HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-24, Page 54 clicnow entitle ruc� -LrO rpt k "� ~.ytmps' . •. 4 arch 24th • cit t Yr�`�kt7!' lis 3II )'•,...,P ADDRESS=AICD -PRESENTATION. On Tl iirsday eening of -the 16th 1. . inst a s•xrprise party composed of the members of St .Paul's :church,= Dungan : Don took possession of the residence of- the Rev: John T Ker.:rin, who has been. • supp lying the pulpit: fin -the churel for the past few months, and spent a Very_ pleasant time .during'the-evening with. gentleman and fainil and the Revd,b y,• = . at: the •cloe before leavleaving Mr. T.' : E. Dnrnin on behilf of the:congregation presented , . 12r.. Kerrin with:- a - well filled :purse, and .to! Mrs.. Kerrin a beautiful hanging lamp; accompanied • \k ith- the following address the Rci. JohnT Kerrin • DEAR PASTOR: — We the members`- ,and -- friends of - St, . Paul's church, Dungannon. have assembled to spend an. evening: with -you i _, and family, prior to. -your- ' departure: It was with feelings • of the profoundest regret, we learned • that the bond which has linked us as _ pastorand: congregation is about—to—be severed • 'Whil:.t we feel that your: place; in the pulpit= and our lioines will be difficult to fill, we bow,- in ow,_in humble submission to `'Him•who doeth -all things. well." . Since you came among us .you hati e. been_ untiring . ink your earnestness awl `zeal .for our spiritual welfare,-- in fact. •denying yourself the comforts and endearing 'ties of home and family, to - further the good work;. in this portio: of the Master's vineyard. Yott r patient, sympathetic, tLnassaming and. christian character;- has endeared you to every member; not only those , of our own church but to all of those who have had thprivilege: of listening -to your eloquent`and`adinouitory counsel, The best - wishes of , all demonstra tion -s, go with go >:_,to„ your new -field-4 labor < .lanuot allow' this opportunity 'to pass, without -presenting you and • your estimable .' partner,: with some - tangible token .of our affection, rand high appreciation of your labor of love among us • Mrs; . Kerrin a,ssised us • greatly in church work; :and her refining and" elevating influence will not soon be forgotten `Please accept these memorials oi-friendship, -)lot on account of their intrensic value, -but for - the motives wilich actuated us ni presenting , them; May you always probper in the divine cahili .- Sizned on behalf of the Con=T E.. Du'RNIN, gregation; St. Paul's church, R. J: DURNIN,. Dungannon; - • . - J. I inE. .. : Mr. Kerrin. in reply siud... MY 'DEAR PEOPLE----Perinit ale for myself; and "my` wife,, before taking leave of you all, -to tender to ono -and - all of •your our -most sincere thanks for the unvarying kindness, whicrf'has ' • been extendedto us since - coming amongstyou:." Your , kindness has.: been shown in very many acts, ff con-: sideration, and--courtsey, for , which- we are deeply grateful - Our stay amongst', you has .not been a, very. long.one , but it has . been long enough:to form ties of friendship,` and endearment, _ which shall last as long =as lifFshall last. - We shall ever look: back upon the time ,spent in: Dungan -- non, with feelings of sincere pleasure, •and- if in the .future, our sei. ices will • avail to help forward -the church work: :in. your .midst, shall . eV at; ' be . at your - command. To our_ Father's ..gracious care : we - commit ,. you. May the God of peace .bless you all .very richly in all your. labors,. for the ex. - tension of His kingdom- •with - much, 1oFve in -the Lord Jesus. BELFAST t Promotion -Mr.. Will Crosby and alis-bricle are spendiid a fortnight. ander .the parental roof during the honeymoon. The happy couple were marries- in Tilsonburg on' Wednesday Last,: and spent a short time: in - St. Thomas `and London on the way up.. We wish ..t}ieiu_all the,joys:of' married life' Thepromotion uniform roi otion exaininatian for 1I nal:. County will be held ou Fridays 26 candidates are c'oin'g to \T rite. Inspeitor Toon,- accompanied by P Messrs 'Ward, Dungannon aihd Brown of Ashfield I paid an -official visit to our Friday all these school. on - riday last; and� • well `le sedgy: men exjir:F »e,�7 themselves- ,p a 'with the standing of -the pupils:in the , •- T,r`ariehr`.': � ario-�.. - There is one of out departments which :we And: that: is unit•.. Our Stock which has recently been much increased is .. nQW lar el< than ever before, and we� feel" satisfied ed t h at the_ :he_ -. The quality of the -goods, ` and our prices, must n1e'et approval of buyers,. We can give you - almost anything may want in tom ` the heavy whole stock to BEFORE the daintiest Freilch P_IRCH SI 4 • • Isth CROCKERY) Apples. Blacking Black Lead. ' Blue Baking Powders' Barley, pot . Bath. Brick Beans_ - Brooms . Baskets .Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods. Cocoa - Chocolate .- Corn, canned: Corn meal - Currants .. Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut - Dates: the you - ND T:HE IIORTH:-V.fE� lace ter male your selections in • °-• • SSWAHE GROCERIES & . RO ISIONS: have -in- stock "the following ;. Dried Appl - Nutmeg Exctracts Oil, olive Figs Oil, sweet Filth, canned - Oil,, castor - Fish dried Oranges G€�lotine Oat Meal Gingers Pails Fops` Peels. 'Riney - - - Pipes Illk Pickles : ' P (Indigo Pearling Licorice Peas, canned LimeJuice Pepper - Lemons Raisins- ` Lamps - : ./ Rice Lad Rice Flour, Matches Sago Mince Meat ' Salt Mea Salmon - Macaroni Sardines M'ustard' , Senna Meats, canned - . Seeds Magnesia Sugar Nuts ' ,Syrups No: 1. Flour: always on hafict. Soda Soaps Spices Starch •. - Strawberries, eanne Sulphers• - Tapioca - Tomatoes, _canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli . - Vinegars Washboards Washing`Crysta_ Woodenware -Whiting - Dinner :Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets : Tea, Sets - Water Sets Cream Sets: - - Berry Sets . Toilet .Sets • Goods delivered to any part :of ` the town. NORSE =AHD: -LOT FOR SALE. SITUATED ON HAVELOCK STREET in the village ot E ucknow near the sta- tion. The house is a large .frame, containing eight or nine rooms, cellar; kitchen, -etc,,, and is in a good state of repair The gardencon- tains about " :one acre of ground and is . well stocked•with apple, cherry, -plum and other fruit trees. • The place Will be . sold cheap:. For further particulars apply to Hugh Mor- rison or to 3AS.A, DENNING Lucknow P. 0,, For Particulars ABOUT: THE ettlers' TraInE AND THE Sendto your nearest 'Railroad-. Agent and obti4n ;a copy of • t F'a:etsa rigs The through-Oolonist,Sleeper will be at- tached to- train _leaving -Lucknow at 10:48 .a.in. on - -- FEB, 28 MAR. .i4. MAR. 28. . APRIL • APRIL •=- 25 { Alii Ving in Tordi to in time to cLnnect with • North • the through dolonist• train, =" via, s- .Bay and C kR, There will' also bean Rebecca Wilkinson of Browns wslley,, Ind., says :: "1 'had been in :- .e distressed .condition • for - three - yearn from_ i ervousn:e.s_s • `� eakness, of the StomachY= D:seepsia and -Indigstion _-..� until _my ie,altli was-. gone. I.: bought :orie bottie'of South American -Nervine, which .done -me ;,lore good than • any - 8.50 worth of doctoring I eyeri olid in --my life `, I would: -advise.- any weakly person to use.. this valuitble -and lovely .remedy. I cons -der it,' the grandest medicine_ , in ` the r.world.'" A trial bottle 'will . coif ince you Warranted -by A..;B. Cori; rata. • —. RHAUM ATISM CURED. IN A South- Ainericai " Rheumatism Cure for Rheumatism 'anc1=eur-algia- .radi- cally r-adi-call y cures in 1 to 3 das; Its action upon. .the system is ;markable: and. Y in sterious. -It: removes at =once the eause and the dIsease irrme� d at • y - " PPears::- -- The - -_firstdose greatly • benefits: 75 cents.. Warranted by.4.• B. :Congrain. CURSION TRAIN Every Tuesdayduring March andAril. Baggage checked_ through to 'destination`, • also through tickets .sold. No change- of :cars. Considering all these : advantages we ex pest to -secure the traffic this season. For any infoiillation. apply. to • W. HAY -ES,: Agent -C4-.- T. R. LucKNow. TENDERS WANTED. - ENDERS WANTED : FOPS THF school house.in' school building . -of .a new o i T i g section No. 3; Township- of Ashfield;. Plans ad specifications can be seen at the office of D ,M2cMurchy, Kintail,_ Tenders will be: opened on the :31st of Mar3h 1893. D. McMun cHY, Sec: Trees:. S S No 3 March 15th,1893: 999-3 TO RENT- ORAELL. ART OF LOTS NINETEEN AND -twenty on the seventeenth Concession. , , township of Kinloss;. being 125 acres seventy. five acres cleared and- balance *ell -_timbered,' Apply to Alexander McKenzie on the pre= mises or -by letter to Holyrood P.O ZIE E KEN AL X Mc March. 