Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-17, Page 7;
- • -
a •
nly OaVerlians Who Go to Stay Oan. Work
-Jil Ader StateS.
' (reolje Biiilltle News.) •
i ..- .
• The Haniilton, TXstEs,. referring . to an
- ., .. .._ ,,, ,
article in the .8rekes a few days ago on the
suitlect or Qanadian immigratioT4,- makes_ the
follosvisez:reaairks'Fy. ' -- - .- -.
" Some 44 i he reawns given •-•for the -cle
_ .•
part.a,tien Of Qanadians by DeBarrY sorunded-
strayelge _at the. time to the.' pail:pie 'of thu3
countri. ;We hai,tebeen told itt_deapatches
and inJ, iiei II evi-ii,ppera. that, -ao-and So Was
• senl-Aorat.) by hi M. bece,nse. his, .family lived
iti 4.1..tin,la, oti.hast Were•'Sent aWay . because
vr..,(11.- . real . estate in the -.Doininion,
io:t.-.'e - ber3atz!ie they '.ent thelr wagesout
-of 'the •-01-01., -ry,, ' and SOMO- because- they
• had -no.takeii - Oat -their- naturalizatiOn.
p) -e. :, li-haps -tlit"!se were _not- the true
-As- we understand .it, the Alien
.Labor- _ Li.* - billy empowere Delarry to -
au :ellen- who - is --a -.criminal or a-
• pauper, or who has been *contracted into
- : the _Seates. ,.. ;Are We correct? We see by a
•deepeteh from San -San .FranciSee in the. New.
: Yolk Heralid that there is -a hoed- Ofpro-
tees...from the 'Marine -Engineers' Associa-
' • tion and B. otherhoed Of - Steamboat Pilots
: owing to -them having received a telegram
• seying that. the English engineers on :the
• New York lines _iiould be retained, spedial
' licenses -having been granted to them.. ..In
Canada -a, inan'a nationelity is .:aote. cone
sidered in r914atters of -this kind- at least. - TO
work and Live in the States, does a Canadian
, .
' have to lose his nationality ?"-- .
There is so- much-, raisunderetanding and
mi§representation in the 'Dominion , papers..
in regerd tO the question of .freedera of
Canadians to becoene residente Of thetnited
States thatf, the _./Vezos !feels inclined _ .to
•-. repeat: 'again, the exact : .status of affairs..
in the first eilace a -ei an.adian does not. lose
. hisenetionality by workincr. er. living in the
T-Uclited States. All _that- is required of him
le thset We beedomiciledeinthis eountrY. - A
• ,
year ego a_ circular evae- iieued. to -. ali In:
speetors of Inunigration from. the Depart-.;
merit at W4shington stating that sailors
Working .1* our lake eveitiele must' be.
-.domiciled' in the United Slates in . order
to -entitle .''..them. to -Work. - The eagle
•-ride _-is applied i to eall . other- laborers.
- Now this •• 'else, of domicile ii -clearly
_.... definedeby -.-Juetice Swayne - as- follOws
" Weep.. a change ok domtcileeis-alleged.the
• bur. en of proving it rests !Upon theepereon
Making the allegation. -.._ To .-.constitute the
f 'new.clornicile:. two things _are indispensable
-first • reeidence, in.. the new Ideality, and
=,. second, the 'intention •fo- remain. there.
The . change cannot- be_ made except facto et
ee aninzoi.' - Beth are alike necessary. _ Either
: wittiout the other ' is. ilastifq-cient.. _Mere
., „. alegence.- freni" a. fixed hone, however long'
' .. continuedeTca.rinot work the change. . There
Must . be the animus to 'ehtitege :the prior
. domicile for another:: Until the new one.
