide . . . • Skirts: Goritiol:fit.L.*.6Movei• IZats costly. hitt4Pertshahiee-seitish,Tailor Row Gown Still a Fixpire-,Light IiItj :Gloves- de 114mi:re-P.-reales in Stoking iciochs- for Frook AnhAes-Tabliers and Fronts .ler.-tVening 'Gowns.. • - - • ,is perhaps I hardly see- 't worth -while to Men` tion that the ex p e ote d crineIihe Scourge has :passed . harmlessly aw a y . into the. ewsgkeq and has left he, trace Of its meteor:- . trajectory be:- . . hind it. Neverthe; - en -skirts are getting. wide; and .wider, and being worn. and still More Worn. So --exquisitely are these wide skirts cut that • -the ordinary on -looker has no. conception of -their reel width - unless :a lady should daintily lift the hem of • her gown and -raise it to arm's length , outward to her - shoulder at each side, as the, step -dancers do_ those acoordion-pleated .arrangements • in which they delight, and yet leave enough fulness to fall prettily to the feet, - Women of the past decade were ignorant a the art of cut; Making was the geetit. thing iri. their day, and then to display the makkn-g. and the frills and. furbelows. they dist4aded their garments,: but now ideas 'have changed, and, though, women May go in -for full underskirts whegiummer weather • -calls_ for light ethereal 'fabrics, they will - never wear _ a - crinoline again. .It is .bad enough :Abet- they ;Ave their oid • -friend the foundation back again. • Lining . throughout was much nicer. Fashions. milky change, however, and no one. could be so absurd est° suppose that.evomencould adopt one stylea-nd stick to :it . forever, as -some •-would like -.AO-. do for convenience and - economy. There is not one. sce_ap of clumsi- nessor bulkiness aleaut the skirts: ., They fie closely- round the hips and areall bratty and graceful. TRUE ART DPTUE DRESSMAKER kind ligree.e. The soft velvet. edge was ye116w, tinged With apricot, and over. it 'fen -"a *heaver of gold. - A coquettish cluster of feathertif:a,d` ospreys, shadingfeom yellow to -White, 'gave height to the capote in front. The newest hat trimming con- sists of cleuikey-'s-: ears of velvet usually arranged •Ine natural fashion -one .on each side. e Some Wonien :consider it less personal toecall them hare's ears. The new colors , • are bright - ,yet•:1.sofe. , e: One., is rather , like magenta -,. !ht 'keen-. through- a veil of misty haze Whiejeeeleles it of all its aggressiveness. There: :are endless --tones of purple; mauve, plum, -,. 1ae1iOtrOpe...4nd ;lilac, some of thein tatheiejendeeethers deep, rich and full of co1or., Ix cjQth, formile ._reasons, purple leokit-'. - - 4. -- . • - • fihe • hark velvet, , .Inik or . ,... .. . fiatin. ,OLOVE6, RU.IN 'US:BANDSTAND LOVERS. -4 The -revival of lightkid gloves . for wear with Walking dress eserather a blew to the . thtifteeinincred. ... Those-Whe have - a limited dress allOWance bi0e- delighted in the CO12- imnieti:t:-,-brs;Clr. kid �r brown . suede; which could '''.1Oet.- worn . quilwi. a .number _. of times witheetit s showing 'Sleek:16f being :. weather- beaterti.inaby weer. .;e:Bee light grey, pale lemon einel the new he‘tritio .gteenare soiled in ale:hout*lien weiti with - sealskin; dark eloth,Orke edge.... Fottanately -fear or eix,. .. . buteoiiel eigen* does ery well: at present, ii but the elite some - i 7divatfonS-- that, in the eetise" . : eeves. will be...-ehOrt-and gloeree long. - . .- If soe ightekid- wiU be Atrociously extrava- gant, AiiVe*:_thioUgh they.; will not soil. 80 readily :When wiern. ith-light-eoloredgowns.