9th,1893," A- I uadt er ake to brieny YE teach any fairly intelligent person of either sex,•who can read and write, and who, after instruction,will-work industriously, how to earn: Three`. Thousand Dollars. a Year in their otvn -localities,wiierever they lire.rieillalso furnish which you can earn thatamount. theituation�em o went at s 1 �. y .p. Y No money for me.untees Successful as above. Easilyand learned. I deer. but one worker from each. district or county have already tau, ht and.. provided with employment a lar e. • number ho' ate making over *3000 a ear each. It's NEW and'S 'OwLID. hull particulars FREE.. Address at once, E. C. ALLEN._ ox. it7ZU, iktimuota,,Misiae. - 4 "It as just received a choice lot of and Trimmings to sui SIJRAItI o . f ,shionable just now . for. Blouses. •Also a.lot Warranted fast1 color iRM FSR SALE: OR RENT. ., .ORTH HALF: � OF LOT , I CON 9, Kinloss, containing. 50 acres s •of cleared land._ There is a house and barn . on : remises, both in good condition, Also an .or hard.'<of about three acres, - Part of rent will b e taken in • ifnP provements on -the` place. P ssession .: will be given at once. : For further_1a iculars apple to . •EN • . - WM. d'. id'c2�I.QLL , Ijucknow. Lueknow, Marchi 14th, -1893.. -SEED GRAINFORSALE. THE' UNDERSIGNgD HAS AT LOT 8, .con._7,-:(E D) AAshfield a quantity of the - celebrated' . Earlyit Rosedale oat's - and Mummmy peas at reason:ab1e prices. Guarauted pure- from all -foreign seeds, and first class in quality. / .... -• R BT T TINNIGAN Dungannon.; 99:4-6 • CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, . OESICN PATENTS. . COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free --Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW Yon. Oldest bureau for 'securing. patents in America.- :Every patent taken out±by us is brought before• the public by a noticegiven free of charge In the -fitlittifirti litit tan 1i•: Largest circulation of any -scientific paper in the • world. Splendidly illustrated. ' No- intelligent. man _should be without it. . Weekly 53.00 a Fyear; $1.50 Six months. ; Address MU NN :& CO.. UBLISILERS, 361.Bro way, New York City. - .�L _.• S_QRT o �� _ _)1 T : HE U-NDERSIG'NED OFFER .FOR J.. sale 6 superior bulls ranging from 8' months: to 2 years, These are the right sort. thick and fleshy and will all make show : animals. .Correspondence solicited or come and see GAUNT ' l SONS St. Helens. TCOOK ICSBESTFRIEN �HE , LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. . AUc-TWDNEER FOR REAL STTE - 1 NSU R- • ANCE 111D GE11tERL G ENDY. - • • ,. :SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. knumber'of FIRST-CLASS- FARMS For:sale on ieasonable terms.. • JOHN�' XINGSBRIDGEGRiFIN P.OB Leads them all for. ally ,Groceries AND ANNE:D .t GOODS.'. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FfNE TEAS A .SPFC1ALTY The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, 1 kie Best. Va ue _English S� aviii I,iniment-removes . g . P ;. -c' llo sed lumps an - all, :hard, -soft or u d blemishes from hoses blood spavin- Curbs, - s a vi s crbs;.s lints, r1�� bone, sweeney, stifles, -sprains, sore and swollen thgoat , 0 _'.'f.use -coughs, etc: Save �50 b o one bottle.- tle.- Warrante .y A. B. Cram b o bot ng ..f obtainable in Lucknow, ELLICI. OF 0 0 feet 1VlAP;LE LOGS-. ITCHELL EROS,.- WILL PAY 88 per• thousand for the above:quantity q y of first class maple logs, none other be taken. .MITOHELL BROS, . T.uckn ow T.- R .AL E ..E _OF FAR- _ PR.1PERTY THE EKELUTOR'S *OF 'THE, Kenneth Matheson-, -offer fur sale or _ rent the estate of the sail . de ceased Kenneth Matheson, being coma- posed of the -west half of lot No. 3, - W. D..,. 12th con. Ashfield, containing 100 .acres, more or less. There is on these 'premises, two - 'dwelling houses, one leg- yarn with farm stabling ; ' two , young orchards bearin, farm- is well watered and ..extra " well fenced with cedar rails. : • , a For terms of sale or rent apply on the, pre- mises or by mail to - JOHN .T McKENZIE Lochalsh 1' 0. ;.Ashfield. -:AGN. TS TO SELL OUR CHOICE ANP HARDY STO VNURSER E HAVE M 1(N YNE SP fruits dor. -infect varieties, both tals to offer, whch are controlled only We pay comission or salary. Write r ofterr r choice m. . and secure e once or -ter t MAY OTHERS Nurser_ .me A BR Nurseryme 9 85.10111 It ocheater, • • 1