,---. ie acquired'. theld : 'o_one remain.s. - -These
r-;Prineiplee. are:axiomatic: in the lawupon-
'the sabject.'-' r',. ' - ,. . _
- -- -- Again, a -Canadian.: can -hola all the real
• .,:estate item Toronto. to Winnipeg, and it
-7weerld not affect his -right towork in the
:United States. A Canadian can do .what
he likes. withliis- Wages. ; there is no, lave to
interfere with his right in this respect. _ A
:Canadian is not, abliged-toetake out -natural-
- izetion-papers or any ether papers -When- he
.arrivesne the.Onited State* or during his
. residence here.- - : . .. . • . , - ' -
• • :- Inspector-- -Di-Barry hee power to enforce
..thee immigration - rules in the port of Raf-
faii- He also has the enforcement of the
, - Alien Contrect':Lebor Law. '‘ The Secretary-
" Of the Treestity:Ires the power to issue-. the
liceriees referred to -by the TOrks- in the case
- of the English engineers on the New - York
e lines. The correct . in its 'under -7
:stand -n -7i. of the. owers•of the. Alien. Labor -
:Lew, ee far as regardk criminals or paupers,
or those contracted into the United- Sta-tee.
It wilt, thus -be 'sen- that the false -state-
mense so apparentin the -references -made
- -by our. neighbor, the Hamilton Teeit_s, must
- have.been eieculated by :others - than those
who have..eonie in contaet with ' Inspector
DeBarry. 1 '
. _
. .„
Ue Knew . a Th!ng or Two AbOut Bunco,
Even if Be- Wm.; Prelim Texas7176,11-'
In the good old days when ." cow." was
Currency' in Texas; and St..,Louia and K9.n.:7
sae city and Chicago Tana -golden- mopes of
stOckmen, old Undle-Jirasliarrisone of the
cattle-kings:of the Lone Star State, --21-- cone
eluded to, accompany' one of hie bee
ments to market. •
. •
Thiele Jim wee an:. old timer.- e •
He had:riddea on horseback from NaChe-
'dooliyee Texas to the gold mines of Cali-
fornia in.1849, -almost dying Of thirst.While
creasing the plains- and in the tantalizingsight. of mirages •of -blue lakes and -green.
ileitis. • • -
-He had fought. through the -Mexican war,
tit Injuas '.' on_ the'-frentii3r and served
several terms mi.. Judge Lynch's b•erich,:
dispensing' Ia.w and eorder at, a lariat's end.
With sucha record behind him he -
not liable to be frightened at the then
-ranch:Mooted buneo' ateerere confidence
men, trapdoor: and Other pitfalls Of it-greitt.-
. Western parlance, -Uncle Jini Was
heeled' -for -ail such contingencies. - Arriv-
ing -at. St. Louie:- he proceetied-after anenehusiastic reception at the. Union toak7-..
yards: --to the Southern Hotelwherehe
registered, :" Jim Harris,•Texase!-
• Following -his guide across the lobby, he
• _
entered the • elevator. :NOW 'elevatbr
was one of the arts and wiles' of a geeit
city to whicIpUncle-ejlM'S.„Eittention hadnot
been called,: ,
e_ Bang- went- the door, zip I went the brake,
and --up Went the. infernal. Machine." before
the unsuspecting Old gentleman' could col -
lea. himself,- and :he found himself Wedged
within four doorleas walls, going "Up at a
- ,rapid-gai4 whither he knew not, and at the
metcy. of these evident bunco .steerers.
Bat.hia wits did not desert hien, - With
the cdwboy-'e true fling of his. hand to: his
hip he Whipped out A pig barrelled old horse
pistol., and, placing its muzzle against- the
elevator boy's head, --said Coolly; 'persua-
sively , - • -
" Let her dewiii -pard.! ret her down!"
.She was "let down.".
- Ittriy.t ]i Darn stecytngs.
- -
The secret -of lerinicessfiel -darning lies in.. -
.running 'the. ti-ieeact of the darning cotton
aeo,.-fer an each sidle of the hole that it does
ntit immediately fray .and pal- out of the,
•m • .
'Take a-1 • lona- thread `of darning
cotton, to -begin- with and run itatleast hall_
- an indh.aionu the 'go -04s on each side of the
hole. -• Ceentinne tijie until the here is-knugly.
ssoveied.' Now • Cross these_ threads in the
regular derniagestyle'-teking caro thet the
,Satne precaution isi_observed. • A large hole
_ requires a patch. Such holesalmest always
occur in the- heel, .se that in --treating of:the
_Method of Mending themeit is Ede to take
the heel for •a ined(4. _
Preen. the Ice pi 'an old- etocking tilt a
e ng an
.four inches acrOsa. Turn- the stocking
wro:ie and- lay the kite -Upon the
heel eo that the leiagec pointed -end runs up
.the.-liack of -the legeldid the lower •rounded
pert is at the baelleterif the heel. " Run"
• down !he centre of the,- kite with -a stout
linen thread, taking rather large', loose
tithe. Now Now_ " run " the same_ -way
_across- the 10.1-e f3hapsd piece,. -letting the
'thre:-.01_ be very- slack. .Next,se* the patch
tight;:i to the,he-A 'by stitching it around'
*tact outside. If deftly dene• -there 'will _ .be
kite-ehlSped pieceahpuffie-eirrich s- d
neeserier.weinkle nor crease. - Patches. made
-of ini,tflriai, other than bits of old stockings
are ;4 -It f.O-be -harsh; -.
