HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-31, Page 1Trade rOxi Caneddi Axes Anil Guns - New goods best quality Cultery and litfitp-goodri All to, suit Cana., I Mail Trade. 18ER WHEN YOUR B r _ ioir tr-v WHEN- - 1 , - 17017 - T-AYLORI OK ••—'"'„ts!"...• - • -V- - 4 1•. ••••• • ICt004 -I320A-COMelitei; • old • .out to buyers lo6king-rot $170.)TX rfs 1:0 trouble La show goods Ev e r 10°(14,TYsA°IilfeLited OR' 7 T: FRIDAY 4 31st 1893. WHOLE NO, 100L AmileallmormullmillowfoolNgniti altsramf=framinintsiesoffs6stsettiff=zrzia*seigmEentwefigelt, KNOW. Capita paid! up - Reserve ,Ftirict Total -Agsets • President- -.TOJIN STUART. Vice President—A. G.-- RAms4Y. DIRECTORS: J -01-17N. PROCTOR, quAS:.d-URNEy,GEO. ROACIT P. N*0D, A, B. LEE (Toronto). TITRNI3ITLI.J. • - --Sllyr_Nct-g BAN-K.—Hours 10 to -3 ; Sat4- day's. 10 to .Deo -sits of $1. tind upwards received, and interest aalowcd. SI 250-000 ; f . - "$65o,e(to $7,979;.646 .•SPECIAL °D'EPOS_FITA' .also :received at ckir- t.ta‘teS of interest. • . 7:FX-4n I Great .11ritain and the TTnited: tes' bolight and, sold: J 0 Bt.OW1Sr-;- SUB -AGENT. - • • DENTAL J.• $. --JEROME,. D. Wipg,bara, 'will be in Lucknovfi seeond 'and fourth - Fn - day an-d_Satorday of each month: Good sets tor 10 Filiu and evtracting a specialty 4, Office at Cain s 1-totei. v - - • LE_OAL A.. --..7-C.I.e‘.11.-,CoqiI8-0.-..N; BARRISTER, Solicitor, fionyeyancer. etc., (late of earner. & Oameron, . Office _4t 1a,-i:ve...74 0,1A stand. tJ INtoltaisoig, -ATTORNEY .AT •law;'lsolicaor. itt Cancery,- ConveSt:' 4ncer; -Ctflarai.:-_-it*r, etc, Officeover the - - • WE & 17 it °IMF BARE1'S- tit,q.--z, etc., Goderieh, Ont. T, Q.C1.. \V m:PRounropiT. '41FiDIOAL, - • . - -Tr A.- OD °NAL. D., M.. I). C. AI. C. P. S. ts — : Q. ()Lice, KEF?5. ucknovi Banking Cornp y. • •Lt-Jctx.Now, FETi'Y -10rxt, 180.3 -arCrarHt-FARKER8,-t.- We have the, fpllowirtg farm prOpei•ties for sale: 'Cheap and on easy terms Of payment, -viz: In InilosS:Townstip a 50 acre - firth% a ifici acre farm and a -150 "acre farm and al 200: acre farm ; in Hurbia.To*nship a 200 acre firth ; in :West Wawano-sb ToWnShip a faini q:100 acres- -and a farm ()Uri:0 acres, in :the Township of Ashfield two far3ns Of 10.0 acres each ; in Turn- berrY;TownSlcip, only a feW, mileS- from the gei7n. Of -WiOham'i:-100 acre'of timber: land, and a1,064ng farm q,'.2p0 acres in Town- shiP .141 KiCardine-, J1.LgYrT1,. OFFICE DRESI- jfl I denct-, Outrm street secau-d-door north -if Little's- )1 ) rtjL• . ;- _ , •••••,c , ••• IL TENNANT,PIIYSI OIAN, Sur re6ii- and Acc6uclieur.. Surgery op- :, posite Cgin Ofilec.hours frona 9 t) 12 in., ail., T). DI.. • I • • • meT5,..• GORDON, 11,D.--; M S, r Ct P S 0,- Sur- - Office -next door to W. nlein`RuMtitl op. R.esiden_ce Ross street, soutia of I). RA .MCIntoi,h's -store; '• R. D. GEDDES, V.. 8...; CALLS . either 1.)y ni1 or teler.,,ram proraiitlY atrendecl to ,c hargeS moderate, Residence,. Outram iic t, oi-4)osite Dr ElIiott.'s and. second door_ north. of RENtrEkEr.; i-)ffice. • QNE RAL :gr 1,1 TONEY TO.LOAN ON REAL ESTATE " -Ili: security ..for any time, .at ,the lowest ,rate of interest. The "principal may be -paid .at. the e.nd of the tireei_ or a part of the princi- pal may 1)0 paid eaCfii'yea,r,interest ceasing on- the-,ampurit paid. For further .pa;rticniaTs,. • etc., apply to ANGUS STEWART- Ltlektletir, _ OLETIES 0 G SE.POY LODGE, NO. 384. - 16 meet; iri,'''the! south. ;end :LodgeItoom .itt the Temperance Hall, Lucknoiv. 