- seecEmkeetocica Teetee A HEAVENLY auri, -Why . it is .eoncluded that if a- Certain . period- be teke*.efor a model in dress all that 'bad in that period should be cp*- seientleusly adopted is hard to conceive . The idea of smart women; and clever modistes is :toadopt teetaitt:thine°s., in themselves pretty, from characteristic times - of dress and to re -Model thine to meet the• Of thegreat culture and refinement _ of the present day:To repreiduce- anything as it the* was wdeld be to -render it too absurdfor serious contemplation. , . • GORED TO FIT. LIKE'. A: GLOVE.. :Some Of the new skirts measure an-„enor" enous -width . round the' hem, but are . so •• tremendously - :gored that, they ,fit like- a glove. ek smart frock of heliotrope cloth is • bound at the edge with gathered black velvet about fear inches deep,and this holds. * -bout round the bettoice The blouse bodice of heliotrope siirah has a fall pthered frOnt and the widthof sleeve -:which character- ize the .Victorian. era! -Over this is _ward a little zonEtv&coatl of heavily jetted .black ._guipure. To complete the :costume._ there is a semi -fitting_ Coat to iMethh,* three- quarter length and double-breasted.. .The revers,Iturnediback with. Meek .velvet, are. • biddenbeneath a detachable. shoulder Cape •of the samee.Whielef. could be either donned • ornot, according to -the fancy of thewearer. TAILOP..-BUIL'i GOWNS. REMAIN A FIXTURE, _ Women -whose affeetionsare set upon the British tatlor-built gowns need not be a hit alarmed at the aunounpement that these are -heieg improved out :of existence and -becoming- SO f&ECifill and • ornate that they. will- sit& their. individuality in hybrid Man-- railliner characteristics. Thera is no doubt that tAilor-built garments for women were -exalted into wposition- for which they were - by no means suited. That they are Ousted from the -visiting Het and from afteitneon-re- . :ceptiens and 'garden parties is..not a matter for regret. -They Were.- not smart -enough forsuch functions.On the other • hand; for Morning wear, . country weer, traveling, • walking, - raee meetings .and. fote of other. airti . ' -healthy, li p ' . -61.1-0Oo occupations .nothing ---z.ever takes-Ive. ei Jade of tailor-builtiails. It Will never go -r.it,. for the flinattest :woman * -.. does not and4Will not consider her ward- robe compietelwitnout one or two costumes .. , .. „ built by a. first rete tailor, while her men: . friends Will 'Unanimously ,tell her that she *looks fat nicer in :them than in anything :else except evening dress. i. . -.E.Llid,IPU-TIAN BUT- PERISHABLE AND. COSTLY: A 4thea. .. • . • EiLher.._the new Oosiery is made ex- pressly -With a. view to. skirt-deneing or -else idea .g4ining in; latitude as tie the exact emote .�t :ankle • *Olt is considered dis- creet to display, for ki all the heWest stock- ings the -daintiest, of colorsandembroideries ere nitit-,reiealed :till'. the limit of the ankle is weltnigh eeached: -Ia :the case of -a smart -Pear .ef b1acI. silk. stockings the blue clocks were .only an, indicatiere-of the, u.ppet (and prettier) halfof the stoOkinge which consisted of skyebluee, silk woven - in open stripeee eeAnother tantariiieg pair of fine lade'open...Work was transformed higher up - - . - to a_ &ill -ea* mauve: .:-.Searlet and black is. equally..effective,, though the effect is not obtained Witheut a Soupcon of indiscretion in theeinettiptilatioii Of frilled•.peteidoate. - •- - • - -ClIARAIING EFFECTS FOR EVENING GOWNS. 1 'Exaieisitely _ embroidered etabliers and front's for evening gownsareMuch in vogue. These,are chiefft-worked on net. 'A white net tablieieis chat -ming, Wrought with pearls in -three tints; blue; pink and smoke, ewhile at intervals are .si Eiving lines of blue and pink .ebeeyilebOn. • :The -bodice trimming to . -pert-Opt:0nd i -fringed Colored skit*: .,strilein tee,is afreeet for a din- ner giiivn ;Of blacl net showered with jet, and- lairdeeed round with eich. embroidery in ' Oriental colors. ...