T.5-1 6. Final, -stage: •
1%).J "•-1; An -e -I d
naie afraid, Jaliute . you are
-• • ,
iisliyofur lap,
kl1",T.ker mind, sit still. I was
Lilt it doe' u hurt now-
' Era numb,. -• • - •
about the :lif.CiSt buoyant -substance
the'Pe): btri- there are points beyond which
evcri berik-cennot i're`. A cork aunk 200 feet
deep in the recean 4411_ not rise, aaain to the
°win'', to the 'great pressure of t_ he
Water. At aliv less idistance frorn: the sur-
face, _however, it. Will gradually :work its
wa-7 4:';-elt to light Mice more; •
- e •
• ss -C**.r•
: - 13; a readption 9 ?3 "': " A
-is a *sOcia-- 1.
vt,o_ have; a, chance 'speak to every
'_One brt ycitir hoetesse'Iri - •
-Judge, can you tell Me - the
tut:zest-way to ge1 a divorce in Chicagte?._
-yeago ...edge, -Yes, ma am- -get married, minstrel
• Flew to Trap a Tiger.
• .In trapping tigers' for export the. Malaya
dig a holeabont • ten feet deep, making _the-
-tioutorn .teviee as large in area. as the top,'to
prevent the animal from juinping. out after
being onCe in. :The whole. completed, ! -small
brusuwood is lightly laid over its surface,
and close by in the-. direction Of the mouth
of the pit a -hultlook,. it Chained to a tree.
On seeing -the -bullock the tiger springs for
his expected prey, and alights in the pit:
A hainnoo cage is pla`cettOver the pit, which
is then filled with earth, the tiger gradually
coming to. the surface. _Once in the cage,
the Malaya lace and interlace bamboo and
ratan under- • the tiger... Spring -guns, are
sometimes used, butnotoften, as they are.
dangerous yto-doge- and human beings;
I once eeent on a tiger7htent, but it ended
-in a buffalo -hunt.. We: organized a party of
five li.leropeans:and ten natives. We started
on foot, because it is impossible .to ride
through' the.jungle on horseback. bn find-
ipg a tiger'sfeeitprints, Vvefollowed them to a.
ravine, where the tiger had been- drinking.
Here wetdo.k- onititfin„ and, while eating,
heard groans which we thought' were from
the tiger.- Following the sound,. we saw an
enormous -man-eating. .tiger dashing *away -
through the brill/h.- Shots were fired -with -
oat effect. On going farther, we discovered
that he had' found a buffalo, %and -- had been
inaking-shortwork of hilt. These buffaloes
are not 'like those found. in Anieriea.,- but
Smaller, and More like an Later this
same. tiger was caught in -a. trap:: We.kneW
it was the Barrie. for not. more than one is
found tear a. village at time. .0a an aver-
age four- Or aye people were killed by tigers'
on thii 0. the emirs° of a year. They
generally seize- their prey 'after 'dusk, and
for this reason it id never safe to - travel On
;these roads after 6 o'clock at night • It is
Said .s -that-. a. .iiger often , -,selects •his Man,
.riug'the da; and perhaps follows him -
until . overtaken by dusk;
when he springs On - him.- Two gen-
. 2
tiemen s were once e walking over -
. . •,
pineapple plantation, 'when :they diss
. covered that they mere- followed -byea tiger.
They .yvere three mires- from -home, and
having nothing but shot-gtins-efer weapons-,
could not fire at the --- He kept at
the -same distance behind. themall the way,
and theyrreached home before he attenipted
to attack. The. natives- are: in :constant
terror -of these animale, and it is almost possible Send -thane- out after dark.
nave paid $20 to a native- for taking a into the-.„ Maharajah after 6 O'clock at
night. -Froin "Liie in the: Afalak
sula," . by John Fairlie, the February
_ gaily .Reets use- Feet Warm.