06ry- Tuesday evening at 8 e?cleclt:.. D., K. 'ATER, 0 T S ATATH-ER.$, Sec: Nv0- T- IT.— The regular monthly • meetint4 of the Wei:lien's Christian Temperance Union will beheld every sepond Wednesday of' each; month in:the Odd. Fellows • We have a larg- quantity of -nion'e3i to lend. on -first naortgages on,farm or villnge property at from 61 Per omit-, interest up. The rate is gov- erned aacordifig-to the class - of security, .We also len.d..small.amounts of Money ;:on, ,second • .mortgages ina•first, chattel mortgages. . We: do a generaibatikingbusiness .in all RS branc1ies, allow interests . on deposits, isste drafts : on .all Canndian --points and on the A:raerican Zchan:-ge National Bank,. New anditihich are accepted -anywhere throughout the 'United -States Make collec- tions in the states, Oitari-O,.'QUebee-, Manitoba - or the.North-West, and .caSh -cheques on any ,plaCe, Lending :Money - 'on farmers notes a specialty,. • z ' • - . . We. effect Insuiance on. all.ciasses ol either in Stock Or Mutua:4 Companies as desired: . None but first class .'-Companies rep- resented:- - GEO: .A. SIDDALL, Manager • ; • 1 INSURANCE 1. GUELPH- elePhone O4 f9. LOCAL PA.RAVrilliPliS. • Newsy:ItemsServed up tiir Aentin Reade . • —Next Sunday -will be- EaSte Sunday. —Boys get ready your lacross sticks RS the time will not be _long. —Servant girl -wanted. Goo wages. Appjy• to Mrs. W. AIim —13TiVit0 fil.316,00 3.00in,o o0d, Sp,012.rit3r:—P! iilm-galcomson, —Mrs. IJastrngs bf Ninghard,- is, visiting her brother'.... Mr. Kenneth Hunter,.,of this villa4e, 'W.rinter hangs 4 with a"- death- like grip, :although sliring claims th mastery of the situatIon. —The Ontario Lek'slature will meet on Tuesday April fl-th ,in the. new parliament buildings; Queens Park Toronto. - - Mr: Hamish ,McOrimmon, Ki cardine 4--41gh School, spent fel' clays iIth friends in Ole, Village -this week '- Mr. T. &others, of West Wawa nosh, has purchased the., Pentland farin'4750at.Glenn'0 _s illin A ., _ ghfield, for $ --Peart sells boots .and shoes fo cash as cheap as they can be purchaseh in any city in gonads,. Get hi prices before buying elseWhere. , Mr.: Elvin E.. noebot-tom of thils village has po.ssed the graduating ex- amination of the Otauo Veterinar College, Toronto. leather .purse containiki a 'sun! i4f,_ Money' was found in Luckno -OH URCTOFY 04 .1h.ti-i•day. last The owner ea it by applying : at -the Sll'iINFL NG WS:1i STIR:VICE 1' CIMC-6.- 4t • a...m:- and• Stinelay 'SChool,' ri • - wm: I_Tedrae ; ri c ?ri Inman of. -UP-S4S• 3° Adult class es-ery- NYettnesday- t;veni-4, fdt'flie-i-1.y of- - _ 8 o'clock; Bible aiiiiprayur book-leSson's. 1.