- -- A jet -starred black. satin tablier leeks equally well•with a ten-, inclaieOrdgr worked in gold and- jet,: 'Jet is reasserting itself in trimaiings for 'evening gowns and appears an the More . delicately; tinted brocades. - A pale -hued reseda bro- cade; ktiewn with; rose -pink 'flowers,: has the side panels trimmed round t.tterose-colored' satin, showing th9ough a fine tracery•:•of jet: . Here is a•pretty nett& . for .a.dance frock : -Tee fill Outlet skiet of black net has vieitx- ) rose satin laid up n -it in Vertical stripe, iik.rio wind Afir they. reach the -*alit, and the. bodice is .. trimmed in a Manner . t� corre-. spend. 'CARSON'S BWJIJMP.,- His Tritnendous Usti &opt -Arintinanism • . to Some Minutia afterward -he wokeup with. a question which.elicited the reply Yes; 1 am a newspaper man- from Delete*" and to another, - Nes,. I know Carson 'good. preacher, that; he went fromKingstonto Detroit." •, - He: went from here," Wag rapidly snapped out, and -then 4-,4earned, for the &est time that the old •*eetitleman'. Was, a Presbyterian - minister. He -etold it in .little jerks, as though he were fully "prepared to sistaia any statement he made at any haz- ard- of -life and iiinb..- Then; he discussed °atm* for a short spell and said that Car.; ioneetoOkii.. tremendous leap when . he 'left Arminianisrn and teilak up with- Calvinism. That' he was a preacher in the Methedist Chafah: and -came Out and joined the Pres- byterian:Chuice. - - Hie Words Wete •of-Suoh. solemnly:weighty import and gave such an impression of the vast width of the theologicelehaenAetWesn the I.. Methodist and . the Presbyterian churches that I :fended 1 could gee' Mr. Careen resolutely flying through air in the tremendous leap; but .rnissine. the other side by quite helf A mile. But _when the old .man's voice Changed to the brotherly pathetic -and took, on the flute -like tone, When he said he had a letter from • °argon, .With rather -a, teader. touch of :considerate- pearin his voice, 1 beetld easily see Mr. -Carson ' stepping over the.: chasm 'withou effort andbeingreceiVed:with acclamation: Of. joyby mighty congregations.-,Ottaiv Correspondence Detroit flews. • Bonnets of thepoke andpicture epee -its • willemst eisoredly be worn, but the 3i/Artest will ,be very tiny, einaller than they wRre evr before, or quite as small.: • Those womenewhe in the past e.pideinic of rniniatare headgear scored en economie prin- cipIe bk wearing just a velvet-boW,--need not, however, tiprhe themselvesen the good •- -time again. bonnets are to be smallt . . • . but they willealio' be costly aticrperisheble • exceedingly.- 1: The latest trimming oonsiets - of - falai of Jesse, 'blonde; or • silken • stiffened and pleated. These -ere. flecked e over -in jeweling of - all sorts el. colors, •- ametyst, tagiuoise, emerald, ruby.dieniond,- garneteeevery possible shade and celote eet • a rale this bright; shimmering :poteclerieg is _of the same hue AS the lisse, though when -ehit is black,. white or cream -color, tur- uoisa„:, jet; amethyst, ruby, or emerald, eweling- 'make excellent., effects.' The -fans- „•_ re arranged l'stiekeng outwards in Soluevi.liat eapa5iese fashion, and the -crowns of the onnets are made of fancy chips and some - ms bound with velvet. SP_#ING STYLES IN .IIATS. The prettiest hats tor the Spring are a pernleiaation of lace and straw.. Charminglii pictureique js a hape 'P.ompoeed of black • ,ace and berdered eseued the wide brim With coarse straw in Chartreuse green, a band of : the sync ii:kewiiie eh -circling the crown. For trimmink, there...ie a large bow. of haded striped. green ribbon and a handful. of green wheat -held toeetlier by a gold buckle. A delicious little6 bonnet that condueee; to • breaking the Leith Gememenclineat liaetthe . elaintiest-ceoevn imaginable, composed ..11c- Wears- a Cod Fish. - - e • • - gentleman 'who was green up • to dee with 'consumption happened- to receive visit from a friend Who - recommended " Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil."- .A1 though ,having little faith he bought a bottle and before he was through taking it, faun be was gaining flesh. He continued 'taking the Emulsion until he regained nearly fifty pounds:: He isthe heakeiese man in town to -day. To - commemorate his restoration, to.healtli he has had a.beshtiful golden cog fish manufactured, which' he - wears as a _charm Upon_his watch. chain; ..That is pretty. geed _testimony ' for " Milter's-.Eniultilon of Cod Li-ver.Oil."_ Everybody is sounding its praises. In - big bottles, 50c.. and $1, a all drug stores. "-thanks to...Hiiii. .. ,. _ -A.:- diergyinan, was Severely reprimanding a-.Maii. T ik regularlye- :going to -sleep - every SundaY'afeetripon-When - he t(the-clergyneani preached. e: ,. .. - ..-e . . e: . . . -4 4 W.44 sir,"- said the than, "I -.don't think it's*oiir sermon sends _me to sleep. 11 tl youin' tide, I am-- almost: asleep before.. you - begIn, :telneach. .. The fact is, Sir,' I have been ' the -habit .of.: taking a :nap" at -about that lidni.'of. the .. day for years;- and now - I can't get out of it." ::•• : : ' --- . fe Ieet eii eeetrY bed -. lielitt," • replied the clergyman, though somewhat Mollified at the ttiought that his - preachingiwan'te the lie ceueeeofe./ theyean'te somnolence, "and apart feein.:i. ' I e.beingevery; iinpreper. _behavior in chute.; , -1.;,- should ._-thinlr. 7 it mist - interfere witli YOnV Sunday night's rest." ; .-..- : :. "No, sir, it doesn't, thanks to you," re- plied the -Marc. . ,. _-... ,.. --' . , :- .,. •• • "Thanks to me! : What .do You -mean ?" insitiOd. the astenished-.alergyman.'.. - : Why; sir, .tny .iiott is :learning- short- band....- -$ p, for raaticiehe alwaystakes cloven your sermon, and when '1 em _ in bed he. begine,tereed it to me, and I,drop off to sleep in :titnel)--.:Zxchaaige. - - - ' 7 • Women Must Sleep. . A physician who is a specialist in nervous diseases says that ,woefien should sleep at least nine hours at night and one hour in the daytime. 'Perhaps you say it is quitaimposi sible fot you to sleep even though,. you li down, in daylight. PeSsibly you will not, the first few times you try it, but keep up the practice and soon your eyes will close evety day at a certain time and you will be drawing in great draughts of nature's own invigorator -sleep . The Weriii's Greatest Organ., ` The largest organ in the world is in Oen-- a -tennial: Hall, Si ney, Auttralia. It was built .by *Messrs.i ill --St Son, of., London, was completed in 1890, and is seat° have cost .860,000. it contains 128 sounding and 47 iqchanical Eitopi.l. They are distributed as fo4tews.: Gr hae ofgan, 28 ; swell organ, 24'.'44-ioir - organ" -O, I.: as",1,, SC40 . ' or -gen, : 20, echo -d,kon,48-1-_,; „ pedal _organ, .26.- - There' Eire43$11eum. atic4Valons and 13 pedal com- binations. ' Itr 10111 4give All idea of the weightencletenelOf the instrument when we. say -Viet it ' contains .one 64 -foot, fear. 32 -flat; nine 16 -.foot, and thirty-one 8-fOot steps, - It occnniee a floor space of 25x80 feet; .stitbular pnehmatics.areysed through- ont the organ; and the bellOire are worked . by & gas engine. ' . ; • .. -. • in Points From Spurgeon. - . • - • Drinking leper will spoil good cheer._ .Who boozeth over4rog w.ill-soen he in -enter.s folly . centres. Sneeli'eeet gives faMali cheer. • Thestiggeet poorhouse is near din .lane: DI.Itionariee declare gin isa snare.. - .Strong ale makes the strong ail. - Firsts Medic6-4-1"dlike to get a*41ins hotiee-.1.-'appoint,.medut: it's such : splendid pradtie6. eee...on -You surprise me.. I snouldesay it was practice. ofthe poorest kind.- t':: . There are' - more copies of the "Chinese Alineitao - -printed ':;-annually than cif any other.:*OrkAni• the *rid.... "The: number • eetine4cc.1 at several _million* It is -printed it Nigtot,f at.4 is a monopoly belonging to thirVniperOr. •• -- 7.• • • - - The High Testimony The -ISSUE NO. 13 1893. leltelE...OF COMFORT.: Brinell -Club Man 'Hies it on 81,500 a - Tear.- .