•A life inshrance .coinpany,l.whose. advice
. -
the circumEtances may be taken -as
, tells its Clients that. the golden rule
weather is to keep the extremities.;
The -first and most . important rule -
carrying Outotthin idea is never to -
tly shod. Bootee Or shot* that .fit
prevent the free circulation -Of_ the
y pressure; but'when,. on the .con7
.hey de not -embrace the :foot too
the space left_ between the shoe y and
eking -has a geed supply of warm air.:
ond rule is never t -O- sit' in 'damp
.It- is often- supposed that unless
re positively wet to
them - while the 'feet ..are . rest:-
a great fallacy; for -when the, least
ss is absorbed into the. sole in its
-Um it absorbs.' the heat from the
d thus Perspikation dangerousli,
. This can easily- be proved by
he experiment of neglectingthe rale.
t will Oer. found cold and damp • %ner-.
finites, although on taking. ,off the
exaMining it it will: appear . to be
in Cold
for the
be tigh
blood b
trary, t
.the sto.
• The sec
shoes, a
'foiit, an
'trying t
-Tile fee
a few m
shoe and
spite, dr
Put This Your I5crap kook.
-IN1r. Geol.-Pickett, - Paris, Ont.-, writes :
I purehaaed a box of "Texas Balsam '" from
your agent,-.. W. St. Rochester, which- has
.proved -itself efar.: superior. to anything I
have, ever -need: While. driving on the road
last suunner my horse beta/lee sore in -sPiatee-.
and also scalded,: I. applied. .the ,Balsain- and -
a few - days it was entirely healed, leaving
no sign :of.. a sore- at- all, tWill never be
without Texas Baliain I-ovin: a
-horse." Price - Ask Youfkiruggiet
for'. it -or address F. F. .8egsworth,.No. 6'
-Wellington street emit, Toronto.
Every man, has 240 bones. Except the
corner men, wlio- have -244 each.
Thatluthe way Dr. Pierde'3
- Pleasant Pellets come. lAnd
it's a more important peint
than you think. - It keeps
, them always fresh and I reli-
able, unli!re. - the ordinary
pills in cheap.. ivocitelen or
pasteboard boxes.
They're pelt up li1 better
--vinyl and :theyactin'a, better
way, than the leige,Old-fashi-
.1onerl pffls. No griping, no
-violence, no reaction afterf
ward..that sometimes leaves
• you *yoke Oft than bef rel
In that - way, th-ey _ cure essi
manently. Sick -,Heacla.0
Bilious Headache, :Co pari
tion, Indigestion Bilious
.tacks, and. all derangements
of the liver,- -stoMach, andboWels -ere prevented, relieved, and 'cured.,
They're tiny, sugary -coated . granules,
conipound of refined* and coneentratecl ve
table etracts,--the smallest in size, the
'est ,to take, and the cheapest pil1. you
buy; for.tliey're guaranteed to give satisf
tion, or your money- is returned. You pity
only; for the good _you get: _AA •
• There'snothing likely to be -"just as goidd,
. .
. f".‘.".'±',?:,?1,i17.__*.ailga,!it!-,*...d2olimegrawaga.aomuleanommaa
- ;
.earious Facts -WI th-Reepect tea- Very -Fs fit
Member. •
- •
. _
Two into. an argument -the .o her
day over the -expansion- .of -"steam. in a
cylinder. " Why," said One," you don't
know 'anything about Machinery and the
nob 'shaped right." He then went on to
principles of mechanics. - Your thumbs are
explain that a man with long,- thin ; thumbs
did not have a mechanical turn,, while those
with thick thiunbs broad at the ends, -Were
natural -horn machiniats. - • •
.".I never believed in physiognomy," he
- .