-qvpiuted one judges:in are Welcome. R..Ey..7_, J. CONNOR, Pastor. games durinb." Seuttiala week at , . . . , . _ ITOK_NOIAT .3,-.TECT_TANTPQ ' I-NT:li511.1- r .. -...1._. :r.) J. - .1 .frr'ist tlr. " e 1(1-7";/7'ef 7'6i...7 -Y1 'Cl' --1a ' -.- r a e-..-.1',-. ___, _ _/,..._ , - –. __n e :- e_v - 7 frcin-i T. tri 1 t' .IL p-xue.-6.till .._, SAVI,T;41-7,7,:--7 , I , -vile ' limirs ,4'4,11 10E3- t.:.--oni 9. I 1.4-_, .,,,..i..' The i'-',Vill b-, Iv 44 2. • V.. • ..f.-. 2 I .... A,' -4. ......... t? • • ... ka - - . 4. I. ho-ais. s p. :1-f.-. .7.T.T.,--t-5, ,--, -_-?...1!...1,..-t, . ... ;r. G., . , it; -Tan TAU -.Trairis leave Lii'elt.-noW. for south at,6:18 a m- 1048 a, in. -and - lv;orth at 1.2.:30 m, 4:02 i.rr. and 1.0:28 p. THE SITBSCRIBEP.: HAS OPENED AN Office in the :building. east ..bf the P ' SENNEL Printing; Office, -, AGREEMENTS, -BONDS, LEASES, DEEDa,-- MORTGAGES 2 AND 'WI'LLS: - CAREFULLY PREPARED. Pimis,,gpeci.hbAions and eatinfates .for build • ings-, -mills, bridges, etc„ furnis4ed ••• On short notice. JAS..SOM,ERVILLE: LtiCknow, ".• Mown,- look to your . own. interest - insure your farm -buildingS and • ;.pnvate the • • . LQ N C.N IVIUTUAL. Lucknow a 3 p -m. Mys. W. H. - 83iTT-11, President ; Mits.11013XELL,o SecretarY: Nlarge.Prtmiuut Notes required and .1 . • - • • - ' " • SH .SYSTE.M II N 0 'W Lodge-,•No.112 meets every Friday - evening at 8 .o'clock in hely hall, Q bell street. All brethren nordially invited. - IC.J.Mc140D, 1. Granct 11.11..PIERCE,, .Recorder. - O. F. ,C0- Vs- Sherwob • 50, Lucknozw. every first and tMr Monday in every- month,- in the ..Or- ange - hall. - Visit- ing brethren -a r cordially:invited.: 717-.S17nj LYONS .0; .... . q!'" • i. DDYULS. E 50 cents to ents per $100 for three years, JOHN- LANE ACENT, • as KINLOUGH. Also,;.-aget"145i-Y.-the Phoenix,- of -LondOil 1; .ngland,. - „ - •1 • • AU. W. LIT-CKNOW- LODG- • 1,the Ancient OrderlTnited WOrkmeii- meet in the Oddfellowshall, °lithe laiit'laNd - secondMondayevenings-of each: "month, za eight o'clock. . brethren corcliiali invited. I). -PA:TTERSQN; -Master WorkMan;, R. D. CAMERON; Itecorder; FORISALE 1' rr. - oi. To obtain the best prices for our. is toi.:.y0tit. adV•Ailt4g.t.co use • • TINE TJIVERPOOL SALT, andbring i1 to market in rolis -*oguiug. ',:trt: tub's: .rooks or pails at USE' AND LOL FOR -SALE. „Ross St–also 16t for -sale on ita,Ve St. nT the G. T. R. Station. On easy,tirms. Apply_ to Jas. Kerr, -Drumbp, or flugh Mo rriS011, 1.iucknOw. 7 _ ',seaso o tiri6pse: .6 tin Ce SPARLINC "World's Fair, Chicaco. —Mrs. T. H. Treleaven. • of this villa e is visiting friends i Ripley g ; • —Hats, feathers,' flowe ribbons. all and see thematMis. mith's. 1 . . next UnifoOn Promotion Examination for the COu y• of Bruce will be held.. on Monday ,aihd Tuesday,. April 10th and llth. Twelve dozen pair of men's ., plough boots .frorn $1.00 t $1.75 per . pair,; also boys' and youths' Balmorals frOm 75 :cents 'to $2.00-at'Peart's. f,. ;—April lst is to see a eduction in 1 the price of coal. It was one of the curious facts- of history that the same thing never happens on,D 'cembeilst. n immense ders which Sco—flTa inde -GwrilaLli,d meetlj°dgine °Gf