• . mom .11* replying to way Of thee* adveribineatea Pleeselieentteit teds gapers The life of an English club man, With say $1.,00 to $t,800 a year, involves wow- mies that to theaverage American would be ipossible, if he knew that by going to workhe could earn as much ore. • It means -lodgings in Some quiet tstreet it ' considerably less than similarI lodgings would cost hero; breakfast at thelodgings, a luncheon somewhere else, and dinner at the club or at the house of la . friend. It .is possibleto dress decently on very little, so that the young man- is ' able to dine at the club the year round; if need be, to have his little rty, il im in the count his cruise on a friend's yacht, or 14 fishing in the Highland -or iiiNorway. I ' It is common in London clubs of the quiet kind to provide a table d'hote dinner at 3 shillings and 6 pence: The diner May have, in addition, . for 30 or 40 centil, 'a, pint of I excellent claret. Most of the diners at clubs of very good standing sel eine go be- yond the table d'hote and its pint of cleret. Even men in comparatively easy ciraum- stanees are content with this an anxious - i-i that -the meal shall be kePe within 5 shil- lings. ,Something better is 'oftefl! provided for a guest; but it one niernberof small in- come dines with another at the 010 or else - Where a return dinner : becomes a matter of 1 obligation. -N. Y. Sun. , -, - 1 • - - What Became oienie Doke. *Captain Orri.ii A. BrOwn, who recently paid Washington a -visit, and whO* lives not far from the now historic Hog Island, at Cape Charles, Va., where Mr. Cleveland stopped for a short time on his way home, is. quite an interesting character with his kindly Southern ways, and by virtue of his aptness in -telling asood' story a ' desirable - guest at dinner parties. One he told while in Wash- ington was of a ,man owninga stable of valuable horses. . Oa bi eing nftermed one day by the hostler that one of them was sick he wrote a preseriPtion Which he ordered the man eciget 'filled aand adminis- tered by blowing ib throughl a I rubber tube . down the horse's throat. In the course of time he went to the stable to see the effect , of the remedy andfoundthe hostler doubled 1 up in a corner, groaning and twisting about • in mortal terrorelis black face ashy with fear- - - - " Whatis the matter ?" he roared, with more or less Southern embellishments of a prOfane- character. \ f"Deed, mares,. 'deed, bees, roe po'fal Sick," -groaned the dusky veterinary ary nurse. • " What in thunder have_you been doing, you scoundrelly coon ?!' , , . fg 'Deed and 'deed; niarsee I ttied to do I ;le!? cc yo' tor me, but somefin' done *gorted 1 1 Wiling. I got de med gin', ale I ut it in de tube an' I put de tube in de horse's mouf, but I'cu'en git it down in no how, case he done got de fust blow on me r' Of hundreds of draggists affcirds -convincing prove of the great merit of .Nerviline in- all painful affections. F. R. Melville,druggist, writes :‘ "My customers who have used IsTerviline speak highly of it. 1 eM setisfied, it will take a leading place in the market.r This expresses the universal verdict. and if you are suffering from any painful affection, internal �r external, give Nerviline a trial,. and immediate' relief will be as certain -as tile sun shines. Nerviline is a powerfullypene: treeing pain remedy., Sold by -de&les "1 a engaged: Jennie." "T� whom ?" "1 de- are I. don't know. I was introluced , . 1 to 41, at the DaWsora ; he waf3:lovely ; he lovecl me, pvopise,d 444 was, accepeed; ell in the 11 _ Apytniag.: .13.nfortinate1y; I. didn't -datelans:hamcf..„,.7, eieerywhere. More etiformatione Tommy -Paw, What does "public spi ited." mean? .- - Mt. Figg-Why--ere-why elce you want. to. know ? ' Temmy-This paper says Mr. -.Lotson is a public-spirited citizen.' Mr. Figg-e-Oh, that means in his ease that he has a lot of real estate that he wants to boom. - A To Raise More Corn To the acre' always-, use Putnam's .Painlees Corn Extractor. Always eafe and painleas. Beware of substitiites, and imitations. Use Putnain's Painless. Corn Extractor. 