"but I do believe in thumbs Now.,
thumbs have bean appreciated-. ever since
the world began.. . The 'ancienti Used to
Call the thumb the other hand. - Barbarous
'kings used to swear_ and _make compacts
.by their thumbs, In Rome it . was
a.sign �f favor to wring and kiss the thunib,.
and a sign of disfavor or _disgrace to: Iift
them -up or turn them •outward. man
who was hurt . inhis thumbs . was excused
from serving in the Roman watts. Seem of
the scoundrelly citizens used to cut Off their
thirinbs, se as to remain at home -and eget
rich. ' Teachers used to punish their pupils
by biting;their thumbs. _
"--01; the thumb is a great and an in a-
ential meinbere .1 can look at the thumb of
a young woman and desCribe her figure: I
can tell whether sheis thin and .bony or
plump and round ;-. whether her joints are
large.aied ill-shapen or small .and perfectly
proportioned: By examining a man's thu
I can tellwhatought t� be his vocation.!
New York Tribune.-
- • Rheumatic rattan
Require no description, since, with rare '9E-
ception, all at some time have .experienced
their twinges. Rheumatism is not 'easily
dislodged, only the mosepowerfully pene-
trating , remedies reach to its very founda--
tionse The most suocessful treatment, known,
audit is often resorted. to by medical men,
is the application of that famous remedy for
pain-Polson's Nerviline. It ie safe t� saj
that nothing yet discovered has affordefl
equal satisfaction t� the suffering, and nib
matter 'how bad the case may be lierviline
is sure tocure it. Sold by druggists and
country dealers;
. •
• Speaking Watches. "
Swiss watchmakers are adapting the
phonograph to their timepieces. One
ordinary -sized watch was recently made
which articulated 48 distinct sounds such as
"one -thirty," "one forty-five, and so on
*T001.1110,CHle - OW& &Cif! - AS temporary filling and -steps.: toothaehel In
staietly: Sold by dreiggistee
Dr. Talmage strains himself to say wild
and .sensational things from the pulpit. In
a recent -sermon published under theetrange
title of "God Atnong the. Fishily" he 'tells
us that "the reeson why ----men and. women
iived three and four and 4ve and nine hun-
dred years, was because they were kept on
parched corn and -fish." •
AGENTS, local and
travelling at once; to
sell ornamental ehrnbs
Rose s, Treee, and
Fruits. Experience unnecessary. Salary and
Expenses paid weekly.. Permanent positions.
NO security required. Must furnish references
as to good character. .
CHARLES H. CHASE, Rochester, N. Y.
Mention this paper. :
.ilitei a_Bank li#I.Of.Largo- Denomination, if
:. -_-.1 -; • -....:Ifott Have*: - " ' . .
"It's the greatest ideal in the World,'
said William,IL Pascoe, as he etafid at . the
desk , in the 'Southern Hotel yesterday rub
bingleie glasses with -a $501 bill, Says the -Ste
Louis Globe -Democrat. . ,:.. ;:.- : .. .
' --Isrow,- I Can't see ten' fee& 'Without. my'
glasses, -and -glasses have a, be:
.conie -blurrecle- you knoie,:-'
. ',Now, 1 -have Worn spec,taeles constantly
for everetwenty:five years, and khave, in a
:email way, nrede a study .of thorn. - ' Alinen
handkerchief does not clean thein well, and
a silk 18 always sure to leaQp a thread Sticks-
ing to the frames. ' : : L.
Paper is of no .aectierat, as , it -leaves .
specks _on- the glass.- Ceto . n ia sure to
, .
leave a -lot of lint behind it. Chamois. is
too thick, and 'kid don't- d� t all: I've tried
then% alland know. 'The thing to use,
my -boy; :is a bank nate -$-: it cleithi the
gla:aties-heantifully.- and es .no
lea thing be-
h..111"40ifff-4:66.--u;gie, it- ' :ien't' •necessary to- .uie a
fifty -every time, but r • happened to have
this one loose in mypocketand I'm expect-
ing a fiend.alongni A mum and I. -wanted
i to enikerati impression. _ ¥e; they say that
bills carry disease with them, but I ain't
afraid much. ',I've -never c ught anything
from them. You can use a 1 one as well as
a fifty, but use . a .fifty if -y u can; there's
More money in it." • - .:-_ .
.. !
terns : Corns I
-1 Tender corns, painful corns, soft . come,
. .
leedingcorna,reinevelin a few days by the
only • sure, - safe- and. painless corn cure,
. . - .