uheelphSonasbou°tf _ the middle of April, and; Mr. John Murchison ' will represImit - Camp Allayn, of this village, at the meeting. • • H. hai Stock- of wall paper and iniust- be. sOld. —It --is just as we sid last week. The • e6.O0 suit of men's cla hes Connell is *offering takes the meckl for quality ani Cheapness. , A visiV:o our e y show -will adaply repay' you. • Try it at Mrs. S ith's., There will e skating to -day ri:day)-in. the rink. Le everybody attend as --Mr. Hunter say this will be the last skating in the rink this year. -----An auction sale .of farmi stock and implements,the property of Mrs. Q'Fay, will be held at lot W. D. Ashaeld, on Monda at 1' o'clock.—jouN PuRvis, —Our milliners. are b sy and we fine lot of ay next. - 8, con. 11, ,Y, April Brd • shall be .ready to sshow a simmer .goods on. Satur .T.Irs; Toronto e of §; McmdaT nigh- Tk fpr legislation t.,'confer - ed -women: lioldine prope . • ,..1)ely. _Motto! is . possible .value,:. ..c-laini- e, the largeSt .and cheapest -Hue of . boots and shoes -in the eou.ntry.- Co a -ie 01IN PEART.• • - = CoI. Scott,. of kincardin' has.been-eleeted Deputy G -rand leer tary- of the, I-)ro74-ineial Orange C rarid Lodge and --Grand • Lecturer of. - e 1 Gran q Black -Chapter.- - - feellehiRe aft...4119.1Y . ; _ cipal (ctionS by, unmar and widows, _ • - • - —Yoti can get- barge, paper, -.borders and windo W.- Smith's. --Auction sale Of farm ipplements, the property AShlielid, on Tuesday, Ap • —An 'order has been issuecil by" t1ie Pdst- Office Department, that rEgist ed letters,are not to be &livered _o others. than the party:Addressed, -with, I, out written tiuth-oriiy.. lltland, at lot 12. - *con. o"clock.'sharp.--4. PURVIS, ••••••••••••....., 4111111.1011111MMINMEINIIIIIIM • THE SUPREIVI. ASSOCIATI614 • Tho FouudorWort OrdOr Sesston • • ht tetrott. • The Supreme_ ssocia,tions of Pat, .rons of -- Inchistr began its --'.aturual. Itneetine im Marc 22nd .at -the. Oasis . .- . .., , . hot,andamong .4hOse: present were : delegites" from diterent. parts of the countq. • The usu questicins sffectiak . taxation and cor Orations were con- sidered, as Well as various -matters of Nati4nal, and tate Legislation.. Mesakres,of inter st to.. farmers new 'Pending 'the Legislature were carefully discusses. of the aims of.tho organizatio is to bring together Producer an consumer, and to establish More intimate relations for suiiti*rpos s. 'According to. eSt4en: • Patridge . the Pat, ronttast 22,00 -vOtes lqiehigan- last-41l. He thinkethat the national :yote" of the PreSidential election had • givew.inipetus to he movement. Tbk-offieer's of he association were U. If, Lake, Oakland,. county,- supre* f"; 0140*-Wis., su reme.We-president.; W4X-.Hogrnire, on Buren county,. supreme tr asiirer ; George A. Beilett, lgareng , supreme secre- ..tariy 3-2 Cava' Toledo, - P. B. Rep:44, Peaty lvania, 'and. *S. riorlaiid- of 1%1- ..-York„ .supFeme . lichigan ;delegates S. Partridge, Flush - lin, Grand R, t, Evart, and F. • Trustees. The present were ing, pubois Con *H. Benne Danielg. Alba. .