4t druggists: A Good Beason. Mistrese(finding visitor in kitchen) -e -Who is this. Mary ? - Mary (confused) ---My Mistress (suspiciously) -You're not mu h alike. - Marr (stammering apologetically) - e were, ra'in, but -he's just had his beard shaved off, and that makes him look quite different, men. Ithetimatie Do - - r you Suffer. With rheumatic. pains n body . or limbs? - if you have tieeq. • ever thing available withoute relief, re* your druggist fcir. this valuable intetnat-remedy neatly.: Rub up.1 - dollar betties ;by W MePollorn,°_Teleonbui-ge: Sold by. vv, hiiles. Diiiiggiath Of. Montreal, Toronto, :_littainitte LeMden and Winnipeg. - ;The -United States Stiprerne Court has giVen° a strict construction in the eight-hour Any Work done on Sundays, and all wOrk done on -other dayesinexceslis :Of 'the-. eight -hoer limit, entitles the . worker _to- eXeN pay.. The deficit. of one day.cannot bp charged 'against the excess of another day :in .order to make an average of eight hours. Eaoh . day inuat be separatelyTaccometed for, and all work.-in..exeesslof eight hOurSentitlesehe employee to extra cern pensatiene. .The advocates, of the eight -1i° r. system could 'ask nothingeinoee to their taste than this decision. j 'Oestomere-Whydo - tou refer. to this folding bed as "she?" -Because, Sit; there no danger; of its -shutting , '- - el ManagerMr.:Skylight, I see you re. late. this morning.. live you mimed Out of town! sir. -Istana,g0 eee Row far? - Skylight. --e- The twenty -fist story; • "•‘. I wish you would -.get .me. ata couple of packs of icigarettes," - said the. condemned -murderer to the jeil warden.- tan't do replied the.oftidet ;- the . lew. muse be all -Owed to. take its_ceuese." • IC. GIBBONS' NOQTACHE Gum.- a ta as & temporary filling and steps thaohe In- stantly. Sold ley.druggistse • Fond mamma -My son As •studying 131°1- pgy now.. Mrs„, -Storker-e-Buy logy ? 0, I twish my daughter .could stu ye that ; it might teach her hoer to &op. - - - . • Rev._ Helen G. Putnam' does Unitarian missionary woik. in twenty-seven tons 1 in North Dakota. She has now been invited to proach for three Months in Jamestown, thoTspople to payths, expenses of the ser- . vibes. eeeSE.S25; liE•GREAT COUGH ORE, 25c 50c Cures Consumption, coughs, roup, Sore Throat. Sold by all.pruggists o a Guarantee. Iku. a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiiott's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. -415 eentS. 1 • .JLC) 119S CATAliftH REMEDY 4 Have you Catarrh? This Reme will relieve • and Cure you. Price 50cts. Thi P Injector for its. successful treatment, free. Remember, Shiloh% Remedies are sold on a guarantee. - 10:ARMS FOR SALE -THE UNDERSIGNED I' has a number of choicest farms for sale in the County of Lambton, the gardr of Canada for grain, fruit and dairy purpose ; also town properties for sale in the thriving Town. of Forest; a brick livery stable -for Ole at a bar- gain. --First-class - blacksmith •and carriAge shop. Good - stand. Apply th THOMAS WOOD, Land and General Agcnt, Forest,- Oat. _ At the Ban • This is to notify - yen that your ac- count at the bank of health is over: - drawn; at thit rate you will soon be bankrupt, unless you take Of POte-Noreireglan cod .Liver OiL . And tlypophOePhites to letald you It Will -STOP A COUGH, .CURE A COLD, :4;4 elieck CONSUJfPTION. and. all farms:of WAS7ING .71pgAszs.A..17 inOst as .paltdable- as 2fi?le.. Prepared by 'Scott -it Bowne, BQllevllle. Por :sale bee all druggists. 