Patnain's - Corn Extractor,- Try it. At
i'-' i - .. -
druggists. ,
Hatred is aprecious liquor, a poison.
dearer than that Of the Borgiles, because: it
is -made of ourfhlood, our liea the our sleep-
and,two-thirdsi of Our love.- harlee Beau-
delaire. . -
Wrinkles are beds that the gods have.Ukig
for•oar tears.-tEntik Augier:-
:.4'"°6:41v Gmasm"liguesargirsxREAH
_Cures ConstemPtioirseconels, Croup„S-ore
hronits Sold by all Druggistajon a Guarantee.
For a L=6 Side, .Back or Chest'Shiloh's Porietee
Planter will givr great satisfaction. -25 cents.
• /
CATA R 11 if
Have you-r'Ca>te41rr".1e?T'iiis."*RQmS wilIrelleve
sA'en E DY:
and Cure you.'4 Price 59ets: Injector for
its successful treatment, free. Itemember,
Shiloh's Remedies are sold on guarantee'. ,4
_ ,
Nsi 7, t,s • ' S,
We send the roativelous French
Remedy CALTHIRS free, and a
legal guarantee that Cluruos will
STOP Discharges p.}.`reigefonos
stiermaterr Varkeeele
and KRSTOBE Les raw% 'V
Use it and -fiay. V satisfied.
• adrers, V071 IVII0H L. CO.,
Sole American Agents, Chtelnnatl, Ohle.
.ne er fails. IT ourrEs OATARRt m THE HEAD
stores the sense of r.y.r.cli, and drivesa-way the
Eti Li- I -I EA DA HE eperient,ed by au who -have
9-rh. Oe ottle_wrilwork wo yrtee
2,4•Pruggists. - Sent itig =ail on rept ol•
. • • &lee by addressing • .
DR12:0:1:j:.:Io PENNY-
ROYAL TEAneverfai/S.e25
bY vSAMPLE FREE,4diAgentsWantT. 'm
A. SLOCU4 & CO.,-Toront Ontario.
. , .
„,Illustrated. publications,
.rtimliZr4 NorthFILS•kosta,dxeseeortanibin4
Idaho, Washington Itind Oregon, the
Ear" Tfte ffe*:.A..grlevi/turstl, Grazing and Thuher
_LaOds now opqa to settlers. FRNS. Address
CIIAS. "n..LANBORN.; d ConL, N. P. R. SL Paul,Ninn.
ISPUE• NO 11 18$3.
Ia. replying loamy of them advertfsedeetii..
• .
Please mention this PaliAtr•
isanother •
name for
and -yields
Of Pure Norwegian, Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites.
impoverish -a and im43ure blood is a.1 -
ways effectively restored to vigo;•o?.is con-
dition by this teoznelengul remedy., Cures
Coughs, Colds and all1!,"Tasting Disease.s.
Almost as palatable,.af
Prepared only by ott 4:1Bovnie, BeIleviile.
.7zsrrizff rzamic
Wh .
OUT Why -bo
getEliTe:gUliqp;411371:111Volkiffialillis:linliDeSUlalitilaiaatse prove
peaesrfer 'IotSirugvaltioatr.44-11gEesiyo. Foaai ts even izr
Sent, li!'y triall on rdeetrit Of price by address
. Yon
1:11w kind of a crop will do, then -
vany kind of •seeds-i,vill do, but for
the best, results you 13hould plant-
_Always the-be4 -they are recognized as.
the svanda4c1 everywhere.
Ferry's Seed Alt AS themost
important book ofthekind pub...'
lished.- It •is invaluable to the
- planter. We send it free.
D.M. a co.
- -Ont.
Large Stock for
_Spring Planting
of '• Fruit and
Shrubs, Roses,
• Sma'1 fruits in vadety, both new and eld
sorts. Our stock is very ilne and prices -away
down. No agents.' Send metal for our new
illustrated, priced,- free atdlogue. See special
offers:by mail.
A. G. HULL 8i SON, Central Nursery, St. .
Catharines, Ont.,
(Send to day and mention this paper. .
guaranieea to
surely and
quiekly heal aI
Corks, Galls_
Sore ShouI-
. ders, and all
Wound's. an
Horses and
- Wee 25 _cents. -Ask your: druggist for it or
address! U. F. SEQS-WOUTU, Toronto, Ont.
The.girl I love returns my affec-
tion. I' simplygave her a .1.101M,
Powder. 1 advise ell despaiig
- lovers to try Love Powders. Price
-$1.00 ,e for Address
• .