- 4 - The- morning session- Was called to order by President Lake, who appoin- -ed the usual committees. The com- mittee .on • cred:ntials reported in. by _a vete favor'of the -folio ing delegates : New resolved to ing on mar-. ty the:same in &dui - ns in -wall 'curtans. at stock and f Mr. Thos. 6 (E.. D.). ji 4th, at 1 auctioneer. --Mr. R. Ellis haktraded his i fan* near the.village for a huiidred acres belonging to Mr. Durnin - ear Donny - shortly remoVe e . brop ok, in West -WairoS , - and will to- thplce. While 1 Duknian as t . the :saute r.. E 1 . ,—Farmers and fruit growers take . . -` ' -T we are. glad to receive Mr atour -through - your -orchards • aid destroy every black,knot that Can: a. near. n.eighkor„ we are fotind. Better to _take tune . by time very sorry to lOese forelock. and -save yoUr trees. ;—Our stock Of milli iDrueIl Yo* W. S, Don S. Dorland, P Kerrick, Albert rt- It;Ohio, T1. A. Metzger, llhi Zimpelmann, Ge consin, S. S. J South Dakota, 8 afteimoon the executive body disposed . various routin posed to amen do away with Then the local lo directly with tho grand lodge -of State. On Thursday ioiinng report's were Submitted showi 0.b the organization to . . -be in a prospQr4is condition. Theile was a cash balan e on hand of $564. , The most importint business transact- ed was the electi n. of officers for, the ' ensuing year, hici resulted as fol- lows : Supreme ijresident, B. P. Ker- elly,I AJ. :Day, 1).. .nnySivania, P. B. unnel, C. Cavannelt 3 F....D. toisD A Fu11e. M: rge A. B.ennet ; Wis- nes, 1. L Hooves; W. Bently. In the matters, . It is pro- -the constitution' to county 'associations. • ee will do business erre3;airsecimtwo rpirceksideonf bonnets. -S. ; secretary of Marengo, 'M. E. HOginir _elected ; Sentilie , H. A. D Elba; Mich. ;. t-tstees, J. Cavanagh, - of Walbridge; for three years.; J. C. Hodges,,of Waterloo, Ind., for two years to fill the unexpired term of B. P. Kerrick; elec ed president. At the aftern session the com- mittee on resolt.ions made its report, which was to th and producers debtors to the $ suggesting as a men who exact be dispensed wi money was cl oppressive, and Pa..; -Supreme vice- 7-10nea?-dine county rleceive orders for hats an complete and we Tare. Bentley, of Carton„ . r George A,: Bennet, of Bruce has as much use for two judges as a hog has for a hip pocket, Nowadays, 'however, his porkship feels So wealthy that a hip pocket may I t be out Of place. —Don't expect boots and. shoes at. rock -bottom prices and then ask' me to Wait a year for the - money. Bri g 'along the .eash and _I will astonish you with the bargains I arno-ffering. JOHN' PEARS. ' .—The wise Man hang to, his overcoat - until he 'Fees. the •-•warrns cif: the Queen's -Birthday... One warm day. does not make summer, althb oh - One -cold One:Can. Make a: 'good m y cases of -pnetznionia-: • • Look out for * black knot -1 The '-diseai.le is sp.reading- -everywheti .on plum *.ind- cherry trees.; Fruit grow grow- ers- beware: If -neiklabore tress are .afteated call .-their :attention-,-; and if-. necessary notify .a Constable.