1 ATION, ITCHING TERNAL OR INTER FISSURES, ULCER - -,sxaemw---uy.RbeEtrGououtoeBde:EE--:....mostthDDNIrNp.:IcLELEoA*r:arsex._ • 0 ARA AeLIn thj e81hirvanTM:IN07 *HOLJSANDS it has preroliertved perfectly invaluable. It Never Fails, even in cases of long standiee- PRICE 1.00 at Druggis: tit Sent by veal on receipt of price by addres CLARK CHEMICAL CO.. ISRAUEewaE ST -WEST, MOH 1 A. We send the marvelous 'French Remedy CALTHOS freer and a legal guarantee that CALT.1106•19M STOP DIsehitrgee Endlitidengt CURE SpermatorrliegeVarteotas arid IIESTOER Lost Vigor. . . Use zi and pay if satisfied. kddres,VON Imo 14 L -CO., Sole- American Agents, Cillelenati, 04/1a. IT PAYS. FL714),g11,47.13 of Thrkish Aug., Patterns Ca logues free. , Agents wanted. J. J. ,HAZELTON, Guelph, I Ont. , "gus 1 ar to "ROYAL TEA ./ie -ver fails 41 'oe 25c. by Ina& I A m gv DR. SLOCUM'S COMF1OU,ND PENNY.- STA.PAAP.LsE LFollEcEis. wila'dayi:gecnati,liv, Tanote.rcton. 0,- 0- rit.ario. : 1 .1 Envelope, Silk Fringe, Fancy Shape and Acquaintance CARDS with your , name, 12 cents. Address, P. 0. Box 552, Woodstock, Ontario. ; 481000 COPIES S6iD Of MRS E. M. JONES New Book, " DAIRYING FOR PROFIT." Thirty cents by mail. Send`and get it. ROBT. BROWN, Agent, Box 324, Bre* file, Ont., Can FREE TO MEN lONLY. If you are suffering from Nervous Debility,. Exhausted Vitality, Errors IDf oath, etc.. we will send you a full 'course o Dr. Chester's Restorative -.without a cent of pay in advance. after a fair trial, if you OndI it, a genuine remedy, you can pay us -$2 for ths &pile,' if not, you nea,d not pay a cent. Confidential - CHESTER CHEMICAL CO„. Toronto, Ont. • - - t I - t ' COUGH EASY BY " TAKING ; Eby's German Breast Balsam.. Yon cough easy and soon be cured of cough. • WHAT PEOPLE SAY OF IT Mr. j. Howe, Port Elgin!. saes - Eby's German Breast Balsam '1.9 the best cough medicine he has ever used. Mr. D. F. Smith,. organizer -Pab.ons of Industry, has no hesitse ion in recommend- ing Eby's German Breast Balsam, the best mEdiclne in existencefor coughs and colds Mr. Chas. Cab:wrote Underwood, sayshe got splendid results from using Eby's German Breast *Balsam and re- commends it highly. • Mr. &ten liepntr, Manager. Port Elgin Bru.sYi co., says : lEhrs 11ilr`rilial/I Breast Balsam 14 an indisperi- able necess1t3r in his household • and recommends -it as a valuable remedy for Coughs and Colds. Put up in eee.- and e0.e. bottles. e Ask your druggists for it. ATLANTIC 'TO • Students are in attend. &nee from British Columbia on the west. to Quebec) on the east. Our graduates are most successful in obtaining good positions. Write fel, handsoine circular te SPENCER te MoCUls PA CIFIC. LOUGH, Principals, Hami bon Business Cellf--D, Hamilton. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOn• • .HOlffE If so, drop a few lines to R. 3!lPIKRCE, of West Bay City, zilch. He has 12,009 acres at splendid farm lands for sale on the line of the Michigan Cen- tral; Detroit 86 Alpena 8c Loon Lakerailvvayo.PERFECTTITLES Rn.d on most reasonable terms. Thousands of canadians are settling on these lines. This is a - chalice not often given for a home in a fine Stn. e. Fare paid. one way on purchase of 40 acres,. 1 I I "Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to asik Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. eT ROOT. Mgf.... 186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Oat • .ANTED. travelling at onee„; sell ornamental slueihs tax AGENTS, local and Roses, Trees and Fruits. Experience UllElecip3sary. Salary and Expenses paid weekly. Permanent positions. No security required. Must furnish references as to good character. .. ,- CHARLES H. CEASE, Rochester, N. Y. Mention this paper. • , AGENTS ....WANTED Ver eur fast-saallhig Subscription Beek* Bibles and Albums. Bend for Oireater. 14r dress Wm. -Biumas., Publisher, TOMO* • Piso's Repiedy for Catarrh is the Besi, Easiest to Use and Chearvei,,t. Sold by druggists or sent by mail; 50e. ET Hazeltine; Warren. Pa. • r4,4 TIM BLOOD ?urjrlt...y...ammmiafld aeOI"reet • -Disease can livie hit. Tbits remedy:is. guaranteed Se be an ineeikor Blood-Specifie and death to ell &sew evessa. Prim $1.00 Per bottiee 3 tattles for $2.5 Nevem druggist- does net keep it, mead dureeila for it. PABITHLITS PRIM MOHR .8P;CIFIC Ceg, Canada Ws 116114T • • - • a ell WNb ,‘44.44