_Valuable treatise and two bottles ofmedicine sent Free to
any Sufferer, Give Express and .Post.Offite address. T. A
SLOCUM" firr CO. 186 -West Adelaide Street. 7/orento thot.
A GE NTSI:IVAI4TED, To sell the
new "Safety" -Combinc.d
Door -Jock and • Ventilator; Megg s Carpet
tretchers and other Hardware peels:hies.
Hand ,onee Commission and blg money made.
Address, The st. Lawrence 'Steel and -Wire
Company, Llanalloque. Ont. -
Envelope, - Silk Fringe, Shape.
and Acqoaintance CA.-RDi- with your
name: 12 cents. Address, P. 0. Box -552,-
Woodstock, .Ontario. •
_ .
.If you are suffering from Nervous Debility,
Exhausted 'Vitality, Errors of Youth, -etc.; we
will send: you a full course of or Chester'
Restorative without a•cent of pay in advance.
after a fulr trial, if you End its a genuine
remedy, you ue 82 for the same ; if not,
you need not pay a . cent. Confidential
Cf.-IESTKR OfIEMICAL co., Toronto, Ont.
• • ,
She should have tried theharni:
leas but effective Love Powd'ere.
Price, .$1.00 ; 6 ' for 5 00, Adclree's-
. ' . ' •
43,000 COPIES SOLD !
Of Mitg. E. M. JONES' New Book, -
Thirty cents by mail. Send and get it. ROM%
!MOWN, Agent, Box 324, Brockville, Ont., Can.-
; 4t- Economyalways pays
11 PA S - * " -
e Forty- - beautiful detngne
of Turkish . Rug Patterns Catalogues free.:
Agents - wanted. J. -J.- HA.ZEl.,TON, -Guelph,
.Ont. • -
•i!iso's..lteignecly lbr.Catarrh is the
Easiest to IT8e, and Cheapest.
FOR - Ofi .5-ENDA, 3CEltri:
D L Mar 93,
Givea Night's
of nameand P.O. addreWillrnT1IAL BOTTLE
Dr.- TAFT anos. MEDI-
, Canadian. Office; ISG Adelaide Stre
Torprito. •
• -
so that you tioe4. no -
sit up allnightgasping-
for, breath' for fear -al
ienEbcatif) 11. OR hcieflipt
11 1.4/0813
_s6td by druggists or sent by mati
E T linueltineWarren. Pa.
• Students are in attend
ance -f?om. British Coininsbts.
on the west to Quebec int
the east, Our graduates are
most successful in obtaining
good Positions. Write for
handsome circular _tes
LOUGH, Principals, Hatrra-.
ton Business C'ollege.
Hamilt,on. • . '
;alukble treatise and bottle ofAnedicine sent l-reext .
Sufferer. Give Express and Pot •Gifice addres%
ROOT. M.C-106.1/krost Adotaido Street: Tomato, 4.•'-`
A9EN7.Li °WAN:7E irs1
For . our faet-sellfiesle eriptlen sese,1,..e
- -
Bibles and •Aihnnie.. Send for
dress _wm. Bp/048,. 1)TAblisherk,
. • . . •
42,,860 lerces of gord farm
MICHIGAN *jug bandttfoe Pfaleett
• . MacIngan ntral, Detroit it
.'•Alpc na LePiOn Lake Rail,
LANDS at p..icee, ranging from V2 to.
$5 per acre. I These lams are
close to enteriit.l.ingnew tfiwiL. -
FOR chuyches, kit heels, ete., arid wit
.he sol.d o: moStfwverabl ternw. -
SALE_ _Apply tolt. M.PIERCE. 'nvexat
nny coty, or to J. W ctinTxtice,
Vrioitmore, Bitch. Please inert
• tion this paper ahen writing,
r the tIoo
Purify ft correct, and nor
tw.tDisease.canslive In I it
This remedy is guaranteed to be as atrallaft
Blood-Sand death to all dim= gam&
nice, si.Otr per -bottle. a .
• 3 bottles for .$2.50 • _
- •
, Nyasa: dmtgist doesfeet keep it, Read olitsitesum
for it. PABIPIUMTS Fax& •
. .
O Uf. Minding .11 TORONTO/ IOW