- The' -.Matteris too serious t� trifle. with: A large steck-of- buggies --no w on. iliand ready for the spring trade; Which 'will be sold 'cheaper than ever. •Also good. Stock of 1 second hdird j s, which be -sold -cheap: . Old., jobs taken:. exchange for new.. -ones: trimming repainting. -d,)ane at bot,k -4 prices.---HILDiEtp.Itri.os. I I --After.the Ist.of July - next. any - person found.- withfirearms or weap- ons on- h. is person and. not havmg. a 'certifiCate from. a.justice of the Peace 'permitting ,hiA to do. • so,. will. be to irdprisonment Without the option of -a fine. • Mrs. Smith". re-elected; treasurer, , —Legislation. *is cert, inly c pro- gressive" out west. A bT. was intro- duced in:the MiniCesote Legislature on Saturday prohibiting Chinamen . here "from wearing their shirts butside their pants," and . requirein 1 them to -"dress the same as other citizens." The Yacouver Worlai. f ' the 25th ult. said i "Te remains -of 1Vlisi Jessie - McGregor, of Lucknow, Bruce dounty, ,Ont„ w111 be -brought : 4ver on the to-morrow t morni6g and will be 'interred from the ',.. irst Baptisit Church: -at one o'clock.' The. liming lady died unexpectedly 9n._ - Thursday Of inflammatory rhetimat'sm." - • ... —Wall paper. has 'become a l-neces- iitt; the quainty . sad- in.4reasek every year, and in order to ;meet the in- creased dethand I hii,e ,bought very heavily. - See at W. -1..-- Smith's. . . . . • :- --Bee-keepers should make •all ex- amination of their.. beeil as Soon_ ask the. weather: : :_permits of . .. it. • Bees on -their. Suthinor: Stand's have: j consumed more food this winter. than during the same length If time in. any previous winter.. Ilive$ that* were .rather _light last fall are titude of store now; i,:, ut Bangor, Mich.., re - effect that farmers e becoming hopeless . peculator classes and emedythat all middle - unjust profits should 11.. The monopoly of dared .be the lutist itscontrol.should 'n.ot be surrendered to any. one -class, but. should be supplied by the Government directly to. thie -people for servipes rendered oi,loa ed -it a low rate .Of intete,st. Allf rmSof money, whether gold, silver or aper should be Made , , -full legal tender,and silv-er should be coined on equa terms.with gold. . The resoluti ns *were • in favor of postal savings banks and the Govern- ment ownershipof railways, telegraph. -almOst des- i_and telephone lines; favor a tax on he bbes axe 1 land that Will iscouage large holdings and call for a gracluab-. e and inheritances , want official salaries; favor real estate as its assess-.• e mortgage on it; call on the Government to take charge of the liquor traffic, . and ask for . the extension • of the mail—in the rural* _districts as fastas possible. A' "11 t L f strong and healthy i will , no pay or speculation - to let them starve after they are ed tax oninco almost wintered. -• a. reduction of . —An auction sale of f the taxation 9 implements, the propert ed value, less and E. Pierce, at lot 2, c Ashfield on Wednesday, 1 o'clock sharp.L.—J*1.15 • GRIFFIN) Auctioneer. - stook and of Messrs.. J. n. 7,-(E. D.) April '5th, at ••• • CA 4, r:4 •.-••.•••••••••••